System and method for dynamic IP address management

An architecture for dynamic IP address management is disclosed. The architecture includes a gateway (GW) coupled between a private IP network and a public IP network. A dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP) is operatively coupled to the GW. A network address translator (NAT) couples to the GW. Lastly, a processor, operatively coupled to the GW and the DHCP, is provided for dynamically assigning to a private IP network subscriber equipment an external IP address and a corresponding IP address hold time as a function of an application to be performed. Assignment of the external IP address and a corresponding IP address hold time is in response to a) a request for accessing the public IP network by a subscriber equipment of the private IP network to perform the application, or b) a request for accessing the private IP network by an entity of the public IP network. The external IP address is selected from a prescribed number of external IP addresses available to the private IP network.


The present invention relates generally to communication network technology and capacity enhancement in connection with coupling a private Internet Protocol (IP) network of a service provider to a public IP network, and more particularly, to a system and method for dynamic IP address management.

Communications service providers can include third generation (3G) terrestrial wireless providers, satellite service providers, Local Exchange Providers, long distance service providers, bandwidth (BW) resellers, enterprise service providers, or any other similar communications service provider. As the telecommunications services industry matures, it is highly probable that the communication service providers will offer some form of Internet based service.

When a service provider offers an Internet based service, the service provider must allocate IP addresses to its subscribers. As the number of Internet services proliferates and the number of users of these services increases exponentially, public IP addresses will become a scarce resource. Accordingly, IP address management will become a critical problem.

Currently, service providers assign private IP addresses (e.g. in the form of 192.x.x.x, where x represents any interger) to subscribers for use within the service provider's private network (or networks). Concurrent in time, more than one service provider may have assigned the same address to one of its respective subscribers or customers. Such an assignment of private IP addresses works fine if all of the respective user activities stay within the corresponding private network.

On the other hand, any request by a user to access the public Internet requires the assignment of a unique public IP address. In connection with accessing the public Internet, service providers have a prescribed set of public IP addresses available to assign to respective subscribers. Equipped with a public IP address, a subscriber may then access the public Internet.

FIG. 1

illustrates a current architecture


known in the industry. The current architecture


includes a private IP network


coupled to the public Internet


through a gateway (GW)


. The service provider of the private IP network assigns public IP addresses to subscribers via a Dynamic Host Configuration Processor (DHCP)


and a Network Address Translator (NAT)


. The NAT


maintains a table of entries for keeping track of current external (public) IP address(es) that are associated with an active subscriber's internal (private) address. When a private network subscriber desires to access the external Internet


, the GW


sends a request to the DHCP


. In response to the request, the DHCP


assigns an available unique external IP address for the respective subscriber to use for external activities. When the subscriber is finished (or ends an external Internet access session), the subscriber informs the GW


. The GW


then sends a release message to the DHCP


, wherein the external IP address is again made available for use.

In addition to the above, the service provider may associate a time limit with a particular external IP address, while allowing for extensions of time to be requested. In such an instance, the subscriber can request extensions if the subscriber needs the external IP address for a longer time duration. Unfortunately, this latter method puts control of the external IP address at the mercy of the subscriber.

A disadvantage of this prior method is that the critical limited resource of external IP addresses is not effectively managed and the external IP addresses are subject to becoming unavailable during high usage demand times.

Accordingly, a suitable method for Internet address management is needed.


According to one embodiment, an architecture for dynamic IP address management includes a gateway (GW) coupled between a private IP network and a public IP network. A dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP) is operatively coupled to the GW. Lastly, a dynamic IP address management (DIPAM) processor is operatively coupled to the GW and the DHCP, for dynamically assigning to a private IP network subscriber equipment an external IP address and a corresponding IP address hold time as a function of an application to be performed. Assignment of the external IP address and a corresponding IP address hold time is in response to a) a request for accessing the public IP network by a subscriber equipment of the private IP network to perform the application or b) a request for accessing the private IP network by an entity of the public IP network. The external IP address is selected from a prescribed number of external IP addresses available to the private IP network.

A technical advantage is that the present embodiments provide an innovative architecture for dynamic IP address management for improving the efficiency of external IP address allocation.


FIG. 1

illustrates a current network architecture known in the industry;

FIG. 2

illustrates a network architecture according to the present embodiments;

FIG. 3

is a flow diagram of one embodiment of the method of the present disclosure;

FIG. 4

illustrates a framework characterization of IP network traffic;

FIG. 5

illustrates an exemplary Web Browsing session;

FIG. 6

illustrates an exemplary implementation according to an embodiment of the present disclosure;

FIG. 7







) is a flow diagram view illustrating a sequence of events according to an embodiment of the present disclosure;

FIG. 8

is a flow diagram view illustrating another sequence of events according to another embodiment of the present disclosure; and

FIG. 9

illustrates an embodiment of the present disclosure as it applies to a private network alone.


According to the present embodiments, a prescribed system unit of the private network, for example, the gateway (GW) or the dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP), manages the assignment of public IP addresses external to a private network.

In addition, a hold time is assigned to each external IP address, based upon application type. In this manner, the service provider can more efficiently manage and dynamically control assignment of external IP addresses.

Referring now to

FIG. 2

, an architecture


for dynamic IP address management includes a gateway (GW)


coupled between a private IP network


and a public IP network


. A dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP)


couples to the GW


. Lastly, an address assignment means


, operatively couples to the GW


and the DHCP


, for dynamically assigning to a private IP network subscriber equipment an external IP address and a corresponding address hold time as a function of an application to be performed. In one embodiment, the external IP address assignment means includes a suitable processor or computer, the processor or computer being programmed using programming techniques known in the art for performing the various functions discussed herein. Such an assignment of an external IP address is in response to I) a request for accessing the public IP network by a subscriber equipment of the private IP network


to perform the application or ii) a request for accessing the private IP by an entity of the public IP network. The external IP address is selected from a prescribed number of external IP addresses available to the private IP network.

The dynamic external IP address assigning means


further includes means for determining whether the IP address is actively being used by the subscriber. Responsive to a determination that the IP address is not actively being used, the external IP address assigning means


determines whether the hold time has expired. Responsive to an expiration of the hold time, the IP address assigning means releases the assigned IP address for reallocation. A suitable timer


is provided to perform two functions: monitor a given hold time and determine whether an IP address is actively being used by the subscriber. Lastly, a Network Address Translator (NAT)


maintains a table of entries for tracking current external (public) IP address(es) that are associated with an active subscriber's internal (private) address.

According to one embodiment, the dynamic external IP address assigning means



is resident within the DHCP


. The dynamic external IP address assigning means



further includes a timer



for monitoring an expiration of an assigned IP address hold time. Responsive to a request, the DHCP


determines an assigned IP address hold time as a function of the application. Further responsive to the request, the DHCP


notifies the GW


of the assigned IP address and the assigned IP address hold time. A timer


, in this embodiment, will still be needed in the GW


. The timer


records the IP address hold time. In addition, the timer


monitors subscriber traffic to determine whether an IP address is actively being used by the subscriber. In a preferred embodiment, the timer


monitors packets sent to or sent by the subscriber as they pass through the GW


. As long as the delay between every two consecutive packets of the subscriber is within a prescribed amount of time (determined by the application), timer


considers the IP address of the subscriber to be active. If the hold time for the IP address expires while the IP address is active, timer


automatically renews the hold time for the IP address and requests the DHCP timer



to renew the hold time for the IP address. Responsive to the expiration of the assigned IP address hold time, when the IP address is not active, the DHCP


releases the assigned external IP address for reallocation.

In another embodiment, the dynamic external IP address assigning means


is resident within the GW


. Responsive to a request, the GW


determines an assigned IP address hold time as a function of the application. Further responsive to the request, the GW


submits the request to the DHCP


. The DHCP


then notifies the GW


of the assigned IP address. In one embodiment, the dynamic external IP address assigning means


includes a timer


for determining whether an IP address is actively being used by the subscriber and for monitoring an expiration of an assigned IP address hold time. In a preferred embodiment, the timer


monitors packets sent to or sent by the subscriber as they pass through the GW


. As long as the delay between every two consecutive packets of the subscriber is within a prescribed amount of time (determined by the application), timer


considers the IP address of the subscriber to be active. If the hold time for the IP address expires while the IP address is active, timer


automatically renews the hold time for the IP address. Responsive to the expiration of the assigned IP address hold time, when the IP address is not active, the GW


communicates information to the DHCP


for releasing the assigned external IP address for reallocation. Note that, unlike the previous embodiment, a timer



is not needed.

The architecture for dynamic IP address management may also include a gateway (GW), a dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP), a dynamic IP address management (DIPAM) processor, and a network address translator (NAT). The GW couples between a private IP network and a public IP network. The dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP) couples to the GW. The DIPAM processor operatively couples to the GW and the DHCP for dynamically assigning an external IP address and a corresponding address hold time. The DIPAM processor dynamically assigns the external IP address and a corresponding address hold time as a function of an application to be performed and in response to a request for accessing the public IP network by a subscriber of the private IP network to perform the application or in response to a request for accessing the private IP network by an authorized entity of the public IP network to perform the application. The DIPAM processor selects the external IP address from a prescribed number of external IP addresses available to the private IP network. Lastly, the DIPAM processor consults the NAT to translate correctly between public IP addresses and private IP addresses so that packets are sent to correct destinations. The NAT couples to the GW.

According to a method of the present disclosure, implementing dynamic IP address management includes providing a gateway, providing a dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP) coupled to the GW, providing a network address translator (NAT) coupled to the GW, and providing a dynamic IP address management (DIPAM) processor. The gateway (GW) couples between a private IP network and a public IP network. The DIPAM processor operatively couples to the GW and the DHCP. The processor dynamically assigns an external IP address and a corresponding address hold time as a function of an application to be performed, in response to a request for accessing the public IP network by a subscriber of the private IP network to perform the application or in response to a request for accessing the private IP network by an authorized entity of the public IP network to perform the application. The processor selects an external IP address from a prescribed number of external IP addresses available to the private IP network. The DIPAM processor consults the NAT to translate correctly between public IP addresses and private IP addresses so that packets are sent to correct destinations.

Another method of implementing dynamic IP address management includes providing a gateway (GW) coupled between a private IP network and a public IP network. A dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP) couples to the GW. A network address translator (NAT) couples to the GW. Lastly, a DIPAM processor is provided. The DIPAM processor operatively couples to the GW and the DHCP for dynamically assigning an external IP address and a corresponding address hold time. The DIPAM processor assigns the external IP address and corresponding address hold time as a function of an application to be performed and in response to a request for accessing the public IP network by a subscriber of the private IP network to perform the application or in response to a request for accessing the private IP network by an authorized entity of the public IP network to perform the application. The processor selects the external IP address from a prescribed number of external IP addresses available to the private IP network. The DIPAM processor consults the NAT to translate correctly between public IP addresses and private IP addresses so that packets are sent to correct destinations. The processor is further for determining whether the IP address is actively being used by the subscriber. Responsive to a determination that the IP address is not actively being used, the processor determines whether the hold time has expired. Responsive to an expiration of the hold time, the processor releases the assigned IP address for reallocation.

Turning now to

FIG. 3

, a method


of the present disclosure begins by awaiting a request for accessing the public IP network by a subscriber (or user) of the private IP network to perform an application (Step


). In response to receipt of a request to access the public IP network, the method proceeds to Step


. In Step


, the application that the subscriber desires to perform is identified. For example, the application may include HTTP, FTP, TELNET, email, or other application. Identification of a given application can be established, for example, by investigating an application ID contained in an IP header or as otherwise transmitted.

In response to identification of the application, an external IP address and hold time are assigned to the user in Step


. That is, a given external IP address and hold time are assigned as a function of the particular application being requested. For example, if the application is HTTP, a hold time on the order of 180 seconds may be assigned. The correspondence between the private IP address of the subscriber and the assigned IP address is recorded in the NAT. In Step


, the external address is checked to determine whether or not it is being actively used. If yes, then the process repeats Step


, so long as the external address is actively being used. On the other hand, if the external IP address is not being actively used, the process advances to Step



In Step


, a determination is made whether or not the hold time has expired. If the hold time has not yet expired, then the process returns to Step


for again checking whether or not the external IP address is actively being used. If, in Step


, the hold time has expired, then the external IP address is released in Step


for reallocation to another user. Also, in Step


, DIPAM requests the NAT to discard the record of the correspondence between the private IP address of the subscriber and the assigned IP address. The process then ends.

An alternative and simpler implementation for Steps




result in an interrupt driven implementation. As with the previously described implementation, a timer is initiated for each user's request. If a timer expires, the IP address is released and allowed to be reused. If a user request is received and there is an IP address assigned, the timer is reset. This eliminates the need to monitor if an IP address is being actively used since, by definition, an IP address is being used if the timer has not expired.

Accordingly, the method and apparatus of the present embodiments associate an external IP address with a subscriber only while the subscriber is actively using the external IP address. If an IP address has been assigned and is not being actively used, the service provider takes the IP address away and makes it available for assignment to a different subscriber. In this manner, additional subscribers can be more readily serviced with the finite external IP address list. An example of GW is the GPRS GGSN (i.e., General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN)) in the wireless GSM standard.

In connection with understanding advantages of the present embodiments, let us consider traffic modeling. Traffic modeling often requires descriptions of traffic at multiple levels of time granularity. Different types of traffic may be described most effectively by a different number of levels. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) traffic, for example, is the result of opening an FTP session, initiating a data connection (sometimes multiple connections), and transferring a stream of IP packets. However, it may not be useful to consider electronic mail (i.e., email) traffic in a same manner. That is, email traffic is transmitted when an end-user decides to send a message, at which time, a connection is initiated. Accordingly, the concept of a “session” which is pertinent to FTP sessions is no longer relevant with reference to different types of traffic such as email or electronic mail.

World Wide Web (WWW) traffic requires further abstraction. HTTP is the protocol used to encapsulate WWW traffic. End-users surf the web using Web Browser software. Each web browsing “session” is comprised of transferring a series of web pages. Each web page is made up of multiple URIs (uniform resource identifiers). A URI can correspond, for example, to text or to in-line images. We may think of URIs as files that, in some versions of HTTP, require individual connections.

As illustrated in

FIG. 4

, in connection with the present embodiments, the following framework


characterizes IP traffic as it is currently known. A subset of the proposed levels


may be appropriate for different types of traffic.

Session Level: A session


is characterized by a period of application activity, during which an end user is producing and consuming traffic. An example of a session includes an FTP or WWW session, or the time an end user spends using a web browser application. Session metrics include: 1) session lengths (e.g., in units of minutes); and 2) session interarrivals (e.g., in units of minutes).

Conversation Level: A conversation


is characterized by a series of connections within a session. Connections typically overlap, or arrive in rapid succession. An exemplary conversation includes the transfer of a web page containing multiple URIs. In such an example, each URI requires its own TCP (Transport Control Protocol) connection, producing a set of individual “flows.” Conversation metrics include: 1) conversation length (e.g., in units of the number of connections); and 2) conversation interarrivals (e.g., in units of seconds).

Connection (Flow) Level: A connection


is defined as a flow of IP packets. Exemplary connections include FTP-data sessions, HTTP requests and/or replies, and email transfers. Connection metrics include: 1) connection size (e.g., in units of bytes); 2) connection packets (e.g., in units of the number of packets); 3) connection duration (e.g., in units of seconds); and 4) connection interarrivals (e.g., in units of seconds).

Packet Level: Packets


are characterized as Internet (IP) packets within a connection (or flow). Packet metrics include: 1) packet interarrivals (e.g., in units of milliseconds (ms)); and 2) packet lengths (e.g., in units of bytes).

With the embodiments of the present disclosure, a subscriber is assigned (and able to keep) an external IP address only for as long as a conversation is active. For example, a conversation occurs each time a web document is transferred. Transfer of a web document (alternatively, a web document transfer event) corresponds, in many instances, to multiple file transfers. The multiple file transfers correspond, in turn, to multiple connections. The multiple connections usually include at least one connection for some HTML text and other connections for in-line images.

Further in connection with the above, another characteristic or metric includes “Think Time.” “Think Time” is a metric used in the art to describe the time duration between document transfers. “Think Time” is particularly interesting because it is not tied to any particular protocol. Namely, as newer versions of HTTP are developed for streaming document transfers in innovative ways, “Think Time” may not be effected since the forces that govern how often a subscriber clicks (e.g., selects a hyperlink) will still be at work.

According to the present embodiments, the DIPAM processor of the GW and/or the DHCP dynamically control assignment of the external IP addresses of a service provider in a prescribed manner. Dynamically controlling the assignment of external IP addresses allows for an increased number (in some instances, a maximum number) of subscribers to use a finite list of external IP addresses of the service provider. Dynamic control can be accomplished as discussed in the following.

In one embodiment, the DIPAM processor of the DHCP performs the dynamic control. Currently, a request to the DHCP for accessing the external IP network does not contain an application to be used. According to one embodiment of the present disclosure, a request to access the external IP network includes an application, or an identification of the application. In response to application or an identification of the application, the DHCP assigns an external IP address and an expiration time for the respective IP address as a function of the application. A different external IP address may be required for different applications at different times. The DHCP maintains and/or keeps the respective expiration timers. Upon the expiration of a given timer, the DHCP issues and/or sends a suitable notice (e.g., an expiration or termination notice) to a respective subscriber.

In another embodiment, the DIPAM processor of the GW performs the dynamic control. In response to receipt of an external Internet request containing an application, the GW requests an external IP address from the DHCP for an appropriate amount of time based upon (or as a function of) the application. The timer may be in the DHCP or GW. Upon expiration of the timer, the GW informs the appropriate parties and initiates release of the external IP address with the DHCP. Upon release of the external IP address, the address becomes available for use by a subscriber.

In contrast to the existing art, the external IP addresses, assigned by the architecture of the present embodiments, are assigned and remain assigned for a prescribed duration that a subscriber actively uses the external IP address. In response to a determination that a subscriber does not actively use the IP address (i.e., upon detection of inactive use ), the IP address is released from the subscriber for use by other subscribers. Accordingly, a subscriber may be assigned multiple IP addresses during a given session, whereas, in the existing art, a subscriber is assigned an external IP address for an entire session, regardless of whether or not the subscriber actively uses the address.

The present embodiments further include a method for determining how many IP addresses will be needed for a service provider implementing Dynamic IP Address Management (DIPAM) as disclosed herein. A preliminary answer would be that the Internet Service Provider (ISP) will need at least one IP address for each active subscriber in a Busy Hour (BH). According to the present embodiments, however, the DIPAM can reduce overall external IP address requirements.

Given a number of active subscribers (X) in a BH, the average number of external IP addresses used by each subscriber and a respective IP holding time (IPHT) of each address is needed. Armed with such information, the number of IP addresses required can be calculated.

Consider the following exemplary three-step procedure which can be used to arrive at a conclusion.

Step 1: Determine what each active BH subscriber is doing and what type of applications the subscriber is using. For this analysis, it is assumed that each active BH subscriber is: a) sending or receiving two (2) email messages; b) performing one (1) file transfer protocol (FTP); and c) surfing the web for fifteen (15) minutes.

Step 2: Determine I) how many external IP addresses are needed for each activity and ii) the IPHT for the IP address of each activity. For this analysis, it is assumed that there is: a) one (1) IP address per email message with a corresponding IP hold time assumed to be on the order of five (5) seconds; b) one IP address per FTP with a corresponding IP hold time assumed to be on the order of sixty (60) seconds; and c) there exists some prescribed number of IP addresses per Web browsing session with corresponding prescribed values of IPHTs, calculated as disclosed in Steps 2a and 2b.

Step 2a: The method includes inspecting or studying a typical Web Browsing session closer. That is, with information derived from previous studies and assumptions, the method may assume that each typical Web Page contains ten (10) URIs and twelve (12) pages (i.e., links) to get to a desired page.

FIG. 5

illustrates such an exemplary Web Browsing session



In connection with a portion of an exemplary Web Browsing session


as illustrated in

FIG. 5

, assume that the URIs


are retrieved two (2) at a time. Further assume one second (1-sec) retrieval time per URI. Accordingly, there is a retrieval time on the order of five seconds (5-sec) per page


. Furthermore, assume a ten second (10-sec) inspection of each page to find a next link and twelve (12) pages to get to a desired page


. The result is one hundred eighty (180) seconds to get to the desired page


(i.e., 12*(5+10)=180).

Still further, in connection with the portion of the exemplary Web Browsing session



FIG. 5

, assume two hundred forty (240) seconds for inspecting the desired page. As a result, a total of seven (7) minutes is needed for the Web Browsing session


per desired page (240 sec+180 sec=420 sec (or 7 min)). Accordingly, one IP address


can be held for the entire portion of the Web Browsing session, or upon expiration of 180 sec, the IP address


will be lost while inspecting the final desired page.

Step 2b: The method now estimates how many IP addresses are needed for a typical Web Browsing session. Using the assumed fifteen (15) minute session time and dividing by 7 minutes per session (from Step 2a) results in approximately two (2) IP addresses per Web Browsing session. To be on the conservative side, assume 4 IP addresses per Web Browsing session (e.g., some subscribers may get to the desired page faster or alternatively, they may get sidetracked on the way to the desired page) with an IP hold time (IPHT) of 180 seconds for each IP address.

Step 2c: Putting it all together, each active BH subscriber needs seven (7) external IP addresses with an average IPHT of one hundred thirteen (113) seconds (corresponding to a weighted average of the IPHTs as shown below). For the weighted average analysis, it is assumed that there is: a) one (1) IP address per email message with a corresponding IP hold time assumed to be on the order of five (5) seconds; b) one IP address per FTP with a corresponding IP hold time assumed to be on the order of sixty (60) seconds; and c) four (4) IP addresses per Web browsing session with a corresponding IPHT assumed to be on the order of one hundred eighty (180) seconds for each IP address.

Step 3: The method further uses the well known Erlang-B formula to calculate total number of IP addresses needed. For example, one incarnation of the Erlang-B formula returns the number of trunks given the number of Erlangs and blocking.



(Blocking, Erlangs)

In the system of the present embodiments:






address time=(7 IPs/Sub *


subs * 113 Sec/IP)/3600 Sec

Accordingly, use of the Erlang-B formula and the previous inputs have shown that external IP addresses needed is on the order of X/5. This result is surprisingly insensitive to blocking. In addition, the result is linear. For example, if IPHT is cut in half, then the number of IP addresses needed becomes equal to X/10. Also for example, if 7 IPs/sub is increased to 14 IPs/sub, then the number of IP addresses needed becomes equal to X/2.5.

As discussed above, Step 3 uses the Erlang-B formula to calculate the total number of IP addresses needed. Accordingly, the IP hold time is assumed to be exponentially distributed. However, in an article by Crovella et al. (Crovella, M. E. and Bestavros, A., “Self-Similarity in World Wide Web Traffic: Evidence and Possible Causes,”

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking

, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 835-846, December 1997), the traffic generated by WWW transfers shows self-similar characteristics. In particular, the distribution of file sizes in the Web can be heavy-tailed. In addition, reliable transmission and flow control of TCP, which WWW uses, introduces self-similar distributions in the transfer delay for Web pages. Accordingly, while the Erlang-B formula can be used as discussed above, there may exist other suitable methods to calculate the total number of IP addresses needed.

With respect to the present embodiments, the method of the present disclosure is implemented with equipment, selected in a prescribed manner, such that any impact of delay in obtaining an IP address due to the DIPAM on response time experienced by the end users of WWW and FTP applications is minimized. In addition, the impact of DIPAM on GW capacity, performance, and load is also desired to be minimized. The implications of DIPAM on network planning, capacity, sizing, and provisioning are appropriately optimized according to a desired system implementation of a service provider.

Turning now to

FIG. 6

, an exemplary implementation


according to one embodiment of the present disclosure is shown. The private network


is a wireless provider network, e.g. a GSM GPRS wireless network. The private network provides various services, among which include access to the Internet


. Users of the private network may use handheld devices


, for example, to access desired web pages. The web pages can be located on servers


connected to the Internet


, or may be located on servers (not shown) located in the private network.

In the.example of

FIG. 6

, each handheld device


has an internal IP address 192.X.X.X assigned by the wireless provider


(where X includes three digits each from 0-9). According to current implementations of WWW, handheld devices


use the HTTP protocol to access web pages. HTTP is encapsulated in IP packets. According to IP standards, each IP packet carries source and destination IP addresses. Hence, each IP packet that encapsulates HTTP in the private network carries the internal source IP address of the handheld and the destination IP address of the web server.

Turning now to

FIG. 7

, a flow chart


exemplifies a sequence of events for the user of the private network (as discussed with respect to

FIG. 6

) to request a web page, according to an embodiment of the present disclosure. In current designs of web pages, each web page includes at least several URIs. Hence, the handheld



FIG. 6

) generates an HTTP request for a URI in the desired web page (Step


). The request is carried over the private network in accordance with relevant wireless network mechanisms towards the GW (Step



An example of a GW is the GSM GPRS GGSN gateway. When the IP packet that encapsulates the request for the URI reaches the GW, the DIPAM in the GW examines the destination address of the IP packet (Step


). If the destination address is an internal 192.X.X.X address, then the DIPAM performs no special processing. In other words, the GW forwards the IP packet to the internal destination address according to ordinary IP router procedures (Step


). This corresponds to the case where the desired web page is on a server located within the private network.

In reference again to Step


, if the destination address is not an internal 192.X.X.X address, then the DIPAM makes a determination whether an external IP address has already been assigned to the handheld (Step


). In particular, the DIPAM makes the determination by consulting the NAT. If an external IP address has already been assigned to the handheld, then the GW replaces the internal source IP address in the packet with the external IP address (Step


). The DIPAM then makes a determination whether the hold time for the external IP address has expired (Step


). If the hold time for the external IP address has not expired, then the GW forwards the newly modified packet to the Internet, where the packet is routed according to current Internet implementations to the destination server (Step


). In reference again to Step


, if the hold time for the external IP address has expired, then the DIPAM renews the IP hold time for the IP address (Step


). The GW then forwards the newly modified packet to the Internet, where the packet is routed according to current Internet implementations to the destination server (Step



In reference again to Step


, if an external IP address has not been assigned to the handheld, then the DIPAM examines the contents of the IP packet to determine the type of application encapsulated in the IP packet. Responsive to determining the type of application, the DIPAM assigns an appropriate IPHT (Step


). In the example of

FIG. 6

, having determined that the application is an HTTP application, the DIPAM selects an appropriate IPHT for HTTP from an IPHT lookup table. The IPHT lookup table is created off-line and can be adjusted as the system administrator deems necessary. The DIPAM then requests an external IP address from the DHCP for the duration of IPHT (Step



In accordance with current implementations of DHCP, the DHCP assigns an external IP address and sends the external IP address to the GW (Step


). In response, the DIPAM requests the NAT to store the correspondence between the handheld internal IP address and the newly assigned external IP address (Step


). The GW then replaces the internal source IP address (Step


) in the packet with the newly assigned external IP address. The DIPAM then makes a determination whether the hold time for the external IP address has expired (Step


). If the hold time for the external IP address has not expired, then the GW then forwards the newly modified packet to the Internet, where the packet is routed according to current Internet implementations to the destination server (Step


). In reference again to Step


, if the hold time for the external IP address has expired, then the DIPAM renews the IP hold time for the IP address (Step


). The GW then forwards the newly modified packet to the Internet, where the packet is routed according to current Internet implementations to the destination server (Step



FIG. 8

shows a flow chart


of another exemplary sequence of events for a server attached to the Internet for sending a URI to the handheld, as discussed with reference to

FIGS. 6 and 7

, according to an embodiment of the present disclosure. In accordance with current implementations of HTTP, the server


generates an HTTP response in Step


to the HTTP request from the handheld


discussed in FIG.


. The response is encapsulated in an IP packet with a source address corresponding to the server IP address, and a destination address corresponding to the handheld external IP address. The IP packet is routed according to current Internet implementations to the GW (Step



When the IP packet reaches the GW, the DIPAM makes a determination whether the external IP address of the handheld is still present in the NAT (Step


). If the external IP address of the handheld is not in the NAT, then the GW discards the IP packet (Step


). This corresponds, for example, to a case where the handheld


turned its power off immediately after sending a URI request. In reference again to Step


, if the external IP address of the handheld is still in the NAT, then the GW replaces the external destination IP address in the packet with the internal IP address of the handheld (Step


). The DIPAM then makes a determination whether the hold time for the external IP address has expired (Step


). If the hold time for the external IP address has not expired, then the GW then forwards the newly modified packet to the handheld


in accordance with relevant wireless network mechanisms (Step


). In reference again to Step


, if the hold time for the external IP address has expired, then the DIPAM renews the IP hold time for the IP address (Step


). The GW then forwards the newly modified packet to the handheld


in accordance with relevant wireless network mechanisms (Step



Accordingly, a novel methodology and architecture have been disclosed that enable service providers to provide public Internet access to subscribers while managing a limited number of public IP addresses. The new approach, referred to herein as DIPAM, assigns an IP address only when a user actively uses the IP address. Responsive to a determination that a subscriber does not actively use a given IP address (or detection of inactive use), the IP address is released for use by other subscribers. A user may accordingly be assigned multiple IP addresses during a given Web browsing session, whereas, in the prior art, a subscriber is assigned an IP address for an entire Web browsing session, regardless of whether or not the subscriber actively uses the address. The use of DIPAM advantageously reduces IP address requirements, especially when compared with the naive method of assigning IP addresses for each active user in a busy hour.

As discussed herein above, the embodiments have been concerned with using the DIPAM for private network to public network situations. The present embodiments can also be applied to a private network (PN) alone. In current private networks, IP address are assigned to hosts (i.e., subscriber computers or equipment) as long as the hosts are turned on (i.e., power “ON”). The present embodiments solve the problem when there are more hosts than addresses available within the private network.

FIG. 9

illustrates an embodiment of the present disclosure as it applies to a private network (PN)


alone. In the embodiment of

FIG. 9

, a DHCP


includes a DIPAM




assigns IP addresses to hosts


as long as the hosts


are being actively used. More particularly, assignment of IP addresses is carried out in a similar manner as discussed herein with respect to the embodiments for private network to public network Internet communications.

In the embodiment of the private network



FIG. 9

, the DIPAM


also selects an IPHT. The IPHT may or may not be based on application. For example, the DIPAM


can assign a single IPHT for any use or type of application on the private network


. In addition, a Domain Name Server (DNS)


is used instead of a NAT, as in the private network to public network configuration. The DNS


maintains a correlation between host name and assigned IP address. For implementation, suitable hardware changes are made to the routers


, as necessary.

As illustrated in

FIG. 9

, the private network


includes a DHCP coupled to a plurality of routers




also couples to the routers


. Routers


facilitate communication between the plurality of hosts




, and DNS



In operation, with respect to the embodiment of

FIG. 9

, when a host requests use of the network, the host is assigned an IP address. If the IP address is being actively used, then the address is retained. If the host is not actively using the assigned IP address, then the IP address can be taken away from that host and reused for an active host. If after some time of network inactivity, the network is again accessed by the host, then the initial IP address would have been taken away and a new address will be requested. Accordingly, the private network


can maintain more hosts than available IP addresses. This embodiment is an improvement over current technology which limits the number of hosts to be less than or equal to the number of available IP addresses.

Although illustrative embodiments have been shown and described, a wide range of modifications, change and substitution is contemplated in the foregoing disclosure and in some instances, some features of the embodiments may be employed without a corresponding use of other features. Accordingly, it is appropriate that the appended claims be construed broadly and in a manner consistent with the scope of the embodiments disclosed herein.

  • 1. An architecture for dynamic IP address management, comprising:a gateway (GW) coupled between a private IP network and a public IP network; a dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP) coupled to said GW; and means, operatively coupled to said GW and said DHCP, for dynamically assigning to a private IP network subscriber equipment an external IP address and a corresponding address hold time as a function of an application to be performed, in response to a) a request for accessing the public IP network by a subscriber equipment of the private IP network to perform the application or b) a request for accessing the private IP network by an entity of the public IP network, the external IP address selected from a prescribed number of external IP addresses available to the private IP network.
  • 2. The architecture of claim 1, wherein said dynamic external IP address assigning means further includes means for determining whether the IP address is actively being used by the subscriber equipment, and responsive to a determination that the IP address is not actively being used, determining whether the hold time has expired, and responsive to an expiration of the hold time, releasing the assigned IP address for reallocation.
  • 3. The architecture of claim 1, wherein said dynamic external IP address assigning means is resident within said DHCP.
  • 4. The architecture of claim 3, wherein said dynamic external IP address assigning means includes a timer for monitoring an expiration of an assigned IP address hold time.
  • 5. The architecture of claim 4, wherein responsive to the expiration of the assigned IP address hold time, said DHCP releases the assigned external IP address for reallocation.
  • 6. The architecture of claim 1, wherein said dynamic external IP address assigning means is resident within said GW.
  • 7. The architecture of claim 6, wherein responsive to a request, said GW determines an assigned IP address hold time as a function of the application, further wherein said GW submits the request and the assigned IP address hold time to said DHCP.
  • 8. The architecture of claim 7, wherein said dynamic external IP address assigning means includes a timer for monitoring an expiration of an assigned IP address hold time.
  • 9. The architecture of claim 8, wherein responsive to the expiration of the assigned IP address hold time, said GW communicates information to said DHCP for releasing the assigned external IP address for reallocation.
  • 10. An architecture for dynamic IP address management, comprising:a gateway (GW) coupled between a private IP network and a public IP network; a dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP) coupled to said GW; and a processor, operatively coupled to said GW and said DHCP, for dynamically assigning to a private IP network subscriber equipment an external IP address and a corresponding address hold time as a function of an application to be performed and in response to a) a request for accessing the public IP network by a subscriber equipment of the private IP network to perform the application or b) a request for accessing the private IP network by an entity of the public IP network, the external IP address selected from a prescribed number of external IP addresses available to the private IP network, wherein said dynamic external IP address assigning processor is further for determining whether the IP address is actively being used by the subscriber equipment, and responsive to a determination that the IP address is not actively being used, determining whether the hold time has expired, and responsive to an expiration of the hold time, releasing the assigned IP address for reallocation.
  • 11. A method for implementing dynamic IP address management, comprising:providing a gateway (GW) coupled between a private IP network and a public IP network; providing a dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP) coupled to the GW; and providing a processor, operatively coupled to the GW and the DHCP, for dynamically assigning to a private IP network subscriber equipment an external IP address and a corresponding address hold time as a function of an application to be performed, in response to a) a request for accessing the public IP network by a subscriber equipment of the private IP network to perform the application or b) a request for accessing the private IP network by an entity of the public IP network, the external IP address selected from a prescribed number of external IP addresses available to the private IP network.
  • 12. The method of claim 11, wherein providing the processor for dynamically assigning the external IP address and the corresponding hold time further includes determining whether the IP address is actively being used by the subscriber equipment, and responsive to a determination that the IP address is not actively being used, determining whether the hold time has expired, and responsive to an expiration of the hold time, releasing the assigned IP address for reallocation.
  • 13. The method of claim 11, wherein the processor for dynamically assigning the external IP address is resident within the DHCP.
  • 14. The method of claim 13, wherein the processor for dynamically assigning the external IP address includes a timer for monitoring an expiration of an assigned IP address hold time.
  • 15. The method of claim 14, wherein responsive to the expiration of the assigned IP address hold time, the DHCP releases the assigned external IP address for reallocation.
  • 16. The method of claim 11, wherein the processor for dynamically assigning the external IP address is resident within the GW.
  • 17. The method of claim 16, wherein responsive to a request, the processor determines an assigned IP address hold time as a function of the application, further wherein, responsive to the request, the GW submits the request and the assigned IP address hold time to the DHCP.
  • 18. The method of claim 17, wherein the processor for dynamically assigning the external IP address includes a timer for monitoring an expiration of an assigned IP address hold time.
  • 19. The method of claim 18, wherein responsive to the expiration of the assigned IP address hold time, the GW communicates information to the DHCP for releasing the assigned external IP address for reallocation.
  • 20. A method implementing dynamic IP address management, comprising:providing a gateway (GW) coupled between a private IP network and a public IP network; providing a dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP) coupled to the GW; and providing a processor, operatively coupled to the GW and the DHCP, for dynamically assigning to a private IP network subscriber equipment an external IP address and a corresponding address hold time as a function of an application to be performed and in response to a) a request for accessing the public IP network by a subscriber of the private IP network to perform the application, or b) a request for accessing the private IP network by an entity of the public IP network, the external IP address selected from a prescribed number of external IP addresses available to the private IP network, wherein the processor is further for determining whether the IP address is actively being used by the subscriber equipment, and responsive to a determination that the IP address is not actively being used, determining whether the hold time has expired, and responsive to an expiration of the hold time, releasing the assigned IP address for reallocation.
  • 21. An architecture for dynamic IP address management in an IP network, comprising:at least one router; a dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP) coupled to said router; and means, operatively coupled to said router and said DHCP, for dynamically assigning to a first IP network subscriber equipment an IP address and a corresponding address hold time in response to a) a request for accessing the IP network by the first subscriber equipment to perform a network application or b) a request for accessing the IP network by a second subscriber equipment for communicating with the first subscriber equipment, the IP address selected from a prescribed number of IP addresses available to the IP network.
  • 22. The architecture of claim 21, wherein said dynamic IP address assigning means further includes means for determining whether the IP address is actively being used by the first subscriber equipment, and responsive to a determination that the IP address is not actively being used, determining whether the hold time has expired, and responsive to an expiration of the hold time, releasing the assigned IP address for reallocation.
  • 23. The architecture of claim 21, wherein said dynamic IP address assigning means is resident within said DHCP.
  • 24. The architecture of claim 23, wherein said dynamic IP address assigning means includes a timer for monitoring an expiration of an assigned IP address hold time.
  • 25. The architecture of claim 24, wherein responsive to the expiration of the assigned IP address hold time, said DHCP releases the assigned IP address for reallocation.
  • 26. The architecture of claim 21, wherein said dynamic IP address assigning means assigns the IP address hold time as a function of the network application to be performed.
  • 27. A method for implementing dynamic IP address management in an IP network, comprising:dynamically assigning to a first IP network subscriber equipment, via a processor operatively coupled to at least one router and a dynamic host configuration processor (DHCP), an IP address and a corresponding address hold time, in response to a) a request for accessing the IP network by the first subscriber equipment of the IP network to perform a network application or b) a request for accessing the IP network by a second subscriber equipment for communicating with the first subscriber equipment, the IP address selected from a prescribed number of IP addresses available to the IP network.
  • 28. The method of claim 27, wherein providing the processor for dynamically assigning the IP address and the corresponding hold time further includes determining whether the IP address is actively being used by the first subscriber equipment, and responsive to a determination that the IP address is not actively being used, determining whether the hold time has expired, and responsive to an expiration of the hold time, releasing the assigned IP address for reallocation.
  • 29. The method of claim 27, wherein the processor for dynamically assigning the IP address is resident within the DHCP.
  • 30. The method of claim 29, wherein the processor for dynamically assigning the IP address includes a timer for monitoring an expiration of an assigned IP address hold time.
  • 31. The method of claim 30, wherein responsive to the expiration of the assigned IP address hold time, the DHCP releases the assigned IP address for reallocation.
  • 32. The method of claim 27, wherein the processor for dynamically assigning the IP address assigns the IP address as a function of the network application to be performed.
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