Walnum, Java by Example, 1996, QUE, pp. 173-187 and 193-196.* |
Lindholm-Yellin, The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification, 09/1996, Addison-Wesley, p. 24, and p. 322.* |
Korson-McGregor, Understanding Object-oriented: a Unifying Paradigm, 09/1990, Communications of the ACM.* |
McComb, Understanding and Using JavaScript Statements, 12/1996, JavaWorld.* |
Sun Microsystems, The Java Language Specification, Chapter 8 (Classes), 01/1996, Addison-Wesley.* |
Java Q&A Experts, The applet constructor, 10/1999, JavaWorld.* |
Sundsted, Localize this!, 01/1998, JavaWorld.* |
Parr, Java Objects are Concious, Nov. 10, 1999, http://developer.java.sun.com.* |
Binary Component Adaptation, by Keller and Holzle, University of California, Technical Report, Dec. 3, 1997. |
BIT: A Tool for Instrumenting Java Bytecodes, by Lee and Zorn, USITS 97, Dec. 1997. |
Automatic Program Transformation with JOIE, by Cohen, Chase, Kaminsky, USENIX Annual Technical Symposium, Jun. 1998. |
EEL: Machine-Independent Executable Editing, by Larus and Schnarr, SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, Jun. 1995. |