System and Method of Interactive Image and Video Based Contextual Alarm Viewing

A video surveillance system having a plurality of video-type cameras includes a graphical user interface which is not list driven but provides a background image of a portion of the region being monitored, and, event or incident identifiers associated with the provided background image. The event or incident identifiers are presented semi-transparently and overlay the background image. Each of the incident identifiers includes a selectable icon. Selecting the icon switches to a different background image and presents a different foreground group of incidents or events associated with the different background image. The various events or incidents can be explored in the context of the background image. In addition with selecting the icons user can also select the event or incident identifier to see the corresponding background image. Once the background image is updated, user can start play the video directly in the same view

The application pertains to systems and methods of presenting primarily non-tabular multilevel images of alarms or events via a user friendly graphical user interface. More particularly, the application pertains to such systems and methods which provide a background contextual image which is overlaid, in part, by one or more semitransparent alarm or event indicating elements.


Video surveillance systems are used in almost all the business sectors for security and surveillance purposes. Primary usage of these systems includes live monitoring, reviewing playback videos, and, event, alarm, bookmark and incident reviews. A recurring problem with these systems is that they are primarily list driven. Alarm and event lists are presented in a more or less static configuration and need further improvements.

Alarm lists make for difficult reading in that they often show a basic description about the alarm details, alarm device, time, and location. Most of the time these alarms will be listed in a tabular list format.

Further, most of the time these alarms will be linked with some video data, like “Motion detection on Camera 39”. For this alarm, the user has to obtain the video from camera 39. Many known types of systems such as life safety, building automation and management systems, home automation, residential security systems for example, are integrated with a regional video system to provide visual alarm verification.

Existing alarm and event views gives more or less static information. There may be linkages to the other interfaces to provide for retrieving relevant video, but this information needs to be extracted from different interfaces or different subsystems. Problem is more applicable for video based mobile apps (CCTV) since the screen size is limited. Nowadays most of the residential security systems, connected home systems and residential home automation systems are controlled and monitored remotely though mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets.

In summary, in known systems there is no contextual view or info for the events to be reviewed (even before starting the video retrieval), For example in a scenario where a CCTV operator is looking for a person in red shirt who forcibly opened an access door to find the exact alarm and the video clip the operator needs to play the entire video clip when it has been found.


FIG. 1 illustrates a block diagram of a system in accordance herewith;

FIG. 2 is an exemplary event or incident list;

FIG. 3 illustrates a multi layered context displaying interface screen; and

FIG. 4 is a second exemplary contextual presentation of event or incident information.


While disclosed embodiments can take many different forms, specific embodiments thereof are shown in the drawings and will be described herein in detail with the understanding that the present disclosure is to be considered as an exemplification of the principles thereof as well as the best mode of practicing same, and is not intended to limit the application or claims to the specific embodiment illustrated. In one aspect, contextual alarm views are presented after the users review a list of events and alarms from the system, and select a type of event. The user interface presents a background screen that shows context information for the selected event or alarm.

Context information can include, a video snapshot image at alarm time, a video clip at alarm time or alarm location information, for example by presenting a 2D floor map or 3D Model or BIM. On an as needed basis a user or operator can start playing video directly from the alarm view.

Once the video starts playing the alarm video, other alarm lists can be suppressed. Each event type can be displayed with text and a semitransparent icon. Selected events can be highlighted by selecting or highlighting the respective icon. The event list can be navigated up and down by touch or by using a mouse (workstation or mobile device). Camera views can be selected based on the physical location of the alarmed device or detector which is in an alarm state. In the event of an alarm from a sub system like an invalid access card entry, the alarm can retrieve the logical video feed.

FIG. 1 illustrates a system 10 in accordance herewith. In one embodiment, system 10 implements a video surveillance system. A plurality of video cameras 12 is installed to monitor various aspects of a region R.

The members of the plurality 12 communicate via a wired or wireless medium, indicated at 12a, with a monitoring, or security station 14. Station 14 includes control circuits 20 which can be implemented, at least in part, with one or more programmable processors 20a, and software 20b executable by the processor(s) 20a.

An input/output interface 22 coupled to the control circuits 20 facilitates communications with members of the plurality 12. A data base 24 provides storage for various types of information including maps of the region R, information as to characteristics of and location of members of the plurality 12 which in addition to the video cameras, can also include various types of ambient condition detectors.

Station 14 also includes a graphical user interface 26, coupled to control circuits 20. Interface 26, which can be driven by software 20c and the processor(s) 20a can include a visual display panel 28. In addition, it can include manually operable communications elements 30. Elements 30 can include mouse-type devices, keyboards and touch screens.

Station 14, via the interface element 22 can also communicate wirelessly with a computer network, such as the internet I with a user's displaced communication device 32. The below described contextual screens can be readily presented on portable communications devices 32 such as smart phones, tablets or the like all without limitation.

Those of skill will understand that the detailed characteristics of the elements of the station 14 do not constitute limitations hereof, except as described herein. Variations of the components of the station 14 come within the spirit and scope hereof. The graphical user interface 26, as discussed below, can present to a user multi-level contextual displays driven by outputs from members of the plurality 12, and, choices made by the user.

FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary display 40, with an enlarged section 40a, which might be present on panel 28 for purposes of monitoring the region R. Screen 40 illustrates a series of events, incidents or conditions in the region R which have been noted by the station 14. A user can initiate a process by clicking on or selecting a member of the list on the display 40 using one of the elements 30.

FIG. 3 illustrates an exemplary contextual display 42, responsive to the user's selection on the list of FIG. 2. The user can be local to the station 14 and display 28 or can access the display via a computer network and a mobile device such as device 32.

Advantageously, the display 42, associated with monitoring a residence, is not a mere list which might identify a camera, status or location. Instead the user is presented with a multi-level background contextual display, 44 which is associated with a current event. The background display 44 is overlaid by one or more semi-transparent foreground event identifiers, which include text and associated icons, 46a, b, c, d (from the event list) which represent events, conditions or alarms in the region R.

Each of the event identifiers can include a textual part 46a-1 and an activatable icon 46a-1. Each of the icons 46i can be independently selected for further investigation by the user or system operator. In FIG. 3, where a user selects the icon 46a-2 associated with the video event 46a-1, the background screen switches from background 44 to background 50 and a corresponding set of event identifiers. Selecting other icons in FIG. 3 directs a user to background screens 52, or 54, each of which is presented with overlayed foreground event identifiers of a type discussed above.

FIG. 4 illustrates a set of background contextual images and associated event identifiers which might be generated for a video surveillance system installed in a commercial establishment, a casino. In each instance, a background contextual screen, or image, is overlaid with semitransparent event identifiers of the type discussed above.

In summary embodiments hereof enhance the user's experiences by reducing time needed to search the video data for intended clips or the like. Instant visual context presenting images are provided to the user while investigating the list of alarms or events. Incident management should be improved due to enhanced and faster understanding of the incident.

Those of skill will understand that it is not necessary that any member of plurality 12 include video-type cameras. Some members of plurality 12 can be non-video ambient condition detectors. In this instance, a pre-stored background image can be displayed with overlying semitransparent event or incident identifiers.

From the foregoing, it will be observed that numerous variations and modifications may be effected without departing from the spirit and scope hereof. It is to be understood that no limitation with respect to the specific apparatus illustrated herein is intended or should be inferred. It is, of course, intended to cover by the appended claims all such modifications as fall within the scope of the claims. Further, logic flows depicted in the figures do not require the particular order shown, or sequential order, to achieve desirable results. Other steps may be provided, or steps may be eliminated, from the described flows, and other components may be add to, or removed from the described embodiments.

  • 1. An apparatus comprising: a plurality of monitoring devices, wherein at least some members of the plurality include video-type cameras;control circuits coupled to the monitoring devices;at least one visual output device, coupled to the control circuits;a manually operable selection element, coupled to the control circuits;a data base of events and alarms, as well as monitoring devices wherein events or alarms can be visually presented on the output device, and the control circuits, responsive to a selected event or alarm, present different background contextual images and foreground images associated therewith, wherein the foreground images are presented on the output device, and overlay, the background images, as semitransparent selectable event identifiers which include text and a selectable icon.
  • 2. An apparatus as in claim 1 wherein the control circuits present a list of events or alarms on the visual output device, and responsive to a selected event or alarm, the foreground and background images are presented.
  • 3. An apparatus as in claim 2 wherein presentation of the list is terminated.
  • 4. An apparatus as in claim 2 wherein additional information, relative to selected events or alarms, can be present on the visual display.
  • 5. An apparatus as in claim 4 where the background images comprise context information and the foreground images comprise selected text or icons associated with respective incidents or alarms.
  • 6. An apparatus as in claim 5 wherein a displayable event can be selected from a class which includes video clips, or singular screen views.
  • 7. An apparatus as in claim 5 wherein background images can be selected from a class which includes snapshot images of a portion of a monitored region, or, video data from the portion of the monitored region, thereby providing context information.
  • 8. An apparatus as in claim 5 wherein a plurality of foreground images is presented relative to a selected, common textual background.
  • 9. An apparatus as in claim 5 wherein a foreground incident can be selected, and responsive thereto, the background image changes, and a different set of incidents or alarms can overly the change background image
  • 10. An apparatus as in claim 9 wherein responsive to another selected foreground incident, or event, another, different, background image can be presented.
  • 11. An apparatus as in claim 1 wherein members of the plurality of monitoring devices can be selected from a class which includes video-type cameras and ambient condition detectors.
  • 12. A method comprising: visually presenting an event list; andresponsive to selecting an event from the list, presenting a background, contextual image of a portion of a region being monitored, and, presenting a plurality of events from the list as semitransparent foreground event identifiers which overlay the background contextual image.
  • 13. A method as in claim 13 which includes, for at least some of the foreground event identifiers, providing textual information and a selectable icon.
  • 14. A method as in claim 13 wherein, responsive to selecting an icon of one of the foreground event identifiers, a different contextual background image is displayed and overlayed by a different group of spaced apart event identifiers whereby the user can explore different events with an understanding of the location of the respective event in the region being monitored.
  • 15. A method as in claim 13 which includes navigating between event identifiers on a contextual background image.
  • 16. A video surveillance system comprising a plurality of video-type cameras and a graphical display which includes a graphical user interface which provides a contextual background image of a portion of a region being monitored, on the display, and, event or incident identifiers associated with the provided contextual image wherein the event or incident identifiers are presented semi-transparently on the display and overlay the respective background image; each of the incident identifiers includes a selectable icon, wherein selecting the icon switches to a different contextual background image and presents a different foreground group of incidents or events associated with the different background image on the display.
  • 17. An apparatus as in claim 1 wherein the different background and foreground images can be accessed via a mobile communications device and a cloud-type platform.
  • 18. An apparatus as in claim 1 wherein other members of the plurality comprise ambient condition detectors and wherein a pre-stored background reference image is associated with some of the detectors, and wherein respective real-time event identifiers can be presented as semitransparent events or incident identifiers which overlay the respective pre-stored background reference.