The invention relates in general to municipal solid waste incineration and intelligent modeling field, and in particular, to a system and method for dynamic-modular-neural-network-based municipal solid waste incineration nitrogen oxides emission prediction.
MSWI is an effective measure for killing pathogens, reducing quantity and recycling resources. Thus, it is a universally accepted strategy for MSW disposal. However, the potential secondary pollution in MSWI process, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), is the major reason for the not-in-my-back-yard effect. NOx is formed at a high temperature during combustion, causing damage to human health and environment. However, the existing technology can only measure NOx emission at current moment, and cannot provide the reference value of NOx emission at the future moment for operators, which will bring about problems such as lagging control means and excessive NOx emissions. Therefore, accurate prediction of NOx emission is of great significance to improve the efficiency of denitration system and ensure the safe and stable operation of MSWI plant.
The invention provides a prediction method for MSWI process based on a dynamic modular neural network (DMNN). The prediction model based on dynamic modular neural network was established to achieve accurate prediction of NOx emission in the future. DMNN is used to construct NOx emission prediction model, which can track the dynamic characteristics of MSWI process. Thus, accurate prediction of NOx emissions can be achieved.
In one embodiment, a system and method for dynamic-modular-neural-network (DMNN)-based municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) process nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission prediction is provided. Sensor data associated with an MSWI process is obtained, the sensor data including a data set comprising a plurality of samples. The sensor data is preprocessed to remove those of the samples that comprise noise and to standardize the data set. A task of prediction of a NOx emission associated with an MSWI process is decomposed into a plurality of sub-tasks using principal component analysis, including applying a sliding window of a fixed size to the preprocessed sensor data set and identifying key variables of operating conditions of the MSWI process by key variables by applying a sliding window to the preprocessed sensor data set, each of the key variables associated with one of the sub-tasks. A long-short-term memory (LSTM) neural network is constructed, the LTSM neural network including a plurality of sub-networks, wherein each of the sub-networks outputs a value for one of the sub-tasks and a key variable associated with that sub-task serves as an input for that sub-network. A further set of sensor data associated with a further MSWI process is obtained, the further sensor data including further data samples; At least one of the further samples is compared to at least some of the samples in the preprocessed sensor data set; At least some of the sub-networks are activated based on the comparison. The activated subnetworks in the LTSM network are used to predict the NOx emission for the further MSWI process, wherein the steps are performed by at least one suitably-programmed computer and wherein a plant associated with the further MSWI process is operated based on the NOx prediction for the further MSWI process.
The technical scheme and steps of the invention are as follows:
As shown in
Through the switch gating in the communication template, the amplifier and A/D converter convert the analog voltage signal into the digital signal that the computer can recognize and communicate with the upper computer through the industrial Ethernet. The upper computer obtains the data of the MSWI process in real time and stores the collected data in the structured query language server database.
To obtain experimental data, the hardware storage device is used to read the historical data, which includes a total of 10 process variables and a NOx value to be predicted, they are the air flow of combustion grate left side 1-1, air flow of dry grate left side 1, temperature of primary combustion chamber, left side temperature of primary combustion chamber, right side temperature of primary combustion chamber, cumulative primary air flow, cumulative secondary air flow, accumulated urea solution flow, accumulated urea solution supply flow and NOx emission value. Among these variables, air flow is detected by the air volume sensor, the temperature is detected by the thermocouple temperature sensor, and the urea solution is detected by the liquid flowmeter.
Since the sensors works in the environment with high temperature and ash content, the original data is often accompanied by noise. To eliminate the influence of noise on prediction model, Rajda criterion is adopted to smooth and de-noise the original data. In addition, Z-score algorithm is used for normalization to eliminate the influence between different dimensions. After data processing, the processed variables and NOx value are taken as input and output of DMNN model, respectively. After off-line training of model, the real-time data in server is read online and used as inputs of DMNN model to predict NOx value of 10 s. The predicted value of NOx can be used for reference in denitration control system. If predicted value is higher than the current moment, the operator will increase the urea input to reduce NOx emission and meet the environmental protection index. On the contrary, if predicted value of NOx is lower than the current value, it is necessary to reduce urea supply to meet the economic indicators.
The original data was read from distributed control system with sampling interval of 10 s. A sliding window is used to detect the principal components in the time-series. The size of sliding window is denoted by win_1. Assume that the observation sample matrix in the first sliding window is represented by XM×n
The mean vector μ of sample matrix Xm×n
All the samples of matrix Xm×n
The covariance matrix Hm×mwin_1 of {tilde over (X)}m×n
Then, the eigenvalue λ of covariance matrix Hm×mwin_1 can be calculated as
λ1≥λ2≥ . . . ≥λQ (8)
(Hm×mwin_1−λkI)αk=0 (9)
The threshold of cumulative variance contribution rate is set as θ, and if the cumulative variance satisfies
Then the first Q0 principal components are selected for further analysis. Q0 is the number of principal components, which is determined by Eq. (10). The number of eigenvalues is Q0, which is equal to the number of principal components. λk denotes the k-th eigenvalues.
Generally, in most studies, the threshold of cumulative variance contribution rate is selected above 0.8, that is, θ≥0.8. Therefore, the threshold θ is determined as 0.85.
Then, the unit eigenvector α corresponding to Q0 eigenvalues is used as a coefficient for linear transformation to obtain Q0 principal components.
zk=αkTx (11)
Combining with the samples in Xm×n
According to Eq. (12), zk that containing k principal components can be denoted by zk=[zk1, zk2, . . . , zkn
Then, the contribution rate υi of Q0 principal components to the i-th variable xi(i=1, 2, . . . , m) is
υ=[υ1, υ2, . . . , υm] (16)
sort(υ)=[υmax, . . . , υmin] (17)
con_1=[xnum_1win_1, xnum_2win_1, . . . , xnum_Fwin_1] (19)
condition_library=[con_1,con_2, . . . , con_W] (20)
In this invention, the size of sliding window and moving step is selected according to specific data sets. The simulation phase includes a debutanizer column process and a real industrial data of MSWI process. For debutanizer column process, the sliding window size is 600. Considering the dataset is accompanied by slow fluctuations, the moving step of sliding window is set to 300. For MSWI process, the size of sliding window is 600. Considering the complex variation and large fluctuation of the process, the moving step of sliding window is set to 100.
The performance of sub-network is critical for the whole MNN. Aiming each sub-task, LSTM neural network is explored driven by the corresponding key variables. LSTM cell comprises forget, input, cell state and output gate, which can effectively overcome the gradient disappearance problem existing in general networks through the gate operation.
The internal structural of LSTM cell is shown in
Forget gate:
t=σ(Wf·[ht-1, xt]+bf) (21)
Input gate:
t=σ(Wi·[ht-1, xt]+bt) (22)
Cell state gate:
{tilde over (C)}
t=tan h(Wc·[ht-1, xt]+bc) (23)
⊗{tilde over (C)}
t (24)
Output gate:
t=σ(Wo[ht-1, xt]+bo) (25)
Using Eqs. (21)-(25), the final output of LSTM is
t⊗tan h(Ct) (26)
Forget gate:
, x
f (29)
Input gate:
, x
i (30)
Cell state gate:
, x
c (31)
Output gate:
, x
o (32)
During testing stage, the similarity between the i-th testing sample and training samples is measured by Euclidean distance.
test=dist(xgtest, xjtrain), (j=1, 2, . . . , N) (33)
dist(xgtest, xjtrain)=√{square root over (∥xgtest_1−xjtrain_1∥2+ . . . +∥xgtest_m−xjtrain_m∥2)} (34)
, d
, . . . , d
test] (35)
According to Eq. (35), the training sample xjtrain which is closest to testing sample xgtest is selected. Then, the operating condition of xgtest is determined by that of xjtrain.
Finally, a decision operation strategy is adopted to generate the prediction outputs of MNN during testing phase, which are calculated as
The NOx emission prediction model for MSWI process based on DMNN mainly includes four parts: data preprocessing, PCA-based dynamic task decomposition, construction of sub-network and cooperation decision strategy. As shown in
Denoising: In MSWI process, the sensors usually operate in a high temperature and dust environment, which bring the noise to original data. To reduce the effect of the noise on data analysis, Rajda is used to smooth the original data, as shown in Eq. (37).
|xori−μori|≥3Σori (37)
Normalization: To eliminate the influence of different dimensions among the variables and improve the prediction accuracy, standardization is performed on the dataset using Z-score method, which is calculated as Eq. (38).
In this section, the proposed DMNN-based NOx emission prediction framework for MSWI process (as shown in
Step 1: Preprocess the original data ori_data=[Xori Yori] based on Eqs. (37), (38), and then the dataset is expressed by dataset=[X Y];
Step 2: Set a sliding window with a fixed length of win, and the subset contained in the window is Xwin_1; The key features of Xwin_1 are constructed by Eqs. (1)-(20); Thereafter, the window moves forward by a certain step, and the key variables are detected successively; Finally, the key variables in each sub-task are stored in the knowledge base for modeling analysis;
Step 3: For each sub-task, LSTM is applied to established the sub-network driven by the corresponding key variables. And the number of hidden neurons is optimized by trial-and-error method;
Step 4: Move the sliding window in steps and repeat step 2)-step 3).
Step 5: Calculate the similarity between the test sample and training samples via Eqs. (33)-(35) and generate the outputs of MNN by activating the corresponding the sub-networks.
Step 6: The final prediction result of NOx emission is obtained by integrating the outputs of the sub-networks with a cooperation decision strategy by Eq. (36).
To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, the merits of the DMNN are confirmed on a debutanizer column process and real industrial data of a MSWI process. All the simulations were carried out using MATLAB_R2019b.lnk on a PC with Intel® Core™ i7-7700, CPU @ 3.60 GHz and RAM 8.00 GB. Furthermore, the performances of DMNN was measured by calculating the root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and r-square (R2).
This invention firstly uses the debutanizer column process to verify the validity of DMNN method, and then it was applied on a real MSWI process to predict NOx emission concentration.
The original dataset is composed of 2394 samples with 7 variables. Table 1 gives a detailed description of these variables. Considering the dynamic characteristics in the real process, a set of optimal variables were selected for C4 prediction, as shown in Eq. (42).
The dataset was divided into training and testing set at a ratio of 7:3. The length and step of sliding window is 600 and 300, respectively.
To explore the dynamics in different windows, a total of five sub-tasks are obtained via the dynamic task decomposition based on PCA. The variable importance in each sub-task is shown in
The results in
Table 2 shows that the distribution of variables is different, which can be used to characterize different operation conditions. The cumulative contribution rate threshold is determined as ζ=0.85, Then, the variables with the cumulative contribution rate higher than ζ is regarded as the key variables for each sub-task.
Aiming each sub-task, LSTM is used to established the sub-network driven by the key variables. The training and testing results of C4 prediction for debutanizer column are shown in
To demonstrate the merits of the proposed method, the performance of DMNN is compared with those of RBF, LSSVM, DBN and LSTM methods, as shown in Table 3.
Compared with RBF, LSSVM and DBN, LSTM neural network shows significant advantages in terms of its lower RMSE, MAPE and R2. It illustrates that LSTM is more suitable to tackle the complex task because of its memory properties. On this basis, PCA-based dynamic task decomposition method further improves the prediction accuracy of C4. In contrast with other methods, DMNN shows an average improvement of 65.35% in RMSE, 68.48% in MAPE, and 39.91% in R2. Besides, the regression performance of different methods plotted in
For performance comparison, the prediction errors of each method are visualized in
MSWI process is a complex dynamic system. As one of the important pollutant, accurate prediction of NOx emission has great significance to ensure the stable operation of MSWI plant. The experiment was implemented based on the real industrial data. A total of 2215 samples was collected from the DCS with the sampling interval of 10 s. 1550 samples are considered as the training set to construct the model, and the remaining are used to evaluate the proposed method. Combined with the operation characteristic of MSWI process, 10 variables that are highly related to NOx are used for establishing the prediction model, as shown in Table 4.
In this section, the length of sliding window is 600. Considering the frequent changes of MSWI process, the moving step of the window is 100.
A total of 11 sub-tasks are obtained using the dynamic task composition method. The variables importance in each window are shown in
As can be seen from Table 5, the air flow of combustion grate and the primary combustion chamber temperature play a key role in sub-task-1, 2, 6-11 which indicates that the oxygen and temperature have an important impact for NOx emission. Besides, for the sub-tasks-3-5, the accumulation of urea solution is also an essential factor that cannot be ignored. From the analysis of NOx generation and emission mechanism, the coupling relationship between these variables and NOx is different in each sub-task.
In this section, each sub-task is assigned to develop the corresponding sub-network using LSTM. The training and testing results of NOx emission prediction based on DMNN are shown in
Table 6 presents the performance comparison of various methods for NOx emission prediction, wherein the effectiveness of the proposed DMNN is further manifested. Typically, LSTM neural network still shows significant advantages in processing time-series. In addition, the DMNN with dynamic task decomposition method based on PCA further improves the prediction accuracy in both the training and testing phase. Compared with other algorithms, the testing performance of the proposed method is improved by 23.25% (RMSE), 26.4%(MAPE), and 8.65 (R2) on average.
Accordingly, the prediction errors of the different methods in the testing phase are plotted in
The reasonability and effectiveness of proposed DMNN were evaluated through an industrial benchmark, and it was then applied for NOx emission prediction in the MSWI process. The following advantages can be summarized based on the above analysis:
(1) A PCA-based dynamic task decomposition method: Different from traditional clustering methods, the proposed method was designed to detected the key variables in each sliding window. Then, the original task with complex dynamics was divided into several sub-tasks, thus simplifying the complexity of the task to be processed.
(2) A DMNN-based prediction model for NOx emission: Aiming each sub-task, a LSTM was constructed driven by the key variables. Then, the nonlinearity between the key variables and NOx value is learned to guarantee the prediction accuracy. Table 3 and Table 6 show the performance index of various algorithm. The experimental results demonstrated the higher generalization of DMNN via RMSEs, MAPEs and R2s on both the training and testing sets.
The technical scheme and steps above can also be described as follows:
Step 1: Dynamic task decomposition based on PCA;
Aiming to detect the dynamic operating conditions, a sliding window with fixed size was used to decompose complex task; Then, the characteristic of operating conditions can be represented by key variables in sliding window;
The algorithm is described as follows:
A sliding window is used to detect the principal components in the time-series; The size of sliding window is denoted by win_1; Assume that the observation sample matrix in the first sliding window is represented by Xm×n
For the debutanizer column dataset, x1 x2 . . . xm denote a total of 13 variables, they are top temperature, top pressure, flow of reflux, flow to the next process, temperature of the sixth tray at time t, temperature of the sixth tray at t-1, temperature of the sixth tray at t-2, temperature of the sixth tray at t-3, average value of the temperature at bottom at t, and the butane concentration at t-1, t-2, t-3, and t-4, respectively; The size of m is 13 in this case;
For MSWI process, x1 x2 . . . xm in represent a total of 10 variables, they are air flow of combustion grate (left side 1-1), air flow of combustion grate (right side 1-1), air flow of dry grate (left side 1-1), primary combustion chamber temperature, primary combustion chamber temperature(left), primary combustion chamber temperature(right), accumulation of primary air flow, accumulation of secondary air flow, accumulation of urea solution, and accumulation of urea solvent supply, respectively; The size of m is 10 in the real industrial data;
The mean vector μ of sample matrix Xm×n
All the samples of matrix Xm×n
The covariance matrix Hm×mwin_1 of {tilde over (X)}m×n
Then, the eigenvalue λ of covariance matrix Hm×mwin_1 can be calculated as
λ1≥λ2≥ . . . ≥λQ (8)
(Hm×mwin_1−λkI)αk=0 (9)
The threshold of cumulative variance contribution rate is set as θ, and if the cumulative variance satisfies
Then the first Q0 principal components are selected for further analysis; Q0 is the number of principal components, which is determined by Eq. (10); The number of eigenvalues is Q0, which is equal to the number of principal components; λk denotes the k-th eigenvalues; Furthermore, the threshold θ is selected as 0.85;
Then, the unit eigenvector α corresponding to Q0 eigenvalues is used as a coefficient for linear transformation to obtain Q0 principal components:
zk=αkTx (11)
Combining with the samples in Xm×n
According to Eq. (12), zk that containing k principal components can be denoted by zk=[zk1, zk2, . . . , zkn
The factor load matrix is expressed as
Then, the contribution rate σi of Q0 principal components to the i-th variable xi (i=1, 2, . . . , m) is
υ=[υ1, υ2, . . . , υm] (16)
sort(υ)=[υmax, . . . , υmin] (17)
con_1=[xnum_1win_1, xnum_2win_1, . . . , xnum_Fwin_1] (19)
condition_library=[con_1,con_2, . . . , con_W] (20)
The size of sliding window and moving step is selected according to specific data sets; The simulation phase includes a debutanizer column process and a real industrial data of MSWI process; For debutanizer column process, the sliding window size is 600; Considering the dataset is accompanied by slow fluctuations, the moving step of sliding window is set to 300; For MSWI process, the size of sliding window is 600; Considering the complex variation and large fluctuation of the process, the moving step of sliding window is set to 100;
Step 2: Construction of the LSTM-based sub-network;
Aiming each sub-task, LSTM neural network is explored driven by the corresponding key variables; LSTM cell comprises input, forget, output and cell state gate, and each gate is calculated as follows:
Forget gate:
t=σ(Wf·[ht-1, xt]+bf) (21)
Input gate:
t=σ(Wi·[ht-1, xt]+bt) (22)
Cell state gate:
{tilde over (C)}
t=tan h(Wc·[ht-1, xt]+bc) (23)
⊗{tilde over (C)}
t (24)
Output gate:
t=σ(Wo[ht-1, xt]+bo) (25)
Using Eqs. (21)-(25), the final output of LSTM is
t⊗tan h(Ct) (26)
Forget gate:
, x
f (29)
Input gate:
, x
i (30)
Cell state gate:
, x
c (31)
Output gate:
, x
o (32)
Step 3: Cooperation decision strategy;
During testing stage, the similarity between the i-th testing sample and training samples is measured by Euclidean distance:
test=dist(xgtest, xjtrain), (j=1, 2, . . . , N) (33)
dist(xgtest, xjtrain)=√{square root over (∥xgtest_1−xjtrain_1∥2+ . . . +∥xgtest_m−xjtrain_m∥2)} (34)
, d
, . . . , d
test] (35)
Finally, a decision operation strategy is adopted to generate the prediction outputs of MNN during testing phase;
Step 4: DMNN-based prediction model for NOx emission;
The NOx emission prediction model for MSWI process based on DMNN mainly includes four parts: data preprocessing, PCA-based dynamic task decomposition, construction of sub-network and cooperation decision strategy; As shown in
In MSWI process, the sensors usually operate in a high temperature and dust environment, which bring the noise to original data; To reduce the effect of the noise on data analysis, Rajda is used to smooth the original data, as shown in Eq. (37);
|xori−μori|≥3σori (37)
Z-score method is used to perform standardization on the dataset, which is calculated as Eq. (38);
The proposed DMNN-based NOx emission prediction framework for MSWI process (as shown in
While the invention has been particularly shown and described as referenced to the embodiments thereof, those skilled in the art will understand that the foregoing and other changes in form and detail may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
202210994681.2 | Aug 2022 | CN | national |