1. Field of the Invention:
The invention relates to a method to be used in the field of optometry, ophthalmology and optics in general to provide a figure of merit to assist in the selection of colored filters and colored ophthalmic spectacle, contact, intraocular and other lenses which block most harmful high energy radiation while still passing useful visible light.
2. Background of the Related Art
The selection by an end user of an appropriate colored filter or colored ophthalmic spectacle, contact, intraocular or other lens is difficult. In recent years, it has become apparent that higher energy, shorter wavelength radiation in the ultraviolet and visible spectrum may prove damaging to the human eye. Many types of lens filtering systems for ophthalmic spectacle, contact, intraocular and other lenses to protect the eye from this threat have been described. Stephens, et al., has described such an optical lens with selective transmissivity function in U.S. Pat. No. 4,952,046 reissue RE 38,402. In U.S. Pat. Nos. 8,360,574 and 8,403,478 Ishak, et al. has also described lenses with selective light filtering to protect the integrity of the macula and provide improved contrast sensitivity.
Such lenses and filters undoubtedly provide protection from harmful, high-energy radiation or photons, but many other colored filters exist with slightly different characteristics from those described in those patents. The end user, in order to compare lenses would benefit from a single figure of merit which would compare the proportion of high energy radiation blocked to the amount of less harmful radiation passed by the lens in the peak of the eye's response, the photopic region.
The method herein described utilizes a computer algorithm to analyze the transmission spectrum of an ophthalmic lens or filter. It then takes a ratio of the total energy blocked by the filter in the spectral region under study to the total optical energy available in the spectral region under study. This ratio is then multiplied by the luminous transmittance of the filter. The algorithm then outputs this figure of merit, the Wertheim Factor, expressed as a percentage. The actual value will change depending on the wavelength range chosen so that when comparing lenses, they must all be evaluated over the same spectral range. In order to be meaningful, the spectral range must include the photopic region, centered on 550 nm, as well as the region of the spectrum considered to be harmful. In the preferred embodiment, the spectral range used is from 315 nm to 780 nm.
The mathematical description of the algorithm to be employed to produce the Wertheim Factor is described as follows:
Let En1 be the total energy available to pass through the lens or filter in the
spectral range from λlow to λhigh as
where En(λ) is the spectral power distribution of the available optical radiation or photons as a function of wavelength, λ. If a flat energy source is assumed so that there are equal numbers of photons at each wavelength, En(λ) can be represented by
If the transmittance of the lens or filter as a function of wavelength is τ(λ), then the radiation blockage of the lens or filter is (1−τ(λ)) and the energy blocked by the lens or filter will be given by
The luminous transmittance of a lens or filter, τV, has been defined to be
where V(λ) is the spectral ordinate of the photopic luminous efficiency distribution, y(λ), of the CIE (1931) standard colorimetric observer and SC(λ) is the spectral intensity of the standard illuminant C, as taught by the American National Standard publication, ANSI Z80.3-2001, and elsewhere.
The Wertheim Factor is then defined to be
Clearly, if no radiation is blocked by the lens or filter, En2 is zero and the Wertheim Factor is zero, demonstrating that a totally transparent lens offers no protection to the eye from harmful radiation. Also, if the lens were totally opaque, τV would be zero as would the Wertheim Factor, indicating that although the lens or filter protected the eye from harmful radiation, it also blocked all visible radiation so that the eye could not see. The Wertheim factor reaches a maximum value when the radiation on the short wavelength side of the photopic spectral region is blocked while the visible light within the photopic spectrum is passed by the lens or filter. A lens filter color such as that produced when a lens is tinted with the specialty Brain Power Incorporated tint Total Day™ to its specified density yields a Wertheim Factor of 0.416 (41.6%), while a more common tint such as Brain Power Incorporated tint B&L G-15™ gives a Wertheim Factor of only 0.136 (13.6%).
If a Wertheim Factor based on the sun's actual irradiance at sea level is sought, then E(λ), the Solar Irradiance at sea level as described in the American National Standard publication, ANSI Z80.3-2001, and elsewhere, may be used in place of En(λ).
For numerical computation, the computer algorithm will employ discrete sums in place of the integrals described above. Specifically,
where Δλ is less than or equal to 10 nm. Further,
where Δλ is of the same size as was used to find En1.