In existing systems for displaying objects such as men's and ladies pants, the objects are either clipped onto conventional hangers from the waist which allows the pant leg to hang fully down, (FIG. B-1) or the objects are folded in half over a hanger crossbar (FIG. B-2) The present invention design is a flexible hanging bar attachment which allows flexible hanging of objects by combining the Flex-Hangbar attachment with a standard hanger with flat spring clips located on the outer edges of the hanger. As depicted in FIG. A attached, the Flex-Hangbar attachment comprises a main rectangular body (FIG. A-1) which hooks into or through (FIG. A-2) or over (FIG. A-3) the clip's flat spring opening of a pant/skirt hanger. It is rectangular in shape and is approximately 10″ to 12.5″ inches wide, 2.5″ inches high, with approximately 2 inch long return sections which fit into or onto a hanger's spring clips at the top of the rectangle. The return sections either hang over (FIG. A-5) or attach into (FIG. A-4) the skirt/pant hanger clips. The Flex-Hangbar is made from a metallic wire rod material with a diameter thickness of approximately 3.2 mm. Along the bottom length portion a rubber or vinyl fluted tubing is fit over the wire bar. The ribbed tubing provides a non-slip hold for the object being displayed. The metal wire frame can be either chrome plated or powder coated based on the application. The wire/metal is of a thickness so as to provide some flexibility in order to allow the Flex-Hangbar unit to either be inserted into the spring clip center (FIG. A-4) or to hang inside (FIG. A-5) the “V” center portion of the clip of the main hanger. All corners on the Flex-Hangbar unit frame are bent to a radius of 90°.
The purpose of the Flex-Hangbar unit is to provide improved flexible object presentation, increased ease and efficiency of use by personnel responsible for displaying objects, and monetary savings by allowing a greater number of objects to be displayed on a display fixture or hangrail unit, thus providing greater product presentation per square foot. This either allows one to reduce the square footage of floor space needed for existing product levels or allows for increased product inventory levels for the same floor space. It also allows one to quickly and easily change the product presentation on a given display fixture providing greater visibility change in the look of the object for the potential customer.