System and Method For Launching A Specific Program From A Simple Click On A String Of Characters

A method, system and computer program for automatically launching a target application based on characteristics of a selected string of characters in a source application includes the steps of receiving a command resulting from a user's action, selecting a string of characters in a source application; identifying among one or a plurality of predefined regular expressions, a regular expression matching the selected string of character; identifying a predefined data type previously associated with the source application and the regular expression matching the selected string of character; identifying a predefined target application previously associated with the identified data type and the source application; and launching the target application.


FIG. 1A shows a block diagram of a computer system in which the present invention may be embodied.

FIG. 1B shows a block diagram of a software system including an operating system, an application software, and a user interface for carrying out the present invention.

FIG. 2A shows a Parser Table structure which is used to determine the data type according to the present invention.

FIG. 2B shows a Launcher Table structure which is used to determine the application to be launched according to the data type according to the present invention.

FIG. 3 shows a flow chart describing the steps of the method according to the present invention.


The invention is partially based on the use of regular expressions. Regular expressions are used for the recognition of patterns in texts.

A regular expression, often called a pattern, is an expression that describes a set of strings. Regular expressions are usually used to give a concise description of a set without having to list all elements. For example, the set containing the three strings Handel, Händel, and Haendel can be described by the pattern “H(ä|ae?)ndel”, or alternatively, it is said that the pattern matches each of the three strings. As a side note, there are usually multiple different patterns describing any given set.

Most formalisms provide the following operations to construct regular expressions:

(a) Alternation. A vertical bar separates alternatives. For example, “gray|grey” matches gray or grey.

(b) Grouping. Parentheses are used to define the scope and precedence of the operators. For example, “gray|grey” and “gr(a|e)y” are different patterns, but they both describe the set containing gray and grey.

(c) Quantification. A quantifier after a character or group specifies how often that preceding expression is allowed to occur. The most common quantifiers are ?, *, and +. The question mark “?” indicates there is 0 or 1 in the previous expression (character). For example, “colou?r” matches both color and colour. The asterisk “*” indicates there are 0, 1 or any number of the previous expression. For example, “go*gle” matches ggle, gogle, google, etc. The plus sign “+” indicates that there is at least 1 of the previous expression. For example, “go+gle” matches gogle, google, etc.. but not ggle.

These constructions can be combined to form arbitrarily complex expressions, very much like one can construct arithmetical expressions from the numbers and the operations +, −, * and /.

“H(ae?|ä)ndel” and “H(a|ae|ä)ndel” are valid patterns, and furthermore, they both match the same strings as the example from the beginning of the Detailed Description. The pattern “((great )*grand )?(father|mother)” matches any ancestor: father, mother, grand father, grand mother, great grand father, great grand mother, great great grand father, great great grand mother, great great great grand father, great great great grand mother and so on.

Example of syntax. The precise syntax for regular expressions varies among tools and application areas. Examples of syntax for the regular expression are available on the Web by searching under “syntax regular expression.”

Meta characters.

    • Escape character \
    • Single Character Meta characters
    • . Matches any one character
    • [. . . ] Matches any one character in a set
    • [̂ . . . ] Matches any one character not in the set
    • [:class:] Character classes
      • {[:alnum:]] [[:alpha:]] [[:blank:]] [[:cntrl:]] [[:digit:]] [[:graph:]]
      • [[:lower:]] [[:print:}] {[:punct:}] {[:space:}] {[:upper:}] [{:xdigit:]


    • ? Matches the previous character zero or one times
    • * Matches the previous character zero or more times
    • + Matches the previous character one or more times
    • \{n\} Matches the previous character n times
    • \{n,m\} Matches the previous character at least n & at most m
    • \{n,\} Matches the previous character n or more times


    • ̂ Matching at the start the line
    • $ Matching at the end of line
    • \< Matching at start of word
    • \> Matching at end of word
    • \b Matching at the beginning or the end of a word
    • \B Matching any character not at the beginning or end of word

Grouping \(\)

Backreference \1 \2 . . . \9

Table 1 shows examples of items and their regular expressions.


Regular Expression

Postal State Abbr

City, State
.+, [A-Z]\{2\}

Month, day, year
[A-Z][a-z]\{2,9\} [0-9]\{1,2\} [0-


Formatted Dollar
\$[ 0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]

Local Phone number

Floating point number

Hexadecimal number

Any line
{circumflex over ( )}.*$

Blank line
{circumflex over ( )}$

html inline code
<[{circumflex over ( )}>]+>

Email address, e.g., “”


Email address, e.g., “Joe Doe”
\(“?[a-zA-Z]+”?[\t]*{circumflex over ( )}\<\(\.[a-z0-9_-


Protocol Validity matches web base protocol

such as http://ftp://https://

In the examples in Table 1, some typical regular expressions are presented that can be used in the present invention. The present invention is based on the following principles. (1) Regular expression are defined for identifying a specific user defined data type. (2) Depending on the context (which is the running application), the possibility is given to the user, through a contextual menu, to launch a pre-programmed application with the identified character string as variable.

Physical view

As shown in FIG. 1A, the present invention may be embodied on a computer system 100 comprising a central processor 101, a main memory 102, an input/output controller 103, a keyboard 104, a pointing device 105 (e.g., mouse, track ball, pen device, or the like), a display device 106, and a mass storage 107 (e.g., hard disk). Additional input/output devices, such as a printing device 108, may be included in the system 100 as desired. As illustrated, the various components of the system 100 communicate through a system bus 110 or similar architecture. In a preferred embodiment, the computer system 100 includes an IBM-compatible personal computer, which is available from several vendors including IBM of Armonk, N.Y.

As illustrated in FIG. 1B, a computer software system 150 is provided for directing the operation of the computer system 100. Software system 150, which is stored in system memory 102 and on disk memory 107, includes a kernel or operating system 151 and a shell or interface 153. One or more application programs, such as application software 152, may be “loaded” (i.e., transferred from storage 107 into memory 102) for execution by the system 100. The system 100 receives user commands and data through user interface 153; these inputs may then be acted upon by the system 100 in accordance with instructions from operating module 151 and/or application module 152. The interface 153, which is preferably a graphical user interface (GUI), also serves to display results, whereupon the user may supply additional inputs or terminate the session. In a preferred embodiment, operating system 151 and interface 153 are Microsoft Win2000/XP, available from Microsoft Corporation of Redmond, Wash. Application module 152, includes a data type analyzer and an application launcher of the present invention as described in further detail herein below.

Logical Tables

(1) Parser Table. FIG. 2A depicts a table called Parser Table in the present description. The Parser Table 200 is a two column table, where the first column represents a regular expression 210, and the second column represents the DATA Type 220 corresponding to the regular expression. Each regular expression and data type is user defined. The three rows 230, 231, and 233 are associated with different data types, respectively named “MSISDN”, “Email”, and “GSM MSISDN.”

(2) Launcher Table. FIG. 2B depicts a table called Launcher Table in the present description, and which preferably includes five different records 290, 291, 292, 293, and 294. To each DATA Type corresponds an entry 260 in the Launcher Table 250. Each entry preferably includes (a) the DATA Type 220 defined in the Parser Table (See FIG. 2A), (b) the active application 265 which is the application managing the window in which the characters string has been selected, (c) the target application 270 which is the application to be launched when the selected characters string is identified as having the Data type corresponding to this entry, and (d) the Usage Frequency which defines the rate usage of this target application.

If no active application is defined or an “*” has been set, this entry is used for any application. This field allows to define different target applications for the same data type, potentially depending on the active application. For instance, the record 293 specifies that a data type “Email” is associated to the target application “Outlook” when the active application is “Word”, while the record 294 specifies that the same data type “Email” is associated to the target application “Lotus Notes” when the active application is “Wordpro”.

FIG. 3 depicts the flow chart describing the steps of the method according to the present invention. At step 300, the method is initialized and starts. At step 305, a user in the source application selects a string of characters. At step 310, the user executes in a preferred embodiment a right click on the mouse on the selected string of characters to launch an application associated with this string of characters. At step 315, a process for determining the selected data type is started. This process parses the selected string of character using the previously described Parser Table 200 (FIG. 2A). Each entry of the Parser Table 200 is scanned to match a user defined regular expression with the selected string of characters. As soon as the string of characters matches a regular expression, the data type corresponding to the regular expression matching the string of character is saved in a local variable. The scanning continues until the end of the Parser Table 200.

If a new entry match again the characters string, case of subtype (type refinement), the newly detected type is saved in place of the previously saved data type. This means that the user must take care of the regular expression order, defining the most general rule in first, and refining the rule after.

As example, a string of ten digits beginning by “0” in France, may be considered as a telephone number (type MSISDN). It is true for both number “0492114000” and “0612345678”. But if a rule associating a type “GSM MSISDN” is added, if the second digit is equal to “6”, then the characters string “0612345678” will be typed “GSM MSISDN” while characters string “0492114000” will be typed “MSISDN”.

At step 320, when the Parser Table 200 is fully scanned, the process determines whether or not a data type is identified for the selected string of characters. If it is the case, then control is given to step 325; otherwise control is given to step 360. At step 325, the application(s) associated with this data type and the source application type is(are) retrieved. This “retrieve process” uses the Launcher Table 250 (FIG. 2B) and creates a temporary table containing the target application 270 and the percentage of usage 275 for each entry of the Launcher Table 250 which matches the previously identified data type and active application.

At step 330, the process checks whether at least one application associated with this data type and the source application has been identified at the previous step. If it is the case, then control is given to step 335; otherwise control is given to step 360. At step 335, the process checks whether a single application has been identified at step 325. If it is the case, then control is given to step 350; otherwise control is given to step 340.

At step 340, the user is prompted with a list box comprising all applications eligible to process the data type identified. This list box presents all applications ordered by their percentage of use, with the more used application in first. At step 345, a test is performed to check if the user has selected an application. If it is the case, then control is given to step 350; otherwise control is given to step 360. At step 350, the either unique or user selected target application is launched with the user selected characters string as argument or parameter. At step 360, the process is ended.

The description focuses on the presently preferred embodiments of the present invention, which are embodied in an application operative in the Microsoft Windows environment. The present invention, however, is not limited to any particular application or any particular environment. Instead, those skilled in the art will find that the system and methods of the present invention may be advantageously applied to a variety of system and application software, including database management systems, word processors, and the like. Moreover, the present invention may be embodied on a variety of different platforms, including Macintosh, UNIX, NextStep, and the like. Therefore, the description of the exemplary embodiments is for purposes of illustration and not limitation. While the present invention has been described with reference to a particular preferred embodiment and the accompanying drawings, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that the invention is not limited to the preferred embodiment and that various modifications and the like could be made thereto without departing from the scope of the invention as defined in the following claims.

  • 1. A method for automatically launching a target application based on characteristics of a selected string of characters in a source application, said method comprising the steps of: receiving a command resulting from a user's action selecting a string of characters in a source application;identifying among one or a plurality of predefined regular expressions, a regular expression matching the selected string of characters;identifying a predefined data type previously associated with the source application and the regular expression matching the selected string of characters;identifying a predefined target application previously associated with the identified data type and the source application; andlaunching the target application.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1 wherein the step of identifying among one or a plurality of predefined regular expressions comprises the steps of: identifying one or a plurality of predefined regular expressions matching the selected string of characters; andselecting according to predefined criteria, a regular expression among the plurality of identified regular expressions matching the selected string of characters.
  • 3. The method according to claim 2 wherein the step of identifying a predefined target application previously associated with the identified data type and the source application, comprises the steps of: identifying one or a plurality of predefined target applications previously associated with the identified data type and the source application;asking the user to select a target application among the multiple identified target applications; andreceiving a command resulting from a user's action, and selecting a target application among the multiple identified target applications.
  • 4. The method according to claim 3, wherein the step of identifying one or a plurality of predefined regular expressions matching the selected string of characters, comprises the step of identifying in a first table, one or a plurality of user regular expressions matching the selected string of character, said first table comprising a one or a plurality of regular expressions, each regular expression being associated with a user defined data type.
  • 5. The method according to claim 4, wherein the step of identifying a predefined data type previously associated with the selected regular expression matching the selected string of characters, comprises the step of identifying in said first table the data type associated with the selected regular expression matching the selected string of characters.
  • 6. The method according to claim 5, wherein the step of identifying one or a plurality of predefined applications previously associated with the identified data type and source application, comprises the step of identifying in a second table, one or a plurality of target applications associated with the identified data type and the source application, said second table comprising one or a plurality of data types, each data type being associated with one or a plurality of source applications, and each data type and source application being associated with one or a plurality of target applications.
  • 7. The method according to claim 6, wherein the step of asking the user to select a target application among the multiple identified target applications, comprises the steps of: identifying a usage rate for each identified target application, andpresenting to the user an ordered list of the identified target applications based on the identified usage rate.
  • 8. The method according to claim 7, wherein the step of launching the target application, comprises the step of passing to the target application the selected string of characters as an argument or parameter.
  • 9. A system for automatically launching a target application based on characteristics of a selected string of characters in a source application, comprising: means for receiving a command resulting from a user's action selecting a string of characters in a source application;means for identifying among one or a plurality of predefined regular expressions, a regular expression matching the selected string of characters;means for identifying a predefined data type previously associated with the source application and the regular expression matching the selected string of characters;means for identifying a predefined target application previously associated with the identified data type and the source application; andmeans for launching the target application.
  • 10. The system according to claim 9 wherein the means for identifying among one or a plurality of predefined regular expressions comprises: means for identifying one or a plurality of predefined regular expressions matching the selected string of characters; andmeans for selecting according to predefined criteria, a regular expression among the plurality of identified regular expressions matching the selected string of characters.
  • 11. The system according to claim 10 wherein the means for identifying a predefined target application previously associated with the identified data type and the source application, comprises: means for identifying one or a plurality of predefined target applications previously associated with the identified data type and the source application;means for asking the user to select a target application among the multiple identified target applications; andmeans for receiving a command resulting from a user's action, and selecting a target application among the multiple identified target applications.
  • 12. The system according to claim 11, wherein the means for identifying one or a plurality of predefined regular expressions matching the selected string of characters, comprises means for identifying in a first table, one or a plurality of user regular expressions matching the selected string of character, said first table comprising a one or a plurality of regular expressions, each regular expression being associated with a user defined data type.
  • 14. The system according to claim 13, wherein the means for identifying a predefined data type previously associated with the selected regular expression matching the selected string of characters, comprises means for identifying in said first table the data type associated with the selected regular expression matching the selected string of characters.
  • 15. The system according to claim 14, wherein the means for identifying one or a plurality of predefined applications previously associated with the identified data type and source application, comprises means for identifying in a second table, one or a plurality of target applications associated with the identified data type and the source application, said second table comprising one or a plurality of data types, each data type being associated with one or a plurality of source applications, and each data type and source application being associated with one or a plurality of target applications.
  • 16. The system according to claim 15, wherein the means for asking the user to select a target application among the multiple identified target applications, comprises: means for identifying a usage rate for each identified target application, andmeans for presenting to the user an ordered list of the identified target applications based on the identified usage rate.
  • 17. The system according to claim 16, wherein the means for launching the target application, comprises means for passing to the target application the selected string of characters as an argument or parameter.
  • 18. A program product comprising program codes stored in a computer readable storage medium, said program codes implementing the steps of: receiving a command resulting from a user's action selecting a string of characters in a source application;identifying among one or a plurality of predefined regular expressions, a regular expression matching the selected string of characters;identifying a predefined data type previously associated with the source application and the regular expression matching the selected string of characters;identifying a predefined target application previously associated with the identified data type and the source application; andlaunching the target application.
  • 19. The program product according to claim 18 wherein the step of identifying among one or a plurality of predefined regular expressions further comprises the steps of: identifying one or a plurality of predefined regular expressions matching the selected string of characters; andselecting according to predefined criteria, a regular expression among the plurality of identified regular expressions matching the selected string of characters.
  • 20. The program product according to claim 19 wherein the step of identifying a predefined target application previously associated with the identified data type and the source application, further comprises the steps of: identifying one or a plurality of predefined target applications previously associated with the identified data type and the source application;asking the user to select a target application among the multiple identified target applications; andreceiving a command resulting from a user's action, and selecting a target application among the multiple identified target applications.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
06300904 Aug 2006 EP regional