Network Firewalls, Bellovin et al., IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 50-57, Sep. 1994. |
IpAccess--An Internet Service Access System for Firewall Installations, Steffen Stempel, 1995 IEEE, pp. 31-41, Feb. 1995. |
Web traffic characterization: an assessment of the impact of caching documents from NCSA's web server, Braun et al., Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, V. 28, pp. 37-51, Jul. 1995. |
Security for Infinite Networks, Nelson et al., Aug. 1995 IEEE, pp. 11-19. |
DEsigning an Academic Firewall: Policy, Practice, and Experience with SURF, Greenwald et al., Proceedings of SNDSS '96, Feb. 1996 IEEE, pp. 79-92. |
C-HTTP--The Development of a Secure, Closed HTTP-based Network on the Internet, Kiuchi et al., Proceedings of SNDSS '96, Feb. 1996 IEEE, pp. 64-75. |
Establishing Firewall Policy, S. Cobb, Director of Special Projects National Computer Security Associations, Florida Office, ISBN#0-7803-3268-7, Jun. 1996, pp. 198-205. |
Web site entitled "Bookmark Translator 2.0: This Utility transform Microsoft Internet Explore's bookmarks in the format valid for Netscape Navigator and viceversa," Enzo Marinacci, Rome- Jul. 1997, URL=, pp. 1-4. |
Article by Bellovin et al., entitled: "Network Firewalls"Published by IEEE Communications Magizine Sep. 1994, pp.50-57. |
Article by Steffen Stempel, entitled: "IPAccess-An Internet Service Access System for Firewall Installations"Published by IEEE Communications Magazine a Feb. 16, 1995, pp.31-41. |
Article by Braun et al., entitled:"Web Traffic Characterization: an assessment of the impact of caching documents from NCSA's web server"Published by Elservier Science B.V. 1995 pp. 37-51. |
Article by Nelson et al., entitled: "Security for Infinite Networks"Published by IEEE Communications Magazine on Aug. 22, 1995, pp.11-19. |
Article by Greenwald et al., "Designing an Academic Firewall: Policy, Pratice, and Experience with SURF"Published by IEEE Communications Magazine on Feb. 22, 1996, pp. 79-92. |
Article by Kiuchi et al., entitled: "C-HTTP-The Development of a Secure, Closed HTTP-based Network on the Internet"Published by IEEE Proceedings of SNDSS on Feb. 22, 1996, pp. 64-75. |
Article by S. Cobb, entitled: "Establishing Firewall Policy"Published by National Computer Security Assn. on Jun. 25-27, 1996, pp. 198-205. |