
  • Patent Application
  • 20110010693
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    April 02, 2010
    14 years ago
  • Date Published
    January 13, 2011
    13 years ago
A system and method for model checking of concurrent multi-threaded programs with bounded lock chains includes analyzing individual program threads in a concurrent multi-threaded program to determine sets of reachable states and lock access patterns for bounded lock chains by tracking sets of states reachable from a given set of states and tracking lock acquisitions and releases by maintaining a bi-directional lock causality graph. Analysis results from multiple threads are combined using an acceptance condition of the lock causality graph to determine whether there is a violation of a correctness property in the concurrent multi-threaded program.

1. Technical Field

The present invention relates to computer program verification and analysis, and more particularly to a system and method capable of efficient analysis of threads with bounded lock chains.

2. Description of the Related Art

Multi-threading is a standard way of exploiting parallelism among different components of a computer system. As a result, the use of concurrent multi-threaded programs is becoming pervasive. Examples include operating systems, databases, embedded systems (cell phones, multimedia consumer products), etc.

Existing techniques for testing and verifying sequential programs are inadequate in handling concurrent programs, largely due to the many possible interleavings between concurrent modules, leading to subtle and hard-to-debug errors. This has led to an interest in developing efficient and scalable methods for analyzing concurrent programs.

Conventional methods for restricting the set of interleavings to be explored includes Partial Order Reduction (POR), Thread-Modular Model Checking and the Acquisition History Method. A main idea behind POR is to partition all interleavings of the given program into classes based on the partial order they induce on shared objects. Then, it suffices to explore only one interleaving per partial order.

The Thread-Modular Model Checking technique is based on over-approximating the behavior of other threads when analyzing the behavior of a given thread in a concurrent program. These over-approximations are hard to generate both manually and automatically as the problem of model checking is theoretically unsolvable.

The acquisition history method works only for concurrent programs with nested locks and involves tracking lock acquisition patterns for nested locks via acquisition histories. To decide reachability, a consistency check is then performed on the acquisition histories.


A system and method for model checking of concurrent multi-threaded programs with bounded lock chains includes analyzing individual program threads in a concurrent multi-threaded program to determine sets of reachable states and lock access patterns for bounded lock chains by tracking sets of states reachable from a given set of states and tracking lock acquisitions and releases by maintaining a bi-directional lock causality graph. Analysis results from multiple threads are combined and acceptance criteria are employed to determine whether there is a violation of a correctness property in the concurrent multi-threaded program.

A system for model checking of concurrent multi-threaded programs with bounded lock chains includes a model checking program stored in a memory storage device and executed by one or more processing cores. The model checking program is configured to analyze individual program threads in a concurrent multi-threaded program stored on memory storage media to determine sets of reachable states and lock access patterns for bounded lock chains. The model checking program is configured to track sets of states reachable from a given set of states and track lock acquisitions and releases by maintaining a bi-directional lock causality graph in the memory storage device. The model checking program is configured to use an acceptance condition of the lock causality graph to combine analysis results from multiple threads to determine whether there is a violation of a correctness property in the concurrent multi-threaded program.

These and other features and advantages will become apparent from the following detailed description of illustrative embodiments thereof, which is to be read in connection with the accompanying drawings.


The disclosure will provide details in the following description of preferred embodiments with reference to the following figures wherein:

FIG. 1 is a block/flow diagram showing a system/method for verifying/analyzing a concurrent program using bounded lock chains in accordance with one embodiment;

FIG. 2 is a sample program analyzed in accordance with the present principles;

FIG. 3 is a lock causality graph for the program of FIG. 2 for a first thread;

FIG. 4 is a lock causality graph for the program of FIG. 2 for a second thread;

FIG. 5 is a diagram showing a pumpable witness with lock acquisitions and releases in accordance with an illustrative example;

FIG. 6 is a block diagram showing a system for verifying/analyzing a concurrent program using bounded lock chains in accordance with an illustrative embodiment.


Model checking threads interacting purely via the standard synchronization primitives is important for many concurrent program analyses, particularly dataflow analysis. Unfortunately, it is undecidable even for the most commonly used synchronization primitive, i.e., mutex locks. Lock usage in concurrent programs can be characterized in terms of lock chains, where a sequence of mutex locks is said to be chained if the scopes of adjacent (non-nested) mutexes overlap. Although the model checking problem for fragments of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is known to be decidable for threads interacting via nested locks, i.e., chains of length one, these techniques do not extend to programs with non-nested locks used in applications like databases and device drivers.

Lock usage patterns in real life programs do not produce unbounded lock chains. For such a framework, by using a new concept of Lock Causality Automata (LCA), pre*-closures of regular sets of states can be computed efficiently. Leveraging this new technique then permits formulation of decision procedures for model checking threads communicating via bounded lock chains for fragments of linear temporal logic (LTL). These results narrow the decidability gap for LTL model checking of threads communicating via locks by providing a more refined characterization for it in terms of boundedness of lock chains rather than the current state-of-the-art, i.e., nestedness of locks (chains of length one).

In accordance with the present principles, a system and method for computer program verification employs a bi-directional lock causality graph to build a lock causality automaton that captures a set of reachable configurations in a concurrent program with bounded lock chains. The system/method then constructs lock causality automata for each basic temporal operator. The lock causality automata for the given temporal formula are constructed by composing the lock causality automata for each of its basic temporal operators.

The verification system/method is compositional and hence scalable, i.e., it can potentially verify large-sized programs. This is accomplished by avoiding construction of global state space of the given program thus bypassing any state explosion problem. The present embodiments are both sound and complete, thus avoiding bogus error traces that could be generated by techniques like thread modular model checking. This is extremely advantageous from a commercial standpoint as most of the resources spent in real life verification go into detecting/avoiding bogus error traces. The present embodiments are simple to implement and can easily be incorporated into existing tool flows, and they handle a broad range of properties as expressed using indexed versions of alternation-free Mu-calculus, not just deadlocks and data races.

Embodiments described herein may be entirely hardware, entirely software or including both hardware and software elements. In a preferred embodiment, the present invention is implemented in software, which includes but is not limited to firmware, resident software, microcode, etc.

Embodiments may include a computer program product accessible from a computer-usable or computer-readable medium providing program code for use by or in connection with a computer or any instruction execution system. A computer-usable or computer readable storage medium may include any apparatus that stores, communicates, propagates, or transports the program for use by or in connection with the instruction execution system, apparatus, or device. The medium can be magnetic, optical, electronic, electromagnetic, infrared, or semiconductor system (or apparatus or device) or a propagation medium. The medium may include a computer-readable medium such as a semiconductor or solid state memory, magnetic tape, a removable computer diskette, a random access memory (RAM), a read-only memory (ROM), a rigid magnetic disk and an optical disk, etc.

A data processing system suitable for storing and/or executing program code may include at least one processor coupled directly or indirectly to memory elements through a system bus. The memory elements can include local memory employed during actual execution of the program code, bulk storage, and cache memories which provide temporary storage of at least some program code to reduce the number of times code is retrieved from bulk storage during execution. Input/output or I/O devices (including but not limited to keyboards, displays, pointing devices, etc.) may be coupled to the system either directly or through intervening I/O controllers.

Network adapters may also be coupled to the system to enable the data processing system to become coupled to other data processing systems or remote printers or storage devices through intervening private or public networks. Modems, cable modem and Ethernet cards are just a few of the currently available types of network adapters.

With the increasing prevalence of multi-core processors and concurrent multi-threaded software, it is highly critical that dataflow analysis for concurrent programs, similar to the ones for the sequential domain, be developed. For sequential programs, Pushdown Systems (PDSs) have emerged as a powerful, unifying framework for efficiently encoding many inter-procedural dataflow analyses. Given a sequential program, abstract interpretation is first used to get a finite representation of the control part of the program while recursion is modeled using a stack. Pushdown systems then provide a natural framework to model such abstractly interpreted structures. Analogous to the sequential case, inter-procedural dataflow analysis for concurrent multi-threaded programs can be formulated as a model checking problem for interacting PDSs. While for a single PDS the model checking problem is efficiently decidable for very expressive logics, even simple properties like reachability become undecidable for systems with only two threads but where the threads synchronize using CCS-style pairwise rendezvous.

Concurrent programs have a lot of inherent structure that if exploited leads to decidability of many important problems of practical interest. These results show that there are important fragments of temporal logic and useful models of interacting PDSs for which efficient decidability results can be obtained. Since formulating efficient procedures for model checking interacting PDSs lie at the core of scalable data flow analysis for concurrent programs, such fragments need to be identified for the standard synchronization primitives. Furthermore, the need exists to delineate precisely the decidability boundary of the model checking problem for PDSs interacting via the standard synchronization primitives.

Nested locks are a prime example of how programming patterns can be exploited to yield decidability of the model checking problem for several important temporal logic fragments for interacting pushdown systems. However, even though the use of nested locks remains the most popular lock usage paradigm there are niche applications, like databases, where lock chaining is needed. Chaining occurs when the scopes of two mutexes overlap. When one mutex is needed, the code enters a region where another mutex is needed. After successfully locking that second mutex, the first one is no longer needed and is released. Lock chaining is a tool that is used for enforcing serialization, particularly in database applications. For example, a two-phase commit protocol which lies at the heart of serialization in databases uses lock chains of length 2. Other classic examples where non-nested locks occur frequently are programs that use both mutexes and (locks associated with) Wait/Notify primitives (condition variables) or threads traversing concurrent data structures like arrays in an iterative fashion.

Note that the lock usage pattern of bounded lock chains covers almost all cases of practical interest encountered in real-life programs. Note all lock usage does not need to be in the faun of bounded chains; however, if lock chains exist then they are to be bounded in length.

We consider the model checking problem for pushdown systems interacting via bounded lock chains for LTL properties. Decidability of a sub-logic of LTL hinges on whether it is expressive enough to encode, as a model checking problem, the disjointness of the context-free languages accepted by the PDSs in the given multi-PDS system, which is an undecidable problem. This, in turn, depends on the temporal operators permitted by the sub-logic thereby providing a natural way to characterize LTL-fragments for which the model checking problem is decidable. We use L(Opi, . . . , Opk) where Opi ε{X, F, U, G, }, to denote the fragment comprised of formulae of the form Eƒ, where ƒ is an LTL formula in positive normal form (PNF), viz., only atomic propositions are negated, built using the operators Opi, . . . , Opk and the Boolean connectives and . Here X “next-time”, F “sometimes”, U, “until”, G “always”, and “infinitely-often” denote the standard temporal operators and E is the “existential path quantifier”. L(X, U, G) is the full-blown LTL. It should be understood that other logics may be employed, e.g., branching temporal logic.

Pairwise reachability is decidable for threads interacting via bounded lock chains. We extend the envelope of decidability for concurrent programs with bounded lock chains to richer logic. Specifically, we show that the model checking problem for threads interacting via bounded lock chains is decidable not just for reachability but also the fragment of LTL allowing the temporal operators X, F, and the boolean connectives and , denoted by L(X, F, ). Note that while pairwise reachability is sufficient for reasoning about simple properties like data race freedom, for more complex properties one needs to reason about richer formulae. For instance, detecting atomicity violations needs reasoning about the fragment of LTL (and of L(X, F, )) allowing the operators F, and .

We formulate procedures for fragments of LTL for which the problem of model checking dual-PDS systems synchronizing via bounded lock chains is decidable. Moreover, we also delineate the decidability/undecidability boundary for the problem. In accordance with the present principles, we provide that: 1). the model checking problem is undecidable for L(U) and L(G). This implies that to get decidability for dual-PDS systems interacting via bounded lock chains, we have to restrict ourselves to the sub-logic L(X, F, ). Since systems comprised of PDSs interacting via bounded lock chains are more expressive than those interacting via nested locks (chains of length one) these results follow immediately from the undecidability results for PDSs interacting via nested locks; and 2). for the fragment L(X, F, ) of LTL we show that the model checking problem is decidable.

This settles the model checking problem for threads interacting via bounded lock chains for LTL. The prior state-of-the-art characterization of decidability vs. undecidability for threads interacting via locks was in terms of nestedness versus non-nestedness of locks. We show that decidability can be re-characterized in terms of boundedness versus unboundedness of lock chains. Since nested locks form chains of length one, our results are more powerful than the existing ones. Thus, these new results narrow the decidability gap by providing a more refined characterization for the decidability of LTL for threads interacting via locks.

One contribution of this disclosure is the new notion of a Lock Causality Automaton (LCA) that is used to represent sets of states of the given concurrent program so as to allow efficient temporal reasoning about programs with bounded lock chains. To understand the motivation behind an LCA, when model checking a single PDS, we exploit the fact that the set of configurations satisfying any given LTL formula is regular and can therefore be captured via a finite automaton or, a multi-automaton. For a concurrent program with two PDSs T1 and T2, however, we need to reason about pairs of regular sets of configuration—one for each thread. An LCA is a pair of automata (M1, M2), where Mi accepts a regular set of configurations of Ti. The usefulness of an LCA stems from the fact that not only does it permit us to reason about L(X, F, ) properties for concurrent programs with bounded lock chains, but that it permits us to do so in a compositional manner. Compositional reasoning permits us to reduce reasoning about the concurrent program at hand to each of its individual threads. This is crucial in ameliorating the state explosion problem. The main challenge in reducing model checking of a concurrent program to its individual threads lies in tracking relevant information about threads locally that enables us to reason globally about the concurrent program. For an LCA, this is accomplished by tracking regular lock access patterns in individual threads.

The model checking procedure for an L(X, F, ) formula ƒ computes an LCA Lƒ accepting the set of global states of the concurrent program satisfying ƒ and then checks whether it accepts the initial state of the program. To compute Lƒ, we first formulate efficient procedures for computing an LCA LOpƒ accepting the set of states satisfying Opƒ, where Op ε{X, F,}, from an LCA Lƒ accepting the set of states satisfying ƒ. Recursively applying these procedures starting from the atomic propositions and proceeding inside out in ƒ then gives us Lƒ.

The present principles provide a new notion of an LCA that permits reasoning about concurrent programs with bounded lock chains in a compositional manner. A model checking procedure for the fragment L(X, F, ), of LTL permits narrowing of the decidability gap for model checking LTL properties for threads communicating via locks. Delineation of the decidability boundary for the LTL model checking problem for threads synchronizing via bounded lock chains is provided.

Referring now to the drawings in which like numerals represent the same or similar elements and initially to FIG. 1, a block/flow diagram shows a system/method for computer verification, which employs model checking using a bounded lock chains technique in accordance with the present principles. In block 10, given a bound on a length of lock chains, compute a bound B on a size of the lock causality graph. In block 12, enumerate all acyclic lock causality graphs of size at most B. In block 14, the acyclic lock causality graphs are employed to compute a lock causality automaton that can capture the set of configurations reachable from a given set of regular configurations. A lock causality automaton accepts sets of configurations of a multi-threaded program. A multi-automaton can be extended to multi-threaded programs with bounded lock chains in a meaningful way in accordance with the present principles. This permits the expression of a model checking problem for such programs as a reachability problem for regular sets of configurations accepted by a lock causality automaton.

In block 15, using the lock causality automaton for reachability, lock causality automata are built for each temporal operator appearing in the given correctness formula. We show that we can reduce the reachability problem, or equivalently calculate the pre*-closure for a lock causality automata M for concurrent programs with bounded lock chains, to calculating the pre*-closure of certain lock causality automata that we get by projecting M onto individual threads in block 16. Once the pre*-closures for the projected automata are calculated, we can recover the pre*-closure of M by taking a specialized cross product that does not consider all resulting pairs of local control states of the individual threads, but removes those pairs that are not reachable in block 17.

We can keep the projection automata separate. Since we efficiently determine whether a pair of local control states of the individual threads are simultaneously reachable, we can merge these projected automata on-the-fly. Keeping them separate allows us to avoid a construction of the global automata, thereby circumventing the state explosion problem. It also permits us to use existing techniques and efficient tools for calculating the pre*-closure for lock causality automata corresponding to sequential programs for the individual threads.

In block 18, compose the lock causality automata for each operator to form the lock causality automaton for the entire formula (correctness formula). In block 20, the correctness formula is checked. The given formula is satisfied by the given concurrent program if the language accepted by the resulting automaton is non-empty.

System Model: We consider concurrent programs comprised of threads modeled as Pushdown Systems (PDSs) that interact with each other using synchronization primitives. PDSs are a natural model for abstractly interpreted programs used in applications like dataflow analysis. A PDS has a finite control part corresponding to the valuation of the variables of a thread and a stack which provides a means to model recursion.

Formally, a PDS is a five-tuple P=(Q, Act, Γ, c0, Δ), where Q is a finite set of control locations, Act is a finite set of actions, Γ is a finite stack alphabet, and Δ(Q×Γ)×Act×(Q×Γ*) is a finite set of transitions. If ((p,γ), a, (p′,w))εΔ then we write p,γ ap′,w. A configuration of P is a pair p,w, where pεQ denotes the control location and wεΓ* the stack content. We call c0 the initial configuration of P. The set of all configurations of P is denoted by C. For each action a, we define a relation



as follows: if q,γ aq′,w, then





for every νεΓ*—in which case we say that q′, wν results from q′, γν by firing the transition q,γ aq′,w P. A sequence x=x0x1, . . . of configurations of P is a computation if x0 is the initial configuration of P and for each i,







where aε Act.

We model a concurrent program with n threads and m locks l1, . . . lm as a tuple of the form CP=(T1, . . . ,Tn, L1, . . . Lm), where T1, . . . Tn, are pushdown systems (representing threads) with the same set Act of non-acquire and non-release actions, and for each i, Li{⊥, l, . . . , n} is the possible set of values that lock li can be assigned. A global configuration of CP is a tuple c−(t1, . . . , tn, l1, . . . lm) where t1, . . . , tn are, respectively, the configurations of threads T1, . . . , Tn. and l1, . . . lm the values of the locks. If no thread holds the lock li in configuration c, then li=⊥, else li is the index of the thread currently holding li. The initial global configuration of CP is (c1, . . . , cn, ⊥, . . . , ⊥), where ci is the initial configuration of thread Ti. Thus all locks are free to start with. We extend the relation a to pairs of global configurations of CP in the standard way by encoding the interleaved parallel composition of T1, . . . , Tn.

A sequence x=x0,x1, . . . of global configurations of CP is a computation if x0 is the initial global configuration of CP and for each i,







where either aε Act or for some 1≦j≦m=release (lj)or a=acquire (lj).

We consider correctness properties expressed as double-indexed Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulae. Here atomic propositions are interpreted over pairs of control states of different PDSs in the given multi-PDS system. Note that our properties do not take the stack contents of PDSs into account. This is because in dataflow analysis, the dataflow facts being tracked are usually modified only by the program statements at individual control locations. The stack is merely used to track the context, e.g., the order in which functions are called in reaching the current control location.

Conventionally, DP=ƒ for a given LTL formula ƒ if and only if ƒ is satisfied along all paths starting at the initial state of DP. Using path quantifiers, we may write this as DP|=Aƒ. Equivalently, we can model check for the dual property Aƒ=Eƒ=Eg. Furthermore, we can assume that g is in positive normal form (PNF), viz., the negations are pushed inwards as far as possible using DeMorgan's Laws: ((pq))=pq,(pq)=pq,Fp≡Gq,(pUq)≡GqqU(pq).

For Dual-PDS systems, it turns out that the model checking problem is not decidable for the full-blown double-indexed LTL but only for certain fragments. Decidability hinges on the set of temporal operators that are allowed in the given property which, in turn, provides a natural way to characterize such fragments. We use L(Op1, . . . , Opk), where Opi ε{X, F, U, G, } to denote the fragment of double-indexed LTL comprised of formulae in positive normal form (where only atomic propositions are negated) built using the operators (Op1, . . . , Opk), and the Boolean connectives and . Here X “next-time”, F “sometimes”, U, “until”, G “always”, and “infinitely-often” denote the standard temporal operators. L(X, U, G) is the full-blown double-indexed LTL.

We show decidability of the model checking problem for the fragment L(X, F, ) of LTL for concurrent programs with bounded lock chains. Given a L(X, F, ) formula ƒ, we build automata accepting global states of the given concurrent program satisfying ƒ. Towards that end, we first show how to construct automata for the basic temporal operators F, and X, and the boolean connectives and . In other words, given automata for L(X, F, ) formulae g and h, we show how to construct automata for formulae of the form Fg, g, Xg, gh and gh. Then to compute an automaton for the given property ƒ, we start by building for each atomic proposition prop of ƒ, an automata accepting the set of states of the given concurrent program satisfying prop. Leveraging the constructions for the basic temporal operators and boolean connectives, we then recursively build the automaton accepting the set of states satisfying ƒ via an inside out traversal of ƒ. Then, if the initial state of the given concurrent program is accepted by the resulting automaton, the program satisfies ƒ.

This approach, for LTL model checking of finite state/pushdown systems, exploits the fact that for model checking it suffices to reason about regular sets of configurations of these systems. These sets can be captured using regular automata which then reduces model checking to computing regular automata for each of the temporal operators and boolean connectives. However, for concurrent programs, the sets of states that we need to reason about for model checking is not regular and cannot therefore be captured via a regular automaton.

Pairwise CFL-Reachability: A step in the computation of pre*-closure of LCAs is deciding Pairwise CFL-Reachability. Let CP be a concurrent program comprised of threads T1 and T2. Given pairs c1, c2 and d1, d2, with ci and di being control locations of Ti, determine if there exists a path of CP leading from a global state with Ti in ci to one with Ti in di in the presence of recursion and scheduling constraints imposed by locks. It is known that pairwise CFL-reachability is undecidable for two threads interacting purely via locks but decidable if the locks are nested and, more generally, for programs with bounded lock chains.

Lock Chains: Given a computation x of a concurrent program, a lock chain of thread T is a sequence of lock acquisition statements acq1, . . . , acqn fired by T along x in the order listed such that for each i, the matching release of acqi is fired after acqi+1 and before acqi+2 along x. However, the decision procedures for programs with bounded lock chains only apply to the case where c1 and c2 are lock-free, i.e., no lock is held by Ti at ci. To decide the pairwise CFL-reachability problem for the general case, we provide a Bi-directional Lock Causality Graph.

Bidirectional Lock Causality Graph: Consider the example concurrent program comprised of threads T1 and T2 shown in FIG. 2. With reference to FIGS. 2, 3 and 4, suppose that we are interested in deciding whether a7 and b7 are pairwise reachable starting from the locations a1 and b1 of T1 and T2, respectively. Note that the set of locks held at a1 and b1 are {l1} and {l3,l5}, respectively. For a7 and b7 to be pairwise reachable, there must exist local paths x1 and x2 of T1 and T2 leading to a7 and b7, respectively, along which locks can be acquired and released in a consistent fashion.

We start by constructing a bi-directional lock causality graph G(x1,x2) that captures the constraints imposed by locks on the order in which statements along x1 and x2 need to be executed in order for T1 and T2 to simultaneously reach a7 and b7. The nodes of this graph are (the relevant) locking/unlocking statements fired along x1 and x2. For statements c1 and c2 of G(x1,x2), there exists an edge from c1 and c2, denoted by cic2, if c1 must be executed before c2 in order for T1 and T2 to simultaneously reach a7 and b7. G(x1,x2) has two types of edges (i) Seed edges and (ii) Induced edges. Seed edges, which are shown as bold (solid) edges in FIG. 3, can be further classified as (a) Backward and (b) Forward seed edges.

For forward seed edges, consider lock l1 held at b7. Note that once T2 acquires l1 at location b4, it is not released along the path from b4 to b7. Since we are interested in the pairwise CFL-reachability of a7 and b7, T2 cannot progress beyond location b7 and therefore cannot release l1. Thus, we have that once T2 acquires l1 at b4, T1 cannot acquire it thereafter. If T1 and T2 are to simultaneously reach a7 and b7, the last transition of Ti that releases l1 before reaching a7, i.e., a5, must be executed before b4. Thus a5b4.

For backward seed edges, consider lock l5 held at b1. For T1 to acquire l5 at a2, l5 must first be released by T2. Thus, the first statement of T1 acquiring l5 starting at a1, i.e., a2, must be executed after b2. Thus b2a2.

The interaction of locks and seed causality edges can be used to deduce further causality constraints that are captured as induced edges (shown as dashed edges in the UCG in FIG. 3). These induced edges are needed in guaranteeing both soundness and completeness of our procedure.

For induced edges, consider the constraint b2a2. At location b2, lock l4 is held which was acquired at b1. Also, once l4 is acquired at b1 it is not released until after T2 exits b6. Thus, since l4 has been acquired by T2 before reaching b2 it must be released before a1 (and hence a2) can be executed. Thus, b6a1.

METHOD 1: Bi-Directional Lock Causality Graph

1: Input: Local paths x1 and x2 of T1 and T2 leading from c1 and c2 to d1 and d2,


2: for each lock l held at location di do

3: if c and c′ are the last statements to acquire and release l occurring along xi and xi′,

respectively. then

4:   Add edge c′    c to G(x1,x2).

5: end if

6: end for

7: for each lock l held at location ci do

8: if c and c′ are the first statements to release and acquire l occurring along xi and xi',

respectively. then

9:   Add edge c    c′ to G(x1,x2).

10:  end if

11: end for

12: repeat

13:  for each lock l do

14:   for each edge di′  di to G(x1,x2) do

15:    Let ai′ be the last statement to acquire l before di′ along xi′and ri′ the matching

release for ai′

16:    Let ri be the first statement to release l after di along xi and ai the matching

acquire for ri

17:    if l is held at either di or di′ then

18:     if there does not exist an edge bi′  bi such that ri′ lies before bi′ along xi′ and ai

lies after bi along xi then

19:      add edge ri′  ai to G(x1,x2)

20:     end if

21:    end if

22:   end for

23:  end for

24: until no new statements can be added to G(x1,x2)

25: for i ε [1..2] do

26:   Add edges among locations of xi in G(x1,x2) to preserve their relative ordering

along xi

27: end for

Computing the Bidirectional Lock Causality Graph: Given finite local paths x1 and x2 of threads T1 and T2 starting at control locations c1 and c2 and leading to control locations d1 and d2, respectively, a method as set forth as METHOD 1 to compute G(x1,x2) adds the causality constraints one-by-one (forward seed edges via lines 2-6, backward seed edges via lines 7-11 and induced edges via lines 12-24) until we reach a fixpoint. Throughout the description of METHOD 1, for iε[1 . . . 2], we use i′ to denote an integer in [1 . . . 2] other than i. Note that the condition in line 18 in METHOD 1 ensures that we do not add edges representing causality constraints that can be deduced from existing edges.

Necessary and Sufficient Condition for CFL-reachability: Let x1 and x2 be local computations of T1 and T2 leading to c1 and c2. Since each causality constraint in G(x1,x2) is a happens-before constraint, we see that for c1 and c2 to be pairwise reachable G(x1,x2) has to be acyclic. In fact, it turns out that acyclicity is also a sufficient condition.

Theorem 1. (Acyclicity). Locations d1 and d2 are pairwise reachable from locations c1 and c2, respectively, if there exist local paths x1 and x2 of T1 and T2, respectively, leading from c1 and c2 to d1 and d2, respectively, such that (1) LT1(ci)∩LT2(c2)=φ (disjointness of backward lock-sets), (2) LT1(d1)∩LT2(d2)=φ (disjointness of forward locksets), and (3) G(x1,x2) is acyclic. Here LT(e)denotes the set of locks held by thread T at location e.

Synergy Between Backward and Forward Lock Causality Edges. Note that in order to deduce that a7 and b7 are not pairwise reachable, consider causality edges induced by both backward and forward seed edges ignoring either of which may cause us to incorrectly deduce that a7 and b7 are reachable. For example, in the above example if we ignore the backward seed edges then we will construct the unidirectional lock causality graph L(x1,x2) shown in FIG. 4 which is acyclic. Thus the lock causality graph construction of the prior art is inadequate in reasoning about bi-directional pairwise reachability.

Bounding the Size of the Lock Causality Graph: Under the assumption of bounded lock chains, we show that the size of the bidirectional lock causality graph is bounded. From METHOD 1, it follows that each causality edge is induced either by an existing induced causality edge or a backward or forward seed edge. Thus, for each induced causality edge e, there exists a sequence e0, . . . , en of causality edges such that e0 is a seed edge and for each i≧1, ei, e is induced by ei−1. Such a sequence is referred to as a lock causality sequence. Under the assumption of bounded lock chains, the length of any lock causality sequence is bounded. Note that the number of seed edges is at most 4|L|, where |L| is the number of locks in the given concurrent program. Since the number of seed edges is bounded, and since the length of each lock causality sequence is bounded, the number of induced edges in each bi-directional lock causality graph is also bounded leading to the following result.

Theorem 2. (Bounded Lock Causality Graph). If the length of each lock chain generated by local paths x1 and x2 of threads T1 and T2, respectively, is bounded then the size (number of vertices) of G(x1,x2), is also bounded.

Lock Causality Automata: When model checking a single PDS, we exploit the fact that the set of configurations satisfying a given LTL formula is regular and can therefore be captured via a finite automaton also called a multi-automaton. For a concurrent program with two PDSs, however, we need to reason about pairs of regular sets of configurations. Thus, instead of performing pre*-closures over multi-automata, we need to perform pre*-closures over automata pairs.

Suppose that we are given a pair (R1, R2) of sets, where Ri is a regular set of configurations of thread Ti. The set Si of configurations of Ti that are (locally) backward reachable from R1 fours a regular set. However, given a pair of configurations (a1, a2), where ai εSi, even though ai is backward reachable from some bi εRi in Ti, there is no guarantee that al and a2 are pairwise backward reachable from b1 and b2 in the concurrent program CP. That happens only if there exists local paths x1 and x2 of threads T1 and T2, respectively, from ai to bi such that G(x1,x2) is acyclic. Thus, in computing the pre*-closure Si of Ri in thread Ti, we need to track relevant lock access patterns that permit us to deduce acyclicity of the lock causality graph G(x1,x2).

To capture the set of global states of CP that are backward reachable from (R1 , R2), we introduce the notion of a Lock Causality Automaton (LCA). An LCA is a pair of automata =,), where accepts the regular set of configurations of Ti that are backward reachable from Ri. For to accept precisely the set of global states (a1, a2) that are pairwise backward reachable from (b1, b2)ε(R1, R2), we encode the existence of a pair of local paths xi from ai to bi generating an acyclic lock causality graph in the acceptance condition of . For concurrent programs with nested locks, this was accomplished by tracking forward and backward acquisition histories and incorporating a consistency check for these acquisition histories (a necessary and sufficient condition for pairwise reachability) in the acceptance condition of . A feature of acquisition histories that we exploited was that they are defined locally for each thread and could therefore be tracked during the (local) computation of the pre*-closure of Ri. In contrast, the lock causality graph depends on lock access patterns of both threads. Thus, we need to locally track relevant information about lock accesses in a manner that allows us to re-construct the (global) lock causality graph. Towards that end, the following result is employed. Let L be the set of locks in the given concurrent program and let ΣL=∪lεL{a1, r1}, where a1 and r1 denote labels of transitions acquiring and releasing lock l, respectively, in the given program.

Theorem 3. (Regular Decomposition): Let G be a directed bipartite graph over nodes labeled with lock acquire/release labels from the set ΣL. Then there exist regular automata G11, . . . G1n, G21, . . . , G2n over ΣL such that the set {(x1,x2)|x1 εΣ*L, x2 εΣ*LG(x1,x2)=G} can be represented as ∪iL(Gi1)×L(Gi2), where L(Gij) is the language accepted by Gij.

To prove this result, we introduce the notion of a lock schedule. The motivation behind the definition of a lock schedule is that not all locking events, i.e., lock/unlock statements, along a local computation x of a thread T need occur in a lock causality graph involving x. A lock schedule u is intended to capture only those locking events u:u0, . . . , um that occur in a lock causality graph. The remaining locking events, i.e., those occurring between ui and ui+1 along x are specified in terms of its complement set Fi, i.e., symbols from ΣL that are forbidden to occur between ui and ui+1. We require that if ui is the symbol a1, representing the acquisition of lock l and if its matching release r1 is executed along x, then that matching release also occurs along the sequence u, i.e., uj=r1 for some j>i . Also, since l cannot be acquired twice, to preserve locking semantics the letters a1 and r1 cannot occur between ui and uj along x. This is captured by including a1 and r1 in each of the forbidden sets Fi, . . . , Fj−1.

Definition (Lock Schedule). A lock schedule is a sequence uo, . . . , um εΣ*L having for each i, a set FiΣL associated with ui such that if ui=ai and uj its matching release, then for each k such that we have i≦k≦j we have r1,a1 εFk. We denote such a lock schedule by u0F0u1 . . . umFm. We say that a sequence xεΣ*L satisfies a given lock schedule sch=u0F0u1 . . . um, denoted by sch|=x, if xεu0L\F0)*u1 . . . umL\Fm)*. The following is an easy consequence of the above definition.

Lemma 4. The set of sequences in Σ*L satisfying a given lock schedule is regular. Theorem 5. Given a lock causality graph G, we can construct a finite set SCHG of pairs of lock schedules such that the set of pairs of sequences in Σ*L generating G is precisely the set of pairs of sequences in Σ*L satisfying at least one schedule pair in SCHG, i.e., {(x1,x2)|x1, x2 εΣ*L,G(x1,x2)=G}={(y1, y2)|y1, y2 εΣ*L, for some (sch1,sch2)εSCHG,sch1|=y1 and sch2|=y2}.

Lock Causality Automata: We now define the notion of a Lock Causality Automata. Since for programs with bounded lock chains, the number of lock causality graphs is bounded (see Theorem 2), so is the number of acyclic lock causality graphs. With each acyclic lock causality graph G we can, using Theorem 5, associate a finite set ACYCG of automata pairs that accept all pairs of sequences in Σ*L×Σ*L generating G. By taking the union over all acyclic lock causality graphs G, we construct the set of all automata pairs that accept all pairs of sequences in Σ*L×Σ* L generating acyclic lock causality graphs. We denote all such pairs by ACYC. Let (G11,G12), . . . , (G1n, G2n) be an enumeration of all automata pairs of ACYC.

Recall LCAs are defined to capture the pre*-closure, i.e., the set of pairs of configurations that are pairwise backward reachable from a pair of configurations in (R1, R2) where Ri is a regular set of configurations of Ti. We therefore define an LCA to be a pair of the form =(1, 2), where is a multi-automaton accepting the set of configurations of Ti that are backward reachable from configurations in Ri. Note that if (a1, a2) is pairwise backward reachable from (b1,b2)ε(R1, R2) then ai is accepted by . However, due to scheduling constraints imposed by locks not all pairs of the form (c1,c2), where ci is accepted by , are pairwise backward reachable from (b1,b2). For to accept precisely the set of global configurations (a1, a2) that are pairwise backward reachable from (b1,b2), we encode the existence of local paths xl from at to b, generating an acyclic lock causality graph in the acceptance condition of . Towards that end, when performing the backward pre*-closure in computing , we track not simply the set of configurations c of Ti that are backward reachable from Ri but also the lock schedules encountered in reaching c.

In deciding whether configurations c1 and c2 are pair-wise backward reachable from b1 and b2, where (b1,b2)ε(R1,R2), we only need to check whether for each iε[1 . . . 2], there exists lock schedules schi from ci to bi such that G(schi, sch2) is acyclic, i.e., for some j, (sch1, sch2)εL(G1j)×L(G2j). Since, in performing backward pre*-closure for each thread Ti, we track local computation paths and hence lock schedules in the reverse manner, we have to consider the reverse of regular languages accepted by Gij.

Motivated by this, for each i, j, we let Grij be a regular automata accepting the language resulting by reversing each word in the language accepted by Gij. Then c1 and c2 are pairwise backward reachable from b1 and b2 if there exists for each i, a (reverse) lock schedule rsch1 along a path yi from bi to ci, such that for some j, rsch1 is accepted by Gr1j and rsch2 is accepted by Gr2j. Thus, when computing the backward pre*-closure in thread Ti, instead of tracking the sequence zi of lock/unlock statements encountered thus far, it suffices to track for each j, the set of possible current local states of the regular automata Grij reached by traversing zi starting at its initial state. Indeed, for each i, j, let Grij=(Qijij,inij,Fij), where Qij is the set of states of Grij, δij its transition relation, inij its initial state and Fij its set of final states. Let Sij (rschi)=δij(inij,rschi). Then, the above condition can be re-written as follows: c1 and c2 are pairwise backward reachable from b1 and b2 if there exists for each i, a lock schedule rsch; along a path yi from bi and ci, such that for some j,S1j(rsch1)∩F1j≠φ and j,S2j(rsch2)ωF2j.

Thus, in performing pre*-closure in thread Ti, we augment the local configurations of Ti to track for each i, j, the current set of states of Gij induced by the lock/unlock sequence seen so far. Hence an augmented configuration of Ti now has the form: (c,FLS,BLS,GS,i1, . . . , GSin),u,, where FLS and BLS are the forward and backward lock-sets (see Theorem 1) at the start and end points and GSij is the set of states of Grij induced by the lock/unlock sequences seen so far in reaching configuration c, u. To start with GSij is set to {inij}, the initial state of Grij.

Lock Augmented Multi-Automata: Formally, a lock augmented multi-automaton can be defined as follows: Let Ti be the pushdown system (Qi,Actii,cj0i). A Lock Augmented Ti-Multi-Automaton is a tuple =(Γi,Pii,Ii,Fi),, where Pi is a finite set of states, δiPi is a set of transitions, Ii={(c,FLS,BLS,GSi1, . . . , GSin)|c εQi,BLS,FLSL,GSij Qij}Pi is a set of initial states and FiPi is a set of final states. accepts an augmented configuration (c,FLS,BLS,GSi1, . . . , GSin)),u if starting at the initial state (c,FLS,BLS,GSi1, . . . , GSin)) there is a path in Mi labeled with u and leading to a final state of . Note that the only difference between a lock augmented multi-automation and the standard multi-automaton is that the control state is augmented with the lockset information BLS and FLS, and the subsets GSij used to track lock schedules.

A lock causality automaton is then defined as follows: Definition (Lock Causality Automaton) Given threads Ti=(Q1,Act11,c11) and T2=(Q2,Act22,c22), a lock causality automaton is a pair (,) where is a lock augmented Ti-multi-automaton. The acyclicity check (Theorem 1) for pairwise reachability is encoded in the acceptance criterion of an LCA.

Definition (LCA-Acceptance). We say that LCA =, accepts the pair c1, c2 where ci=ci,ui is a configuration of Ti, if there exist lock sets BLSi and FLSi, and sets GSij Qij, such that:

1. for each i, the augmented configuration (c,FLSi,BLSi,GSi1, . . . , GSin)),ui is accepted by ,

2. FLS1∩FLS2=φ and BLS1∩BLS2=φ and,

3. there exists k such that GS1k∩F1k≠φ and GS2k∩F2k.

Condition 1 checks for local thread reachability, condition 2 checks for disjointness of lock sets and condition 3 checks for acyclicity of the lock causality graph induced by the lock schedules leading to c1,u1 and c2,u2.

Computing LCAs for Operators: We now show how to construct LCAs for 1. Boolean Operators: and , and 2. Temporal Operators: F, and X. Computing LCA for F, given an LCA =(1,2), a goal is to compute an LCA , denoted by pre*(), accepting the pair b1, b2 of augmented configurations that is pairwise backward reachable from some pair a1,a2 accepted by . In other words, must accept the pre*-closure of the set of states accepted by . We first show how to compute the pre*-closure of a lock augmented Ti-multi-automaton.

Computing the pre*-closure of a Lock Augmented Multi-Automaton, given a lock augmented Ti-multiautomaton , we show how to compute another lock augmented Ti-multi-automaton , denoted by pre*(), accepting the pre*-closure of the set of augmented configurations of Ti accepted by . We recall that each augmented configuration of is of the form (c,FLS,BLS,GSi1, . . . , GSin);u, where c is a control state of Ti, u its stack content, FLS and BLS are lock-sets, and GSij is the set of states of Gij induced by the lock schedules seen so far in reaching configuration c, u. We set = and construct a finite sequence of lock-augmented multi-automata , . . . , resulting in =. Towards that end, we use→i to denote the transition relation of . For every i≧0, is obtained from by conserving the sets of states and transitions of and adding new transitions as follows:

1. for every stack transition (c,γ)(c′, w) and every state q such that















we add the transition













2. for every lock release operation c r1c′ and for every state (c′,FLS,BLS,GSi1, . . . , GSin) of , we add a transition
























to , where is the empty symbol; BLS′=BLS∪{li} and for each j, GS′ijij(GSij,r1).

3. for every lock acquire operation c a1c′ and for every state (c′,FLS,BLS,GSi1, . . . , GSin) of , we add a transition



























to where is the empty symbol; BLS′=BLS\{l}; FLS′=(FLS∪{l})\BLS; and for each j, GS′i1ij(GSij,a1).

In the above pre*-closure computation, the stack transitions do not affect the ‘lock-augmentations’ and are therefore handled in the standard way. For a lock acquire (release) transitions labeled with a1(r1)we need to track the access patterns in order to determine acyclicity of the induced LCGs. Thus in steps 2 and 3 for adding new transitions, for each GSij, we compute the set δij (Gsij,a1) of its successor states via the symbol ri(a1) in the regular automaton Grij tracking reverse schedules. Moreover, the backward lockset in any configuration is simply the set of locks for which release statements have been encountered during the backward traversal but not the matching acquisitions. Thus, if a release statement r1 for lock l is encountered, l is included in BLS (adding new transitions step 2). If later on the acquisition statement at in encountered then l is dropped from the BLS (adding new transitions step 3). Finally, the forward lock-set is simply the set of locks acquired along a path that are not released. Thus, a lock is included in FLS if a lock acquisition symbol is encountered during the backward traversal such that its release has not yet been encountered, i.e., r1∉ BLS. Thus, FLS′=(FLS∪{l})\BLS (adding new transitions step 3).

LCA for F: Given an LCA =(, ), we define pre*()to be the LCA (pre*(), pre &*()).

Computation of : Let A and B be sets of pairs of configurations accepted by LCAs =(, ) and =(, ), respectively. We show how to construct an LCA accepting A∩B via the standard product construction. For 1≦i≦2, let Ti=(Qi,Actii,cii), i−() and Bi=(). Note that for 1≦i≦2, =i and ==Ii. Then, we define the LCA =(, ), where is a multi-automaton accepting A∩B, as the tuple (), where 1. i; 2. =×; 3. =Ii; 4. =×; and 5.























A minor technicality is that to satisfy the requirement in the definition of a lock-augmented multi-automaton that Ii ε, we ‘re-name’ states of the form (s,s), where s ε as simply s. The correctness of the construction follows from the fact that it is merely the standard product construction with minor changes. The computation of is analogous to the above construction.

Computation of : We show how to reduce the construction of an LCA for , to that for the temporal operator F and the boolean operators and . Towards that end we leverage a Dual Pumping Lemma and show that is holds not only for threads with nested locks but more generally for threads with bounded lock chains.

Dual Pumping. Let CP be a concurrent program comprised of the threads Ti=(P1,Act11,c11) and T2=(P2,Act22,c22) and let ƒbe an LTL property. Let BP denote the Büchi system formed by the product of CP and Bƒ, the Büchi automaton corresponding to ƒ. Then LTL model checking reduces to deciding whether there exists an accepting path of BP. The Dual Pumping Lemma allows us to reduce the problem of deciding whether there exists an accepting computation of BP, to showing the existence of a finite lollipop-like witness with a special structure comprised of a stem ρ which is a finite path of BP, and a pseudo-cycle which is a sequence ν of transitions with an accepting state of BP having the following two properties (i) executing ν returns each thread of the concurrent program to the same control location with the same symbol at the top of its stack as it started with, and (ii) executing it does not drain the stack of any thread, viz., any symbol that is not at the top of the stack of a thread to start with is not popped during the execution of the sequence. For ease of exposition, we make the assumption that along all infinite runs of BP any lock that is acquired is eventually released. This restriction can be dropped.

Referring to FIG. 5, a pumpable witness is illustratively depicted for ease of understanding the following description. Theorem 6. (Dual Pumping Lemma). BP has an accepting run starting from an initial configuration c if and only if there exist αεΓ1, BεΓ2; uεΓ*1; νεΓ*2; an accepting configuration g; configurations lf0, lf1, lf2 and lf3 in which all locks are free; lock values l1, . . . , lm, l′1, . . . , l′m; control states p′,p′″εP1,q′,q″εP2; u′,u″,u′″εΓ*1 and ν′,ν″,ν′″εΓ*2 satisfying the following conditions:

  • A. c(p,αu,q′,ν′,l1, . . . , lm)
  • B. (p,α,q′,ν′l1, . . . lm)lf0(p′,u′q,, l′1, . . . , lm)
  • C. (p′,u′,q,,l′1, . . . , l′m)


(p,αu″q″,ν″,l1, . . . , lm)lf3

(p′″,u′″q,ν′″,l′1, . . . , l′m).

Let ρ, σ, ν be the sequences of global configurations realizing conditions A, B and C, respectively. We first define sequences of transitions spliced from {circle around (8)}, {circle around (9)}, and {circle around (4)} that we will concatenate to construct an accepting path of BP.

  • I. l11: the local sequence of Ti fired along σ.
  • II. l12: the local sequence of Ti fired along ν between c21=(p′,u′,q,, l′1, . . . , l′m) and lf1.
  • III. l13: the local sequence of Ti fired along ν between lf2 and ci2 (p,αu″,q″,l1, . . . , lm).
  • IV. l21: the local sequence of T2 fired along ν between c21(p′,u′),q,, l′1, . . . , l′m) and lf1.
  • V. l22: the local sequence of T2 fired along ν between l/f2 and c22(p′″,u′″,q,ν′″,l1, . . . , lm)
  • VI. ν′: the sequence of global transitions fired along ν till lf2
  • VII. ν″: the sequence of global transitions fired along ν between lf1 and lf2.

Then π: ρσν′(l13l11l12l22l21ν″)w is a scheduling realizing an accepting valid run of BP. Thread Ti is pumped by firing the sequence l13l11l12 followed by the local computation of Ti along ν″. Similarly, T2 is pumped by firing the sequence l22l21 followed by the local computation of T2 along ν″. The lock free configurations lf0, . . . , lf3 are breakpoints that help in scheduling to ensure that it π is a valid path. Indeed, starting at lf2, we first let Ti fire the local sequences l31l11 and l12. This is valid as T2 which currently does not hold any lock does not execute any transition and hence does not compete for locks with Ti. Executing these sequences causes Ti to reach the local configuration of Ti in lf1 which is lock free. Thus, T2 can now fire the local sequences l22 and l21 to reach the local configuration of T2 in lf1 after which we let CP fire ν″ and then repeat the procedure.

A reason why the Dual Pumping Lemma can be generalized for threads with bounded lock chains is the fact that boundedness of lock chains guarantees that under the assumption that every lock acquired is eventually released, there will be infinitely many lock-free states along any infinite computation which ensures existence of the breakpoints. Note that if the lock chains are unbounded in length the existence of such breakpoints is not guaranteed.

Constructing an LCA for : Conditions A, B and C in the statement of the Dual Pumping Lemma can easily be re-formulated via a combination of ∪, ∩ and pre*-closure computations for regular sets of configurations. This immediately implies that the computation of an LCA for can be reduced to that for F, and . The computation of X can be handled in a similar fashion.

The Model Checking Procedure for L(X,F,): Given an LCA g accepting the set of states satisfying a formula g of L(X, F, ), we formulated for each temporal operator Op ε{X, F, } a procedure for computing an LCA accepting the set of all configurations that satisfy Opg. Given a property ƒ, by recursively applying these procedures starting from the atomic propositions and proceeding inside out in ƒ we can construct the LCA accepting the set of states of CP satisfying ƒ. Finally, CP satisfies ƒ if the initial global state of CP is accepted by .

Maintaining Consistency Across Operators: In composing LCAs for different operators the following technical issue needs to be handled: Consider the LTL formula ƒ=F(aFb). Then the model checking procedure as described with respect to FIG. 1 would proceed by first building LCAs =(, ) and =(, ) for the atomic propositions a and b, respectively. Next, using the LCA construction for the F operator, we build an LCA =(, ) for Fb. Then leveraging the LCA construction for , we build an LCA =(, ) for aFb from and . Finally, we again use the LCA construction for F to build an LCA =(, ) for ƒ from .

Using our pre*-closure computation procedure, we see that =(pre*(L), pre*()). Note that captures only local reachability information in thread Ti. In other words, (a1,a2) is accepted by if there exists a state (b1,b2) accepted by such that ai is backward reachable from bi in thread Ti irrespective of whether (b1,b2) satisfies aFb or not. Recall that whether (b1,b2) satisfies aFb is encoded in the acceptance condition of . Thus, to ensure that (a1,a2) satisfies ƒ we need to perform two checks (i) (b1,b2) satisfies aFb and (ii) (a1,a2) is backward reachable from (b1,b2) in the given concurrent program. By our LCA construction for F, the second check is already encoded in the acceptance condition of . To make sure that the first condition is satisfied, we also have to augment this check with the acceptance condition for . In general if there are n operators, temporal or boolean, in the given formula ƒ, we need to perform such a check for each operator encountered in building the LCA bottom up via the above mentioned recursive procedure. This may be handled using the notion of vectors of consistency conditions—one for each operator as is known.

Referring to FIG. 6, a system 200 for model checking of concurrent multi-threaded programs with bounded lock chains is illustratively shown. The system may by implemented on a computer system or device configured to apply the methods described herein (e.g., FIG. 1). A model checking program 202 is preferably stored in a memory storage device 204 and executed by one or more processing cores or computer processing units 206. The model checking program 202 is configured to analyze individual program threads in a concurrent multi-threaded program 210 stored in or on memory storage media, which may include device 204, a disk or other memory device 212 including portable media, etc. The model checking program 202 determines sets of reachable states and lock access patterns for bounded lock chains, and is configured to track sets of states reachable from a given set of states and track lock acquisitions and releases by maintaining a bi-directional lock causality graph in the memory storage device 204.

The model checking program 202 is further configured to combine analysis results from multiple threads to determine whether there is a violation of a correctness property in the concurrent multi-threaded program. A graphical user interface 214 is provided to display or report errors or problems in the concurrent program 210.

Lock causality automaton are generated and stored in memory (204) to track the sets of states reachable from the given set of states in the concurrent multi-threaded program. The lock causality automaton is preferably built for each temporal operator appearing in a given correctness formula which is employed to determine errors in the concurrent program 210. Pre*-closures are computed for the lock causality automaton with bounded lock chains by projecting the lock causality automaton onto individual threads, wherein the pre*-closures of lock causality automaton are recovered by taking a cross product that does not consider all resulting pairs of local control states of the individual threads, but removes the pairs that are not reachable.

The present principles have identified fragments of LTL for which the model checking problem is decidable for threads interacting via bounded lock chains thereby delineating precisely the decidability boundary for the problem. One desirable feature of the present technique is that it enables compositional reasoning for the concurrent program at hand thereby ameliorating the state explosion problem. The new results enable us to provide a more refined characterization of the decidability of LTL model checking in terms of boundedness of lock chains as opposed to nestedness of locks.

Having described preferred embodiments of a system and method for verification of programs using threads having bounded lock chains (which are intended to be illustrative and not limiting), it is noted that modifications and variations can be made by persons skilled in the art in light of the above teachings. It is therefore to be understood that changes may be made in the particular embodiments disclosed which are within the scope of the invention as outlined by the appended claims. Having thus described aspects of the invention, with the details and particularity required by the patent laws, what is claimed and desired protected by Letters Patent is set forth in the appended claims.

  • 1. A method for model checking of concurrent multi-threaded programs with bounded lock chains, comprising: analyzing individual program threads in a concurrent multi-threaded program, using a model checking program stored in a memory storage device, to determine sets of reachable states and lock access patterns for bounded lock chains by: tracking sets of states reachable from a given set of states; andtracking lock acquisitions and releases by maintaining a bi-directional lock causality graph; andusing an acceptance condition of the lock causality graph to combine analysis results from multiple threads to determine whether there is a violation of a correctness property in the concurrent multi-threaded program.
  • 2. The method as recited in claim 1, wherein a lock causality automaton is employed to track the sets of states reachable from the given set of states in the concurrent multi-threaded program.
  • 3. The method as recited in claim 2, further comprising expressing a model checking problem as a reachability problem for regular sets of configurations accepted by the lock causality automaton.
  • 4. The method as recited in claim 2, wherein the lock causality automaton is built for each temporal operator appearing in a given correctness formula.
  • 5. The method as recited in claim 2, further comprising: computing pre*-closures for the lock causality automaton with bounded lock chains by projecting the lock causality automaton onto individual threads; andrecovering the pre*-closures of lock causality automaton by removing pairs of local states that are unreachable by encoding reachability criterion in the acceptance condition.
  • 6. The method as recited in claim 2, further comprising composing a lock causality automaton for each operator to form a lock causality automaton for an entire formula.
  • 7. The method as recited in claim 6, wherein the entire formula is satisfied by the concurrent multi-threaded program if a language accepted by the lock causality automaton is non-empty.
  • 8. The method as recited in claim 1, wherein a length of lock chains is employed to compute a bound on a size of the bi-directional lock causality graph, and the method further comprising enumerating all acyclic lock causality graphs of a size of the bound.
  • 9. The method as recited in claim 8, wherein the acyclic lock causality graphs are employed to compute a lock causality automaton that captures a set of configurations reachable from a given set of regular configurations such that the lock causality automaton accepts sets of configurations of the concurrent multi-threaded program in accordance with set conditions.
  • 10. A computer readable storage medium comprising a computer readable program for model checking of concurrent multi-threaded programs with bounded lock chains, wherein the computer readable program when executed on a computer causes the computer to perform the steps of: analyzing individual program threads in a concurrent multi-threaded program, using a model checking program stored in a memory storage device, to determine sets of reachable states and lock access patterns for bounded lock chains by: tracking sets of states reachable from a given set of states; andtracking lock acquisitions and releases by maintaining a bi-directional lock causality graph; andusing an acceptance condition of the lock causality graph to combine analysis results from multiple threads to determine whether there is a violation of a correctness property in the concurrent multi-threaded program.
  • 11. The computer readable storage medium as recited in claim 10, wherein tracking sets of states reachable from a given set of states includes employing a lock causality automaton to track the sets of states reachable from the given set of states in the concurrent multi-threaded program.
  • 12. The computer readable storage medium as recited in claim 11, further comprising expressing a model checking problem as a reachability problem for regular sets of configurations accepted by the lock causality automaton.
  • 13. The computer readable storage medium as recited in claim 11, wherein a lock causality automaton is built for each temporal operator appearing in a given correctness formula.
  • 14. The computer readable storage medium as recited in claim 11, wherein lock causality automata for constituent temporal operators of a given temporal logic formula are composed to build a lock causality automaton for the entire formula
  • 15. A system for model checking of concurrent multi-threaded programs with bounded lock chains, comprising: a model checking program stored in a memory storage device and executed by one or more processing cores, the model checking program being configured to analyze individual program threads in a concurrent multi-threaded program stored on memory storage media to determine sets of reachable states and lock access patterns for bounded lock chains, the model checking program being configured to track sets of states reachable from a given set of states and track lock acquisitions and releases by maintaining a bi-directional lock causality graph in the memory storage device; the model checking program is configured to use an acceptance condition of the lock causality graph to combine analysis results from multiple threads to determine whether there is a violation of a correctness property in the concurrent multi-threaded program.
  • 16. The system as recited in claim 15, further comprising lock causality automaton generated to track the sets of states reachable from the given set of states in the concurrent multi-threaded program.
  • 17. The system as recited in claim 16, wherein the lock causality automaton is built for each temporal operator appearing in a given correctness formula.
  • 18. The system as recited in claim 16, further comprising: pre*-closures computed for the lock causality automaton with bounded lock chains by projecting the lock causality automaton onto individual threads, wherein the pre*-closures of lock causality automaton are recovered by taking a cross product that does not consider all resulting pairs of local control states of the individual threads, but removes the pairs that are not reachable.
  • 19. The system as recited in claim 16, wherein a lock causality automata is included for each operator to form a lock causality automaton for an entire formula.
  • 20. The system as recited in claim 19, wherein, the entire formula is satisfied by the concurrent multi-threaded program if a language accepted by the lock causality automaton is non-empty.

This application claims priority to provisional application Ser. No. 61/223,532 filed on Jul. 7, 2009, incorporated herein by reference.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
61223532 Jul 2009 US