FIG. 1 is an illustration of one embodiment of the present invention for securing a network of particles on a solid;
FIG. 2 is an illustration of one embodiment of the present invention for securing the network on a surface of a liquid;
FIG. 3 is an illustration of a network generated on the solid interface out of 90 μm nickel spherical particles in an alternating current (AC) magnetic field.
FIG. 4 is an illustration of a network generated on the liquid/air interface out of 45 μm nickel spherical particles in an AC magnetic field.
a-c are photographs of structures formed in an external AC magnetic field: rings (5a), compact clusters (5b), and chains of dipoles (5c).
a-c are photographs of patterns formed in accordance with the principles of the present invention using nickel spheres (5.3% of the surface monolayer coverage) under magnetic driving at 20 Hz forming a clustered phase (6a), 50 Hz forming a netlike structure (6b), and 100 Hz forming a chain structure (6c);
FIG. 7
a is a graph of the saturated chain length vs frequency of applied 15 Oe AC magnetic field for different amounts of nickel 90 μm particles in the cell, the inset, FIG. 7b showing the saturated chain length vs applied AC (100 Hz) electric voltage applitude for a magnetic driven system (Hmax=15 Oe; f=25 Hz; Φ≈0.10);
FIG. 8 are photographs of nickel ink particles with no structuring present (20× magnification); and
FIG. 9 illustrates nickel ink particles after undergoing dynamic self-assembly of the present invention (20× magnification).