The present invention relates to a system and method for determining the three dimensional (“3D”) position and in particular to the determination of position and positional uncertainty of any subsurface point along a wellbore.
Typically, a well is created by drilling a hole 5 cm to 1 metre (2 in to 40 in) in diameter into the earth with a drilling rig or similar such device. The drilling rig operates a drill string made up of drill pipes with a drill bit attached to the end which cuts into the earth. The drill string comprises a number of pipe sections which are connected together to lengthen the drill string as the drill bit cuts further into the earth.
The 3D position of the bit and any point along the wellbore is expressed as “Vertical Depth (“V”), North separation (“N”) and East separation (“E”) from the well reference point, being often named Zero Depth Point (“ZDP”), being at the drill floor or some other specific location, also being along the wellbore below the drill floor. The well reference point is preferably referenced to a named Permanent Datum (“PD”) preferably being Ground Level, Mean Sea Level, Sea Fllor or some other defined datum.
During well drilling operations, the well direction is steered to arrive at a 3D point in the subsurface. It is highly desirable to be able to accurately determine the subsurface position of the drilled wellbore and of the drill bit at the furthest extent of the hole or any point along the wellbore. It is also highly desirable to accurately determine the 3D position of the well geometry, well constructional, geophysical and formation characteristics registered using wireline sensors and measurement while drilling (“MWD”) and/or logging while drilling (“LWD”) sensors and similarly conveyed sensors acquired along the length of the drilled well. It is highly desirable to be able to locate accurately in 3D the provision of subservice services provided by wireline or by drill pipe, such as formation and fluid sampling and pressures, seismic related services and other well construction related activities.
The 3D position cannot be measured directly and is ascertained by the mathematical manipulation of the observed measurements of Along-hole Depth (“AHD”—the linear distance along the centreline of the wellbore from the well reference point), Inclination (“Incl.”—the angle from vertical of the centreline of the wellbore) and Azimuth (“Az”—the directional downhole angle based on North of the centreline of the wellbore). AHD is defined using wireline or drill pipe length observations with or without corrections. Incl. and Az measurements are typically performed using wireline conveyed instruments, and/or using similar drill pipe conveyed MWD and LWD instruments. Environmental and measurement corrections may or may not be applied.
The observed measurements made are traceable to a recognized industry measurement standard (e.g. International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), Sevres, France, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, USA). The use of environmental and measurement corrections return the observed values to values closer to the traceable calibration units recognized in industry.
The AHD, Incl. and Az observed measurements and calculations are subject to accuracies which influence the uncertainty of the calculated 3D positioning. Increased uncertainty in the 3D position leads to ambiguity and difficultly in ascertaining, for example, positional characteristics of the wellbore as applied in wellbore surveying, geological modelling, reservoir descriptions and asset value determination.
An aspect of the present invention is a system and method for improving the 3D positional description of well geometry, subsurface measurements and subsurface services as provided along the wellbore and improve the provision of the 3D positional uncertainty.
Another aspect of the invention aims to improve the description of the 3D positional results and the associated 3D positional uncertainty information.
In accordance with a first aspect of the invention there is provided a method for determining the 3D position of a wellbore, the method comprising the steps of: selecting a well reference point;
Preferably the well reference point comprises a surface marker position or a drill floor or at a defined position along the wellbore.
Preferably the well reference point is identified as having a defined 3D positional identification which is an elevation from a given surface datum elevation and a north and an east location identified using a geodetic positional reference.
Preferably the well reference point comprises a zero depth point (ZDP) for a drilling rig or wellbore.
Optionally, the well reference point is a wellbore sub-surface point identified as having a defined 3D position.
Preferably, the position of the well reference point are subject to a given accuracy which is defined by a fixed uncertainty value for each dimensional measurement (“ToolJointError”).
Preferably, the measurement stations are positions in the wellbore between which the wellbore trajectory is regarded as being constant or near-constant.
Preferably, each wellbore trajectory between measurement stations is characterized by having constant or near-constant AHD correction, Incl. and Az values such that the whole wellbore to ZDP can be characterized geometrically as a continuum of constant or near-constant trajectory lines.
Preferably, the measurement station is positioned at the end of constant or near-constant AND correction, Incl. and Az values.
Alternatively, the measurement station is positioned to account for changes in well geometry, well architecture, or proximity to other well bores. For example, at positions where it is known that the well direction changes, where there are changes to the well casing or other subsurface tubulars, or where there is a proximity to other wellbores.
Alternatively, the measurement station is positioned to account for changes in geology intercepted by the wellbore.
Alternatively, the measurement station is positioned to account for the location of zones of interest to the observer. For example, at positions where it is known that there are geological boundaries or changes in reservoir characteristics.
Alternatively, the measurement station is positioned by user selection.
Advantageously, a user may control the number of measurement stations and measurement station positions and therefore control the associated uncertainty.
Preferably, each measure station is identified along the wellbore at given well depths whereby the interval to each subsequent measure station has a constant, or near-constant AHD correction, Incl. and Az values.
Preferably the parameter values measured are AHD, Incl and Az.
Preferably, where AHD correction, Incl. and Az values depart to different values beyond a defined tolerance, a new measure station is identified at a defined AHD.
Optionally, where additional measurement stations may be located at positions along the wellbore where there are well construction, geological or reservoir property reasons for including a measurement station.
Optionally, where additional measurement stations may be located where the concatenation of the interval uncertainties results in an improved uncertainty value.
Optionally, AHD is measured using an observed drill pipe depth measurement.
Optionally, the observed drill pipe depth measurement is based on drill pipe length, preferably expressed as a “pipe tally” record.
Optionally, the observed drill pipe depth measurement is calibrated and corrected for environmental and measurement influences such as temperature and drill pipe axial tension, included in the reporting process.
Optionally, AHD is measured using a wireline measurement.
Optionally, the observed wireline length measurement is calibrated and corrected for environmental and measurement influences such as temperature and wireline tension, included in the process.
Optionally, Az is measured using an observed drill pipe depth measurement.
Optionally, Az is measured using a wireline measurement.
Preferably, the Az as measured is calibrated and corrected for environmental and measurement influences such as offset orientation, measurement drift, directional measurement anomalies, and/or so-called “sag”, included in the reporting process.
Optionally, Incl. is measured using an observed drill pipe depth measurement.
Optionally, Incl. is measured using a wireline measurement.
Preferably, the Incl. as measured is calibrated and corrected for environmental and measurement influences such as offset orientation, measurement drift, directional measurement anomalies, and/or so-called “sag”, included in the reporting process.
Optionally, inter-measure stations may be comprised of observed AHD, Incl. and Az measurements, or may be derived from protractions of observed measurement values.
Preferably, the step of transforming the calibrated and corrected AHD, Incl. and Az values into V, N and E values comprises identifying those individual contributory elements of V, N and E from the observed values of AHD, Incl. and Az and transforming them into a summated V, N and E values.
Preferably, the step of ascertaining the calibrated measurement value uncertainties of the V, N and E values is comprised of transforming the calibrated AHD, Incl and Az values and their accuracies into V, N and E uncertainty values through identifying those individual contributory elements of V, N and E from the observed values and the accuracies of AHD, Incl. and Az measurements.
Preferably, the transformations are as defined in the table of
Preferably, the interval V uncertainty (Δ.Vi) comprises the combined contributions of AHD and Incl. uncertainties.
Preferably, interval V value uncertainty is given by the following expression for any interval “i” where Δ.u refers the component uncertainty,
Preferably the interval north (N) value comprises the combined contributions of AHD, Incl. and Az uncertainties for any interval Preferably the interval north (N) value uncertainty (Δ.Ni) is given by the expression for any interval “i”,
Preferably the interval east (E) value uncertainty (Δ.Ei) comprises the combined contributions of AHD, Incl. and Az uncertainties for any interval “i”,
Preferably the interval east (E) value uncertainty is given by the expression for any interval “i”,
Preferably, an inter-measure station continuum of V, N and E values between measure stations is created.
Optionally, subsurface data is synchronised to the calculated and presented 3D positional and positional uncertainty results.
Optionally, subsurface services are provided at a required 3D locations using the calculated and presented 3D positional results.
Optionally the 3D position and positional uncertainty can be incrementally ascertained by making AHD, Incl. and Az measurements by drilling the wellbore deeper and then adding (a) further measure station(s), so that the position and positional uncertainty data is a series of increments defined by sequential additional of measure station 3D positions and associated uncertainties.
A computer system comprising program instructions or process logic instructions for the operation of the method in accordance with the first aspect of the present invention.
Embodiments of the present invention will now be described, by way of example only, with reference to the drawings, in which:
An aspect of the present invention provides a method and system for determining the 3D position of a wellbore and the associated uncertainty of this depiction. This is done by observing AHD, Incl. and Az values at identified measure stations and applying corrections to these values to arrive at calibrated measurement values. These interval values are subject to accuracies that result in uncertainties of the resulting calibrated values per measure station. These interval values and associated uncertainties are transformed into V, N and E values and the values are summated to arrive at a 3D positional description of each measure station. The associated 3D interval V, N and E value uncertainties are concatenated to arrive at uncertainties of the summated V, N and E positional values. In some examples, the interval between measure stations are subject to negligible differences in Incl. and Az. The then resulting positional 3D positions and uncertainties can be interpolated, resulting in a continuum of 3D positional values and 3D positional uncertainties. All three components, AHD, Incl. and Az are equally incorporated into the transformation process, the weighting of each of these measurements is equally distributed giving a balanced interpretation of the 3D dimensional position and uncertainty description.
As discussed herein, an observation is a value without an assigned uncertainty and a measurement is an observation with an assigned uncertainty this based on the accuracy of the observation equipment and process projected over the values being observed.
In the examples provided below, the well reference point is the start of the wellbore, typically identified as being the drill floor, a surface marker position, or the like. The well reference point is typically identified as having a defined 3D positional identification as being an elevation from a given surface datum elevation, and a north and an east location identified using a geodetic positional reference. For a drilling rig, this is often referred to as the ZDP.
The reference point may also be a wellbore sub-surface point identified as having a defined 3D position (e.g. sea bed, casing shoe, side track Y-spilt point, or a wellbore transgression of a defined geological marker). In this case the (subsurface) reference point uncertainty is defined accordingly.
Along the wellbore from the reference point, intervals are identified where the wellbore trajectory can be described as being constant or near-constant. These intervals are characterized by having constant or near-constant Incl. and Az such that the wellbore can be characterized geometrically as a continuum of constant or near-constant trajectory straight-lines. The end of each straight-line is identified as being a measure station. Each measure station is identified along the wellbore at given AHD points where by the interval to each subsequent measure station has a constant or near-constant Incl. and Az values. Where these Incl. and Az values depart to different values beyond a defined tolerance, a new measure station may be identified.
At the surface, there is an inherent uncertainty in the AHD, Az and Incl. measurements at the reference point for these measurements. This uncertainty is the referred to as the “ToolJointError” and represents a fixed uncertainty value for each dimensional measurement i.e. as if the uncertainty is taken at surface with no wellbore effect.
At the well reference point the ToolJointError for AHD is the same as that for V, ToolJointError(AHD). The ToolJoinError(s) for Incl. and Az are equal to the uncertainty of both Incl. and Az combined defined at the start of the measurement and dependent on the characteristics of each Incl. and Az measurement. These lateral horizontal uncertainties are expressed as ToolJointError(N) and ToolJointError(E).
Wellbore depth is measured using drill pipe or wireline. The drill pipe is typically measured using a recorded length of drill pipe, typically expressed as a pipe tally, which, preferably, may be ascertained using tape measure or laser length measurement. The wireline length is typically recorded making use of fixed wireline length intervals or recording of the movement of a calibrated measurewheel, or a combination of both. The temperature and tension at which these surface measurements are made is recorded. The observed drill pipe and wireline depth values are corrected for measurement and environmental influences, typically including temperature and tension, resulting in returning calibrated values, being AHD. The way in which the length observation correction is created and applied is not the subject of this current invention, only that a correction is applied. The applied correction may be zero.
The measurement station position in the wellbore is selected 3 AHD, Incl. and Az measurements are calibrated and measurement accuracies ascertained 4.
AHD, Incl. and Az are measured at the measurement station 5.
V, N and E positions references are calculated to well reference point 6.
AHD, Incl. and Az positional uncertainties are calculated and transformed to V, N and E positional uncertainty reference to well reference point 7.
Optionally, additional measurement station(s) position(s) in the wellbore are selected. Subsequently calculate V, N and E positions reference to well reference point using then already defined previous measurement station(s).8.
AHD, Incl. and Az are measured at (optional) additional measurement station(s) 9.
Calculate AHD, Incl. and Az positional uncertainties and transform to V, N and E positional uncertainties per interval and sequentially concatenate these reference to the well reference point. 10.
V, N and E positional results are depicted 11.
V, N and E positional uncertainty results are depicted 1.
Firstly ToolJointError for AHD, Incl. and Az are defined 23. The accuracy of the AHD, Incl. and Az measurements is defined (25).
Measurement stations and intervals a.-f. are defined 27. For each measurement station a.-f., 29:
Calibration accuracy: for each observation of AHD, Incl., and AZ a calibration accuracy is used representing the calibration and observation accuracies of these individual parameters.
Correction accuracy: for each observation made of AHD, Incl., and Az, a correction accuracy is used representing the accuracy of the calculated correction based on the measured correction parameter accuracy and the accuracy of the correction algorithm used.
Model-fit accuracy: for each interval there may be a difference between the assumed constant or nearly-constant straight-line representing the AHD correction, Incl. and Az values along the interval being considered and the suspected or known variances of AHD correction, Incl. and Az over that interval. This also describes what is known, or suspected, to be the difference between the constant or nearly-constant straight-line AHD correction, Incl. and Az behaviour over each straight-line interval. These may be represented by actual points of AHD correction, Incl. or Az data or a continuum of data or assumed data expressed as a curve. The differences between the straight-line and the suspected or known responses are expressed as an area. This area represents the variance of the straight-line assumption from the suspected, or actual, behavior of AHD correction, Incl. and Az over the observation interval and is called the model-fit accuracy. The area representing this difference is divided by the length of the interval and hence results in an uncertainty value called the model-fit uncertainty for that observation interval.
The terms calibration accuracy, correction accuracy, and model-fit accuracy are used to arrive at uncertainties that describe each of the AHD correction, Incl. and Az values per interval considered.
AHD, Incl. and Az uncertainties are transformed to V, N and E uncertainties per interval considered.
The accuracy of drill pipe and wireline length measurements contribute to the uncertainty of the AHD value as described with reference to
These AHD uncertainties are summated and include the depth measurement ToolJointErrorto arrive at the AHD uncertainty applicable to each measure station.
The expressions to arrive at AHD and AHD uncertainty are:
The AHD of any interval is described as:
The north (N) and east (E) dimensions of any interval are described as
The V dimension of any interval is described as
The V, N and E dimension of any series of intervals is described as
The AHD uncertainty of any interval is described as
The summated AHD uncertainty of any interval is described as
The AHD uncertainty resolved in V of any interval is described as
The AHD uncertainty resolved in north (N) of any interval is described as
The AHD uncertainty resolved in east (E) of any interval is described as
Az is measured using drill pipe or wireline conveyed sondes aligned parallel to the centre line of the wellbore. Az measurements are that of the downhole direction of the plane of any inclination of the wellbore based on a specified North reference. The Az measurement may be made continuously and is relevant to an aspect of the current invention at each measure station. The observed Az values may be corrected for measurement and environmental influences, typically including offset orientation (including so-called “sag”), measurement drift, and/or directional measurement anomalies. The way in which the Az correction is created and applied is not the subject of an aspect of this current invention, only that a correction is applied. The correction may be zero.
The accuracy of Az measurements contribute to the uncertainty of the Az value (see
These Az uncertainties are summated and include the azimuth ToolJointErrorto arrive at the Az uncertainty applicable to each measure station.
The expressions to arrive at Az and Az uncertainty are:
The Az measurement value uncertainty of any interval is described as
The Az uncertainty resolved in north (N) of any interval is described as
The Az uncertainty resolved in east (E) of any interval is described as
Incl. is measured using drill pipe or wireline-conveyed sondes aligned parallel to the centre line of the wellbore. Incl. measurements are based on the deviation from vertical of the wellbore at the point of measurement. Incl. measurements may be made continuously and are relevant to an aspect of the current invention at each measure station. Observed Incl. values may be corrected for measurement and environmental influences, typically including offset orientation (including so-called “sag”), measurement drift and/or directional measurement anomalies The way in which the Incl. correction is created and applied is not the subject of an aspect of this current invention, only that a correction is applied. The correction may be zero. The accuracy of Incl. measurements contribute to the uncertainty of the Incl. value (see
The accuracy of the corrections contribute to the correction value uncertainty. The deviation of the used Incl. from the actual continuum of well Incl. measurements contribute to the accuracy of the measure station Incl. values resulting in a model-fit uncertainty. The Incl. model-fit uncertainty is the ratio of the difference between the area under the continuum curve and under the measure station interval lines compared to the interval wellbore length.
These Incl. uncertainties are summated and include Incl. ToolJointErrorto arrive at the Incl. uncertainty applicable to each measure station.
The expressions to arrive at Incl. and Incl. uncertainty are:
The Incl. measurement value uncertainty of any interval is described as
The Incl. uncertainty resolved in north (N) of any interval is described as
The Incl. uncertainty resolved in east (E) of any interval is described as
The Incl. uncertainty resolved into V of any interval is described as
Δ.uInclV=V value uncertainty due to Incl. value uncertainty over any wellbore interval with constant or near-constant Incl.
An aspect of the present invention takes the observed values of AHD, Incl. and Az and identifies those individual contributory elements of V, N and E and transforms these into a summated V, N and E uncertainty using the transform described in
The following arrives at the interval uncertainty for each V, N and E interval value: Summating the contributions to V interval uncertainty
Summating the contributions to north (N) interval uncertainty
Summating the contributions to east (E) interval uncertainty
Each of these dimensions is summated using for V the expression:
For north (N) the expression
For east (E) the expression
The description of an aspect of the invention including that which describes examples of the invention with reference to the drawings may comprise a computer apparatus and/or processes performed in a computer apparatus. However, an aspect of the invention also extends to computer programs, particularly computer programs stored on or in a carrier adapted to bring an aspect of the invention into practice. The program may be in the form of source code, object code, or a code intermediate source and object code, such as in partially compiled form or in any other form suitable for use in the implementation of the method according to an aspect of the invention. The carrier may comprise a storage medium such as ROM, e.g. CD ROM, or magnetic recording medium, e.g. a memory stick or hard disk, or an Internet based storage medium. The carrier may be an electrical or optical signal which may be transmitted via an electrical or an optical cable or by radio or other means.
In the specification the terms “comprise, comprises, comprised and comprising” or any variation thereof and the terms include, includes, included and including, or any variation thereof are considered to be totally interchangeable and they should all be afforded the widest possible interpretation and vice versa.
Improvements and modifications may be incorporated herein without deviating from the scope of the invention.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
2116274.8 | Nov 2021 | GB | national |
This application is the U.S. National Phase Application of PCT International Application No. PCT/GB2022/052855, filed Nov. 10, 2022, which claims priority to United Kingdom Patent Application No. 2116274.8, filed Nov. 11, 2021, the contents of such applications being incorporated by reference herein.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/GB2022/052855 | 11/10/2022 | WO |