System and method for processing transactions using a multi-account transactions device


  • Patent Grant
  • 8622308
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Wednesday, January 7, 2009
    15 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, January 7, 2014
    10 years ago
Various account transaction devices are disclosed. One account transaction device comprises a top portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes a first account and the back side includes at least one identifier associated with a second account. The device also comprises a bottom portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes the second account and the back side includes at least one identifier associated with the first account. Also, a hinge connecting the top portion to the bottom portion, wherein the top and second portions are relatively movable between a first closed position where the top portion displays the first account and the bottom portion displays the at least one identifier associated with the first account and a second closed position where the top portion displays the at least one identifier associated with the second account and the bottom portion displays the second account. The customer may selectively determine whether a transaction is to be posted to the first account or the second account at the point of sale, after the transaction, or based upon predetermined rules or selections. Other account transaction devices are disclosed.

The drawings and specifications of the above patent applications are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.


The present invention relates to systems and methods for processing transactions using a multi-account transactions device. More particularly, the present invention relates to systems and methods that enable customers of a financial institution, for example, to selectively determine which account(s) are to be used for a given transaction, wherein such selection may occur before, during, or after the transaction has been processed and posted to a particular account(s).


Many point-of-sale and other financial transactions take place using card transactions. In these transactions, to provide payment a card user typically presents a credit card, a bank, debit or automated teller machine (ATM) card, or possibly a stored value card. The cards presented are conventionally of one and only one of these types. In addition, the cards presented typically access only a single account.

For example, a user may present a credit card to pay from a credit account maintained by the issuer of the card. The credit card is typically embossed with a unique account number, the cardholder's name, and the expiration date of the card. Data is also encoded on a magnetic stripe on the card. The data identifies the cardholder's account and may be accessed by magnetic card readers connected to a credit card processing system.

An ATM card is used in similar manner. The ATM card is a plastic card that is typically embossed with an account number and the holder's name. The ATM card also includes data encoded on a magnetic stripe of the card. The data identifies the cardholder's account and may be accessed by a magnetic card reader to use the card.

A stored value card is typically used to pay for a specific product or service. The stored value card includes data regarding a limited use account that is limited to providing payment for a specific product or service or for products and services at a specific merchant. The data permits processing equipment at the point of sale to determine the value of funds in the account.

In a typical card payment transaction, for example a credit card transaction, a buyer presents a credit card to a merchant at the point of sale. The apparatus at the point of sale reads account information from the card and passes this information along through a chain of processors where approval is obtained and the transaction posted and charged to the customer's account. The card holder's credit account balance is increased by an amount equal to the amount of the transaction. A similar process occurs for debit or stored value card transactions, except of course the transaction amount is immediately deducted from the card holder's account that is associated with the debit or stored value card.

Typically, once a transaction has been charged and posted to a particular account, the card holder must make payment on the account in order to clear the balance. For debit and stored value transactions this occurs immediately, whereas for credit transactions interest may accrue on outstanding balances until such time as full payment is made. In either case, current systems and methods do not permit the card holder to selectively transfer some or all of the outstanding balances in a given account, such as a credit account, for example, to another account, such as a debit account, for example, on a transaction by transaction basis to achieve a benefit, obtain a reward or better organize and administer the card holder's transactions and payments.


According to various embodiments, the systems and methods described herein may, among other things, allow a customer of a financial institution, for example, to enter into purchase transactions with a single card or other device and selectively determine which account(s) the transaction is to be applied to. In some embodiments, customers may control transaction spending and payments by allocating purchases to particular account(s) at the point-of-sale (POS), then selectively reallocating some or all of the transaction amounts to other account(s) on an ongoing and as needed basis. In some embodiments, the systems and methods described herein may allow card holders, for example, to allocate purchases when and where they spend into meaningful categories of their choosing. For example, select transactions can be paid immediately (e.g., through a debit account), while other transactions are paid at the end of the month (e.g., processed at the POS through a credit account). The customer may, in some embodiments, select which account(s) a transaction(s) should be applied to after the transaction has been entered into. That is, the customer may select the appropriate accounts after the point-of-sale, such as, for example, a few days after the transaction when the customer has had time to consider which account(s) would be better to use for the transaction.

For example, a customer may have three accounts: (1) a business account, (2) a personal or home account, and (3) an entertainment account. For each given transaction the customer enters into, the appropriate account(s) may be selected, either by the customer: (1) at the POS (e.g., the customer swipes a corresponding card, magnetic stripe or initiates another account identifier corresponding to the desired account(s)), (2) according to rules and parameters that may have been predetermined by the card holder, merchant, financial institution, or any other individual or entity that may be involved in the processing of customer transactions), or (3) after the transaction is entered into e.g., after the point-of-sale or online transaction). In some embodiments, more than one account may be selected. Once accounts are selected, the transaction amount is processed and posted accordingly. In some embodiments, the accounts and/or applications associated with a particular card or device are all maintained by a single or any number of financial institutions, such as a bank, for example. In some embodiments, the accounts and/or applications associated with a particular card or device are all maintained by any number of financial institutions. For example, a customer may have multiple credit card accounts (with the same or different financial institutions) that the customer may desire to use for different transactions. Using the systems and methods described herein, the customer may selectively determine which transactions should be applied to which credit card accounts. The different credit card accounts may, for example, have varying rates (e.g., a business account may have a lower rate than a personal account) or rewards program associated therewith. For example, if a customer has a credit card with a rewards program that would reward more points for a certain type of transaction, the customer may wish to use that account over another credit card that has a rewards program that would not reward as much.

Similarly, a customer may have a plurality of accounts having different currencies (e.g, a German bank account, a U.S. bank account and a Mexican bank account). Using the systems and methods described herein, a customer may select accounts based on the currency of the transaction, which account would offer the best exchange rate or any other factor or consideration that may go into selecting an account to use for a given transaction. For example, a transaction made in Germany may be applied to the German account. Alternatively, a transaction made in Germany may be applied to the U.S. account if the applicable exchange rate makes it desirable for the customer to make payment in dollars rather than in deutsche marks.

After the transaction has been processed and/or posted, the customer may selectively reallocate some or all of a transaction amount, for example, to another account(s). For example, if the purchase of a $100.00 fax machine was initially charged to the card holder's personal or home account, the various systems and methods described herein may permit the card holder, for example, to select another account (e.g., the business account) to which some or all of the $100.00 should be transferred to. In some embodiments, the card holder may make the selection upon realizing the expense relates to his business and therefore should be transferred to the corresponding account(s). In some embodiments, the card holder may request transfer after the transaction amount has been processed an posted to an initial account. In some embodiments, the transfer request to the business account may be initiated by rules or parameters that direct transfer to particular accounts based on particulars of the transactions, such as, for example, the transaction date, transaction amount, merchant, product or service purchased, or any other data or information that may relate to a given transactions. If a customer does not make an account selection by a particular time (e.g., within 1 week of entering into a transaction), the transaction may be posted to a buffer, holding, default or temporary account. The buffer, holding or temporary account may be pre-determined by the customer, such as, for example, the customer's debit or savings account. This way, if the customer forgets to make an account designation after entering into a transaction, the transaction amount may be posted to the customer's debit or savings account. The customer may, of course, subsequently change the account if desired.

In some embodiments, account selection may be processed on an item-by-item basis, such as, for example, on the basis of the particular product(s) or service(s) purchased. For example, if a customer purchases clothing, electronic audio equipment and office supplies at a particular retailer, the systems and methods described herein may select an appropriate account(s) to which the transactions should be processed based on the identity of the retailer, while in some embodiments account(s) may be selected on an item-by-item basis. Thus, the clothing portion of the transaction may be assigned to the personal or home account, the electronic audio equipment may be assigned to the entertainment account, and the office supplies may be assigned to the business account. In some embodiments, account selection may be made by the card holder or other individual or entity with knowledge of the transaction amounts for each item purchased, while in some embodiments account(s) are selected based on transaction data or information that may be used to identify particular items or services purchased, such as for example, the SKU or other identifier.

The systems and methods described herein may also provide purchase perks. For example, a customer may be rewarded reward points or other value for selecting an account at the point-of-sale rather than making the selection after the transaction (e.g. later that day or week after the transaction). Other value that the customer may be provided include a lower purchase rate (e.g., a 5% rate for selecting the account at the POS, whereas a 10% rate would apply for selecting the account after the POS. Likewise, a customer may be charged a fee for making an account selection after the point-of-sale. For example, the customer may be charged a $1.00 for being able to select the account anytime within a week after the transaction. The fee may be increased if the customer fails to make the selection within a week. Other fee arrangements are of course possible.

In some embodiments, the various systems and methods described herein may incorporate a physical device (e.g., card, RFID, biometric, or other identifier) that enables a customer to selectively determine which account(s) a transaction is to be posted to. In some embodiments, the physical device may comprise portions that are interconnected by a hinge such that the two portions can fold upon themselves. In some embodiments, the device may include a closing mechanism that can keep the two portions of the device in a closed (e.g., a locked) position. In some embodiments, the thickness of the closed card is similar to current cards (e.g., each portion of the card is half as thick as current cards). In some embodiments, each portion of the device may have multiple account identifiers (e.g., magnetic stripes) on either side, for example, that can be initiated to designate the corresponding account(s). For example, a card holder or merchant may initiate (e.g., swipe a magnetic stripe) at least one account identifier to designate at least one account to which the transaction should be posted.

In some embodiments, metallic substrates may be used to shield cards and expose only one stripe at a time. In some embodiments, an interface may allow the consumer to color-code cards or account identifiers, enabling one to be for social transactions and the other for business purposes, for example. Alternatively, one could be credit and the other debit. Cards may also be customized to a particular card holder's needs and preferences.

In some embodiments, particular cards may have sub-categories associated with it. For example, a card or device may have associated with the following types or categories of accounts: personal, business expense, small business, fuel/transportation, charity, entertainment, food, children, or any other type or category of account that a user may designate or desire to utilize and implement. The designation of categories may of course change as the user's needs evolve. In some embodiments, thresholds can be established for particular cards. For example, the user may specify that an account devoted to entertainment be capped at a certain threshold so that the user may control frivolous or non-essential spending. A transaction may be declined if it goes beyond the threshold. In some embodiments, a user may be alerted when a set threshold is being approached. In some embodiments, a user may be recognized for complying with or staying within predetermined thresholds. For example, a user may be rewarded with discounts or other incentives or promotions for not surpassing the thresholds. Other limitations may of course be imposed, such as, for example, date/time parameters on when certain accounts may be used, merchants where accounts may be used at, and the types of products or services that can be purchased with certain accounts. Other parameters are of course possible.

In some embodiments, the systems and methods described herein may provide certain attributes as well as alerts or notifications to a user. For example, in some embodiments, the various systems and methods described herein may contain the following alert/notifications or attributes: (1) ability to set personal allowances that trigger status alerts on the go; (2) ability to compare spending patterns over time; (3) beat your best—a feature that brings a playful tone to self check-ins (you vs. you); (4) ability to benchmark you vs. (aspirational others); (5) metrics for gauging progress; and (6) ability to choose between debit or credit (pay now vs. pay later).

In some embodiments, the various devices disclosed herein may also incorporate buckets or sub-accounts that a user may selectively engage to conduct a particular transaction or transactions. For example, a magnetic strip described herein may contain any number of buckets, each of which may be specifically designated for select transaction(s). For example, a bucket may correspond to gasoline purchases, while another may be designated for purchases for a particular person or individual, small business, etc. Any designation or category is of course possible. In some embodiments, a bucket may be a stand-alone account, or may comprise a sub-account of a designated account. For example, a particular account may be associated with any number of buckets or sub-accounts that may be used for particular or designated transactions. As used herein, the term account may correspond to an account, bucket or sub-account.

According to one embodiment of the systems and methods described herein, a multi-account transaction device is provided. The multi-account transaction device, comprising: a top portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes a first account and the back side includes at least one identifier associated with a second account; a bottom portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes the second account and the back side includes at least one identifier associated with the first account; and a hinge connecting the top portion to the bottom portion, wherein the top and second portions are relatively movable between a first closed position where the top portion displays the first account and the bottom portion displays the at least one identifier associated with the first account and a second closed position where the top portion displays the at least one identifier associated with the second account and the bottom portion displays the second account. The customer may selectively determine, before, during or after a transaction, an initial account selection to which the transaction is to be posted. The customer may subsequently change the initial account selection.

In another embodiment of the systems and methods described herein, a multi-account transaction device. The device comprising: a top portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes account information and the back side includes a first identifier associated with a first account number and a second identifier associated with a second account number, and wherein the top portion further comprises a window; a bottom portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes the first account number and the second account number and the back side includes additional account information; and a pivoting means connecting the top portion to the bottom portion, wherein the top and second portions are relatively movable between a first position where the first account number is displayed through the window of the top portion and the back side of the top portion displays the first identifier and a second position where the second account number is displayed through the window of the top portion and the back side of the top portion displays the second account number and the back side of the top portion displays the second identifier. The customer may selectively determine, before, during or after a transaction, an initial account selection to which the transaction is to be posted. The customer may subsequently change the initial account selection.

In still another embodiment of the systems and methods described herein, a multi-account transaction device is provided. The device comprising: a top portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes account information and the back side includes a first identifier associated with a first account number and a second identifier associated with a second account number; a bottom portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes the first account number and the second account number and the back side includes additional account information; and a sliding means connecting the top portion to the bottom portion, wherein the top and second portions are relatively movable between a first position where the first account number is displayed by the front side of the bottom portion and the back side of the top portion displays the first identifier and a second position where the second account number is displayed by the front side of the back portion and the back side of the top portion displays the second account number and the back side of the top portion displays the second identifier. The customer may selectively determine, before, during or after a transaction, an initial account selection to which the transaction is to be posted. The customer may subsequently change the initial account selection.

In another embodiment of the invention, a transaction device is provided. The transaction device comprising: a display screen; a interaction element for enabling a user to cycle through a plurality of accounts and select at least one account to use in a transaction, wherein the at least one account is selected at the point of sale, after the transaction, or based upon predetermined rules or selections; an input/output element for permitting communication with a terminal or device; and at least one storage device for storage account or transaction particulars. The customer may, for example, selectively determine, before, during or after a transaction, an initial account selection to which the transaction is to be posted. The customer may subsequently change the initial account selection

Other embodiments may also be considered.


FIG. 1 shows an exemplary system 100 for processing transactions, according to various embodiments of the invention.

FIG. 2 illustrates various exemplary modules that may be associated with account selection processing station 105, according to various embodiments of the invention.

FIG. 3 illustrates an multi-account transaction device, according to various embodiments of the invention.

FIG. 4 illustrates several account selection schemes, according to various embodiments of the invention.

FIG. 5 illustrates several account selection schemes, according to various embodiments of the invention.

FIG. 6 illustrates a process flow 600 for selecting account(s), according to various embodiments of the invention.

FIGS. 7-25 each illustrate a multi-account transaction device, according to various embodiments of the invention.


Reference will now be made to the present preferred embodiments of the invention, examples of which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings in which like reference characters refer to corresponding elements.

While the exemplary embodiments illustrated herein may show the various embodiments of the invention (or portions thereof) collocated, it is to be appreciated that the various components of the various embodiments may be located at distant portions of a distributed network, such as a local area network, a wide area network, a telecommunications network, an intranet and/or the Internet, or within a dedicated object handling system. Thus, it should be appreciated that the components of the various embodiments may be combined into one or more devices or collocated on a particular node of a distributed network, such as a telecommunications network, for example. As will be appreciated from the following description, and for reasons of computational efficiency, the components of the various embodiments may be arranged at any location within a distributed network without affecting the operation of the respective system.

Among many potential uses, the systems and methods described herein may be used to: (1) induce customer loyalty by providing flexible payment and account selection options; (2) allow customers to make purchases and enter into transactions using a single financial instrument and selectively determine which account(s) a particular transaction should be posted to; (3) allow merchants, banks, financial service providers, instrument issuers or other entity a system and method for dynamically selecting account(s) to which a customer's transactions should be posted based on, for example, predetermined rules or parameters; (4) allow card holders, for example, the ability to change their minds on which accounts a particular transaction should be posted to, even after the transaction has already been posted to an account; (5) allow card holders, for example, the ability to predetermine rules or parameters setting forth to which accounts particular transactions should be posted to; (6) allow card holders, for example, to selectively designate portions of a transaction (e.g., transaction amount) to select account(s); (7) provide a user with relevant alerts and notifications. Other uses are possible.

FIG. 1 illustrates a system 100 for processing transactions, according to one embodiment of the invention. System 100 may comprise a account selection processing station 105 for processing transactions associated with any number of account(s). In some embodiments, transactions may be posted to accounts based upon direction of a customer or another or dynamically based on any data or information that may readily be used to determine appropriate accounts to which a transaction should be posted to. In some embodiments, account selection processing station 105 may be administered by a bank or other financial institution that issues and administers transaction devices, such as cards, for example, (e.g., a card-issuer), a merchant or vendor that sponsors or accepts transaction devices (e.g., a sponsor), or any individual, entity or third party that accepts, coordinates, manages or administers customer use of transaction devices or other instruments to conduct transactions. In some embodiments, account selection processing station 105 may maintain or have access to particulars about customers, transaction particulars, transaction histories, account balances, merchants, and any data and information that may be used to selectively determine particular accounts to which a transaction should be posted to, according to the systems and methods described herein. In some embodiments, account selection processing station 105 may comprise a central headquarters or distributed network or repository of the various features and functions of the systems and methods described herein, and may be maintained by or in conjunction with any party or entity that administers the coordination of data and information in connection with the processing of transactions according to the systems and methods described herein.

Account selection processing station 105 may comprise a single server or engine (as shown). In another embodiment, account selection processing station 105 may comprise a plurality of servers or engines, dedicated or otherwise, which may further host modules for performing desired system functionality. Account selection processing station 105, for example, may host one or more applications or modules that function to permit interaction between the users of system 100 (e.g., card holders, customers, merchants, the administrator of account selection processing station 105, and any other relevant parties) as it relates to exchanging and processing of data and information related to the processing of transactions and the selection of accounts as described herein, for example. For instance, account selection processing station 105 may include an administration module that serves to permit interaction between the system 100 and the individual(s) or entity(ies) charged with administering system 100 or account selection processing station 105. Such an administration module may enable the agent of account selection processing station 105, for example, to input information related to transaction types, account categories, customer information, including but not limited to rules and parameters used to determine which accounts a particular transaction should be posted to. Such rules and parameters may comprise variables that define, for example, a particular type or pool of transactions that are eligible to be processed by a particular account or accounts. Thus, if a customer spends a certain amount on purchases relating to business or office equipment, the transaction amount may be processed by and posted to an account designated for business or office expenses. Other examples are of course possible.

According to various embodiments, an agent of account selection processing station 105 may interface with a graphical user interface (or GUI) to input, among other things: (1) data or information (e.g., terms, words, phrases, or digits) that enable the systems and methods described herein to process transactions and designate accounts to which transactions should be posted, (2) data or information that enable the systems and methods described herein to receive card holder designations that specify accounts to which a transaction should be posted or to which a balance should be transferred, (3) data or information that enable the systems and methods described herein to process transaction information provided by merchants which relate to a customer specific purchases; and (4) rules, parameters and algorithms used to determine the processing and posting of transactions to particular accounts. An agent of account selection processing station 105 may also input information or data regarding how customers, transactions, transactions devices, accounts, products or services, or any other data or information used by the systems and methods described herein are stored (e.g., categorized) in a database 112, for example. Other modules may permit processing of the various features and functionality described herein for processing transactions (See FIG. 2 for modules associated with account selection processing station 105).

Account selection processing station 105 may include, for instance, a workstation or workstations running the Microsoft Windows™ XP™ operating system, Microsoft Windows™ NT™ operating system, the Windows™ 2000 operating system, the Unix operating system, the Linux operating system, the Xenix operating system, the IBM AIX™ operating system, the Hewlett-Packard UX™ operating system, the Novell Netware™ operating system, the Sun Microsystems Solaris™ operating system, the OS/2™ operating system, the BeOS™ operating system, the Macintosh operating system, the Apache operating system, an OpenStep™ operating system or another operating system or platform.

Data and information maintained by account selection processing station 105 may be stored and cataloged in database 112 which may comprise or interface with a searchable database. Database 112 may comprise, include or interface to a relational database. Other databases, such as a query format database, a Standard Query Language (SQL) format database, a storage area network (SAN), or another similar data storage device, query format, platform or resource may be used. Database 112 may comprise a single database or a collection of databases, dedicated or otherwise. In one embodiment, database 112 may store or cooperate with other databases to store the various data and information described herein. In some embodiments, database 112 may comprise a file management system, program or application for storing and maintaining data and information used or generated by the various features and functions of the systems and methods described herein. In some embodiments, database 112 may store, maintain and permit access to customer information, transaction information, account information, and general information used to process transactions as described herein. In some embodiments, database 112 is connected directly to account selection processing station 105, which, in some embodiments, it is accessible through a network, such as communication network 107, for example.

Account selection processing station 105 may, in some embodiments, be accessed via a communication network 107. Communications network 107 may be comprised of, or may interface to any one or more of, the Internet, an intranet, a Personal Area Network (PAN), a Local Area Network (LAN), a Wide Area Network (WAN), a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), a storage area network (SAN), a frame relay connection, an Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) connection, a synchronous optical network (SONET) connection, a digital T1, T3, E1 or E3 line, a Digital Data Service (DDS) connection, a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) connection, an Ethernet connection, an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) line, a dial-up port such as a V.90, a V.34 or a V.34bis analog modem connection, a cable modem, an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) connection, a Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) connection, or a Copper Distributed Data Interface (CDDI) connection.

Communications network 107 may also comprise, include or interface to any one or more of a Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) link, a General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) link, a Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) link, a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) link or a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) link such as a cellular phone channel, a Global Positioning System (GPS) link, a cellular digital packet data (CDPD) link, a Research in Motion, Limited (RIM) duplex paging type device, a Bluetooth radio link, or an IEEE 802.11-based radio frequency link. Communications network 107 may further comprise, include or interface to any one or more of an RS-232 serial connection, an IEEE-1394 (Firewire) connection, a Fibre Channel connection, an infrared (IrDA) port, a Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) connection, a Universal Serial Bus (USB) connection or another wired or wireless, digital or analog interface or connection.

In some embodiments, communication network 107 may comprise a satellite communications network, such as a direct broadcast communication system (DBS) having the requisite number of dishes, satellites and transmitter/receiver boxes, for example. Communications network 107 may also comprise a telephone communications network, such as the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). In another embodiment, communication network 120 may comprise a Personal Branch Exchange (PBX), which may further connect to the PSTN.

As shown in FIG. 1, merchant station 110 and customer station 115 may communicate with account selection processing station 105 via communication network 107. Merchant station 110 may comprise, for example, a station utilized by an agent of a merchant to interact or communicate with its customers or account selection processing station 105. For example, merchant station 110 may comprise a call center facility or station of a card issuer or sponsor that is manned by an operator to receive calls from card members. In some embodiments, merchant station 110 may comprise a point-of-sale system or engine that processes merchant transactions with a customer and which may further cooperate or interact with external systems which carry out card and other transactions (e.g., credit card transactions), including without limitation, for example, account selection processing station 105. In some embodiments, merchant station 110 may comprise or host web sites or web pages of a merchant that the merchant's customers may access to interact with the merchant, such as to make purchases and inquiries.

Customer station 115 may, in some embodiments, enable a customer of a merchant, a holder of a transactions device, or any other person or entity that may utilize the systems and methods described herein to inquire about or purchase products, services or subscribe to or enroll in a transactions device (collectively, “customer”) to interact and communicate with a merchant as represented by merchant station 110, for example, or with account selection processing station 105 in connection with the various features and functionality described herein. For example, customer station 115 may enable a customer to call or access the web site or page of a merchant, for example, to browse and possibly purchase a product, or to communicate with account selection processing station 105, such as by transmitting a desired account(s) designation that may be used to generate allocate transaction particulars as described herein, for example.

In some embodiments, customer station 115 may comprise any terminal (e.g., a typical home or personal computer system, telephone, personal digital assistant (PDA) or other like device) whereby a customer may interact with a network, such as communications network 107, for example, that is responsible for transmitting and delivering data and information used by the various systems and methods described herein. Customer station 115 may comprise or include, for instance, a personal or laptop computer, a telephone, or PDA. Customer station 115 may include a microprocessor, a microcontroller or other general or special purpose device operating under programmed control. Customer station 115 may further include an electronic memory such as a random access memory (RAM) or electronically programmable read only memory (EPROM), a storage such as a hard drive, a CDROM or a rewritable CDROM or another magnetic, optical or other media, and other associated components connected over an electronic bus, as will be appreciated by persons skilled in the art. Customer station 115 may be equipped with an integral or connectable cathode ray tube (CRT), a liquid crystal display (LCD), electroluminescent display, a light emitting diode (LED) or another display screen, panel or device for viewing and manipulating files, data and other resources, for instance using a graphical user interface (GUI) or a command line interface (CLI). Customer station 115 may also include a network-enabled appliance, a browser-equipped or other network-enabled cellular telephone, or another TCP/IP client or other device.

FIG. 2 illustrates exemplary modules that may be associated with account selection processing station 105 for carrying out (or administering) the various functions and features of the embodiments described herein. Other features and functionality are of course possible. While the modules may not be used in all embodiments to perform some or all of the functions of the present invention, they are nonetheless presented as possible embodiments:

Transactions module 205 may, in some embodiments, receive transaction data and information from particular merchants through which customers are making purchases or otherwise entering into transactions, such as, for example, through a transactions device as described herein. For example, transactions module 205 may cooperate or interact with a merchant system and/or a card processing system to receive particulars on transactions, such as date of transaction, name of merchant, cost of transaction, product or service purchased or sold (e.g., via a SKU, UPC or other identifier), or any other data or information that may relate to a transaction. The data and information received through transactions module 205 may be referenced or accessed by the various systems and methods described herein (including the other modules in FIG. 2) to carry out the features and functionality set forth herein, such as, for example, determining which account(s) a transaction or its particulars should be posted to.

Account determination module 210 may, in some embodiments, determine particular account(s) to which a transaction or its particulars should be posted. In some embodiments, account determination module 210 may permit account determination to be made by a customer or dynamically based on transaction data or information received from transaction module 205, for example, in both cases at the time of the transaction or thereafter. Thus, customer selection module 210a may, in some embodiments, receive customer designations that indicate at least one account to which a particular transaction or its particulars should be posted to. For example, a customer at a merchant's location may—before, during or after the transaction is entered into (e.g., a card is swiped, an RFID is read/initiated, typed in at POS, speak it, at self-checkout, or any other activity that results in execution of a transaction occurs)—transmit data or information that specifies at least one account to which the transaction or parts of the transaction should be posted.

In some embodiments, rule selection module 210b may dynamically designate such account designations based upon predetermined rules or parameters, transaction history or the customer account-designation history. Thus, a customer may designate account designation preferences that are stored and referred to whenever a transaction occurs. For example, a customer may designate that accounts be designated based on any particular of a transaction, such as, for example, merchant name, date/time of transaction, transaction amount, product or service purchased, or any other data or information that may be used to designate accounts. In some embodiments, accounts may be dynamically selected based on demonstrated customer designation habits or history. Thus, if a customer's purchases at a particular establishment during a weekday are always charged to a particular account or account(s), the system and methods described herein may dynamically post future such transactions to those account(s). In some embodiments, rule selection module 210b may be used to select buffer or temporary accounts to which a transaction gets posted if the customer does not make an affirmative selection within a certain period or time. For example, if a customer does not make an account selection by a particular time (e.g., within 1 week of entering into a transaction), the transaction may be posted to a buffer, holding or temporary account. The buffer, holding or temporary account may be predetermined by the customer, such as, for example, the customer's debit or savings account. This way, if the customer forgets to make an account designation after entering into a transaction, the transaction amount may be posted to the customer's debit or savings account. The customer may, of course, subsequently change the account if desired.

In some embodiments, account determination module 210 may—by itself or via communications module 240—transmit transaction-related communications or interfaces to a customer. For example, a customer entering into a transaction may receive a communication at a terminal associated with the customer, such as, for example, the customer's computer, PDA, cell phone, mobile communication device, or any other like device or terminal. The communication may inform the customer about the transaction, and/or request additional instruction on how to proceed with the transaction (e.g., to which account(s) the transaction should be posted to). For example, the customer may be offered a series of accounts and/or actions that the customer may initiate, such as, for example, the ability to select an account(s) to which the transaction should be posted, whether rewards should be used to pay for the transaction, the ability to indicate that the transaction does not belong to the customer, an ability to split ticket (e.g., divide among more than one account), or any other like options. Upon viewing the communication, the customer may make the requisite selections and transmit the selections back to account determination module 240, for example. In some embodiments, the communication may simply inform the customer of how the transaction is being processed (e.g., to which account(s) it is being posted), such as when pre-determined rules or selections are in place for determining which account(s) a particular transaction should be posted to. An embodiment of such a communication is represented below:

Hi Manning Field, based on your rules/selection, this transaction should go to your:

[X] Business Account

[ ] Personal Account

[ ] Entertainment Account

[ ] Charge my rewards balance

[ ] Take me to the Full Menu

[ ] Misc. I will decide later or split ticket

[ ] Not my transaction

[Send to Chase]

In some embodiments, particular cards may have sub-categories associated with it. For example, a card or device may have associated with the following types or categories of accounts: personal, business expense, small business, fuel/transportation, charity, entertainment, food, children, or any other type or category of account that a user may designate or desire to utilize and implement. The designation of categories may of course change as the user's needs evolve. In some embodiments, thresholds can be established for particular cards. For example, the user may specify that an account devoted to entertainment be capped at a certain threshold so that the user may control frivolous or non-essential spending. A transaction may be declined if it goes beyond the threshold. In some embodiments, a user may be alerted when a set threshold is being approached. In some embodiments, a user may be recognized for complying with or staying within predetermined thresholds. For example, a user may be rewarded with discounts or other incentives or promotions for not surpassing the thresholds. Other limitations may of course be imposed, such as, for example, date/time parameters on when certain accounts may be used, merchants where accounts may be used at, and the types of products or services that can be purchased with certain accounts. Other parameters are of course possible.

In some embodiments, the systems and methods described herein may provide certain attributes as well as alerts or notifications to a user. For example, in some embodiments, the various systems and methods described herein may contain the following alert/notifications or attributes: (1) ability to set personal allowances that trigger status alerts on the go; (2) ability to compare spending patterns over time; (3) beat your best—a feature that brings a playful tone to self check-ins (you vs. you); (4) ability to benchmark you vs. (aspirational others); (5) metrics for gauging progress; (6) ability to choose between debit or credit (pay now vs. pay later); and (7) ability to see the different rewards that would be earned upon selecting different account(s) for a particular transaction. The alert/notification feature of the systems and methods claimed herein may be performed by any of the various modules described herein.

Account posting module 215 may, in some embodiments, post transaction or parts of transactions to designated accounts. For example, account posting module 215 may interact or cooperate with the external systems of a bank or other entity that administers accounts, for example, to ensure that transactions or parts of transactions are posted to the proper accounts. In some embodiments, account posting module 215 may interact or cooperate with account determination module 210 or post-transaction account determination module 220 to receive customer or dynamically designated account selections.

Post-transaction account determination module 220 may, in some embodiments, receive and process account designations after a transaction or part of a transaction has been posted to an account. For example, a week after a transaction has been posted to a customer's credit account, for example, the customer may decide to transfer the balance from his credit account to his debit account for immediate payment. The customer may request the transfer by interacting with customer selection module 220a via client station 115 or other access means. In some embodiments, the customer may interact with a graphical user interface of account selection processing station 105 that enables the customer to selectively designate accounts after a transaction has occurred and been posted to at least one account. In some embodiments, post-transaction designations may be made by communicating with a customer service representative of station 105, or by making designations on the customer monthly account statement and returning such marked-up statement to the administrator of station 105 or agent thereof. In some embodiments, post-transaction designations may be made dynamically via rule selection module 220b, based on, for example, any particular of a transaction, such as, for example, merchant name, date/time of transaction, transaction amount, product or service purchased, or any other data or information that may be used to designate accounts. In some embodiments, post-transaction designations may be made via email, instant messaging, MMS, SMS, or any other form of communication.

In some embodiments, post-transaction designations may be made according to rules or parameters. For example, if an account balance has remained in a given account for a long period of time, the systems and methods described herein may prompt or query the account holder whether the balance needs to be moved to another account, such as, for example, a debit account where payment may be made immediately. Alternatively, funds from an account may be moved to another account to pay off a balance. Similarly, if a transaction with a given merchant remains in an account for period of time without payment being made, the various systems and methods described herein may remind the user of the outstanding balance and propose a payment schedule.

Account reconciliation module 225 may, in some embodiments, reconcile accounts based on account selections and designations. Thus, if a customer transfers some or all of a balance from his credit account to his debit account, account reconciliation module 225 may ensure that the proper balances are reflected in the two accounts after the transfer is effected. In some embodiments, account reconciliation module 225 may interact or cooperate with account posting module 215 (or external systems of account administrators, for example) in performing account reconciliation features and functionality.

Payment module 230 may, in some embodiments, receive and process payments from a customer, such as, for example, user of the transactions device. For example, the user of the device may make payment on any balances that have accrued on transactions conducted with the device. Such payments may be made on a periodic basis, such as daily, weekly, or monthly, for example. In addition, such payments may comprise a minimum payment towards the balance or the entire amount due and owing. In some embodiments, payment module 230 may interact or cooperate with external payment processors associated with a bank or other individual or entity that administers accounts to which payments are posted as described herein.

Administration module 235 may, in some embodiments, enable an administrator of account selection processing station 105, for example, to interact with the various modules, features and functionality described herein. For example, an agent of account selection processing station 105 may interact with administration module 235 to input, revise and remove data and information used by the various systems and methods described herein, such as, for example, customer information, benefit or reward information, transaction history information, merchant information, or any other data or information that may be used to perform the various features and functionality described herein. In some embodiments, administration module 235 may enable an administrator of account selection processing station 105 to establish parameters or rules associated with the various features and functionality described herein. For example, an administrator may establish limits, caps, delays, rules or fees associated with a customer's use of the features and functionality described herein. A customer may also be required to pay a fee to be able to be able to process transactions and select accounts as described herein. Such a fee may be, for example, annually or monthly imposed or may be charged on a one-time or per-transaction basis. In some embodiments, the fee may comprise a monetary amount or any other form of measurable value.

Communications module 240 may, in some embodiments, enable communication with a customer in connection with the various and functionality described herein. For example, Communications module 240 may transmit messages or alerts to customers which relate to transactions conducted with the various transaction devices described herein. Communications module 240 may transmit such messages or alerts via any form of communication network, such as, for example, a data communications network, a telephone network, or any other network that may be used to transmit messages or alerts. Such messages or alerts may comprise snail mail, email, facsimile transmissions, instant messages, audio or voice mail, or any other form of communication. In some embodiments, communications module 240 may also receive customer selections or input provided in response to such messages or alerts, such as, for example, particular account selections to which a particular transaction should be posted to. In some embodiments, communications module 240 may cooperate with any of the other modules set forth in FIG. 2 to generate and transmit messages or alerts, and to receive customer selections or inputs based on such messages or alerts.

FIG. 3 illustrates a transactions device 305 for processing transactions and selecting accounts to which particular transactions are to be posted, according to an embodiment of the systems and methods described herein. As shown, a transactions device 305 is associated with account identifiers 310, 312, 314, 316, and 318, each of which may correspond to or be associated a particular account or accounts. In some embodiments, transactions device 305 may comprise a card (e.g., credit card, debit card, or stored value card), RFID, biometric, instrument, identifier or other characteristic or item that may be used by a user or another to conduct transactions. In some embodiments, transactions device 305 may be issued to a customer by a financial institution (e.g., a bank), a merchant, an administrator of station 105 or system 100, a sponsor of the device, or any other individual or entity. As shown, device 305 may comprise a top portion 307 and a bottom portion 308 that are connected together via a hinge element 309. The top and bottom portions may be selectively positioned so that desired account identifiers are exposed and available for initiation. Thus, if the bottom portion is completely closed against the top portion, account identifier 318 (e.g., the magnetic stripe) would not be exposed and therefore would not be available for the customer to swipe at a point-of-sale and initiate a transaction. Alternatively, if device is open, the customer will be able to access a greater number of accounts through account identifiers 312-318, for example. In some embodiments, device 305 may include a lock (not shown) that operates to lock the two portions of the device 305 in a closed position. In some embodiments, the total width of the device 305 in a closed position is equivalent to current or traditional cards, such as credit, debit, ATM or other like cards or devices.

The types of accounts accessible by via device 305 may comprise, for example, a line of credit account, checking account, money market account, debit account, savings account, or any other account that may be used to enter into transactions. In some embodiments, a user of device 305 may initiate any number of accounts associated with device 305 for use in a given transaction, either at the time of the transaction of thereafter. As shown in FIG. 3 account 310 is a dedicated gasoline account; account 312 is a dedicated groceries account; account 314 is a dedicated entertainment account; account 316 is a dedicated business account; and account 318 is a miscellaneous account. In some embodiments, which account(s) are used for a given transaction may depend on which account(s) the customer specifically designates at the POS, such as, for example, which one the customer initiates through a POS of sale device or identifies to the merchant representative. In some embodiments, account(s) may be selected based on particular rules or parameters that determine which accounts are applicable. For example, as shown in FIG. 3, account 310 may be initiated based on the merchant identity; account 312 on the basis of merchant or product identity; account 314 on the basis of merchant identity or date/time of transaction; account 316 on the basis of merchant or product identity or date/time of transaction; and account 318 only if another appropriate account cannot be determined. For example, if a given transaction occurred at an Amoco™ gas station, for example, the user's account 310 may be designated as the appropriate account based in the name of the merchant. In some embodiments, account determination may occur at the time of the transaction, such as, for example, after the an account identifier is initiated or identified. Thus, if the customer approaches the gas station attendant to pay for the transaction and initiates account 314, the various systems and methods may dynamically override the customer's selection (or prompt the customer for clarification or to confirm the selection) and post the transaction to the account 310 which is dedicated to gasoline transactions.

In some embodiments, a device 305 may have only one account identifier (e.g., only one magnetic stripe or one RFID) through which all transactions are initiated. Thus, once a transaction is entered into (e.g., once the magnetic stripe is swiped through a POS device or account number or card provided to the merchant representative), the various systems and methods described herein may identify the appropriate accounts to which the transaction should be posted. For example, upon receiving transaction data and information relating to a customer's transactions over a period of time, account selection processing station 105 may process the data and information and allocate transactions or portions of transactions according to rules or parameters corresponding to the particular customer, such as those set forth in FIG. 3, for example. In some embodiments, the rules or parameters may be predetermined, established by the customer, a merchant(s), an administrator of the systems and methods described herein, an issuer or sponsor of device 305, for example, or any other individual or entity that may specify or define particular account selection rules or parameters.

FIG. 4 illustrates three process flows A-C depicting various schemes for selecting accounts according to various embodiments of the systems and methods described herein. The examples shown are based on use of device 305 and its accounts as described in FIG. 3. In scheme A, a twenty dollar transaction at a gasoline station may initially be posted to account 310, as shown at 400. The transaction may be posted to the account once: (1) the customer provides the merchant representative with an account number corresponding to account 310; (2) the customer or the merchant representative swipes device 305 (or more particularly the account identifier corresponding to account 310); or (3) rules or parameters corresponding to device 305, the user, the merchant, the issuer or any other individual or entity may require, recommend or designate account 310. The initial posting of the transaction may of course be changed by the customer or dynamically according to rules or parameters. For example, a few days after entering into the transaction, the customer may decide to switch the balance to his business account because the gasoline was used for business purposes. To do so, the customer may make such designation by interacting with an interface associated with station 105, for example, or contacting a service representative of station 105. In some embodiments, if a customer does not make a selection by a particular period of time, the transaction may be posted to a buffer, temporary or default account as described herein. Other methods for designating accounts are possible.

Scheme B shows the initial transaction being broken up based on amount of transaction. Thus, if the customer used half of the gasoline for personal use and the other half for business purposes, he may designate that $10.00 be posted to the business account as shown in 420. Scheme C shows the user applying a $10 payment to the balance in the gasoline account 310 (at step 430) and thereafter transferring the remaining balance to business account 316. In some embodiments, the $10 payment may be made after the balance is transferred to the business account. In some embodiments, post-transaction designations may be made according to rules or parameters. For example, if an account balance has remained in a given account for a long period of time, the systems and methods described herein may prompt or query the account holder whether the balance needs to be moved to another account, such as, for example, a debit account where payment may be made immediately. Similarly, if a transaction with a given merchant remains in an account for period of time without payment being made, the various systems and methods described herein may remind the user of the outstanding balance and propose a payment schedule.

FIG. 5 illustrates two process flows A and B depicting various schemes for selecting accounts based on particulars of the goods or services purchased, according to various embodiments of the systems and methods described herein. The examples shown are based on use of device 305 and its accounts as described in FIG. 3. In scheme A, a $40 transaction at a gasoline station may break down as follows: $25 for gasoline; $10 for food and drink; and $5 for miscellaneous items. As shown in 505, the initial account selected may comprise account 310 to which the entire $40 amount will be posted. The initial selection may be made by the customer or rules and parameters that designate the account based on the merchant's identity, for example. Subsequently, the customer may designate certain portions of the transaction that should be posted to different accounts. Thus, $10 should be posted to account 312 (groceries), $5 to account 318 miscellaneous, and the remaining $25 should remain in account 310. In scheme B, the initial account designations are based on the identity of the good or service purchased. Thus, $25 to account 310; $10 to account 312 and $5 to account 318. Subsequently, the customer may re-designate or pay accounts according to his needs. Thus, the $25 may be transferred to account 316 (business), half of the balance in account 312 is paid, and the miscellaneous balance is paid in full. As in scheme A, the initial account selections may be made by the customer or according to rules and parameters that designate account(s) based on the merchant's identity, for example, and other transaction particulars. The above schemes are intended as examples an do not limit the types of schemes that are possible using the systems and methods described herein.

FIG. 6 illustrates a process flow 600 for processing transactions using a multi-account transaction device. At step 605, at least one transaction particular relating to a transaction conducted with a multi-account transaction device is received. In some embodiments, the transaction particular is received from a merchant or an agent or system that processes transactions on behalf of merchants or other entities. At step 610, at least one first desired account associated with the multi-account transaction device to which the transaction will be posted is determined. At step 615, the transaction is posted to the at least one first desired account. At step 620, at least one second desired account designation to which at least a portion of the transaction should be posted is received. At step 625, the at least a portion of the transaction is posted to the at least one second desired account. At step 630, the at least one first desired account are reconciled.

FIGS. 7-24 illustrate various embodiments of cards or transaction devices that may be used to perform or initiate some or all of the features and functionality described herein. In some embodiments, for example, the cards and devices described in FIGS. 7-24 may be used to perform the features and functionality described in FIGS. 1-6 above.

FIG. 7 illustrates a transaction device 700 according to one embodiment of the systems and methods described herein. As shown, transaction device 700 may comprise a top portion having a face 705 and a bottom portion with a face 710. Transaction device 700 may also, in some embodiments, comprise a lock 715 which secures the top portion 705 to the bottom portion 710 when the device 700 is in a closed position. In some embodiments, the top portion 705 may include information 707, such as an account number (e.g., which is shown as ending in 1121), card holder name and other relevant information. Device 700 may be made of any strong, rigid material, such as plastic, for example. Other materials are of course possible.

FIG. 8 illustrates the bottom portion 710 of device 700. As shown, bottom portion 710 may comprise a signature block 715 for the card holder to sign his or her name, as well as a magnetic strip 720 which may store data and other information about the account or card holder, for example.

FIGS. 9 and 10 illustrate transaction device 700 in a fully opened position. As shown, device 700 includes a hinge 726 that connects the two portions. In some embodiments, hinge 726 may comprise a thin, flexible film that connects the two portions of transaction device 700. In some embodiments, the hinge may be made of a fabric or other flexible material, such as, for example, a heavy duty fabric. In some embodiments, the hinge may be made of a plastic or flexible metal or alloy material, for example. Device 700 is shown as including a face 725 which include information 727, such as an account number (e.g., which is shown as ending in 1122), card holder name and other relevant information. Device 700 may also include a face 730 which may include a signature block for the card holder to sign his or her name, as well as a magnetic strip 735 which may store data and other information about the account or card holder, for example. In some embodiments, face 725 is the opposite side of top portion 705 which includes the account number ending in 1121, whereas face 730 is the opposite side of the bottom portion 710 which includes the magnetic strip 720.

FIG. 11 illustrates a top view of device 700 showing faces 705 and 710, which include the account number ending in 1121 and the magnetic strip 720, respectively. FIG. 12 illustrates the opening and closing functionality of device 700 showing the hinge 726. In some embodiments, the two portions of device 700 may be closed in such a manner that faces 705 and 710 form a transaction device whereby the account number ending with 1121 and the magnetic strip 720 are exposed on the front and back respectively. In some embodiments, the two portions of device 700 may be closed in such a manner that faces 725 and 730 form a transaction device whereby the account number ending with 1122 and the magnetic strip 735 are exposed on the front and back respectively.

FIG. 13 illustrates a transaction device 1300 containing a top portion 1305 and a bottom portion 1320. Top portion 1305 includes a window cut-out 1310, which in some embodiments, may have a clear or translucent film or layer, through which an account number (e.g., ending in 1121), for example, may be visible. In some embodiments, the account number may be marked on the face of bottom portion 1320. Top portion 1305 may also have information such as the card holder's name and other related information. In some embodiments, the two portions of device 1300 may be retained by a rivet 1325 or other retention device, such that the top and bottom portions may rotate relative to each other. In some embodiments, the top portion is wider than the bottom portion, as shown, while in some embodiments they are the same width. Likewise, the top and bottom portions may be of the same or differing lengths. In some embodiments, the thickness may be in compliance with a required standard or norm, such as, for example an ISO standard. As shown in FIG. 13, device 1300 is in a first position where the account number ending in 1121 is shown through window 1310.

FIG. 14 illustrates the back view of the device 1300. As shown, portion 1305 has a magnetic strip 1330 disposed thereon. In some embodiments, magnetic strip 1330 correspond to the account 1315 (e.g., which ends in 1121) shown through the window 1310 in FIG. 13. As shown, the back of portion 1320 may have a signature block 1335 and a portion of the rivot 1325 or other form of retention.

FIG. 15 illustrates device 1300 in a second position where the account number shown through window 1310 ends in 1122. The second position may be achieved by rotating the bottom portion relative to the top portion 180 degrees. Doing so would result in an account ending in 1122 appearing through window 1310. FIG. 16 illustrates the back view of device 1300 in the second position. Shown is a magnetic strip 1345 which corresponds to the account number ending in 1122 which appears through the window 1310 in FIG. 15. Also shown is the back of portion 1320 which may, in some embodiments, include a signature block and other information. FIG. 17 illustrates an exploded view of device 1300 showing top portion 130 and bottom portion 1320. Also shown is an opening 1350 in the bottom portion 1320 through which rivot 1325 may be placed to permit the relative rotational movement between the two portions.

FIG. 18 illustrates a transaction device 1800 which includes a top portion 1805 and a bottom portion 1810. In some embodiments, top portion 1805 may include information about an account or card holder, while the bottom portion may include an account number 1815 (e.g., the account number shown ends in 1122.) The top portion and the bottom portions may slide relative to each other so as to display different account numbers. As shown, device 1800 is in a first position where an account ending in 1122 is shown. FIG. 19 illustrates the back view of device 1800 in the first position showing a magnetic strip 1820 disposed on the back of top portion 1805. The back of bottom portion 1810 may include a signature block and other relevant information.

FIG. 20 illustrates the device 1800 in a second position which is achieved by sliding the top portion down relative to the bottom portion 1810. Doing so reveal an account number ending in 1121, as shown. FIG. 21 illustrates a magnetic strip 1830 which may be associated with the account number ending in 1121. The back of bottom portion 1810 may include a signature block and other relevant information.

FIGS. 22 and 23 respectively depict exploded views of device 1800 such that the components which permit the relative sliding of portions 1805 and 1810. As shown notches 1835 and rails 1850 cooperate so as to permit top portion 1805 and bottom portion 1810 to slide relative to each other. In particular, rails 1850 are received by notices 1835 to retain portions 1805 and 1810 in a secure but slidable position. In some embodiments, notches 1835 and rails 1850 may be structured so that the card can snap or click into the first position or the second position, so as to ensure the position is securely maintained. In some embodiments, rail 1840 and rail 1855 may be provided to further secure the relative positioning of portions 1805 and 1810.

FIG. 24 illustrates one embodiment of a transaction device 2400 that includes a display screen or portion 2405, an interaction button or element 2410 and an account number or identifier 2415. In some embodiments, device 2400 may further comprise a process or storage element (neither of which is shown) which stores particulars on accounts, such as for example, available balances, associated designations or categories, or any other particular that may be associated with accounts. In some embodiments, a customer may select an account to conduct transactions by initiating interaction button or element 2410 to cycle through the various accounts that are available to the customer. Details of the various accounts may be viewed through the display screen or portion 2405. For example, as the customer cycles through the various accounts, the selected account information will appear on display screen or portion 2405. In some embodiments, the information appearing on display screen or portion 2405 may comprise an account, bucket or sub-account number, while in other embodiments, it may comprise a description of an account, bucket or sub-account's designation or category. For example, descriptions such as entertainment, household expenses, business, and other like descriptions may appear on screen 2405 as the customer cycles through the options. The account associated with the description appearing on the screen 2405 will be the one that is used to conduct a transaction. In some embodiments, the appropriate account information or details is communicated via a magnetic stripe, RFID or other component which may convey account details at the point-of-sale or during the transaction.

In some embodiments, a customer may designate the available account(s) at the time the customer applies for the transaction device, or any other time thereafter. For example, when opening an account or accounts that will be accessible with the transaction device 2400, the customer may specify how many accounts he wants access to as well as provide descriptors that may be used to readily identify the types of transactions that a particular account may be used for. A customer may designate, for example, an account for gasoline, an account for entertainment purposes, an account that accumulates rewards or other promotion credit, an account for business, etc.

In some embodiments, a customer may reset, re-designate or classify accounts after obtaining the device for use. For example, a customer may use wi-fi, RFID or other form of communication to reset account particulars. In some embodiments, the card member can go on the customer's dedicated or other appropriate web site, for example, to set up new rules, change rules, see the suggested rules based on the customer's past experience. The customer may also re-set or reallocate the accounts. For instance, the card member can reallocate a “Miscellaneous Category” in to a “Business 2 Account” to keep better track of expenses on a new initiative. In some embodiments, a sleeve associated with the device, for example, may have an RFID or other storage device that contains desired particulars on accounts. The particulars may be modified by the user by interacting the RFID or other storage device on an as-needed basis. Such interaction may occur via any terminal or device that may be used to engage and modify the data stored on the RFID or other storage device. Upon insertion of the device into the sleeve, any modified information in the RFID or other storage device on the sleeve would be transferred to the device 2405. In some embodiments, particular accounts may be accessed to process split-ticket transactions.

In some embodiments, a customer using the various devices and functionality disclosed herein may allocate portions of transactions on a per account basis. For example, a contractor making a large purchase composed of different items for different projects may allocate particular items to particular accounts. An example of such functionality is described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/952,457 titled “System And Method For Associating Financial Transaction Data With A User's Project Data,” which is expressly incorporated herein by reference.

FIG. 25 depicts one embodiment of the internals, for example, of transaction device 2400 shown in FIG. 24. As shown, transaction device 2400 may include a screen 2405 an interaction button or element 2410 that allows the user, for example, to cycle through accounts, for example. In some embodiments, transaction device 2400 may be powered by a battery, cell or other power source. Transaction device 2400 may also include a processor 2430, an I/O element or interface, and a storage device 2420. In some embodiments, processor 2430 may serve to process balances and other transaction or account particulars so that a user may have access to I/O device 2425 may, in some embodiments, permit communication (e.g., wi-fi; RFID, network (e.g., Internet) or other form of communication) between transaction device 2400 and a terminal 2430, which may, in some embodiments, be merchant station or customer station of FIG. 1. In some embodiments, I/O device 2425 may permit interaction between the card and a device 2435, such as, for example, the sleeve of the card. In some embodiments, storage device 2420 may store data and information regarding transactions and accounts, for example. In some embodiments, storage device 2420 may also maintain software, programs or algorithms which may be run or executed by processor 2430 to provide functionality to the user. For example, such software may permit the user to set or define account hierarchies that determine which accounts are to be used and for which transactions. For example, a user may decide to user a particular account for certain types of transactions. Other functionality is of course possible.

Hereinafter, aspects of implementation of the invention will be described. As described above, FIG. 1 shows embodiments of a system of the invention. The system of the invention or portions of the system of the invention may be in the form of a “processing machine,” such as a general purpose computer, for example. As used herein, the term “processing machine” is to be understood to include at least one processor that uses at least one memory. The at least one memory stores a set of instructions. The instructions may be either permanently or temporarily stored in the memory or memories of the processing machine. The processor executes the instructions that are stored in the memory or memories in order to process data. The set of instructions may include various instructions that perform a particular task or tasks, such as those tasks described above in the flowcharts. Such a set of instructions for performing a particular task may be characterized as a program, software program, or simply software.

As noted above, the processing machine executes the instructions that are stored in the memory or memories to process data. This processing of data may be in response to commands by a user or users of the processing machine, in response to previous processing, in response to a request by another processing machine and/or any other input, for example. As described herein, a module performing functionality may comprise a processor and vice-versa.

As noted above, the processing machine used to implement the invention may be a general purpose computer. However, the processing machine described above may also utilize any of a wide variety of other technologies including a special purpose computer, a computer system including a microcomputer, mini-computer or mainframe for example, a programmed microprocessor, a micro-controller, a peripheral integrated circuit element, a CSIC (Customer Specific Integrated Circuit) or ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) or other integrated circuit, a logic circuit, a digital signal processor, a programmable logic device such as a FPGA, PLD, PLA or PAL, or any other device or arrangement of devices that is capable of implementing the steps of the process of the invention.

It is appreciated that in order to practice the method of the invention as described above, it is not necessary that the processors and/or the memories of the processing machine be physically located in the same geographical place. That is, each of the processors and the memories used in the invention may be located in geographically distinct locations and connected so as to communicate in any suitable manner. Additionally, it is appreciated that each of the processor and/or the memory may be composed of different physical pieces of equipment. Accordingly, it is not necessary that the processor be one single piece of equipment in one location and that the memory be another single piece of equipment in another location. That is, it is contemplated that the processor may be two pieces of equipment in two different physical locations. The two distinct pieces of equipment may be connected in any suitable manner. Additionally, the memory may include two or more portions of memory in two or more physical locations.

To explain further, processing as described above is performed by various components and various memories. However, it is appreciated that the processing performed by two distinct components as described above may, in accordance with a further embodiment of the invention, be performed by a single component. Further, the processing performed by one distinct component as described above may be performed by two distinct components. In a similar manner, the memory storage performed by two distinct memory portions as described above may, in accordance with a further embodiment of the invention, be performed by a single memory portion. Further, the memory storage performed by one distinct memory portion as described above may be performed by two memory portions.

Further, various technologies may be used to provide communication between the various processors and/or memories, as well as to allow the processors and/or the memories of the invention to communicate with any other entity; i.e., so as to obtain further instructions or to access and use remote memory stores, for example. Such technologies used to provide such communication might include a network, the Internet, Intranet, Extranet, LAN, an Ethernet, or any client server system that provides communication, for example. Such communications technologies may use any suitable protocol such as TCP/IP, UDP, or OSI, for example.

As described above, a set of instructions is used in the processing of the invention. The set of instructions may be in the form of a program or software. The software may be in the form of system software or application software, for example. The software might also be in the form of a collection of separate programs, a program module within a larger program, or a portion of a program module, for example The software used might also include modular programming in the form of object oriented programming. The software tells the processing machine what to do with the data being processed.

Further, it is appreciated that the instructions or set of instructions used in the implementation and operation of the invention may be in a suitable form such that the processing machine may read the instructions. For example, the instructions that form a program may be in the form of a suitable programming language, which is converted to machine language or object code to allow the processor or processors to read the instructions. That is, written lines of programming code or source code, in a particular programming language, are converted to machine language using a compiler, assembler or interpreter. The machine language is binary coded machine instructions that are specific to a particular type of processing machine, i.e., to a particular type of computer, for example. The computer understands the machine language.

Any suitable programming language may be used in accordance with the various embodiments of the invention. Illustratively, the programming language used may include assembly language, Ada, APL, Basic, C, C++, COBOL, dBase, Forth, Fortran, Java, Modula-2, Pascal, Prolog, REXX, Visual Basic, and/or JavaScript, for example. Further, it is not necessary that a single type of instructions or single programming language be utilized in conjunction with the operation of the system and method of the invention. Rather, any number of different programming languages may be utilized as is necessary or desirable.

Also, the instructions and/or data used in the practice of the invention may utilize any compression or encryption technique or algorithm, as may be desired. An encryption module might be used to encrypt data. Further, files or other data may be decrypted using a suitable decryption module, for example.

As described above, the invention may illustratively be embodied in the form of a processing machine, including a computer or computer system, for example, that includes at least one memory. It is to be appreciated that the set of instructions, i.e., the software for example, that enables the computer operating system to perform the operations described above may be contained on any of a wide variety of media or medium, as desired. Further, the data that is processed by the set of instructions might also be contained on any of a wide variety of media or medium. That is, the particular medium, i.e., the memory in the processing machine, utilized to hold the set of instructions and/or the data used in the invention may take on any of a variety of physical forms or transmissions, for example. Illustratively, the medium may be in the form of paper, paper transparencies, a compact disk, a DVD, an integrated circuit, a hard disk, a floppy disk, an optical disk, a magnetic tape, a RAM, a ROM, a PROM, a EPROM, a wire, a cable, a fiber, communications channel, a satellite transmissions or other remote transmission, as well as any other medium or source of data that may be read by the processors of the invention.

Further, the memory or memories used in the processing machine that implements the invention may be in any of a wide variety of forms to allow the memory to hold instructions, data, or other information, as is desired. Thus, the memory might be in the form of a database to hold data. The database might use any desired arrangement of files such as a flat file arrangement or a relational database arrangement, for example.

In the system and method of the invention, a variety of “user interfaces” may be utilized to allow a user to interface with the processing machine or machines that are used to implement the invention. As used herein, a user interface includes any hardware, software, or combination of hardware and software used by the processing machine that allows a user to interact with the processing machine. A user interface may be in the form of a dialogue screen for example. A user interface may also include any of a mouse, touch screen, keyboard, voice reader, voice recognizer, dialogue screen, menu box, list, checkbox, toggle switch, a pushbutton or any other device that allows a user to receive information regarding the operation of the processing machine as it processes a set of instructions and/or provide the processing machine with information. Accordingly, the user interface is any device that provides communication between a user and a processing machine. The information provided by the user to the processing machine through the user interface may be in the form of a command, a selection of data, or some other input, for example.

As discussed above, a user interface is utilized by the processing machine that performs a set of instructions such that the processing machine processes data for a user. The user interface is typically used by the processing machine for interacting with a user either to convey information or receive information from the user. However, it should be appreciated that in accordance with some embodiments of the system and method of the invention, it is not necessary that a human user actually interact with a user interface used by the processing machine of the invention. Rather, it is contemplated that the user interface of the invention might interact, i.e., convey and receive information, with another processing machine, rather than a human user. Accordingly, the other processing machine might be characterized as a user. Further, it is contemplated that a user interface utilized in the system and method of the invention may interact partially with another processing machine or processing machines, while also interacting partially with a human user.

It will be readily understood by those persons skilled in the art that the present invention is susceptible to broad utility and application. Many embodiments and adaptations of the present invention other than those herein described, as well as many variations, modifications and equivalent arrangements, will be apparent from or reasonably suggested by the present invention and foregoing description thereof, without departing from the substance or scope of the invention.

Accordingly, while the present invention has been described here in detail in relation to its exemplary embodiments, it is to be understood that this disclosure is only illustrative and exemplary of the present invention and is made to provide an enabling disclosure of the invention. Accordingly, the foregoing disclosure is not intended to be construed or to limit the present invention or otherwise to exclude any other such embodiments, adaptations, variations, modifications and equivalent arrangements.

The embodiments of the present inventions are not to be limited in scope by the specific embodiments described herein. For example, although many of the embodiments disclosed herein have been described with reference to contribution of money or funds to a transactions device, the principles herein are equally applicable to the contribution of any type of benefit, reward or other value that may identified and contributed to a transactions device. In addition, although many of the embodiments disclosed herein have been described with reference to a savings and transactions processing station that is associated with an administrator of financial instrument or device programs, such as a bank, for example, it should be appreciated that various aspects of the invention may be accomplished when various system components are located elsewhere or administered by other individuals or entities. For instance, the account selection processing station 105 described herein may be maintained and administered by a third party service provider. Indeed, various modifications of the embodiments of the present inventions, in addition to those described herein, will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art from the foregoing description and accompanying drawings. Thus, such modifications are intended to fall within the scope of the following appended claims.

Further, although the embodiments of the present inventions have been described herein in the context of a particular implementation in a particular environment for a particular purpose, those of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that its usefulness is not limited thereto and that the embodiments of the present inventions can be beneficially implemented in any number of environments for any number of purposes. Accordingly, the claims set forth below should be construed in view of the full breadth and spirit of the embodiments of the present inventions as disclosed herein.

  • 1. An account transaction device, comprising: a top portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes a first account and the back side includes at least one identifier associated with a second account;a bottom portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes the second account and the back side includes at least one identifier associated with the first account; anda hinge connecting the top portion to the bottom portion, wherein the top and bottom portions are relatively movable between a first closed position where the top portion displays the first account and the bottom portion displays the at least one identifier associated with the first account and a second closed position where the top portion displays the at least one identifier associated with the second account and the bottom portion displays the second account;wherein, before or during a transaction, an initial account selection to which the transaction is to be posted is capable of being selectively determined by a customer, andthe initial account selection is capable of being subsequently changed by the customer.
  • 2. The account transaction device of claim 1 wherein the at least one identifier associated with the first account comprises at least one magnetic strip or a RFID chip.
  • 3. The account transaction device of claim 1 wherein the at least one identifier associated with the second account comprises at least one magnetic strip or a RFID chip.
  • 4. The account transaction device of claim 1 wherein the first account number is embossed or otherwise marked on the top portion and the second account number is embossed or otherwise marked on the bottom portion.
  • 5. The account transaction device of claim 1 further comprising a securing means for securing the multi-account transaction device in the first or second closed position.
  • 6. A account transaction device, comprising: a top portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes account information and the back side includes a first identifier associated with a first account number and a second identifier associated with a second account number, and wherein the top portion further comprises a window;a bottom portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes the first account number and the second account number and the back side includes additional account information; anda pivoting means connecting the top portion to the bottom portion, wherein the top and second portions are relatively movable between a first position where the first account number is displayed through the window of the top portion and the back side of the top portion displays the first identifier and a second position where the second account number is displayed through the window of the top portion and the back side of the top portion displays the second account number and the back side of the top portion displays the second identifier;wherein, before or during a transaction, an initial account selection to which the transaction is to be posted is capable of being selectively determined by a customer, andthe initial account selection is capable of being subsequently changed by the customer.
  • 7. The account transaction device of claim 6 wherein the first identifier of the first account comprises at least one magnetic strip or a RFID chip.
  • 8. The account transaction device of claim 6 wherein the second identifier of the second account comprises at least one magnetic strip or a RFID chip.
  • 9. The account transaction device of claim 6 wherein the first account number is embossed or otherwise marked on the top portion and the second account number is embossed or otherwise marked on the bottom portion.
  • 10. A account transaction device, comprising: a top portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes account information and the back side includes a first identifier associated with a first account number and a second identifier associated with a second account number;a bottom portion having a front side and a back side, wherein the front side includes the first account number and the second account number and the back side includes additional account information; anda sliding means connecting the top portion to the bottom portion, wherein the top and second portions are relatively movable between a first position where the first account number is displayed by the front side of the bottom portion and the back side of the top portion displays the first identifier and a second position where the second account number is displayed by the front side of the back portion and the back side of the top portion displays the second account number and the back side of the top portion displays the second identifier;wherein, before or during a transaction, an initial account selection to which the transaction is to be posted is capable of being selectively determined by a customer, andthe initial account selection is capable of being subsequently changed by the customer.
  • 11. The account transaction device of claim 10 wherein the first identifier of the first account comprises at least one magnetic strip or a RFID chip.
  • 12. The account transaction device of claim 10 wherein the second identifier of the second account comprises at least one magnetic strip or a RFID chip.
  • 13. The account transaction device of claim 10 wherein the first account number is embossed or otherwise marked on the top portion and the second account number is embossed or otherwise marked on the bottom portion.
  • 14. A transaction device, comprising: a display screen for displaying account information for each of a plurality of accounts;an alpha-numeric or numeric identifier located on a face of the transaction device, separate and apart from the display screen, that is associated with at least one account associated with the transaction device;an interaction element for enabling the user to cycle through the plurality of accounts, each of the plurality of accounts being either an account, sub-account, or bucket associated with the alpha-numeric or numeric identifier and associated with the user and each of the plurality of accounts having a description of a designation or category associated therewith on the display;the interaction element further enabling the user to selectively determine at least one account from the plurality of accounts to use in a transaction, wherein the selective determination occurs either before or during a transaction and the transaction is initially posted against the at least one account;wherein further, following the transaction, at least a portion of an amount associated with the transaction and posted to the at least one account is capable of being subsequently altered by the user to be posted to at least one other account through post-transaction decisioning;wherein the post-transaction decisioning is received from a single computer interface over a computer network.
  • 15. The transaction device of claim 14 wherein the input/output device enables communication with a terminal or a device.
  • 16. The transaction device of claim 15 wherein the terminal or device comprises a device sleeve.
  • 17. The transaction device of claim 14 wherein the input/output device comprises a RFID device.
  • 18. The transaction device of claim 14 wherein the storage device maintains particulars on the plurality of accounts.
  • 19. The transaction device of claim 14 wherein particulars of the plurality of the accounts are added or deleted via the input/output element.
  • 20. The transaction device of claim 14 wherein the account information displayed comprises a category assigned to the account by the user.

This application claims priority to United States provisional patent application titled “System and Method for Processing Transactions Using Multi-Account Transactions Device,” filed on Jan. 11, 2008, and assigned Application Ser. No. 61/006,408. This application is also a continuation-in-part of, and claims priority to, United States utility patent application titled “System and Method for Processing Transactions Using a Multi-Account Transactions Device,” filed on Dec. 31, 2007, and assigned application Ser. No. 11/968,018. This application is also related to the following United States patent applications and patents: (1) the application titled “Multiple Account Advanced Payment Card And Method of Routing Card Transactions,” filed on Jul. 24, 2002 and assigned Ser. No. 10/201,589 (provisional: 60/307,179, filed on Jul. 24, 2001) and all applications that claim priority thereto, (2) the application titled “Selectable Multi-Purpose Card,” filed on Dec. 6, 2000 and assigned application Ser. No. 09/730,399 (now issued U.S. Pat. No. 6,631,849), and all patents and patent applications that claim priority thereto, and (3) design patent application Ser. Nos. 29/303,981 (titled “Folding Transaction Device”), 29/303,983 (titled “Pivoting Transaction Device”), 29/303,978 (now issued as D576,671) (titled “Overlapping Transaction Device”), and 29/303,976 (titled “Transaction Device”), all filed on Feb. 21, 2008.

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6108641 Kenna et al. Aug 2000 A
6108642 Findley Aug 2000 A
6110044 Stern Aug 2000 A
6111858 Greaves et al. Aug 2000 A
6112085 Garner et al. Aug 2000 A
6115690 Wong Sep 2000 A
6119011 Borst et al. Sep 2000 A
6119106 Mersky et al. Sep 2000 A
6119107 Polk Sep 2000 A
6119933 Wong et al. Sep 2000 A
6125354 MacFarlane et al. Sep 2000 A
6125391 Meltzer et al. Sep 2000 A
6128599 Walker et al. Oct 2000 A
6128602 Northington et al. Oct 2000 A
6128603 Dent et al. Oct 2000 A
6129273 Shah Oct 2000 A
6138118 Koppstein et al. Oct 2000 A
6138911 Fredregill et al. Oct 2000 A
6138917 Chapin, Jr. Oct 2000 A
6141666 Tobin Oct 2000 A
6144726 Cross Nov 2000 A
6144946 Iwamura Nov 2000 A
6148293 King Nov 2000 A
6149055 Gatto Nov 2000 A
6149056 Stinson et al. Nov 2000 A
6164528 Hills et al. Dec 2000 A
6169974 Baumgartner et al. Jan 2001 B1
6173272 Thomas et al. Jan 2001 B1
6178408 Copple et al. Jan 2001 B1
6181837 Cahill et al. Jan 2001 B1
6182059 Angotti et al. Jan 2001 B1
6185541 Scroggie et al. Feb 2001 B1
6185542 Moran et al. Feb 2001 B1
6185544 Sakamoto et al. Feb 2001 B1
6188309 Levine Feb 2001 B1
6202054 Lawlor et al. Mar 2001 B1
6205433 Boesch et al. Mar 2001 B1
6213391 Lewis Apr 2001 B1
6223168 McGurl et al. Apr 2001 B1
6227447 Campisano May 2001 B1
6233565 Lewis et al. May 2001 B1
6233566 Levine et al. May 2001 B1
6236972 Shkedy May 2001 B1
6240369 Foust May 2001 B1
6240444 Fin et al. May 2001 B1
6243580 Garner Jun 2001 B1
6243689 Norton Jun 2001 B1
6247000 Hawkins et al. Jun 2001 B1
6267292 Walker et al. Jul 2001 B1
6278981 Dembo et al. Aug 2001 B1
6278996 Richardson et al. Aug 2001 B1
6279158 Geile et al. Aug 2001 B1
6282516 Giuliani Aug 2001 B1
6283366 Hills et al. Sep 2001 B1
6285777 Kanevsky et al. Sep 2001 B2
6289322 Kitchen et al. Sep 2001 B1
6289324 Kawan Sep 2001 B1
6292789 Schutzer Sep 2001 B1
6298335 Bernstein Oct 2001 B1
6301379 Thompson et al. Oct 2001 B1
6301567 Leong et al. Oct 2001 B1
6304858 Mosler et al. Oct 2001 B1
6305603 Grunbok, Jr. et al. Oct 2001 B1
6308887 Korman et al. Oct 2001 B1
6321212 Lange Nov 2001 B1
6324524 Lent et al. Nov 2001 B1
6327575 Katz Dec 2001 B1
6332126 Peirce et al. Dec 2001 B1
6334108 Deaton et al. Dec 2001 B1
6336103 Baker Jan 2002 B1
6338047 Wallman Jan 2002 B1
6338049 Walker et al. Jan 2002 B1
6341724 Campisano Jan 2002 B2
6343279 Bissonette et al. Jan 2002 B1
6344108 Von Medvey et al. Feb 2002 B1
6349290 Horowitz et al. Feb 2002 B1
6349972 Geiger et al. Feb 2002 B1
6351735 Deaton et al. Feb 2002 B1
6354491 Nichols et al. Mar 2002 B2
6356881 Milch et al. Mar 2002 B1
6360209 Loeb et al. Mar 2002 B1
6363164 Jones et al. Mar 2002 B1
6363364 Nel Mar 2002 B1
6363365 Kou Mar 2002 B1
6366967 Wagner Apr 2002 B1
6374235 Chen et al. Apr 2002 B1
6377935 Deaton et al. Apr 2002 B1
6385594 Lebda et al. May 2002 B1
6390362 Martin May 2002 B1
6393409 Young et al. May 2002 B2
6404866 Hopper et al. Jun 2002 B1
6405173 Honarvar et al. Jun 2002 B1
6405175 Ng Jun 2002 B1
6405181 Lent et al. Jun 2002 B2
6409080 Kawagishi Jun 2002 B2
6409593 Petrecca Jun 2002 B1
6411806 Garner et al. Jun 2002 B1
6411942 Fujimoto Jun 2002 B1
6411947 Rice et al. Jun 2002 B1
6415259 Wolfinger et al. Jul 2002 B1
6418419 Nieboer et al. Jul 2002 B1
6418420 DiGiorgio et al. Jul 2002 B1
6418430 DeFazio et al. Jul 2002 B1
6424947 Tsuria et al. Jul 2002 B1
6424949 Deaton et al. Jul 2002 B1
6424951 Shurling et al. Jul 2002 B1
6434159 Woodward et al. Aug 2002 B1
6434534 Walker et al. Aug 2002 B1
6446072 Schulze et al. Sep 2002 B1
6454647 Woodbury, Jr. Sep 2002 B1
6456981 Dejaeger et al. Sep 2002 B1
6460020 Pool et al. Oct 2002 B1
6464134 Page Oct 2002 B1
6485922 Erickson et al. Nov 2002 B1
6490568 Omara et al. Dec 2002 B1
6493685 Ensel et al. Dec 2002 B1
6495437 Yu Dec 2002 B1
6513019 Lewis Jan 2003 B2
6516302 Deaton et al. Feb 2003 B1
6535896 Britton et al. Mar 2003 B2
6536663 Lozier et al. Mar 2003 B1
6542739 Garner Apr 2003 B1
6547129 Nichols et al. Apr 2003 B2
6554185 Montross et al. Apr 2003 B1
6560581 Fox et al. May 2003 B1
6561657 Schofield May 2003 B1
6564189 Nycz May 2003 B1
6567786 Bibelnieks et al. May 2003 B1
6567791 Lent et al. May 2003 B2
6571216 Garg et al. May 2003 B1
6574350 Rhoads et al. Jun 2003 B1
6574377 Cahill et al. Jun 2003 B1
6578000 Dodrill et al. Jun 2003 B1
6578012 Storey Jun 2003 B1
6578015 Haseltine et al. Jun 2003 B1
6594640 Postrel Jul 2003 B1
6607127 Wong Aug 2003 B2
6609104 Deaton et al. Aug 2003 B1
6609113 O'Leary et al. Aug 2003 B1
6609125 Layne et al. Aug 2003 B1
6611811 Deaton et al. Aug 2003 B1
6611819 Oneda Aug 2003 B1
6629081 Cornelius et al. Sep 2003 B1
6636615 Rhoads et al. Oct 2003 B1
6647376 Farrar et al. Nov 2003 B1
6658393 Basch et al. Dec 2003 B1
6661910 Jones et al. Dec 2003 B2
6662215 Moskowitz et al. Dec 2003 B1
D485573 Li Jan 2004 S
6684195 Deaton et al. Jan 2004 B1
6687684 Whitehouse et al. Feb 2004 B1
6704714 O'Leary et al. Mar 2004 B1
6714919 Findley Mar 2004 B1
6718313 Lent et al. Apr 2004 B1
6721715 Nemzow Apr 2004 B2
6721743 Sakakibara Apr 2004 B1
6728397 McNeal Apr 2004 B2
D490840 Arakaki et al. Jun 2004 S
D491186 Arakaki et al. Jun 2004 S
D491953 Arakaki et al. Jun 2004 S
6754640 Bozeman Jun 2004 B2
D495736 Scharf Sep 2004 S
D496365 Liu et al. Sep 2004 S
6793135 Ryoo Sep 2004 B1
6795809 O'Brien et al. Sep 2004 B2
6795812 Lent et al. Sep 2004 B1
6804786 Chamley et al. Oct 2004 B1
6806145 Haukka et al. Oct 2004 B2
D498236 Liu et al. Nov 2004 S
6817008 Leford et al. Nov 2004 B2
6817521 Matada Nov 2004 B1
6820058 Wood et al. Nov 2004 B2
6820061 Postrel Nov 2004 B2
6824066 Weyant Nov 2004 B2
6825940 Wu et al. Nov 2004 B1
6826542 Virgin et al. Nov 2004 B1
6829586 Postrel Dec 2004 B2
6834344 Aggarwal et al. Dec 2004 B1
6842739 Postrel Jan 2005 B2
6856973 Bott Feb 2005 B1
RE38717 Bothwell Mar 2005 E
6860375 Hallowell et al. Mar 2005 B2
6865547 Brake, Jr. et al. Mar 2005 B1
6874139 Krueger et al. Mar 2005 B2
6885994 Scroggie et al. Apr 2005 B1
6886046 Stutz et al. Apr 2005 B2
D505450 Lauer et al. May 2005 S
6889198 Kawan May 2005 B2
6892187 Phillips et al. May 2005 B2
6901375 Fernandez May 2005 B2
6901406 Nabe et al. May 2005 B2
6912502 Buddle et al. Jun 2005 B1
6915271 Meyer et al. Jul 2005 B1
6920611 Spaeth et al. Jul 2005 B1
6938156 Wheeler et al. Aug 2005 B2
RE38801 Rogers Sep 2005 E
6942569 Petracca Sep 2005 B2
6945453 Schwarz, Jr. Sep 2005 B1
6947898 Postrel Sep 2005 B2
6950881 Ndili Sep 2005 B1
6950940 Wheeler et al. Sep 2005 B2
6954896 Dodrill et al. Oct 2005 B1
6961710 Yanagisawa et al. Nov 2005 B1
6963857 Johnson Nov 2005 B1
6965882 Lapstun et al. Nov 2005 B1
6970259 Lunt et al. Nov 2005 B1
6970830 Samra et al. Nov 2005 B1
6970855 Das et al. Nov 2005 B2
6980970 Krueger et al. Dec 2005 B2
RE38957 Laussermair et al. Jan 2006 E
6985879 Walker et al. Jan 2006 B2
6999938 Libman Feb 2006 B1
6999943 Johnson et al. Feb 2006 B1
7003476 Samra et al. Feb 2006 B1
7004382 Sandru Feb 2006 B2
7006979 Samra et al. Feb 2006 B1
7010495 Samra et al. Mar 2006 B1
7014110 Minowa et al. Mar 2006 B2
7024374 Day et al. Apr 2006 B1
7024385 Adcock et al. Apr 2006 B1
7025256 Drummond et al. Apr 2006 B1
7039600 Meek et al. May 2006 B1
7062456 Riehl et al. Jun 2006 B1
7068832 Price et al. Jun 2006 B1
7070095 Gandel et al. Jul 2006 B1
7072864 Brake, Jr. et al. Jul 2006 B2
7092905 Behrenbrinker et al. Aug 2006 B2
7092916 Diveley et al. Aug 2006 B2
7104443 Paul et al. Sep 2006 B1
7107249 Dively et al. Sep 2006 B2
7121471 Beenau et al. Oct 2006 B2
7133846 Ginter et al. Nov 2006 B1
7143063 Lent et al. Nov 2006 B2
D533220 Graves et al. Dec 2006 S
7146344 Wankmueller Dec 2006 B2
7155409 Stroh Dec 2006 B1
7159116 Moskowitz Jan 2007 B2
7177836 German et al. Feb 2007 B1
D538349 Hollands Mar 2007 S
7194437 Britto et al. Mar 2007 B1
7200255 Jones et al. Apr 2007 B2
7216091 Blandina et al. May 2007 B1
7228155 Saunders Jun 2007 B2
7243839 Beck et al. Jul 2007 B2
7249112 Berardi et al. Jul 2007 B2
7252223 Schofield Aug 2007 B2
D551705 Mershon Sep 2007 S
7266511 Teshima Sep 2007 B2
7269575 Concannon et al. Sep 2007 B1
7277870 Mourad et al. Oct 2007 B2
7287009 Liebermann Oct 2007 B1
7295999 Simon et al. Nov 2007 B1
7312707 Bishop et al. Dec 2007 B1
7313543 Crane et al. Dec 2007 B1
7315843 Diveley et al. Jan 2008 B2
7317823 Price et al. Jan 2008 B1
7337148 Xie et al. Feb 2008 B2
7346567 Weeks Mar 2008 B2
7349884 Odom Mar 2008 B1
RE40220 Nichols et al. Apr 2008 E
7356516 Richey et al. Apr 2008 B2
7380707 Fredman Jun 2008 B1
7392222 Hamilton et al. Jun 2008 B1
7392224 Bauer et al. Jun 2008 B1
7398253 Pinnell Jul 2008 B1
7401048 Rosedale et al. Jul 2008 B2
7471818 Price et al. Dec 2008 B1
7493288 Biship et al. Feb 2009 B2
7506804 Zajkowski et al. Mar 2009 B2
7512551 Postrel Mar 2009 B2
7523385 Nguyen et al. Apr 2009 B2
7536354 DeGroeve et al. May 2009 B1
7546272 Loy Jun 2009 B2
7577611 Heit et al. Aug 2009 B2
7587363 Cataline et al. Sep 2009 B2
7640205 Michelassi et al. Dec 2009 B2
7647344 Skurtovich, Jr. et al. Jan 2010 B2
7676409 Ahmad Mar 2010 B1
7680735 Loy Mar 2010 B1
7686218 Hessburg et al. Mar 2010 B2
7707111 Brake, Jr. et al. Apr 2010 B2
7734545 Fogliano et al. Jun 2010 B1
7743979 Fredman Jun 2010 B2
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20010018666 Sugiyama et al. Aug 2001 A1
20010018739 Anderson et al. Aug 2001 A1
20010023407 Liyanearachchi et al. Sep 2001 A1
20010023415 Keil Sep 2001 A1
20010025253 Heintz et al. Sep 2001 A1
20010027389 Beverina et al. Oct 2001 A1
20010027441 Wankmueller Oct 2001 A1
20010029490 Inamochi Oct 2001 A1
20010032139 Debonnet, Jr. Oct 2001 A1
20010034647 Marks et al. Oct 2001 A1
20010034651 Marks et al. Oct 2001 A1
20010034663 Teveler et al. Oct 2001 A1
20010034718 Shaked et al. Oct 2001 A1
20010037243 Rouston et al. Nov 2001 A1
20010037299 Nichols et al. Nov 2001 A1
20010037300 Miyazaki et al. Nov 2001 A1
20010037309 Vrain Nov 2001 A1
20010038033 Habib Nov 2001 A1
20010039511 Duckworth et al. Nov 2001 A1
20010044747 Ramachandran et al. Nov 2001 A1
20010044764 Arnold Nov 2001 A1
20010047322 Plate Nov 2001 A1
20010047334 Nappe et al. Nov 2001 A1
20010047342 Cuervo Nov 2001 A1
20010047489 Ito et al. Nov 2001 A1
20010049628 Icho Dec 2001 A1
20010051533 Wietzke et al. Dec 2001 A1
20010051919 Mason Dec 2001 A1
20010054003 Chien et al. Dec 2001 A1
20020002495 Ullman Jan 2002 A1
20020002513 Chiasson Jan 2002 A1
20020003169 Cooper Jan 2002 A1
20020004742 Willcocks et al. Jan 2002 A1
20020007313 Mai et al. Jan 2002 A1
20020010621 Bell et al. Jan 2002 A1
20020011517 Namekawa et al. Jan 2002 A1
20020012445 Perry Jan 2002 A1
20020013728 Wilkman Jan 2002 A1
20020023055 Antognini et al. Feb 2002 A1
20020026365 Natanzon Feb 2002 A1
20020026394 Savage et al. Feb 2002 A1
20020032622 Petit et al. Mar 2002 A1
20020032651 Embrey Mar 2002 A1
20020038363 MacLean Mar 2002 A1
20020040344 Preiser et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020042742 Glover et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020042774 Ortiz et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020046106 Ishibashi et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020046110 Gallagher Apr 2002 A1
20020046116 Hohle et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020046169 Keresman, III et al. Apr 2002 A1
20020047316 Chitayat Apr 2002 A1
20020049605 Hagi Apr 2002 A1
20020052778 Murphy et al. May 2002 A1
20020052842 Schuba et al. May 2002 A1
20020052845 Nielsen May 2002 A1
20020055874 Cohen May 2002 A1
20020055907 Pater et al. May 2002 A1
20020059103 Anderson et al. May 2002 A1
20020062253 Dosh et al. May 2002 A1
20020062257 Minamishin et al. May 2002 A1
20020065712 Kawan May 2002 A1
20020065720 Carswell et al. May 2002 A1
20020065735 Hatakama et al. May 2002 A1
20020069104 Beach et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020069109 Wendkos Jun 2002 A1
20020069134 Solomon Jun 2002 A1
20020069158 Larkin et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020070270 Narita et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020072931 Card Jun 2002 A1
20020072974 Pugliese et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020072976 Virtanen et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020073019 Deaton Jun 2002 A1
20020077890 LaPointe et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020077895 Howell Jun 2002 A1
20020077904 Ali Jun 2002 A1
20020077966 Harycki et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020077978 O'Leary et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020082920 Austin et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020082962 Farris et al. Jun 2002 A1
20020082985 MacKay Jun 2002 A1
20020084321 Martens et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020087349 Wong Jul 2002 A1
20020087415 Allen et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020087452 Megiddo Jul 2002 A1
20020087468 Ganesan et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020087469 Ganesan et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020091567 Royston Jul 2002 A1
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20020099586 Bladen et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020099601 Farrell Jul 2002 A1
20020099649 Lee et al. Jul 2002 A1
20020100803 Sehr Aug 2002 A1
20020107731 Teng Aug 2002 A1
20020107770 Meyer et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020107788 Cunningham Aug 2002 A1
20020111837 Aupperle Aug 2002 A1
20020111859 Sheldon et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020111860 Jones Aug 2002 A1
20020111861 Sakamoto et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020111891 Hoffman et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020116257 Helbig Aug 2002 A1
20020116266 Marshall Aug 2002 A1
20020116331 Cataline et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020120497 King Aug 2002 A1
20020120537 Morea et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020120571 Maung et al. Aug 2002 A1
20020120846 Stewart et al. Aug 2002 A1
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20020123934 Tanaka et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020123946 Haworth et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020123948 Yumoto Sep 2002 A1
20020123955 Andreski et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020128916 Beinecke Sep 2002 A1
20020128981 Kawan et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020129221 Borgia et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020133401 Mount et al. Sep 2002 A1
20020133461 Ramachandran Sep 2002 A1
20020138390 May Sep 2002 A1
20020138398 Kalin et al. Sep 2002 A1
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20020143621 Donnelly et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020143626 Voltmer et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020145039 Carroll Oct 2002 A1
20020147633 Rafizadeh Oct 2002 A1
20020147691 Davis et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020152116 Yan et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020152118 Hadjigeorgis Oct 2002 A1
20020152123 Giordano et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020152179 Racov Oct 2002 A1
20020156723 Lilly et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020161630 Kern et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020161641 Quinlan et al. Oct 2002 A1
20020165771 Walker et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020165808 Zamsky et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020169658 Adler Nov 2002 A1
20020169671 Junger Nov 2002 A1
20020169719 Dively et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020170966 Hannigan et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020174011 Sanchez et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020174018 Bunger et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020178025 Hansen et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020178056 Lim Nov 2002 A1
20020178071 Walker et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020178112 Goeller et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020178117 Maguire et al. Nov 2002 A1
20020184123 Sijacic et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020184145 Sijacic et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020184151 Maloney Dec 2002 A1
20020188478 Breeland et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020188509 Ariff et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020188511 Johnson et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020188565 Nakamura et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020194071 Yoshizaki et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020194081 Perkowski Dec 2002 A1
20020194096 Falcone et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020194117 Nabe et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020194119 Wright et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020198803 Rowe Dec 2002 A1
20020198807 Kobayashi et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020198817 Dhir Dec 2002 A1
20020198822 Munoz et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020198830 Randell et al. Dec 2002 A1
20020199182 Whitehead Dec 2002 A1
20030004794 Hamilton Jan 2003 A1
20030004803 Glover et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030004809 Palcic et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030004874 Ludwig et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030005288 Moskowitz et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030009374 Moodie et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030009379 Narasimhan et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030009393 Norris Jan 2003 A1
20030018523 Rappaport et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030018557 Gilbert et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030018567 Flitcroft et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030023557 Moore Jan 2003 A1
20030028481 Flitcroft et al. Feb 2003 A1
20030028483 Sanders et al. Feb 2003 A1
20030033252 Buttridge et al. Feb 2003 A1
20030036952 Panttaja et al. Feb 2003 A1
20030037002 Higgins et al. Feb 2003 A1
20030040927 Sato et al. Feb 2003 A1
20030040959 Fei et al. Feb 2003 A1
20030040964 Lacek Feb 2003 A1
20030046218 Albanese et al. Mar 2003 A1
20030046249 Wu Mar 2003 A1
20030048888 Hopper et al. Mar 2003 A1
20030050831 Klayh Mar 2003 A1
20030055675 Klein Twennaar Mar 2003 A1
20030061093 Todd Mar 2003 A1
20030061097 Walker et al. Mar 2003 A1
20030061098 Meyer Mar 2003 A1
20030065618 VanDeBoe, Jr. Apr 2003 A1
20030065805 Barnes, Jr. Apr 2003 A1
20030069780 Hailwood et al. Apr 2003 A1
20030069808 Cardno Apr 2003 A1
20030074290 Clore Apr 2003 A1
20030083933 McAlear May 2003 A1
20030088462 Carrither et al. May 2003 A1
20030088470 Cuervo May 2003 A1
20030097298 Klimpl et al. May 2003 A1
20030097335 Muskowitz et al. May 2003 A1
20030101131 Warren et al. May 2003 A1
20030105641 Lewis Jun 2003 A1
20030105688 Brown et al. Jun 2003 A1
20030105689 Chandak et al. Jun 2003 A1
20030110070 De Goeij Jun 2003 A1
20030110136 Wells et al. Jun 2003 A1
20030110442 Battle Jun 2003 A1
20030115100 Teicher Jun 2003 A1
20030120544 Gritzbach et al. Jun 2003 A1
20030120686 Kim et al. Jun 2003 A1
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20030126011 Bryman et al. Jul 2003 A1
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20030130952 Bell et al. Jul 2003 A1
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20030144902 Bowie Jul 2003 A1
20030144942 Sobek Jul 2003 A1
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20030158776 Landesmann Aug 2003 A1
20030158782 Thomson et al. Aug 2003 A1
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20030191710 Green et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030195805 Storey Oct 2003 A1
20030200107 Allen et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030200141 Robison Oct 2003 A1
20030200142 Hicks et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030200144 Antonucci et al. Oct 2003 A1
20030205617 Allen et al. Nov 2003 A1
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20030208421 Vicknair et al. Nov 2003 A1
20030208439 Rast Nov 2003 A1
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20030212630 Kahr Nov 2003 A1
20030213843 Jackson Nov 2003 A1
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20030216967 Williams Nov 2003 A1
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20030217003 Weinflash et al. Nov 2003 A1
20030217005 Drummond et al. Nov 2003 A1
20030217329 Good Nov 2003 A1
20030218066 Fernandes et al. Nov 2003 A1
20030220834 Leung et al. Nov 2003 A1
20030220863 Holm et al. Nov 2003 A1
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20030225663 Horan et al. Dec 2003 A1
20030229525 Callahan et al. Dec 2003 A1
20030229590 Byrne et al. Dec 2003 A1
20030233255 Dirienzo Dec 2003 A1
20030233278 Marshall Dec 2003 A1
20030233305 Solomon Dec 2003 A1
20030236679 Galves et al. Dec 2003 A1
20030236704 Antonucci Dec 2003 A1
20030236712 Antonucci et al. Dec 2003 A1
20030236747 Sager Dec 2003 A1
20030237046 Parker et al. Dec 2003 A1
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20040010447 Asayama Jan 2004 A1
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20040049425 Bakker et al. Mar 2004 A1
20040049455 Mohsenzadeh Mar 2004 A1
20040049456 Dreyer Mar 2004 A1
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20040122736 Strock et al. Jun 2004 A1
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