Since long time ago, agricultural producers have looked for technical options to improve the application of phytosanitary products. The main difficulty has been to achieve efficiency, in order for the applied product to reach its target and fully cover it. The achievement of such efficiency directly affects the quality of fruits or crops as well as the production costs and, therefore, the expected profitability of such production.
The electrostatic concept consists of the application of an aqueous solution, which drop is micronized and turned into soft mist. This microdrop is driven by a very efficient carrier that is the air, which micronizes the drop that receives a strong positive electric charge upon getting out from the nozzle, fact that generates the polarity change of the solution since, due to the repulsion of charges, positive charges of the solution are repelled back, allowing only microdrops with negative charge to pass. At the same time, the cloud with negative drops creates a temporary unbalance of charges on the target of the application because its negative charges are repulsed and go to earth, leaving the target with momentary positive charge. In this way and due to the attraction of charges the negative microdrops are strongly attracted by the target, which is fully embraced and covered with this mist. This application technology manages to make the plant attract the products in the same manner as a magnet attracts pieces of metals. The microdrops are stuck to the target attracted by charge differences, thus reducing the losses due to leakage and deviation caused by the wind, which, in turn, results in an extraordinary cover and in a superior effect of the applied products. This permits a significant reduction in the quantity of chemical products to be applied per hectare due to the efficiency achieved and, therefore, it implies a strong reduction of the negative impact on the environment resulting from the use of pesticides. To sum up, the producer grows better and stronger fruit with better color, at lower costs and generating minimum damages to the environment.
In the case of the application with electrostatic effects, there is a drop micronization to sizes that are 800 to 1000 times smaller than the average of drops in a traditional application. The fact that each drop has the same static charge implies that the drops travel towards the target without getting together (equal charges repel each other) looking for a place to settle in an extremely uniform way. Only after attaching to the positive charge plant's surface, they lose their charge and get stuck to the plant without leaking. The electrostatic application coats the surface through a thin layer of microdrops well distributed on both sides of the leaves as opposed to conventional applications with variable drop size which get uneven coating of the plant, and surfaces that not face the application do not receive the product.
This technology has been used to carry out different activities for several decades. It has been widely used in painting, especially in the automotive industry where an extremely uniform layer is applied to print a distinctive touch on their valuable products. A few decades ago, the agricultural industry adopted this technology for spraying, which meant a great contribution. With these devices an excellent “enveloping effect” is obtained, which means that the sprayed product wraps and covers 100% of the plant. Each application of agrochemical product will cover the whole surface of the leaves, branches and fruits.
The electrostatic technology used in the agricultural industry revolutionizes the concepts of phytosanitary handling of orchards and crops, obtaining efficiencies in covering the foliage and in the deposit of products (meaning by deposit the amount of product left on the plant), that can only be reached through the use of this technology, which may increase up to five times the efficiency reached with conventional applications.
However, in spite of its important advantages, the electrostatic technology had been efficiently used only on a small portion of worldwide crops, because the volumes of water that had managed to use are significantly lower than the volumes required by most of them.
The low volume of water used by pre-existing electrostatic technology results from the fact that the technology used was adapted from technology used in other industries and not obtained due to the development of new technologies specifically made for the agricultural industry.
We can point out that currently the existing electrostatic technology has the following defects that are really important: it delivers a low electrostatic charge; therefore, low flows must be used in each nozzle. This means that in order to acceptably wet the surface it must be applied at slow speed. Lower charge means also lower electrostatic attraction. The issues mentioned above make the capacity of these devices to be insufficient to supply what is required by a great number of crops.
What was mentioned above results from the fact that up to this date there was no technology that could adequately charge high volumes of water. Such defect can be cured by the technology described herein.
This technology may be used in any kind of crops. From fruit orchards to important crops such as wheat, maize, field marigold and other crops that currently have not been handled efficiently with the new technologies.
There are many patents related to the use of the electrostatic technology for agricultural purposes but none of them refers to any invent with the characteristics and purposes of the equipment subject matter of this innovation. Some of such patents are the following:
Likewise, in Chile there is only one patent related to the use of electrostatic applications in agriculture, but unlike our equipment, it is a device to specifically treat harvested fruit, this corresponds to the Request: 00055-2004, submitted on Jan. 15, 2004 and published in the Official Gazette on Dec. 24, 2004.
Unlike the technologies mentioned above, this innovation consists of a system to apply mainly phytosanitary products that use the principle of electrostatic attraction:—With a technology that permits a high static charge to be imprinted on the microdrops in the nozzle with high flows of water.—With a simple industrial design and very low probabilities of failure, it turns out to be very stable and reliable.—With the option to use an active water provider capillary tube in the nozzles (as opposed to a fixed one), which results in a more efficient use of the air to micronize drops.—With the option to use a chemical product doser system with injection in the nozzle itself.
High electrostatic charge: It is easier to imprint higher static charges if lower water flows are used. If the water flow is increased the charge “fades” or dilutes. The high charge obtained through this development taking into consideration the flows used evidences the high innovation level of this technology. With the combination of the bar design (or “Bank of Nozzles”), nozzles and electronics, the equipment operating at its maximum flow has the capacity to increase six times the charge delivered by existing technology, using flows that are five times higher pursuant to nozzle measurements or ten to fourteen times higher flows of water per equal bar length since this development uses a higher number of them. A higher electrostatic charge is obtained, using the same charge induction in the dispenser nozzles, which does not expose the drop to an electric charge higher than the one used by pre-existing low flow devices.
The force of attraction of the electrostatically charged drop to the target will directly depend on the machine's ability to transfer the static charge to it. The higher the charge the higher the attraction, therefore, a higher and better enveloping effect will be obtained and the product will cover 100% of the targeted surface. Being able to increase six times the charging ability of pre-existing technologies implies a significant increase in the efficiency of application due to electrostatic attraction. This together with higher flows, result in an application with unseen characteristics in the industry. Even if the equipment is used at high speed during application a higher electrostatic charge on the drop permits a strong attraction force that will equally ensure good coverage and deposit of products (meaning the amount of product left on the plant), therefore, the use of the device will be very efficient in terms of use of the machinery itself (more surface in less time).
High flow of water: The capacity of existing technologies in the market is not enough to ensure a good application. With low flows one application is not enough to adequately get the plant wet, and dries extremely quickly. This represents no problem for products that are intended to remain on the surface of fruits or foliage but it is a problem in cases where it is necessary a higher absorption by the plant or fruit.
The system subject matter hereof has the capacity to apply adjustable flows which would reach a maximum flow per nozzle five times higher than pre-existing electrostatic devices, not only without dropping the charge level, but keeping it six times higher than preexisting devices. This, together with the design of our bars and nozzles which is simple and therefore, of low manufacturing costs, allows the production to use more nozzles on the bar without having uncompetitive manufacturing costs. A higher number of nozzles and a higher flow per nozzle are the two components that permit us to have a high flow bar, since it is not just a nozzle that increases five times the flow of pre-existing devices, but also the fact that we can use a larger amount of them without having uncompetitive production costs.
Reliability: This innovation represents an advance in electrostatic technology due to its integral design with special emphasis on sophisticate electronics and the plain design of bars and nozzles which results in low probability of failure. There is a strong contribution from the point of view of reliability granted by this technology, since in the pre-existing technology the useful life of low flow bars and nozzles is really limited, approximately 800 hours pursuant to the specifications of certain manufacturers. This results from their fragile design, which turns them sensitive to burn by corona effect, that is why they become a high risk equipment because any short circuit burns them immediately, and at the time the nozzle with low water flows stops charging, the application turns out to be highly risky, therefore, it may create economic impairments of higher value than the equipment itself, since it cannot be ensured that the application produces the desired deposit with the product. This problem is solved by our innovation with its electronic technology. We can create extended short circuit conditions, and after we do the nozzle will resume its normal operation.
Air use efficiency: The devices used in the system subject matter hereof offer the option to use nozzles with fixed or active water provider capillary tube. The use of an active water provider capillary tube is translated into a more perfect micronization of the water drops with less air consumption to obtain it. This means that the source necessary to deliver the air may be smaller in capacity, fact which is very important from the point of view of saving the power required for the tractor or pulling vehicle used to move it. It must be mentioned that with this system we achieved at least 20% of saving regarding this resource as compared to what can be found in the market that uses the electrostatic principle with nozzle charge. This is very important from the commercial point of view, because many producers will not need to make investments in more powerful and expensive pulling machines different from the ones they already have, in order to commence using these high flow electrostatic devices.
Nozzle dosage: The system gives the possibility to dose chemical products to be applied directly on the nozzles. This means that products do not need to be mixed in the main water tank, which is an advantage from the point of view of a decrease in the handling of products by operators. On the other hand, the dosage system is controlled by a microprocessor. The microprocessor also permits maintaining exact records of the events related to the application and the use of each product, being an application control tool very valuable for producers. In addition, it means that changes of products used in the device can be easily made without it being necessary to throw away the product remaining in the main tank, and without it being necessary to wash the tank, and finally if no mixtures are made in the tanks there is no need to install stir pumps that are extremely expensive.
The result of this development implies a revolution in the chemical application systems, because it permits the application of products in a highly efficient manner and permits the access to working areas never accessed before with this kind of technology. The system subject matter of this innovation has the capacity to increase five times the application efficiency as compared to conventional hydraulic application systems, which results in a decrease in the use of chemical products and, therefore, causes less economic and environmental impact. In addition, it allows electrostatic technology to be part of extensive crop farming and fruit orchards where existing low flow electrostatic technologies cannot be part.
The pre-existing low flow application technology devices that use electrostatic charge can apply only 70 to 90 liters per hectare at a speed of 5 Km/H, keeping sufficient charge in the drop. The charge attraction implies that the low flow of water will mainly cover the first surface attracting it, reason why this low flow technology cannot be used in fruit orchards that have a dense canopy, unless applied to a flat type system, such as some high densities and vineyards that have thin foliage. Therefore, the existing technology is not used in fruit orchards with no structure whereat our development can be used with flows up to 14 times higher per hectare, measured under the same conditions and at the same speed than in the mentioned case.
At the same time, in the case of extensive crop farming in big land areas, costs need to be delimited and, therefore, high use efficiency is required in the machinery. Chemical applications are made at approximate speeds of 10 Km/H, which implies that low flow devices that apply 70 to 90 liters per hectare at 5 Km/H would instead apply 35 to 45 at double speed, which is not technically viable. In our case, if speed is doubled from 5 to 10 Km/H, we still wet 500 L/Ha, which is more than what is needed. This implies that this equipment may be used to make applications in areas not explored before by this technology.
In brief, the capacity of existing technologies in the market is not enough to ensure a good application. They deliver a low electrostatic charge; therefore, low flows must be used in each nozzle. With this flow one application is not enough to wet and dries extremely quickly. For the purposes of acceptably wetting the surface of the plants, it must be applied at slow speed. The foregoing causes the capacity of these machines to be absolutely insufficient to supply what is required by a great number of crops.
On the other hand, the useful life of these bars and low-flow nozzles is very limited, and its fragility makes them less reliable.
When implementing the technology subject matter of this invention request, the following is accomplished:—Increase in the electrostatic charge of the microdrops, and therefore, greater efficiency in the use of product is achieved.—Increase in the flow delivered by each nozzle, and the possibility of increasing the number of nozzles remaining within a competitive cost structure. These last items together makes it possible to have a high flow electrostatic system, which enables us to make applications in areas that have been little or not explored by this technology.—Increase the reliability of the system based on very stable electronics, controlled by microprocessors that do not allow the failure of the systems.—Increase the speed of the applications based on a greater flow and higher electrostatic charge on the drop, which provides for better efficiency in the use of the machinery. Given the faster speed of the greater flow, we do not sacrifice the quality of wetness required, since it continues being able to deliver it. And the better charge means that although the application is faster, the static attraction is so strong that it ensures a very good coating and deposit of the products.—The possibility to make a more efficient use of the air that is necessary to micronize the drops when using active water provider capillary tubes in the nozzles, which enables two very important points: that are the requirement of a smaller power blower, and therefore, a smaller power tractor or pulling vehicle to make it work.—The possibility of dosing the chemical products directly in the nozzle, which enables the reduction of operator contact with said products. It also enables to keep an accurate control thereof through the digital recording of all the events by the controlling microprocessor. It enables to change products used without it being necessary to empty the water from the main tank, and lastly, since no mixtures need to be made in the tank, there is no need to install stir pumps and their systems that are highly expensive.
The system subject matter of this request is made up by the elements that are described in the following figures.
a: Bar sealed tube.
b: General view of The Bar.
c: Sketch of the contents of a Bar, without dosage of Chemical Products.
d: Sketch of the contents of a Bar, with dosage of Chemical Products.
e: Cross section view of a Bar, with its high tension electrical terminals.
f: Cross section view of a Bar, with its air inlet terminal.
a: Double cap for Bar interconnection.
b: Double cap interconnection sketch.
a: Internal part of the bar support including the bolt.
b: Bar support (external part), different views.
c: Bar support.
a: Nozzle body.
b: Nozzle water provider capillary tube.
c: Holder of fix nozzle without injection of chemical products.
d: Holder of the nozzle with clamps for one collector (water).
e: Holder of the nozzle with clamps for two collectors (water and chemical products).
f: Nozzle with passive or fixed water provider capillary tube.
g: Nozzle with passive water provider capillary tube and injection of chemical products.
h: Active nozzle.
i: Active nozzle with injection of products.
j: Nozzle electromagnetic coils, examples with 5 and 3 coils.
k: Active nozzle showing the inclination of the shaft of the water provider capillary tube.
a: Holder of the dirigible nozzle.
b: Bar cap for dirigible nozzle (detail of the cylinder shaped cavity).
c: Shift angle of the dirigible nozzle.
d: Water collector of the dirigible nozzle.
e: Comparison of dirigible nozzles with and without chemical product injection.
f: Dirigible nozzle and its connections.
g: Dirigible nozzle with chemical product injection and its connections.
h: Part to fasten the dirigible nozzle.
i: View of the dirigible nozzle system assembled.
The electrostatic bar (or “Bank of Nozzles”) (
1.—The bar is constructed from a sealed tube (
2.—Each bar has in the bottom a small hole which is the system to evacuate internal leaks of water or chemical products to the exterior. System that works efficiently because it is driven by the internal air pressure of the bar (
3.—The terminals for connecting electricity (
4.—In certain cases the bars may be directly interconnected through the caps (
5.—Each bar has inside a part denominated “water collector” (
6.—When the bars are for nozzles with injection or dosage of chemical products (
7.—The water collector with individual water provider capillary tubes to each nozzle, is electrically insulated from the external tube of the bar by means of the holder of each nozzle. This turns the nozzle itself into a high voltage insulator of the electrical system (
8.—The nozzles themselves are the mechanical fastening system of the water collector to the bar. The body of the nozzles (
9.—The negative pole of electrical connections are located in the water collector (Page 31, lines 5 to 7), and the positive pole, in the sealed tube of the bar (Page 30, lines 28, 29 and Page 31, lines 1 to 5). The water collector acts as electrical connection to ground for the nozzles since it is connected to the negative voltage electrical potential difference which, in turn, is connected to the general ground connections of the pulling vehicle (Tractor) and/or the device itself Besides, the device is directly connected to physical ground through drag metallic chains. The bar tube, in this case made of stainless steel, acts as high voltage connection of positive voltage electrical potential difference to the body of the nozzles. Electrical connections between interconnected bars or in “series connections” (Page 31, lines 9 to 14) are made through cables with terminals between both collectors and between the bar tubes (
10.—On the external structure of the bar, on the insulating coating of the composite material, in this case of fiberglass or carbon fiber (
11.—The bar supporting system to the structure of the electrostatic spraying machine is made through fastening parts called “Supports” (
The integral design of the bar is so optimized that the total integration of its parts has been attained contributing to a simple and efficient design. The bar tube also acts as structure, air collector and if manufactured with material such as stainless steel is the high voltage electrical conductor of the nozzles. The nozzles in addition to their function as nozzles, act as electrical insulator of the water collector, and mechanically speaking they are the fastening system for the mentioned collector to the bar itself, and if applicable, for the chemical product collector also. On the other hand, the water collector itself is the water collector, the fastening system of the water provider capillary tubes and the positive charge reverse connection from each of the nozzles upon grounding them.
The nozzle is a key part of the system, where the drops to be sprayed are micronized and such microdrops receive the electrostatic charge. The air, water or liquid solution and in certain cases chemical products enter separately into the nozzle. Inside it, the air crashes into the liquid flow at great speed micronizing drops to sizes ranging from 30 to 60 microns. This micronization is extremely important because the resulting size of the microdrops directly affects the quality of the charge and furthermore, such microdrops cover surfaces better than bigger drops. Thanks to this and to the efficient electronic system a higher charge is attained, six times higher that pre-existing electrostatic devices that use from ten to fourteen times less water flow. All this without using higher impulse power than the power used by them (high tension voltage). For these reasons the quality of applications is extremely higher. When the nozzle includes the dosage of chemical products in it, products come from the chemical product collector and mix with water inside it. According to this we notice that inside the nozzle important processes are effected which are attained with a very simple design. This evidences the great innovative character of our development. It is a very simple nozzle composed of a reduced number of parts and easy mechanics, all of which results in low manufacturing costs. Simplicity is such that devices with similar technology using 14 parts in a nozzle still have lower benefits if compared with our development that only use 3 parts. This is a very important technical and commercial advantage because it permits the increase in the number of nozzles installed in the devices without increasing the costs of equipment and turning maintenance and replacement costs lower.
With the options of fix or active water provider capillary tubes the nozzle may be adapted to different air consumption to micronize the drop, allowing the manufacturing of devices with higher capacity and requiring lower power to operate. This is an achievement that pre-existing devices had not even considered.
The design of the nozzles makes them very resistant to the effect of electrical arches resulting from impurities in the product flow, and as they are not burnt, their useful life increases; therefore, they turn out to be very reliable.
These nozzles have capacity to deliver a flow up to five times higher and simultaneously increase up to six times the electrostatic charge of the microdrops as compared to pre-existing low flow electrostatic devices.
1.—Parts of the nozzle (
2.—The electrical connection between the body of the nozzle and the electrified sealed tube of the bar is directly made with a high precision machining (
3.—The electrical connection between the body of the nozzle and the electrified tube of the bar is strengthen through two filaments preferably made of stainless steel integrated between the body of the nozzle and the holder (
4.—We use the two connection systems described in paragraphs 2 and 3 in order to ensure a good connection but we can use only one of them indistinctly.
5.—The holder has two holes in the internal corners that have the function to increase the distance of existing isolating surface between the water collector and the body of the nozzle turning more difficult that a corona effect may take place in the internal path (
6.—The bottom end of the body of the nozzle in the internal channel is centered without touching the water provider capillary tube, generating a window or space for the airstreams to escape (
7.—The water provider capillary tubes may be static (
8.—The internal channel of the body of the nozzle acts as an electrode, with a positive charge of a predetermined voltage that due to the repulsion of charges generates an opposed electrostatic charge to the fluid that passes through such internal channel. In the way to the outside, inside the electrified stainless steel body, there occurs a tangent charge in the microdrop, deviating positive charges to the tank and loading them with a negative charge.
9.—The top end of the nozzle to the exterior of the system is the head of the nozzle or leakage vortex or outlet orifice of the nozzle (
10.—On the head of the nozzle and fastened to the bar there is a cover called “Nozzle cap” (FIG. 5), which has protection purposes. The described part may be independent or be a part of the composite material of fiberglass or carbon that insulates the bar (Page 30, lines 26 to 28). The upper part of the nozzle cap has a hole in the middle with the shape of tapered or countersunk trunk (
11.—In certain cases the nozzles are dirigible (
Pursuant to what has been mentioned above, it is possible to manufacture eight different bar configurations according to the type of nozzles (
The main purpose of the electronics for the system is to negatively charge the microdrops. The electronics drives to the nozzle a high level of power voltage and when water flows the microdrops are tangentially charged.
The electronic design of the system consists of a circuit designed around two microprocessors. Microprocessors can continuously control the flow of water through each nozzle set, and instantaneously adapt the voltage, correcting and compensating variations that take place, either due to operator's instructions or due to variations in different system components. Such adjustments are continuously made with the equipment operating in a normal range of operation. If for any reason the equipment fails to operate within this range, the electronic system informs such situation to the operator.
This electronic design causes that the equipment using the same voltage or slightly superior voltage (between 10% and 25% more), than the voltage used by pre-existing low flow electrostatic devices, is able to spray from ten to fourteen times more water and charging six times more than such devices. Using digital technology and based on a microprocessor, the electronics is capable of charging the drop in a way that was unknown in the market until now. Thanks to an integral design not only of the electronics and of the microprocessor programs, but also of the bar and the nozzles.
In addition to its significance in terms of wetness and coverage quality, commercially speaking means the exploration of unexplored areas for this type of devices, where efficiency of use of the machinery is needed and only can be attained with these high flow electrostatic devices.
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Entry |
Chilean Patent Application (Request) No. 00055-2004 filed Jan. 14, 2004, Published Dec. 24, 2004 (English Explanation included). |
Number | Date | Country | |
20120085843 A1 | Apr 2012 | US |