The invention concerns the unlimited development of clothes and bags, starting from the freedom of creation and their readjustment, from each person individually. The particularity is that the clothes will no longer have a specific standard form by their production, but can be created and readjusted according to the will and the individual aesthetic and the basic needs of every human, making him creator of his clothes and bags and making each garment and bag unique and special (in design and size), since its creator is also unique. The inventive idea is based, amongst others, on the following points: a) the clothes will no longer have seams, but attach-detach means, b) the invention offers the possibility of continuous attaching and detaching by which emerges the creativity and the free expression of the wearer (user) or the potential buyer, who, consequently, based on the desired cost, will be able to invest in the particular outfit need he wants to cover, c) the invention offers the possibility for any fabric to be divided into individual designs and parts, which the buyer wishes to use so as to create a new fabric, fabric pieces, garment pieces and/or garment, d) the invention offers the possibility to the buyer to purchase the individual designs and parts of each garment, which he will subsequently create, e) each fabric and/or garment created presents uniqueness, since it is the result of personal creation and fitting particularities of every human. Therefore, the present invention redefines the philosophy of clothing perception of the common person, while covers simultaneously multiple biotic and aesthetic needs, like better fitting, creative clothing of each person, according to his needs and not on the basis of social or aesthetic standards, as well as the personalization of sizes. Subsequently, these garments and bags will be also receptive of a combination of connections, changes, exchanges, lengthenings, replacements, shortenings, enlargements, removals/subtractions, extensions, transformations and modifications, which forms part of the inventive idea. The same implies to the fabrics and the individual parts of garments and bags. Also, becomes feasible a combination system of vertical, horizontal, aslant, aslant-horizontal, aslant-circular, in shape \ /, / \, \ / \ /, / \ / \, \ / \ / \ / \ /, / \ / \ / \ / \, and wavy separations. This practically means that everyone (either the owner of a garment or the potential buyer) may choose the parts to create his clothes and then combine the choice to create different designs and clothing (even among male and female clothing, old and new garments), in any size and on any side of the garment, and combine all of these options and systems in more than one garments. Therefore, in the future, each buyer will not have to buy a complete garment, which is industrially manufactured, but will select pieces to be combined, so as to create clothes in a complete form and/or to fit them to already existing clothes, but without the restraints of the classical sizes. All these can apply to individual parts of clothes, but also to fabrics and bags.
The innovation results from the creation of all the garments from individual parts (pieces), and also from the creation of all the fabrics in any design or pattern desired, from various parts of fabric, with the connection of fabrics and garments to be made with attach-detach means. The purpose is that garments will be completed and customized according to the individual will, made by all desired fabrics, in all types of garments (jackets, trousers, blouses, trench coats, sweaters, coats, jackets, pyjamas, overalls, capes, skirts, shorts, dresses, shorts, shirts, jumpsuits, bathing suits and any other garment resulting from the transformation of these), but also in all kinds of bags. Also, thanks to the invention, fabrics, garments and bags can indefinitely evolve, characterized by the proposed by the present invention system of combinations of changes, replacements, lengthenings, extensions, removals/subtractions, modifications, connections, exchanges, reductions/enlargements and transformations of fabrics and/or of individual parts of garment and/or garment, which have the potential to be produced in order to be created and readjusted by the person in accordance with his personality, his needs (personal and other), his body type and the changes that will occur, the seasons, the fashion, the taste, his particularities. In parallel, their pieces, either individually or separately or together, present the same potentials as described above (that is, combination of changes, replacements, lengthenings, extensions, removals, modifications, connections, exchanges, reduction/enlargement and transformation). In other words, they may be expanded and/or enlarged and/or reduced and/or enlarged and/or modified and/or transformed and/or removed and/or changed and/or replaced or/and exchanged with each other and/or with other garments at any point of the garment, in any design and, thus, take any desired form. The same applies, therefore, to pieces of fabric and/or pieces of garment and/or garments, which, according to the present invention are combined with other pieces of fabric and/or other pieces of garment and/or other garments with attach-detach means for the creation of new clothes, which are also able to be transformed and/or removed and/or changed and/or replaced and/or combined and/or exchanged with other garments and/or pieces of fabric and/or pieces of fabric, and/or amended and/or transformed into other clothes aiming additionally at the creation of new garments, which provides the possibility of multiple options and meets all the user's needs. Accordingly, the invention is applicable to any garment, and any part or section of the garment we desire, so that it can be divided into pieces, placing attach-detach means in the detaching points, so as to create this system with the occasional changes, connections, extensions, lengthenings, reductions/enlargements, transformations, modifications, substitutions and exchanges, and also to confer to the system the options described below. Imagine a garment which can be in any shape, design or pattern and can take any form by putting attach-detach means on each of its parts.
To date, all kinds of industrially or individually produced garment had, on the one hand, a particular form and, on the other hand, a single use exclusively serving its production goal. In particular, a shirt was worn solely as a shirt, or a pair of trousers was worn exclusively as a pair of trousers and had a specific purpose and lifetime for its use, or, in the past, there were inventions that were transforming the trousers into another form of garment, for example a dress. Also, each garment was produced according to certain pattern, having the specific dimensions of the classical sizes, not covering every body type and its particularities. Consequently, until today each garment was used for one purpose, that is the purpose for which it was produced, having a single design, serving a mere need and sometimes covering a particular season. Therefore, it was impossible for a garment to be used for every need that may arise, due to the change of the season (summer, winter, spring) or due to circumstances (casual or formal dress) or due to weight changing or combination of these aforementioned needs or for any other reason, which the use of an ordinary garment could not serve. So, until now, every desired change, due to any human need, would be covered from a different, new garment, which would have to be bought in each case. Based on the current state of the art we can see that there are earlier inventions relating to garments that are transformable, by removing a part, which alters the external image of the garment (for example a garment with or without sleeves), or some inventions which talk about the removal of some specific parts of some specific clothes or make a simple reference to the replacement thereof, without analytical juxtaposition and explanation regarding all types of clothing, and what has to be done in each case, or what the replacement options can be and how that replacement can be possible (see. for example, the no 78 24 399 invention). Also, these prior inventions do not mention in detail the state of art, or the method of production, or the rules by which they are governed so as to achieve the desired replacement for any garment, or do not provide detailed designs related to all clothes, or a full report for each way of replacement, how this is done or what parameters apply in every case. Or other previous inventions, which refer to the transformation of a garment, which through a specific production process of a specific design, leads to some concrete results and forms of another particular garment, but they mainly refer to polymorphic clothes that do not evolve where necessary and appropriate (see for example, the no WO 2013/026112 invention and 226.132). Or others which refer to the combination of specified designed parts leading to the creation of specific clothes and subsequently, due to these parts, to changes leading to specific forms and a specific finite number of transformations (see for example, the no 5.894.600 invention). Or other inventions, which refer to either a garment or a particular process, or to a single concept, or to only one property of those described in this invention, either do not cover all types of clothes and bags, or not offer combined unlimited options and different possibilities, or simply do conclusive report without sufficient disclosure or proven industrial application, or they do not have detailed designs for each individual case, or talk about a part of a garment, or talk about a method concerning a particular type of garment, or talk about a type of garment produced by a particular method, the application of which is not feasible by a specialist due to non-detailed description.
There is no invention up to date, which relates to the creation and completion of any garment in accordance with any type of human body, while presenting all of these characteristics and being implemented not from an expert but by any person. None of the inventions to date provides cumulatively: a. the creation of each garment according to each individual body type, b. the abolishment of specific sizes, c. the creation of each garment from the start by each person interested, d. the creation and readjustment of garments according to the parameters mentioned above (weight, height, body type, personality, needs, variations, etc.), e. the combination of options of creating, changing, replacement, lengthening, extensions, subtraction/removal, modification, connection, exchange, reduction/enlargement, transformation and expansion of the entirety of the garment or of individual parts, f. the combination and parallel use of vertical, horizontal, aslant, aslant-horizontal, aslant-circular, in shape \ /, / \, \ / \ /, / \ / \, \ / \ / \ / \ /, / \ / \ / \ / \, and wavy separations, g. the parallel transformation of any kind of garment and fabric to more kinds of garments and fabrics which are substantially different from the original, h. the combination of connection of each garment and of each garment part and of every fabric and of every fabric part with each other and i. the readjustments and the voluntarily changes in accordance with the continuous changes that may occur in lifetime.
No invention to date has the analytical method of production and the presentation of the analytical state of art, so that each garment and bag to be created independently from each person and also to be able receptive simultaneously of parallel and multiple connections, subtractions/removals, changes, replacements, exchanges, extensions, lengthenings, reductions, enlargements, modifications, transformations, use of vertical, horizontal, aslant, aslant-horizontal, aslant-circular, in shape \ /, / \, \ / \ /, / \ / \, \ / \ / \ / \ /, / \ / \ / \ / \, and wavy separations, creating a plethora of garments and clothing options. Or/and, even in parallel, the adjustment/fitting of all these mentioned above, to fabrics and/or parts of the garment or to the entire garment and their adjustments/fittings, thereinafter, with any other materials, parts and/or clothes with the same characteristics, so as a garment (or a bag) to have unlimited alternative uses. No invention provides a complete production process, which can completely change the image and use that have all the clothes and bags to date, as well as how these can now be used and transformed a) by changing completely what we know today regarding the clothing choices and b) giving the ability to each person to create his own clothing or his own bag, making them unique.
This specific invention relates to garments, fabrics and bags, whose creation and subsequent combining, amending, adding and subtracting, polymorphic use has resulted in multiple (sometimes not measurable) changes, modifications and/or replacements by modifying the design, size and use of clothes and bags as hitherto known, that have a specific form or were used only for a specific season of the year and in specific social situations. The advantages, as we shall see below, of the creation of unique clothing for each person and of these polymorphic applications in clothes and fabrics (taking into account that the invention aims at the continuous use of each garment and at the coverage of relevant needs regardless of seasons, size and circumstances) can be summarized in the providing of solutions for economic and functional clothing to the general public, which will have the opportunity to take advantage of multiple, options and ways of using clothes, with clearly reduced costs. This invention enables unlimited choice since all the above mentioned clothes will not only have a single form or will not rely on the production of a specific industrial design, with specific positions of specific attaching means. Instead, the positions of the attaching means can be anywhere, adjusting the size and fitting for each person separately; they can be placed anywhere, depending on the choice based on mood, aesthetics and the need of each person. The present invention combines all the possible changes that lead to every possible need and are adjusted according to each human and the aforementioned parameters.
Advantages of the Invention
This invention aims at changing the standards on which the clothes (and the bags) are produced until today. Based on the simple principle of the fitting/application and creation, according to the will of each person (user, consumer), who automatically becomes creator and executor of his aesthetic needs. Thus, in principle, anyone can select the parts (pieces) he desires for creating clothes and subsequently can combine and recombine his choices. Further, the user can even combine seemingly different designs and clothing and even clothing destined for a different gender or different season (and date of purchase). The additional advantage is that in every garment, each part will be offered in any possible size and will be extensible from each side thereof, which makes the invention unique compared to all the pre-existing inventions. Why? Because each type of garment will be completed and adjusted according to each unique size of every single piece, for each part of the body that is destined to cover, since person who creates it is also unique. From now on, each garment or part of garment will be combined with more than one garment (and/or parts thereof), creating a new garment and in somewhat pyramidal logic of “building” of the garment choices of each person, which can be extended indefinitely in height and width and use. So no need in the future to buy an integrated industrially or individually produced garment. Also, the invention alters the to date concept of shape of clothes, since they will no longer have a certain shape or certain classical size, but only material substance which can be the objet of further creation and application/fitting. Finally, to support the pyramidal logic served by this invention, it should be made clear that the simultaneous use of all the above options in a garment, will generate in fact a new one which can—in its turn—being also further attached (to other garments), to provide a new one and these two (three, four, etc.) to produce more.
Specifically, regarding the body type, each person depending on his type of body and on the needs or differences, will create his own clothes. At the same time, the sizes of each garment will be formed according to each person individually, completely fitting in each individual body type, as mentioned above, while garments can be customized according to individual social/professional needs and circumstances, the physical changes, the weight gain and loss, the change of seasons, or even depending on the mood, giving an end to the predetermined lifetime of garments and always keeping their fitting perfect. The determination of the size of the garments will become thus individualized and personal, based on the precision of the sizes of individual pieces of each garment, changing the classical sizing and size measuring system to a new one, in which each garment size will be unique as each body wearing it, is. In particular, this specific invention, except from the fact that relates to garments which are susceptible of changes and transformations, has as its main axis that the clothes that are no longer produced as completed clothes with their pieces sewn together from the beginning, nor as textiles which have particular form (as produced up to date), but as clothes and fabrics, which, depending on the design, each person will select the different parts in the respective and appropriate size that fits him, and these parts will be joined together with attach-detach means, giving the opportunity to the wearer to create clothing and textiles whenever necessary and then to change the sizes and the individual parts or pieces, thus achieving the uniqueness of each garment depending on the personality, the season or the fashion. In parallel, all these variations, which are discussed below, can be achieved, giving the practical possibility to everyone, not only to create a garment but also to change one or more parts of that garment. Thus, at the same time, the user can change a part of the garment and simultaneously lengthen another one, while, at the same time, replacing another part by another or attaching another part to another, while changing its openings and also its size. That means that, on the basis of this invention, we will not have a single parameter such as changing, or a single technique that gives us another garment. We now have a change in the overall use and the image of clothes with unlimited further changes and adjustments and options, that will make clothes seem like never before.
From the above invention, multiple economic and practical benefits derive, since clothes from now on will not have a single shape, duration and use, nor will be determined by specific sizes and numbers as one piece, but clothes may be transformed to more clothes and cover multiple and different needs. Given the negative economic circumstances which affect, the recent years, the international and domestic market, the expected result of a decrease in consumer spending for the supply of the necessary clothing cannot be ignored, while the need to buy more clothes so to cover an equal number of clothing needs, is reducing. The same is true if we consider the absolute impossibility of fitting any kind of garment to each person. The creation of each garment is made from now on according to the specific need of the buyer and, at the same time, buying a garment according to the present invention leads to the potential acquisition of more types of clothing, depending on the design and the possibilities of transformation, change and/or replacement of these types of clothing. Furthermore, the addition and/or removal of parts, and/or changing the size of these parts in the garment, results to the change of clothing size, thus adapting the same garment on the eventual changes of the body type and increasing the duration of its use, with the ancillary positive result of saving the relevant cost of buying a new one. This invention now gives the opportunity to buy a part of a garment in order for the user to fit it to an existing part of this invention and to avoid buying an entire garment.
In conclusion, each user can create each and any garment according to the body type and physical particularities or changes that can happen, and at the same time can reduce and/or avoid the cost of purchasing new clothing or the cost of reparation of old clothing. For example with the present invention, we may create a winter blouse (of any design) adapted to our body type and also have the opportunity—after a change, transformation and/or replacement of parts thereof, to resize and/or to obtain a summer blouse of any design (with or without sleeves) or even a dress of any design or even a jumpsuit of any design, adjusting the original garment once again even to the weather changes. These garments give multiple clothing options, corresponding to the individual user's need, since—in the objective of covering alternating functional goals—one can change the design, the line, but also the aesthetics of every kind of garment. The basic idea of the invention is that garments from now on, will have specific attach-detach means (which are mentioned indicatively, but not exclusively) instead of seams. How is this going to happen? Each garment, that the consumer will purchase, will be in parts, chosen by the consumer so as to create the garment he wishes, in accordance with his own needs and his own body type. What is achieved by this? Each garment, since it will be unique, will fit perfectly into the personality of the creator and wearer. It can be, at the same time, transformable and potentially polymorphic, adapted to individual needs of the consumer and its use will have the potentially maximum duration in time, since one can (re)adjust any part of the garment that one has bought, depending on one's personal life conditions.
Also, each piece can be combined and joined to create more than one garments. This is another justification of the desired multiple and continuous changes. From now on, the same garment can be used in all seasons, and according to the changes of the body of the user, with the desired result of longer duration and better fitting. The use of the garment will not have to be single, with a specific duration, for example related to a certain season. The cost reduction will be the greatest, together with the increase of everyone's choices. From now on, for each garment, there will be multiple options (instead of different specified sizes and numbers) and solutions that each person can use to create a garment. This is intended to serve the respective personal need and the particular body line of each person, without having to repair a garment, for example, because one has some extra weight or short limbs. It is like having a personal tailor or even better, being the tailor of ourselves. Now imagine that we can change this garment and readjust it depending on climatic conditions, depending on our body changes, and depending on our mood and our personality. The purpose of the present invention has to do with the freedom of creating a garment by the consumer himself and the investment of cost on the specific need that has to be covered. This is exactly what this invention is about.
The invention, as described below, relates to fabrics and/or pieces of fabric, parts of fabric, garments and/or bags which are joined together by using zipper, buttons, clasps, Velcro-type adhesives, laces, snaps, clips, studs, loops, and by detachable joints of other relevant product or way of attaching of two parts of fabric, parts of garments, garments and/or bags, while, at the same time, they can also be detached so as to reattach with different parts of fabric, parts of garments, garments and/or bags.
The disclosure of the invention starts with drawings of pieces of fabric, which are attached together to form a larger fabric and/or garment, or even with their connection with garments, as well as detachable parts which can be attached to any garment and can relate—for example—to designs for sleeves of any kind of clothing, the main body of any garment, designs of any kind of trousers and skirts, designs for any kind of bags as well as the connections, changes and replacements thereof respectively. The disclosure shows how each design and pattern of fabric can be created and then attached in order to provide a larger fabric and/or a fabric to be used for production of garment or of garment parts thereof.
The drawings show the complete invention consisting of pieces of fabric and/or parts of garments and/or garments that can change form (polymorphic) and be transformed into other garments or even attached together to create other garments with the help of zippers, buttons, clasps, studs, snaps, clips, loops, laces, Velcro-type adhesives, etc. Note that throughout the description and drawings of the present invention, we choose to refer to the zippers so as to have uniformity in the drawings and the wording, but everything that is described could be implemented in case of use of any other attaching means or their combination thereof.
Specifically, in FIG. 1, we examine the part of the garment 500—on one side of which we have sewn one side of the zipper (400)—and the other part of the garment 501, the one side of which is to be attached to the garment 500, where we have sewn the other side of the zipper (400), so by opening the zipper, the pieces or the garments are detaching and by closing the zipper, they are joining. The same can be used in any design or pattern, of fabric or garment, of any fabric or material and of any colour or combination of colours.
The connection and the change of pieces of fabric or garments can be made with buttons (FIG. 2) and clasps (FIG. 3) and with Velcro-type adhesives (FIG. 4) with any kind of laces (FIG. 5) and clips (FIG. 6) and snaps (FIG. 7), and with studs (FIG. 8) and loops (FIG. 9) and with the detachable connection of other product or way in which two pieces of fabric or two garments can be attached or modified (or the combination of all the above) while also be detached so as to attach with other pieces of fabric or garments.
The double zipper mentioned throughout the disclosure of the invention is in fact two zippers (402 and 403) which are sewn together having opposite or same direction, where we have sewn together one side of each zipper (FIG. 10) and the other side of zipper 402 and 403, which remains free, is sewn on each garment or fabric (502) (FIG. 11). When we have a piece of fabric inside a zipper, so as to change the length or width, as shown in the invention, we sew one side of the fabric (503), that we will add, to the one side of the one of the two zippers, that we have also sewn together (e.g. at 402), and the one side of the garment 502 and the other side of the piece of fabric, that we will add, we sew it at any point of the attaching of the two zippers 402 and 403. So when we open a zipper (402), we have the fabric piece coming from inside (FIG. 12) and when opening the other zipper (403), the two pieces of fabric—that is, the pieces the sides of which we have sewn to both sides of the joined zippers—are detached (502) from each other (FIG. 13). Using the same logic, so to cover more options given by this invention, two, three or more zippers can be joined.
The Fabric 1, mentioned throughout the invention is square pieces of fabric of any size, cloth, material, colour or colour combination, which have on all their sides (401), zippers, buttons, snaps, or any material, which is mentioned in the invention and can be used for their connection with other square pieces of fabric, so as to create a larger piece of fabric or garment, where the pieces are joined and cut, according to the pattern of the garment we want to create (FIG. 14). The Fabric 2, mentioned throughout the description of the invention is rectangular pieces of fabric of any size, fabric, material, colour or colour combination, which have on all their sides zippers, buttons, snaps, or any material, which is mentioned in the invention, and can be used for their connection with other rectangular pieces of fabric, so as to create a larger piece of fabric or garment, where the pieces are joined and cut, according to the pattern of the garment we want to create (FIG. 15). The Fabric 3, mentioned throughout the description of the invention, is triangle pieces of fabric of any size, cloth, material, colour or combination of colours, which have on all their sides zippers, buttons, snaps, or any material, which is mentioned in the invention, and can be used for their connection with other triangle pieces of fabric, so as to create a larger piece of fabric or garment, where the pieces are joined and cut, according to the pattern of the garment we want to create (FIG. 16). The Fabric 4, mentioned throughout the description of the invention, is pieces of fabric in all kinds of polygon shapes (pentagon, hexagon, etc.) of any size, fabric, material, colour or combination of colours that have in on all their sides zippers, buttons, snaps, or any material, which is mentioned in the invention, and can be used for their connection with other polygon pieces of fabric, so as to create a larger piece of fabric or garment, where they the pieces are joined and cut, according to the pattern of the garment we want to create (FIG. 17). Each of these fabrics (Fabric 1, Fabric 2, Fabric 3, Fabric 4) can also be joined to each other, as long as their side or sides of attaching have the same length and the same attaching means (zippers, buttons, snaps, Velcro-type adhesives, etc.) (FIG. 18). This shows the logic according to which we can attach the fabrics in each case and create others and/or create any garment and/or parts of garments and/or pieces of garments. In any case, any piece is replaceable with other fabric and other material, other colour or combination of colours. Apart from the produced clothes and particular pieces of fabric (squares, rectangles, etc.) described in the invention, by the same logic, can be used fabrics of any type, design or pattern, which will be combined in the same ways, so as to create larger fabrics of any design or pattern, or even any garment or bag. By the same logic, several pieces of different or same materials can be cut and joined together, attached so as to create larger fabrics or designs or so as to constitute and be used as parts of garments and/or garments, using also the combinations of change, replacement and all that the invention discloses, in order to have unlimited choice in creating polymorphic garments and fabric.
As mentioned above, the basic idea of the invention relies on the fact that we can divide any fabric in the designs and in individual parts (pieces), that we want to use, so as to create another piece of fabric or a garment (without using the classical sizes in each piece, which will give us a specific size), in order to meet any specific need of each body and to use attaching means to attach these pieces instead of sewing them, aiming at creating all the variations already mentioned and these that will be mentioned.
For example regarding the use of the piece of FIG. 19 which will be attached to a garment, if the garment were sewn, this piece would have specific dimensions so as to correspond to the specific size number of the particular garment, on which it was sewn. According to the present invention, each piece of garment or fabric, which represents a point of the part of the body (for example, the breast or the shoulders) will be produced and will be purchased by the consumer in all possible sizes of each of its sides, in order to cover any different body type. For example, it will be cut with dimensions 2×3 cm (a) and 2×2 cm (b) (FIG. 19). But for the same garment, the piece 2×4 cm (a) and 2×3 cm (b) (FIG. 20 will also be cut because a certain body type may need a little bigger piece. Or/and piece of 2×5 cm (a) and 2×2 cm (b) (FIG. 21) because a certain body type may need more width and/or 2×3 cm (a) and 2×4 cm (b) (FIG. 22) because a certain body type may need more height, excluding the predetermined difference between sizes, which imposes the increase or decrease of specific centimetres on each piece of the garment. For example, changing to a larger size specifically presupposes (four) 4 cm in chest, waist, hips, (one) 1 cm at the neckline, 1.5 on the chest, 0.25 in the crotch etc. Each person will then take each piece or sewn part of garment and will adjust it to the garment that he wants to create, like having a personal tailor or like being the tailor of oneself and, consequently, creator of the garment.
Let us now look at how this is put in practice and how the invention works on the basis of each parameter that affects the creation and continuous use of every garment. We have, for example, the pieces 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517 and 518 (FIG. 23), which are parts that can be connected by attach-detach means instead of seams, so to form the garment of FIG. 24, or even to attach to any other pieces and garments, as we will see below. In the particular design, we show zippers but it can be any attach-detach means, mentioned in the invention. Also the particular positions of the zippers in the specific design are used, so to understand the logic according to which the invention works. According to the basic idea of the invention, the attach-detach means can be in any position (and not only a predetermined one) in relation to the design of the garment we choose and which suits our own personal need and personality. By attaching these pieces, the buyer can create the dress of the FIG. 24. However, he can choose not to use all the pieces to create the outfit of the FIG. 24 but use/buy the pieces 504, 506, 507, 509, 510, 511, 513, 514, 515 and 516 and create the dress of FIG. 25 or by using other pieces, the dress of the FIG. 26. By the same logic, he can attach and remove pieces making the most suitable for him outfit. Let us see now what will happen if the dress was sewn, as a total, as most market dresses are today, and a lady, who likes it a lot, wanted to buy it and while it fits everywhere to her body, it does not fit to her chest, due to disproportion of size and body type. She would be obliged to purchase a bigger size of the specific dress which then, although it would fit her chest, it would not fit, at all, the rest of the body. With this invention thus the particular lady can choose the piece 514 of the garment at a size that matches the real size of her own chest and use it and the rest of the garment will remain unchanged as it perfectly fits her body type. At the same time, the length of this dress could be too long for this specific lady. She can, in this case, choose not to purchase the piece 517 of the garment or may choose to buy and use another piece, that has the length that she wishes, and/or the design and/or that is suitable for own body type (FIG. 27). Or, alternatively, she might love the upper part of the garment (from the waist up) but not like the skirt of the specific design and choose, from another design, another wider, or longer skirt, or any another design she wants and attach it to the top of this specific garment she liked. Another lady may like the same garment, who has the particularity of sizeable hands in the arm area, while the rest of her body is thin. She will choose the size or design of the particular pieces 507 and 511 in the sleeves that are better adapted to her body type so to be able to wear the garment, which for the rest suits her. Imagine the same lady having a problem also in the hips region. And while the rest of the garment is okay, in the hips region, the garment does not suit her in size. Then she can at the same time select the part 516 in a larger size that fits perfectly to her body type (FIG. 28). It is understood how many options are now generated and that each garment can be adapted to the analogous situation. Imagine now, in order to further increase the options, the lady who bought this garment wanting to wear it during another season of the year, for example during summer. Firstly, because of the sleeves, she can not wear it during summer, because the sleeves are long and therefore not suited for high temperatures. She could therefore remove the entire sleeves or part of them like pieces 507, 508, 509, 511, 512, 513, but this by itself does not involve innovation. But, she could remove the sleeves and in their place, put any kind of sleeves, for example, short ones, of any fabric and material, any design and pattern, of any colour and colour combination. She could change by the same logic also the piece 515 and put a thinner or transparent piece transforming the garment into a garment worn in summertime (FIG. 29) or remove the piece, turning dress into a blouse and a skirt. Or she could only remove the pieces 507, 508, 509, 511, 512, 513, leaving only the 506 and 507 which cover only the shoulders. Or change the fabric of pieces 516, 517 putting a fabric more adapted to summer season. Now imagine that this lady is invited to a formal dinner. She could add the piece 518 to the garment and transform the garment into an evening-type of garment. The 518 piece could be also transparent like the 515 of the FIG. 29, so as to look like an integrated combined garment (FIG. 30), or it could be of any design and pattern, fabric and material and of any colour and colour combination. She could remove the entire upper part of the garment from the chest up and wear it strapless. Or add another upper part of garment (FIG. 31). It is therefore understood how many—indeed unlimited—options exist depending on the personality, the season, the occasion, the physical structure, the physical change. Imagine every person seeing the design of each garment and selecting not the garment itself but the pieces and fabrics according to his desire and creating an outfit based on all the parameters related to his body and on all the aforementioned. Imagine that beyond this, he will have the option to transform it according to all his physical changes over time and according to all his needs. And imagine, finally, the uniqueness that every garment will now have since it will bear the personal implication of each person. This is a basic principle of the invention.
We will now examine the transformations in accordance with the changes in body shape during the lifetime of the user and then we will see the changes that each garment can now have according to the personality, the season, the mood, the needs and how all these can be combined together giving unlimited options to each user and to each garment. By the same logic, as discussed above, each and any person can make each and any outfit depending on the body type that he has, so that the garment fits perfectly on him. For example this can be done by a man who has excess fat in the waist and possibly narrow shoulders/back, or a woman who is pregnant. In these cases, therefore, the pattern of the clothes will have designs so the attach-detach means could be in certain places so that they can change depending on the particular user's physical changes. Also, for each piece or each part of a garment will be produced different sizes, which each consumer can adjust according to his needs. That is, the garments will be produced in such way that they will exist in all numbers of all sizes to allow everyone to adapt them and to make the suitable for him outfit. The garments will not be sewn in accordance with the classical patterns of sizing numbers which, consequently, means that they do not suit all body types. For example, a person with extra weight, so as to wear a garment, should necessarily get the large number, which—in case this person is also of a small size—will not match in terms of the length or of arms, or wherever the particular body type has a particularity. Or if he has a very big belly, but his shoulders and his limbs are small, then the large number would not be representative of his the body type, but will be wide at certain parts of his body and long at other parts, without good fitting. So, if this person can make himself his garment in accordance with his own body, then he will have the best possible fitting and the most suitable for him outfit.
To put it simply, if this man with the physical characteristics that we mentioned (narrow shoulders-back, big belly, short arms) buys the pieces 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525 and 526 (FIG. 32) of the shirt of the FIG. 33, he can choose to buy the piece 513 of the shirt, which is in a normal size for his shoulders, and can choose the piece 526 in a larger size because of this belly and the sleeves or part thereof (pieces 522 and 525, for instance) according to his size or he can put a cuff instead, by changing the length of the sleeve or by putting a shorter in length part of a sleeve, which is more appropriate for his arms. Now, he has the garment which is appropriate for his body type. Suppose that this man, after six months, loses weight. There is no need to throw away the shirt and buy a smaller one. He will replace the piece 526 with one of a smaller size, that fits to his new body type. It is therefore obvious that he can save money and that garments acquire another life. The same can happen for pregnant women. How many clothes do they buy and change during pregnancy because of the belly or of gaining weight? Suppose that we have the dress of FIG. 34 having the attaching means, where pieces are joined or removed, one in the area above the chest, one below the chest, one circular in the belly area, one in the area below the waist, one below the hips and over the knee. During pregnancy suppose the woman gains weight and it is just her belly area that changes. Removing the circular zipper and the piece 530, she can replace it with a part, which would be of a size analogous to the growth of her belly. This can repeat several times until she reaches the ninth month of pregnancy (FIG. 35). Let us say that the lady who bought the dress puts on weight and, besides the belly, puts weight on her hips area. Would she be able to wear again this dress? No, because it will not fit her in the area of the hips. If, however, since the dress has now attach-detach means, she can remove the piece 531 of the garment, by opening and detaching the zipper 407 and the zipper 408, and replaces it with a piece 531 (which is larger in size for the particular area, without though changing the rest of the shape or size of the garment); then she can continue to wear the dress although she has gained weight and her body type has changed (FIG. 36). If also because of pregnancy in the sixth month the size of her breast changes, she could also replace the piece 528 of the garment with the one that now fits to her new size. But, if she took weight only in the waist region and belly, then she could not only change the 530 piece but also change simultaneously piece 529 adjusting the dress to her new size. And if, in the middle of pregnancy, the season has changed, she could replace all these pieces with other pieces of fabric, appropriate for the season, or with other fabrics of different colours or designs, depending on her mood, or could remove some pieces rendering the dress lighter. Each change, as we will see below in the invention, is based on the fact that each piece that is changed or attached to others, at any point of the fabric this connection would be, should have the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means to allow the attaching and the change. By this logic, the garments will, from now on, be produced according to the needs and the various body types and will have the potential to be transformed and adjusted accordingly. However, the changes will not have to do only with the size changes (which are analysed below in the invention) but also with the changes of seasons, fashion, or any other needs. The user does not only have the option to remove one part or replace it with another. He can also remove a part, change it with another, enlarge it, reduce its size, change the whole design, attach the part that he had removed with another garment, attach a garment to another, transform a garment as a whole or a part of it, and other more, that are mentioned in the invention. Now, all parts-pieces of a garment in any pattern that the consumer will choose are connected by attach-detach means, each (and all together) giving the possibility to be removed or be changed or replaced by others and giving consequently multiple options for each design of garment and the combinations thereof. Therefore, any garment of any design and pattern, of any fabric and material, of any colour and colour combination now can be made by pieces and instead of seams, has attach-detach means that make this whole system work.
We will analytically examine below the inductive/incremental development of the separations/combinations arising from this invention, which we can apply in every part of the garment and in every garment and see by which rules these are governed and how they work in each separate case, completing the scope of this invention. And we will also see the further variations they give us as completed garments. We will also explain in detail each transformation of each design and part of garment with Figures.
Let us describe in detail which further modifications could take place and what transformations could be added according to the invention and may be made either on a piece of fabric, or a part of the garment sewn on this fabric (sleeves, the main part of a garment, skirts, trousers, coat, shorts and all kinds of garment), when we use attaching means, as well as what variations we can have on this part of the garment, according to the combination of vertical, horizontal, aslant, aslant-horizontal, aslant-circular, shaped \ /, / \, \ / \ /, / \ / \, \ / \ / \ / \ /, / \ / \ / \ / \, and wavy separations, how we can change it with other pieces of fabric or/and parts of garments, change its length and, in general, create any type or pattern of garment that we want according to the taste, mood, season, change of weight, etc., rendering each garment unique. Also we will see which variants, according to the invention, can be applied at the same time, to each part of the garment or on each garment, with attach-detach means placed at its connections. The changes described below, using series of zippers on any part of a garment or on any garment, can be applied to any fabric.
Continuing the analysis of the invention, besides the attaching of pieces for the creation of garments described above, we will examine the separate and multiple change options mentioned, in the same garment, analysing these one by one and focusing on how the combination of all these together takes place. At the beginning, we have a piece of fabric (FIG. 34). This fabric can be cut so as to give us any part of a garment, in any design and pattern, of any material, of colour and colour combination. Take for example the main body of a garment that can be part of a coat, shirt, blouse, jacket, dress, trench coat, sweater, cardigan and any other main body of a garment.
Main Body of the Garment
One design is to sew horizontal zippers to fabric, dividing it into several horizontal pieces and thus giving the option to change its length (FIG. 37). Thus, we achieve to have a fabric with many different lengths. Applying this idea to a main body of a garment and sewing horizontal zippers, we have the same choice to change its length (FIG. 38). If, for example, the first horizontal zipper is placed under the armpit, by opening the zipper and removing the lower part of the main garment, we have a bolero or short blouse (FIG. 39). This enables us to change the lengths according to how we want to wear it (short, halfway, long, etc.). The zippers can be unfastened at any point along the main body of the garment, on which we have put them, and thus the pieces will be detached, or we can sew inside fabric pieces (533) alongside the zippers. We sew one side of the fabric to be added to one side of the zipper along with the upper side of the main body of the garment, and on the other side of the fabric to be added the other side of the zipper along with the underside of the main body of the garment. Thus, by opening the zippers instead of the pieces being detached and removed, the zippers detach, and since we have sewn fabric pieces inside, the length of the main body of the garment is changed (FIG. 40). The inside pieces can be in any design and pattern, of any fabric and material and of any colour and colour combination, as long as the sides attached by the zippers and the sides of the main body of garment have the same length and the same attach-detach means so to achieve the connection. As a result, opening the zippers lengthens the main body of the garment. If we have not sewn pieces of fabric inside the connection of each side of zippers, the pieces can be removed and not replaced, by simply changing the length, as said above, or can be removed and replaced with other pieces of another design and pattern. More specifically, we can remove a horizontal part of the main body of a garment and in its place put another one, any kind of part of another design or pattern (534), e.g. short, puffy style, balloon, A-line, pleated, etc. (FIG. 41). Or the pieces can also be replaced by pieces of any kind and length, of any fabric or material, of any colour or combination of colours, according to the logic described in the invention. The change is based on the fact that that each side of the piece to be added, has the same length and the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means with each side of the main body of the garment, so that the pieces can attach to each other. Therefore, by attaching the zipper of the main body of a garment with the zipper of each individual piece, a new garment is created. So, the main body of a garment can be transformed from a very short into a really long garment by adding longer pieces to it. Each zipper can begin from whichever point on the horizontal piece (anywhere on the front, back or side), make a full circle either from right to left or from left to right, as long as, when it is unzipped, the piece can be removed. A double zipper can also be used. This can be done with any horizontal zipper at any height of the main body of a garment. Zippers can be placed at any possible distance from each other and as many as can fit taking into account the length of the main body of a garment and depending on the different desired lengths and the desired number of zippers. Let us take for example a main body of a garment with four (4) horizontal pieces (FIG. 42). If the second part is removed, it can be replaced with any other piece of any other design or pattern (535), such as puffy, balloon, pleated etc. (FIG. 43). Additionally it can be replaced by any pieces of any kind of fabric, material, colour, or colour combination, according to the logic described in the invention. The change can be done given that the length of each side (of upper and lower part) of each piece which is added to the main body of a garment, at the attaching point, is the same as the length of the side to which it will be attached to (upper and lower) and has the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means. More specifically, the upper side has the same length and the same type of zipper with the lower side of the previous part of the main body of the garment to which it will be attached and the lower side has the same length and type of zipper with the upper side of the next part of the main body of the garment to which it will be attached. So in this example, by attaching the lower zipper of the first horizontal piece of the main body of the garment with the upper zipper of the second piece to be added, and the lower zipper of the second piece with the upper zipper of the third piece of the main body of the garment, we have a comprehensive design of another garment. This is done for all horizontal pieces in which we wish to divide the main body of the garment. By the same logic, more than one horizontal pieces can be changed (e.g. the second mentioned above). For example, in the main part of the garment of the FIG. 42 consisting of four horizontal pieces, we can change the second part, as above, and by the same logic, we can at the same time, also change any other part, for example the forth. So, we change the second (536) replacing it with any other part of any design and pattern, fabric and material, colour and colour combination, as shown above, and we change also the forth (537) replacing it with a piece of another design and pattern, e.g. A-line, long, fluffy (FIG. 44), of any fabric and material, colour and colour combination. The change is based on the fact that each piece to be added to the main body of the garment, whether it is between other pieces, or at the lower part, the length of the fabric at the point where it will be attached and the length of the zipper or that of the attaching means, wherever are placed, should be the same as the length of the sides of the main body of the garment that will be attached and should have the same length of zipper as the main body of the garment where it will be attached to or have the same attaching means or the same type of zipper, so to allow the attaching. By the same reasoning, we can change all the pieces making all possible combinations of designs and patterns, fabrics and materials, colours and combination of colours, according to the logic described in the invention. This can be done in as many pieces as we divide the main body of the garment. Double zipper can also be used and by using it we can remove pieces from the main body of the garment or change the length or both. So, in one piece, we can unzip one of the double zippers so to remove the piece (e.g. the lower at the bottom) and in another piece, we can unzip the other zipper of the double zipper and to change the length of the main body of the garment (FIG. 45).
Everything that applies for the main body of the garment with the horizontal zippers-pieces, applies also for the main body of the garment with the wavy horizontal zippers-pieces ˜ circumferentially along (FIG. 46). Everything that applies to horizontal pieces with zippers, applies also to the aslant horizontal pieces obtained if we sew zippers with this inclination \ in each main body of the garment (i.e. aslant-horizontal instead of horizontal) or with this inclination / in each main body of the garment. The zippers have the cyclic inclination from bottom to top at the front and again from top to bottom at the back of the main body of the garment, or the opposite, until the point where they meet with their start so to be able to open and detach. The same thing applies and the same changes and variants exist, with the only difference that the zippers will have aslant horizontal inclination / or \ to each main body of the garment instead of horizontally, as shown in the FIGS. 180, 181 of trousers and FIGS. 217, 218 of skirts.
The next figure is the main body of the garment having along a vertical zipper (FIG. 47). The zipper can be opened and pieces can be separated (FIG. 48) or inside the zippers we can have fabric (538) therefore by opening them, widen the pieces (FIG. 49). The inside piece can be in any design and pattern, of any fabric and material and in any colour and colour combination. In this case, on each side of the zipper we sew the one side of the zipper, the one side of the vertical basic fabric of the main body of the garment and the one side of the fabric we want to put inside. So by closing the zipper, we have the main body of the garment to its original form since the zipper is joining the pieces, and by opening the zipper, we render the main body of the garment wider, since there are sewn fabric pieces inside. Zippers can be placed at any possible distance from each other and as many as can fit according to the size of the main body of the garment and depending on the different desired vertical parts and desired number of zippers. They can be opened at any point along their length either with pieces sewn inside them, or without. Double zipper can also be used in this design. Also, can be used detachable zippers, and in this case we can separate unfasten them and add other pieces of any fabric and material, every colour and colour combination, according to the logic described in the invention. These other pieces can even have different lengths compared to each other or to the main body of the garment (539, 540, 541) (FIG. 50), changing even the size of the main body of the garment. The connection again is based on the fact that the parts which are attached by zippers have the same length at the point of attaching and have the same type of zipper (each part has the other side of the zipper) and have the same attach-detach means on each side in order to attach. Also we can, after the zippers are opened and detached completely from one another, add any other kind of piece, as main body of the garment, of any design and pattern, fabric and material and any colour and combination of colours, according to the logic described in the invention (542, 543) (FIG. 51). The only condition is that the zippers at the added pieces have the same length as the zipper of the main body of the garment, at the point of their connection, and the same type of zipper with the one we opened, or any attach-detach means are the same on both sides, so to attach together. We can also add pieces (544) on one side of the main body of the garment, left or/and right (FIG. 52). By adding generally pieces, when the zippers are detached we also manage to enlarge the size of the main body of the garment. Zippers can be placed at any possible distance from each other and as many as can fit, according to the length of the main body of the garment and depending on the different desired lengths and desired number of zippers.
Another option is to change the vertical pieces of the main body of the garment. Let us take for example a main body of a garment with four vertical pieces (FIG. 53). If the second part is removed, it can be replaced with any other piece of any other design and pattern (545) as puffy, balloon, pleated etc. (FIG. 54). Additionally, it can be replaced by pieces of any kind and size, of any kind of fabric, material, colour, and colour combination, according to the logic described in the invention. The change can be done given that the length of each side (left and right) of every piece which is added to the main body of the garment, at the attaching point, is the same as the length of the side to which it will be added to (left or/and right) and has the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means. More specifically, the left side of the piece, that will be added, has the same length and the same type of zipper with the left side part of the main body of the garment to which it will be attached and the right side has the same length and type of zipper with the right side part of the main body of the garment to which it will be attached. So in this example, by attaching the left side of the zipper of the first vertical piece of the main body of the garment to the right side of the zipper of the second piece to be added, and the left side of the zipper of the second piece to the right side of the zipper of the third piece of the main body of the garment, we have a comprehensive design of another garment. This is done for all horizontal pieces in which we wish to divide the main body of the garment. By the same logic, more than one vertical piece (e.g. the second mentioned above), can be changed. For example in the main part of the garment of the FIG. 53 consisting of four vertical pieces, we can change the second part as above and with the same logic, we can change alongside also any other part, for example the forth. So, we change the second (546) replacing it with any other part of any design and pattern, fabric and material, colour and colour combination as shown above and we change also the forth (547) replacing it with a piece of other design and pattern (FIG. 55), of any fabric and material, colour and colour combination. The change is based on the fact that each side of the piece to be added to the main body of the garment, should have the same length and the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means with the main body of the garment it will be attached to. By the same logic, we can change all the pieces making all possible combinations of designs and patterns, fabrics and materials, colours and combination of colours according to the logic described in the invention. This is done for all the pieces, in which we divide the main body of the garment. In order to be able to change vertical pieces, the zippers must be separable, either on the upper part, in the shoulder region which joins the front with the back of the garment, or at the lower part depending where the beginning and the end of the zipper is, either when we have pieces of fabric sewn inside or when we replace by other vertical pieces. Also, can be used separable/detachable zippers, and in this case we can add other pieces of any fabric (548) and material, of any colour and colour combination, which even have different lengths compared to each other or compared to the main body of the garment (FIG. 56). The zipper can be opened upwards or downwards. A double zipper can also be used, and by using it, we can remove pieces from the main part of the garment or change its size or both. So in one piece, we can unzip one of the double zipper so to remove the piece that will reduce the surface of the garment or in another piece, we can unzip the other zipper of the double zipper and change the width of the main body of the garment (FIG. 57). Everything that applies to the main body of the garment with the vertical zippers-pieces, applies also to the front part of the main body of the garment and to the rear part and to the parallel use of both front and rear.
Moreover, another different design is the main body of the garment having along aslant-circular zippers (FIG. 58). The zippers can be unfastened at any point along the main body of the garment, detaching the pieces (FIG. 59) or we can sew inside fabric pieces (549) alongside where the zippers are, so by unfastening the zippers to widen the main body of the garment (FIG. 60). Zippers can be placed at any possible distance from each other and as many as can fit according to the size of the main body of the garment and depending on the desired different parts and desired number of zippers. They can open at any point alongside the main body of the garment, either with inside pieces or without. The inside piece can be any fabric and material, in every colour or colour combination. On each side of the aslant-circular zipper, we sew the one side of the zipper, the one side of the aslant basic fabric of the main body of the garment and the one side of the fabric we want to put inside. Then by closing the zipper, we have a normal main body of garment, since the pieces are attached and by opening the zipper, we have a main body of garment which is wider, since there are pieces sewn inside. Double zippers can be also used in the specific design. Also can be used separable/detachable zippers and in this case we can add other pieces of any fabric (550) and material, of any colour and colour combination, according to the logic described in the invention. These pieces can even have different lengths compared to each other or compared to the main body of the garment (FIG. 61). The connection again is based on the fact that the parts which are joined with zippers, have the same length at the point of attaching and have the same type of zipper (each part has the other side of the zipper) and have the same attach-detach means on each side in order to attach. Also we can, after the zippers are opened and detached completely from one another, add any other kind of piece, as main body of the garment, of any design and pattern, fabric and material and any colour and combination of colours (551, 552) (FIG. 62). The only condition is that the aslant-circular zippers at the added pieces have the same length as the aslant-vertical zippers of the main body of the garment, at the point of their attaching, and the same type of zipper with the one we opened, or any attach-detach means will be the same on both sides, so to fasten together. We can also add pieces (553) on one side of the main body of the garment, left or/and right (FIG. 63). By adding generally pieces, when the zippers are detached we also manage to enlarge the size of the main body of the garment. Can also be used double zippers with which we can remove pieces from the main part of the garment or change its size or both. So in one piece, we can unzip one of the double zipper so to remove the piece and in another piece, we can unzip the other zipper of the double zipper and change the width of the main body of the garment.
Everything that applies to the main body of the garment with the vertical zippers—pieces, applies also to the main body of the garment to which we have sewn along the aslant-vertical zippers-pieces with this direction \ (FIG. 64) and to the main body of the garment with the aslant-vertical zippers-pieces along with this direction / (FIG. 65). Also the same applies if we sew zippers to create detachable parts, with this direction \ on the left and this direction / on the right, at the main body of the garment (namely ∨) (FIG. 66). Accordingly, the same applies if we sew zippers to create detachable parts, with this direction / on the left and this direction \ on the right, at the main body of the garment (namely ∧) (FIG. 67). The same thing applies and the same changes and variants can be made with the only difference that the zippers will have aslant vertical inclination / or \ to each main body of the garment instead of vertical.
Another design is to have two zippers at the front and two zippers at the back, forming \ / (namely \ / \ / circumferentially) whose edges begin and end, where the edges of the ones next to them begin or end, which can be opened either upwards or downwards (FIG. 68). So we have two zippers that form ∨ at the front side of the main body of the garment and two zippers at the back, dividing the main body of the garment. We can separate the main body of the garment into as many horizontal ∨ pieces as we want, by opening the zipper and detaching. This enables us to change the lengths according to how we want to wear it (short, halfway, on knee, long, etc.), always in shape ∨ front and back. The zippers can be unfastened at any point along the main body of the garment that we put them, either with fabric pieces inside them (554) or not (FIG. 69). The inside fabric pieces can be in any design and pattern, of any fabric and material and in any colour or colour combination, so unfastening the zipper lengthens the main body of the garment. How is that possible? Let us take for example the left side (left zipper) of the front-formed ∨ zippers, namely this \. At the upper side of the \ zipper we sew together the upper side of this shape \ of the main body of the garment and the upper side of this shape \ of the piece we want to add. At the lower side of the \ zipper, we sew together the lower side of this shape \ of the main body of the garment and the lower side of the piece we want to add. We do also the same for the right side of the front shape ∨, namely this /. Also the same for both ∨ zippers at the back. So by closing the zippers we have the main body of the garment at its original form and by unfastening the zippers we can lengthen it. The pieces can be removed and not replaced, as said above, or can be removed and replaced with other pieces of other design and pattern. More specifically we can remove a part of the main body of the garment and in its place put one, any kind of part, of other design and pattern (555), e.g. short, puffy style, balloon, A-line, pleated, long etc. (FIG. 70). Or they can also be replaced by pieces of any kind or length, of any fabric and material, of any colour and combination of colours, according to the logic described in the invention. The change is based on the fact that each side of the piece that will be added, has the same length and the same ∨ form, front and back (∨∨ around), the same type and length of zipper at each ∨ side that will be fastened, or the same attach-detach means with each ∨ side of the main part of the garment that will be joined to, so to attach the pieces together. Therefore, by attaching the zippers of the main body of a garment with the zippers of each individual piece, a new garment is created. So, the main body of a garment can be transformed from a very short into a really long garment by adding longer pieces to it. Each zipper can begin from whichever point of the ∨ formed parts, (anywhere on the front, back or side) in front and back, either upwards or downwards, as long as when the zippers are detached to be able to remove the parts. Zippers can be placed at any possible distance from each other and as many as can fit according to the length of the main body of the garment and depending on the different desired lengths and desired number of zippers. A double zipper can also be used. Let us take for example a main body of a garment with four horizontal pieces (FIG. 68). If the second part is removed, it can be replaced with any other piece of any other design and pattern (556) as puffy, balloon, pleated etc. (FIG. 71). Additionally, it can be replaced by any pieces of any kind of fabric, material, colour, and colour combination, according to the logic described in the invention. The change can be done given that the length of each side (of upper and lower part) of every ∨ piece which is added to the main body of a garment, front and back, at the attachment point, is the same as the length of the side to which it will be attached to (upper and lower) and has the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means. More specifically, the upper side has the same length, the same ∨ form and the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means with the lower side of the previous part of the main body of the garment to which it will be attached to and the lower side has the same length, the same ∨ form and type of zipper or the same attach-detach means with the upper side of the next part of the main body of the garment to which it will be attached. So in this example, by attaching the lower zipper of the first ∨ piece of the main body of the garment with the upper zipper of the second, ∨-formed, piece to be added, and the lower zipper of the second, ∨-formed, piece with the upper zipper of the third ∨ piece of the main body of the garment, we have a comprehensive design of another garment. This is done for all horizontal pieces, in which we wish to divide the main body of the garment. With he same logic, more than one horizontal pieces (e.g. the second mentioned above) can be changed. For example in the main part of the garment of the FIG. 68 consisting of four horizontal pieces, we can change the second part as above and by the same logic we can change alongside also any other part, for example the forth. So, we change the second (557) replacing it with any other part of any design and pattern, fabric and material, colour and colour combination as shown above and we change also the forth (558) replacing it with a piece of another design and pattern, e.g. A-line, long, fluffy (FIG. 72), of any fabric and material, colour and colour combination. The change is based on the fact that for each piece to be added to the main body of the garment, whether it is intermediate to other pieces, or at the lower part, the length of its sides as well as the length of its zippers, wherever these are placed, should be the same as the length of the sides of the main body of the garment to which it will be attached, as well as the type of the zipper should be the same or the attaching means should be the same, so to allow the attaching. By the same reasoning, we can change all the pieces making all possible combinations of designs and patterns, fabrics and materials, colours and combination of colours according to the logic described in the invention. Double zipper can also be used, with which we can remove pieces from the main body of the garment or change the length or both. So, in one piece, we unzip one of the double zipper so to remove the piece (e.g. the lower at the bottom) and in another piece, we unzip the other zipper of the double zipper and change the length of the main body of the garment (FIG. 73). This can be done for all ∨∨ circumferential pieces, in which we divide the main body of the garment.
Everything that applies to the main body of the garment with zippers forming ∨ front and back (∨∨ circumferentially), applies also to the main body of the garment with zippers forming ∧ front and back (∧∧ circumferentially) (FIG. 74). Also, the same applies to the main body of the garment with zippers forming ∨∨ front and back (∨∨∨∨ circumferentially) (FIG. 75), and to the main body of the garment with zippers forming ∧∧ front and back (∧∧∧∧ circumferentially) (FIG. 76). It applies also to all parts in which we divide the main body of the garment.
Everything that applies to the main part of the garment without openings, applies to the main part of the garment having front openings (shirt, jacket, coat etc.), rear openings or elsewhere and/or to the sides. On this main body of the garment, the zippers start and finish at each opening of the main body of the garment so the garment to be opened. For example, a main body of the garment having horizontal zippers dividing it into parallel pieces, the zippers begin where the opening of the garment is, encircle the main body of the garment and end on the other side, where the other opening the main body of the garment is. So when opened, they may be detached (FIG. 77). This applies to any case where detaching of pieces is needed. At both sides of the opening, wherever this is, there, must be the beginning and/or the end of the zipper in order to open and detach the pieces.
The Fabric 1 (squares), which is mentioned above, can be used in any change, as well as the Fabric 2 (rectangles), the Fabric 3 (triangles) and the Fabric 4 (polygons), cut on the basis of the pattern that we need to use. Each choice mentioned can also be applied to the front but also to the rear side of a garment, or on both of them.
Attaching of the Main Body of the Garment to Other Garment Designs
Continuing the description of the invention, if we put a zipper at the bottom of the main body of the garment, we can attach it to a skirt and create a dress (FIG. 78). The attaching of the two garment (main part-skirt) is based on the fact that the upper side of the skirt, which will be added, should have the same length and the same type of zipper with the down side of the main body of the garment, to which it will be attached, or have the same attaching means, so that the two garments can attach together, and the beginning and the end of the zippers of both garments to be at the same point, that is, at the opening of the skirt, so that they could open and detach. If the skirt or the main body of the garment do not have an opening, then the zipper can begin and end at any point of the attaching. So, by fastening the zipper of the main body of the garment with the upper zipper of the skirt, we have a dress. So, by using this technique with the zipper that joins the main body of the garment with the skirt, we can put any type of skirt of other design, length, and pattern (559), such as e.g. short, narrow, midi, Tufted, balloon, A-line, pleated, etc. (FIG. 79) and create every possible combination of dress, provided that for the attaching to be correct, each skirt will have the same length as the main body of the garment at the point of attaching, the same zipper or the same attaching means. Or they can also be replaced by skirts of any type and length, of any fabric and material and any colour and colour combination. For this, can also be used double zipper as well as the Fabric 1 (squares), the Fabric 2 (rectangles), the Fabric 3 (triangles), the Fabric 4 (polygons)—all analysed above—cut in the pattern of any type of skirt. The connection can be done at any point of the main body of the garment where there is an horizontal zipper, at the hemline, on the waistline, under the arm (FIG. 80), provided there is a zipper of the same type and length. Also we can add any fabric of any design and pattern, of any fabric and material, of any colour and combination of colours according to the logic described in the invention, which we will have sewn on the zipper that will add, and by closing it on the blouse, the result will be a skirt with slit. Or, in case we have any other separations with horizontal pieces in the main body of the garment, such as those described in the invention, where a skirt could also be attach, then at the point of attaching the upper part of the skirt should have the same design and the same attaching means with each horizontal part of the main body of the garment, to which the skirt will be attached. This applies to all variants and styles of the main body of the garment, mentioned above, but also to all variations and styles of the skirt, analysed below.
By placing a zipper at the bottom part of the main body of the garment, we can to attach it to trousers and create a jumpsuit (FIG. 81). The connection of the two garments (main part—trousers) is based on the fact that the upper side of the trousers to be added should have the same length and the same type of zipper—or to have the same attachment means—with the down side of the main body of the garment to which it will be attached, so as for the two pieces to attach together and the beginning and the end of the zippers of both to be at the opening of the trousers, so that they could open and detach. If the pants or the main body of the garment do not have an opening, then the zipper can begin and end anywhere at the point of the attaching. Consequently, by attaching the zipper of the main body of the garment with the zipper of the trousers, we create a jumpsuit. By using the same zipper that attaches the main body of the garment to the trousers, we can put any kind of trousers of other design, length or pattern, such as short, tight, pants, shorts, fluffy, balloon, A-line, pleated, etc. (FIG. 82) and create every possible combination of jumpsuit, provided that any pants that will be added, will have the same length as the main body of the garment at the point of the attaching and the same type of zipper or the same attaching means. Or, they can also be replaced by trousers of any type and length, of any fabric and material and any colour and colour combination. For this, double zipper can also be used as well as the Fabric 1 (squares), the Fabric 2 (rectangles), the Fabric 3 (triangles), the Fabric 4 (polygons)—all analysed above—cut in the pattern of any type of trousers. The connection can be made at any point of the main body of the garment where there is an horizontal zipper (in the the hemline, in the waistline, under the arm), provided that the zipper of the main body of the garment and that of the trousers is of the same type and length that of the main portion of the garment with the trousers. Or in case we have any other type of separations with horizontal pieces in the main body of the garment, where trousers could be attached, according to what is described in the invention, then at the point of attaching, the top part of the trousers should have the same design and the same attaching means with the horizontal part of the garment, to which the trousers will be attached. This applies to all variants and styles of the main body of the garment mentioned above but also to all variations and styles of trousers that will be mentioned below.
Attaching of the Main Body of the Garment to Sleeves
This section concerns the connection of all sleeves to the main body of the garment. In any design, at the point of the attaching of the sleeve, the sleeves are not sewn with the main body part of the garment but the connection is made with zippers, or buttons, or scratch, or clasps, Velcro-type adhesive, laces, clips, etc. that attach the sleeves to the main body of garment. We are going to talk about zippers but everything that applies to the zippers, also apply to whatever attaching means we use to make the attaching.
Accordingly, every design of sleeves that is mentioned in the invention or of any type of sleeves that exist in any type of clothing (shirt, dress, blouse, coat, etc.) can be removed from the main body of the garment after having put zippers (409) or other attaching means at the point of the attaching of the sleeve (FIG. 83). They can be changed and replaced by other sleeves of any design and pattern, of any fabric and materiel and any colour and combination of colours, as described in this invention (FIG. 84). The only condition is that the length of each sleeve and the zipper as well as the design used at the point of the sleeve attaching are the same with the ones that the garment has at the point of the attaching of the sleeve or that the sleeve and the garment have the same attach-detach means, so that the attaching is feasible.
A design, that we have mentioned above, is to remove the sleeves and the zipper to be at the classical point of the attaching of the sleeve. The zipper that attaches the main body of the garment with the sleeve can be sewn not exactly on the shoulder, where the classical line of sleeve attaching is but a little bit more inside. The seam of sleeve then will not pass exactly on the point of the shoulder but between the neck and the shoulder (for example 410, 411) (FIG. 85). In that way the design of the shoulder changes and by removing the sleeves, we have straps of different width, depending on where we have put the zipper or the attach-detach means. After being removed the sleeves from any potential position, they can be replaced by any type of design or pattern (560-561), such as short, fluffy, balloon, etc. (FIG. 86). Or, they can be replaced by any type of sleeves of any fabric and material, of any colour and combination of colours or of any type of adjustable pieces of fabric according to the logic described in this invention. The change is based on the fact that the length of each sleeve circumferentially at the point of the sleeve attaching is the same as the length that the main body of the garment has and they also have the same zipper or the same attach-detach means, so that the attaching is be feasible. Consequently, by attaching the zippers of the main body of the garment to the zipper of any type of sleeve, we have a completed and a different garment. The sleeves may not be replaced, and the garment remains as a main body of a garment with straps of any width (FIG. 87). Or, one sleeve can be removed and the other attached, so a to have a garment with one shoulder, either right or left.
The design covers any change on the seam of the armpit. Whether it goes more inside in the shoulder, as mentioned, or lower than the armpit, (FIG. 88) or widens circumferentially along the armpit (and more inwards the neck and lower than the armpit) giving a wider opening (FIG. 89). In the design, where the seam of the armpit is circumferentially larger, if we remove the sleeves, then automatically we have a sleeveless garment. The zippers can be placed in any distance from the classical line of sleeve attaching, according to the opening that we want to give to the main body of the garment in the region of the armpit after the removal of the sleeves. Also, after removing the sleeves, independently of the width the armpit has, these can be replaced by any type of sleeves of other design and pattern (562, 563), such as short, fluffy, balloon, etc. (FIG. 90). Or they can be replaced by any type of sleeves of any fabric and material and of any colour and combination of colours or of any type of adjustable pieces of fabric according to the logic described in this invention. The change is based on the fact that the length of each sleeve circumferentially at the point of the sleeve attaching and the zipper, as we can see in the Figure, is the same as the length that the main body of the garment has circumferentially along the point where the sleeve will be attached and that the zipper or the attach-detach means are of the same type, so that the attaching is be feasible. So, by fastening the zipper of the main body of the garment with the zipper of any type of sleeve, we have a new completed garment. The circumferential design of attaching in the armpit, that is the sleeve attaching, can form even an arch by having two zippers. By attaching two zippers, an horizontal one under the armpit and a vertical one that starts at the point where it forms a corner with the one side of the horizontal zipper and it ends, passing by the shoulder, towards the back to the other side of the horizontal zipper or the opposite (that is, from the back to the front). We will call it “sleeve arch” (FIG. 91). Moreover, the specific sleeves can be replaced by any type of sleeves of any design and pattern, of any fabric and material, of any colour and combination of colours or by any type of adjustable pieces of fabric, according to the logic described in this invention. This type of “arch” opening can have any size around the armpit. It can be either very close to the sleeve attaching, or have a more oblong shape with an horizontal zipper at any point until the end of the main part of the garment, or inwards towards the collar, or towards both sides (positions 410, 411) (FIG. 92). In the specific “arch” design of sleeve, we have two zippers. One that is horizontally under the armpit and another one that starts from the one side of the horizontal zipper and passes along the main body of the garment until the shoulder and ends up at the back, that is at the other side of the horizontal zipper. Or, from the back towards the front. Consequently, so that the connection to be made, the main body of the garment and the sleeve that will be added, should both have the shape “arch” at the point of the attaching, two zippers (one horizontal and one vertical from the front and backwards), zippers (horizontal and vertical) of the same length on both pieces (main body part—sleeve) and the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means, so that the attaching would be feasible. The circumferential design of attaching in the armpit, that is, the sleeve attaching, can also form a square by having four zippers. We have two horizontal zippers, one under the armpit and the other over the shoulder and two vertical zippers that each attaches the two sides of the horizontal zippers, one in front and one on the back. We will call it “square sleeve” (FIG. 93). Moreover, the specific sleeves can be replaced by any type of sleeves of any design and pattern, of any fabric and material, of any colour and combination of colours or by any type of adjustable pieces of fabric, according to the logic described in this invention. This “square” opening can have any size around the armpit. It can be either very close to the sleeve attaching, or have a more oblong shape with an horizontal zipper at any point until the end of the main part of the garment, or inwards towards the collar, or towards both sides (positions 412, 413) (FIG. 94). In the specific design of “square” sleeve, we have four zippers. So, for the connection to be made, the main body of the garment and the sleeve should both “square” shape at the point of attaching, four zippers (two horizontal and two vertical), zippers of the same length (horizontal-vertical) on both pieces (main body of the garment—sleeve) and the same type of zippers or attach-detach means, so that the attaching would be feasible. Another design of sleeve attaching is the circle around the armpit. It starts from the shoulder, forms a half circle on the front side, passes down the armpit, forms another half circle on the back side and ends up on the shoulder (FIG. 95) or it can start from any point of the circle at the front or at the back. Moreover, the specific sleeves can be replaced by any type of sleeves of any design and pattern, of any fabric and material, of any colour and combination of colours or by any type of adjustable pieces of fabric, according to the logic described in this invention, as long as the sleeves that will be used have the same circular zipper and the same length so that the attaching is feasible or to have the same attach-detach means. This circular opening can have any size around the armpit. In all these designs, the sleeves may not be replaced, giving us sleeveless garments of different designs. Furthermore, two or more zippers-slits can be used so as to change the size of the opening at the armpit, in a way that we will also mention for the neck, or we can have a combination of different openings of those mentioned, in the region of the armpit. Also, every armpit design that we have mentioned, by changing or transformation, can be applied to any main body of garment in all its variations. The Fabric 1 (squares), the Fabric 2 (rectangles), the Fabric 3 (triangles), the Fabric 4 (polygons)—all analysed above—sewn according to the pattern of each sleeve, could also be used. Lastly, any type of sleeve, in all their variations, analysed below in the sleeve section of this description, could also be used.
Change of Neck-Collar Design on the Main Body of the Garment
In the main body of the garment, the opening of the neck-collar can also change. If we desire neckline collar, we would have sewn a zipper circumferentially along the neck-collar or we would have used other attach-detach means on a larger opening around the neck, where the pieces would be detached, so by removing it we would have a more opened collar on the main body of the garment (FIG. 96). The shapes of the zippers, and consequently and the openings, may be of any neck-collar design, such as the deepest circular (FIG. 97), square (FIG. 98), more circumferential on shoulders (FIG. 99), shaped \ / (FIG. 100), zigzag (FIG. 101), star (FIG. 102), etc. The zipper can start at any point in the main body of the garment (front, back, anywhere on the side), depending on where we want the opening to be, as long as the zipper can be opened and the piece be removed, makes a circle and ends up at the point where it started, either from the right to the left or from the left to the right. In the square neck design, we have one horizontal zipper in front, 2 zippers each starting vertically from each of the sides of the front horizontal zipper, then pass through the shoulder and end up back at both ends of the second horizontal zipper, on the same alignment (FIGS. 103, 104 (the back)). Or, we may not have horizontal zipper on the back that makes a square, so the vertical zipper begins at the one side of the front horizontal zipper, then passes behind the neck in any opening and ends up in front and specifically on the other side of the horizontal zipper (FIG. 105, back). Even we can even have the opposite, that is, on the back, only a square back and on the front, a circular neck. That is, to have an horizontal zipper on the back and another one starting vertically from one side of the horizontal zipper, going up over the shoulder, passing in front of the neck at any point and ending up, passing through the other shoulder, at the other side of the horizontal zippers on the back (FIG. 106, 107 (back)). If we remove this piece, we have a main body of garment with an open square back. We can also use a zipper that has oval circular shape, around the neck, the same way we did at the previous the main body of the garment, and this zipper should continue on the back with the same oval shape as in front, and in that way, it will create an opening of any length on the back or in front, as open and closed as we desire. Consequently, the zipper may start from any point in front, then on the back, and then, make the circle and end up at its beginning, so that it can be opened and the piece be removed, either from the right to the left, or from the left to the right. If we removed this piece, we have a main body of garment with open back (FIG. 108, 109 (back)). Second and third “cutting” zippers (meaning zippers that remove parts) can also be placed in the same main body of the garment, lower or higher, more to the inside or to the outside, so as to have more options regarding openings. The zippers can have any possible distance between them, and we can have as many zippers as the options of openings that we want to have (positions 414, 415) (FIG. 110). Each piece removed can be replaced with any other kind of collar or neck, of any design and pattern (provided that the lines of the connection have the same length and the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means). Moreover, it can also be replaced by any kind of collar of any fabric and material, of any colour and combination of colours or of any type of adjustable pieces of fabric, according to the logic that is described in the invention. It can also be replaced by a piece of any design that will completely change the style of the main body of the garment, for example by a piece of fabric which is raised, or flounced, or any other design (FIG. 111), of any fabric and material and of any colour and combination of colours, as long as the two pieces have the same length at the point of attaching and the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means are used. Two or three different types of openings for example, neckline, square, circumferential to the shoulders, that is, when we have a neck shape ∨, we can put a zipper in a lower point, and consequently, when removing the zipper, we can have the main body of garment with neckline (FIG. 112) or when we have neckline, to put a square opening, and consequently when removing it, to have a square neck on the main body of the garment (FIG. 113). Or, we could combine more than two different types of openings (FIG. 114), each of which can be replaced by another piece of collar. Moreover, the front and/or the back opening for any design can be ∨ or circular and concern all type of openings. In case we have a main body of garment that has an opening on any side (front, back, on the side), such as for instance the shirts, the jackets, etc., then the beginnings and the ends of the zippers should be at the points of opening of the main body of garment, so that it can be opened and the piece be removed. In case of horizontal zippers (square opening), instead of any, we have two zippers at the point of opening so that it can be opened.
Attaching of the Main Part of Garment to Collars
In this section, we will talk about collar attachings to the main body of the garment. In each design, at the point where the collar attaches to the main body of garment, the collar is not sewn to the main body of garment but the attaching, wherever that is, is made either by zipper or buttons, scratch, clasps, Velcro-type adhesives, laces, clips, etc. In the description, we talk about zippers, but the same that we describe, applies to any attach-detach means that will be used to make the connection.
One design is at the point where the collar is attached to the main body of the garment. Instead of seam, there is again a zipper, so the collar can be completely removed or replaced with any other collar of any design or pattern (collar 564, 565) (FIG. 115). Or it can also be replaced by any kind of collar of any fabric and material, of any colour and colour combination, in any design the collar of the main body of the garment may be and for any type of main body of garment (neckline, V, square, etc.), or by any kind of adjustable pieces of fabric, according to the logic described in the invention. The change is based on the fact that the neck of the main body of the garment has the same length as the collar to which it will be attached and the same type of zipper or the same type of attach-detach means, so as for the attaching to be feasible. Also, the collar may not be replaced and therefore, we could have a main body of garment with a collar of Mao type.
In designs 116 and 117, we see some of the possible combinations of the main body of the garment—skirt and a main body of garment—trousers respectively, which were mentioned, and all possible options of changes, replacements, separations that can be applied to garments, according to the invention, as well as some of the combinations that we analyse below, concerning sleeves, skirts and trousers (the dashed lines indicate possible designs of pieces and positions of zippers).
Other Variations of the Main Body of the Garment
In the main body of the garment, we can also put a zipper on its side seams and on the shoulders as well as circumferentially on the sleeve attaching where the main body of the garment is attached to the sleeves, that is, where where the basic stitches in a normal part of garment are (FIG. 118, 119 (top), 120 (side)). Removing the sleeves (which have two zippers, one in front and on on the back so that they can also be detached from the shoulder), and opening the zippers on the sides and on the shoulders, which attach the front part to the rear one, we can put one type of piece in front and another type on the back. We can add, for example, a wide piece on the back. That means that, in particular, we can remove the front or rear part of the main body of the garment and in its place, to put one, of any kind, piece of another design and patterns, such as short, fluffy, balloon, A-line, pleated, etc. (FIG. 121). Or they can also be replaced by pieces of any type and length, of any fabric and material and of any colour and combination of colours, according to the logic described in the invention. The change is based on the fact that the points of the main body of the garment, where the front part attaches to the rear part, that is, on the shoulders and on the sides or on the sleeves (if there are any), should have the same length in the points of shoulders and the sleeves (the front and rear can have different length on the low side) and the same kind of zipper with the piece, that will be added, whether we change the front or the rear part, or to have the same attach-detach means, so that the two pieces could be attached together. So by joining the zipper of the front or of the rear side with another design and pattern of the front or rear side, we have a new main body of garment. By opening the side seams of the main body of the garment, we can add pieces of fabric on the attachings, thus enlarging the size number of the main body of the garment, if we gained weight or need to change size. A double zipper can be also used. The Fabric 1 (squares), the Fabric 2 (rectangles), the Fabric 3 (triangles), as well as the Fabric 4 (polygons)—analysed above—cut in any desired patterns for the front or rear part, can also be used.
Adding of Zippers and Pieces of Fabric on the Main Body of the Garment
Another design for the main body of the garment is to have a classical main body of garment and to sew on it a zipper on the right and another on the left, vertically, which will start from the front side of the garment, pass over the shoulder and end up on the rear side of the garment, or vertically, in the front or the rear side, without passing over the shoulders. The point where the zipper starts, either right or left, or where it end, it can be anywhere along the main body of the garment. So, we sew the one side of the zipper on the main body of the garment and the other side of the zipper to one piece of fabric, either simply straight, like a strip of any width, or any other type of design or pattern (566), such as e.g. fluffy, loose, etc. (FIG. 122). Different types of pieces, of any fabric or material, of any colour or combination of colours, according to the logic described in the invention, can be used, as long as the zipper—or any attach-detach means—of the piece that will be added, is of the same length and type with the one that was sewn on the main body of the garment, so as for the attaching to be feasible. For example, two zippers are put vertically on each side of the main body of the garment (right-left), so as to have four pieces of fabric on the main body of the garment (FIG. 123) or four vertical zippers are added, wherever desired, in front or on the back, without passing over the shoulder, or, in this way, we add as many pieces of fabric as we want. Different pieces of fabric can be combined (fabrics 567, 568) (FIG. 124), of different design and pattern, of any fabric or material, of any colour or combination of colours, according to the logic described in this invention. The vertical zippers can have any possible distance between them, and be as many as the main body of garment (front and back) can take, depending on how many pieces we want to add and how many zippers we want to put.
The same happens when sewing horizontal zippers on the main body of the garment. We sew a zipper that starts from any point, passes around over the main body of the garment and ends up in front, at the other side or anywhere horizontally along on the main body of the garment. The point where the zipper begins or ends on each side can be anywhere horizontally along on the main part of the garment. So we sew the one side of the zipper on the main body of the garment and the other to a piece of fabric, either simply straight as a strip of any width or in any other design or pattern (569), such as e.g. fluffy, loose, etc. (FIG. 125). Or they can also be used any kind of pieces, of any fabric or material, of any colour or combination of colours, according to the logic described in the invention, as long as the zipper of the piece that will be added to the has the same length as the zipper that is sewn on the main part of the garment and has the same type of zipper, or the same attaching means, so that the attaching is feasible. The zippers may also be sewn to any point on the main body of the garment. The horizontal zippers can have every possible distance between them and be as many as the main body of the garment can take (in front and on the back), depending on how many different pieces we want to add and how many zippers we want to put. We can for example put two zippers or more horizontally so to have two pieces of fabric on the main body of the garment. Different pieces of fabric, of different design and pattern, of fabric and material, of color and color combination can be combined.
Now we will combine the two previous designs of main body of the garment, so as to have more options and the change we want. A main body of garment has a vertical zipper sewn along in both sides (one on the right and one on the left), from the front to the back. Also, it has an horizontal zipper that starts, in front, from the one side and ends up, passing around, also in front, on the other side. Both these zippers have the same length and are of the same type. We add a piece of fabric to the vertical zippers, as mentioned in the previous paragraph regarding vertical zippers. However, we can remove the one piece (570) and put it on the horizontal zipper since this zipper has the same length and type or since we use has the same attaching means (FIG. 126). In the main body of the garment, we can have two vertical and two horizontal zippers. The condition of all combinations of vertical and horizontal zippers is that the horizontal zippers should not meet with the vertical ones, so that the change of the pieces can be made. So, we can have two pieces (571) attached on the main body of the garment at the two vertical zippers of each side and remove one and place it at the horizontal zipper (FIG. 127). Or to have two pieces at the vertical zippers and none at the horizontal ones, or two at the vertical ones and one at the horizontal, or two at the vertical and two at the horizontal, or two at the horizontal and none at the vertical, or two at the horizontal and one at the vertical, etc., depending on how many horizontal and vertical zippers we have and all their possible combinations. As added pieces can be used pieces of any design or pattern, of any fabric or material, of any colour or combination of colours, as long as the the points of the attaching of the zippers of the pieces have the same length as the main body of the garment, have the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means, so that the attaching would be feasible.
The same happens if we sew zippers laterally on the main body of the garment (FIG. 128). The zippers can start in the front in shape ∨, pass over the shoulder and end up on the back side in shape ∨, as the vertical zippers that were mentioned in the previous paragraph, or zippers can have the shape ∨ and pass under the shoulders and end up in shape also ∨ on the back, such as the horizontal zippers that were mentioned in the previous paragraph. The zippers that pass over the shoulders, that is over the sleeves, are for the upper part, such as the vertical zippers that were mentioned above, and the zippers that pass under the armpit are for the lower part, such as the horizontal pieces also mentioned above. Here the same also applies regarding the combinations, and everything that concerns the horizontal and vertical zippers mentioned in the previous paragraph as well as their combinations, materiel, fabrics, designs, patterns, colours and combinations of colours.
The same applies also to the zippers that are sewn, contrary to the previous ones (FIG. 129), that is, in shape ∧ and in all possible combinations, whether they pass over the shoulder, like the vertical zippers or the previous aslant ones, which pass over the shoulder, or under the armpit, as the horizontal or the previous aslant ones, which pass under the armpit. The same applies to the vertical and horizontal zippers to which pieces are added, and if zippers are sewn laterally and pieces are added (FIG. 130), in shape ∨ (FIG. 131), in shape ∧ (FIG. 132), in shape ∨∨ (FIG. 133), in shape ∧∧ (FIG. 134), in wave style (FIG. 135). By the same logic, any pieces can be added with attaching means to any garment, by any order and by following the same rules, these pieces can be exchanged between them, or have their position changed, creating new garments.
By the same logic, pieces of fabric can be added to any part of a garment or to any garment and to have the same options and to make the same variations, like the ones mentioned regarding the main body of the garment and amongst the different parts of the garment. Everything analysed regarding the main body of the garment can also be applied to the sleeves: the horizontal zippers or the other attach-detach means (FIG. 136), the vertical zippers or the other attach-detach means (FIG. 137), and their combination (FIG. 138), and all the variations regarding shapes and possible placements, changes and replacements.
Everything analysed regarding the main body of the garment can also be applied to the trousers: the horizontal zippers or the other attach-detach means (FIG. 139), the vertical zippers or the other attach-detach means (FIG. 140), and their combination (FIG. 141), and all the variations regarding shapes and possible placements, changes and replacements. Vertical and horizontal zippers and pieces of shorter length on each of the legs of the trousers (due to the circumferential length that each leg has and where the horizontal zippers will be put) can be added, as long as the vertical with the horizontal zippers—or the attach-detach means—have the same length and are of the same type, so that the attaching is feasible (FIG. 142).
Everything analysed regarding the main body of the garment can also be applied to the skirt: the horizontal zippers or the other attach-detach means (FIG. 143), the vertical zippers or the other attach-detach means (FIG. 144), and their combination (FIG. 145), and all the variations regarding shapes and possible placements, changes and replacements.
This can be done to any garment, of any design or pattern, of any fabric or material, of any colour or combination of colours, as well as to any garment with any variation described in this invention, as long as the pieces can be put without influencing any other change or transformation of the garment. By this logic, all these pieces of fabric that are added, can have multiple positions in any order on a garment.
Creation of Pockets on the Main Body of the Garment
Pockets can be added or changed on the main body of the garment. They can also be removed or replaced by other pockets of any fabric and material, of any colour and combination of colours. This can be achieved by sewing the one side of a zipper on the main body of the garment on the design that the pocket will have (FIG. 146) and the other side of the zipper circumferentially on the pocket that will be added. For instance, for the design of a pocket with shape U, one side of the zipper should be sewn on the main body of the garment, wherever we want to put the pocket, and the other side circumferentially on any pocket. Like this we can change the pocket and put any pocket of any fabric and material, of any colour and combination of colours, as long as the pocket that will be added is of the same design at the point where it will be added, and has the same type of zipper, or the same attach-detach means with the one that we have on the main body of the garment. More than one pockets can be added on the main body of the garment and changes can be made or combinations of pockets. The attaching can be made with one zipper or more according to the design of the pocket. If the pocket has the design ∨, then two zippers are used (FIG. 147). If the pocket has a square or rectangular shape, then three zippers are used (FIG. 148), etc. By this logic, pockets of any design can be created and removed or changed with others, whenever desired. The combination of pockets of different designs on a garment can also be made.
By the same logic, pockets can be changed or added on any part of garment or any garment and the same variations, as the ones mentioned regarding the main body of the garment, can be made on different parts of the garment. Everything that was described regarding the main body of the garment, such as the variations, the possible placements, changes and replacements, can be applied for example to the sleeves (FIG. 149) and to the trousers (FIG. 150) and to the skirts (FIG. 151) and to any type of garment and at any point of this garment.
Any variation mentioned regarding the main body of the garment can be attached to any variation of the sleeves, that will be analysed below, as long as at the point of the sleeve attaching, wherever that is and whatever shape it has, according to what has been described, the zipper or the attach-detach means that attach them, have the same length and shape and are of the same type, so that the attaching is feasible.
Each design of the main body of the garment, described in these sections, may be solid as a main body of the garment, but all the possible combinations of variants described can be made, as long as they are feasible, according to the described above.
A main body of the garment may be any type of garment, for instance short blouse of any length, or shirt, coat, dress, trench coat, sweater and a main body of a garment covering all sizes.
Also, each main body of the garment may be composed of as many pieces as desired, according to the invention, so that the user can choose to create the exact size of main body of the garment he needs and aesthetically wants, and on it, to apply all the variations, analysed above.
Also, each main body of the garment may receive simultaneously parallel and multiple connections, subtractions, changes, replacements, exchanges, extensions, lengthenings, reductions, enlargements, modifications, transformations, use of verticals, horizontals, aslant, aslant-horizontals, aslant-circulars, in shape \ /, / \, \ / \ /, / \ / \, \ / \ / \ / \ /, / \ / \ / \ / \, and wavy separations.
On the attached by zippers parts, in each connection, in each variant of the main body of the garment, that were described, when it is mentioned that pieces should be of the same length and have the same type of zipper, this means that the one side of the same zipper or the same type of zipper is sewn on each side of the pieces to be attached, so that the zipper can be closed and the attaching can be feasible.
All designs are applicable in all men, women's and children's sleeves and main body of garment and cover all sizes. They even cover and can be applied to any kind of sleeve and main body of garment of any design and pattern, of any fabric and material, of any colour and combination of colours.
By the same logic applied to all these variations regarding the main body of the garment, it will be examined how these variations are applied to each part of the garment (sleeves) and to any other type of garment separately (skirts, trousers, dresses, blouses, shirts, etc.).
For each type, length, design, pattern, colour and colour combination of sleeves, we can use the same various different variations for the main body of the garment that, could be attached as pieces and/or removed as pieces and/or preplaced by other pieces, and/or lengthened, and/or amended. What changes is simply that the fabric is cut into a sleeve pattern, of any design and pattern, of any fabric and material, of any colour and colour combination. The first design is to have zippers horizontally along the sleeve, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 152). What we saw above at the main body of the garment for the horizontal pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The second design is to have wavy-horizontal zippers ˜, along the sleeve dividing it into pieces (FIG. 153). What we saw above at the main body of the garment for the wavy-horizontal pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The third design is to have zippers vertical along the sleeve, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 154). What we saw above at the main body of the garment for the vertical pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The fourth design is to have zippers aslant-circular along the sleeve, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 155). What we saw above at the main body of the garment for the aslant-circular pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The fifth design is to have zippers aslant vertical with this direction \ along the sleeve, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 156). What we saw above at the main body of the garment for the aslant with this direction \ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The sixth design is to have zippers aslant vertical with this direction / along the sleeve, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 157). What we saw above at the main body of the garment for the aslant with this direction / pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The seventh design is to have zippers aslant vertical with these directions \ / along the sleeves when the hands are closed, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 158). What we saw above at the main body of the garment for the aslant with these directions ∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The eighth design is to have zippers aslant vertical with these directions / \ along the sleeves when the hands are closed, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 159). What we saw above at the main body of the garment for the aslant with these directions / \ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The ninth design is to have zippers, dividing the sleeves into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∨∨ along the sleeves (FIG. 160). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∨∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The tenth design is to have zippers, dividing the sleeves into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∧∧ along the sleeves (FIG. 161). What we saw above in the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∧∧ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The eleventh design is to have zippers, dividing the sleeves into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∨∨∨∨ along the sleeves (FIG. 162). What we saw above in the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∨∨∨∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The twelfth design is to have zippers, dividing the sleeves into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∧∧∧∧ along the sleeves (FIG. 163). What we saw above in the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∧∧∧∧ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design.
Everything that applies for the horizontal pieces with zippers, applies also for the aslant pieces resulting from having zippers with this direction / on each sleeve (aslant-horizontal instead of horizontal) or with this direction \ on each sleeve, dividing it in pieces. The zippers have circular direction upwards at the front of the sleeve and again downwards at the back of the sleeve till their starting point or the opposite, in order to be able to separate. The same things, the same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, apply, with the only difference that the zipper will have the aslant-horizontal directions / or \ in any sleeve instead of horizontal (FIGS. 164, 165). The same applies also for the zippers that have this direction on one sleeve \ (left) and this direction / on the other (right). They form a ∨ when the hands are closed (FIG. 166). Likewise, the same applies also for the zippers that have this direction on one sleeve / (left) and this direction \ on the other (right). They form a ∧ when the hands are closed (FIG. 167). On any design that we have on the sleeves //, \\, ∧, ∨, ˜, at the sleeve attaching with each garment, if the sleeves are detached from the main body of the garment, we have a zipper in the form of each sleeve attaching, wherever that is, and the same type and the same length of zipper at both the edge of the sleeve and the edge of the garment attached, or they have the same form, if it comes for different types of sleeve attaching mentioned above, so to be able to match any sleeve with any main body of the garment, in any form of sleeve attaching. The sleeves in every variation mentioned, can be opened upwards or downwards, or with direction from left to right or the opposite in case of wavy ˜ zipper, as long as they can be opened and detached.
Also, in any sleeve in every main body of the garment, the cuffs can be changed. A zipper or any other attach-detach mean is placed, at the point where cuff is attached to the sleeve, in order to be removable and replaced with any kind of cuff, of every design and pattern, any fabric and material and any colour or colour combination (FIG. 168). The change lies on that the edge of the every sleeve with the edge of every cuff attached, have the same length and the same zipper or the same attach-detach means. That applies in sleeves of every length (long, short, to elbow, etc.).
The Fabric 1 (squares), the Fabric 2 (rectangles), the Fabric 3 (triangles) and the Fabric 4 (polygons)—analysed above—cut in patterns of the parts we want to add, can also be used in every change.
Also, each sleeve may consist of as many pieces we want, according to the invention, so the user can choose to create the exact in size and style sleeve he wants and on it to apply all variations mentioned above, provided that they are feasible in all cases.
Also each sleeve is characterized by the combination of options of creating, changing, replacement, lengthening, extensions, subtraction/removal, modifications, connections, exchanges, reduction/enlargement, reducing, transformation and expansion mentioned in the invention. Also is characterized by the combination and parallel use of vertical, horizontal, aslant, aslant-horizontal, aslant-circular, in shape \ /, / \, \ / \ /, / \ / \, \ / \ / \ / \ /, / \ / \ / \ / \, and wavy separations.
I will describe how many changes can be done in a pair of trousers and how trousers can have multifunctional use. Let us take for example a simple straight pair of trousers from waist to ankles (FIG. 169).
For each type, length, design, pattern, colour and colour combination of trousers, we can use the same different variations of the main body of the garment that could be attached as pieces and/or removed as pieces and/or preplaced by other pieces, and/or lengthened, and/or amended. What changes is, simply, that the fabric is cut into each trousers pattern, of each design and pattern, of each fabric and material, of every colour and colour combination. The first design is to have zippers horizontally along each trouser leg of the trousers, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 170). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The second design is to have wavy-horizontal zippers ˜, along each trouser leg of the trouser (FIG. 171). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal wavy pieces ˜ with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The third design is to have zippers vertical along each trouser leg of the trouser, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 172). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the the vertical pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The fourth design is to have zippers aslant-circular along each trouser leg of the trouser, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 173). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the aslant-circular pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The fifth design is to have zippers aslant-vertical with this direction \ along each trouser leg of the trouser, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 174). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the aslant-vertical with this direction \ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The sixth design is to have zippers aslant-vertical with this direction / along each trouser leg of the trouser, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 175). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the aslant-vertical with this direction / pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The seventh design is to have zippers aslant-vertical with these directions \ / along each trouser leg of the trouser, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 176). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the the aslant-vertical with these directions ∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The eighth design is to have zippers aslant-vertical with these directions / \ along each trouser leg of the trouser, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 177). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the the aslant-vertical with these directions ∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The ninth design is to have zippers, dividing the trouser legs into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∨∨ along each trouser leg of the trouser (FIG. 178). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∨∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The tenth design is to have zippers, dividing the trouser legs into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∧∧ along each trouser leg of the trouser (FIG. 179). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∧∧ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The eleventh design is to have zippers, dividing the trouser legs into horizontal pieces, along each trouser leg of the trouser ∨∨∨∨ along the sleeves (FIG. 180). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∨∨∨∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The twelfth design is to have zippers, dividing the trouser legs into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∧∧∧∧ along each trouser leg of the trouser (FIG. 181). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∧∧∧∧ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design.
Everything that applies for the horizontal pieces with zippers, applies also for the aslant pieces resulting from having zippers with this direction / on each trouser leg (aslant-horizontal instead of horizontal) or with this direction \ on each trouser leg, dividing it in pieces. The zippers have the circular direction upwards at the front of the trouser leg and downwards at the back of the trouser leg till their starting point or the opposite, in order to be able to separate. The same things, the same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described are applied in the same way, with the only difference that the zipper will have the aslant-horizontal directions / or \ in any trouser leg instead of horizontal (FIGS. 182, 183). The same applies also for the zippers that have this direction on one trouser leg \ (left) and this direction / on the other (right). They form a ∨ when the legs are closed (FIG. 184). Likewise the same applies also for the zippers that have this direction on one trouser leg / (left) and this direction \ on the other (right). They form a ∧ when the legs are closed (FIG. 185). The zippers in every variation mentioned, can be opened upwards or downwards, or with direction from left to right or the opposite in case of wavy ˜ zipper, as long as they can be opened and detached.
Other Variations of Trousers
If the first zipper is at a point a little lower under the waistline, by unfastening the zipper and removing the rest of the trousers, we can have a belt (FIG. 186).
Each horizontal piece removed from trousers leg can be attached to a main body of garment and be used as a sleeve. So, we remove the lower piece from each trousers leg (FIG. 187) and we place it at the sleeve attaching of the main body of the garment. To enable the connection, the lower part of the lower pieces (572) of each trousers leg to have the same form and the same length with the sleeve attach-detach means, so that the attaching is feasible. Then, since the other pieces of trousers legs (numbers 573, 574 of FIG. 187), are in any case attached to each other, we can just transfer them as they are at the sleeves of the main body of the garment. Thus, we can change the lengths of the trousers by adding or removing pieces and at the same time, change the lengths at the sleeves of the main body of the garment, by adding or removing parts. The same can be done in every style of horizontal pieces of trousers mentioned above. Each design can be attached as sleeves to the main body of the garment. The same applies in a jumpsuit, not only from trousers to main body of the garment, as long as the lower part of each jumpsuit leg has the same form and the same length as the sleeve attaching of the upper part to which it attached, the same length and the same type of zipper with the one to which it will be attached or the same attach-detach means on the upper part of the jumpsuit. In the same way and according to the same rule, this can also be done with any type of main body of garment, that we have mentioned.
Another design is to have zippers not in a horizontal way, but with a direction that starts from the crotch, rises upwardly, at the sides and ends again at the crotch of the rear side. A design where, when the lower parts are removed, gives a body-shaped garment (like underwear) (FIG. 188). After removing the leg parts, we can add other parts of every design and pattern. More specifically, we can remove both leg parts of the trousers and interchange with another leg parts of every design and pattern (575), e.g. short, puffy, balloon, A-line, pleated, long etc. (FIG. 189). Or they can also be replaced by pieces of any kind and length, of any fabric and material, of any colour and combination of colours. The change is based on the fact that each side of the piece to be added to the trousers should have the same length and the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means with the trousers it will be attached to. Each zipper can begin from whichever point in that form of trousers' slit (anywhere on the front, back or side), make a full circle either from right to left or from left to right, as long as when it is unzipped, the piece can be removed. The trousers leg can also consist by horizontal zippers or/and all the other variations of horizontal pieces, aslant-horizontal, wavy-horizontal etc. with all the changes, as well as every design of different horizontal pieces mentioned in the invention. At any change, can also be used the Fabric 1 (squares), the Fabric 2 (rectangles), the Fabric 3 (triangles) and the Fabric 4 (polygons)—analysed above—formed in the patterns of the parts we want to add.
Regarding the trousers of any design that we mentioned, having a horizontal, aslant-horizontal \ / \ /, \ / \ / \ / \ /, / \ / \, / \ / \ / \ / \ and wavy circumferential pieces with zipper or other attach-detach means, if we divide at any point their upper main part, from the waist up to the height of the crotch, before the point where the trousers legs start, and remove the upper part, we can add below a skirt of any kind, length and style, of any design and pattern, of any fabric and material and of any colour and colour combination, provided that the points where that the upper part is joined with each skirt have the same length, the same design, depending on which is used, the same type of zippers or the same attach-detach means, so as to allow the attaching (FIG. 190).
We can also put on the trousers separable/detachable zippers which are detached along the side seams, attaching the front and the back, and along the inside side seams in each trousers leg (FIG. 191). So by opening the zippers on the side and inside, joining the front part with the rear part, we remove the parts in order to be able to use a different front part or back part. We can add, for example, a baggy trousers back. More specifically we can remove the front part or the back part of the trousers and interchange with another leg parts of every design and pattern, e.g. short, puffy, balloon, A-line, pleated, long etc. (FIG. 192), or we can attach two different styles of trousers (576, 577) (FIG. 193). Or they can also be replaced by pieces of any kind and length, of any fabric and material, of any colour and combination of colours. The change is based on the fact that on each side attaching the front with the back part of the trousers, and in the inside sides, the length of the parts attached should be the same and the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means is used at the point where the parts will be attached, so to allow the attaching. So by attaching the zippers of the front or back part with the zippers of another front or back part of any design and pattern, we have a new design of trousers. We can also add pieces of fabric on the inside of the separable/detachable zippers, so by opening the zipper to enlarge the trousers, in case we need a size change (FIG. 194). We can also attach the front with the rear part of every trousers mentioned in the invention, by the vertical zippers and their variations, and every trousers with the horizontal parts with zippers. In that case, the vertical zippers on the sides and insides that attach the front and the back side of the trousers, have to be as many as the horizontal pieces that the trouser will be divided to, in order to be able to be open and detached. We can also use the Fabric 1 (squares), the Fabric 2 (rectangles), the Fabric 3 (triangles) and the fabric 4 (polygons)—analysed above—formed in the patterns of the parts we want to add.
Attaching of Trouser to Other Garments
Another trousers design is the one that on top of it, we can add various types of parts or also garments. At the upper part of the trousers, we have a zipper circumferentially around the waist. A horizontal piece can be added to this zipper for example, (578) to make it the trousers high-waist (FIG. 195). This piece can be in any design and pattern, of any fabric and material and of any colour or colour combination, as long as the sides attached with the zippers have the same length and the same type of zippers or the same attach-detach means. Both the beginning and the end of the zipper should be in the opening of the trousers and of the added part, in order to for it to open and the pieces to be removed. By the same logic and rule, strapless blouse (579) can be added on the waist of the trouser and transform it into strapless jumpsuit (FIG. 196), or add any main body of garment with any variation mentioned in the chapter MAIN BODY OF THE GARMENT, in order to create various jumpsuits (FIG. 197).
Each design of trousers mentioned, can be combined with any jacket, coat, blouse, shirt, sweater or any garment for the upper body. The only condition is that each kind of added part has at its bottom the same length and the same type of zipper or the same attaching means, as that of the trousers' top, at the point of their attaching, according to the rules mentioned, in order to attach or detach pieces. The same applies for trousers of any length (shorts, capri-style, etc.).
We can even change the trousers' revers. We sew one side of a zipper around the trousers' hemline, in each leg and the other side of the zipper on the revers added. So we can add any type of revers (580), of any design and pattern, of any fabric and material and of any colour and colour combination, provided that all revers at their attaching point with each leg of the trousers, have the same length and the same type of zipper with that we have on each leg of the trousers or to the same attach-detach means (FIG. 198). We can also change the pockets and the revers at the same time and create new trousers.
In the simple straight trousers, on the inside seam of trousers legs from crotch to the hemline, the attaching is made by zippers or other attach-detach means (FIG. 199). We open the zippers of trousers legs, we detach them and we attach the zippers of the right side front with the left front and right side back with the left back, and we have a skirt (FIG. 200). The change is based on the fact that each zipper on the inside of the trousers legs, has the same length and the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means. This kind of skirt-trouser can be applied to any trouser mentioned, with vertical zippers, as long as we add two zippers on the inside seams/connections of the trousers legs, that will be opened and detached in order to attach the front with the back creating a skirt, and their pieces to be opened up as discussed above in trousers (FIG. 201) or to be opened and have inside other pieces of fabric (569) (FIG. 202) or to be opened and detached completely. It can also be applied to trousers with all kinds of horizontal parts. In these cases, the vertical zippers on legs that open and attach the front and back part must be as many as the horizontal pieces that will split the skirt-trouser, in order to be opened and be detached. So we can change the length of the trousers or/and skirt we have. This design applies to all the variants mentioned above for the vertical zipper in trousers, but in this case we always have zippers that attach the front to the back side, in each leg, which are opened and detached, and then can be attached in front sides and in back sides and give us the skirt. The specific trousers-skirt can be created in any design and pattern, of any fabric and material and of any colour or colour combination, in any length and style of trousers. The trouser-skirt can be attached at its upper part according to the same rules mentioned above concerning the connections of trousers. The only condition is that each kind of jackets, coats, blouses, shirts that will be added to the trousers-skirt must have at its hemline the same length and the same type of zipper or the same attaching means, as that the trousers-skirt has on top, at the point of their attaching, in order to be attached or detached.
Also the trousers-skirt can be changed and turned to a strapless dress. This can be achieved by putting rubber band in the waistline of trousers-skirt in order to fit it at any height of the waist, but also even above the chest (strapless dress) because the rubber band that we sew in the waist enables us to wear the trousers-skirt even above the waist or even like a strapless dress (FIG. 203). Depending on the length of the trousers-skirt, it may be a shorter or a longer strapless dress. That applies for every trousers, of every design and pattern, of every fabric and material, of every colour and colour combination, that has the zippers to be transformed into to skirt and the rubber band at the waist area. Apart from the rubber band, we can achieve that, if we put buttons or clasps or Velcro-type adhesives at various points of the waist or other means mentioned in the invention, that give us the ability to change the opening of waist circumference and the size, in order to put the skirt higher and anywhere we want in the area of the torso. We can also have openings that allows to pass hands when transform to dress, so that the dress will be held by the shoulders. On the sides of trousers-skirt, we have two vertical openings where hands can pass (one for each hand) or greater in length. We sew two zippers in these openings, which are closed when we use it as trousers-skirt, in order to avoid having them look like holes, and which are opened when we use it as a dress in order for the hands to pass through (FIG. 204). We can add also sleeves (581) in trousers-skirt, so we can have a dress with sleeves (FIG. 205). On the sides of trousers-skirt, right and left, we add two sleeves. When worn like trousers-skirt, we turn sleeves inwards so they function as pockets. For not being open pockets, we sew on their bottom line, a zipper that normally closes the undersides of the sleeves and in that way, they function as pockets. When we change this trousers-skirt in order to wear it as a dress, we take out the pockets-sleeves, open the zipper that we have out at their bottom so the the hands can be put inside and it can be worn like dress with sleeves. Apart from dress, trousers-skirt can be worn as a cape with all these adjustments we made. This applies to every skirt, of any design and pattern, each fabric and material and any colour and colour combination. This also applies to any trousers, of every design and pattern, any fabric and material and any colour and combination of colours that has the zipper and thus can become skirt and has rubber band at the waist or has sleeve pockets. Apart from the rubber band, we can achieve that, if we put buttons or clasps or Velcro-type adhesives at various points on the waist or other means mentioned in the invention, that give us the ability to change the opening of waist circumference and the size, in order to be able to put it also in any place along the waist and fit it anywhere we want at the area of neck and shoulders. By the same logic and rules, we can turn a trousers-skirt into jacket or even coat, if we combine the addition of the pieces that we mentioned and of those discussed in this section of the trousers-skirt transformed into a dress.
Each design of trousers, described in each paragraph, may be a solid pair of trousers, but each design can also be made by all the possible combinations of variants described, if this is feasible.
On the attached by zippers parts, in each connection, for each described variant in the trousers, when it is mentioned ‘the same length and the same type zipper’, this means that the one side of the same zipper or the same type of zipper is sewn on each side of the pieces to be attached (or the same attach-detach means), so that the attaching is feasible.
Also, each trousers may be composed of as many desired pieces as we want, according to the invention, so that the user can choose to create the exact size and main body of the garment he aesthetically prefers, and on it, to apply all the variations analysed above.
Also, each trousers can receive simultaneously parallel and multiple connections, subtractions/removals, changes, replacements, exchanges, extensions, lengthenings, reductions, enlargements, modifications, transformations, use of verticals, horizontals, aslant, aslant-horizontals, aslant-circulars, in shape \ /, / \, \ / \ /, / \ / \, \ / \ / \ / \ /, / \ / \ / \ / \, and wavy separations.
All designs are applicable in any men's, women's and children's trousers and cover all sizes. They even cover and can be applied to any kind of trousers of any design and pattern, fabric and material, colour and colour combination.
I will describe how many changes can be done in a skirt and how skirts can have multifunctional use. Let us take for example a simple straight skirt from waist to knees (FIG. 206).
For each type, length, design, pattern, colour and colour combination of skirt, we can use the same different variations of the main body of the garment that could be attached as pieces and/or removed as pieces and/or preplaced by other pieces, and/or lengthened, and/or amended. What changes is, simply, that the fabric is cut into each skirt's pattern, of each design and pattern, of each fabric and material, of every colour and colour combination. The first design is to have zippers horizontally along the skirt, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 207). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The second design is to have wavy-horizontal zippers ˜, along the skirt dividing it into pieces (FIG. 208). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The third design is to have zippers vertical along the skirt, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 209). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the vertical pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The fourth design is to have zippers aslant-circular along the skirt, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 210). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the aslant-circular pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The fifth design is to have zippers aslant-vertical with this direction \ along the skirt, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 211). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the aslant-vertical with this direction \ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The sixth design is to have zippers aslant-vertical with this direction / along the skirt, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 212). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the aslant-vertical with this direction / pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The seventh design is to have zippers aslant-vertical with these directions \ / along the skirt, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 213). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the aslant-vertical with these directions ∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The eighth design is to have zippers aslant-vertical with these directions / \ along the skirt, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 214). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the aslant-vertical with these directions ∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The ninth design is to have zippers, dividing the skirt into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∨∨ along the skirt (FIG. 215). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∨∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The tenth design is to have zippers, dividing the skirt into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∧∧ along the skirt (FIG. 216). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∧∧ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The eleventh design is to have zippers, dividing the skirt into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∨∨∨∨ along the skirt (FIG. 217). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the the horizontal parts with these directions ∨∨∨∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The twelfth design is to have zippers, dividing the skirt into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∧∧∧∧ along the skirt (FIG. 218). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∧∧∧∧ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design.
Everything that applies for the horizontal pieces with zippers, applies also for the aslant pieces resulting from having zippers with this direction / on skirt (aslant-horizontal instead of horizontal) or with this direction \ on skirt, dividing it in pieces. The zippers have the circular direction upwards at the front of the skirt and downwards at the back of the skirt till their starting point or the opposite, in order to be able to separate. The same things, the same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, are also applied in the same way, with the only difference that the zipper will have the aslant-horizontal directions / or \ in any skirt instead of horizontal (FIGS. 219, 220). The zippers, in every variation mentioned, can be opened with direction upwards or downwards, or with direction from left to right or the opposite, in case of wavy ˜ zipper as long as they can separate.
Other Variations of Skirts
We can also put separable/detachable zipper at the skirt, on the side seams, attaching the front and the back (FIGS. 221, 222). So by opening the zippers on the sides, that attach the front part with rear back part, we detach the parts in order to be able to use another front part or rear part. We can add, for example, a baggy skirt back. More specifically, we can remove the front part (582) or the back part (583) of the skirt and interchange with another skirt of any design and pattern, e.g. short, puffy, balloon, A-line, pleated, long etc. (FIG. 223), or we can attach two different styles of skirt. Or they can also be replaced by pieces of any kind and length, of any fabric and material, of any colour and combination of colours. The change is based on the fact that on each side where the front attaches to the back part of the skirt, the length of the parts attached should be the same length and the same type of zipper or be the same attach-detached means at the point of attaching, independently if we change the front or the back part, or both, in order to allow the connection. So by attaching the zippers of the front or back part with the zippers of another design and pattern of a front or back part, we have a new design of skirt. We can also add pieces of fabric on the inside of the separable zippers so that by opening the zipper to enlarge the skirt if we need a size change (FIG. 224). In case we add shorter front or back part or front and back parts of different lengths, the zipper needs to be the same. We can also attach the front with the back part of every skirt mentioned in the invention, with the vertical zippers and their variations, such as also every skirt with the horizontal zippers. In that case, the vertical zippers on the sides have to be as many as the horizontal pieces that the skirt will be divided in, in order to be able to be opened and detached. The Fabric 1 (squares), the Fabric 2 (rectangles), the Fabric 3 (triangles) and the fabric 4 (polygons)—analysed above—formed in the patterns of the parts we want to add, can also be used.
Also, the skirt can be changed and turned in a strapless dress, the same way as the trousers-skirt mentioned above. This can be achieved by putting rubber band in the waist of skirt in order to fit it at any height of the waist, but also even above the chest (FIG. 225) (strapless dress) because the rubber band that we sew in the waist enables us to wear the skirt even above the waist or even like a strapless dress. Depending on the length of the skirt, it may be shorter or a longer strapless dress. That applies for every skirt, of every design and pattern, of every fabric and material, of every colour and colour combination. Also applies to every skirt mentioned in the chapter SKIRT, as long as the skirts have rubber band in the waist area. Apart from the rubber band, we can achieve that, if we have zippers, buttons or clasps or Velcro-type adhesives in various points on the waist or other means mentioned in the invention, that give us the ability to change the opening of waist circumference and the size, in order to be able to put the skirt above the waist or anywhere we want to put it in the area of the torso.
A skirt can be also transformed into a cape. This can be achieved be sewing rubber band on the area of waist of the skirt, so to be able to fit the skirt everywhere in the area of waist but also above the shoulders. Depending on the length of the skirt, the cape can be from short to long (FIG. 226), when the skirt is transformed into cape. On the sides of skirt, we can have also two vertical openings that allow the hands to pass, or even greater in length, one for each hand. We sew two zippers in these openings, close them when the garment is used like skirt, in order for them not to look like holes, and open them when the garment is used like a dress in order for the the hands to pass through (FIG. 227). We can also add sleeves in skirt so we can have a cape with sleeves. On the sides of skirt, right and left, we add two sleeves. When the garment is worn like skirt, we turn sleeves inwards (584), so they function as pockets. For not having open pockets, we sew on their bottom line, put a zipper that normally closes the undersides of the sleeves and in this way, they function like pockets. When we change this skirt in order to wear it as a cape, we take out the pockets-sleeves, open the zipper that we have at their bottom line, so that we can be able to put the hands inside and wear it like cape with sleeves (FIG. 228). Apart from cape, this skirt with sleeves can be worn as a dress or if we place a vertical zipper at the front side, from the upper part to the lower part, we can wear it also as a jacket. This applies to every skirt, of any design and pattern, of any fabric and material and any colour and colour combination. Also applies to any skirt mentioned in the chapter SKIRT, as long as the skirts have rubber band in the waist area or added pocket-sleeves. Apart from the rubber band, we can achieve that, if we put zippers, buttons or clasps or Velcro-type adhesives to various points on the waist or other means mentioned in the invention, that give us the ability to change the opening of waist circumference and the size, in order to be able to fit it anywhere we want at the area of neck and shoulders. By the same logic and rules, we can turn a skirt into a jacket or even a coat, if we combine the addition of pieces mentioned and those discussed in this section of talking about transforming the skirt into a dress.
Attaching of Skirt to Other Garments
Another skirt design is the one in which we can add various types of parts of garments or even garments on top of the skirt. At the upper part of the skirt, we have a zipper circumferentially around the waist. An horizontal piece can be added, for example, to this skirt (585) to make it high-waist (FIG. 229). This piece can be in any design and pattern, any fabric and material and any colour or colour combination, as long as the sides attached to the zippers, have the same length and the same type of zippers or the same attach-detach means. Both the beginning and the end of the zipper, is in the opening of the skirt and of that of the added part, in order to be able to open and the pieces to be removed. By the same logic and rule, a strapless blouse (586) can be added on the waist of the skirt and transform it into a strapless dress (FIG. 230), or any blouse can be added (587) and have different types of dresses (FIG. 231), or any upper part of garment attached to the skirt (e.g. shirt).
Each design of skirt mentioned, can be attached to any jacket, coat, blouse, shirt, sweater or any garment for the upper body. The only condition is that that each type of added part should have at its bottom line the same length and the same type of zipper or the same attaching means, as the skirt has on top, at the point of their attaching, according to the rules mentioned, in order to attach or detach pieces.
Attaching of Skirt to Trousers
We have zipper circumferentially along the lower part of the skirt and can attach the skirt to a pair of trousers (588) so to create a new design of trousers (FIG. 232). The connection of skirt with trousers is based on the fact that the upper part of trousers attached to the lower part of skirt, has the same length and the same type of zipper, in order to be attached, and the beginning and start of the zippers are in the opening area of trousers in order when detached, the trousers and the skirt to be able to separate. So by attaching the zipper of the lower part of the skirt to the zipper of the upper part of the trousers, we have a new design of trousers. This can be done in any horizontal zipper which is put along the skirt. By using the zipper that attaches the skirt to the trousers, we can attach any type of trousers, of any design, length and pattern, e.g. short, puffy, balloon, A-line, pleated, long etc. (FIG. 233), in order to create any variation of skirt-trousers. The only condition is that the trousers added has the same length with the skirt at the attaching point and the same attach-detach means. Or we can use trousers of any kind and length, of any kind of fabric, material, colour, and colour combination. We can also attach a piece ((590) which is circular, such as the lower part of the skirt, and has two openings at the leg area (FIG. 234), as long as the piece added has the same length and the same type of zipper with the lower circumferential part of the skirt attached. Or we can attach the same part of design in balloon style (591) (FIG. 235). The Fabric 1 (squares), the Fabric 2 (rectangles), the Fabric 3 (triangles) and the fabric 4 (polygons)—analysed above—formed in the patterns of the parts we want to add, can also be used. The connection can be done at any point of the main body of the skirt with horizontal zippers-pieces (at the waist, upper of knee, knee), as long as there are zippers of the same kind and length on the skirt and on the trousers. That applies to every variation and style of skirt mentioned and to every variation and style of trousers.
On the simple straight skirt from waist to knees, mentioned above, we sew a zipper from the crotch to the hemline, which opens and separates. We sew another one on the backside from crotch to the hemline of skirt (FIG. 236). We detach the front and the rear zipper, and attach the zippers of the right front side front with the right back side and left back side with the left front side, and we have shorts (FIG. 237). The change is based on the fact that each zipper, front and back, has the same length and the same type of zipper or the same attach-detach means. This can also be applied to skirts with all kinds of horizontal parts. In these cases, the vertical zippers that open and attach the front part to the rear one, must be as many as the horizontal pieces in which we will divide the skirt, in order to open and be detached. So, we can change the length of the shorts or/and skirt we have. This can be applied to any skirt mentioned, with vertical zippers, where the parts can be opened and detached as mentioned above in the chapter skirt, or opened and having inside other pieces of fabric, or opened and completely detached. This design applies to all the variants mentioned above for the vertical zippers in skirts, but, in this case we always have vertical zippers that attach the front to the front side and the back to the back side, which are opened and detached, and then can be attached left front side with left back side and right front side with the right back side, to give us the shorts. The specific shorts-skirt can be created in any design and pattern, any fabric and material and any colour or colour combination, in any length and style of skirt. The shorts-skirt mentioned, can be attached to the upper part with the same rules mentioned above, the same way as the trousers are attached The only condition is that that each kind of jackets, coats, blouses, shirts added should have at its bottom line the same length and the same type of zipper or the same attaching means, as that the trousers-skirt has on the top, at the point of their attaching, in order to attach or detach.
Also at this specific shorts-skirt we can sew separable zippers at the lower end, from the centre front to the centre back on each left and right side. Specifically, we sew a zipper at the lower end of the skirt, which starts from the centre front, makes half circle from the left side, to the centre back. The same we do for the right side (FIG. 238). When the zippers detach and attach the front to the back of each side in order to create the shorts, then we can attach, at the zippers of the lower ends, any pieces of any fabric and material, of any design and pattern (592), of any colour and colour combination, so to create different styles of trousers (FIG. 239). The only condition is that each piece added on each leg of shorts-skirt has at its upper end, at the point where it is attached to the skirt, the same length and the same type of zipper with the one on the skirt.
Each design of skirt, described in each paragraph, may be a solid skirt, but each design can also be made by all the possible combinations of variants described, if this is feasible.
On the attached by zippers parts, in each connection, for each described variant in the trousers, when it is mentioned ‘the same length and the same type zipper’, this means that the one side of the same zipper or the same type of zipper is sewn on each side of the pieces to be attached (or the same attach-detach means), so that the attaching is feasible.
Also, each skirt may be composed of as many desired pieces as we want, according to the invention, so that the user can choose to create the exact size and main body of the garment he aesthetically prefers, and on it, to apply all the variations analysed above.
Also, each skirt can receive simultaneously parallel and multiple connections, subtractions/removals, changes, replacements, exchanges, extensions, lengthenings, reductions, enlargements, modifications, transformations, use of verticals, horizontals, aslant, aslant-horizontals, aslant-circulars, in shape \ /, / \, \ / \ /, / \ / \, \ / \ / \ / \ /, / \ / \ / \ / \, and wavy separations.
All designs are applicable in any men's, women's and children's skirt and cover all sizes. They even cover and can be applied to any kind of skirt of any design and pattern, fabric and material, colour and colour combination.
Bathing Suits
We can apply the same changes to swimsuits. We just need to apply each design we saw, in any swimsuit to have the changes, modifications, exchanges, extensions and all those mentioned in the invention. It is easier to implement all that relate to the invention, in a swimsuit, that is not a bikini (FIG. 240). Also by the logic of the invention, we can transform every swimwear to a bikini by removing the middle part of the swimsuit (FIG. 241). Using the invention, each person can create the swimsuit he wants. He can for example choose the front and the back parts he wishes to attach, choose the desired fabrics and designs and create the most suitable and unique for him bathing suit. He can find the patterns of the parts of the bathing suit that he likes and that suits his body type, and create it. A woman can turn a female swimwear with strap to a strapless one, or to a bikini with a shoulder strap, or to a strapless bikini, or can change the bottom part of the bathing suit (FIG. 242).
For each type, length, design, pattern, colour and colour combination of bathing suit, we can use the same different variations of the main body of the garment that could be attached as pieces and/or removed as pieces and/or preplaced by other pieces, and/or lengthened, and/or amended. What changes is, simply, that the fabric is cut into each swimsuit pattern, of each design and pattern, of each fabric and material, of every colour and colour combination. The first design is to have zippers horizontally along the swimsuit, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 243). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The second design is to have wavy-horizontal zippers ˜, along the swimsuit dividing it into pieces (FIG. 244). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The third design is to have zippers vertical along the swimsuit, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 245). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the vertical pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The fourth design is to have zippers aslant-circular along the swimsuit, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 246). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the aslant-circular pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The fifth design is to have zippers aslant-vertical with this direction \ along the swimsuit, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 247). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the aslant-vertical with this direction \ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The sixth design is to have zippers aslant-vertical with this direction / along the swimsuit, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 248). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the aslant-vertical with this direction / pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The seventh design is to have zippers aslant-vertical with these directions \ / along the swimsuit, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 249). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the aslant-vertical with these directions ∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The eighth design is to have zippers aslant-vertical with these directions / \ along the swimsuit, dividing it into pieces (FIG. 250). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the aslant-vertical with these directions ∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The ninth design is to have zippers, dividing the swimsuit into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∨∨ along the swimsuit (FIG. 251). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions \N pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The tenth design is to have zippers, dividing the swimsuit into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∧∧ along the swimsuit (FIG. 252). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∧∧ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The eleventh design is to have zippers, dividing the swimsuit into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∨∨∨∨ along the swimsuit (FIG. 253). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∨∨∨∨ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design. The twelfth design is to have zippers, dividing the swimsuit into horizontal pieces, with these directions ∧∧∧∧ along the swimsuit (FIG. 254). What we saw above at the main body of the garment, regarding the horizontal parts with these directions ∧∧∧∧ pieces with zippers or other attach-detach means, applies in the same way. The same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, which allow the use of any different design.
Everything that applies for the horizontal pieces with zippers, applies also for the aslant pieces resulting from having zippers with this direction / on the swimsuit (aslant-horizontal instead of horizontal) or with this direction \ on the swimsuit, dividing it in pieces. The zippers have the circular direction upwards at the front of the swimsuit and downwards at the back of the swimsuit till their starting spot or the opposite, in order to be able to separate. The same things, the same variations, the same changes, the same replacements and all rules described, are applied in the same way, with the only difference that the zipper will have the aslant-horizontal directions / or \ in any swimsuit instead of horizontal (FIGS. 256, 257). The zippers in every variation mentioned, can be opened upwards or downwards, or with direction from left to right or the opposite in case of wavy ˜ zipper, as long as they can be opened and detached.
Also according to the logic of the invention, we can change the thickness of each strap, each part with another, the colours, the designs, we can add pockets or fabrics and all those changes described in the invention (FIG. 255).
Each design of bathing suit, described in each paragraph, may be a solid bathing suit, but each design can also be made by all the possible combinations of variants described, if this is feasible.
Also, each bathing suit may be composed of as many desired pieces as we want, according to the invention, so that the user can choose to create the exact size and main body of the garment he aesthetically prefers, and on it, to apply all the variations analysed above.
Also, each bathing suit can receive simultaneously parallel and multiple connections, subtractions/removals, changes, replacements, exchanges, extensions, lengthenings, reductions, enlargements, modifications, transformations, use of verticals, horizontals, aslant, aslant-horizontals, aslant-circulars, in shape \ /, / \, \ / \ /, / \ / \, \ / \ / \ / \ /, / \ / \ / \ / \, and wavy separations.
All designs are applicable in any men's, women's and children's bathing suits and cover all sizes. They even cover and can be applied to any kind of bathing suits of any design and pattern, fabric and material, colour and colour combination.
We can apply the same changes in bags of any design and pattern, of any fabric and material and of any colour and colour combination, as long as the same conditions that we have mentioned for the clothes are respected. Bags, the same way as the garments, are made by pieces attached by each individual person in order to create the desirable bag. Depending on the size of the pieces, the person will create the size of bag, that he wants. Let us take for example a square bag (FIG. 258). This square bag has a front part (FIG. 259), a rear part (FIG. 260) and side parts, which can be either one piece (FIG. 261), or four different pieces (FIG. 262). If each part has zippers at its attaching points, then the parts can be attached-detached. So, by this logic, each part can be removed and replaced by any other part, which will have the same attach-detach means and the same length on each side that will be attached. In the same way we create the square bag, we can create every bag by attaching its parts. By the same logic described in the invention, each part of the bag can be changed, expanded, removed, interchanged, lengthened, etc. So, we can change the size of the bag. We can change the size of the square bag of FIG. 256, by replacing its side parts with other of bigger size 593 (FIG. 263). Or in another kind of bag, we can detach the side zippers or the other attach-detach means and attach pieces (FIG. 264). Or we can apply on any bag, all the variations mentioned for the garments with the vertical zippers, the horizontal, the aslant-horizontal, the wavy and all the other designs in we can divide the bag and make all the changes, as in garments (FIGS. 265, 266, 267). We can have each design on every side of the bag, or we can have it in any side we want, and attach the rest of the sides with the horizontal zippers. That gives as the possibility to attach in-between other pieces 595, of any design and pattern, of any fabric and material and of any color and color combination (FIG. 268), changing the size either by horizontal or by vertical pieces. In the case that bag closes at the upper part with zipper but in parallel, we have the vertical zippers mentioned in the invention, the upper part zippers must be as many as the pieces divided by the vertical zippers. That applies in every situation that the zippers or the separation made by zippers meets the upper part zipper that closes the bag. Also if the vertical zippers start from the upper part of one side, make the circle around and end at the upper part of the other side, when they open and detach, we have the possibility to change the width and the length of the bag if we attach bigger parts 596 (FIG. 269). Or to add fabric pieces inside so by separating the zippers to enlarge the bag (FIG. 270). Or in another design of bag, to change the front part that turns over and closes in front, with another one, of any design and color, fabric and material, by having a zipper on the point we want the front part, that turns over and closes to be attached (FIG. 271). Or to detach the bag completely (all the parts), and change them with others of different colors, fabric and materials, creating the desirable bag we want. The only condition is that, at the sides attached, we have attach-detach means that allow the interchange.
Also we can attach more than one, bags together. We have sewn, for example, one side of a zipper, between the seams, circumferentially on the sides of one square bag for example, if we want to attach it on the side, and we sew the other side of the zipper again between the seams of the other bag. By attaching the two zippers, we can attach the two bags (FIG. 272). Depending on the design of every bag and how it can be attached to another one, we choose also how many zippers we will have on the sides, in order to attach with other bags. All the bags can be attached to other bags that have the other side of the zipper, or the same type of zipper, or the same attach-detach means. Also after attaching them, we can remove the sides of the bags attached and transform the inside of the bags into a single one. This can be done in circular (FIG. 273), in rectangular (FIG. 274) and in every other design. Also by the same logic, can be attached not only the side sides, mentioned in the example, but also all the sides of the bag (FIG. 275). So we can attach as many bags as we want and change them with others of same or different design, pattern, fabric, material, color and color combination. As long as the bags attached, at the attaching points, have the same zippers, or the same type of zippers, or the same attach-detach means, for the attaching to be feasible. This can be done on every side of the bag. Left, right, up, down, or to some of those, or to all sides, attaching as many bags as desired. Or we can add pockets or/and fabrics or anything mentioned in the invention, according to the rules that govern each option and suited to each bag.
Each design of bag, described in each paragraph, may be a solid bag, but each design can also be made by all the possible combinations of variants described, if this is feasible.
Also, each bag may be composed of as many desired pieces as we want, according to the invention, so that the user can choose to create the exact size and type of bag he aesthetically prefers, and on it, to apply all the variations analysed above.
Also, each bag can receive simultaneously parallel and multiple connections, subtractions/removals, changes, replacements, exchanges, extensions, lengthenings, reductions, enlargements, modifications, transformations, use of verticals, horizontals, aslant, aslant-horizontals, aslant-circulars, in shape \ /, / \, \ / \ /, / \ / \, \ / \ / \ / \ /, / \ / \ / \ / \, and wavy separations.
All designs are applicable in any men's, women's and children's bags and cover all sizes. They even cover and can be applied to any kind of bags of any design and pattern, of any fabric and material and of any colour and colour combination.
Each garment can combine the use of the attach-detach means. So, other pieces are connected by a zipper, others by buttons, others with snaps etc.