"A Locomotion Control System for Mobile Robots" by Jun'ichi Iijima, Yutaka Kanayama and Shin'ichi Yuta--Tokyo, Japan. No date. |
"A Navigation Algorithm for an Intelligent Vehicle with a Laser Rangefinder" by J.L. Olivier and F. Ozguner; Ohio State University. No date. |
"A Pilot for a Robotic Vehicle System" by John Nitao and Alexandre Parodi; FMC Corporation, Santa Clara, CA. No date. |
"A Real-Time Reflexive Pilot for an Autonomous Land Vehicle" by John Nitao and Alexandre Parodi (IEEE Control Systems Magazine) 1986. |
"A Vehicle Control Architecture--Smooth Driver" by Yutaka Kanayama, David Kriegman, Soon Yau Kong, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA. No date. |
"Automatic Construction of a Cubic B-Spline Representation for a General Curve" by O. Lozover and K. Preiss--Israel. 1982. |
"Continuous Steering-Function Control of Robot Carts" by Winston Nelson; AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ. No date. |
"Generic Models for Robot Navigation" David Kriegman, Thomas Binford; Robotics Laboratory, Stanford, CA. 1988. |
"Kinetmatics and Open-Loop Control of an Ilonator-Based Mobile Platform" by David Daniel/Bruce Krogh/Mark Friedman, 1985 IEEE. |
"Local Path Control for an Autonomous Vehicle" by Winston Nelson/Ingemar Cox; AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ. 1988. |
"Model Based Geometric Reasoning for Autonomous Road Following" by Central Engrg. Lab; Santa Clara, CA. 1987. |
"Motion Planning for an Autonomous Vehicle" by Gordon Wilfong; AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ. 1988. |
"Pilot Level of a Hierarchical Controller for an Unmanned Mobile Robot" by Can Isik and Alexander Meystel (IEEE Journal of Robotics & Automa.) 1988. |
"Robotics and Automation" (1988 IEEE International Conference) Apr. 24-29, 1988. |
"Smooth Local Path-Planning for Autonomous Vehicles" by Yutaka Kanayama/Bruce Hartman, Center for Robotic Syst, Santa Barbara, CA. 1988. |
"Solving the Find-Path Problem by Good Representation of Free Space" by Rodney Brooks--1983 IEEE. |
"Some Inverse Solutions to an Automobile Path Tracking Problem with Input Control of Steering & Brakes" H. Hatwal and E.C. Mikulcik. 1986. |
"Tele-Autonomous Systems: Methods & Architectures for Intermingling Autonomous and Telerobotic Technology" by Conway/Volz/Walker. No date. |
"The CMU System for Mobile Robot Navigation" by Yoshimasa Goto/Anthony Stentz; The Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. 1987. |
"Trajectory Generation for Mobile Robots" by Yutaka Kanayama/Norihasa Miyake, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA. 1985. |