System for securing a container

In a system for securing a container wherein the container comprises a surface; the securing system comprises a securing member being removably attachable to such container surface; the securing member comprises a substantially elongated flat member having a first end and a second end; the first end being rotatable about a first degree of freedom relative to the securing member so that the second end may move away from or towards the container surface; and the first end also being rotatable about a second degree of freedom relative to the securing member so that the second end may move laterally relative to the container surface.

1. Field of the Invention

This invention generally relates to a system for securing a container and in particular to container securing means having two degrees of freedom of movement.

2. Description of the Prior Art

The prior art reveals several beverage containers and means for securing same.

An example of such prior art is Cheatwood published patent application No. 2002/0046984 having been published on Apr. 25 2002 and entitled “Bottle Clip”. Cheatwood generally discloses: The present invention provides for a beverage container holder which is small and flexible and, thus, easily stored. The holder is comprised of a support member having first and second loops, an adjustment means for attaching a beverage container to the first loop of the support member and a clip attached to the second loop of the support member for removably securing the holder to a user's clothes or accessories. In use, the first loop of the support member is placed around the top of a drink container, such as a water bottle or a 20 oz. beverage container, the adjustment means is used to secure the first loop to the top of the beverage container and the clip is removably attached to the user. The clip can either be attached to the user's clothing or it may be attached to an accessory, such as a purse or a backpack. Cheatwood specifically discloses: A holder, comprising: a support member; a clip operatively connected to said support member, said clip adapted to be removably attached to an associated object; and, adjustment means selectively movable along said support member.

Another example is Wagenknecht published patent application No. 2004/0238578 having been published on Dec. 2 2004 and entitled “Beverage Bottle Clothing Clip”. Wagenknecht generally discloses: A beverage bottle clothing clip for attaching a plastic bottle container to a person's belt, pants pocket or waistband; being particularly purposed for cost effective mass production and disposable use. Two apertures; one primary and gripping aperture, and one secondary aperture, and a connecting slit are located at one end of an elongate, flexible, planar plastic substrate; with a locking bend formed perpendicularly to and within the immediate area of said slit and secondary aperture. Said primary gripping aperture of said bent flexible substrate is controllably sizeable for easy application to, and removal from the underside of a bottleneck cap stop rim. As the user straightens the bent clip by hand, the directionally planar axis of said gripping aperture begins to merge with that of said slit and secondary aperture, wherein both apertures and connecting slit combine to form an aperture larger than said primary aperture. As user releases the straightening hold, said primary aperture returns to its own and original perimeter size, as the residual memory of substrate returns said substrate to the state of its previously bent form. Said substrate's elongate opposite end from the aperture area is tucked into a pocket or opening in clothing, wherein said bottle's fluid weight pulls downward, and tighteningly retains said locking bend, and also said primary aperture's grip on bottleneck, even more securely. Wagenknecht specifically discloses: A beverage bottle clothing clip is formed from a flexible planar polymer substrate with a bottle cap stop rim gripping aperture located near one elongate end; whereas said gripping aperture is sized accordingly to snugly fit the diameter size of the area immediately and vertically below said bottle cap stop rim; whereas a secondary aperture is located further inwardly from said elongate end of said polymer substrate, and determinedly spaced from said gripping aperture, and determinedly sized accordingly to the diameter of said gripping aperture, and also determinedly sized accordingly to the total dimensional length of a connecting through cut slit between said apertures; whereas a said connecting through cut slit is formed between said apertures, having a said dimensional length accordingly to a chosen, yet functional, total perimeter size of said two apertures, after merging by means of said slit. whereas said gripping aperture is determinedly expandable in size accordingly to the total of the circumferencial perimeter dimensions of said apertures and dimensional length of said slit. whereas an aperture locking bend of approximately 45 to 90 degrees is made in said polymer substrate from planar edge to edge, and perpendicularly crossing the general elongate path of both said apertures and connecting slit; wherein said bend perpendicularly crosses said general path over said slit, or over said secondary aperture, or both; wherein said bend changes the planar axis of said apertures, and so prevents merging of perimeters of said apertures; wherein said bend prevents said gripping aperture from expanding in size to said determinedly expandable size when axial planar surface surrounding said gripping aperture is bent to said 45 to 90 degrees to axial planar surface surrounding said secondary aperture; whereas hand straightening of said flexible substrate and said bend allows for merging of planar axis surrounding said apertures, and so the merging of both said aperture perimeters into a larger and said determinedly expandable size; whereas said flexible substrate of any nominal amount of residual memory, will return to said 45 to 90 degree bent shape, and will also restore the original perimeter size of said gripping aperture; and whereby said gripping aperture of said bent flexible substrate is controllably sizeable for application to and removal from said area immediately below bottleneck cap stop rim; and whereby with the elongate opposite end from aperture area being positioned into and retained by a pocket or opening in clothing, where the bottle's fluid

Another example is Tribhou published patent application No. 2005/0199657 having been published on Sep. 15 2005 and entitled “Fastening Device For A Take-Along Bottle”. Tribhou generally discloses: This invention concerns a fastening device for a take-along bottle (1) having a bottle holding device (12, 13) and a device for holding it on the user (11, 16) linked by a connecting piece (13) characterized in that the bottle holding device holds the bottle by the neck under the collar (C) and in that the device for holding it on the user consists of means of fastening it onto the user's waist which may be fastened onto the hem of an item of clothing (20) worn by the user and preferably onto a waist hem. Tribhou specifically discloses: A fastening device for a take-along bottle having a neck and a collar, comprising: a bottle-holding component that holds a bottle by the neck thereof under the collar thereof; a user-holding component adapted to hold the bottle-holding component to a user by fastening onto a hem of an item of clothing worn by the user; and a connecting piece linking the bottle-holding component to the user-holding component.

From a review of the above prior art and the following description of the present invention it will become apparent that such prior art does not disclose applicant's invention.


In a system for securing a container wherein such container comprises a surface; said securing system comprising a securing member being removably attachable to such container surface; said securing member comprising a substantially elongated flat member having a first end and a second end; said first end being rotatable about a first degree of freedom relative to said securing member so that said second end may move away from or towards such container surface; and said first end also being rotatable about a second degree of freedom relative to said securing member so that said second end may move laterally relative to such container surface.

Accordingly features of the present invention are that: The securing means or clip structure has a first degree of movement being way from or towards the container surface and a second degree of movement being parallel or tangential to the container surface.

Advantages of the present invention are that:

    • The securing means or clip structure may be permanently attached to the container.
    • The securing means or clip structure may be removably attached to the container.
    • The securing means or clip structure may, be manufactured integral with the container.
    • The securing means or clip structure may be manufactured separately from the container.
    • The securing means or clip structure may be re-usable among various containers.

Objects of the present invention are therefor to provide: Provide a securing means or clip structure for securing a container to the belt or clothing of the user.


The above and other objects, advantages and features of the present invention will be further appreciated from a reading of the following detailed description in conjunction with the drawing in which:

FIG. 1A is a first side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 600 in a first position.

FIG. 1B is a second side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 600 in a second position.

FIG. 1C is a first front view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 600 in said first position.

FIG. 1D is a second front view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 600 in said first position and in third and fourth positions.

FIG. 2A is a first view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 700 in a first position.

FIG. 2B is a second side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 700 in the removed position.

FIG. 2C is a front view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 700 in said first position, in a third position and in a fourth position.

FIG. 3A is a first side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 800 in a first configuration before installation.

FIG. 3B is a second side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 800 in a second configuration after installation.

FIG. 3C is a third side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 600 in a third configuration after installation.

FIG. 4A is a first side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 900 in a first configuration before installation.

FIG. 4B is a second side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 900 in a second configuration during installation.

FIG. 4C is a third side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 900 in a third configuration after installation.

FIG. 5A is a first side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 1000 in a first configuration.

FIG. 5B is a second side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 1000 in a second configuration.

FIG. 5C is a first front view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 1000 in the second configuration.

FIG. 5D is a second front view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 1000 in the first configuration.

FIG. 5E is a first top view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 1000 in the second configuration.

FIG. 5F is a second top view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 1000 in the first configuration.



FIG 1A is a first side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 600 in a first position. Container 10 comprises intermediate cylindrical member 100 having vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, a longitudinal length L100, and a transverse diameter D100. Container 10 also comprises distal member 300. Distal member 300 shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, has a length L300, and has a transverse diameter D300. Diameter D300 may be greater than diameter D100 and length L100 may be greater than length L300.

Container 10 also comprises proximal member 200 which may be substantially dome-shaped and which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Container 10 also comprises cylindrical neck 400 which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Securing means or clip structure 600 comprises elongated substantially flat member 601 and securing member 604. Substantially elongated flat member 601 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom relative to securing member 604 about horizontal or transverse axis B-B. Securing member 604 may be manufactured along with container 10 or may be attached to intermediate cylindrical member 100 after manufacture of container 10 via adhesive or other suitable means. Flat member 601 has a length L600 and a width W600 (not shown). Length L600 is less than length L100. Width W600 (not shown) is less than diameter D100. Substantially flat member 601 is also rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom about transverse or horizontal axis C-C (not shown) relative to securing member 604 as will be explained in detail hereinafter. Elongated substantially flat member 601 may be attached to securing member 604 by way of a rivet or other suitable means.

Substantially flat member 601 is rotatingly secured in such second degree of freedom relative to securing member 604 so that substantially flat member 601 may rotate about horizontal or transverse axis C-C (not shown) such that end 605 of substantially flat member 601 may move away from and towards external surface 101 of intermediate cylindrical member 100 for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.


FIG. 1B is a second side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 600 in a second position. Container 10 comprises intermediate cylindrical member 100 having vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, having a longitudinal length L100, and having a transverse diameter D100. Container 10 also comprises distal member 300. Distal member 300 shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, has a length L300, and has a transverse diameter D300. Diameter D300 may be greater than diameter D100 and length L100 may be greater than length L300. Container 10 also comprises proximal member 200 which may be substantially dome-shaped and which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A. Container 10 also comprises cylindrical neck 400 which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Securing means or clip structure 600 comprises elongated substantially flat member 601. Substantially flat member 601 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom relative to securing member 604 about transverse or horizontal axis C-C (not shown). Substantially flat member 601 has a length L600 and a width W600 (not shown). Length L600 is less than length L100. Width W600 (not shown) is less than diameter D100. Substantially flat member 601 is also rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom about transverse or horizontal axis B-B relative to securing member 604.

Substantially flat member 601 is rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom relative to securing member 604 so that substantially flat member 601 may rotate about a horizontal or transverse axis C-C (not shown) being located at or about securing member 604 so that end 605 of substantially flat member 601 may move away from and towards external surface 101 of intermediate cylindrical member 100. Such axis C-C (not shown) allows substantially flat member 601 to move to such second position away from external surface 101 for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.


FIG. 1C is a first front view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 600 in such first position. Container 10 comprises intermediate cylindrical member 100 having vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, a longitudinal length L100, and a transverse diameter D100. Container 10 also comprises distal member 300. Distal member 300 shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, has a length L300, and has a transverse diameter D300. Diameter D300 may be greater than diameter D100 while length L100 may be greater than length L300.

Container 10 also comprises proximal member 200 which may be substantially dome-shaped and which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Container 10 also comprises cylindrical neck 400 which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Securing means or clip structure 600 comprises elongated substantially flat member 601. Substantially flat member 601 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom about horizontal or transverse axis C-C relative to securing member 604 (not shown). Substantially flat member 601 has a length L600 and a width W600. Length L600 is less than length L100. Width W600 is less than diameter D100. Substantially flat member 601 is rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom about transverse axis B-B (not shown) relative to securing member 604.

Substantially flat member 601 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom about horizontal or transverse axis C-C relative to securing member 604 so that substantially flat member 601 so that end 605 of substantially flat member 601 may move away from and towards external surface 101 of intermediate cylindrical member 100 for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user


FIG. 1D is a second front view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 600 in such first position, a second position 602, and a third position 603. Container 10 comprises intermediate cylindrical member 100 having vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, a longitudinal length L100, and a transverse diameter D100. Container 10 also comprises distal member 300. Distal member 300 shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, has a length L300, and has a transverse diameter D300. Diameter D300 may be greater than diameter D100 while length L100 may be greater than length L300.

Container 10 also comprises proximal member 200 which may be substantially dome-shaped and which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Container 10 also comprises cylindrical neck 400 sharing vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Securing means or clip structure 600 comprises elongated substantially flat member 601. Substantially flat member 601 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom about horizontal or transverse axis C-C relative to securing member 604. Substantially flat member 601 has a length L600 and a width W600. Length L600 is less than length L100. Width W600 is less than diameter D100. Substantially flat member 601 is rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom about horizontal or transverse axis B-B (not shown) relative securing member 604 so that substantially flat member 601 may rotate to such second position and to such third position for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.

Substantially flat member 601 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom relative to securing member 604 so that substantially flat member 601 may rotate about axis C-C so that end 605 of substantially flat member 601 may move away from and towards external surface 101 of securing member 604 for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.


FIG. 2A is a first side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 700 in the attached position. Container 10 comprises intermediate cylindrical member 100 having vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, a longitudinal length L100, and a transverse diameter D100. Container 10 also comprises distal member 300. Distal member 300 shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, has a length L300, and has a transverse diameter D300.

Diameter D300 may be greater than diameter D100 and length L100 may be greater than length L300.

Container 10 also comprises proximal member 200 which may be substantially dome-shaped and which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Container 10 also comprises cylindrical neck 400 which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Securing means or clip structure 700 comprises elongated substantially flat member 701 and first securing member 704. First-securing member 704 is removably attachable to second securing member 706 (not shown). Substantially elongated flat member 701 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom relative to securing member 704 about horizontal or transverse axis B-B. First securing member 704 may be manufactured after manufacture of container 10 and second securing member 706. Substantially flat member 701 has a length L700 and a width W700 (not shown). Length L700 is less than length L100. Width W700 (not shown) is less than diameter D100. Substantially flat member 701 is also rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom about transverse or horizontal axis C-C (not shown) relative to securing member 704 as will be explained in detail hereinafter. Elongated substantially flat member 701 may be attached to first securing member 704 by way of a rivet or other suitable means.

Substantially elongated flat member 701 is rotatingly secured in such second degree of freedom relative to securing member 704 so that substantially flat member 701 may rotate about horizontal or transverse axis C-C (not shown) such that end 705 of substantially elongated flat member 701 may move away from and towards external surface 101 of intermediate cylindrical member 100 for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.


FIG. 2B is a second side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 700 in the removed position. Container 10 comprises intermediate cylindrical member 100 having vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, having a longitudinal length L100, and having a transverse diameter D100. Container 10 also comprises distal member 300. Distal member 300 shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, has a length L300, and has a transverse diameter D300. Diameter D300 may be greater than diameter D100 and length L100 may be greater than length L300.

Container 10 also comprises proximal member 200 which may be substantially dome-shaped and which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Container 10 also comprises cylindrical neck 400 which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Securing means or clip structure 700 comprises elongated substantially flat member 701. Substantially flat member 701 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom relative to first securing member 704 about transverse or horizontal axis C-C (not shown). Substantially elongated flat member 701 has a length L700 and a width W700 (not shown). Length L700 is less than length L100. Width W700 (not shown) is less than diameter D100. Substantially flat member 701 is also rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom about transverse or horizontal axis B-B relative to first securing member 704.

Substantially elongated flat member 701 is rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom relative to securing member 704 so that substantially flat member 701 may rotate about a horizontal or transverse axis C-C (not shown) being located at or about securing member 704 so that end 705 of substantially elongated flat member 701 may move away from and towards external surface 101 of intermediate cylindrical member 100. Such axis C-C (not shown) allows substantially elongated flat member 701 to move to and away from external surface 101 for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.


FIG. 2D is a front view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 700 in such first position, a third position 702, and a fourth position 703. Container 10 comprises intermediate cylindrical member 100 having vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, a longitudinal length L100, and a transverse diameter D100. Container 10 also comprises distal member 300. Distal member 300 shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, has a length L300, and has a transverse diameter D300. Diameter D300 may be greater than diameter D100 while length L100 may be greater than length L300.

Container 10 also comprises proximal member 200 which may be substantially dome-shaped and which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Container 10 also comprises cylindrical neck 400 and shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Securing means or clip structure 700 comprises elongated substantially flat member 701. Substantially elongated flat member 701 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom about horizontal or transverse axis C-C relative to first securing member 704. Substantially elongated flat member 701 has a length L700 and a width W700. Length L700 is less than length L100. Width W700 is less than diameter D100. Substantially elongated flat member 701 is rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom about horizontal or transverse axis B-B (not shown) relative to first securing member 704 so that substantially elongated flat member 701 may rotate to such second third position and to such fourth position for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.

Substantially elongated flat member 701 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom relative to first securing member 704 so that substantially elongated flat member 701 may rotate about axis C-C so that end 705 of substantially elongated flat member 701 may move away from and towards external surface 101 of intermediate cylindrical member 100 for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.


FIG. 3A is a first side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 800 in a first configuration before the installation of securing means or clip structure 800. Container 10 comprises intermediate cylindrical member 100 having vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, a longitudinal length L100, and a transverse diameter D100. Container 10 also comprises distal member 300. Distal member 300 shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, has a length L300, and has a transverse diameter D300. Diameter D300 may be greater than diameter D100 and length L100 may be greater than length L300.

Container 10 also comprises proximal member 200 which may be substantially dome-shaped and which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Container 10 also comprises cylindrical neck 400 which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Securing means or clip structure 800 comprises elongated substantially flat member 801, securing member 804 and shrinkable band 810 before installation and before shrinking. Substantially elongated flat member 801 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom relative to securing member 804 about horizontal or transverse axis B-B (not shown). Securing member 804 and shrinkable band 810 may be manufactured after container 10 or may be attached to intermediate cylindrical member 100 after manufacture of container 10 by way of heating or other suitable means. Substantially elongated flat member 801 has a length L800 and a width W800 (not shown). Length L800 is less than length L100. Width W800 (not shown) is less than diameter D100. Substantially elongated flat member 801 is also rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom about transverse or horizontal axis C-C (not shown) relative to securing member 804 as will be explained hereinafter. Substantially elongated flat member 801 may be attached to securing member 804 by way of a rivet or other suitable means.

Substantially elongated flat member 801 is rotatingly secured in such second degree of freedom relative to securing member 804 so that substantially elongated flat member 801 may rotate about horizontal or transverse axis C-C (not shown) such that end 805 of substantially elongated flat member 801 may move away from and towards external surface 101 of intermediate cylindrical member 100 as will be explained hereinafter for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.


FIG. 3B is a second side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 800 in a second configuration after installation but before the shrinking of band 810. Container 10 comprises intermediate cylindrical member 100 having vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, having a longitudinal length L100, and having a transverse diameter D100. Container 10 also comprises distal member 300. Distal member 300 shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, has a length L300, and has a transverse diameter D300. Diameter D300 may be greater than diameter D100 and length L100 may be greater than length L300.

Container 10 also comprises proximal member 200 which may be substantially dome-shaped and which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Container 10 also comprises cylindrical neck 400 which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Securing means or clip structure 800 comprises substantially elongated flat member 801 and shrinkable band 810. Substantially elongated flat member 801 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom relative to securing member 804 about transverse or horizontal axis C-C (not shown). Substantially flat member 801 has a length L800 and a width W800 (not shown). Length L800 is less than length L100. Width W800 (not shown) is less than diameter D100. Substantially elongated flat member 801 is also rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom about transverse or horizontal axis B-B relative to securing member 804.

Substantially flat member 801 is rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom relative to securing member 804 so that substantially elongated flat member 801 may rotate about a horizontal or transverse axis C-C (not shown) being located at or about securing member 804 so that end 805 of substantially elongated flat member 801 may move away from and towards external surface 101 of intermediate cylindrical member 100. Such axis C-C (not shown) allows substantially elongated flat member 801 to move to such second position away from external surface 101 for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.


FIG. 3C is a third side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 800 in a third configuration after installation of securing means or clip structure 800 and after the shrinking of band 810.

Container 10 comprises intermediate cylindrical member 100 having vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, a longitudinal length L100, and a transverse diameter D100. Container 10 also comprises distal member 300. Distal member 300 shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, has a length L300, and has a transverse diameter D300. Diameter D300 may be greater than diameter D100 while length L100 may be greater than length L300.

Container 10 also comprises proximal member 200 which may be substantially dome-shaped and which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Container 10 also comprises cylindrical neck 400 which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Securing means or clip structure 800 comprises substantially elongated flat member 801 and band 810 after being shrinked by heating or other suitable process. Substantially elongated flat member 801 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom about horizontal or transverse axis C-C (not shown) relative to securing member 804. Substantially elongated flat member 801 has a length L800 and a width W800. Length L800 is less than length L100. Width W800 is less than diameter D100. Substantially elongated flat member 801 is rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom about transverse axis B-B relative to securing member 804.

Substantially elongated flat member 801 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom about horizontal or transverse axis C-C (not shown) relative to securing member 804 so that end 805 of substantially elongated flat member 801 may move away from and towards external surface 101 of intermediate cylindrical member 100 for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.


FIG. 4A is a first side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 900 in a first configuration before installation. Container 10 comprises intermediate cylindrical member 100 having vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, a longitudinal length L100, and a transverse diameter D100.

Container 10 also comprises distal member 300. Distal member 300 shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, has a length L300, and has a transverse diameter D300. Diameter D300 may be greater than diameter D100 and length L100 may be greater than length L300.

Container 10 also comprises proximal member 200 which may be substantially dome-shaped and which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Container 10 also comprises cylindrical neck 400 which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Securing means or clip structure 900 comprises substantially elongated flat member 901 and tension band 910 before installation. Substantially elongated flat member 901 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom relative to tension band 910 about a horizontal or transverse axis B-B (not shown). Securing means or clip structure 900 may be manufactured after container 10 and may be attached to intermediate cylindrical member 100 after manufacture of container 10 by way of tension band 910. Substantially elongated flat member 901 has a length L900 and a width W900 (not shown). Length L900 is less than length L100. Width W900 (not shown) is less than diameter D100. Substantially elongated flat member 901 is also rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom about transverse or horizontal axis C-C (not shown) relative to tension band 910 as will be explained hereinafter. Substantially elongated flat member 901 may be attached to tension band 910 by way of a rivet or other suitable means.

Substantially elongated flat member 901 is rotatingly secured in such first degree of freedom relative to tension band 910 so that substantially elongated flat member 901 may rotate about horizontal or transverse axis C-C (not shown) such that end 905 of substantially elongated flat member 901 may move away from and towards external surface 101 of intermediate cylindrical member 100 as will be explained hereinafter for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.


FIG. 4B is a second side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 900 in a second configuration during installation. Container 10 comprises intermediate cylindrical member 100 having vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, having a longitudinal length L100, and having a transverse diameter D100. Container 10 also comprises distal member 300. Distal member 300 shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, has a length L300, and has a transverse diameter D300. Diameter D300 may be greater than diameter D100 and length L100 may be greater than length L300.

Container 10 also comprises proximal member 200 which may be substantially dome-shaped and which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Container 10 also comprises cylindrical neck 400 which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Securing means or clip structure 900 comprises substantially elongated flat member 901 and tension band 910. Substantially elongated flat member 901 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom relative to tension band 910 about a transverse or horizontal axis C-C (not shown). Substantially elongated flat member 901 has a length L900 and a width W900 (not shown). Length L900 is less than length L100. Width W900 (not shown) is less than diameter D100. Substantially elongated flat member 901 is also rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom about transverse or horizontal axis B-B relative to tension band 910 to allow tangential or lateral motion of end 905.

Substantially flat member 901 is rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom relative to tension band 910 so that substantially elongated flat member 901 may rotate about a horizontal or transverse axis C-C (not shown) so that end 905 of substantially elongated flat member 901 may move away from and towards external surface 101 of intermediate cylindrical member 100. Such axis C-C (not shown) allows substantially elongated flat member 901 to move away from external surface 101 for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.


FIG. 4C is a third side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 900 in a third configuration after installation. Container 10 comprises intermediate cylindrical member 100 having vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, a longitudinal length L100, and a transverse diameter D100. Container 10 also comprises distal member 300. Distal member 300 shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A, has a length L300, and has a transverse diameter D300. Diameter D300 may be greater than diameter D100 while length L100 may be greater than length L300.

Container 10 also comprises proximal member 200 which may be substantially dome-shaped and which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Container 10 also comprises cylindrical neck 400 which shares vertical or longitudinal axis A-A.

Securing means or clip structure 900 comprises substantially elongated flat member 901 and tension band 910 after being installed. Tension band 910 may be made of metal, plastic or other suitable material. Substantially elongated flat member 901 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom about horizontal or transverse axis C-C (not shown) relative to tension band 910. Substantially elongated flat member 901 has a length L900 and a width W900. Length L900 is less than length L100. Width W900 is less than diameter D100. Substantially elongated flat member 901 is rotatingly secured in a second degree of freedom about transverse axis B-B relative to tension band 910 to allow tangential or lateral motion of end 905.

Substantially elongated flat member 901 is rotatingly secured in a first degree of freedom about horizontal or transverse axis C-C (not shown) relative to tension band so that end 905 of substantially elongated flat member 901 may move away from and towards external surface 101 of intermediate cylindrical member 100 for ease of securing container 10 to the belt or clothes of the user.

FIGS. 5A through 5F

FIG. 5A is a first side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 1000 in a first configuration. In this view, clip 1000 is vertical and is parallel to the surface of container 10. Element 1001 rotatingly secures clip 1000 to container 10.

FIG. 5B is a second side view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 1000 in a second configuration. In this view, clip 1000 is vertical and is perpendicular to the surface of container 10. Element 1001 rotatingly secures clip 1000 to container 10.

FIG. 5C is a first front view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 1000 in the second configuration. In this view, clip 1000 is vertical and is perpendicular to the surface of container 10. Element 1001 rotatingly secures clip 1000 to container 10.

FIG. 5D is a second front view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 1000 in the first configuration. In this view, clip 1000 is vertical and is parallel to the surface of container 10. Element 1001 rotatingly secures clip 1000 to container 10.

FIG. 5E is a first top view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 1000 in the second configuration. In this view, clip 1000 is vertical and is perpendicular to the surface of container 10. Element 1001 rotatingly secures clip 1000 to container 10.

FIG. 5F is a second top view showing container 10 and securing means or clip structure 1000 in the first configuration. In this view, clip 1000 is vertical and is parallel to the surface of container 10. Element 1001 rotatingly secures clip 1000 to container 10.

While the present invention has been described in terms of specific illustrative embodiments, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that many other embodiments and modifications are possible within the spirit and scope of the disclosed principle.

  • 1. In a system for securing a container wherein such container comprises a surface; said securing system comprising a securing member being removably attachable to such container surface; said securing member comprising a substantially elongated flat member having a first end and a second end; said first end being rotatable about a first degree of freedom relative to said securing member so that said second end may move away from or towards such container surface; and said first end also being rotatable about a second degree of freedom relative to said securing member so that said second end may move laterally relative to such container surface.
  • 2. In the securing system of claim 1, said system comprising a tension band being removably attachable to such container.
  • 3. In the securing system of claim 1: said first degree of freedom being defined by a first axis being perpendicular to such container surface; and said second degree of freedom being defined by a second axis being parallel to such container surface.
  • 4. In a system for securing a container wherein such container comprises a surface; said system comprising a securing member being permanently attachable to such container surface; said securing member comprising a substantially elongated flat member having a first end and a second end; said first end being rotatable about a first degree of freedom relative to said securing member so that said second end may move away from or towards such container surface; and said first end also being rotatable about a second degree of freedom relative to said securing member so that said second end may move laterally relative to such container surface.
  • 5. In the securing system of claim 4, said system comprising a shrinkable band being permanently attachable to such container.
  • 6. In the securing system of claim 4: said first degree of freedom being defined by a first axis being perpendicular to such container surface; and said second degree of freedom being defined by a second axis being parallel to such container surface.