A brief description of the Figures:
I, Robert W. Beckwith, the present inventor herein, will personally write this patent application in the first person. The invention is based on natural behavior of storms which can best be described from experience and not as absolute fact.
Communications to the system is via a neutrino communications channel terminal 6 to a remote point out of danger from the artificial lightning created when the system is operating. Information is communicated by frequency shift keying of neutrino telescope exciting currents as described in more detail under reference 2 patent application Ser. No. 11/476,248. Communications from system control 4 to neutrino communicator 6 is via communications conduit 5.
Wire fence 7 keeps humans and critters from getting inside of the lightning generator system. Fence 7 also provides a mount for neutrino terminal 6.
Post 1 is supported by a hole in the ground. The bottom of the hole is provided a low impedance ground by soaking the ground with epsom salts 8 and a sprinkling of stainless steel nuts 9 in the ground under post 1.
I have found that epsom salts and stainless steel nuts can provide an ground impedance of less than 100 ohms.
For fighting tornados the system can be mounted on a movable platform. With help from friends at NSA it may be possible to teleport such stations to where they are needed to either prevent a tornado possibly to stop a tornado already formed. Perhaps GPS transponders can be mounted at various ground locations where a system may be needed.
It is necessary to experiment with actual storms to know the degree of tornado protection that can be accomplished.
I have many items concerning weather that are not rigorous yet are useful in bring the inventive system to the point that tornados can be prevented. I believe that clouds about to form tornados have lightning from ground to cloud but not cloud to ground. Artificial lightning from ground to cloud may take energy from the clouds and not permit tornados to form. An article on a NOVA television programmed showed the work going on in computer modeling of storms. Some have produced the vortices known to exist before tornados form. As soon as this patent application is submitted I will contact the University of Oklahoma and other institutions reported to be working on computer modeling. I believe that they will be quite willing to cooperate with our system design. Perhaps I can obtain a copy of a program to permit my colleagues and me to best locate spots where energy extraction will be effective.
Another problem to be solved is where to obtain the superconducting donut and control. Here are several possibilities:
1. Intermarine SpA of La Spezia Italy as suggested on page 22, line 15 of reference 1 patent application Ser. No. 11/476,246.
2. Ansaldo Superconduttori Gruppo Malacalza/Magnets/Superconductive and resistive magnets
3. National Security Agency
Advantages of the invention:
1. Providing a lightning generator improved over Teslas' in Colorado Springs circa 1885.
2. Possibly develop technology to prevent tornado formation.
3. Provide means for reducing the intensity of hurricanes.
1. patent application Ser. No. 11/476,248: SUPERCONDUCTING CARBON 12 ATOMIC STRINGS AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURE OF CABLES CONTAINING PARALLEL STRINGS. 2. patent application Ser. No. 11/476,248: A NEUTRINO TELESCOPE Reference patent applications 1 and 2 are to be considered contained herein in their entirety.