A system and method for reading multiple items bearing electronic tags, such as radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, disposed in a read zone wherein a correlation scheme/system, separate (e.g. non-RF) from the electronic reader, is provided for verifying that all the items in the read zone have been successfully read. Typically, the user operator is then notified whether or not all the items that have detected verification system have been successfully read by the electronic reader.


FIG. 1 is a diagram of an electronic tag reading system according to a first preferred embodiment for providing item read verification.

FIG. 2 is a diagram of an electronic tag reading system according to a second embodiment employing a handheld reader.

FIG. 3 is a diagram of an electronic tag reading system according to a third embodiment employing an alternate reader configuration.

FIG. 4 is a diagram of an electronic tag reading system according to a fourth embodiment employing a imaging scanner for item read verification.


Preferred embodiments will now be described with reference to the drawings. For the purposes of the present disclosure, certain of the descriptions will be described with respect to an RFID reader reading RFID tags, but the disclosure may also be applicable to other electronic tag types such as, for example, combined RFID/EAS tags, microwave tags, magnetic tags (e.g. acousto-magnetic), or other wireless electronic tag systems. The tag readers may comprise either electronic tag readers or combined electronic/RFID tag and optical code readers.

FIG. 1 illustrates a reading system 10 according to a first embodiment. Such a system may be applicable to various applications such as retail checkout, warehouse inventory, or parcel distribution. In the retail environment, the system 10 may be employed as a checker-assisted system or self-checkout such as at a grocery store or library.

The system 10 includes an RFID reader 16, the reader 16 preferably including an integrated scale. A plurality of items is placed on the scale in the read zone. Reading operation is commenced and the respective tag on each item is read by the reader. The reader 16 employs a suitable protocol, such as query response protocol or air interface protocol (AIP), to read each of the tags sequentially without the need for the user to manually pass each of the items one at a time through the read volume. Read operation may be initiated via several schemes, for example: (1) a manual input from the user, such as by pressing a “start scan” button on a control display screen 15 at the operator terminal 14; (2) an activation signal from the scale that items are present in the read zone; (3) an optical wakeup sensor indicating that items are present in the read zone. The RFID reader 16 obtains information from tag on each item in the read zone and transmits the information to the operator terminal 14. At approximately the same time, the scale obtains a “measured” weight measuring a total weight of all the items (i.e. one or more items) on the weigh scale. The system, via a controller 12 (either at the terminal 14 or remotely) then obtains item weight either via (1) using the item identification from the RFID tag and obtaining weight from a lookup table such as through the POS, or (2) extracting weight data stored in the RFID tag data itself. A total “calculated” weight is determined by adding the weights of all the items read by the RFID reader. The calculated weight is then compared to the measured weight of the items as measured by the weigh scale. If there is a discrepancy between the weights, then the operator may be notified to take further action via a signal at the operator terminal. In the case of a retail self-checkout, both the customer-operator terminal and the store employee terminal may be provided with the further action notification.

FIG. 2 illustrates an alternate system 20 employing a handheld portable data terminal (PDT) 22. The PDT 21 includes a keypad 22, display (or touch) screen 23, handle section 24 and a reader section 25. The operator may manually sweep the reader 21 over a plurality of parcels 26 disposed on a scale 27. The reader 21 then attempts to read the RFID tag disposed on each item. Meanwhile the scale 27 measures a total weight of all the parcels 26 (the measured weight) and sends this weight information to the controller 28. Similarly to the previous embodiment, the system then compares the calculated weight of the items read by the reader to the measured weight of the items as measured by the weigh scale. If there is a discrepancy between the weights, then the operator may be notified to take further action via a suitable signal such as an audio signal from the PDT 21 or a visual signal on the display screen 23 of the PDT 21. Read operation may be activated in response to a trigger pull on the handheld PDT or via another suitable protocol/mechanism.

In another configuration, particularly suited to the retail environment such as a grocery store, the user/operator or customer gathers items in a collection unit, such as a shopping cart, portable basket or bag, and proceeds to checkout. FIG. 3 is a diagram of an alternate checkout system 30. The shopping cart 36 (or shopping basket) containing a plurality of items/parcels 38 is placed onto a scale 35. The system 30 includes a reader 31 in this embodiment supported on a stand 34, located proximate the scale 35. The reader 31 includes a keypad 32 and display screen 33 for interacting with the user. The RFID reader 31 is preferably disposed so as to face the parcels 38 in the cart 36 from a desired direction. In the configuration in FIG. 3, the reader 31 faces in a downwardly direction to provide a direct line of site onto the parcels 38 without having to pass through the side of the cart as would be required if the reader were mounted in a sidewardly-facing direction.

The scale 35 measures a combined weight of the parcels 38 and cart 36. The weight of the cart 36 is subtracted from the combined weight to obtain the measured weight of the parcels 38. The weight of the cart 36 may be obtained by the system in several fashions. If all the carts are the same type and have the same weight, a standard weight may be used. If the customer may use a basket or a cart, or if there are several models of carts, each cart may be provided with an RFID tag itself and the reader 31 would read the tag on the cart while reading the tags on the parcels and obtain the cart weight from the tag or from a lookup table. The cart may be identified by an optical recognition device, or the user may input the information that a cart is on the scale via a user interface 32/33. Read verification of the parcels may then proceed as in the previous embodiments.

FIG. 4 illustrates another embodiment of a system 40 including an RFID reader 46 for reading a plurality of items (four items A-D) in a read zone. As in the previous embodiments, the system 40 includes a non-RF verification, i.e. a verification that is separate or independent from the RFID reader 31. The previous embodiments used a scale for verification, and the system 40 employs an imaging scanner 42 to provide a secondary item count or verification as a double-check to verify that the RFID reader has successfully read each of the RFID-tagged items in the read zone. The scanner 42 may employ image recognition software to identify specific items or merely provide an item count. In order to improve the scanner's ability to provide an accurate item count, the system 40 may be placed into an “image and learn” mode whereby an operator may train the system to recognize a single item out of a plurality of items in the read zone. Alternately, the system may also learn and/or cross-verify by comparing items read by the RFID reader 46 with items identified by the scanner 42.

It should be appreciated that the scale or other separate non-RF detection apparatus may be incorporated with the RFID reader into a common housing or otherwise integrated together. Even if the non-RF detection apparatus and the RFID reader are integrated, the mechanism/method by which non-RF detection is effected is still separate/independent. The non-RF detection of the number of items allows for separate or independent verification of the number of items such that the number of items detected by the non-RF apparatus or method may be compared to the number of items identified/read by the RFID reader.

In the following example, it is assumed that the RFID reader detects and reads only three out of four items in the read zone, and the system then operates according to the following steps.

    • The RFID reader 46 sending data (of the three tags successfully read) to the micro controller 44.
    • The micro-controller 44 sending a command to the scanner 42 to obtain an image of the items in the read zone.
    • The scanner 42 taking an image of the items in the read zone.
    • The scanner 42 sending the image to the micro-controller 44.
    • Software in the micro-controller “finding” items and identifying number and (optionally) type of items.
    • Comparing the number and type of items imaged to the RFID data for correlation.
    • If the RFID data correlates to the number of items (and type), sending the RFID data to the POS terminal 48.
    • If the items do not correlate, the micro-controller 44 not sending the RFID data to the POS terminal 48, and the micro-controller 44 sending a message to the POS terminal 48 to command the operator/cashier to manually pass each item through the read zone.

Alternately, in the event the items do not correlate, the micro-controller 44 may notify the operator to optically scan the items manually by presenting each item to the imaging scanner 42 to scan the bar code. In operation, the operator may not need to present each item. For example, after removing Item A and optically reading it with the scanner 42, the system 40 could then be reactivated with the RFID reader 46 attempting to read all the remaining items in the read zone. Repeating the process, the reader 46 may attempt to read all the remaining three items and the imaging scanner attempt to detect the number of items. If the read and the scan correlate this time for the three items, the RFID data is sent to the POS terminal.

Similar alternate methodology may be implemented in any of the above embodiments. For example, if the system of any FIGS. 1-4 fails to correlate, the operator may remove one or more items (the “removed items”) from the read zone and reinstitute read operation. If the items remaining in the read zone are successfully read by the RFID reader and correlated to the non-RF verification, those items may be deemed successfully read and then moved out of the read zone to a successful read area. The “removed items” are then returned to the read zone and a re-read by the RFID reader. Alternately, the RFID reader may also comprise an optical reader. For example the RFID reader 16 in FIG. 1 may also include and optical laser scanner. The handheld reader 21 of FIG. 2 may include both RFID reading capability and barcode reading capability such as the Falcon® 5500 Series RFID Mobile Computer available from PSC Inc. of Eugene, Oreg. The system 30 of FIG. 3 may include an optical reader downfacing from the reader 31. Alternately, the system may be provided with a separate handheld optical reader, for example kept in a holster mounted to the side of the reader 31, for reading the optical code on an item in the exceptions case.

Read operation by the RFID reader of any of the embodiments may be implemented via a suitable system that enables multiple tags be read in a single operation. Various operation schemes are disclosed in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/230,365 filed Sep. 19, 2005 or U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/351,405 filed Feb. 11, 2006, each application being hereby incorporated by reference.

Thus the present invention has been set forth in the form of its preferred embodiments. It is nevertheless intended that modifications to the disclosed methods and systems may be made by those skilled in the art without altering the inventive concepts set forth herein.

  • 1. A method of electronic tag reading comprising the steps of activating an electronic tag reader to read an electronic tag on each of a plurality of the items located in a read zone;detecting, separately from operation of the electronic tag reader, the items in the read zone;verifying that the electronic tag reader has read all the items in the read zone by comparing the items separately detected in the read zone to the items read by the electronic tag reader.
  • 2. A method according to claim 1 wherein the steps of detecting and verifying comprise determining the number of items read by the electronic tag reader;detecting, separately from operation of the electronic tag reader, the number of items in the read zone;verifying that the electronic tag reader has read all the items in the read zone by comparing the number of items separately detected in the read zone to the number of items determined to have been read by the electronic tag reader.
  • 3. A method according to claim 1 wherein the steps of detecting and verifying comprise determining the number of items read by the electronic tag reader;scanning the read zone with an imaging system to detect the number of items in the read zone;verifying that the electronic tag reader has read all the items in the read zone by comparing the number of items separately detected in the read zone to the number of items determined to have been read by the electronic tag reader.
  • 4. A method according to claim 1 wherein the steps of detecting and verifying comprise obtaining weight for each of the items as read by the electronic tag reader;obtaining a calculated total weight of the items read by the electronic tag reader by adding the weights of the items having been read;weighing the items on a scale to obtain a total measured weight of all the items;verifying that the electronic tag reader has read all the items in the read zone by comparing the calculated total weight to the total measured weight.
  • 5. A method according to claim 4 wherein the step of obtaining weight for each of the items comprises using item identification from the electronic tag and obtaining weight data of the item from a lookup table.
  • 6. A method according to claim 5 wherein the step of obtaining weight of each of the items comprises extracting weight data stored in the electronic tag itself.
  • 7. A method according to claim 1 further comprising notifying an operator that all the items have not been read if in the step of verifying it is determined that the electronic tag reader has not read all the items in the read zone.
  • 8. A method according to claim 1 further comprising notifying an operator whether the RFID reader has read all the items that have been detected.
  • 9. A method according to claim 8 wherein the step of notifying the operator comprises providing an audio signal.
  • 10. A method of RFID reading comprising the steps of locating a plurality of items in a read zone of an RFID reader and on a weigh scale, each of the items bearing an RFID tag,obtaining a total measured weight of the items via the weigh scale;activating the RFID reader to read the RFID tag on each of the items;obtaining weight of each of the items as read by the RFID reader;obtaining a calculated total weight of the items by adding the weights of the items having been read;verifying that the RFID reader has read all the items in the read zone by comparing the calculated total weight to the total measured weight.
  • 11. A method according to claim 10 wherein the step of obtaining weight of each of the items comprises using item identification from the RFID tag and obtaining weight data from a lookup table.
  • 12. A method according to claim 10 wherein the step of obtaining weight of each of the items comprises extracting weight data stored in the RFID tag itself.
  • 13. A method according to claim 10 further comprising notifying an operator whether the RFID reader has read all the items.
  • 14. A system for reading electronic tags on items located in a read zone, comprising an electronic tag reader adapted to read the electronic tag on each of the items;a detection apparatus, separately operative from the electronic tag reader, that detects the items in the read zone;means for verifying that the electronic tag reader has read all the items in the read zone by comparing the items separately detected in the read zone to the items read by the electronic tag reader.
  • 15. A system according to claim 14 wherein the means for verifying comprises a scale system weighing the items to obtain a total measured weight items, whereby a calculated total weight of the items is obtained by adding the weights of the items having been read, whereby the calculated total weight Is compared to the total measured weight.
  • 16. A method for retail checkout comprising the steps of gathering in a collection unit a plurality of items, each of the items bearing an electronic tag;reading with an electronic tag reader each of the items to obtain identification date for each of the items;placing the collection unit containing the items that have been gathered onto a scale at a checkout station and obtaining a combined weight;obtaining a total measured weight for the items by subtracting weight of the collection unit from the combined weight;obtaining weight data for each of the items having been read;obtaining a calculated total weight of the items by adding the weights of the items having been read;verifying that the electronic tag reader has read all the items in the read zone by comparing the calculated total weight to the total measured weight.
  • 17. A method according to claim 16 wherein the collection unit comprises a shopping cart, and the weight of the collection unit is selected as a standard weight for all shopping carts.
  • 18. A method according to claim 16 wherein the collection unit includes an electronic tag identifying the collection unit, wherein the electronic tag reader reads the electronic tag on the collection unit and weight data for the collection unit is obtained for the collection unit that has been identified.
  • 19. A method according to claim 16 wherein the collection unit is selected from the group consisting of: a shopping cart, a shopping basket or a shopping bag.
  • 20. A method according to claim 16 wherein a user inputs that an interface that a collection unit is on the scale.

This application claims priority to provisional application No. 60/848,143 filed Sep. 29, 2006 hereby incorporated by reference.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60848143 Sep 2006 US