
  • Patent Application
  • 20170200223
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    March 23, 2017
    7 years ago
  • Date Published
    July 13, 2017
    7 years ago
Systems and methods of on-line credit information monitoring and control. In one embodiment, a server computer accesses and retrieves credit information relating to a consumer. The server computer may also provide a user interface with active links associated with credit items. The links may allow the consumer to communicate directly with a credit service. The server computer may offer additional credit-related services such as credit report retrieval, credit monitoring, notifications, identity theft management, interest rate calculations, historical archives, and account management.

The invention relates to the field of credit information monitoring and control and, in particular, to a method for monitoring and control of an individual's credit information by use of the Internet.

Traditionally the typical method for obtaining one's credit information was to send a written request for a credit report to each credit reporting bureau and provide identifying proof of identity which, in most cases, was a utility bill or tax bill. Recently the credit report has been available for purchase online. Once the credit report was obtained and a discrepancy or error was found in the information, the individual had to request investigation of the discrepant or erroneous credit information either through the credit bureau or directly to the offending credit grantor organization, such as a department store or bank. This was a time consuming method. An improvement to this method was to use a credit watch, or credit monitoring organization that would monitor the individual's credit reports on file at a credit bureau. The credit watch organization would send reports to the individual if certain types of information appeared in the credit history. Examples of the type of information that would trigger a report are derogatory items, change of address and whether a third party requested a credit report. While this method provided an up-to-date status of the individual's credit history, the individual was still left with the job of contacting the individual creditor or bank to report errors or discrepancies and to request appropriate investigations.

In applicant's co-pending application Ser. No. 09/846,616 “Card Management System and Method Therefor” filed on May 1, 2001, a credit card management system is disclosed and is herewith incorporated into this application by reference. This invention is a method and system for on-line card management, wherein the card is issued to a card user by a card issuing organization. The card user interfaces with a card management organization via the card user's own computer through the Internet to a computer system within the card management organization. This system is discussed in more detail in the detailed description section because it is incorporated into the subject invention.

Thus, it is a primary object of the invention to provide to provide a method of on-line credit information monitoring and control.

It is another object of the invention to provide an on-line credit information monitoring method that allows an individual to obtain the individual's credit report from the credit reporting bureaus, to challenge any discrepancies or errors in the credit report, and to initiate time, and date stamped notifications to affected creditors to request remedial action.

It is a further object of the invention to provide an on-line credit information monitoring method that allows an individual who finds or suspects identity theft to initiate time and date stamped notifications to affected creditors and cognizant government agencies.

It is a further object of the system to provide an on-line credit information monitoring method which allows an individual to access time and date stamped notifications initiated by the individual to affected creditors and government agencies.

Another object of the invention is to provide an on-line credit information monitoring protocol that can determine the hypothetical interest rate that an individual should pay for a specific type of loan based on the individual's credit information.


The invention is a method of on-line credit information monitoring and control designed to provide an individual with the ability to maintain the individual's credit information for the purpose of protecting against errors and misuse, and for availing the individual of the best available credit consistent with the individual's credit information. In general, the system and method allows an individual using the individual's own computer terminal to access a computer system in a computer network, such as the Internet, to monitor, request, and record within the computer system, numerous actions initiated by the individual regarding the individual's own credit information.

In detail, a method of on-line monitoring and control of an individual's credit information, which includes the steps of:

1. The individual accesses a computer system in a computer network. This is typically accomplished by the individual accessing the Internet by use of the individual's own computer and contacting the credit management computer system.

2. Via the computer system, the individual then requests actions regarding the individual's credit information. These actions will include obtaining a copy of the individual's credit report from each of the national bureaus, or a combined copy in a merged format that shows the data from each of the national bureaus. These actions will also include notification of specific items of the credit report, such as: credit information from creditors that can have an adverse affect on the individual's credit, requests from third parties for copies of the individual's credit report, and changes of address as reported to the bureaus.

3. Contacting the appropriate organization by the computer system and requesting the organization to take appropriate remedial action. Here the computer system completes the request initiated by the individual. Through interaction with the computer system, an individual can communicate with a creditor to dispute an information item or items. The individual can also request the computer system to electronically notify the appropriate government agencies should an identity theft situation occur or appear to be imminent such as with an unauthorized address change, or application for credit that the individual did not authorize.

4. Informing the individual that the notification has been made.

The invention further includes a computer program for interpreting the individual's credit information and providing hypothetical interest rate advice.

The invention further includes a computer program to request credit bureaus to delete inaccurate information if investigation fails to begin within the 30-day period required by law. In addition, a computer program is included that date and time stamps, stores, and maintains all actions taken by the individual.

The novel features which are believed to be characteristic of the invention, both as to its organization and method of operation, together with further objects and advantages thereof, will be better understood from the following description in connection with the accompanying drawings in which the presently preferred embodiment of the invention is illustrated by way of example. It is to be expressly understood, however, that the drawings are for purposes of illustration and description only and are not intended as a definition of the limits of the invention.


FIG. 1 is a computer terminal screen by which an individual can log-in or register as a new member

FIG. 2 is a top-level flow chart of the credit card computer program.

FIG. 3A is a computer terminal screen for registering a new member. This screen includes general information.

FIG. 3B is a computer terminal screen for registering additional information for a new member. This screen includes security information.

FIG. 3C is a computer terminal screen presenting the member with program options.

FIG. 4 is a flow chart of the computer program for requesting credit reports and credit score.

FIG. 5A is a computer terminal screen for requesting a new credit report.

FIG. 5B is a computer terminal screen displaying a credit report.

FIG. 5C is a computer terminal screen displaying a credit score.

FIG. 5D is a computer terminal screen displaying a form to report an inaccuracy in a credit report.

FIG. 5E is a computer terminal screen displaying a form letter to a creditor.

FIG. 6 is a detailed flow chart of the computer program for credit monitoring.

FIG. 7A is a computer terminal screen displaying results of trade lines of credit monitoring report.

FIG. 7B is a computer terminal screen displaying address monitoring.

FIG. 7C is a computer terminal screen displaying employment information.

FIG. 7D is a computer terminal screen displaying Inquiries information.

FIG. 7E is a computer terminal screen displaying the public record of the individual.

FIG. 8 is a detailed flow chart of the computer program for reporting and monitoring identity theft.

FIG. 9A is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, personal information.

FIG. 9B a is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, complaint overview information.

FIG. 9C is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, complaint details.

FIG. 9D is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, further complaint details.

FIG. 9E is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, problems with companies.

FIG. 9F is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, a review and submit screen.

FIG. 9G is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, reporting instructions.

FIG. 9H is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, a form letter for reporting identity theft.

FIG. 9I is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, the second page of the form letter shown in FIG. 9H.

FIG. 9J is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, status of reports on identity theft.

FIG. 9K is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, identity theft notification details.

FIG. 9L is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, identity theft notification overview screen.

FIG. 9M is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, personal Information record.

FIG. 9N is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, identity theft notification details.

FIG. 10 is a flow chart for a computer program to compute interest rates.

FIG. 11 is a computer terminal screen displaying the expected interest rates and individual should expect to pay given his or her credit rating score.

FIG. 12 is a flow chart for a computer program to record activities.

FIG. 13 is a flow chart for a computer program for providing an individual's account details.

FIG. 14 is a computer terminal screen for displaying account information.


FIG. 1 is the opening computer screen for the program and FIG. 2 is a top-level flow chart for the computer program. Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, the individual logs-in by entering their name and a password and pressing the log-in button 20. The individual can also register by clicking on the register button 22. However, the registration process is typical, involving entering ones name, address, and other pertinent information as illustrated in FIGS. 3A and 3B. Thus this process need not be discussed further. After logging-in, the computer screen shown in FIG. 3C appears and displays all the available features of the program. Additionally, an account summary automatically appears (this summary which will be discussed later).

Referring to FIGS. 2, 3C and 4, the following are the steps for obtaining a credit report:

Step 20—Log In.

Step 27—Select A Service—These include the steps of obtaining credit reports and scores 30, monitoring credit 32, credit card monitoring, including reporting lost cards 34, identity theft reporting 36, compute interest rates, archival of information 40 and account information 42. All the information generated is archived in a computerized database 43. In this instance button 30 is “clicked” on. Step 30—Obtaining Credit Reports and Scores—It can be seen that the individual can monitor various credit reporting bureaus and have their reports and credit rating displayed. Step 30 therefore includes the steps of: Step 44—Select Credit Reports—The three major credit reporting bureaus, Experian Corporation, Equifax Corporation and TransUnion Corporation can be contacted and a credit report purchased. The computer screen in FIG. 5A appears and the individual can then order a new report. Step 45—Order Credit Reports—Orders for credit reports are made to the credit reporting bureaus. A typical screen to order such reports is shown in FIG. 5B. Step 46—Compile Credit Reports—If more than one credit report is purchased, then the reports are merged. Step 47—Archival of Credit Report—At this point the credit report is added to the database 43 and archived (Step 43A) Step 48—Display Credit Report—The credit report(s) are presented to the individual for review via the Internet. The typical report is shown in FIG. 5B. The credit reports from step 48 can be used to develop a credit rating. Step 50—Generate A Credit Rating—This information is useful in determining a interest rate that the individual would expect to pay when securing a loan. In this step a credit score is computed. This can be provided by the credit reporting bureau or an independent organization or an independent organization. Step 48—Display Credit Report and Credit Score—The credit rating is provided to the individual over the Internet. The computer terminal screen for displaying a credit score is illustrated in FIG. 5C. Step 52—Create Alert—FIG. 5B displays the Computer screen, which displays the report(s). Note that a Report Inaccuracy Button 53 appears. Step 54—Send Notifications—Automatic inquires are made to the credit bureaus and credit by pressing Button 53.

Referring now to FIGS. 3C and 6, which is a detailed flowchart of the credit monitoring program, the individual can continuously monitor the individual's credit history. After clicking on the credit-monitoring button 32, the following program is initiated.

Step 55—Set Watch—This initiates monitoring of credit bureau reports. Step 56—Receive Hits—The hits (changes to credit report) are gathered. Step 58—Store Hits in database 43 Step 60—Create Alert Message—Alert message for E-mail is prepared. Step 61—Send Alert—E-mail message sent to individual. Step 62—Display Alert—Alert also put on individuals web site. Step 64—Allow Ind. To Respond—Initiate individual's notification Step 66A—Send Notice to Credit Issuer—Individual notice sent from user to credit issuer. Step 66B—Send Notice To Bureau—Individual notice send to credit reporting bureau(s).

FIG. 7A shows a computer screen for monitoring trade lines. FIG. 7BB is a computer screen that allows the user to monitor address changes. FIG. 7C shows the computer screen for employment history FIG. 7D shows the computer screen for monitoring inquires. FIG. 7E shows the screen for monitoring public records In FIGS. 1 and 2, the Notifications Step 34 is accomplished by the process disclosed in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/846,616 “Card Management System and Method Therefor” filed on May 1, 2001, a credit card management system was disclosed and is herewith incorporated into this application by reference. This invention is a method and system for on-line card management, wherein the card is issued to a card user by a card issuing organization. The card user interfaces with a card management organization via the card user's own computer through the Internet to a computer system within the card management organization. The computer system includes a computer program that processes the request concerning a card and the card issuer is informed of the card user's request via the Internet system. The computer program thereafter informs the card user that the card issuer has received notice. This invention allowed an individual to contact a card issuer about a credit card billing dispute.

Still referring to FIG. 3C and additionally to FIG. 8, which is a computer flow chart to handle Identity Theft 36. After “clicking” on Identity theft button on the Screen in FIG. 3C, the following steps are undertaken by a computer program.

Step 70—Provide Forms—A generic form for Federal, State and local law enforcement departments is provided. Step 71—Display Selected Form—Here the form that is required is displayed as requested.

Step 72—User Fills Out Form.

Step 73—Show Printable Form and Instructions.

The following computer terminal screens are available: FIG. 9A is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, personal information. FIG. 9B is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, complaint overview information. FIG. 9C is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, complaint details. FIG. 9D is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, further complaint details. FIG. 9E is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, problems with companies. FIG. 9F is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, a review and submit screen.

FIG. 9G is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, reporting instructions. FIG. 9H is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, a customized form letter for reporting identity theft. FIG. 9I is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, the second page of the form letter shown in FIG. 9H. FIG. 9J is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, status of reports on identity theft. FIG. 9K is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, identity theft notification details. FIG. 9L is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, identity theft notification overview screen. FIG. 9M is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, personal Information record. FIG. 9N is a computer terminal screen displaying an identity theft questionnaire, in particular, identity theft notification details.

Referring to FIG. 3C and FIG. 10 which is a flow chart for the computer program to compute interest rates an individual should expect to pay based on his or hers credit score.

Step 76—Retrieve Credit Rating—The database is accessed to retrieve the rating. Step 77—Calculate Interest Rate—Rates for a house, car, personal loan, savings or credit card are computed

Step 78—Store Interest Data

Step—79 Display Interest Rate Data. FIG. 11 is a typical report of the interest rates and individual should expect to pay given their latest credit rating.

Archives can be entered to obtain an individual's records and a flow chart for the computer to accomplish this function is provided in FIG. 12.

Step 80—Select Member Account—The data base is entered to retrieve data. Step 82—Display Selected Archived data.

FIG. 13 a flow chart for the computer program to provide an individual's account information.

Step 84—Select Member Account Details

Step 86—Display Account Details—FIG. 14 is a printout of typical account details.

Thus it can be seen that the computer program and associated screens can obtain credit reports and scores, monitor credit, perform notifications, handle identity theft, compute interest rates, view archived data, and modify account details.

While the invention has been described with reference to a particular embodiment, it should be understood that the embodiment is merely illustrative, as there are numerous variations and modifications, which may be made by those skilled in the art. Thus, the invention is to be construed as being limited only by the spirit and scope of the appended claims.


The invention has applicability to the credit reporting industry.

  • 1. A computerized method of determining estimated loan terms for a first user, the method comprising: receiving, by a computer system having one or more computer processors, from a user computer, a request to determine an estimated loan interest rate for the first user, the request comprising information associated with the first user and information associated with a loan type;accessing, in response to receiving the request to determine an estimated loan interest rate for the first user, by the computing system, from a first remote credit reporting system storing credit information for a plurality of users, a first collection of credit information relating to the first user, the first collection of credit information comprising a plurality of first credit items, each first credit item being associated with a corresponding trade line;generating a credit score of the first user based at least in part on the accessed first collection of credit information relating to the first user, wherein the accessed first collection of credit information used to generate the credit score of the first user includes at least a quantity of derogatory credit items of the first user;determining a loan amount for the first user;accessing, from a first institution remote interest rate computing system, loan interest rate information indicative of loan interest rates offered by a first institution for the loan type identified in the request from the first user;calculating, by the computer system, based at least in part on the generated credit score of the first user, the determined loan amount for the first user, and the accessed loan interest rate information indicative of loan interest rates offered by the first institution, a first estimated interest rate for the first user, the first estimated interest rate associated with a loan amount for the first user at or below the loan amount;generating, by the computing system, user interface data configured to be rendered on the user computer to display a user interface on a display of the user computer, the user interface indicating at least:the determined loan amount;the first institution; andthe first estimated interest rate;the user interface further comprising a first active link associated with the first institution, wherein the first active link is configured to enable the user computer to communicate directly with the first institution regarding the first estimated interest rate in response to activation of the first active link associated with the first institution; andtransmitting, from the computing system to the user computer, the generated user interface data, the transmitted user interface data renderable by the user computer to display the user interface on the display of the user computer.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein receiving a request to determine an estimated loan interest rate for the first user further comprises receiving information associated with a loan purpose including at least one of a home loan, a car loan, a personal loan, and a credit card loan.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein receiving a request to determine an estimated loan interest rate for the first user further comprises receiving information associated with the loan type including at least one of a fixed interest loan and an adjustable interest loan.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, further comprising storing, in a non transitory computer-readable storage medium, the first collection of credit information relating to the first user.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, further comprising calculating, by the computer system, based at least in part on the generated credit score of the first user, the determined loan amount for the user, and the accessed loan interest rate information indicative of loan interest rates offered by the first institution, a plurality of first estimated interest rates for the first user, the plurality of first estimated interest rates associated with a loan amount for the first user at or below the determined loan amount wherein each of the plurality of estimated first interest rates is associated with a loan term.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, further comprising calculating, by the computer system, based at least in part on the generated credit score of the first user, the determined loan amount for the user, and the accessed loan interest rate information indicative of loan interest rates offered by the first institution, a second estimated interest rate for the first user, the second estimated interest rate associated with a loan amount for the first user above the determined loan amount.
  • 7. The method of claim 1, further comprising calculating, by the computer system, based at least in part on the generated credit score of the first user, the determined loan amount for the user, and the accessed loan interest rate information indicative of loan interest rates offered by the first institution, a plurality of second estimated interest rates for the first user, the plurality of second estimated interest rates associated with a loan amount for the first user above the determined loan amount wherein each of the plurality of estimated second interest rates is associated with a loan term.
  • 8. The method of claim 1, further comprising: accessing, from a second institution remote interest rate computing system, loan interest rate information indicative of loan interest rates offered by a second institution for the identified type of loan; andcalculating, by the computer system, based at least in part on the generated credit score of the first user, the determined loan amount, and the accessed loan interest rate information indicative of loan interest rates offered by the second institution, a third estimated interest rate for the first user, the third estimated interest rate associated with a loan amount for the first user at or below the determined loan amount,wherein generating user interface data further comprises generating user interface data indicating the second institution and the third estimated interest rate, andwherein the user interface further comprises a second active link associated with the second institution, wherein the second active link is configured to enable the first user to communicate directly with the second institution regarding the third estimated interest rate by selecting the second active link associated with the second institution.
  • 9. The method of claim 8, further comprising calculating, by the computer system, based at least in part on the generated credit score of the first user, the determined loan amount for the user, and the accessed loan interest rate information indicative of loan interest rates offered by the second institution, a plurality of third estimated interest rates for the first user, the plurality of third estimated interest rates associated with a loan amount for the first user above the determined loan amount wherein each of the plurality of estimated third interest rates is associated with a loan term.
  • 10. The method of claim 1, further comprising: accessing, in response to receiving the request to determine an estimated loan interest rate for the first user, by the computing system, from a second remote credit reporting system storing credit information for a plurality of users, a second collection of credit information relating to the first user, the second collection of credit information comprising a plurality of second credit items, each second credit item being associated with a specific trade line; andcompiling the first and second collections of credit information relating to the first user into a merged collection of credit information relating to the first user,storing, in the non-transitory computer-readable storage medium, the merged collection of credit information relating to the first user;accessing, from the non-transitory computer-readable storage medium, the stored merged collection of credit information relating to the first user;generating a credit score of the first user based at least in part on the accessed merged collection of credit information relating to the first user, wherein the accessed merged collection of credit information used to generate the credit score of the first user includes at least a quantity of derogatory credit items of the first user; anddetermining, based at least in part on the accessed merged collection of credit information relating to the first user, a loan amount.
  • 11. The method of claim 1, wherein generating, by the computing system, user interface data configured for rendering on the user computer to display a user interface on a display of the user computer, further comprises generating user interface data indicative of the generated credit score of the first user.
  • 12. The method of claim 1, wherein generating, by the computing system, user interface data configured for rendering on the user computer to display a user interface on a display of the user computer, further comprises generating user interface data indicative of: the generated credit score of the first user;a first loan duration; anda percentage of a loan amount associated with the first estimated interest rate to be charged as a transaction fee.
  • 13. A computing system to determine estimated loan terms for a first user, the system comprising: one or more computer processors operable to execute software instructions;a non-transitory storage device storing a plurality of software instructions to cause the one or more processors to:receive, from a user computer, a request to determine an estimated loan interest rate for the first user, the request including information associated with the first user and information associated with a loan type and a loan purpose;access a first remote credit reporting system storing credit information for a plurality of users;retrieve a first collection of credit information relating to the first user, the first collection of credit information comprising a plurality of credit items associated with the first user, each credit item associated with a particular trade line, and a quantity of derogatory credit items;store, in a non-transitory storage device, the retrieved first collection of credit information relating to the first user;access the stored first collection of credit information relating to the first user;calculate a credit score for the first user based at least in part on the accessed first collection of credit information relating to the first user;determine a loan amount for the first user;access, from a first institution remote interest rate computing system, loan interest rate information indicative of loan interest rates offered by a first institution for the identified loan type and loan purpose;calculate, based at least in part on the generated credit score of the first user, the determined loan amount for the first user, and the accessed loan interest information indicative of loan interest rates offered by the first institution, a first estimated interest rate for the first user;generate user interface data to be presented on a display of the user computer, the generated user interface data indicating:the determined loan amount;the first institution;the first estimated interest rate; anda first active link associated with the first institution; andtransmit, to the user computer, the generated user interface data to be presented on the display of the user computer,wherein the first active link, in response to being activated, enables direct communication between the user computer and the first institution regarding the first estimated interest rate.
  • 14. The system of claim 13, wherein the first estimated interest rate is associated with a loan amount that is at or below the determined loan amount.
  • 15. The system of claim 13, wherein the first estimated interest rate is associated with a loan amount that is above the determined loan amount.
  • 16. The system of claim 13, wherein the information associated with a loan purpose comprises at least one of a home loan, a car loan, a personal loan, and a credit card loan.
  • 17. The system of claim 13, wherein the information associated with a loan type comprises at least one of a fixed interest rate loan and an adjustable interest rate loan.
  • 18. The system of claim 13, wherein the generated user interface data further comprises user data indicating: a loan term; anda percentage of a loan amount associated with the first estimated interest rate to be charged as a loan transaction fee.
  • 19. The system of claim 13, wherein the plurality of software instructions further cause the one or more processors to: access, from a second institution remote interest rate computing system, loan interest rate information indicative of loan interest rates offered by a second institution for the identified loan type and loan purpose;calculate, based at least in part on the generated credit score of the first user, the determined loan amount for the first user, and the accessed loan interest information indicative of loan interest rates offered by the second institution, a second estimated interest rate for the first user;generate user interface data to be presented on a display of the user computer, the generated user interface data indicating:the second institution;the second estimated interest rate; anda second active link associated with the second institution,wherein the second active link, in response to being activated, enables direct communication between the user computer and the second institution regarding the second estimated interest rate.
  • 20. The system of claim 13, wherein the plurality of software instructions further cause the one or more processors to: calculate, based at least in part on the generated credit score of the first user, the determined loan amount for the first user, and the accessed loan interest information indicative of loan interest rates offered by the first institution, a plurality of first estimated interest rates for the first user, each first estimated interest rate being associated with at least one of a loan duration and a percentage of a loan amount associated with the first estimated interest rate to be charged as a loan transaction fee; andgenerate user interface data to be presented on a display of the user computer, the generated user interface data indicating:the plurality of first estimated interest rates;the loan duration associated with its respective first estimated interest rate; andthe percentage of a loan amount associated with the respective first estimated interest rate to be charged as a loan transaction fee.

The present application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/968,784, filed Aug. 16, 2013, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/471,859, filed May 15, 2012, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,515,844, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/168,736, filed Jun. 24, 2011, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,195,549, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/874,364, filed Sep. 2, 2010, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,970,679, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/665,244, filed Sep. 20, 2003, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,792,715, which claims the benefit of priority to U.S. Prov. Pat. App. No. 60/412,355, filed Sep. 21, 2002. All of the aforementioned applications are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60412355 Sep 2002 US
Continuations (5)
Number Date Country
Parent 13968784 Aug 2013 US
Child 15467818 US
Parent 13471859 May 2012 US
Child 13968784 US
Parent 13168736 Jun 2011 US
Child 13471859 US
Parent 12874364 Sep 2010 US
Child 13168736 US
Parent 10665244 Sep 2003 US
Child 12874364 US