System for performing mulitplication and division in GF(2 2m)


  • Patent Application
  • 20020156823
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    February 28, 2001
    23 years ago
  • Date Published
    October 24, 2002
    21 years ago
A system determines the multiplicative inverse of A∈GF(22M) by representing A using a selected basis in which basis elements are squares of one another, and performing various operations that involve raising A to powers of 2 as cyclic rotations of A. The system also performs multiplication operations over GF(22M) or subfields thereof by calculating the coefficients of the product of two elements A and B that are represented using the selected basis as combinations of the coefficients of cyclically rotated versions of A and B. The system further utilizes a relatively small look-up table that contains the multiplicative inverses of selected elements of a subfield of GF(22M). The system may then cyclically rotate the multiplicative inverse values read from the table to produce the multiplicative inverses of the remaining elements of the subfield. Thereafter, as applicable, the system further manipulates the multiplicative inverse of the subfield element, to produce the multiplicative inverse of the desired element of GF(22M). Using the selected basis, elements of GF(22M) that are elements of the subfields have m lowest-order coefficients that are duplicates of the m highest order coefficients. Each element in the look-up table can thus be represented using only m bits, and the table can be entered with m bits.


[0001] 1. Field of the Invention

[0002] This invention relates to data error correction systems, and in particular to Galois Field division operations performed by the systems.

[0003] 2.Background Information

[0004] Data stored on magnetic media, such as a magnetic tape and disks, are typically stored in encoded form, so that errors in the stored data can possibly be corrected. The errors may occur, for example, because of inter-symbol interference, a defect in the tape or disk, or noise. As the density of the data stored on the tape or disk increases, more errors are likely, and the system is required to correct greater numbers of errors. The speed with which the system corrects the errors is important to the overall speed with which the system processes the data.

[0005] Before a string of data symbols is recorded, it is mathematically encoded to form ECC symbols. The ECC symbols are then appended to the data string to form code words—data symbols plus ECC symbols—and the code words are then stored. When the stored data is to be accessed, the code words containing the data symbols are retrieved and mathematically decoded. During decoding any errors in the data are detected and, if possible, corrected through manipulation of the ECC symbols [For a detailed description of decoding see Peterson and Weldon, Error Correction Codes, 2d Edition, MIT Press, 1972].

[0006] Stored digital data can contain multiple errors. One of the most effective types of ECC used for the correction of multiple errors is a Reed-Solomon code [For a detailed description of Reed-Solomon codes, see Peterson and Weldon, Error Correction Codes]. With Reed-Solomon codes, the encoding and decoding operations are performed over a Galois Field, using Galois Field addition, multiplication and division operations.

[0007] Galois Field division is generally a time consuming operation that significantly lengthens the ECC encoding and decoding processes. The time it takes to perform error correction operations adversely affects the rate at which data can be retrieved from a storage device and supplied to a user or to a computer application that requires the data.

[0008] One way to perform a Galois Field division operation, B/A, where A and B are elements of the Galois Field GF(2Q), is to determine the multiplicative inverse of A and multiply B by the inverse. Finding the inverse of a Galois Field element is not particularly straightforward. One solution to determining the inverse is to test each element of the field, by multiplying the element by A. This is very time consuming, particularly with the larger Galois Fields that are used to protect the higher-density data.

[0009] Another solution is to use a look-up table that contains the multiplicative inverses. If a Galois Field GF(22M) is used, a (22M−1)-element look-up table is required. With many systems, it is undesirable to have such large look-up tables, which require both large amounts of storage space and relatively complex addressing circuitry.

[0010] A better solution is described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,975,876, which has a common inventor and is incorporated herein by reference. The system described in the '876 patent determines the multiplicative inverse of an element A of GF(22M) by first computing a conversion factor, D=A2M, and then multiplying A by D to produce an associated element C=A2M+1. The element C is also an element of a smaller Galois Field, GF(2M), which is a subfield of GF(22M). The system then determines the multiplicative inverse of C by entering a (2M−1)-element look-up table. The system next converts the inverse of C, C−1=A−(2M+1), to the multiplicative inverse of A by multiplying C−1 by the conversion factor D, to produce A−(2M+1)*A2 M=A−1, where “*” represents Galois Field multiplication.

[0011] The system described in the '876 patent works well and determines the multiplicative inverse of A relatively quickly, using a (2M−1)-entry look-up table rather than the larger (22M−1)-entry table. The system, however, requires at least one relatively complex fall Galois Field multiplier to multiply together two 2M-bit symbols. A single multiplier may be used multiple times to multiply together A and D, and then C−1 and D, or two of the multipliers may be used to perform the two multiplications. The multiplication operations, whether performed by one or two full Galois Field multipliers, involve manipulation of two 2M-bit symbols and are thus both relatively time consuming and complex.

[0012] We have devised an improved system that produces the multiplicative inverses of the elements of GF(22M) in fewer clock cycles and/or using less complex multipliers, and/or using smaller tables. We discuss the improved system below.


[0013] The invention is a system that determines the multiplicative inverse of A∈GF(22M) by representing A using a selected basis and performing various operations that involve raising A to powers of 2 as cyclic rotations of A. The system also performs multiplication operations over GF(22M) or subfields thereof by calculating the coefficients of the product of two elements A and B that are represented using the selected basis as combinations of the coefficients of cyclically rotated versions of A and B.

[0014] The system utilizes a relatively small look-up table that contains the multiplicative inverses of selected elements of a subfield of GF(22M). The system may then cyclically rotate the multiplicative inverse values read from the table to produce the multiplicative inverses of the remaining elements of the subfield. Thereafter, as applicable, the system further manipulates the multiplicative inverse of the subfield element, to produce the multiplicative inverse of the desired element of GF(22M).

[0015] More specifically, the system represents the elements of GF(22M) using a selected basis in which each basis element is the square of the preceding basis element. Raising a field element to a power 2k is then a cyclic rotation of the element by k bits. Further, multiplication of A*B, where B is also represented using the selected basis, is performed essentially by combining cyclically rotated versions of A and B, as discussed in more detail below.

[0016] The system thus raises A to the power 2M by cyclic rotation of A, or the equivalent thereof, to produce the conversion factor A2M and multiplies the factor by A in the manner discussed above to produce A2M+1, which is an element of the subfield GF(2M). The multiplicative inverse of this element may then be determined by entering a look-up table that contains the multiplicative inverses of elements of GF(2M). Using the selected basis, elements of GF(22M) that are elements of the subfield GF(2M) have m lowest-order coefficients that are duplicates of the m highest order coefficients. Each element in the look-up table can thus be represented using only m bits, and the table can be entered with m bits. Accordingly, the table and the associated circuitry are less complex than those required when the conventional basis is used to represent the elements.

[0017] After retrieving the multiplicative inverse from the table, the system then multiplies it by the conversion factor to produce A−1. As discussed, the multiplication operations are readily performed using cyclically rotated versions of the elements.

[0018] The system may further manipulate A2M+1 by raising the element to selected powers of 2, to produce elements that are also elements of smaller subfields of GF(22M), e.g.,

[0019] and so forth. The system may then use correspondingly smaller look-up tables.

[0020] The size of the tables can be even further reduced by one-half or more by including therein only the multiplicative inverses of the elements of a given subfield that have one or more coefficients set to particular values. As an example, the table may include the multiplicative inverses of the elements that have the highest-order coefficient set to a 1. To enter the table, the system raises the remaining elements of the subfield to powers of 2, that is, cyclically rotates the elements to the left, to produce elements that have the particular coefficients set to the desired pattern. Thereafter, the system rotates the multiplicative inverse read from the table by the same number of bits to the right, or raises the result to powers of

[0021] to produce the multiplicative inverse of the desired element of the subfield. As appropriate, the system further manipulates the result to produce the multiplicative inverse of the associated element of GF(22M).


[0022] The invention description below refers to the accompanying drawings, of which:

FIG. 1 is functional block diagram of a Galois Field multiplier constructed in accordance with the invention;

FIG. 2 is illustrates a functional block diagram of an alternative construction of the multiplier of FIG. 1;

FIG. 3 is a functional block diagram of a system for determining multiplicative inverses in GF(22M) that uses the multipliers of FIGS. 1 and 2;

FIGS. 4 and 5 are functional block diagrams of alternative systems for determining multiplicative inverses; and

FIG. 6 is a functional block diagram of a division circuit.


[0028] To speed-up operations and reduce the complexity of hardware, we select a polynomial and a basis over GF(22M) such that a multiplication operation A*B=C, where the symbols are represented by their coefficients, for example, A=a15, a14, a13 . . . , a1, a0, and B=b15, b14, b13, . . . , b1, b0, involves producing for the coefficient c0 a value that is a combination of the coefficients of A and B, and for the coefficients c1, c2 . . . c15 the same combination of cyclically shifted versions of the coefficients of A and B. As discussed in more detail below with reference to FIG. 1, the multiplication operation is readily and quickly performed in hardware. First, however, we discuss the underlying theory by way of example over GF(26).

[0029] A. The Selected Basis

[0030] In the example, the elements of GF(216) are generated using the primitive polynomial:


[0031] The field elements of GF(216) are conventionally represented using the basis elements:

α0α1α2α3α4α5α6α7α8α9α10α11α12α13α14 and α15.

[0032] The element α5=(0000 0000 0010 0000) and the element α4098=(0100 0001 0000 1000) or the sum of:

(0100 0000 0000 0000)+(0000 0001 0000 0000)+(0000 0000 0000 1000)=α1483

[0033] where rounded brackets are used herein to indicate field elements that are represented using the conventional basis.

[0034] The same field elements may be represented using a selected, or normal, basis of:

α1α2α4α8α16α32α64α128α256α512α1024α2048α4096α8192α16384 and α32768,

[0035] where each basis element is the square of the next lowest basis element. A given field element is represented using the selected basis as the combination of the selected basis elements that reproduce the element in the conventional basis. For example, the element α5=[0000 1001 1001 0000], where the square brackets are used herein to indicate that the element is represented using the selected basis. The element α5 is thus the sum of the basis elements α204825612816 or:

[0036] Using the conventional basis the sum of the field elements α2048, α256, α128, α16 is:

[0037] which confirms that the representation of the element in the selected basis is correct. The representation of the element α4098=(0100 0001 0000 1000) in the selected basis can be determined from the conventional representation by taking the conventional basis elements that are included therein:

(0100 0000 0000 0000)+(0000 0001 0000 0000)+(0000 0000 0000 1000)

[0038] or


[0039] and summing the representations of these elements in the selected basis:

α14=[0110 1001 1110 0000]

α8=[0000 0000 0000 1000]

α3=[0111 1000 0000 0000]

[0040] and the sum is [0001 0001 1110 1000]=α4098.

[0041] To then convert back to the conventional basis, determine the combination of elements that produce the symbol of interest in the selected basis:


[0042] and using the conventional representations:

α4096=(0001 0000 0100 0010)

α256=(0001 1110 1110 0110)

α128=(0110 0110 1111 1101)

α64=(1011 1011 1000 0001)

α32=(1001 0011 1101 0000)

α8=(0000 0001 0000 0000)

[0043] the sum is (0100 0001 0000 1000), or α4098.

[0044] As discussed in more detail below, using the selected basis simplifies certain Galois Field operations. For example, squaring an element represented using the selected basis is a cyclic rotation of the symbol by one bit. The element α6=[1111, 0000, 0000, 0000] is squared by cyclically rotating the symbol to the left:

6)2=[1110, 0000, 0000, 0001]=α12.

[0045] Raising an element to a power 2k is thus a cyclic rotation of the symbol by k bits to the left. Accordingly, raising an element to the power 256, or 28, is a cyclic rotation to the left of eight bits.

[0046] B. Multiplication

[0047] Using the selected basis representations, multiplication of an element A by an element B, that is, A*B=C, is performed by first determining the coefficient c0 as a sum of products of the coefficients of A and B:




*(b3+b5+b6)+a1*(b7+b8)+a2*(b3+b5+b6+b9+b10+b11+b14+b15) +a3*(b0+b2+b4+b6+b7+b9+b12+b15)+a4*(b3+b5+b9+b11) +a5*(b0+b2+b4+b6+b7+b9+b10+b11) +a6*(b0+b2+b3+b5+b10+b11+b13+b15) +a7*(b1+b3+b5+b10+b12+b13)+a8*(b1+b10) +a9*(b2+b3+b4+b5+b11+b12+b13+b14)+a10*(b2+b5+b6+b7+b8+b13) +a11*(b2+b4+b5+b6+b9+b14)+a12*(b3+b7+b9+b14) +a13*(b6+b7+b9+b10)+a14*(b2+b9+b11+b12) +a5*(b2+b3+b6+b15)

[0048] The coefficient c1 is determined by cyclically shifting the coefficients of each of A and B once to the left and combining them in the same manner:




*(b4+b6+b7)+a2*(b8+b9)+a3*(b4+b6+b7+b10+b11+b12+b15+b0) +a4*(b1+b3+b5+b7+b8+b10+b13+b0)+a5*(b4+b6+b10+b12) +a6*(b1+b3+b5+b7+b8+b10+b11+b12) +a7*(b1+b3+b4+b6+b11+b12+b14+b0) +a8*(b2+b4+b6+b11+b13+b14)+a9*(b2+b11) +a10*(b3+b4+b5+b6+b12+b13+b14+b15)+a11*(b3+b6+b7+b8+b9+b14) +a12*(b3+b5+b6+b7+b8+b15)+a13*(b4+b8+b10+b15) +a14*(b7+b8+b10+b11)+a15*(b3+b10+b12+b13) +a0*(b3+b4+b7+b0)

[0049] The coefficient cj is determined by cyclically shifting the coefficients of A and B by j bits, respectively, and combining them in the manner set forth above. The coefficients of A and B used to calculate cj are thus a15+j mod16 . . . a0+j mod16, and . . . b15+j mod16 . . . b0+j mold16.

[0050] Referring now to FIG. 1, a Galois Field multiplier over GF(216) includes cyclic shift registers 12 and 14 that are loaded with the coefficients of the selected basis representations of A and B, respectively. The shift register 12 thus holds a15, a14, . . . a0, and shift register 14 holds b15, b14, . . . b0. A computation circuit 16 combines the coefficients of A and B as set forth above to produce c0. The shift registers are then shifted one bit to the left, such that they hold a14, . . . a0, a15 and b14, . . . b0, b15, respectively. Next, the combination circuit again combines the coefficients to produce c1, and so forth.

[0051] Referring now to FIG. 2, to double the operating speed of the multiplier of FIG. 1, the computation circuit 12 is separated into two computation circuits 106 and 116. The combination circuit 106 produces the coefficients c0, c1 . . . c7 at the same time that the circuit 116 produces the coefficients c8, c9 . . . c15. Similarly, the combination circuit 16 may be further separated into four, eight or sixteen combination circuits that produce the corresponding coefficients in parallel, with associated reductions in the operating speed of the multiplier.

[0052] C. Subfields

[0053] Raising an element of GF(216) to a power k*257 produces an element that is also an element of the subfield GF(28). As an example, elements of GF(216) that are also elements of the subfield GF(28) are:

α257=[0,1,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,0,0]=[<hex>4040]

α514=[1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0]=[<hex>8080]

α771=[0,1,1,0, 1,1,0,1, 0,1,1,0, 1,1,0,1]=[<hex>6d6d]

[0054] Using the selected basis representations, the highest-order eight bits of a given symbol in GF(28) are the same as the lowest-order eight bits of the symbol.

[0055] Raising an element of GF(216) to a power k*4369 produces an element that is also an element of the subfield GF(24). As an example, elements of GF(216) that are also elements of the subfield GF(24) are:

α4369=[0,0,0,1, 0,0,0,1, 0,0,0,1, 0,0,0,1]=[<hex>1111]

α8738=[0,0,1,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,1,0]=[<hex>2222]

α13107=[1,0,1,1, 1,0,1,1, 1,0,1,1, 1,0,1,1]=[<hex>BBBB]

[0056] Using the selected basis representations, the highest-order four bits of a given symbol in GF(24), that is, bits with the subscripts 15, 14, 13 and 12, repeat four times as bits 11, 10, 9, 8; bits 7, 6, 5, 4; and bits 3, 2, 1 and 0.

[0057] Raising an element of GF(216) to the power k*21845 produces elements of GF(22), which are represented by symbols in which the two highest-order bits repeat eight times as bits 13, 12; bits 11, 10; . . . ; bits 1,0. For example,

α21845=[0,1,0,1, 0,1,0,1, 0,1,0,1, 0,1,0,1]=[<hex>5555]

α43690=[1,0,1,0 1,0,1,0, 1,0,1,0, 1,0,1,0]=[<hex>AAAA]

[0058] D. Systems For Determining Multiplicative inverses

[0059] Using the selected basis and the elements of the various subfields, we have developed systems for determining the inverse of an element of GF(22M) that are efficient in terms of both the hardware and the size of an associated look-up table. The circuits are discussed in terms of examples in GF(216).

[0060] Referring to FIG. 3, a circuit for determining the multiplicative inverse of an element A=αj of GF(216) includes an arithmetic element 302, such as a cyclic rotator, barrel shifter or multiplexer, that is hardwired to supply a symbol that is the equivalent of raising the element αj to the power 256, or 28, that is, cyclically rotating αj to the left by 8 bits. The “rotation” is accomplished with essentially no delay. The register 302 thus supplies the element (aj)28 or aj*256, which is the conversion factor D discussed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,975,876 that is incorporated herein by reference, to a multiplier 304.

[0061] The multiplier 304 multiplies the element aj*256 by αj to produce αj*257, which is also an element of the subfield GF(28). As discussed above, the elements of GF(28) that are represented using the selected basis have symbols in which the highest- and lowest-order eight bits are duplicates of one another. Accordingly, the multiplier 304 need produce only the eight highest- or eight lowest-order bits of the product αjj*256. The multiplier may thus include only a portion of the computation circuitry 106 or 116 (FIG. 2).

[0062] The highest-order or the lowest-order eight bits produced by the multiplier 304 are used to enter a look-up table 306, which contains the highest or lowest-order eight bits of the multiplicative inverses of the elements of GF(28). The table 306 thus contains 256 entries of eight bits each. The table produces the corresponding eight highest- or lowest order bits of α−j*257.

[0063] The eight bits produced by the table are supplied to the multiplier 308, which multiplies α−j*257 by αj*256 to produce the multiplicative inverse a−j. Accordingly, the multiplier loads the eight bits supplied by the table into the cyclic shift registers (FIG. 1 or 2) as the bits 15 to 8 and also the bits 7 to 0 of α−j*257. The multiplier 304 then operates as an 8-bit multiplier in the manner described above with reference to FIG. 1 or 2.

[0064] Referring now to FIG. 4, an alternative circuit for producing the multiplicative inverse of αj includes the hardwired arithmetic element 302 that raises αj to the power 256 to produce αj*256, the multiplier 304 that multiplies αj*256 by αj to produce αj*257, or least the eight highest- and lowest order bits of αj*257. The system further includes an arithmetic element 402 that is hardwired to raise αj*257 to the power 24. The register thus produces a symbol that is the equivalent of cyclically rotating αj*257 by 4 bits. The hardwiring thus interchanges bits 4 to 7 with bits 0 to 3, and the “rotation” is performed with essentially no delay.

[0065] The product produced by the arithmetic element 402, namely, αj*257*16 or αj*4112 is then multiplied by αj*257 in multiplier 404 to produce the value αj*4369, which is also an element of the subfield GF(24). The multiplier 404 operates in the manner described above with reference to FIG. 2, to produce at least the four highest-order or lowest-order bits of αj*4369.

[0066] A 24 or sixteen-entry look-up table 406 contains the four highest order bits of the multiplicative inverses of the elements of GF(24). The table, which is entered using the four bits produced by the multiplier 402, produces the four highest- or lowest order bits of α−j*4369. In the example the table produces bits 15 to 12, and these four bits are supplied to a multiplier 408, which multiplies α−j*4369 by αj*4112 to produce α−j*257. The multiplier 408 thus uses the four bits supplied by the table as bits 15 to 12 and bits 11 to 8 of α−j*4369 and uses the eight highest order bits of αj*4112 that are supplied by the arithmetic element 402 as the contents of the shift registers 12 and 14 (FIGS. 1 and 2), and produces the eight highest order bits of α−j*257. The multiplier 308 then multiplies α−j*257 by αj*256 to produce α−j, as discussed above with reference to FIG. 3.

[0067] The system of FIG. 4 produces the multiplicative inverse of an element of GF(216) using a look-up table 406 with only sixteen 4-bit entries. As discussed, the various multipliers, arithmetic elements and tables may instead produce and/or use the lowest order bits or other sets of repeating bits.

[0068] Referring now to FIG. 5, the size of the look-up tables 306 and 406 can be further reduced to 128 or 8 elements, respectively. An element P of the subfield GF(2k), for example, k=8, has a multiplicative inverse P−1=[pk−1, pk−2 . . . p1, p0]−1 =[tk−1, tk−1 . . . t1,t0]. The element (P−1)2, is a cyclic shift or

(P−1)2=[[pk−1, pk−2 . . . p1p0]−1]2=[pk−2 . . . p1p0pk−1,]−1=[tk−1, tk−2 . . . t1,t0]2=[tk−2 . . . t1,t0, tk−1].

[0069] and thus, the multiplicative inverse of a given element P can be cyclically rotated to produce the multiplicative inverses of elements that are of the form P2R. Accordingly, a table of the multiplicative inverses of selected elements P can be used to produce the multiplicative inverses of the elements P2R.

[0070] We have selected for inclusion in the table 506 the multiplicative inverses of elements that have a 1 as a leading, or highest order, coefficient. The size of the table is thus reduced by one-half. Using elements of the subfield GF(28), table has 128 elements. Before entering the table with an element P=A2M+1, the system, as necessary, cyclically rotates the coefficients of P in register 502 to produce an element with a leading coefficient of 1. The shift register 502 thus cyclically rotates the elements with leading coefficients of 0 “r” times to produce P2R which can then be used to enter the table 506. The table produces the multiplicative inverse (P2R)−1, which a shift register 504 then rotates to the right r bits, that is, raises to the

[0071] power, to produce

[0072] which in the example is the multiplicative inverse of A2M+1. The size of the look-up table is thus a trade-off with the circuitry and time needed to rotate the elements by r bits to the left to produce an element P2R with a highest-order coefficient of 1, and then to rotate P−2R by r bits to the right to produce P−1.

[0073] Alternatively, the reduced-size table may contain the multiplicative inverses of the elements of the subfield GF(2k) that have a 0 as the highest order coefficient, or those that have another bit set to a particular value.

[0074] The size of the look-up tables 306 and 406 may be even further reduced by including in the tables only the multiplicative inverses of elements P that have as the two highest order coefficients the pattern 1, 0. The table thus does not contain an entry associated with P=[0,0 . . . 0,0], which does not have a multiplicative inverse, or an entry associated with P=[1,1 . . . 1,1] which is its own multiplicative inverse. For all other elements, P=[. . . 10 . . . ] the system cyclically rotates the corresponding symbol by “s” bits in shift register 502, that is, raises the element to the power 2s, to produce P2s=[10 . . . ], where the two highest order coefficients are set to 1 and 0, respectively.

[0075] The system then enters the look-up table with the rotated symbol, to produce (P2s)−1. The system next rotates (P2s)−1 to the right by s bits in shift register 504, or raises (P2s)−1 to the power to produce P−1. In the example using the subfield GF(28), the table includes only 64 entries. Alternatively, the look-up table may include entries associated with elements of the subfield that have the two highest-order coefficients set to the pattern 0 and 1, respectively, or entries in which another set of two or more bits are set to a desired pattern. Referring now to FIG. 6, the systems of FIGS. 3-5 supply the element A−1 to a multiplier 602. The multiplier then multiplies A−1*B to produce

[0076] The multiplier 602 operates in the manner described above with reference to FIGS. 1 and 2.

[0077] The multiplication systems described above may be used with any Galois Field GF(2Q) by representing the elements of the field using the selected, or normal, basis in which the basis elements are squares of one another. The systems for determining the multiplicative inverses may be used with any Galois Field GF(22M).

  • 1. A method for producing a product C of two elements A and B of GF (2Q), the method including the steps of: A. representing A and B using selected basis elements in which a given basis element is the square of the preceding basis element; B. combining the coefficients of A and B to produce a first set of coefficients of the product C; C. cyclically rotating the coefficients of A and B; D. combining the rotated coefficients of A and B to produce a next set of co-efficients of C; E. repeating steps C and D for the remaining sets of coefficients of C; and F. supplying the element c to encoding or decoding circuitry that encodes or decodes an associated codeword over GF(2Q).
  • 2. The method of claim 1 wherein the step of representing includes converting a representation of A as a symbol using a conventional basis α0, α1, α2, α3 . . . to a representation as a symbol using the selected basis.
  • 3. The method of claim 1 further including the step of converting the representation of A as a symbol using the selected basis to a symbol using a conventional basis α0, α1, α2,α3 . . .
  • 4. A method for producing an element of GF(22M) that is the multiplicative inverse of an element A of GF(22M), the method including the steps of: A. representing A using selected basis elements in which a given basis element is the square of the preceding basis element; B. cyclically rotating the coefficients of A by M bits to produce A2M; C. multiplying A2M by A to produce A2M+1; D. entering a look-up table that contains the multiplicative inverses of elements of GF(2M) and producing the multiplicative inverse of A2M+1; E. multiplying the multiplicative inverse of A2M+1 by A2M to produce the element of GF(22M) that is the multiplicative inverse of A; and F. supplying the multiplicative inverse to encoding or decoding circuitry that produces B/A as a step in encoding or decoding an associated codeword.
  • 5. The method of claim 4 wherein the step of entering the look-up table includes using the highest or lowest order M bits of A2M to enter the table.
  • 6. The method of claim 4 wherein the steps of multiplying each include the steps of a. combining the coefficients of the elements to be multiplied to produce a first coefficient of the product; b. cyclically rotating the coefficients of the elements to be multiplied; c. combining the rotated coefficients to produce a next coefficient of the product; and d. repeating steps b and c.
  • 7. The method of claim 4 wherein the steps of multiplying each include the steps of a. combining the coefficients of the elements to be multiplied to produce a first set of coefficients of the product; b. cyclically rotating the coefficients of the elements to be multiplied; c. combining the rotated coefficients to produce a next set of coefficients of the product; and d. repeating steps b and c.
  • 8. The method of claim 4 wherein the step of entering the look-up table further includes the steps of. a. cyclically rotating the coefficients of A2M+1 in a first direction to raise A2M+1 to a power 2s to produce an element that has one or more particular coefficients set to a predetermined pattern, b. entering the table with the element produced in step a to retrieve the multiplicative inverse of the element, c. cyclically rotating the retrieved multiplicative inverse in a second direction to raise the multiplicative inverse to the power {fraction (1/25s)} to produce the multiplicative inverse of A2M+1.
  • 9. The method of claim 8 wherein the steps of multiplying each include the steps of a. combining the coefficients of the elements to be multiplied to produce a first coefficient of the product; b. cyclically rotating the coefficients of the elements to be multiplied; c. combining the rotated coefficients to produce a next coefficient of the product; and d. repeating steps b and c.
  • 10. The method of claim 8 wherein the steps of multiplying each include the steps of a. combining the coefficients of the elements to be multiplied to produce a first set of coefficients of the product; b. cyclically rotating the coefficients of the elements to be multiplied; c. combining the rotated coefficients to produce a next set of coefficients of the product; and d. repeating steps b and c.
  • 11. The method of claim 4 wherein the step of entering the look-up table fturther includes the steps of: a. cyclically rotating the coefficients of the element A2M+1 to raise the element to a power of 2, b. multiplying the result by A2M+1 to produce an element of a smaller Galois Field, c. entering a table that includes the multiplicative inverses of elements of the smaller Galois Field, d. multiplying the result of step c by the result of step a to produce the multiplicative inverse of A2M+1.
  • 12. The method of claim 11 wherein the steps of multiplying each include the steps of a. combining the coefficients of the elements to be multiplied to produce a first coefficient of the product; b. cyclically rotating the coefficients of the elements to be multiplied; c. combining the rotated coefficients to produce a next coefficient of the product; and d. repeating steps b and c.
  • 13. The method of claim 11 wherein the steps of multiplying each include the steps of a. combining the coefficients of the elements to be multiplied to produce a first set of coefficients of the product; b. cyclically rotating the coefficients of the elements to be multiplied; c. combining the rotated coefficients to produce a next set of coefficients of the product; and d. repeating steps b and c.
  • 14. The method of claim 4 wherein the step of representing includes converting a representation of A as a symbol using a conventional basis α0, α1, α2, α3 . . . to a representation as a symbol using the selected basis.
  • 15. The method of claim 4 further including the step of converting the representation of A as a symbol using the selected basis to a symbol using a conventional basis α0, α1, α2,α3 . . . α2M−1.
  • 16. A system for multiplying two elements A and B of GF (22M) that are represented using a selected basis in which the basis elements are squares of one another, the system including: A. a first shift register for holding and cyclically rotating the coefficients of A; B. a second shift register for holding and cyclically rotating the coefficients of B; C. a computation circuit for producing one or more coefficients of the product C=A*B as one or more sums of terms that are combinations of the coefficients of A and B; the first and second shift registers providing the coefficients of A and B to the computation circuit for the computation of the coefficient c0 and providing to the computation circuit for the computation of the coefficient cj coefficients that have been cyclically shifted by j bits.
  • 17. The system of claim 16 wherein the computation circuit includes a plurality of computation sub-circuits that each produce an associated coefficient of the product, the plurality of sub-circuits producing in parallel a corresponding set of coefficients of the product.
  • 18. A system for producing an element of GF (22M) that is the multiplicative inverse of an element A of GF(22M) which is represented using a selected basis in which the basis elements are squares of one another, the system including: A. an arithmetic element hardwired to provide A2M as the element A cyclically shifted by M bits; B. a first multiplier for multiplying A2M by A to produce A2M+1; C. a look-up table that includes the multiplicative inverses of elements of GF(2M), the system entering the look-up table with selected coefficients of A2M+1; and D. a second multiplier for multiplying the multiplicative inverse retrieved from the table by A2M to produce the element that is the multiplicative inverse of A.
  • 19. The system of claim 18 wherein one or both of the first and second multipliers includes a. a first shift register for holding and cyclically rotating the coefficients of a first element A2M; b. a second shift register for holding and cyclically rotating the coefficients of a second element that is a power of A; c. a computation circuit for producing a coefficient of the product C as a sum of terms that are combinations of the coefficients of the first and second elements; the first and second shift registers providing the coefficients to the computation circuit for the computation of the coefficient c0 of C and providing to the computation circuit for the computation of coefficients cj coefficients of the first and second elements that have been cyclically shifted by j bits.
  • 20. The system of claim 19 wherein the computation circuit includes a plurality of computation sub-circuits that each produce an associated coefficient of the product, the plurality of sub-circuits producing in parallel a corresponding set of coefficients of the product.
  • 21. The system of claim 18 wherein the system further includes i. an arithmetic element for providing the element A2M+1 raised to a power 2M/2 as the element cyclically shifted by corresponding M/2 bits, ii. a third multiplier for multiplying the element (A2M+1)2M/2 by A2M+1 to produce an element of a smaller Galois Field, iii. the look-up table contains the multiplicative inverses of elements of the smaller Galois Field and is entered using selected coefficients of the element of the smaller Galois Field, and iv. a multiplier for multiplying the multiplicative inverse produced by the table by the element A2M+1 raised to the power 2M/2.
  • 22. The system of claim 18 wherein the system further includes: d. a first shift register for cyclically rotating the coefficients of A2M+1 in a first direction to raise A2M+1 to a power 2s and produce an element that has one or more particular coefficients set to a predetermined pattern, e. the look-up table contains the multiplicative inverses of the elements that have the particular coefficients set to the predetermined pattern, and the system enters the table using selected coefficients of A2M+1 raised to the power 2s, and f. a second shift register for cyclically rotating the coefficients of the element retrieved from the table to raise the element to the power {fraction (1/2s)} and produce the multiplicative inverse of A2M+1
  • 23. A system for producing an element of GF (22M) that is the quotient of B/A where A and B are elements of GF(22M) that are represented using a selected basis in which the basis elements are squares of one another, the system including: A. an arithmetic element hardwired to provide A2M as the element A cyclically shifted by M bits; B. a first multiplier for multiplying A2M by A to produce A2M+1; C. a look-up table that includes the multiplicative inverses of elements of GF(2M), the system entering the look-up table with selected coefficients of A2M+1. D. a second multiplier for multiplying the multiplicative inverse retrieved from the table by A2M to produce the element that is the multiplicative inverse verse of A; and E. a third multiplier for multiplying B and the multiplicative inverse of A.
  • 24. The system of claim 23 wherein one or more of the multipliers include a. a first shift register for holding and cyclically rotating the coefficients of a first element; b. a second shift register for holding and cyclically rotating the coefficients of a second element; c. a computation circuit for producing a coefficient of the product C as a sum of terms that are combinations of the coefficients of the first and second elements; the first and second shift registers providing the coefficients to the computation circuit for the computation of the coefficient c0 of C and providing to the computation circuit for the computation of coefficients cj coefficients of the first and second elements that have been cyclically shifted by j bits.
  • 25. The system of claim 24 wherein the computation circuit includes a plurality of computation sub-circuits that each produce an associated coefficient of the product, the plurality of sub-circuits producing in parallel a corresponding set of coefficients of the product.
  • 26. The system of claim 23 wherein the system further includes i. an arithmetic element for providing the element A2M+1 raised to a power 2M/2 as the element cyclically shifted by corresponding M/2 bits, ii. a third multiplier for multiplying the element (A2M+1)2M/2 by A2M+1 to produce an element of a smaller Galois Field, iii. the look-up table contains the multiplicative inverses of elements of the smaller Galois Field and is entered using selected coefficients of the element of the smaller Galois Field, and iv. a multiplier for multiplying the multiplicative inverse produced by the table by the element A2M+1 raised to the power 2M/2.
  • 27. The system of claim 26 wherein one or more of the multipliers include a. a first shift register for holding and cyclically rotating the coefficients of a first element; b. a second shift register for holding and cyclically rotating the coefficients of a second element; c. a computation circuit for producing a coefficient of the product C as a sum of terms that are combinations of the coefficients of the first and second elements; the first and second shift registers providing the coefficients to the computation circuit for the computation of the coefficient c0 of C and providing to the computation circuit for the computation of coefficients cj coefficients of the first and second elements that have been cyclically shifted by j bits.
  • 28. The system of claim 27 wherein the computation circuit includes a plurality of computation sub-circuits that each produce an associated coefficient of the product, the plurality of sub-circuits producing in parallel a corresponding set of coefficients of the product.
  • 29. The system of claim 23 wherein the system further includes: d. a first shift register for cyclically rotating the coefficients of A2M+1 in a first direction to raise A2M+1 to a power 2s and produce an element that has particular coefficients set to a predetermined pattern, e. the look-up table contains the multiplicative inverses of the elements that have the particular coefficients set to the predetermined pattern, and the system enters the table using selected coefficients of A2M+1 raised to the power 2s, and f. a second shift register for cyclically rotating the coefficients of the element retrieved from the table to raise the element to the power {fraction (1/2s)} and produce the multiplicative inverse of A2M+1
  • 30. The system of claim 29 wherein one or more of the multipliers include a. a first shift register for holding and cyclically rotating the coefficients of a first element; b. a second shift register for holding and cyclically rotating the coefficients of a second element; c. a computation circuit for producing a coefficient of the product C as a sum of terms that are combinations of the coefficients of the first and second elements; the first and second shift registers providing the coefficients to the computation circuit for the computation of the coefficient c0 of C and providing to the computation circuit for the computation of coefficients cj coefficients of the first and second elements that have been cyclically shifted by j bits.
  • 31. The system of claim 30 wherein the computation circuit includes a plurality of computation sub-circuits that each produce an associated coefficient of the product, the plurality of sub-circuits producing in parallel a corresponding set of coefficients of the product.