System and method for determining propagation characteristics of photonic structures


  • Patent Grant
  • 7023533
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Friday, August 1, 2003
    21 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, April 4, 2006
    18 years ago
Systems for, and method of, determining propagation characteristics of a photonic structure having a transverse N-fold symmetry. In one embodiment, a system includes: (1) a numerical analyzer that employs a leading order of a systematic homogenization expansion having multiple scales to develop an angularly averaged indexed profile for the photonic structure and (2) a leading order corrector, associated with the numerical analyzer, that further employs the homogenization expansion to refine an imaginary part of an effective index of refraction of the photonic structure.

The technique disclosed herein is directed, in general, to photonic structures (including waveguides) and, more specifically, to a system and method for determining propagation characteristics of such photonic structures.


There is currently a great deal of interest in the light propagation characteristics of microstructured, or “holey,” optical fiber waveguides with novel cross-sections consisting of holes surrounded by glass. The holes may be empty or filled with a material chosen to influence the propagation. The ability to vary the transverse geometry due to advances in fabrication technology, combined with the large index contrasts possible with such structures, give multiple new degrees of freedom that potentially enable designs radically different than were previously possible with standard fibers.

Numerous interesting phenomena have already been observed in such waveguides. Among them are (i) guiding by the interference-based photonic band gap effect in fibers with an air core and a (truncated) transverse periodic lattice of air holes; (ii) variability of chromatic dispersion with microstructure; and resulting (iii) nonlinear effects in newly accessible spectral ranges due to microstructure-induced shifting zero dispersion point in glass core fibers.

Efficient and accurate mathematical modeling of light propagation characteristics of microstructured fiber is necessary for their design and analysis. A feature of most such structures is that they are inherently leaky due to the existence of paths leading from the core to the cladding that avoid the holes and pass only through the background glass. Such structures support no true guided modes, however, they may have leaky modes characterized by complex-valued propagation constants or effective indexes (scattering resonances); the leakage rate is given by the imaginary part.

Physically, this leakage is due to a combination of tunneling through the holes and propagating through the glass surrounding them. The ability to calculate such rates is clearly of fundamental importance. Other quantities of interest include the real parts of the effective indexes, which determine the response of the structure to longitudinal variations such as gratings, and the dispersion relations of the various leaky modes, which may be quite unusual compared to standard waveguides, due to the presence of large index contrasts and interference effects.

Many numerical studies of microstructure fibers have been undertaken based on direct numerical calculation of static Maxwell's equations in an effort to determine the system's modes. Some of these numerical studies are also able to capture the attenuation rates. A variety of methods have been used, among them: (1) the multiple expansion, which works well for structures with circular holes, (2) more general expansions in local bases and Fourier decompositions, which are applicable to more general geometries and (3) scalar and vector beam propagation, which are applicable to general geometries but have limitations in computing very small attenuation rates and have proven problematic in some more complex geometries.

All of these techniques have the characteristic that the computational difficulty of the calculations increases with the complexity of the structures. Accordingly, this creates a potentially intractable issue with today's proposed fiber structures.

Accordingly, new systems and methods are needed in the art for mathematically modeling complex photonic structures that are more accurate, flexible, computationally tractable and free of the constraints prior-art methods. Such new systems and methods will allow the propagation characteristics of the photonic structures to be analyzed in detail, leading to the discovery of new photonic structures having highly advantageous characteristics.


To address the above-discussed deficiencies of the prior art, the present invention provides a novel technique for studying microstructures and systems and methods designed around the technique. Systems for, and method of, determining propagation characteristics of a photonic structure having a transverse N-fold symmetry. In one embodiment, a system includes: (1) a numerical analyzer that employs a leading order systematic homogenization expansion having multiple scales to develop an angularly averaged indexed profile for the photonic structure and (2) a principal corrector, associated with the numerical analyzer, that employs details of the photonic structure and the homogenization expansion to obtain effective refractive indices of modes of the photonic structure.

Further, in one embodiment of the present invention, a scalar approximation may be used to obtain accurate values for the real part of the effective indexes of the leaky modes for fine microstructures. For example, a multiple scale perturbation theory of a large class of “sufficiently oscillatory” structures, suitable for the analytical study and efficient numerical computation of such quantities as leakage rates, group velocities and dispersion, that becomes more accurate as the transverse structure becomes more oscillatory may be used.

If the transverse structure is invariant under rotation by 2π/N (e.g., in the case of a single ring of N holes uniformly distributed in an annulus) the leaky modes can be expanded, as well as the effective indexes (scattering resonances) in powers of 1/N. The leading order in the expansion turns out to be the averaged or homogenized index profile referred to above. The technique disclosed herein, thus, focuses primarily on the derivation and computation of the leading order corrections (order N−2), due to microstructure, or both the real and imaginary parts of the effective indexes of the leaky modes of such averaged profiles. Since the leading order behavior is given by a homogenization (in angle) effective medium, it may be referred to as a homogenization expansion.

In an alternative embodiment, results on first-order corrections to homogenized eigenvalues of periodic composite media may be obtained in a different context.


For a more complete understanding of the technique disclosed herein, reference is now made to the following descriptions taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1 illustrates a cross-section of a microstructured waveguide;

FIG. 2A illustrates a ring of N=30 air holes approximated by a simple layered potential with 11 layers, wherein the ratio Rhole/Rring of the hole radius to the ring radius is 0.7π/N;

FIG. 2B illustrates a graph depicting the averaged potential Vav with Rring=12 μm;

FIG. 3A illustrates a ring of “air wedges” supported by N=20 webs of glass, wherein the ratio Rin/Rout of the inner to outer radii of the annulus is 10/11 and the air fill fraction within the annulus is f=0.8;

FIG. 3B illustrates a graph depicting the averaged potential Vav with Rin=10 μm;

FIG. 4A illustrates an 18-hole subset of a hexagonal lattice (N=6) with inter-hole spacing A=2.3 μm and hole radius Rhole=0.46 μm, approximated by a simple layered potential with L=51 layers;

FIG. 4B illustrates the averaged potential Vav in units of (μm)−2 verus radius in units of μm;

FIG. 5 illustrates a block diagram of one embodiment of a system for determining propagation characteristics of a photonic structure having a transverse N-fold symmetry constructed according to the principles of the present invention;

FIG. 6 illustrates a flow diagram of one embodiment of a method of determining propagation characteristics of a photonic structure having a transverse N-fold symmetry carried out according to the principles of the present invention;

FIG. 7 illustrates the effective indexes and attenuation coefficients of a set of the least-lossy resonances with lε{0, 1, 2, 3} of the structure depicted in FIG. 2, scaled to three different ring radii;

FIG. 8 illustrates the effective indexes and attenuation coefficients of a set of the least lossy resonances with lε{0, 1, 2, 3} of the structure depicted in FIG. 3, for two choices of fill fraction x and three different radii;

FIG. 9 illustrates an attenuation of the lowest order (fundamental, or LP01) resonance for a structure of the type shown in FIG. 3, with Rin=1 μm, Rout=2 μm for the fill fractions f=0.8, 0.9, and 1, with N=3 and N=6 holes;

FIG. 10A illustrates results of the weak residual calculation ∥Fres(weak)(θ)−Fres(weak,1)(θ)∥ and ∥Fres(weak)(θ)∥;

FIG. 10B illustrates results of the weak residual calculation N2custom character(Fres(weak)(θ)−Fres(weak,1)(θ)) for different N; and

FIG. 11 illustrates an example of a simple layered approximation to a structure containing six circular air holes.


A few of the consequences of the homogenization expansion and numerical implementation that the technique disclosed herein wishes to highlight include:

(1) Computational algorithm: The analytic theory leads to a natural efficient computational algorithm for the modes and spectral characteristics, e.g., leakage rates and dispersion. Multiscale analysis enables one to eliminate the “stiff” aspects of the computation due to the rapidly varying structure. Therefore, one can expect significant reduction in computational effort. This is especially important for increasingly microstructured media, for which the approximation improves. This, however, is also especially important for simulation-based optimization of light-guiding characteristics.

(2) Arbitrary geometry and index contrasts: Although the technique disclosed herein requires N-fold symmetry of the structure, the individual microfeatures may have arbitrary geometry and large index contrasts. In one implementation of the technique disclosed herein, an arbitrary microfeature is approximated by a simple layered potential, defined below, for which many of the calculations required can be done explicitly.

(3) Very good agreement with full numerical simulation: Results of numerical simulations are presented below based on a theory for several waveguides with transverse microstructure. The technique disclosed herein further focuses on the complex effective indexes as they vary with the geometry of the microstructure. The technique disclosed herein, in one particular embodiment, is particularly interested in the imaginary parts of the effective indexes, which correspond to the leakage rates. The technique disclosed herein may then present comparisons of predicted loss rates, with results obtained by solving the Helmholtz equation directly by Fourier decomposition algorithm and the vector Maxwell equation by multiple methods. One expects a homogenization theory to be valid when the wavelength of light is long compared with the individual microfeatures. The technique disclosed herein finds very good agreement with the theory using full simulations even in regimes where λfs/d, the ratio of wavelength to length scale of microfeatures, is as small as 3/2. Although the expansion is derived for N being large, with the N=∞ limit being the leading order term, examples set forth below show agreement in cases where N=3 and N=6. The technique disclosed herein also notices the expected departure of the approximate methods from the results of full simulations for sufficiently small λfs/d.

(4) Sensitivity of leakage rates to microstructure: The technique disclosed herein uses a theory to compute the first two nontrivial terms of the effective indexes (scattering resonances) of the leaky modes. The first term corresponds to an average theory and the second term is a correction due to the microstructures. The imaginary parts of the effective indexes, corresponding to the leakage rates, are very sensitive to the introduction of microstructure and their accurate approximation requires both terms. In contrast, as noted above, the real parts of the effective indexes may be relatively insensitive to microstructure, and are well captured by the leading order term.

(5) Corrected fields: Corrections, due to microstructure, of the mode fields predicted by the averaged structure are compactly supported in space if the microstructure perturbation is compactly supported in space. This is typically not possible for the true solution of the mathematical model. An additional observation indicating a limitation of the homogenization expansion is seen for a family of structures consisting of two rings of holes, parameterized by the relative phase angle of the arrangement in one ring to another. Since the variation in refractive index in one ring occurs on a set disjoint from that for the second ring, the homogenization expansion predicts complex effective indexes that are independent of the phase angle. This suggests that in the regime where certain interference effects are important, the expansion technique described herein may have limited use. Nevertheless, a two-term approximate expansion of modes and effective indexes proves valid for sufficiently large N. This rigorous theory gives field corrections which, at any finite N, are not compactly supported.

Mathematically, the leaky modes and effective indexes are obtainable from the solution of the eigenvalue problem for the Schrödinger equation

(−Δ+V(r,θ,Nθ))ψ=  (1)

    • ψ outgoing as r=|x|→∞

This is formulated as a scattering resonance problem below. Here, Δ denotes the two-dimensional Laplace operator in the transverse plane. (When the context is clear, the subscript ⊥ will be omitted.) Since the outgoing radiation condition at infinity is not self-adjoint, one expects the eigenvalues, E, to be complex. The attenuation or leakage rates are given by the imaginary part of

β=√{square root over (k2ng2−E)}  (2)

where ng denotes a background refractive index. Of importance in optics is the effective index

where k=2π/λfs, and λfs is the free space wavelength. The effective index is a complex quantity for leaky waveguides. The real and imaginary parts of β, custom characterβ and ℑβ, are displayed in the FIGUREs in plots of

Attenuation rates, γ, are given in units of dB/cm, while custom characterneff is dimensionless.

The technique disclosed herein, in one aspect, also relates the certain portions of the invention to a rigorous perturbation theory of a general class of scattering resonance problems with rapidly varying and high contrast potentials. In particular, this perturbation theory implies the validity of the homogenization expansion and error estimates for the two-term truncation uses in certain simulations.

Maxwell's Equations in a Waveguide

Consider a waveguide with refractive index profile n(x). If the medium is non-magnetic and there are no sources of free charge or current, then Maxwell's equations imply that the transverse components of the electric field obey

+k2n2(x)−β2){right arrow over (e)}=v1{right arrow over (e)},  (4)

    • where

      v1{right arrow over (e)}≡−∇({right arrow over (e)}·∇ln n2).

In one embodiment, the technique disclosed herein works in the scalar approximation, which entails neglecting the term v1{right arrow over (e)} in equation (4) that arises due to the vector nature of the fields. For modes that are localized away from the microstructure, which includes most of the examples given below, the vector corrections are expected to be small because the field {right arrow over (e)} is small at the interfaces, which are the only places at which it contributes. However, this will not be true in other examples of interest, and one skilled in the art would expect that the methods can be extended to the full vector case. In any case, vector effects will not be discussed any further.

In the scalar approximation the components of {right arrow over (e)} satisfy independent scalar Helmholtz equations. For purposes of the technique disclosed herein, φ denotes either of these transverse components. Then,

+k2n2)φ=β2φ  (5)

where Δ denotes the Laplace operator in the transverse variables, x=(x1,x2). Introducing the notation:

V=k2(ng2−n2), E=k2ng2−β2  (6)

the equation for the φ and propagation constant β can be viewed as a Schrödinger equation with potential V(x) and energy parameter E:

Lφ≡(−Δ+V)φ=Eφ.  (7)

Corresponding to the physical problem described below, it can be assumed that for some r*>0,

V(x)≧0, for all x and
V(x)≡0, for |x|≧r*.  (8)

The potential, V, therefore does not support bound states (guided modes) and only has scattering states (radiation modes), along with scattering resonances (leaky modes).

The Resonance Problem for Microstructure Waveguides

Now, consider a cylindrical waveguide composed of two materials “g” and “h”, with corresponding refractive indexes ng and nh. One can specify a transverse cross-section of the waveguide in the 2-dimensional plane, with coordinates x=(x,y)=(r,θ). In FIG. 1, shown is a schematic picture of a glass waveguide 100 with a single ring of 12 air holes 110 in a solid glass cylinder 120. Four regions are illustrated: A1 the region |x|≦Rin, a disc of glass with refractive index ng; A2, the region Rin≦|x|≦Rout, an annular region with 12 equally spaced air-holes; A3; the region Rout≦|x|≦Rclad, consisting of a solid glass n=ng, and finally; A4, the region |x|≧Rclad, consisting of air, n=nh.

The technique disclosed herein, in part, is interested in how well light is confined to the core (A1) region in such microstructure fiber. This structure has actual guided, in addition to leaky, modes, due to the lower refractive index of region A4. However, the propagation of light from A1 to A3 may be considered as loss. Therefore, the appropriate mathematical problem for these purposes is the mode equation (7) posed on the spatial domain {|x|≦Rin}∪{Rin≦|x|≦Rout}∪{Rout≦|x|} and subject to an outward going radiation condition as |x|→∞. In practice, the glass optical fiber is usually coated with a high index and high loss polymer, so any light that does leak into A3 is rapidly attenuated, further justifying the use of this boundary condition.

A more general mathematical formulation of the problem is now presented.

The scattering resonance problem: Given a potential (index profile) V=V(r,θ) of compact support, the technique disclosed herein seeks E and nonzero φ for which

Lφ≡(−Δ+V)φ=  (9)

subject to the outward going radiation condition, as r→∞. The pair (φ,E) may be called a scattering resonance pair. A scattering resonance pair is sometimes also called a quasiresonance.

In this setting, the radiation condition can be simply described. Because V(r) is identically zero for r≧r*, equation (7) becomes:

−(Δ+E)φ=0, r≧r*.  (10)

Solutions of equation (10) can be expanded in a series

where Hl(1) and Hl(2) are first and second Hankel functions of order l. Therefore the requirement that φ be outgoing is equivalent to the vanishing of all coefficients cl(2), in equation (11):

Outward going radiation custom charactercl(2)=0 for all l.  (12)

Since equation (11) is a non-self adjoint boundary condition at infinity, E can be expected to be complex. However, there are constraints on the location of E in the complex plane. For the φ to be oscillatory at infinity, custom characterE>0, and for φ to be outgoing, custom character√{square root over (E)}>0. Furthermore, ℑE≦0. Also, if ℑE>0 then ℑ√{square root over (E)}>0. From the series expansion (equation (11)) with cl(2)=0, it can be concluded that φ exponentially decays as r→∞ and therefore is an eigenstate of the self-adjoint operator L with a non-real eigenvalue. This yields a contradiction.

Thus, if E is an energy for which a solution of the resonance problem exists, then custom characterE>0 and ℑE≦0. Correspondingly, by (2.3), custom characterβ>0 and ℑβ>0. Since {right arrow over (E)}(x,ω)={right arrow over (e)}(x)eiβx3, the complex resonances E correspond to the radiative decay or leakage rates of the structure.

Multiple Scales and Homogenization Expansion

A multiple scale expansion of solutions will now be derived to the resonance problem for microstructures, giving a homogenized (averaged) theory at leading order, plus systematically computable corrections. The analysis is carried out for a class of potentials V with the dependence:

V=V(r,θ,Nθ)=V(r,θ,Θ)  (13)

where V is 2□.periodic in □ and □. Thus equation (13) allows both a slow and a fast angular modulation of the index profile. In the special case where V does not depend on □ and V=V(r,Nθ), the potential corresponds to an index profile with an N-fold symmetry. Assume V≧0 and that for some r*, V(r)≡0 for r≧r*. The technique disclosed herein will show the following:

Homogenization Expansion: The resonance mode problem (equations (9) through (12)) has, for large N, solutions with the formal expansion:

Thus, corrections due to microstructure begin at O(N−2). (Φ0(r,θ),E0) is a non-trivial solution of the resonance problem:

LavΦ0=E0Φ0  (15)

where Φ0 is subject to the outward going radiation condition (equation (12)), and the averaged operator is given by:

Φ22(p)2(h), where Φ2(p) is the mean zero solution (easily derived from the, Fourier series of V(.,.,Θ) of:

Finally, E2 is uniquely determined by the condition that (4.6) has a solution that satisfies an outgoing radiation condition at r=∞; see equation (12).

This yields an approximate solution of the scalar wave equation and an approximation (neglecting vector effects) of the transverse electric field, {right arrow over (E)}=(E,Elon)=(E1,E2,E35), of Maxwell's equations:

Here, q=0 or 1, ω=ck, and β=√{square root over (k2ng2−E)}=custom characterβ+iℑβ, with ℑβ>0. E⊥,q(x,x3) decays with increasing x3 and is therefore a “leaky mode.” These modes are not square integrable.

The results of numerical simulations performed using a two-term truncation of the homogenization expansion will be presented and compared with published computations of solutions to the full problem. Further the question of convergence of the expansion is discussed.

A. Multiple Scale Expansion

Due to the rapidly varying coefficient in equation (7), one skilled in the pertinent art would expect rapid variations in its solutions. Therefore, the technique disclosed herein explicitly introduces the fast angular variable:

Θ=Nθ  (19)

and views φ as a function of the three independent variables: r,θ and Θ:

φ(r,θ)=Φ(r,θ,Θ).  (20)

Here, the polar coordinates are x=(r,θ) and note that

where Δr denotes the radial part of the transverse Laplacian:

Thus, the operator ∂θ is replaced by ∂θ+N∂Θ, and equation (7) becomes:

Seeking an expansion of Φ and E in the small parameter 1/N

Here, Φj=Φ(r,θ,Θ).

Substitution of equation (24) into equation (23) and equating like powers of 1/N, a hierarchy of equations arising at each order in 1/N is obtained. The first five equations of this hierarchy are:

B. Construction of the Multiple Scale Expansion

As is typical in perturbation expansions, a hierarchy of inhomogeneous linear equations, which have a fixed linear operator to invert and varying inhomogeneous term, must be solved. Each member of the hierarchy is of the form:

A necessary and sufficient condition for solvability in the space of 2π-periodic in Θ functions is:

Proceeding with a term-by-term construction of the perturbation expansion:


From this it follows that Φ0 is independent of the fast phase, Θ:

Φ0(r,θ,Θ)=Φ0(r,θ)  (33)

O(N) Terms:

Using equation (33) in equation (34)

and therefore:

Φ1(r,θ,Θ)=Φ1(r,θ).  (36)

Using equation (36), the following can be found:

O(1) Terms:

Equation (37) has a solution in the space of 2π-periodic in Θ functions if and only if the following solvability condition holds:

(Lav−E00=0.  (38)

Here Lav and Vav denote, respectively, the average operator and potential with respect to the fast angular dependence. They are given by:

Note that L−Lav=V−Vav.

0(r,θ),E0) are fixed to be a scattering resonance pair of an outgoing solution and its associated complex eigenvalue.

Since Φ0 satisfies equation (38), the inhomogeneous equation (37) can be put in the simpler form:

The solution of equation (40) is expressed in the form

Φ22(p)(rθ,Θ)+Φ2(h)(r,θ)  (41)

where Φ2(p)(r,θ,Θ) and Φ2(h)(r,θ) are, respectively, a particular solution of mean zero and a homogeneous solution of (40), which is to be determined at higher order in N−1. That Φ2(p)(r,θ,Θ) can be chosen to be 2π-periodic in Θ follows from the mean zero property of V(r,θ,Θ)−Vav(r,θ). Also, Φ2(p) is mean zero in Θ because the constant term in its Fourier expansion is included in Φ2(h). To compute Φ2(p), V(r,θ,Θ)−Vav(r,θ) is expanded into a Fourier series in Θ:

Resulting in

O(N−1) Terms:

The solvability condition becomes

(Lav−E01=E1Φ0  (45)

which is satisfied by taking E1=0 and Φ1=0.

Using the mean zero property of Φ2(p), one can see that equation (44) becomes

ΘΦ3(r,θ,Θ)=−2∂θΦ2(p)(r,θ,Θ)  (46)

O(N−2) Terms:

Using that E1=0 and Φ1=0, as well as equation (46) to solve for Φ3 in terms of Φ2(p), it can be found that this order:

The first two terms on the right hand side of (4.35) have zero average in Θ. Therefore, the solvability condition for □4 becomes:

where equation (43) is used and where φp−1 denotes the mean-zero antiderivative. Thus, an outgoing solution of equation (48) is sought. This determines E2 and therewith the expansion for the scattering resonance (effective index) through order N−2.

This truncated expansion will now be used numerically to obtain the complex effective indexes (scattering resonances) for various structures. The details of the implementation are set out below. In particular, an explicit expression for E2 (see equations (76), (77) and (69)) for the class of N-fold symmetric waveguides is derived.

FIG. 5 illustrates a block diagram of one embodiment of a system, generally designated 500, for determining propagation characteristics of a photonic structure having a transverse N-fold symmetry constructed according to the principles of the present invention.

The system 500 includes a numerical analyzer 510. The numerical analyzer 510 employs a leading order systematic homogenization expansion having multiple scales to develop an angularly averaged indexed profile for the photonic structure in the previously described manner. The system 500 further includes a leading order corrector 520. The principal corrector 520. The principal corrector 520 is associated with the numerical analyzer 510 and employs details of the photonic structure and the homogenization expansion to obtain effective refractive indices of modes of the photonic structure, again as previously described.

FIG. 6 illustrates a flow diagram of one embodiment of a method, generally designated 600, of determining propagation characteristics of a photonic structure having a transverse N-fold symmetry carried out according to the principles of the present invention.

The method 600 begins with a start step 610, when it is desired to analyze a photonic structure to determine one or more of its physical characteristics. The method 600 proceeds to a step 620 in which a leading order systematic homogenization expansion having multiple scales is employed to develop an angularly averaged indexed profile for the photonic structure in the previously described manner. The method 600 then proceeds to a step 630 in which details details of the photonic structure and the homogenization expansion are employed to obtain effective refractive indices of modes of the photonic structure, again as previously described. The method ends in an end step 640.

Numerical Simulations for Selected Structures

The technique disclosed herein now illustrates the theory set forth above with numerical calculations performed for several classes of structures. The details of the implementation are set out below. The three classes of structures considered are:

Example 1: a ring of circular air holes 200 (FIG. 2A),

Example 2: an annulus of air supported with glass “webs” (FIG. 3A) and

Example 3: a subset of a hexagonal lattice (FIG. 4A).

The technique disclosed herein will identify individual leaky modes or scattering resonances, of these structures using the LP1m (linearly polarized) notation appropriate for solutions of the scalar wave equation. Usually this notation applies to guided modes, but no ambiguity will result, as none of the structures considered support-guided modes. The subscript 1ε{0, 1, 2, . . . } refers to the angular dependence eilΘ of solutions to the averaged equation, while mε{1, 2, 3 . . . } indexes the collection of leaky modes with fixed l. This collection is ordered by custom characterneff, with m=1 corresponding to the largest such value (when this rule is applied in guided modes, the usual meaning of m as the number of nodes in the radial wavefunction is recovered).

In the FIGUREs, distinct plotting symbols are used to represent different values of l; the various values of m for fixed l are not explicitly displayed but can be inferred from the monotonic relationship between m and custom characterneff.

EXAMPLES 1 and 2

The geometries of Examples 1 and 2 were varied to produce a total of 30 different structures between them: The ring of holes was sealed to three different core sizes, while the annulus with webs was scaled to three different radii for each of two different air-fill fractions and three different periodicities 2π/N. Each of the structures was approximated by a simple layered potential. (The web-supported annulus depicted in FIG. 3A is a simple layered potential without approximation). In all of the examples, the refractive index of glass was taken to be 1.45, and the holes were assumed empty. The calculations were all performed at λfs=1.55 μm. All of these structures support only continuous spectrum, so the complex eigenvalues associated with resonances of the structures are reported on.

The following sets of resonances for the rings of circles and webbed structures depicted in FIGS. 2A and 3A have been computed. Attention has been restricted to leaky mode solutions of the averaged structure with effective indexes custom characterneffε[1.41,1.45], attenuation coefficients less than about 2 dB/mm, and angular index 1ε{0, 1, 2, 3}. To express these quantities in a notation consistent with the technique disclosed herein, recall from equation (6) that

and that the effective index is given by

neff=k−1β.  (50)

Also, the attenuation γ (in dB/cm, if β has units of 1/μm) of a leaky mode is given by

The factor of 2 in equation (51) is due to the definition of γ as the attenuation coefficient for intensity, rather than field amplitude. Once this set of leaky modes of the averaged potential is found, the leading order corrections E2 to the leading order energies E0 can be computed.

The results for the three-scaled rings of circles (FIG. 2A) are presented in FIG. 7. Also, those for the three scalings and two air-fill fractions, along with various values of the periodicity N, of the ring of “air wedges” are presented in FIG. 8.

Resonances of a structure of the type shown in FIG. 3 with Rin=1 μm, Rout=2 μm for the fill fractions f=0.8, 0.9, and 1, with N=3 and N=6 holes were also computed. The calculations were performed for a range of free-space wavelengths λfs ranging from 1 μm to 2 μm. The structure with f=1 is an idealized ring of air with no supporting structure. In FIG. 9, the results of the theory to parallel calculations performed by a Fourier decomposition algorithm were compared. It can be observed that the two methods agree exactly for the f=1 case, as they should.

Additionally, in all cases the present method agrees with the Fourier calculation as λfs→2 μm. Even for smaller λfs the agreement is quite good except for the f=0.8, N=3 case, which is not surprising given the small value of N and the fact that the width of the ring is equal to the smallest free space wavelength considered. The plots displayed in FIG. 9 are consistent with the expectation that approximation by the homogenization expansion improves (1) for fixed λfs and increasing N, as well as (2) for fixed N and increasing λfs.

The dashed lines in FIG. 9 display the attenuations of the averaged structures, without the O(N−2) correction. The necessity of including those corrections is evident, though the effect in these structures is not as dramatic as in some of the other structures considered, including that of Example 3 below.

Another result is the effective index of the first excited state above the fundamental (the LP11 state) for the f=0.9, N=3 structure at λfs=1.55 μm. In Table 1, the results of the Fourier method with truncations of the homogenization expansion to one and two terms, for both the fundamental and first excited leaky modes are compared. It can be noted that the one-term (averaged theory) truncation predicts the real part of the effective index well, but again, the O(N−2) corrections are necessary to obtain good agreement of the attenuation rates.


Homogeninzation Expansion Versus Fourier

0th Order Homogenization
2nd Order Homogenization


1.3712 + 0.0000387i
1.3727 + 0.0000644i
1.365 + 000071i 

1.2468 + 0.000436i 
1.2515 + 0.000832i 
1.255 + 0.00075i


Finally, the structure depicted in FIG. 4 is considered. This is an 18-hole subset of a hexagonal lattice (N=6) with inter-hole spacing Λ=2.3 μm and hole radius Rhole=0.46 μm. Notice that the fundamental (LP01) resonance has a leakage rate of 14 dB/cm, while that of the averaged structure was 0.92 dB/cm. By comparison, the solution to the full vector problem using a multipole method with outgoing radiation conditions results in a rate of 16 dB/cm. In this example, the effect of the N−2E2 microstructure correction on the leakage rates is even more apparent than in Example 2. However, it cannot be said how much of the discrepancy is due to vector effects, and how much to the other approximations in this method.

Convergence as N→∞

A consistency check on the implementation of the scheme described above for simple layered potentials will now be described. The first non-trivial corrections N−2Φ2 and N−2E2 are computed to the field and energy, respectively, in equation (24) and express the field and the approximation plus error terms:

It is then considered by how much the mode equation (9) is not satisfied by the first two terms of the expansion equation (52). Therefore, the residual is defined as:

Substituting equation (52) into equation (9), it is observed that the residual is given by

Fres is expected to be of order N−1, because Φ3(N) and E3(N) are formally of order N−3 and the Laplacian in (54), when acting on the fast dependence, gives a factor of N2. Indeed, in expanding Fres in powers of 1/N, it is found that when l>0, the leading term, Fres1, is the


This may be simplified using equations (46) and (43) to

Therefore, when l>0 it is expected that as N→∞

when l=0(Φ00(r)), ∂θΦ0 vanishes and the leading behavior of the residual is higher order in 1/N.

Since the potential V or its derivatives may have discontinuities, a problem is encountered when attempting to compute Fres using equation (54). For example, it is possible that Φ2(p) is discontinuous as a function of r. Equation (54) is, therefore, interpreted as holding in the “weak sense” or sense of distributions, and both sides are integrated against a radial test function φR(r) of compact support. This allows one to move the radial part of the Laplacian over to act on φR and to define the “weak residual”

and its leading behavior in 1/N

Equations (58) and (59) have been computed for the structure of Example 2 (FIG. 3) with Rin=10 μm, Rout=11 μm for the LP11 leaky mode. Further, N is allowed to vary from 20 to 22,000. The results are presented in FIG. 8. The solid line in FIG. 8A represents ∥Fres(weak)(θ)−Fres(weak,1)(θ)∥ as a function of N. The scales are logarithmic on both axes so the slope of −2 verifies that equation (57) holds over the entire range considered. The dashed line in FIG. 10A represents ∥Fres(weak)(θ)∥. It should be noted that the slope changes from −2 to −1 at around N=1000, which again verifies equation (57).

FIG. 10B shows the pointwise behavior of the weak residuals by plotting N2custom character(Fres(weak)(θ)−Fres(weak,1)(θ)) vs. θ for N=20 and N=54. The envelope of the residuals is invariant after scaling by N2, suggesting that the N2 term dominates the residual after the loading term is subtracted, even for those moderate values of N. This behavior persists for all values of N considered, up to N=22,000.

Implementation of Homogenization Expansion

The procedure used to obtain the simulation results above will now be outlined. It is specialized to the case of a potential with no slow angular dependence, so V(r,θ,Θ)=V(r,Θ) In this case the potential has an N-fold symmetry.

This discussion pertains to N-fold symmetric microstructure, whose individual microfeatures have arbitrary geometry. The strategy is to then approximate a general microstructure potential V by a simple layered potential. For the case of simple layered potentials, analytic expressions can be obtained which facilitate the numerical computations.

General Structures

The angularly average potential is a radial function, Vav=Vav(r). One can take


l being an integer. Then, f(r) satisfies

A solution of the resonance problem is a pair (f(r),E0), such that f(r) is a nonsingular solutions of equation (60) satisfying an outgoing radiation condition at r=∞, equation (12). As noted above, E0 is complex with ℑE0<0.

In general, the existence of solutions to the resonance problem is a subtle technical problem. It will now be analyzed in detail for the particular class of simple layered potentials, which will be defined. The existence of a solution, (f(r),E0) will also be firmly set.

Note that since Vav(r)=0 for r≧r*,

f(r)=k*Hl(1)(√{square root over (E0r)}),r≧r*  (61)

for some constant k*.

The leading order correction, N−2Φ2, is then calculated by the perturbation scheme. In the separable case, the equation for Φ2(h) is of the form:

(Lav−E02(h)=(E2+Q(r))Φ0  (62)

where Q(r) has compact support. Since Φ0(r,θ)=f(r)eilθ, all of the Fourier modes of Φ2(h)(r,θ) except the first vanish, and so Φ2(h)(r,θ)=U(r)eilθ is defined, and one can consider the equation

Recall that by equation (8) both Q and Vav are zero for r≧r. and one gets

One can proceed with the solution of the inhomogeneous problem (equation (63)) for r≧0 and then obtain an expression for E2 by imposing the outward going radiation condition.

It has been assumed that V is regular at the origin. One can let {tilde over (y)}1(r) denote the solution to the homogeneous equation associated with equation (63) that is regular at r=0, and denote an independent solution, which together with {tilde over (y)}1 spans the solution set. Then {tilde over (y)}1(r)∝rl and {tilde over (y)}2(r)∝r−l if l>0, or {tilde over (y)}1(r)∝ln r if l=0. For r≧r*, an appropriate set of homogeneous solutions of equation (64) is in terms of Hankel functions, Hl(j)(√{square root over (E0)}r),j=1,2. Hl(1) satisfies the outward going radiation condition at infinity and Hl(2) the inward going radiation condition at infinity.

A particular solution of equation (63) can be constructed by variation of parameters using these homogeneous solutions in the intervals Rin=(0,r*) and Rout=(r*,∞). gin[F] is defined to denote a choice of particular solution of

gout[F] to denote a choice of particular solution of

Then, one gets

in Rin: U(r)=E2gin[f](r)+gin[Qf](r)  (67)
in Rout: U(r)=ξ*Hl(1)(√{square root over (E0)}r)+η*Hl(2)(√{square root over (E0)}r)+E2gout[f](r)  (68)

where the coefficients ξ and η* are determined by imposing continuity of U and ∂rU at r=r*:

with ξ* and η* given by equation (69), equations (67) and (68) define a nonsingular solution of equation (63). It remains to impose radiation condition at r=∞. Consider U(r) for r≧r*. Let

z=√{square root over (E0)}r, z*=√{square root over (E0)}r*, G(z)=U(r(z)).

Then, equation (64) becomes:

By equations (68) and (61)

gout can be constructed by variation of parameters. A particular solution is

Using equation (74) in equation (71), one gets:

Recall that ξ*(E2) and η*(E2) are determined by the continuity conditions at r=r*, and are given by equation (69). The condition determining E2 is that the incoming part of G(z) be identically zero. Derivation of this condition on E2 requires the use of certain integral identifies involving Hankel functions.

Note that both terms in equation (75) that are proportional to Hl(1) are outgoing, as can be seen by referring to their asymptotic forms. Now one gets

Therefore, the terms in equation (75) that are proportional to Hl(2) can be written as:

Again from the asymptotic form of Hl(1), the latter term is seen to be outgoing at infinity so the condition E2 is:

η*(E2) can then be written as

η*(E2)=η*0+E2η*  (77)

where η*0,1 can be read off from the second component of equation (69). Equations (76) and (77) give a linear relation for E2 that can be solved.

B. Simple Layered Potentials: Leading Order Resonances

An implementation of the above scheme is now outlined for a case of a simple layered potential, which is defined to be one with potential V(r,θ,Θ) that is both independent of the slow angular variable θ and is a simple function of the form

where L is the number of radial layers and Mi is the number of angular sectors in one period of the ith layer. 1A(ζ) denotes the indicator function of the set A, taking the value one for ζεA and zero for ζ∉A. By definition, r1=0, Θ1=0 and ΘMi+1=2π. The potential in equation (78) has, as a function of θ, Mi jumps in layer Ri and, as a function of θNMi, jumps in layer Ri. An example of a simple layered approximation to a structure containing six circular air holes is presented in FIG. 11.

With the definition in equation (78) of V(r,Θ), Vav(r) is constant on each region Ri=[ri, ri+1]; equivalently,

Vav(r)=Vav,irεRi.  (79)

In the special case where the index profile, r(r,θ), takes on two values ng and nh and 2πfi denotes the total angle of the annulus Ri occupied by “material h”, one gets by averaging V in equation (6):

Vav(r)=k2fi[ng2−nh2], rεRi.  (80)

In each internal Ri, the radial wavefunction f(r) can be expressed as a linear combination of Bessel and modified Bessel functions:

f(r)=σiy1(z(r))+τiy2(z(r))  (81)

the definitions of y1, y2 and z depend on the sign of custom character(E0−Vav):z=(±(E0−Vav))1/2)r; for i<L, y1=Jl or Il, y2=Yl or Kl; while in the outer region i=L we let y1=Hl(1), y2=Hl(2). The condition that the solution be nonsingular at r=0 implies that

or a multiple thereof. The values of (σii) in some interval i determines the values (σi+1i+1) by continuity of f(r) and its derivative at the interface. This relationship may be expressed by a transfer matrix Ti(E0), which gives rise to the relationship between the coefficients in the outermost layer and those in the innermost:


T(E0)=TL−1(E0) . . . T2(E0)T1(E0).  (84)

The radiation condition is equivalent to the orthogonality of (0, 1) and (σLL). Therefore, the resonance or scattering energies are determined by the following scalar transcendental equation:

or, equivalently

T2l(E0)=0  (86)

where Tkj, denotes the (k, j) energy of the matrix T(E0). C. Simple Layered Potentials: Microstructure Corrections to Φ0 and E0

The order N−2 correction to Φ0 will now be constructed, which is N−2Φ0 and to E0, which is N−2E2 for the special case of a simple layered potential given in equation (78).

Recall that Φ22(p)2(h). Here Φ2(p) is, in general, given by the Fourier series of equation (43). When the potential is of the form given in equation (78), Φ2(p) can be explicitly calculated as described below. Φ2(h) solves equation (48) and E2 is chosen so that equation (43) has a solution satisfying the outgoing radiation condition at r=∞. We now focus on the determination of E2 and Φ2(h) in the separable case. Recall that the equation (48), for Φ2(h), is of the form:

(Lav−E02(h)=(E2+Q(r))Φ0  (87)

where Q(r) has compact support; its explicit form for simple structures is presented below. Since Φ0(r,θ)=f(r)eilθ, one can define Φ2(h)(r,θ)=U(r)eilθ and consider the equation

The solution of equation (88) in region Rq can be written as

Uq(r)=Uq(p)(z(r))+ξqy1(z(r))+ηqy2(z(r))  (89)

where the definitions of Y1, Y2, and z are the same as in equation (81), and Uq(p) denotes a particular solution obtained by variation of parameters. As above, the coefficients (ξq+1q+1) can be obtained from (ξqq) by imposing continuity of U(r) and its derivative at the interface.

The details are omitted, but note that the transfer matrix formulation from equation (82) is modified in this case to reflect the presence of a homogeneous term:

Note that the matrix Tq does not depend on E2, while Fq does.

The solution in the innermost region R1, U1 (r), must be regular at the origin. Through a choice of particular solution, one may take the homogeneous part of the solution in this region to be identically zero. Then, iteration of equation (90) yields:

The radiation condition in the outermost region RL remains to be imposed. Note that Q(r)≡0 in (7.28), and that by construction □0 is outgoing and thus can be written as

Φ0(r,θ)=σLHl(1)(√{square root over (Eo)}r).  (92)

Therefore to impose the radiation condition on the correction and thereby obtain E2, equation (70) with k*L may be used. The calculations above can therefore be used to obtain a particular solution. This gives the equation for E2:

is read off from equation (91). E2 is then found by solving the linear relation given in equations (93) and (94).

Calculations for Simple Layered Potentials

Expressions needed to compute the leading corrections to Φ0 and E0 due to microstructure will now be presented. Two quantities are required:

The mean-zero antiderivatives in equations (95) and (96) are explicitly calculable due to the form of the potential (78). For rεRi,

and the constant C1 is given below. Integrating again, once more for rεRi,

and the constants C1 and C2 are given by

Finally, for rεRi, the integral in equation (96) evaluates to


From the above, it is apparent that the technique disclosed herein provides a systematic homogenization expansion for microstructured cylindrical waveguides with transverse N-fold symmetry. The method of derivation and multiple scale analysis facilitates the removal of fast scales due the rapid variations in the microstructure. Therefore, numerical implementation of the expansion does not encounter the intrinsic “stiffness” associated with problems having large separations of scales. The technique disclosed herein has further implemented the expansion for a number of sample structures and has computed the effective indexes of their leaky modes (scattering resonances). Of great importance are the imaginary parts of the effective indexes, which correspond to the leakage rates and result from a combination of propagation and tunneling losses. In contrast to the real parts of the effective indexes, these leakage rates are very sensitive to the geometry of the microstructure in the case of low index (air) holes.

  • 1. A system for determining propagation characteristics of a photonic structure having a transverse N-fold symmetry, wherein N is an integer greater than zero, comprising: a numerical analyzer that employs a leading order systematic homogenization expansion having multiple scales to develop an angularly averaged indexed profile for said photonic structure; anda principal corrector, associated with said numerical analyzer, that employs details of said photonic structure and said homogenization expansion to obtain effective refractive indices of modes of said photonic structure.
  • 2. The system as recited in claim 1 wherein said modes are bound modes and said numerical analyzer incorporates decaying boundary conditions at spatial infinity.
  • 3. The system as recited in claim 1 wherein said modes are leaky, scattering or quasi-modes and said numerical analyzer incorporates outward-going radiation boundary conditions.
  • 4. The system as recited in claim 1 wherein said photonic structure has a simple layered potential corresponding to a simple layered refractive index profile.
  • 5. The system as recited in claim 1 wherein said photonic structure has an arbitrary geometry.
  • 6. A method of determining propagation characteristics of a photonic structure having a transverse N-fold symmetry, wherein N is an integer greater than zero, comprising: employing a leading order systematic homogenization expansion having multiple scales to develop an angularly averaged indexed profile for said photonic structure; andemploying details of said photonic structure and said homogenization expansion to obtain effective refractive indices of modes of said photonic structure.
  • 7. The method as recited in claim 6 said modes are bound modes and said employing said leading order systematic homogenization expansion comprises incorporating decaying boundary conditions at spatial infinity.
  • 8. The method as recited in claim 6 wherein said modes are leaky, scattering or quasi-modes and said employing said leading order systematic homogenization expansion comprises incorporating outward-going radiation boundary conditions.
  • 9. The method as recited in claim 6 wherein said photonic structure has a simple layered potential corresponding to a simple layered refractive index profile.
  • 10. The method as recited in claim 6 wherein said photonic structure has an arbitrary geometry.
  • 11. A photonic structure designed by the method of claim 6.
  • 12. A photonic structure designed by the method of claim 7.
  • 13. A photonic structure designed by the method of claim 8.
  • 14. A photonic structure designed by the method of claim 9.
  • 15. A photonic structure designed by the method of claim 10.
US Referenced Citations (2)
Number Name Date Kind
6788865 Kawanishi et al. Sep 2004 B1
6859598 Hasegawa et al. Feb 2005 B1
Foreign Referenced Citations (2)
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WO 0022466 Apr 2000 WO
WO 0065386 Nov 2000 WO
Related Publications (1)
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20050024628 A1 Feb 2005 US