1. Field of Invention
This invention relates to a system of construction involving interlocking stackable precast blocks where a combination of interlocking and overlapping structural blocks are used to create individual structural frame modules; frame modules may then be nested and stacked with the necessary interlock to build larger structures.
Various uses of precast blocks are known in the prior art. In tilt wall construction, for example, precast wall panels are erected on a site to create a shell. Precast beams and planks are used in building construction and other civil engineering projects, such as bridges. Typically, this type of construction is used to build rectangular, box-like frame blocks which may require further support such as cross bracing.
Other types of systems including precast geodesic structures have been shown in the prior art.
There is a need for a modular precast construction system which does not require additional bracing or supports and can be constructed in a manner that minimizes or eliminates the need for fasteners to be installed during the erection process. These features can maximize the speed and safety of construction. There is a need for precast modular structures which can be disassembled and reconfigured or moved and reassembled at another site. These features minimize the potential for a structure to fall to demolition and thus be converted from an asset into waste that then requires disposal.
2. Description of Related Art
Various types of construction are known in the prior art including wood framed buildings, steel framed buildings, precast concrete structures, and cast in place concrete structures.
The majority of structural design decisions that are made in conventional practice are driven by cost; there are enormous pressures on structural engineers of most building projects to minimize costs while upholding their first duty to ensure the safety of structures. These pressures tend to minimize the structure in many buildings. This tendency can be unfortunate when a structure is subjected to rare but extreme loads that cannot reasonably be incorporated into statistical load guidance provided by building codes.
Accordingly, engineered structures are typically designed to safely resist code-specified loads without necessarily providing large reserve capacity beyond that achieved by virtue of required safety factors. By building to provide structural capacities that are significantly in excess of those required to resist the minimum loads required by building codes, new opportunities are created in the functionality and versatility of the built structure.
The design of a structure of conventional construction typically seeks to concentrate forces to conserve usable floor space, and relies on secondary lateral systems, such as diagonal braces or shear walls, to stabilize the structure. Benefits can be gained by flaring the upper portion of a column structure to reduce the effective span of the structure supported by the column.
Conventional construction generally consists either cast-in-place construction with obstructive and costly formwork, or of interconnected stick or panel framing that relies on diagonal bracing or shear walls for lateral stability. Because much of conventional construction is inherently unstable until the construction of structural diaphragms and lateral systems are complete, structural failures during the relatively brief construction period are more common than in completed buildings that stand for years of service.
The lateral bracing and shoring that is typically required for conventional construction creates building site obstructions that contribute to many construction accidents. Because conventional construction commonly involves the field assembly of parts that can be lifted and handled by one or two workers, the construction of exterior walls and roofs generally involves a significant amount of labor far above ground level; this creates the potential for falling hazards that generate the most lethal jobsite injuries. Where conventional construction utilizes large parts, such as with tilt-wall construction, expensive crane time is typically consumed holding those parts in position while lateral shoring and bracing members and connections are installed; this is required to stabilize the part prior to releasing the hoisting lines. It is desirable to build using a system of independently stable modules that minimize or eliminate the need for temporary shoring and bracing, and that allow crane time to be utilized efficiently.
In the field of concrete buildings or concrete framed structures, the structural elements are typically either cast in place on site such as with flat-plate or beam and slab type of applications, prefabricated on-site such as with tilt wall construction, or prefabricated off-site such as with precast concrete planks, tees, and wall panels. Most significant building structures are built based on a unique design that is the result of the work a team of design professionals; the design of a given building is generally unique to that project. The design of unique projects under ever-increasing time, budget, and liability pressures presents real challenges to design professionals; it also places an enormous burden on the builder that must interpret and build a unique and complex project from what will inevitably prove to be an imperfect set of drawings and specifications. It is highly desirable to introduce a building system that allows design flexibility while offering vast simplifications in both design and construction; this can be accomplished by means of an expanding kit of compatible parts.
The use of on-site casting for concrete cast-in-place structures requires the expense and delay of field-fabricating the forms for pouring concrete. It is desirable to provide concrete structural elements which can be built in stacks or mass-produced by other means either on-site or under factory controlled conditions.
Tilt wall construction provides some advantage in pre-casting wall elements, but has the disadvantage of requiring the advance construction of large areas of grade-supported slab to serve as a casting surface for the wall blocks. Tilt wall construction also requires the use of temporary shoring during the assembly process to hold walls in place until additional structural elements are attached to the walls. It is desirable to provide pre-cast concrete structural elements that can be assembled into a variety of structural elements and finished buildings without the use of temporary shoring.
Concrete building blocks such as cinder blocks are typically provided in relatively small units that require labor-intensive mortared assembly to form walls and structures. It is desirable to provide larger structural units that can be precast, trucked to a job site, and assembled together into a wide variety of structural forms without extensive use of mortar or adhesive.
Once conventional construction is complete, the modification or removal of a finished building generally involves destructive demolition. It is common practice in conventional construction to design for a relatively short building life span, and to simply demolish buildings that because of age, location, or poor initial construction have met the end of their useful service lives. This practice results in millions of tons of construction debris being hauled to landfills every year. It is desirable to build using a system that is built of durable but cost-effective construction and which offers ease of modification or removal and reuse without the waste of materials and manpower associated with conventional demolition practices. It is desirable to introduce a building system that enables the wholesale recycling and reuse of entire buildings by use of durably constructed large-scale building blocks.
This methods and apparatus presented herein produce a structural shell and an architecturally finished space by means of modular, transportable blocks that are designed to interlock for structural stability.
The building system is designed to enable finished structures to be erected with remarkable speed. The system is also designed to use construction materials efficiently and to provide unique opportunities for the disassembly, reconfiguration, modification and relocation of finished structures. The building system is further designed to enable rapid integration and modification of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems, and to provide a base for broad flexibility in interior and exterior architectural expression. Architecturally finished precast surfaces can also eliminate the cost, installation time, and indoor environmental problems associated with many common but less durable interior building finish products.
The building system is intended to introduce a unique line of large-scale building blocks to the construction industry, and to offer an expanding kit of parts from which quality structures may be quickly and economically built. It offers distinct advantages in the design, construction, and performance of the finished structure as compared with conventional construction utilizing structural steel, site-cast concrete, masonry, and wood-frame building systems. It also provides several environmental advantages to the growing numbers of people interested in “green” building, and has a wide variety of potential applications.
Design Advantages
This building system is intended to provide flexibility to the team of professionals that are typically responsible for the design of structures. The system is designed to provide a new set of large-scale building blocks to structural engineers, MEP engineers, architects, builders, developers, and owners, and it offers ease of modification in response to the needs of each.
Because the building system is modular and pre-engineered, the effort and time required to design a structure for a given application is greatly reduced. A design that grows in increments of a predetermined dimensional module not only saves time and cost in the fabrication of that design, it also simplifies the design process itself by setting a rhythm of dimensions that are easily identified and predictable. This allows the designer to focus on details that are unique to a given project and fall outside of a modular solution. Presuming that the acceptability of an intended use of each structural block has been confirmed by an engineering analysis, blocks may become modular “plug and play” elements that can be used in a variety of ways.
Liability Control
Design professionals and owners are required to make hundreds of decisions in the course of the design of any given project. More and more, these decisions are made under the pressure of aggressive construction schedules and budgets. Once made, decisions are often irrevocable without incurring the liability for significant costs. Once conventional construction has been completed, the labor and materials that have been invested into the project are at risk of requiring costly demolition and replacement to effect a late design change. Construction using this building system offers significant and unique relief to this problem, because the finished structure can be modified at any time with relative ease.
Structural Advantages
Varying structural demands can be met by individually manipulating the profile, cross section, and reinforcement of each of the components. The design is also largely scalable; the basic dimensional module can change and, within practical limits, components can be scaled along all three axes to produce a reduction or enlargement of the entire system. Further scaling can be accomplished by stretching the module about one or two axes in design and casting to extend or reduce span lengths or story heights
The structure is generally designed to take advantage of natural arching action for the efficient and economical use of materials, and may be produced in a variety of spans, plan geometries, and vertical geometries. A compressive load path may be through shells (as in example embodiments) or through struts; one embodiment of this system takes the form of precast interlocking 3D frames that support standard floor joists or planks.
The inherent strength of the building system makes it a candidate for use in a variety of structural applications, as described below. A structure that has the capacity to safely resist overloads is one that can lend great comfort to the engineer and owner. A system of interlocking structural blocks that can be used to construct a building, transportation structure, or earth-sheltered structure can be a powerful tool in the hands of a structural engineer.
Structural actions and failure mechanisms for each prototype block will initially be confirmed by full-scale load testing. Data gathered during load tests will enable the refinement of design methodologies for determining the required structural geometry, reinforcement, and load carrying capacities of each block.
MEP Advantages
Varying MEP demands can be accommodated with relative ease by virtue of the access floor space that is created between the top of the structural shell and the underside of the standoff floor system. MEP demands for a given use can be met by modifying the standoff design height and therefore the access floor clear openings, by providing a simple method of access to and block-outs for MEP systems, and by providing modular access between levels via integral pipe sleeves within column elements and chases between structural modules. The underfloor space can be utilized for the construction or the modification of plumbing, electrical, heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), and data systems.
Although a standard HVAC system can be used, this building system has the potential to accommodate a ductless system air conditioning system that utilizes a pressurized plenum with variable fan floor registers for comfort control. By utilizing the subfloor space as a pressurized plenum for conditioned air, ductwork design and construction costs can be eliminated. The design of HVAC systems is simplified by the elimination of ductwork design, and job costs and construction time are reduced by the elimination of the need for ductwork. Reversal of the air flow could be designed to result in a self-cleaning floor that can be fitted with air filtration systems. The building system also accommodates radiant heating and/or cooling systems in conjunction with forced air flow in the access floor plenum, and thin-shell sections may lend themselves to radiant comfort control of the space by heating or cooling the structure. Perimeter blocks can accommodate spray-on, batt, integral insulation, or any other suitable insulation material as required to further limit the energy usage of an air-conditioned or heated building. This system offers new opportunities to MEP engineers and invites creative solutions not presented here. System requirements for a given application will be determined by MEP engineering analysis.
Acoustically sensitive spaces can incorporate blocks that utilize appropriately textured form liners, or blocks can accommodate cast-in acoustical materials that may be laid into molds prior to casting or bonded to the cast surface.
Architectural Advantages
Although each of the advantages described above carry obvious economic benefits for the owner, the typical owner will also be interested in the flexibility this system offers to the architect. This building system offers flexibility in structural module size, standoff height, floor-to-floor height, ceiling profile, span, and plan geometry. This flexibility can be exploited for variation in the exterior and interior architecture of the building. Plan flexibility can be further enhanced by non-rectangular plan modules, and by the ability to separate independent structural modules with gaps that may be left open or bridged with simple floor infill blocks that are easy to modify. Where a given architecture requires smaller modules, a span of the embodiment may consist of three blocks (two paired-column blocks and one full-width key block), or it may consist of a single, four-column block that is of sufficiently small size and weight that it may be cast and handled as a single element and therefore does not require segmenting into multiple smaller blocks.
To offer free rein in the architectural design of building exteriors, the building system is designed to accommodate both standard and customized perimeter wall and roof systems. Exterior wall block sets enable a variety of parapet heights and shapes, and can accommodate undulations in the design of exterior wall surfaces. Exterior walls can also accommodate canopies and roof segments to complete the range of architectural variability. By adjusting spans in modular increments using standard components, and by taking advantage of unlimited flexibility in perimeter wall geometry and construction, the footprint and exterior elevations of a building can be defined at the will of the architect. They can also be redefined at any point in the future at a lower cost and without the waste associated with modifying conventional construction.
Although it leads and provides the basis for the interior architecture, this system does not offer significant constriction to the layout and use of interior space. Finished surfaces of ceilings, columns, and floors may consist of a standard steel-formed finish that is transferred from the master to the mold set, or they may incorporate an unlimited variety of liners to form brick or stone patterns, tile patterns, corrugations, reveals, or geometric designs; they may also be cast against molds made of a hand-sculpted master. Blocks may incorporate integral admixtures or surface treatments for color variations, and offer the ability to embed decorative or acoustical materials into the exposed surfaces.
Because the structure is so prominent in the interior architecture, and because compression structures justifiably invoke the perception of durable, safe structure, the owners and occupants of buildings constructed of this system will likely find the space both architecturally comforting and inspirational.
Construction Advantages
Builders and contractors will find that this building system offers distinct advantages as compared to standard construction types. Builders will find this system very attractive because the simplified and repetitive assembly of parts offers the ability to rapidly erect and dry-in a project while drastically reducing the waste, losses, and multiple learning curves common to conventional construction.
Because blocks are designed to rapidly interlock without shoring and without fasteners, and because block dimensions are generally configured to allow transport on a flatbed trailer without special permit; they can be shipped to a prepared site and erected at a pace that cannot be approached using conventional site-built construction techniques.
This building system allows the majority of the work necessary to build the structural shell to be conducted in a controlled plant environment, independent of weather conditions. By shop fabricating the structural shell and exterior wall blocks, a majority of the work that normally requires site scaffolds or lifts is instead accomplished at ground level on the shop floor. This reduces risks to workers and thereby improves job safety. Plant production enhances quality control capabilities while largely eliminating the cost of weather delays, site waste, and the theft of tools and materials from the construction site. The building system uses concrete in an efficient manner, and the normal waste of site-cut and assembled materials in the construction of the finished building shell is virtually eliminated.
Of further benefit to the contractor's schedule, interior trades can perform work in a weather-protected and secure environment at a much earlier point in the construction schedule than is possible with conventional building techniques. By routing systems below the floor instead of above the ceiling, the majority of the work that normally requires scaffolds or lifts is instead accomplished in the accessible space just below the floor. The total quantity of finish-out work is also significantly reduced. Because the erected structural shell provides finished surfaces at all structural frame and ceiling elements, sheetrock and suspended acoustical tile ceilings may not be necessary. As previously described, the reduction in required finish-out work includes the potential elimination of ductwork and the simplification of MEP system installation. If the building system is used as a rainwater collection system and/or parking structure, the costs of water quality detention ponds to treat runoff from the typical project can be reduced or eliminated.
The segmental mold construction methodology enables large, long-span blocks to be produced using this technique, such that structures of a wide variety of shapes and spans may be built with this system. Parts may be stackable, may remain interchangeable long after construction is completed, and should never fall to demolition. This flexibility should serve to benefit the builder by making owners less hesitant to build.
Building decisions are, by necessity, largely cost-driven. The advantages offered by this building system bring real value to the owner, and enhance the ability of the system to be cost-competitive. Simpler block sets are naturally more economical than more complex, longer span, or hand-sculpted sets. The expense of conventional reinforced concrete structures is largely driven by the cost of forming the concrete; this system is designed to minimized formwork costs by building durable molds that can be used again and again. A master may be expensive to build, but it may be used to produce multiple mold sets. Because multiple blocks can be produced from each mold set with limited effort, and because material costs of reinforcing steel and concrete are relatively low, large-scale production can be accomplished economically.
Environmental Advantages
This system offers the potential to minimize the environmental impact of construction in several ways. It offers the ability to reduce the disruption of the site due to construction, to reduce construction material waste and building product emissions, and to offer unique opportunities for recycling and rain water harvesting as compared to conventional construction.
Construction Site Disruption
Because this system is intended to provide cost-effective, suspended structure, it can be built with a significant reduction in site grading and disruption as compared to conventional construction. Whether supported by drilled piers and pier caps, footing blocks, or another foundation system, variable-height footing blocks or base blocks can be “planted” on discrete foundations in a manner that can significantly reduce the excavation, cut and fill that is typical on most construction projects. By elevating the first level of floor structure above the ground, the cut and fill that is generally required for slab-on-grade construction can be largely eliminated, along with the runoff and erosion problems that often accompany extensive earthwork.
Waste Reduction
Block production is a highly efficient use of construction materials and manpower. Mold sets are built to be used repetitively; avoiding the waste of materials and manpower that often accompanies conventional concrete formwork, which is typically discarded after a very limited number of uses. The material that is normally wasted, and which presents a disposal problem, is minimized by reducing the number of times the concrete mixing and placing equipment must be cleaned, and by having very small blocks, such as cap blocks, that can be made of what might have otherwise been an overage of the castable material at the end of a production session. Combining a waste-conscious concrete pumping operation with an array of block sizes ensures that essentially 100 percent of the concrete that is produced will make its way into useful building product. This is in sharp contrast to the typical construction project that sends dumpsters full of waste to the landfill.
So long as structural capacity is not diminished, blocks that are cast with minor flaws or defects are still usable, and can be patched or sold as “seconds” for use in more economical or industrial grade structures. As described previously, construction materials are also used with structural efficiency, by virtue of proportioning structures to generally take advantage of compressive action.
Waste Material Utilization
Blocks may be produced with concrete mixes that make use of flyash, an industrial waste product that has cementitious properties and can offer some benefits to the mix. Other means will be sought to incorporate other useful or inert waste materials into these building blocks.
Building Product Emissions
This system discourages the use of paint, and the pollution created by paint fumes and cleanup, by providing durable, interchangeable surfaces that may include integral color. The building system also reduces the need for other building products such as sheetrock, acoustical tile ceilings, and ductwork. By reducing the need for less permanent manufactured products that often end up in a landfill, pollution from the manufacture, use, and disposal of these products is also reduced. By reducing the need for building products that have been shown to introduce pollutants, indoor air quality can be improved.
It seems an irresponsible use of resources to demolish a building, especially one that is a decent structure but simply no longer meets the needs of the property owner, or one that is on land that has become too valuable for the building that sits on it. When a structure is to be enlarged or modified, some portion of the original work is in the way and must be removed. Conventional construction is usually demolished under these circumstances. Recent efforts have succeeded in recycling much of the demolition material, but much still goes to the landfill, along with all of the work that went into the original construction. By contrast, this building system allows entire buildings to be picked up, block by block, transported to another site, and reassembled or incorporated into a new structure. If an owner simply wants to change the style or size of his building, exterior wall and structural building blocks can be removed and reused elsewhere, traded in, or donated for humanitarian use. This system makes it possible to renovate, add to, or remove a structural shell without any trips to the landfill. This is recycling at large scale.
Rain Water Harvesting
Because this building system is designed to offer a collection surface and structure for rainwater harvesting and storage, a building constructed of this system need not increase the effective impervious cover, and unnatural runoff, on a site. If this potential were combined with placing vehicle traffic and parking below or on the structure, the impervious cover of an entire project, and the eroding and polluting runoff that accompany it, can be reduced to become negligible. This may be combined with the potential, by building a collection terrace that is large enough, of harvesting and purifying enough rainwater to reduce or eliminate the occupant's need for a public water supply, and the infrastructure required to deliver it.
Building Performance Advantages
Many of the potential advantages of the building system and production methodologies described above have already been noted. It is expected that the list of advantages described herein will continue to grow as production methodologies and prototype structures are put into service and evolve.
The structure doesn't just give the impression of durability and stability; it can in fact be more durable and structurally sound than most conventional construction. The completed structural shell is more resistant to damage from structural overload, wind, fire, hail, flood, insects, and decay than are most standard construction types.
The creation of an access floor can allow extraordinary ease of MEP system integration and enormous flexibility in the subsequent reconfiguration of space. The provision of an access floor can position this system as a candidate for use in computer lab and cleanroom applications. The benefits of these features will continue to become more apparent amid the rapid evolution and continuous redefinition of information system technologies.
Of certain interest to the owner of a planned building is the fact that this system offers the ability to construct finished architectural and structural shell at unprecedented pace, and concurrently provides extraordinary flexibility in the future reconfiguration and use of the space. Utilizing the benefits of this system, a building owner could offer a building for lease, and erect it on the tenant's property; the structure could be reclaimed and re-erected elsewhere at the end of the lease. Reduced construction time yields direct benefit in reduced construction financing costs and earlier utilization benefits. The ability to rapidly and economically reconfigure the space helps to ensure that a structure of this system provides the needed shelter and produces the desired income in a more continuous fashion than can be delivered by conventional construction.
Roof Terrace
The occupants of a building of this system will find great value in having built a usable roof terrace that can collect water instead of an expensive roof that sheds it. As urban space becomes more constrained and personal security concerns grow, these private spaces will find the use that they have enjoyed throughout history in many parts of the world.
Investment Potential
The long-term performance of this building system will provide direct and unique benefits to building owners and occupants. A structure built of these blocks is demountable; it can be easily modified, relocated, or traded in. The hardiness of the structure will qualify it for discounted insurance rates, and classification as a temporary structure may offer the owner some benefits relative to conventional construction in terms of reduced regulatory control and taxation of the construction. This system introduces building blocks as a commodity. As such, the purchase of a set of these building blocks represents a concrete investment option that also provides the owner with usable shelter or an income stream. These blocks cannot vanish overnight in the way many other investments can.
These and other objects and advantages of the present invention are set forth below and further made clear by reference to the drawings, wherein:
a shows an assembled structural module 600 that is composed of interlocking precast thin-shell blocks that are thickened and reinforced at selected locations in response to structural and detailing demands.
The building system and its variations are generally designed to carry forces in compression, where feasible to do so, because of the efficiency with which a compression structure utilizes building material.
Reinforced thin-shell concrete is typically used to make the blocks, however, the interlocking building blocks may be engineered and constructed using any castable, structural grade material in conjunction with the necessary reinforcement. The castable material may include but is not limited to Portland cement concrete, flyash concrete, structural plastics, composite materials, and soil-cement mixes. Internal reinforcement may include standard reinforcing steel bars or their alternatives, fiber reinforcement that is integral to the castable material, or any other structurally reliable method of reinforcement that can be proven by load test. Secondary components such as perimeter walls, floor infill panels, and segmented roof systems may be constructed of or incorporate other materials, including but not limited to concrete, plastic, sheet metal, plate steel, and wood.
While the embodiment detailed herein depicts a groin vault that is formed by the intersection of two parabolic barrel vaults, the invention derives from the basic concept of modeling a three dimensional structural span based on desired architectural and structural geometries and then subdividing that span in response to structural, geometric, and handling considerations. The resulting block joints are then structurally sculpted to reassemble the span with the necessary interlock to form a competent structure. Blocks are further sculpted to enable nesting and stacking of spans such that a structure of any size or use may be built by the repetitive use of common building blocks; interconnectivity is also generally designed to eliminate the need for temporary shoring or bracing during construction.
A schematic sampling of the structural geometries that are possible using these methods includes, but is not limited to, the configurations presented in
Block sets are generally configured to limit bending stresses by transferring forces in compression where it is practical to do so; this allows internal stresses and the building material required to resist those stresses to both be minimized. Thickness of shell faces and stiffening ribs are determined on the basis of structural action, constructability, and serviceability considerations. By taking advantage of arching action where practical, a shell or rib of a given span can be much thinner and more lightly reinforced than would otherwise be possible. Where constructability considerations force a compression shell to be thicker than required structurally, the thicker section may offer reserve structural capacity to carry larger service loads and unintended overloads.
The building system is scalable, and embodiments range in size from large scale building and bridge structures to architectural scale model or toy building blocks. Block material thickness and reinforcement can be adjusted in response to structural actions at each scale. Large-scale blocks are generally designed such that they can be manufactured under controlled conditions and transported to the construction site by rail or on a flatbed trailer without special permit. The building system also features larger transportable blocks that require permit, and still larger blocks that are intended to be site-cast using segmental molds that are shipped to the site.
The building system provides rapidly erectable, interlocking sets of building blocks that are designed to satisfy the needs of architects, engineers, builders and owners. By expanding the available kit of parts over time, this building system will provide increasing variety in overall geometry and architectural expression.
The design of these blocks allows the incorporation of variety in surface texture and color. Color may be integral to the mix, or blocks may be tinted using surface-applied permanent stains. As-cast surfaces avoid the need for painting and the maintenance cost of repainting, although they may be painted if the owner so desires.
Subject to satisfying structural requirements, the surfaces that are exposed to view may be customized by casting against sculpted form sets. Texture may be molded into the exposed concrete face with built patterns of reveals, or with a wide variety of readily available or custom-made form liners. Texture may also be hand-sculpted into a master, and that master used to make mold sets for the production of sculpted blocks. Molds are also configurable to accommodate veneers of acoustical tiles, ceramic tiles, stone, brick masonry, or any other surface material that will form adequate bond with the cast surface of the block. Although these veneers could be field-applied, one embodiment incorporates veneers of common finish materials that are laid into molds prior to casting, such that they are integral to the factory-produced building block. Shell faces that form ceilings may also incorporate cast-in modular or designer-specified knock-outs, pipe sleeves, junction boxes, and penetrations. These features accommodate ceiling-mounted electrical equipment, lighting, sprinkler heads, and structural penetrations that may be required for HVAC systems.
By interchanging mold sets, blocks may be thickened and reinforced to resist any structural demand, as required to resist local code-specified loads for a given use. Section reinforcement may be selected from pre-engineered and pre-tied cages of reinforcing steel, or may be custom-specified by the design engineer.
Because this system is designed to resist code-specified forces by interlocking pre-engineered blocks, the erection of a module of this structure can be completed without the field welds, bolts, or temporary bracing that are normally required for stability. The installation of connectors in conventional construction uses manpower and crane time that can both be minimized through the connectorless erection enabled by this system; a structure of this system can be erected at a pace that cannot be approached by any conventional construction system. Where connectors are required for service load conditions or to establish structural continuity between modules, block sets are generally designed such that the installation of connectors can be accomplished independent of and after the erection of a given module.
The functional characteristics and configuration of each of the blocks used to build a representative structure of an embodiment, which features stackable four-column modules of segmental parabolic groin vault with square or rectangular plan geometry. A groin vault is the structural form that results from the intersection of two perpendicular barrel vaults. The block sets required to construct previously described variations of this system are similar to those that are described below for the construction of an embodiment.
Foundation Blocks
The supporting foundation of the example embodiment may consist of either footing blocks 100 or pier and pier cap blocks 94. Foundations can alternatively be another system common to a given locale; foundation of any construction must be capable of resisting all design vertical forces, overturning moments, and horizontal thrusts without significant foundation movement, and must provide the required column seat and bearing surfaces.
Referring now to
Where the potential exists for differential settlement of nested footings, shear pins 109 (not shown) may be installed through shear pin sleeves 108 across back-to-back footing walls 103 (
The width and length of the spread footing base 102 (
Footing blocks 100 may incorporate a tapered key 104 (
Pier & Pier Cap
Drilled pier foundations are designed for use where high loads or unstable surface soils require that base forces be transferred to strata deep below the ground surface. Referring now to
Where highly expansive soils would threaten to lift the pier cap block 94 off of the pier 90, common soil retainer panels (not shown) are used to maintain a void space below the pier cap block 94 after backfilling, and to thereby isolate the pier cap block 94 from the expansive soil.
Slab-on-Grade or Alternative System Support
Foundation and first floor construction using this system provides opportunities for the incorporation of underfloor air-conditioning, electrical, data and plumbing, but these systems can also be incorporated in a common manner to allow the use of a slab-on-grade or other floor system, subject to the requirement that the foundation provide the required column seat and bearing surfaces. Foundation construction should ideally allow the utilization of the vertical pipe chases that are provided within column sections, but this is not mandatory. Alternate vertical chases can be accomplished within gap framing between spaced structural modules, through exterior wall blocks, or through penetration of the structural shell at a low-stress location. Bearing surfaces, base keys, and connective conduit can be provided in a slab-on-grade system using standard molds to seat the column base at or near floor level. Alternatively, columns can be based on reinforced concrete plinths that are dowelled into the supporting stiffened slab and are configured to receive the column at the top of the plinth.
Structural Shell
Referring now to
The structural shell presents an array of supporting corner block plinths 230, key block plinths, 310, and center block plinths 354 that share a common top elevation; these plinths may be fitted to support a floor structure or a wide variety secondary floor structures including metal of wood joists, framed panels, or flat planks. Because of the short spans between plinths, the secondary floor framing may be quite shallow where greater structural depths would otherwise be required. The support of shallow floor structure on an array of supporting plinths creates a raised floor system; this is an amenity that is generally bought at significant cost for special-use spaces such as computer rooms. Clearances within the access space below such a floor may be adjusted by casting shell block sets with taller or shorter plinths.
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Corner Block
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Among the primary functions of the corner block 200 is that it serves as a compression support for key blocks 300 (
As previously described, corner blocks 200, key blocks 300, and center blocks 350 each provides standardized plinth supports to carry floor pans above. In addition, outer portions of edge plinths on corner blocks (
Corner blocks 200 are designed to nest in plan with one another at interior and edge conditions. Layout of modules may incorporate joints between modules to provide setting tolerance and thermal relief. Joint spacing may be enforced during erection using common spacers, and may be sealed with removable continuous joint wedges and/or elastomeric joint fillers. Spacers at a given location may be of either compressible or rigid material, depending on the structural action needed at that location. Although not required during the erection of a given level of structure, shear pins 109 (not shown) may be installed through corner block shear pin sleeves 237 (
In order to meet varying architectural and engineering demands, corner blocks 200 are designed to allow adjustability in vertical height (
The shape of the corner block 200, and the ceiling profile it creates in unison with key blocks 300 and center blocks 350 of a set, may be modified in design and casting to meet architectural needs by enabling variety in architectural span and profile.
Base Block
Referring now to
Key Block
Referring now to
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In order to provide a substantially water-tight shell as previously discussed, key blocks 300 may be cast with key block drainage wings 308 (
Key blocks 300 are a convenient vehicle for adjusting the plan geometry and span of a given structural module from the example 25′ square plan module of
Center Block
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Because the corner and key blocks interlock to form a stable structure, installation of the center block is optional (
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Access Floor/Terrace System
Referring now to
Both floor and roof terrace systems in this example consist of pan blocks 370 and corner pan blocks 380 arranged on plinths from the structural shell 600 to leave a gap of several inches between pan edges. That gap is covered by cap blocks 400, and provides plenum access to MEP knock-outs 402 regularly spaced at the underside of cap blocks to provide modular access points for electrical, data, and plumbing systems to pass through the floor and into the space above. The cap blocks 400 bridge the gap between pan blocks 370 and nest into self-draining concrete basins 379. Openings may be covered and floors brought to consistent elevation by floor infill blocks 470.
The primary water-proofing material in this system is intended to be interlocking precast concrete blocks that are specifically designed for low permeability. Roof terrace pans and caps may incorporate special concrete mixes, admixtures, and surface treatments to minimize the permeability and to enhance the water penetration resistance of the concrete. Cap blocks 400 seal the joint between pan blocks 370; joints between cap blocks can be sealed with sheet metal or elastomeric cap joint flashing. Water shed by terrace cap and floor infill blocks 470 can be drained to the central openings 371 in pan blocks, and there caught in a pressed, soldered, or elastomeric drain pan, which can subsequently direct the water into rainwater collection pipes. Where additional protection is desired or in especially wet environments, common sheet membrane waterproofing can be installed below cap blocks 400 and floor infill blocks 470 and tied directly into a rainwater collection system.
Pan Block
Referring now to
At roof terrace or interior wet area applications, the self-draining concrete basin 379 may be fitted with a pressed or soldered sheet metal water catch pan (not shown) and drain fitting connected to a rainwater or gray water collection pipe. A continuous gap may be formed between the perimeter of every floor infill block 470 and the surrounding cap blocks 400. This gap can act as a modular slot drain system that catches and routs rainwater into the collection system. At dry areas, the center opening in each pan block can provide a modular point of potential access to the underfloor plenum.
Corner pan blocks 380 (
As noted above, spans and cross-sections of pan blocks may be modified in design and casting to fit supporting blocks of modified dimension. In this example, a single pan block 370 may complete a single 8′-4″ square dimensional module, such that 9 pan blocks 370 complete a 25′ by 25′ structural module. Alternatively, pan blocks 370 may be stretched in design and casting, or multiple pan blocks may be fused together (
Cap Blocks
Referring now to
A combination of cap block sections in this example work together to form a continuous cap. These consist of a typical interior cruciform cap block 410 (
Floor Infill Blocks
Referring now to
Floor infill blocks need not be any thicker than required to resist structural loads, and may incorporate short pedestal supports 480 that transfer floor infill block loads to the pan block below. The interstitial space (
As with all faces of blocks that are exposed to view, floor infill blocks may be cast with a finished concrete surface that can incorporate surface patterns, veneer, and integral color. They may also be left flat or roughened to receive underlayment as necessary below carpet, vinyl tile, ceramic tile, or wood flooring. Applied surfaces can be field-installed, but finishes can also be applied prior to shipping to the site. Floor infill blocks 470 offer additional opportunities for completing construction in a more controlled environment than the standard construction site; they can be shipped with pre-wired or pre-plumbed options, or with cabinetry already mounted to the block. They may also be cast and shipped with integral water circulation lines for an in-floor radiant comfort control system.
Although floor infill blocks 470 of the embodiment shown are built of precast concrete, they may also be built of wood or any other suitable construction without negative impact on the overall system.
Plank Floor System
Referring now to
As with all exposed surfaces in this system, the finished floor surface 464 of floor plank blocks 460 may incorporate integral or surface colors and textures, or they may be configured to receive any conventional finish material. Open floor plank blocks 463 (
Special Framing Blocks
The building blocks and methods described above may be used to create a single structural module 600 with an access floor/terrace system 360, or a larger structure that is comprised of multiple nested and/or stacked structural modules. At the perimeter of a completed structural shell and floor system, which may include any number of structural modules, and where structural openings have been formed between gapped structural modules, special framing blocks may be provided to carry perimeter loads and to provide closure of the plenum between the structural shell and the floor. Special framing blocks may consist of spandrel blocks 510, edge frame blocks 520, gap framing blocks 530, or wall blocks 550 (not inclusive).
Left and right end extensions of the special framing blocks may be combined to provide complete perimeter closure for any plan geometry. As with other components, these blocks may be constructed in a wide variety of shapes, spans, cross-sections, and finishes to provide the required structural and architectural design flexibility.
While special framing blocks serve a variety of useful functions, they are not required for the structural integrity of the primary structure, and are in that sense optional; they can be omitted in temporary or utilitarian applications such as temporary canopies or agricultural shelters.
Spandrel Blocks
Referring now to
At an interior floor opening such as a stairwell, atrium, or skylight (
Depending on structural and architectural demands, construction of spandrel blocks 510 may be precast in the form of stiffened shell blocks that are open to the interior of the access floor or hollow sections with finished shell faces on all sides. Alternatively, framed spandrel blocks 515 (
Edge Frame Blocks
Referring now to
Gap Framing Blocks
The ability to separate structural modules of this system with a gap (
Specialized gap framing blocks can provide vertical access and closure above a framed gap between structural modules. Examples of such specialized blocks include precast stair blocks and open frames or shells above a terrace access stair, elevator, or atrium. Similar elements may provide vertical access and closure above an omitted center block.
Wall Blocks
This building system is designed to provide a finished structural shell that is capable of accommodating exterior walls and interior partitions of a variety of construction types. This building system can also offer demountable modular exterior wall blocks 551 and interior partition systems that can be designed to complement and complete an enclosed structure.
Exterior Wall Blocks
While it is true that this building system is capable of accommodating any standard perimeter wall construction, the perimeter of an enclosed structure in the preferred embodiment is built using prefabricated modular exterior wall blocks 551.
Prefabricated exterior wall blocks may be of any construction that is structurally capable of being transported and lifted, provided that the necessary bracket supports 501 are incorporated. Wall blocks may be framed of wood or steel, or they may be of precast concrete or other construction. Exterior wall blocks incorporate door openings 552 and window openings 553, and provide a palette for an unlimited variety of architecturally designed profiles and finishes. Blocks may extend to at least guardrail height above roof terraces, but can also extend higher to concurrently create screen walls and a diverse palette of architectural elevations. By incorporating sufficient structural capacity in exterior wall blocks 551, they may also be designed and built to support cantilevered canopies and roof segments. By combining diversity in exterior wall architecture with geometric variety in the base structure module, a building of this construction can emulate the exterior architecture of any conventional construction.
Where conventional perimeter walls are desired, they can be supported by spandrel blocks 510 or edge frame blocks 520, or by girts of conventional construction that incorporate the necessary bracket supports 501 to interlock with the structural shell.
Interior Partitions
Although capable of accommodating interior partitions of any standard construction, the embodiment invites the development of prefabricated modular interior partition blocks that allow the structure to remain fully demountable and reconfigurable without demolition. Modular systems may define flat-ceiling spaces within the larger clear-span space, and alternatively may span from floor to segmental shell ceiling. They can further be designed to interlock and offer modular base connections to cap blocks 400 and floor infill blocks 470. Interior partition systems that are designed to incorporate mechanical, electrical, and plumbing chases, and to offer pre-wired and pre-plumbed options, will best take advantage of an enhanced the demountable capabilities that are designed into this building system.
Intended methodologies for the production of full-scale system prototypes are described herein, but fabrication techniques are expected to evolve with production experience. The methods described below provide a relatively quick, inexpensive, and accurate means of producing simple to complex three-dimensional (3D) structural objects; these methods invite a broad range of potential application.
The methodology for constructing each block in the above embodiment descriptions consists of the following basic steps: design the 3D object using 3D modeling software, segment the structure into blocks that are subsequently detailed to interlock or otherwise reconnect using 3D computer solids modeling, build a full-scale structured master of each block, cast interlocking segmental molds around each block master, then cast building blocks from each mold set. The original object should only be segmented to the extent desired or required for constructability or transportability. Once these methods are taken down to a level of building a 3D master and replicating mass produced parts from that master, it is clear that the described methodology can be utilized to produce most any 3D part at any scale.
Where it is determined to offer benefit, this method may be modified to produce stiffened plate masters of mold segments, produce multiple mold sets from those segments, then reinforce and cast blocks from each mold set. Many other techniques are also available and may be used to produce separable mold sets from the structured master. Possibilities include but are not limited to the construction of fiberglass or other composite molds, the casting of flexible mold forms liners that that are carried by an outer structure, and construction of mold sets from sheet metal, wood, or any other material. The methods described are the starting point of choice because of the low cost at which multiple cast mold sets may be produce from a single master, and because of the durability and structural capabilities available through reinforced concrete.
Design Master
The 3D geometry and form of a module of structural shell of this system must first respond to structural and architectural demands (
Prior to cutting the computer 3D model into schematic building blocks, the structural engineer must first assess whether the most favorable structural action for a given structure will be achieved through closed, open, or cushioned joints between blocks. While closed concrete-to-concrete joints between blocks and structural modules may be suitable for a building founded directly on stable ground, it may be desirable to mortar joints between large-scale building blocks or to fit them with gaskets. Large-scale gaskets made of a suitable elastomeric material may cushion the joints between blocks to avoid stress concentrations and provide both erection tolerance and ductility. These features should lead to vibration resistance and superior performance under severe loadings such as earthquakes or foundation movements. If joint materials are to be installed, it becomes necessary to slice ½ the desired joint material thickness from the bearing faces of both blocks at each interface.
If the determination is made that the model needs to be segmented, structural connections (not shown in
If the anticipated loading on a structure makes it necessary for the structural engineer to develop tension across a joint between structural blocks, then bolted connections can be incorporated into the design by enlarging plinths and eyes as required to accommodate aligned sleeves (
In finalizing the design of a building block, it should be confirmed that all of the necessary tapered surfaces have been provided to ensure that mold sets can be stripped from a newly produced block. The 3D computer model can then serve as the platform from which all construction geometry is extracted. Geometries and reinforcement of a given set of blocks may be finalized on the basis of refined structural analyses in combination with full-scale load testing.
Geometry Extraction
Given a computer solids model 720 of a block, either 3D geometry of the object or 2D geometries of components of the object may be translated directly to a computer controlled cutter. A number of methods may be utilized to produce a 3D master, including computer controlled 3D foam cutters, but the method described herein is intended to produce an internally stiffened structural master. Referring now to
Build Master
Once the geometry of a prototype set of master blocks has been finalized, masters of each block may be produced. The method described herein offers an opportunity to fabricate simple to complex 3D object while virtually eliminating the need for manual measurement and layout during fabrication. Concurrently eliminated are the time expenditures and potential for errors that might otherwise accompany the layout of 3D shapes. By cutting any 3D object into the appropriate sections, via standard CAD (computer-aided design) solids modeling software tools, it is possible to extract precise two-dimensional geometry of any internal stiffener or planar face of the object. The extracted 2D geometry is fed directly to a computer-controlled cutting device to produce a piece of the correct geometry, and ultimately a complete set of pieces, as necessary to produce a full-scale master.
Plate Set Production
The computer plate cutting files that are derived through the geometry extraction method as described above are fed directly into readily available computer-controlled cutters that may utilize laser, plasma, water jet, mechanical, or other cutting means and that offer the required precision, as appropriate to the selected construction material. Plates may then be joined using conventional techniques for the selected construction material to accurately build a master of each block.
Where it is practical to do so, the master itself may be built of interchangeable segments that allow the geometry of the master to be manipulated. For example, variations may be produced in the length and height of footing blocks 101, in the height and width of corner blocks 200 and wall blocks 550, in the width of key blocks 300 and center blocks 350, and in the width and standoff height of the access floor/terrace system 360 (pan blocks 370, cap blocks 400 and floor infill blocks 470). There may be cases in which it is desirable to produce a separate master for each modified block; otherwise separable masters with interchangeable parts may be used to more economically produce a variety of mold sets for a wide range of geometries from a minimized set of structured masters. If a block requires thickened shell faces or deepened stiffeners for a given application, those volumes can be added as a mechanically or magnetically attached lamination to the steel master. The laminated volume may be structurally required, or it may be an architectural texture or feature. Mold sets produced from a master with such built-up sections (by adhered laminations) will, in turn, produce blocks with those same thickened sections. By taking advantage of this capability, a single steel master may serve as the originator of a variety of structural and architectural profiles.
As a necessary step in the construction of a master, careful consideration should be given to the orientation of the structured master within the mold set during the casting of each segment of the mold. Where practical, castings are generally oriented such that the faces most exposed to view (critical faces) are cast downward (where air bubbles are least likely to be entrapped), and such that no conditions are created that would result in pockets of air becoming entrapped in the mold set. Horizontal molding surfaces should be avoided because of the difficulty in evacuating air at such surfaces. Where horizontal surfaces would otherwise be presented, the master may generally be rotated within the mold form. Ventilation ports should be installed to ensure that all air pockets can consistently be eliminated at critical surfaces.
In building a mold set from a master, it is generally desirable to invert the casting orientation of the master such that the critical molding faces are cast downward for best finish quality; the mold set should be ultimately inverted again prior to block production, so that the downward-cast (best quality) faces of the block are cast against what were downward-cast faces of the mold set. For some blocks, this inversion process may not be practical; the actual orientation of both master and production mold set are dependent on the geometry of the block to be produced.
On the basis of the selected casting orientation of the master and the desired segmenting of the mold set, locations can be selected at which wires, light cables, or other restraints may be attached to the master as support points for handling; these points may also be used to suspend and laterally support the master within mold forms. The master may be suspended via these hanger wires below and between elements of a demountable master support frame. The support frame may be proportioned to offer an array of potential cable tie locations and to enable the access required for construction of segmental production mold sets. The master may also be tied down via wires, light cables, or other restraints to the base of the master support frame as necessary to resist the buoyant forces that might otherwise make the master tend to float up during casting.
Build Segmental Mold Sets
Blocks of the embodiment may be cast in production mold sets that were themselves cast around a structured master. Production molds may be segmented and designed to interlock, but to do so it is necessary to select the lines along which the molds both separate and interlock. Although molds may be produced from any castable structural grade material (or from stiffened plate construction similar to that of the master), segments are ideally heavy enough for the assembled mold set to remain connectorless during the injection molding process. If a mold set does not need to be bolted together prior to injection or unbolted prior to harvesting the block, then production may proceed more quickly and economically. Production mold sets for the example embodiments are constructed of reinforced concrete.
Prior to setting reinforcement, keyed dividers, ports, and mold exterior forms around the suspended master, either a form release agent or form liners should be applied to the appropriate surfaces of the structured master. Methods of affixing form liners to faces of a structured master may include but not be limited to using magnetic sheet form liners, using integral clamp plates that may be built into the master and pinch the edges of the form liner, and building a master using perforated plates and internal vacuum pressure to hold the form liner in position. Reversal of such a vacuum to create positive internal pressure could facilitate stripping of the cast mold segments by causing them to shed from the face of the model. Once the block master has been positioned and debonding has been assured, the reinforcement, keyed separators, vents, sleeves, and outer forms required to build segmental molds may be installed around the master.
Mold Segment Outer Forms
After determining the separation lines and resulting form segments, the outer geometry of each mold segment may be set to ensure hardiness of the mold set and to balance the mass of each segment about vertical lift points. Mold set configuration and interlock must accommodate assembly and stripping with handling equipment that may consist of an overhead crane or hoist. Outer geometry of the production mold set is less critical than that of the blocks to be produced, and outer form construction can therefore be accomplished with more flexible construction tolerances, so long as mating surfaces between mold sets are keyed for consistent interlock.
The primary objective in configuring outer forms may be to rough form around the master, to control the weight of the mold segments, and to leave a stiffened and durable mold set. Mold sets should also be concurrently configured to be independently stable. Where practical, mold sets may take a form that is stackable or nestable for ease of storage and transportation. They may also be segmented as required to be of transportable dimension and weight. Small mold sets may be configured as segmental solid blocks, minus areas thinned by external voids for port access or where practical for weight reduction. Larger mold sets may take the form of a large block that is lightened by variable-depth void forms that reach in toward the master molding surfaces, but leave the stiffening ribs necessary for hardiness of the mold set. They may also take a form that more closely profiles the master, but adds whatever stiffeners or buttresses are required to ensure that the assembled mold set remains stable. Void forms that reach in from the outer box form toward the master can feature extractable tapered surfaces and are ideally of durable construction for repetitive use, as it is desirable to build multiple production molds are made from a single form set.
Outer forms can also offer a means of connection to secure the edges of joint forms that build the interlocking joints between mold segments. The uppermost mold segment (mold cap segment) of each set may generally be configured with support extensions and additional lifting loops to allow the segment to be flipped. This can put at ground level what would otherwise be overhead work of surface preparation and reinforcing steel cage connection to the mold. Inverted mold cap segments can serve as a base support and template for the final positioning and connection of reinforcing steel cages. Corner blocks 200 and base blocks 250 can present a special case of exterior mold construction, because these molds are configured to receive the base pipe extension 211 which is integrated into the reinforcing steel cage for each of these blocks.
Reinforcement and Joint Dividers
Once the outer geometry and joint lines have been established for a mold segment, the necessary steel or other internal reinforcement is distributed as required for competence of the mold segment under handling and lifting. Each mold segment also incorporates cable loops or other lifting devices that can be cast into the segment. Inserts can be tied to integral reinforcing steel for and located for balanced vertical lifting and assembly of the mold set. Interlock of separable segments can be accomplished by constructing a match-cast keyed joint. Several concepts will be evaluated. One uses flexible perforated membrane dividers that are secured by an integral clamp plate at the master and between mating edges of corrugated metal at the outer edge of the joint. Another uses perforated and keyed sheet metal joint dividers that are secured (magnetically or with screws) at the master and at the outer forms. Perforations in joint dividers allow air to escape as the injected concrete fills the forms completely on one side of the divider. After the mold segment on one side of a joint divider has been cast, the divider form may be removed to allow for debonding of and match-casting against the newly cast surface. Such a match-casting technique should offer perfect fit between segments of the mold set.
Vents and Ports
Prior to casting mold segments, vent tubes can be installed between the master and the outer form. After being cast into the mold segment, these tubes form ventilation ports whose function is to allow the complete evacuation of air from the mold set as concrete is being placed into the mold. Vent tubes are thus located as required to enable the release of air at the uppermost corner of every top surface of the segment mold during the injection of the concrete mix. Tubes may be fitted onto nubs that can be built onto the surfaces of the master and the outer form; these nubs can both enforce the position of the tubes and seal tube ends against concrete paste infiltration while the molds are being cast. Mold segments may also be configured with chases above the top of the block to receive cable loops, lift inserts, or other lifting devices that may be cast into each block for lifting and handling. Finally, one or more injection ports may be incorporated into mold base forms at or near the lowest point of the cast block, or injection ports may consist of hatches in the top of a mold set that accommodate the placement of pumped, tremied, or gravity-fed concrete. Additional ports may be incorporated to accommodate inserted vibrators during block casting, unless vibrating molds are utilized. Injection ports can be designed to facilitate cut-off of the injected concrete, and all vents and ports can be configured for easy access to facilitate clean-out of the port immediately after casting. An envisioned method of cleaning ventilation ports, injection ports, and vibration ports is to build them using consistent lengths and diameters that coincide with the length and diameter of auger bits that can be used with a hand drill (or other suitable method) to auger overflow concrete from each port.
All hanger and lateral brace wires can be sheathed within split flexible tubing prior to casting concrete; this should prevent the concrete from bonding with them and create ports for future use in the mold set; these ports can subsequently be used to secure reinforcing steel cages to the underside of mold cap segments during block production.
Mold Production
Once all of the integral elements in the mold set have been installed, the exterior mold forms can be treated with a debonding agent and set in place. Exterior mold forms need to accommodate the cables that suspend the master within the support frame, and generally separate along these lines. Lower portions of outer forms are subjected to substantial hydraulic pressure during concrete placement, and must be sturdy and tight.
With exterior mold forms in place, concrete can be injected into the mold from the base of the form or placed from the top. Methods such as pumping concrete from the base are expected to entrap the least air into the mix and therefore produce higher quality surfaces than could be obtained by dumping concrete in from the top of the mold set. If the lower portions of a mold set are injection-molded from the base of the section to the divider; then perforations in the divider should allow entrapped air to escape the underside of the divider. After initial curing of the first segment, the perforated divider can be removed, the cast surface deburred, and a bond-breaker applied to the mating match-cast surfaces. The subsequent segment of the mold set can then be match-cast against the lower segment or segments for perfect fit. In another embodiment of the segmental mold set, the joint dividers can be become integral to the mold set such that both sides of the joint may be cast in a single cycle without sacrificing a match-cast fit.
Aside from fit-up of the mold segments, the quality of the concrete or other material at faces which are cast against the master is most critical; it is these faces that may eventually mold the cast faces of the produced block. Consolidation of the freshly placed concrete helps to eliminate air bubbles and pockets at the concrete surface, and can be a key component to attaining a quality concrete finish. It is standard construction practice to vibrate concrete during placement to eliminate entrapped air, although some self-consolidating concrete designs are intended to eliminate the need to vibrate. Self-consolidating concrete is one good candidate for a construction material for these blocks; the need for vibration will be dependent of the specific properties of the material that is being cast. If the master is suspended within the concrete mix, one very effective method of vibrating the concrete at the face of the master may be to vibrate the master itself. A master block can accordingly be fitted with an on-board vibrator that may be mounted inside the master and can be controlled from the casting floor.
Mold Set Harvest
Upon completion of the casting and initial curing of mold segments, the segments can be stripped from the face of the master in preparation for the reassembly of the newly created mold set. The master support frame can be demountable to facilitate the disassembly and removal of the produced mold set. After disassembly, mold set segments can be patched if required and rubbed, troweled, or sculpted as desired. Mold set segments can then be sealed and treated with debonding agent in anticipation of block production. The master and outer molds can concurrently be cleaned and prepared for the subsequent production of additional mold sets.
Block Production
With mold sets produced, block production can be a straightforward process. Internal reinforcement can be tied into a cage that includes lifting loops or inserts, the mold set can then be assembled to include the cage, and molds can then be filled with concrete or other castable structural grade material. The produced segment may then be cured, stripped, finished, and shipped to the jobsite. On a large or remote project, block production could be moved to the jobsite. This move would ideally follow the erection of sufficient shelter, using this system, to house the operation.
Block Reinforcement
This system enables the very efficient use of reinforcing steel; in light-duty blocks rebar may be reduced or replaced by fiber reinforcement that is integral to the mix, or plain concrete may be used and reinforcement limited to high stress locations only. Produced mold sets can be configured to accommodate and hold in position the rebar that will reinforce the block to be produced. Reinforcing steel, consisting of the necessary straight and bent bars, can be tied into pre-fabricated standard cages for each block type. Reinforcement positioning jigs can be built using geometries extracted from the computer solids model to enable the rapid and consistent tying of reinforcement cages. After ensuring that all mold surfaces have received debonding agent, the 3D cage can be wire-tied through sleeves to the top of an inverted mold cap segment; it can be chaired off of the mold cap segment to ensure proper positioning and to avoid the need for any chairs to extend to the visible (downward cast) face of the produced block. Wires which may tie the cage to the underside of the mold cap can be locked off after rebar chairs have been snugged to the underside of the mold cap, such that mold cap and reinforcing steel cage can subsequently be handled as a single unit. Ends of cable lifting and handling loops can then be tied to the cage, and loops can be tucked into chases in the underside of the mold cap segment with fillers that prevent concrete from entering the chase.
Mold Set Assembly
Separately, the mold base can be prepared to receive the remainder of the interlocking mold set. In simple elements such as pan blocks, the mold may consist of just a base and cap segment. In more complex shapes such as corner blocks, the mold base may combine with one or more interlocking side segments to receive the mold cap and reinforcing cage. As each mold segment is set in position, any modular or customized conduit, junction boxes, sleeves, or other cast-in elements can be installed. Finally, the cap and cage can be turned upright and assembled onto the remainder of interlocking mold set.
Block Production
Once the preparation and assembly of the mold set has been completed, concrete can be injected into the mold set by pumping through the port or ports that are provided in the base of the mold set, or by tremie, line pump, or gravity feed from above. Concrete can be pumped until cement paste has entered all vents. Once the air has been evacuated to the level of a vent which is lower than the uppermost part of the block, the vent can be temporarily plugged if necessary to prevent paste from pumping out of the vent. Concrete may be consolidated during placement using vibrators that may be inserted through strategically placed ports in the mold set, by vibrating the mold set itself during casting, or by utilizing a self-compacting concrete mix that does not require vibration. After the block has been cast, it is important to immediately clean all cement paste that has entered vents, to prevent them becoming clogged with hardened concrete. This may be accomplished using a fixed-depth auger or another method.
Block Harvest
Once the concrete has cured sufficiently, the cage hanger wires may be untied or cut, and the mold cap and non-supporting side segments may be stripped from the produced block. When the mold cap is lifted off of the block, the cable loops and filler (if used) are stripped out of the mold cap segment, presenting lifting loops or other devices for handling the newly produced block. Once it has gained sufficient strength, the block may be lifted off of the mold base, sharp edges at corners and mold joints can be deburred using a carborundum stone or other means, and blocks can be cured using standard methods that may include water spray, steam, submersion, wet blanket or commercially available curing compounds. At this time, any optional rub or stain, or other applied surface treatments may be applied.
Handling and Shipping
Once production is complete, blocks may be shipped, stockpiled, or assembled into stock modules of usable temporary shelter and/or sales demonstration models. Corner and base blocks can be temporarily supported on interlocking footing blocks, or they can be laid on their sides for stockpiling and shipping. Blocks that are to be transported from the manufacturing site can then be arranged on flatbed trailers or rail cars for shipping, and racks or stacking systems may be utilized where desirable for the transportation of smaller blocks
Sculpted Blocks
Some additional steps are required to obtain a hand-sculpted block, and two production methods are currently envisioned. One method is to build a master that is oversized as required for a thickness at exposed faces that is increased by the non-structural depth to be sculpted. From that oversized master, an intermediate mold set can be produced, and from that mold set, a new master can be produced of a material that can be sculpted (sculptable material), such as low-strength, lightweight sand-cement concrete. That oversized sculptable master can then be hand-sculpted or machine-cut as desired, sealed, and treated with bond-breaker. Production mold sets may then be cast around the sculpted master following the same process as described above for mold set production.
An alternate method of accomplishing the same end involves building the exposed faces of the master (the faces which are to be textured) using a bonded sculptable material. Exposed faces of a master, otherwise produced as described above, may be built with an internal support structure wrapped in expanded metal or another sheathing upon which plaster, wax, or another sculptable material may be laminated to the desired thickness. The master may then be used to form production molds after these built-up faces have been sculpted, hardened and sealed. This method can result in a hand-sculpted master without the intermediate steps required by the first method. A sculpted master of this construction may, however, be less durable than one produced by the first method; it is likely that only “limited edition” mold sets will therefore be produced from these masters.
The sculptor is afforded a good deal of latitude in what can be done. It is necessary to limit cuts as necessary to avoid detrimental effects on structural performance, and to avoid creating surfaces that are perpendicular to or negative to the mold stripping direction for a given surface. Geometric and freehand patterns can be easily accomplished. One can envision that a simple pattern of chisel marks sculpted into the exposed faces would cause the produced block to appear to be hewn from a single stone, and that a professional sculptor could produce an unlimited variety of forms for the cast surfaces of any building block.
This section is predictably short, as this system is designed for ease of assembly. The idea is to enable large scale construction with an ease that approaches that of building with a child's set of building blocks. Subject to structural confirmation that a block of a given wall thickness and reinforcement is suitable for the intended application within the structure, blocks may be used to build virtually any structure. They may be stacked, and they may be rearranged.
Although this system is designed to be able to be dry-stacked, blocks may also be fitted with compressible gaskets to cushion and distribute forces at bearing surfaces between blocks. If permanent installation is desired, blocks may be may be configured to receive mortar beds for bonded installation; they may be grouted or epoxied together for increased capacity under extreme loads. As previously noted, blocks may also be fitted with shear pin sleeves 108 that align to enable tied and bolted connections between blocks, where required structurally.
On the basis of a geotechnical engineering analysis of the site, the appropriate foundation system is selected. Piers 90 may be drilled to the required depth, cast, and fitted with pier cap blocks 94, or footing blocks 100 may be used, as depicted in
Base Structure
Referring now to
Once its two supporting base blocks 250 have been set, a key block 300 may be set to interlock (
First Level Floor
Referring now to
Upper Levels of Structure
Referring now to
As previously described, the uppermost level of every part of a structure can be fitted with a rainwater collection system (not shown), unless it is under a roof of another construction. Referring now to
Referring now to
The building system described above, and the methodology presented for the manufacturer of system components, each have a very broad range of potential application. Building system embodiments can range from large-scale building and bridge structures to desk-top models. The described manufacturing methodology offers a means of producing virtually any 3D shape, for any use. The list of potential applications described below, though broad, is expected to grow.
Manufacturing Methodology
The method of manufacture described above is not system-dependent, and may be utilized to accurately produce virtually any 3D shape. The produced shape may be a building block of the embodiment, a sculpture, or any other shape whose geometry, scale and use are determined by its designer.
Building System
As previously described, this system of interlocking building blocks may be used to build a variety of structural forms across a range of scales. Each embodiment will require an engineering evaluation to determine the geometry and reinforcement of each block on the basis of the structure's scale and intended use.
Reduced Scale
As described above, this building system is scalable. It may be built at the scale of a desktop toy; one that children and adults will enjoy building with, and one that potential building owners and design professionals can use to model and market their buildings, and to determine which building blocks they need to order. This system may also be built at intermediate scales and of varying materials as necessary to construct pedestal floor systems, furnishings, and other utility structures.
Full scale systems can be used to construct buildings, long-span structures, and transportation structures. Building applications include but are not limited to the construction of residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial space, as well as the construction of open canopies and agricultural structures. Because of its underfloor plenum and the attendant ease of system reconfiguration, this building system is particularly well suited to office and retail use. Because of its structural durability, it is well suited for use in housing, school and hospital projects. The ability to quickly assemble, disassemble, and move these structures makes them excellent candidates for use as temporary buildings, emergency shelters, and military structures. This system can be configured using thicker hardened shells, wrapped in segmental concrete walls, and buried to become an earth sheltered structure in extreme climates or for increased blast resistance.
Transportation Structures
Referring now to
This application is related to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/467,410 filed May 2, 2003, and claims the benefit of that filing date.
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3289366 | Abrams | Dec 1966 | A |
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3696574 | Dietrich | Oct 1972 | A |
3842557 | Brown | Oct 1974 | A |
3861102 | Hodge | Jan 1975 | A |
3902294 | Brown | Sep 1975 | A |
3943672 | O'Sheeran | Mar 1976 | A |
4041666 | Sargis | Aug 1977 | A |
4137679 | Tully | Feb 1979 | A |
4144692 | Jonas | Mar 1979 | A |
4211043 | Coday | Jul 1980 | A |
4378664 | Andaya | Apr 1983 | A |
4422269 | Giard | Dec 1983 | A |
4989382 | Spronken | Feb 1991 | A |
5245802 | Davis | Sep 1993 | A |
5826381 | Sasaki | Oct 1998 | A |
6088987 | Simmons et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6332298 | Bigelow | Dec 2001 | B1 |
RE39097 | Schilham | May 2006 | E |
Number | Date | Country |
510326 | Sep 1953 | BE |
A-0013570 | Jul 1980 | EP |
631028 | Dec 1927 | FR |
992152 | Oct 1951 | FR |
115457 | May 1918 | GB |
A-1211716 | Nov 1970 | GB |
Number | Date | Country | |
20040237439 A1 | Dec 2004 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
60467410 | May 2003 | US |