1. Field of the Invention
The present invention generally relates to business architecture, and in particular to systems and methods for organizing a business to adapt quickly to changing conditions.
2. Background Description
In describing the shortfalls in current approaches to business architecture an analogy to building architecture may be used. Buildings are tangible items with distinct physical properties whereas a commercial business is a more complicated entity, combining many tangible elements such as offices, factories and equipment with intangible elements such as product designs, market knowledge and customer goodwill. Even so much can be inferred about the nature of business architecture by comparing it to the well established ‘art and science’ of buildings.
The following table compares some aspects of building architecture with their business architecture equivalent:
Some rows in the table include building architecture content that can be easily related to well established and equivalent approaches that would fit a corresponding business architecture. For example the building architect's “vision” maps to a commercial enterprise's business model, “requirements” define the supporting business strategy and plans. Similarly “rules” and “specifications” can be related to various commercial standards and guidelines that regulators, trade associations and markets in general might impose. The key row in the table to compare in more detail is the use of different types of “blueprints” or model representations.
The role of a model is both to simplify the representation and then highlight or accentuate some specific aspect of its subject. For example in building architecture a wiring diagram would typically include a very simple schematic of the room layout but would then add extensive detail relating to the specification and routing of the electric wiring and electronic components.
In order to fully define some entity represented by an architecture such as a building a wide range of different models are used. To determine what models might be needed one could list all the parties that would be involved in the ‘art and science of designing and making a building’ and then select model views that would help define their associated facet of the architecture. Easy to identify are the model views that might be needed by the builders, glaziers, plumbers, electricians, decorators, and furnishers.
Then there are the less obvious perspectives of the building owners and inhabitants—buildings and their architectures are more than the physical elements, they are built with a use in mind—a room might be intended as a dining room or a lecture hall, a building might be a police station or a shopping center. Model views of ‘uses’ are harder to visualize but, with respect to a building, designs specifying a type of room and/or simple descriptions usually suffice. This association between a room and its intended use is essential to complete the overall building architecture as the finer details of the construction will be defined by the intended uses made of different rooms.
As a wiring blueprint can overlay the routing of the wiring and positioning of electronic components within the rooms of a building design, an information technology (IT) overlay can be developed showing the information flows and processing within the business components of a business design. IT solution design is one aspect of business design in the same way that electrical wiring is one specialist aspect of building design. IT design for business is clearly more complex than its electrical wiring counterpart as it deals with information rather than the simple commodity of electric power.
The example of the architecture of a building and the role of a wiring blueprint within that architecture is used to highlight the important design decision that determines what aspects of the interactions between components (and internal component operation) are suited to an IT based solution and what best remains an aspect of person to person communications. The prior art approach to this design decision is to focus on the automation role of IT, and apply automation IT to the internal execution of a business building block, and also to the collaborative functions of certain building blocks (e.g. production in manufacturing) where the interactions with other building blocks are structured and sequential or involve structured data. With respect to building blocks in the business control domain, where message traffic is conversational and the nature of interactions with other building blocks is largely asynchronous, the prior art design choice leaves the solution of business control problems to person to person communication.
Business architecture needs to include model views to address considerations analogous to the different blueprints in a building architecture for electrical wiring, plumbing, heating and the like; however, this is where existing approaches fall short. Though there is no shortage of different model representations of commercial business there are major problems associated with combining these model views into an integrated design that compares to building architecture:
Few models for intangible ingredients—unlike building design where the constituent ingredients are mostly tangible items, a significant proportion of business design involves intangible ingredients such as reputation, knowledge, and customer relations for which effective and practical model representations are scarce.
Usage is often only informally linked to ingredients—the fairly simple association of usage with a room in building architecture is not so easily handled in commercial activity. Usage views or process models are probably the dominant type of model used in business design. But the definition of the links between the steps in a process and the underlying commercial assets/ingredients that are employed are not always formal nor are they comprehensive, particularly with respect to intangible assets.
Model inconsistency—in a building architecture most model views are easily related to the general room layout of the building and hence to each other. There is no equivalent ‘layout’ of commercial business to help align models to an integrated business architecture.
Furthermore, the inconsistency of models currently being applied to business architecture conceals a more fundamental problem. While businesses grow and change, it is disruptive to the business when changes demanded by the market place make too many of its architectural models obsolete. Business requires a certain level of stability in its models; business cannot operate efficiently in the market place if too large a portion of the systems developed from these models have to be replaced when the business adapts to changed market conditions.
Given these shortfalls in prior art approaches to business architecture it is not surprising that the ‘big picture’ view and easy navigation between various specialist perspectives supported in the conventional architecture of physical buildings is not readily available to the architecture of a business. As a result, business design often ends up as a disparate collection of models, each attuned to a specific feature but without any assurance that a change in market conditions will not make many of them obsolete and without a coordinating framework to bring them together into an integrated whole that has reasonable prospects for enough stability over time that the business can concentrate its resources on serving the market place profitably, without draining resources into renewing computer supported business models that have become obsolete.
Developing approaches to business designs that yield computer support structures that are more resilient in response to changes in market conditions and more adaptable to changes in the structure of the commercial ecosystem continues to be an elusive goal. There is a need for improved methodologies in this area.
An aspect of the invention is a method for constructing a business architecture within a commercial ecosystem blueprint. A component business model (CBM) map of a commercial ecosystem is established. The map specifies a finite number of non-overlapping components that are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive with respect to the commercial ecosystem. Each component defines an asset type and an associated mechanism for commercializing the asset type. Since there are a finite number of generic asset types and a finite number of associated commercialization mechanisms, there are a finite number of components on the map, which provides a blueprint for commerce within the commercial ecosystem.
Similarly, a CBM map is constructed of a business operating within the commercial ecosystem. This map is necessarily a subset of the commercial ecosystem blueprint, since the non-overlapping components on the blueprint provide a collectively exhaustive coverage of the commercial ecosystem. Then the subset map is mapped onto the blueprint, thereby identifying a role of the business for operating within the commercial ecosystem. This mapping makes available the full resources of the CBM map (and its supporting databases keyed to the managing concepts, accountability levels and other categories used to arrange components on the map) for use in enabling a user to analyze the business and devise strategies for enhancing the role of the business within the ecosystem.
A similar mapping can be made of any other organization operating within the commercial ecosystem, so that the blueprint can be used as a common point of reference to compare mappings and assess opportunities to collaborate with these other organization within the commercial ecosystem. The assessment may include identifying capabilities that the business is able to perform in a superior fashion, as well as capabilities that are better outsourced to another organization.
In another aspect of the invention the blueprint can be used to assist the business in migrating its existing business architecture—which may be heavily oriented to process analysis and supporting investments in process automation—toward the more flexible, stable and adaptable asset based business architecture reflected in the blueprint. For example, the blueprint can be used to transition from a manufacturing centric business design to a service centered business design. This can be done incrementally, in connection with particular business designs responding to particular needs for business solutions. Each increment may therefore encompass assets and commercialization mechanisms defined by a particular set of components on the blueprint. Building on these incremental developments, the blueprint can be use to migrate business designs toward business control structures generic to the blueprint, thereby enabling the business to configure these generic control structures to provide services across market segments, thereby expanding the scope of the commercial ecosystem.
As a further aspect of this approach, the blueprint can be used to develop a capability for rapid assembly of a business system in response to a business opportunity. The rapid assembly capability presumes that at least those components of the business needed for the assembly have been aligned to the blueprint, in terms of having generic and configurable control structures for commercializing the generic asset types, where each component is suitably supported—at the logical level (not necessarily the physical level) at which the CBM map is structured—by an information technology system aligned to the particular component. Then the business system is assembled as a collaborative network of the necessary components by configuring each of the assembled components, and also configuring the supporting information technology system that is aligned with each component. Typically, the collaboration necessary to operate the network effectively is not feasible without the information technology that is provided as a support structure to each component on the network.
But with this support the business system embodied by the collaborative network may include one or more components whose services are performed by another organization, which is able to insert its own implementation of the component and configure both the control structure and the information technology associated with the component to suit the requirements of the business system. This degree of flexibility is made possible by the existence of a blueprint that is common to the commercial ecosystem. This commonality is not the result of conformity by the various ecosystem participants to an agreed standard, but rather because different ecosystem participants seeking the relative stability and flexibility of an asset based business architecture having components decomposed to a threshold level (as identified in a related patent application) will independently arrive at essentially the same blueprint. In consequence, a further aspect of the invention provides that other organizations may participate in the business system embodied by the collaborative network, as determined by global sourcing and supply-line optimization.
Yet another aspect of the invention is the provision of information technology support for the operation of the invention itself, by providing a display of the ecosystem CBM map and associated capabilities for overlaying upon the blueprint mappings particular to participants in the ecosystem and for analyzing the relative strengths and weaknesses of the business with respect to each component in a business system developed by the business. The display conventions provided by the CBM map and its overlays provide a convenient interface for facilitating an interactive approach to tapping a global ecosystem for sourcing performance of the components arranged in a collaborate network to implement the business system.
The nature of the present invention is to use elemental business control structures, as defined hereafter, to model and align solutions to more flexible patterns of behavior. This allows the business designer to define the context and participants in business activity, as opposed to defining a prescribed sequence of steps in a process that might be automated.
The present invention uses a business design technique that isolates business components that both map to the building blocks of an asynchronous, collaborative operating model as well as establishing a unifying concept that can provide the foundation for business architecture. But there is a further implication of this design approach that has far reaching implications for the nature of solutions that are developed conforming to these designs with respect to operational re-use.
The design technique employed by the present invention is asset based rather than process based. It derives commercialization mechanisms and associated control structures needed to exploit/leverage different types of commercial assets. For the specification of the control mechanisms it distinguishes between the purpose or role which is relatively constant over time and its particular implementation that does evolve as new practices are discovered or invented.
Asset types are not specific to any one industry. Items such as staff, buildings, equipment, knowledge, customer relationships occur in many if not all industries. Similarly, the commercialization mechanisms associated with the use of an asset type are themselves fairly generic. For example, for asset type ‘customer relationship’ and the associated commercialization mechanism ‘account for payments/receipts’ is a general requirement.
Industry specific requirements (and other reasons for specialization such as geopolitical, scale or sophistication) are related to specific features of the implementation of the commercialization mechanism rather than its purpose or role. Business designs are typically preceded by an analysis that decomposes the business, beginning with the highest conceptual level that defines the purpose of the enterprise and continuing down to a detailed implementation level.
As a consequence of the relative stability of commercialization mechanisms tied to purpose or role, and the generic nature of commercialization mechanisms associated with use of an asset type, it is observed that a decomposition of the business into components characterized by such commercialization mechanisms produces components that tend to be reusable across an industry. This commonality turns out to be enabling for a more dynamic adaptability to changing needs of the industry as a whole. An individual business within the industry is able to focus its competitive strength where it will, whether in a niche or more broadly, and is assisted in these adaptations by being able to rely upon other participants in the industry whose component structures are drawn from a common industry template or blueprint of reusable components. In this sense, because of the improved ability to respond dynamically to changed market conditions, in a manner comparable to the way the film industry responds to a new project, the style of business system decomposition characterizing the present invention may be called “dynamic decomposition.”
The foregoing and other objects, aspects and advantages will be better understood from the following detailed description of a preferred embodiment of the invention with reference to the drawings, in which:
The inventor of the present invention also invented the co-pending invention described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/176,371 for “SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ALIGNMENT OF AN ENTERPRISE TO A COMPONENT BUSINESS MODEL” (hereinafter termed “the above referenced foundation patent application”), whose disclosure is hereby incorporated by reference as foundational for the present invention in content and terminology.
Currently, most businesses and enterprises function on the basis of pre-set processes, which they are under pressure to optimize. A well known way to optimize process is the Six Sigma approach. However, this approach is still inherently dependent on a business using process as the key element of aggregating and disaggregating its divisions, elements, and component parts, making each one more efficient, and then “restacking” or reassembling the process, sometimes with shortcuts in place, or with elements done in cheaper locations (offshoring).
The infrastructure of a business—mainly its information technology (IT) systems and applications—needs to support the processes. Due to the dynamic nature of a process, however, it is inherently difficult to optimize and stay optimized, as one is expecting to use and reuse the same elements or ingredients in the way set out by the process.
Consider the following illustrative example. A group of banking subject matter experts are assembled to launch a new product. These experts would include specialists in product design, operations, training and others whose expertise would be helpful in launching a new product. Their solution—if viewed from the prior art “process” perspective—would be the agenda or discussion flow used to arrive at their solution. That agenda and discussion flow signifies the process. The ingredients or elements used to solve the problem, however, are the capabilities of people assembled to launch the new product.
Now suppose that a different problem arises. A competitor in the banking business has cut prices for certain products in half. Another team is assembled to develop a response, and the team may include some, but not all, of those who participated in the new product launch, as well as additional participants who did not participate in the new product launch. Two points should be made. First, the process used for the new product launch—the agenda or discussion flow—is of little use. Second, however, those whose capabilities were part of both solutions were effectively “reused”.
In a similar way the components—the elemental design elements—of the asset based business architecture according to the present invention may be reused by the straightforward steps of assembling appropriate components and configuring them to suit the problem being addressed. If the agenda and discussion script applicable to the product launch problem is followed for the competitive pricing response problem, there is an obvious lack of fit. Indeed, this lack of fit is so obvious that the more likely solution is a completely different agenda and discussion flow. In a process oriented approach, the goal of reuse takes the form of concretizing the prior discussion script, which often leads to results that are maladapted and unhelpful.
The prospect of a process that is maladapted for reuse is of particular significance for automated support for such processes. Indeed, as the above example suggests, the inappropriateness of reuse for an automated process may be so obvious that those managing a solution to a new problem see no point in using the automated process, but instead seek development of a new automated process suited to the current problem. Or—as often happens in practice—the managers fall back on quick-and-dirty jerry rigging (e.g. use of a local spreadsheet rather than a database integrated into the business). Typically, there is not time for IT staff to rework software systems developed for a different problem—“concretized” is the proper expression for automated systems developed to support a process oriented approach to business architecture—much less adequate time to develop a new software system.
This is the situation that many businesses and enterprises currently find themselves in, thanks to the dynamic nature of business brought on by the Internet. The nature and immediacy of a new specific request means enterprises are not able under the process oriented prior art to choose and assemble the correct ingredients: they cannot adapt and change their processes—and, in particular, the “concretized” automated support that is often necessary to make the processes work effectively—quickly enough to meet their needs.
This inability to adapt is compounded by the fact that many enterprises have very large legacy IT systems which were a massive investment to purchase, and are often an equally substantial cost to maintain. Salvaging and using these systems purely from a cost perspective has driven the concept of Service Oriented Architecture, or Service Oriented Enterprise to the forefront of business thinking in recent times. Whilst the concept of having the entire enterprise, especially IT systems, working in alignment with business needs—functioning flexibly and freely on an “as and when needed” basis—is understood and desired, the current solutions for reaching this optimized state are nevertheless still hamstrung by a conceptual framework that is tied to a process-based premise.
The present invention uses a business design methodology that stipulates that commercial business activity can be modeled by first identifying a general collection of asset types, some combination of which is brought together to form an enterprise. The combination of asset types ‘owned’ or somehow made available to a business are each then manipulated in one or more generic ways in the execution of business, using structures referred to as ‘commercialization mechanisms’, that is, mechanisms through which an asset is made commercially useful to the enterprise in terms that can be measured financially. Examples of general asset types are employees, production capacity, buildings and facilities, intellectual property. Corresponding examples of commercialization mechanisms are: for employees (contract, assignment, payroll, certification/qualification), for production capacity (production schedules, production configuration), for buildings and facilities (office allocation, facilities allocation schedules, operating schedules, maintenance schedules), for intellectual property (patents, licenses, assignments, deployments). Under this business design methodology computer systems are used to implement instances of one or more of these commercialization mechanisms.
Conventional business design is dominated by process analysis. That is, the focus of analysis is a sequence of activities performed by the business to achieve an outcome of net value. As shown in
As those skilled in the art will appreciate, a business process is in fact performed with the resources available to the enterprise. These processes are often modeled by computers, and supported by computer implemented systems having various interfaces with the other resources used to perform the various processes through which the business operates. The process 100, described in
It is to be noted (as is more fully explained in the above referenced foundation patent application) that asset based components are logical structures and do not necessarily correspond to physical organizational structures of the enterprise. And, as with processes (e.g. 100, 125), the work performed by these components is, in fact, performed by the resources of the enterprise. However, components in this implementation are non-overlapping aggregations of activities defined with reference to assets of the enterprise, the work being represented as services. Each component may be both a user and a provider of services.
Initially, these asset based component structures 132 are linked 133 into wrapped legacy processes 131. As these component “seeds” 132 grow within matrix 130B of business processes they become stabilized components 134, that is, they more fully implement the supporting structures (as hereinafter described) characteristic of the design techniques upon which the present invention is based. Corresponding to this growth phase, related legacy processes are re-purposed to more explicitly account for the component. Thus the connection 135 between the stabilized component 134 and the re-purposed legacy process 136 is more formally integrated into the operation of the business. As this growth continues, more stabilized components 134 are developed, operating together as a service network (represented by links 137). Eventually, this service network of asset based components substantially displaces the matrix of business process structures, as shown in the progression from 130B to 130C. In this scenario, remaining legacy processes 131 continue operation until displaced by the service network of stabilized CBM components.
The design concept employed by the present invention is asset based rather than process based, as indicated above, and has features and aspects that result in solutions that are both highly re-useable (i.e. the same solution can be deployed in different commercial organizations with minimal rework) and that can be adopted incrementally (i.e. the specific capability can work alongside existing facilities and added to over time as might best benefit the commercial business).
The design concept derives in part from properties observed in mature architectural approaches such as building design as are then interpreted in the less mature field of business architecture. “Architecture” in the generic sense may be defined as the art and science of designing and building a solution. One implementation of this generic view of architecture recognizes three layers of design with some key properties to the design representation at each layer, as will now be described with reference to
At a conceptual level, a design defines the external perspective of the entity, stating its purpose and high level properties, without going into any detail of how it might be realized in practice. For building architecture 210 this would be the purpose of the building such as a school, and then any associated properties that might help specify its need/justification/role. How should the building look from an architectural point of view? For Business Architecture (BA) the equivalent 240 is the mission or purpose and market strategy of the organization. How does the business intend to compete?
At a logical level (e.g. 220, 250), a design defines the structure of the entity by combining two perspectives into a consolidated view. The first perspective defines the ‘static’ aspects of the entity, in other terms the ingredients or persistent elements that collectively make up the entity. The second perspective defines the ‘dynamic’ aspects of the entity, in other terms the behaviors that the entity wishes to undertake and/or support. By combining sufficient detail of static and dynamic perspectives, a consolidated logical view of the entity can be developed, that selects and configures sufficient ingredients in combinations/layout as needed to enable the desired behaviors for the entity. This consolidated logical view defines an organizing ‘blueprint’ for the lower level physical design.
For building architecture, the static logical designs 222 refer to concepts such as types of accommodation (a kitchen, a dining room, a meeting room) for which, in terms of static design properties, there may be standard features and/or best practices and guidelines for their specification. These static designs 222 make use of ingredients or elements 213 which are appropriate for the building purposes 212. These static designs 222 are responsive to questions (and corresponding answers or determinations) about the types of accommodations that are required and how they should be configured in this building. The dynamic designs 224 for building architecture relate to intended uses 215 of the building, e.g. entertaining, group discussion, isolated working. These dynamic designs 224 are responsive to questions and corresponding determinations about who will inhabit the building, what they will be doing, and how they will need to move about.
For business architecture the static 252 and dynamic 254 perspectives relate well to the concepts exposed using the design principles upon which the present invention is based. Required elements 243 for a static design 252 would be a combination of an asset type and an associated control mechanism. These elements within the component business model imply a capability or use which is relatively persistent, and therefore the corresponding designs 252 are relatively static. For example, the asset type “employee” in combination with the “assignment” control mechanism implies a specific capability or use, namely, staff being assigned. Assigning employees to tasks is a capability that has been used in the past and will continue to be needed in the future. Thus the capability is persistent and the logical designs 252 that invoke this capability are relatively stable and, therefore, static.
On the other hand, while the capability is persistent and static, an instance of this capability may be invoked in a dynamic pattern, such as staffing up a new project. Furthermore, the precise mechanisms employed to invoke this capability may well evolve as decision making processes become more sophisticated. Moreover—and of particular significance to operation of the present invention—the stability provided by these asset based capabilities enable significant efficiencies in responding to the needs of the business to adapt in a competitive environment.
These adaptations in a competitive environment remain driven by the business purpose 242. As shown in
Thus an important aspect of the design approach upon which the present invention is based is that the intended behaviors 245 are enabled by commercialization mechanisms addressed to the assets 243 which are the ingredients required for the static designs 252. These mechanisms are the means by which the assets 243 required by the business purpose 242 provide commercial value to the enterprise. The output from dynamic logical designs 254 is selection and configuration 255 of static elements 253 (i.e. assets coupled with commercialization mechanisms) needed to support the identified dynamic behavior. Consequently, the logical designs 250 are at the intersection of static and dynamic behavioral analysis.
This results in a business schematic 256 that provides a coherent and specific structure, analogous to the floor plan of a building, around which particular “blueprints” for operating the business may be integrated. An important advantage provided by the invention is that the streamlining or automation of key business processes is more efficiently accomplished by selection and configuration 255 (using dynamic design 254) of relatively persistent contents 253 of the assets and commercialization mechanisms enabled by static design 252.
At the level of physical design (e.g. 230, 260) the implementation of architecture defines various aspects of the logical design. In building architecture these implementations 232 might be the primary structure, the decor, the wiring and plumbing. The floor-plan 226 serves as a consolidating organizing framework 228 for integration of the configuration decisions 225 provided by the dynamic design 224 with content 223 made available through static design 222. The logical design 220 plays a critical role in physical design 230 by defining a representation of the entity that is shared by all implementing physical designs 232. The floor-plan function 226 is operable because as an organizing framework it supports and structures an integration of the content 223 from the static designs 222 with the configuration 225 requirements driven by the dynamic designs 224. The physical designs 232 possess the item design properties determined by the static designs 222, and the building blueprints 232 conform to the design outline determined by the dynamic designs 224. The logical design 220 coordinated through a common floor-plan 226 ensures that the different physical representations refer to a consistent subject and can be implemented in a manner by which they all integrate. This approach maintains referential integrity between the different representations of a single coherent entity. That is, all building blueprints 232 consistently reference the same subject of the design from their different perspectives.
In building architecture the consolidating organizing framework 228 is provided by the floor plan 226, and as long as the different physical designs relate consistently to this consolidated logical blueprint, a coherent physical realization of the entity can be assembled. That is, for example, the wiring and plumbing will line up to the walls and decor of the intended room layout.
In business architecture the equivalent logical organizing framework is provided by the business schematic 256, which is the layout resulting from the arrangement and configuration of the asset types and their commercialization mechanisms. The combination of an asset type and a commercialization mechanism in the business architecture envisioned by the invention, as identified by static logical design 252, is analogous to a “room type” or an “accommodation type” in building architecture. The number and configuration of these ingredient “types” required for a particular business environment is determined as necessary to support the dynamic behaviors identified in the dynamic logical design 254.
It is important to recognize the consequence of this business architecture upon the CBM structure described in the above referenced foundation patent application. As a building might need three bedrooms, a business might need multiple realizations of a particular component. These multiple realizations may be viewed as three dimensions of “cardinality” of a business component. First, a component might repeat between lines of business within the enterprise. Second, a component might repeat between different geo-political environments within which the enterprise operates. Third, a component might vary when realized in different physical environments. For example, a customer interaction component may be implemented as a call center in one physical environment but as a web-site in another physical environment. Further, the customer interaction component may be supported for different products of the business and may be run in different regions of the world.
Thus the layout represented by business schematic 256 is an integration of the content 253 structured by the static designs 252 with configuration requirements 255 driven by the dynamic designs 254. In the design approach which is the premise of the present invention, the foundation for this layout is the component business map of the enterprise. Each component within this map represents a non-overlapping cluster of activities, each cluster corresponding to a logical and not necessarily physical view of the enterprise, so that the components on the map are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive in their coverage of the enterprise. Thus the component provides a distinct locus for the realization of one specific commercialization mechanism applied to one specific asset type. It is this combination of an asset type and a commercialization mechanism within a component that is the logical “atom” of content 253 that is configured 255 into business schematic 256. Thus the components may be viewed as being structured around asset types and the services provided by the component may be understood as being dependent upon the commercialization mechanisms. Furthermore—as an extension of the distinction between the logical character of components and the physical structures of the enterprise—a component may have multiple instances within the physical structures of the enterprise, of the kinds described above, responsive via configuration requirements 255 to an analysis of the desired dynamic behaviors determined in dynamic design 254.
However, it should be emphasized that business schematic 256 represents a well defined mapping to physical structures of the enterprise. The component business map itself represents a distillation of the activities of the enterprise to form a logical mapping from the enterprise. As described in the above referenced foundation patent application, this logical mapping may identify needed changes in the activities of the business (and, consequently, in terms of the present invention, changes in assets and commercialization mechanisms) in order to align the enterprise with the component business model of the enterprise. A significant value of the analysis that distills the activities of the enterprise into a component business map is that it provides a view of the enterprise—a mapping, if you will—that clarifies differences between where the enterprise is targeted to be and where it is, actually, in relation to the targeted service oriented structures.
The premise of the present invention is a further transformation, in the reverse direction, from the component business map back to the physical structures of the enterprise. The physical designs 262 possess the unit design properties 253 determined by the static designs 252. The physical designs 262—“business blueprints” —also embody the configuration decisions 255 determined by the dynamic designs 254. In this way the physical designs 262 reverse the distillation represented by the component business map itself, because these “business blueprints” translate directly into a fully configured and structurally complete enterprise, an enterprise architecture that conforms to business schematic 256. Thus the reverse transformation, in accordance with the conceptual designs 240, logical designs 250 and physical designs 260 which are foundational for the present invention, results in a set of business blueprints 262 that are coordinated through a common business schematic 256. In other words, the business schematic 256 serves as an organizing framework 258 for the business blueprints that map to the physical structures (i.e. assets commercialization mechanisms) through which the activities of the enterprise are conducted. It is the configured business schematic 256 that is analogous to the “floor plan” in a building architecture and through which different implementations or physical designs 262 of the entity—such as its organization charts, its financial plans, and its resource allocations—are coordinated.
As will now be noted with reference to
In the same way a business process approach articulates the dynamic aspect of business behavior but is unable to fully define the context within which the behavior is executed, or more precisely define the capabilities that are involved in its execution. As a consequence there is no business schematic 286 having the relative stability provided by static ingredients 282, and without the business schematic 286 there is no basis for coordinating subordinate business blueprints 292 at the physical level 290.
Turning now to
As a people and project intensive industry, the business ‘building blocks’ of the film industry have been established in practice. Over time, the skill and capability specializations observed in the film industry have come to be accepted. Not only are they the subject of general agreement 331 across the industry, but there have developed expectations of performance of the various specialists that are the subject of shared perspectives and standards of measurement 332. Several further attributes of film industry collaboration should be noted because of their particular relevance to the business design approach which undergirds the present invention. It will be observed that the various specialists in the film industry are able to participate in multiple transactions independently 333. The organization of specialists in a particular film project is established for the life of the project 334, and in that sense the organizational principle of the industry is dynamic. For example, particular directors, actors, producers, studios and financiers may be involved together in one film project and with other corresponding functional specialists on other projects, sometimes at the same time. Particular identified assets may serve on a particular film project in multiple specialist roles, for example, as both actor and director or as both producer and financier. This movement of assets across functional borders 335 also applies to geographic borders, which is of particular interest in the global marketplace within which modern business enterprises operate.
Thus the film industry exemplifies certain key indicators 330 of industry segment transformation. The example presented by the film industry is not readily extended to more complex and larger scale business organizations, for reasons which are evident. The scale of a particular film project and the control structures necessary for effective collaboration of the partitioned specialties is small enough to be managed by personal chemistry and discussions carried on in person or by the now ubiquitous telephone and electronic mail, not requiring complex information systems support. To be workable and replicable across a wide range of far more complex business activities, the collaborative model of the film industry requires a series of novel extensions, including those of the present invention.
Yet the simplified film industry model is instructive for its coherence and stability, a coherence and stability often lacking in prior art approaches to business architecture, but present in the business design approach which forms the context of the present invention. The defined role of a participant in the film industry is similar in concept to a commercialization mechanism applied to a specific asset type. The dynamic collaboration that is apparent in the way the participants in the film industry work together is similar to the collaborations between components defined in a CBM map. The components implement the different commercialization mechanisms that manage the commercial assets of the enterprise, and the collaboration between components sets up a dynamic commercial equilibrium comparable to the observed stabilization of participant roles in the film industry. Whereas the coherence and stability of the film industry example have evolved over time, the coherence and stability provided by the business design approach forming the context of the present invention follows from the effort put into the distillation of an enterprise into non-overlapping asset based components. It turns out that the resulting CBM design structure for logical organization of the enterprise contains components that are reusable within and even across industries. Consequently, alignment of a commercial business and its supporting systems with a CBM model enables the aligned business to use solution approaches that have been developed in other businesses similarly aligned. A physical realization of a logical component might be easily integrated into many different organizations, facilitated by the fact that the role/boundary of the component is consistently interpreted across the different organizations.
Prior art approaches have understandably been developed to deal with business organizations as these organizations have structured themselves through practice. But whereas practice considerations led to asset based collaborative forms in the film industry, more complex commercial activities evolved in a different direction, focusing on core manufacturing facilities and the economies that come from volume production. Business control systems have, in consequence of this focus, followed a similar model. Transition to a different focus, embodied in the business design approach upon which the present invention is based, may therefore be viewed as a difference in emphasis, as will now be explained with reference to
The premise of the present invention is a reverse emphasis. The first step in reversing the emphasis is to align the business to a component business model (CBM) of the enterprise, as described in the above referenced foundation patent application. In a map 330 of components for an enterprise aligned in this manner, components are grouped under non-overlapping business competencies 332 (e.g. business and resource administration, new business development, customer management, etc.) and arranged by management level 334, that is, direct components (i.e. components that serve to define policy, plans, goals, organization and budgets, and assess overall performance of the business), control components (i.e. components involved with allocating tasks and resources, authorizing execution, applying policy, interpreting goals, and overseeing and troubleshooting performance), and execute components (i.e. components for administering, maintaining and operating the business).
In a CBM alignment, the components may be viewed as interacting via a service collaboration network 336. It should be noted that the CBM alignment may proceed incrementally, as described in connection with
The advantages of a design approach that begins with alignment of the enterprise with a component business model and its corresponding service collaboration networks include better use of production functionalities in pursuit of improved business control. As shown in
The full scope of a service center component design is shown schematically in
Component 360 is part of service network 370, of which component 371 is an exemplar for the purpose of showing collaborative interaction 367 between component 360 and other components (e.g. 371) in the network 370. Insights are passed and responses initiated through collaborative interaction 367. In addition, asset movements 366 accounts for physical asset movement and the coordination of access entitlement to and from the component 360.
It is worth noting that this approach provides the context for making the decision as to what aspects of the business interaction between components are suited to machine/machine interaction, what aspects are better done with a user interface on one side of the interaction, and what aspects are best done outside the technology. The level of mechanization can often have a large impact on business behavior. Consider, for example, how the music industry changed when music became available as machine data over the Internet rather than on the physical media of a record or compact disc. To take just one component affected by such a change, assume a “Product Fulfillment” component had been responsible for tracking status of delivery of an order placed by a customer.
In the early days of the music business, for a small distributor, such a component might have been staffed 361 by one person keeping a simple log 362 of orders with columns for noting the date of the order, the date the order was delivered to shipping, and the date the order was shipped. The first log entry might have depended upon a communication 367 from a sales person identifying the customer and product, and the second log entry might have reflected a communication 367 to a shipping clerk, who would report 367 back when the shipment was mailed 366. It is possible that a single document—an order tracking form—might have been developed to serve as the vehicle for these communications and the source of information for the log, thus providing a better audit trail for the transaction.
Technology based automation 365 might then have been applied, first to automate 363 entries 362 in the log book by the allocated staff 361, and then to structure 368 the collaborative communications with the salesman and the shipping clerk. This might begin with automated assistance for generating and controlling order numbers on the sales side and tracking numbers on the shipping side, and evolve toward automating the order tracking form and either replacing the allocated staff 361 with a computer implemented agent, or perhaps using allocated staff 361 for a quality control function 362 over operation of the now automated procedures 362 for handling the log and the order tracking form.
If distribution of music media shifts from physical records and compact discs to Internet downloading, the salesman and the shipping clerk may be replaced (or supplemented during a transition period) by a web access interface, but the “Order Fulfillment” component might continue with its computer implemented agent, which would now collaborate 367 with the web access program (or a database serviced by the web access program) to collect order fulfillment information to be monitored for quality control purposes, which might be expanded by allocated staff 361 to include a variety of metrics associated with order fulfillment.
Thus the business design approach underlying the present invention provides flexibility in focusing attention on what the enterprise needs to do well to accomplish its mission. This flexibility holds promise for improvements in the commercial ecosystem as outlined in
The asset based component business model (CBM) design approach redirects a process orientation to components whose assets are commercialized as services. The service centered business designs 415 that flow from this approach provide a basis for traditional manufacturing ‘monoliths’ to focus on their competitive strengths and divest themselves of functions in which they are less competitive than alternatives that are available through alliances. These alliances provide access to both commodity and best practice capabilities, based upon a certain commonality of components within an industry that facilitates in-sourcing and out-sourcing flexibility. Collaborative linkages between components remain operable whether linked components are in-sourced or out-sourced. This “plug and play” aspect is a consequence of the asset based design that is the premise of the present invention. The driver, enabled by componentization of assets, is to improve performance but without changing the ‘footprint’ of the business within its market or without changing the boundary of the market segment.
Initially, therefore, this is likely to result in a segment ecosystem 420, where a service center organization enables best practice leverage across manufacturing pipelines within the market segment and along the full supply line. The bases of competition 460 now include a value network presence as well as product features. IT's supporting role 470 expands from process automation to include structured collaboration within the segment's value network. As organizations both specialize in their areas of strength and divest of their non-competitive capabilities this leverage is likely to be contained initially within established market segments. But in time this market segmentation will be eroded as ways are found to support common requirements across segment boundaries through use of standard business control structures 425. Commercial asset types and control mechanisms are similar if not the same regardless of industry, so it is inevitable that as specialists focus on providing services associated with selected components they will discover that they can offer their services beyond the established industry relationships.
The development of solution arbitrage across market segments 430 reflects standard service center specifications, enabling best practices in one segment to be used effectively in another segment. The bases of competition 460 include a cross segment presence and service features provided by specialists. Generic service centers are developed by organizations that offer commercial services that can be configured for many different market segments. These service centered offerings will cross pollinate approaches across segments leveraging or ‘arbitraging’ best practices and scarce resources. This practice erodes the product, geopolitical and organizational scale boundaries that have traditionally defined market segments. Some examples of specialized cross market segment capabilities already exist such as market research, customer behavior modeling, consumer credit rating and many more utility type business functions in staff and facilities administration and finance.
In most industries today cross segment capabilities represent the exception with the significant majority of business activity being tuned to the nature of the underlying product. An implication of the componentization of business and the disassembly of the production line is that such product specific features become more narrowly concentrated within the core manufacturing area and more generic capabilities can be used to support the significant remainder of business activity, first within the ecosystem segment 420 and then across segments 430.
Operational improvements in the ability to leverage best practice service centers across segments can be expected to support a rapid business assembly capability 435, resulting in more dynamic alliances and the development of transactional organizations 440. As the coverage of more general business service centers expands, service standards, operational approaches and system solutions will streamline the process of establishing inter-organizational links. Improved business control approaches will support the rapid setup of organizations to target opportunities. This will support highly dynamic commercial alliances that might exist for the duration of a single major transaction or market opportunity. In this environment the bases of competition 460 include a presence in the broader ecosystem and the development of innovative business models for leveraging dispersed assets to meet market place targets of opportunity. The supporting role of IT 470 includes the administration of this ecosystem.
As commerce acquires the operational stealth to assemble ‘transactional alliances’ 440, the key determinants of success become access to critical manufacturing assets such as raw materials and intellectual property and the subsequent ability to deliver both virtual and physical product through appropriately configured supply channels. This developed ability to engineer the exchange and distribution of assets on a global basis 445 is the foundation of an ecosystem 450 focused on global sourcing and supply-line optimization for a localized supply. Access and distribution of commercial assets is managed globally. The bases of competition now include access to these assets and supply-lines. The supporting role of IT 470 includes the exchange and distribution of these assets.
As service organizations develop more and more capabilities that can be offered and deployed across multiple segments the possible reach of the business ecosystem grows. This expansion will cross not only product boundaries but also geopolitical borders, in a globalization process that is well documented. It is less obvious how the same factors that are removing the manufacturing pipeline constraints noted above are making it increasingly easy for small and mid size firms to play alongside the large multi-national players. The removal of product, geopolitical and organizational scale boundaries that is expanding the market ecosystem is counterbalanced by factors that constrain the practical growth of any one organization within the ecosystem. These include the need to focus on narrow areas of specialization to be competitive and the need to adjust to limitations in the number and complexity of connections that can be managed effectively. While the improvements provided by the present invention enable business designs with supporting IT able to manage a connection complexity well beyond that of the film industry described using
Once business has embraced the specialized service model and started to align to a component business model, subsequent barriers to change can fall more easily. This is because subsequent steps do not require the resolution of complex technical problems but are driven more by considerations such as organizational re-structuring and market adoption that can as much trigger as impede change.
To summarize the factors driving the changes reflected in
business and market componentization—the progressive migration to organizational structures that are an assembly of specialized and optimized business ‘building blocks’;
cross segment solutions—the evolution of service organizations offering building block solutions that can be configured to support multiple market segments; and
support for more dynamic alliances—improvements in operational and technology approaches that support the more dynamic and responsive assembly and dissolution of organizational alliances within the growing market ecosystem
The evolution of commerce through the five stages shown in
As long as the transformation remains between established players in a segment it's a fair race. As the markets and available solutions mature towards later stages however, opportunities open up for new entrants to enter the fray. These will have the distinct advantage of not carrying the legacy inertia in their systems and workforce as they organize to meet market demand.
In the stage 420, characterized by the formation of ecosystems aligned to respective market segments, commercial assets 422 are concentrated at specialist centers within a segment. The design feature 427, which enables transition to the stage 430 that leverages solutions across segments, is the standard control structure. As general asset types and commercialization mechanisms are defined, a standard collection of generic control structures can be specified. These generic control structures can be deployed across industries.
This aspect of control structures has implications for the nature of solutions that are developed conforming to an asset based design approach. For the specification of the control mechanisms the asset based design approach distinguishes between the purpose or role, which does not vary particularly, and its particular implementation that does evolve as new practices are discovered or invented. Asset types are not specific to any one industry. Items such as staff, buildings, equipment, knowledge, customer relationships occur in many if not all industries. Similarly and consequentially, the commercialization mechanisms associated with the use of a generic asset type are themselves fairly generic. For example, for the asset type ‘customer relationship’, the associated commercialization mechanism ‘account for payments/receipts’ is a general requirement.
Industry specific requirements (and other reasons for specialization such as geopolitical, scale or sophistication) are related to specific features of the implementation of the commercialization mechanism rather than its purpose or role. Since purpose or role of an asset type is generic, it therefore follows that the control structures and their generic implementation features are transferable between industries. In addition, of course, it is possible that even the non-generic implementation features developed in one industry may be harvested for redeployment in other industries as a new differentiating feature. This would be an added benefit, but seeking these benefits should not obscure the basic reusability across industries of the generic implementation features of control structures aligned to the purpose or role of an asset type.
In the cross segment services stage 430 selected assets 432 are leveraged across industry segments. The transition to organizations built around particular transactions 440 is facilitated by consistently aligning 437 service oriented architecture solutions to asset based business designs. The feasibility of this approach has been demonstrated for a meaningful sample of business component designs, and over time this will support the rapid assembly and disassembly of alliances in the commercial ecosystem 435. In these transactional alliances commercial assets 442 are leveraged by being able to be applied to a transaction through an opportunity aligned organization. Finally, as support for the transactional organization 440 is established, the primary basis for competition becomes access to, and effective distribution of, critical commercial assets. This competitive environment can be expected to generate global asset exchange mechanisms 447, which transition to a global sourcing and supply-line optimization regime 452 where commercial activity is aligned to global supply and demand.
The role of information technology, in the above described developments toward componentization of the business enterprise, is challenging. The most straightforward application of information technology is automated support for repeatable production processes, as described for the manufacturing centric stage 410. This appears to suggest that large size and economies of scale are likely attributes of an enterprise optimally supported by IT. However, a contrary conclusion is suggested by evidence of the use of asset based designs in stages II, III and IV. This evidence, accumulated in the financial services industry, suggests that small and mid sized businesses are less constrained by their computer systems than the larger firms. The causes have been traced to the much smaller system portfolios and the corresponding reduction in the number of business connections needed to manage the business. It can be shown that as a business grows linearly the number of business connections grows to the power of two.
Thus the early experience with service centered operational design has revealed two implications for the future direction of asset based business designs that appear to address the problem of scale complexity, at least in part:
Specialization Reduces the Number of Necessary Business Connections.
As organizations focus on those areas of competitive strength and divest of other areas, though their capacity to handle business volume can increase, the range of activities they need to coordinate is reduced.
Interactions are Simplified.
An interesting and less obvious effect of operational specialization is that the ‘traffic’ making up the business connections is simplified. In a traditional process model all parties involved in any stage of execution need to have expertise relating to whatever the kind of item the process operates on (for example, the set-up, maintenance and eventual closing out of customer agreements). Much of the traffic between stages involves passing transactional detail between parties as they coordinate to process items. In the specialist service center model, this expertise is encapsulated in each single center that is responsible for its type of item for the full life-cycle (e.g. a full life-cycle customer agreement specialist). The traffic between service centers contains less transactional data being more about operational coordination between specialists.
The design approach of a business architecture using an asset oriented design is shown schematically in
Next in the hierarchy are the components themselves 516, each of which is a locus of identified assets and commercialization mechanisms. Components are more fully described above and in the foundation patent application. The actions and business services 518 performed by the components 516 form another stage in the decomposition. This level 518 of the design approach covers the functional features of each service provided by the component, the instances and life cycle of the service, as well as administrative, support and transactional aspects. Finally, at the physical level 520, an implementation design 522 translates component activities so as to identify the channels, protocols and content associated with the services, together with notations regarding the industry involved, the maturity of service solution provided, and its scale and complexity.
It should be emphasized that the functionality of the asset based component design approach underlying the present invention depends upon a realistic and objective view of business assets. This view typically identifies assets that may be denominated “intangible” as well as “tangible” in conventional parlance, but these distinctions are misleading because component structures are a representational convention ultimately derived from and connected to the physical structures of the business: its people and its other material resources, its products and services in the marketplace, and its customers. In order to usefully and effectively describe the activities which need to be undertaken by the business it is essential to identify within the component structure asset views—such as the “intangible” asset of “customer relationship”—that best facilitate the development of control structures that commercialize the asset.
This service network will be arranged to show the operational connections between the components, in the manner described for a simpler network 540 shown in
The flexible enhancement example illustrated in
It should be emphasized that these structural disciplines, including the commercialization mechanisms and control structures, are an important and enabling aspect of the asset based model and design principles upon which the present invention is based. These disciplines are in contrast to the film industry example described above in connection with
Creation of this perspective of a business yields two key insights—first the role and underlying designs/properties of individual CBM components (in terms of process, people and technology) can be examined to assess the fit of what is in place and/or determine what more is needed. Second, component collaborations can be analyzed as a ‘value network’ in the execution of business transactions. Business transactions are realized by combinations of the CBM components collaborating with each other through service based interactions.
Dynamic decomposition, although based on the above referenced foundation patent application, involves a series of novel approaches in business design. Instead of componentizing the business and then re-assembling activities and process elements into a process—often a linear process—which has dependencies along its “route”, dynamic decomposition defines specific service boundaries, decoupled from the process to allow for optimal mapping. By defining a service center along boundaries that will allow for a cradle to grave lifecycle instance of that service, the service center will function to deliver the specified service and only that specified service until it is complete. The service center will then pass the completed “service” on to another service center to satisfy a subsequent need or to a subset of a process which has asked for or invoked its service.
Decomposing an enterprise dynamically into service center elements allows a business to reassemble these same service center elements dynamically: as and when needed. The “joints” of the business along which the decomposition takes place are such that the dynamism is at the joints (thus the term “dynamic decomposition”), and within the elements themselves there is no need to rework process, IT legacy systems, management system, etc. This results in significant leaps in agility for the business, and opportunity to grow through uncovering new combinations of products and markets—all at a profound cost saving. By structuring the business as a composition of “dynamically decomposed” components of commercialization mechanisms for associated asset types, the Gordian knot of unwieldy entanglements of processes can be cut. Usefully, this methodology enhances a competitive structure for the entire industry. It is more complex than the film industry model, but the commonality of the components in the industry blueprint fosters competition at the component level. This is all because the “joints”—like the facets of a fine diamond—have been expertly cut by a decomposition that yields relatively stable components that are therefore able to be recombined more dynamically in response to change.
The evolution of commerce through the five stages set out above in connection with
As long as the transformation remains between established players in a segment it's a fair race. As the markets and available solutions mature towards later stages, however, opportunities open up for new entrants to enter the fray. These will have the distinct advantage of not carrying the legacy inertia in their systems and workforce as they organize to meet market demand.
The ability of using dynamic decomposition design to specify a finite number of asset types with associated commercialization mechanisms, which themselves can be supported by computer systems that are designed to support a flexible building block approach to creating business control structures (i.e. by selecting appropriate components, configuring their commercialization mechanisms as desired, and then assembling the selected and configured components into a collaborative structure) supports a new business deployment model.
The example of the film industry shows how, when a commonly adopted industry blueprint defines discrete roles for participants in that business, flexible business models can evolve in the way commercial activity is supported. The nature of the film industry is such that these roles and the nature of the interactions between them are readily supported by associating individuals with particular specializations to each role and supporting their interactions using mechanisms that employ well established communication technologies and approaches such as telephones, document exchange and meetings.
Other industries when modeled using a CBM based design can also be defined in terms of a standard blueprint where elements of behavior, not unlike roles in the film industry, correspond to discrete capabilities. In the case of design based on “dynamic decomposition” these elements are particular commercialization mechanisms applied to types of commercial assets. It is the nature of the operation and interaction of these business control elements that they are too complex to rely on the skills of individuals using simple communications techniques. Instead, these business control elements involve execution logic rules and quantities of structured information that can only be realized with some degree of automated support.
Even though these business control elements are sufficiently complex to require systems support to operate, the collection of different control structures required in any particular industry can be defined in a common blueprint, as noted above. Any one organization may be responsible for operating some sensible subset of this market blueprint, to work in collaboration with other organizations in the execution of business.
As a result of the availability of this shared business design, individual organizations are able to analyze their role in the business ecosystem and better define those capabilities they are best suited to perform and those activities that they should farm out to others. Furthermore they can analyze the prevailing practices in the market and determine how sophisticated they need to be in evolving their operational behaviors from the traditional process centric and monolithic systems architectures of today, to adopt more flexible service centered designs conforming to the ecosystem blueprint.
While the invention has been described in terms of preferred embodiments, those skilled in the art will recognize that the invention can be practiced with modification within the spirit and scope of the appended claims.