Systems and methods providing tactile guidance using sensory supplementation


  • Patent Grant
  • 6320496
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Thursday, April 29, 1999
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, November 20, 2001
    22 years ago
A tactile guidance system and method provides a user with navigational assistance through continuous background communication. This continuous background communication is realized through tactile cueing. By making the direction giving through tactile cues, a user's main attention can focus on visual and auditory cues in the real world, instead of focusing on the direction giving device itself. An electronic compass maintains the orientation of a user. A navigation state is maintained as a combination of orientation, location and destination. A guidance server provides a mapping from a user's current location to directions to a desired destination. Communication links maintain communication between the tactile direction device and the guidance server. The compass, tactile direction device, communication links and guidance server all interact to provide direction information to a user via a tactile surface. The tactile direction device is small enough to be hand-held or incorporated, for example, into a briefcase handle.


1. Field of Invention

This invention is related to navigational assistance systems. In particular, this invention is directed to systems and methods which provide tactile guidance through sensory supplementation.

2. Description of Related Art

A plethora of directional guidance systems are available with differing degrees of accuracy and scalability. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 3,902,687 to Hightower discloses a seat cushion for the pilot of an aircraft. The seat cushion has left and right vibrators that indicate to the pilot the deviation from a course selected via a radio navigation aid receiver. If the pilot is off course, one of the vibrators is actuated for indicating the corrective action needed, while the frequency of vibration indicates the error magnitude. This system can be further expanded by slipping an attachment over the pilot's leg. This attachment would again have vibrators to indicate deviations, for example, from a predetermined glide slope.

U.S. Pat. No. 3,736,651 to Hirsch discloses a pad which is mounted on the back of a swimmer. Embedded in the pad are indicators arranged in perpendicular rows. Upon sequentially energizing an indicator in a selected row, the person, i.e., swimmer, receives commands corresponding to a particular direction they should swim. H. Tan et al., “Tactile Displays for Wearable Computing,” Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Laboratory Perceptual Computing Section Technical Report No. 431, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 1997, discloses a wearable device for providing directions cues. Specifically, the system is designed to stimulate the back of a user. This system provides direction cues in the form of geometric patterns generated by sequentially energizing cells in a 3×3 vibrator array.

P. Probert et al., “Interfaces for Multi-Sensor Systems for Navigation for the Blind,” Proceedings of the 1


European Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Assoc. Tech., Maidenhead, U.K., 1996 discloses wearable vibrating belts presented as part of a multi-modal navigation system for the blind. The wearable belt contains three sonar sensors for range finding of nearby objects and micro-navigation. Vibro-tactile cues are provided to the user via three vibrating motors in the belt. Thus, the belt is designed for use as a close range obstacle detection/avoidance device for the blind.

Additionally, there are many devices for forming a tactile readable message, including Braille characters and other various forms of graphic objects, such as lines and two-dimensional shapes formed by a matrix of pins. See, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,194,190 to Bareau and U.S. Pat. No. 4,473,356 to Fernando. Other generic actuating mechanisms include solenoids, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,191,945 to Hannen, electromagnetic devices, disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,586,904 to Chlumsky and U.S. Pat. No. 4,871,992 to Peterson, piezoelectric devices, disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,044,350 to Tretiakoff, and shape memory alloy actuators, disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,685,721 to Decker.

Other methods for providing direction cueing use the Global Positioning Service (GPS). Mapless GPS systems, such as those described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,627,547 to Ramaswamy and U.S. Pat. No. 5,774,828 to Brunts, provide visual and audio direction cues to give directions to a user in outdoor environments.

Systems for overcoming disabilities are designed around substituting one sense for another. Arkenstone and VisuAide have jointly developed two new computer-based orientation systems for people with visual impairments. The first orientation system, ATLAS SPEAKS, enables maps to be accessible to blind people via voice synthesis or Braille displays. Users choose locations by address, by intersection, or by virtually “walking” there. Using detailed digital street maps, the user pilots a virtual pedestrian on the street network of the desired area. As the user explores the map, a talking user interface provides complete speech access to the system. This system also provides the ability to customize maps by adding points of personal interest or to choose paths between desired points. The system also allows the user to save the directions for such a path to, for example, a tape recorder, a note taker or printed hard copy.

The second orientation system is STRIDER. The STRIDER system integrates a GPS receiver with the digital map database from ATLAS SPEAKS. By combining and adding this capability to a portable notebook computer, a user gains access to information about their current location and the layout of the immediate area. Therefore, these systems provide orientation cues based on digital map data and satellite positioning information. Similar systems, such as “User Interface Designed for a Travel Aid for Blind People,”, 1995, by F. Michael, were developed in Europe.

L. Golledge, “Personal Guidance System for the Visually Impaired,” Assets '94, Proceedings of the First Annual ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies, pp. 85-91, discloses a computer-based navigation system for the blind. This system consists of modules for determining a user's position and orientation, providing a computer map of the surrounding environment and a user interface built around a virtual acoustic display. For example, to indicate to a user that the administration building is off to the user's left, the user will hear the words “administration building” coming from their left.

H. Talkenberg, “The Electronic Guide Dog: A Technical Approach to In-Town Navigation,”˜pjp/Rank/talkenberg.html, Avionik Zentrum Braunschweig GMBH & Co., KG Rebenring, Germany, March 1996, provides autonomous obstacle detection as the basic mobility function. Continuous position determination is included in the system for help functions, such as, for example, an automatic ambulance call. A mobile phone is built into the system for speech and data communication. This system further comprises a positioning system, a close range sensor, the mobile phone interface and a central station with a human operator who provides taxi calls, gives directions, etc. A button located on the user's system activates transmission of the position data to the central station. The operator can then identify, on a monitor collocated with the operator, the user's location by means of an electronic map. If necessary, instructions may be given directly to the user or an execution of a required service can be confirmed by a return signal to the user.

P. D. L. Meijer, “An Experimental System for Auditory Image Representations,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 112-121, February 1992, discloses the vOICe system, which provides auditory displays that are intended as a substitute for vision. Image-to-sound mapping is used to generate the artificial vision. Specifically, the system was designed to provide auditory image representations within some of the known limitations of the human hearing system, possibly as a step towards the development of a vision substitution device for the blind. The application of an invertible one-to-one image-to-sound mapping ensures the preservation of the visual information.

TALKING SIGNS, disclosed in part in U.S. Pat. No. 5,616,901 to Crandall, and U.S. Pat. No. 5,623,358 to Madey, provide remote infra-red signs allowing people who are either print disabled or sight-impaired to know not only where a sign is located, but also the content of the sign. Specifically, unlike Braille, where raised letters or voice signs passively label some location or give instructions to some destination, TALKING SIGNS provides a repeating, directionally selective voice message which originates at the sign and is transmitted by infra-red light to a hand-held receiver carried by the user.

Similarly, the OPEN system disclosed in D. Irvin, “Talking Beacons,” Possom Controls Ltd.,˜pjp/Rank/irvine.html, is based on an infra-red transmission of speech. A network of infra-red beacons assist navigation through an underground station. Beacons are located at decision points, for example, where a side tunnel splits off from a main tunnel. The user is able to deduce the direction of the beacon from the characteristic of the received signal. Thus, the ability to be oriented to the beacon facilitates navigation across open spaces, and identifies the locations of key points, such as a ticket office. The users of the infra-red OPEN receivers are required to listen to the speech messages. The speech messages are continuously transmitted from the infra-red beacons. The OPEN receiver is normally silent, but plays a speech message to the user when an infra-red beam is within range of the receiver.


Existing interfaces, such as the Global Positioning System map displays, require a user to focus on the direction finding device. By requiring such high levels of attention, existing navigation technology attempts to interfere with a person's natural intuitive navigational abilities, and sometimes also interferes with possibly more urgent activities the person may be involved in. In reality, the success of a navigational tool relies on a fine balance between supporting the navigational needs of the user, and not overwhelming the user's intuitive wayfinding abilities, or any other possibly more urgent activities the user may be involved in. For example, a common scenario in which other activities are essential is navigation while driving a car. Recent systems provide a map display to the driver, risking that the user will divert the user's attention away from traffic and focus on the map display. Likewise, audible direction cueing requires a user to continuously pay close attention to avoid missing an audio cue. Furthermore, continuous or frequently given audible cues can be distracting, and a user can become desensitized to them to such an extent that the cues are missed.

Many tasks in everyday life rely on the simple assumption that a person is able to find his or her way from one location to another. Most people recognize the unpleasant and highly frustrating feeling when this assumption breaks down and they become lost. The methods and systems of this invention are designed to accommodate needs for navigational aid in complex environments such as large office buildings, shopping malls, airports, hospitals, parking garages, museums and the like. The methods and systems of this invention are also designed to work in general environments such as those currently serviced by GPS. Such general environments include outdoor locations. The methods and systems of this invention focus on the notion of directional guidance through stimulating a person's peripheral perception.

Existing technologies tend to organize navigational tasks in ways which tend to capture the entire focal range of the selected senses, thereby substituting the use of the navigational system for the person's natural senses. The methods and systems of this invention are a supplement to, or an enhancement of, a person's natural ability to navigate, rather than a substitute for any one or more senses. Consequently, the methods and systems of this invention provide directional guidance via subtle tactile cues to ensure that the user's main attention is on the visual and auditory cues of the real world, not the navigational cues of the device.

The systems and methods of this invention provide navigational assistance through continuous background communication.

This invention separately provides systems and methods for assisting users with navigation.

This invention separately provides systems and methods that allow a user to interact with a navigational aid via a tactile direction device.

This invention separately provides systems and methods that allow navigation as a non-focal activity.

The methods and systems of this invention maintain the navigational state of a user by means of an electronic compass. The tactile guidance systems and methods of this invention rely on background communication through tactile cueing to aid a user with navigation. The tactile cueing is based on a current heading, a current location and a desired destination. By providing this information to the guidance server, the guidance server can calculate the direction needed to arrive either at the desired destination or some intermediary destination.

Upon receiving the directional indication from the guidance server for the current direction the user needs to travel in to reach the desired destination, the tactile direction device determines, based on the current heading of the user, the necessary tactile cueing to indicate to the user which direction to proceed in.

In one exemplary embodiment, a location server provides a mapping from the user's location to a desired location. Communication links maintain communication between a tactile direction device held by the user and the guidance server.

Specifically, in this exemplary embodiment, a tactile direction device accompanies the user. The tactile direction device forwards location and destination information to a guidance server. The guidance server returns to the tactile direction device directional cues corresponding to the direction needed to reach the desired destination. The tactile direction device then activates a tactile surface indicating to the user which direction to proceed in.

The tactile guidance systems and methods according to this invention off-load activities from the user's already over-taxed cognitive system to under-utilized areas, such as the peripheral ranges of the user's senses. The tactile guidance systems and methods according to this invention enable the user to navigate a complex environment while having to dedicate very little attention to manipulating any type of user device. The tactile guidance systems and methods according to this invention capitalize on an under-utilized portion of human perception and enable a larger degree of low-intentional interaction that is not found in current guidance and navigation systems. The tactile guidance systems and methods of this invention also recognize a direct physical action can be more efficient and reliable than interactions with a display device. For example, receiving a nudge which makes a user turn left is far more easily recognized and responded to than having the same user read a display of, for example, a global positioning system which indicates the user should come to a heading of, for example, 274°.

These and other features and advantages of this invention are described in or are apparent from the following detailed description of the preferred embodiments.


The preferred embodiments of this invention will be described in detail, with reference to the following figures wherein:

FIG. 1

is a functional block diagram showing a first exemplary embodiment of the tactile guidance system according to this invention;

FIG. 2

shows a functional block diagram of one exemplary embodiment of the tactile direction device of this invention;

FIG. 3

shows one exemplary embodiment of the tactile surface device;

FIG. 4

shows a sectional view of the exemplary tactile direction device of

FIG. 3

FIG. 5

shows a functional block diagram of one exemplary embodiment of the guidance server of this invention;

FIG. 6

shows a functional block diagram of one exemplary embodiment of a location beacon in the location beacon network of this invention;

FIG. 7

illustrates how communication between the tactile direction device and the guidance server occurs;

FIG. 8

illustrates an exemplary embodiment of a look-up table for determining direction information;

FIG. 9

illustrates how a directional cue is determined;

FIG. 10

illustrates an exemplary mapping of navigational directions;

FIG. 11

illustrates an exemplary wide segmentation of a compass rose;

FIG. 12

illustrates an exemplary narrow segmentation of a compass rose;

FIG. 13

is a flowchart outlining one embodiment of a method for providing tactile guidance according to this invention;

FIG. 14

is a flowchart outlining one method for determining direction information according to this invention;

FIG. 15

is a flowchart outlining one exemplary method for using a relaxed compass rose to calculate a direction cue according to this invention;

FIG. 16

is a flowchart outlining one exemplary method for using a narrow compass rose to calculate a direction cue according to this invention;

FIG. 17

is a flowchart outlining one method for determining a revised heading according to this invention;

FIG. 18

shows a functional block diagram of a second exemplary embodiment of the tactile direction device according to this invention;

FIG. 19

is a functional block diagram showing a second exemplary embodiment of the tactile guidance system according to this invention; and

FIG. 20

shows a functional block diagram of a third exemplary embodiment of the tactile direction device according to this invention.


Operation of the tactile guidance systems and methods according to this invention reduce the amount of attention required for a user to dedicate to a navigational aid, while allowing full and immediate navigational assistance. A user, upon entering a new environment, initializes a tactile direction device. After inputting a desired destination, the tactile direction device, communicating with a location beacon network and a guidance server, determines a heading in which the user must proceed to reach the desired destination. The tactile direction device, upon receiving directional information from the guidance server, activates a tactile surface that indicates to a user the direction to which the user must turn and, the direction in which the user must proceed in order to reach the desired destination.

Specifically, when navigating between and looking for real-world locations, it is essential that the user's focus of attention is on the actual physical environment rather than on the navigational aid. The tactile guidance systems and methods of this invention are designed to supplement a person's natural ability to navigate in the real world, rather than act as a substitute for those abilities. Most people only need occasional subtle confirmations indicating that they are proceeding in the right direction, or warnings alerting them that they are proceeding in the wrong direction.

For example, when knowing that the overall direction of a route to be taken to a certain destination is “straight ahead,” people are fully capable of adjusting to small turns and obstacles without bumping into other people or obstacles. Furthermore, people only need a low level of directional assistance to proceed to the right destination. Unlike robotic behavior, people will not normally bang their heads against the walls in an attempt to go straight through the wall, but will combine the directional guidance from the tactile guidance system with their natural navigational abilities and experiences from navigating in the real world.

By stimulating a surface of the tactile direction device, low-level directional aids can be relayed to a user. Since these directional aids require little to no focal activity, and could be processed as background or peripheral information, users can dedicate their full attention to the surrounding environment.

FIG. 1

illustrates a tactile guidance system


according to this invention. Specifically, the tactile guidance system


comprises a tactile direction device


, a guidance server


, a location beacon network


, wireless links




, and an optional wired or wireless link



The tactile direction device


receives a desired destination input from the user or an outside source, as well as a current location input over the wireless link


from a location beacon


of the location beacon network


. The tactile direction device


forwards the current location information and the desired destination information to the guidance server


over the link


. The guidance server


determines the direction in which the tactile direction device


, i.e., the user, should proceed to arrive at the desired destination. Upon making this determination, the guidance server


transmits back to the tactile direction device


, over the wireless link


, the current location, the desired destination and direction information. The tactile direction device


, upon receiving this direction information, determines the current heading of the tactile display device


and generates a revised heading, relative to the current heading of the tactile display device


. The revised heading is translated to point the user in the direction in which the user needs to proceed to eventually arrive at the desired destination. In particular, the tactile direction device


converts this direction cue to a control signal for a tactile surface. A tactile surface controller converts the control signal into a stimulus that can be sensed by the user.

The location beacon network


includes a series of location beacons


, e.g., transmitters, where each location beacon


corresponds to a particular location within a navigable space. Each location beacon


within the location beacon network


transmits a signal corresponding to that particular location beacon's identifier. Whenever the tactile direction device


enters a space corresponding to a particular location beacon


, the location beacon identifier will be used to inform the tactile direction device


of its current position. For example, the beacon location identifier may be provided to the tactile direction device


in a local coordinate system, such as, for example, a simple integer coordinate system for a building, or a building/column numbering system or the like, or expressed in a globally unique identifying format, such as, for example, a Universal Resource Locator, a GPS coordinate system, latitude or longitude, or the like.

The guidance server


is responsible for answering the received desired destination request from the tactile direction device


. The guidance server


, upon receiving the current location information and the desired destination information, determines, for example with reference to a look-up table, a direction to the next location to which the user needs to proceed in route to the final destination.

FIG. 2

illustrates the tactile direction device


in greater detail. Specifically, the tactile direction device


comprises transmitter/receiver


, a controller


, a memory


, a destination identification device


, a direction determination circuit


, a compass


, a power supply


, a display device


, a tactile surface control circuit


, a tactile surface device


, a control/data bus


and an antenna



After initialization, where the tactile direction device


calibrates the compass


and establishes communication with a location beacon


, in the location beacon network


, and the guidance server


, destination identification data is input to the destination identification device


. This destination identification data corresponds to the desired destination of the user. The destination identification data can be input to the tactile direction device


in a plurality of ways.

For example, upon entering an office building for a meeting, a user could approach a reception area. Upon being greeted by the receptionist, the user can indicate that the user has a meeting in, for example, “Conference Room 4.” Upon receiving this request, the receptionist could activate a transmitter that forwards destination identification data corresponding to “Conference Room 4” to the tactile direction device



Alternatively, for example, upon entering a new environment, the user could proceed to a direction kiosk. This kiosk could, for example, show a map of the environment, such as, for example, an office building, that the user is in. Upon selecting the desired destination at the kiosk, the kiosk could transfer the destination identification data to the tactile direction device


. Alternatively, the tactile direction device


could include an alphanumeric keypad for entering the destination identification data corresponding to the desired destination.

Upon receipt by the tactile direction device


, the destination identification data is transferred via the antenna


and the transmitter/receiver


to the memory


at the direction of controller


. The destination identification device


can then retrieve the destination identification data from memory


as needed.

Furthermore, since the tactile direction device


is capable of receiving and storing destination identification data, destination identification data can be transferred or shared between users. Thus, for example, if a user desires to meet a colleague for lunch at “The Deli,” a first user could transmit the necessary desired destination identification data to a second user. This second user would activate the destination identification data for “The Deli” in the tactile direction device


, which could then guide the second user from the second user's current location to “The Deli.”

The destination identification device


also performs a conversion to provide the user with a recognizable mnemonic, e.g., “The Deli,” corresponding to the destination identification data. Specifically, in addition to the destination identification data that is forwarded to the tactile direction device


corresponding to the desired destination, a human recognizable mnemonic corresponding to the destination identification data could also be forwarded to the tactile direction device


. This mnemonic is displayed in the display device


so the user is aware of the currently selected destination.

The destination identification device


also functions as a “bookmark” type system for storing and retrieving, for example, frequently traveled-to destinations. Thus, a user, via an input device, such as the above-described direction kiosk or alphanumeric keypad, selects a desired destination, or alternatively, for example, activates the tactile direction device


to store a current location, such as, for example, where the user's car is parked in a garage equipped with location beacons


. The user can then enter a mnemonic, such as, for example, “car”, corresponding to the selected input. If the user for any reason needs to return to the user's car, the user simply selects the “car” mnemonic in the tactile direction device


. The destination identification device


then converts the mnemonic into the coordinate system equivalent, and forwards this new destination identification data to the guidance server



Upon receiving the destination identification data, the tactile direction device


detects its current location based on a signal received over the wireless link


from a location beacon


in the location beacon network


. This current location information is received over the antenna


and the transmitter/receiver


and stored under control of the controller


in the memory


over the control/data bus


. At the direction of the controller


, the current location is retrieved from the memory


. Furthermore, at the direction of the controller


, the destination identification data corresponding to a desired destination is retrieved from the memory


and both the current location and desired destination are transmitted by the transmitter/receiver


and the antenna


over the wireless link


to the guidance server



The guidance server


returns the current location information, the desired destination information and direction information to the tactile direction device


. This data is received over the wireless link


, the antenna


and the transmitter/receiver


and stored in the memory


. The direction determination circuit


then determines whether new floor information was included with the direction information returned from the guidance server


. If new floor information was included, the direction determination circuit


retrieves the new floor information from the memory


. Under the control of the controller


, the new floor information is displayed on display device


. This allows a user to recognize that the user must traverse to a new floor to reach the desired destination.

Alternatively, if no new floor information was received from the guidance server


, or after the new floor information is displayed, the tactile direction device


obtains a current heading from the compass


. Once a current compass heading is obtained from the compass


, the direction determination circuit


retrieves from the memory


the direction information received from the guidance server


and determines a direction cue. The direction cue is then forwarded to the tactile surface control circuit


, which activates at least one actuator in the tactile surface device


. The actuator indicates to a user the direction in which to proceed to reach the desired destination.

Since the tactile direction device


is a transportable device, it comes with a self-contained power supply


. The power supply


can be any known or later developed device capable of supplying sufficient power to run the tactile direction device


including, but not limited to, batteries, rechargeable batteries, solar power or the like.

Furthermore, the tactile display device


can be equipped with a speaker or other audio device or any other known or later developed device that is capable of generating an audible sound (not shown), that, at the direction of controller


, emits a tone if new floor information is received. Using this audio signal further removes a cognitive load from the user, since the user would not need to check the display device


unless a tone was heard. Alternatively, the tactile surface device


could retract all of the pegs


, raise all of the pegs


, vibrate or use some unique state of the tactile surface device


to indicate new floor information is being displayed on the display device



FIG. 3

shows an exemplary embodiment of the outside shell of the tactile direction device


. In this exemplary embodiment of the outside shell, the tactile direction device


is hand-held and includes an outer surface


, the display device


and the tactile surface device


, which includes a reference peg


and a plurality of movable pegs


. The tactile direction device


conveys the directional information to the user via the movable pegs


. The movable pegs


, at the direction of the tactile surface control circuit


and the tactile surface device


, are raised and lowered to provide direction cues to the user.

FIG. 3

illustrates an exemplary arrangement of the movable pegs


and the reference peg


in which four direction cues, i.e., forward, backward, left and right, correspond to the four movable pegs


. The center reference peg


provides a reference marker to assist the user in distinguishing which of the movable pegs


is raised. However, it should be understood the center reference peg


need only provide a different feel than the movable pegs


and need not extend as far above the device surface


as any of the movable pegs


. Therefore, in this exemplary hand-held embodiment of the tactile direction device


, a finger or thumb placed above the center reference point


and the movable pegs


could easily detect directional cues corresponding to the raising of one of the movable pegs


corresponding to a particular direction to be taken.

Furthermore, the distance the movable pegs are raised could correspond to the amount of distance to be traveled. Therefore, as the distance to the desired location, or some intermediary destination, is reduced, the movable pegs


can make a corresponding change in height.

As previously discussed, the desired destination of a user may be on a different floor than the current location. Thus, the display device


is capable of displaying mnemonic or new floor information to a user. For example, the display device


could be a liquid crystal display, a light emitting diode display, or the like. Furthermore, audible notification or tactile cueing could convey floor information to a user.

FIG. 4

shows a cross-sectional view of the tactile direction device


shown in FIG.


. Specifically, the cross-sectional view illustrates how the movable pegs


protrude through the surface


to come in contact with for example, a user's thumb or finger. The tactile surface device


moves each of the movable pegs


, for example, with a solenoid, at the direction of the tactile surface control circuit



While the tactile direction device


has been described as a distinct hand-held device, it should be understood that the tactile direction device


can be incorporated into any structure where it is capable of conveying navigational information to a user. For example, the tactile direction device


can be incorporated into the arm of a wheel chair, a briefcase handle, the sole of a shoe, a pager, a cellular telephone, a PDA or other hand-held, palm-sized computer, a purse, a hat, a dedicated tactile direction device, or the like.

FIG. 5

is a functional block diagram of one exemplary embodiment of the guidance server


. Specifically, the guidance server


comprises a transmitter/receiver


, a controller


, a memory


, a mass storage device


, an I/O interface


, a navigation circuit


, a location management device


, a look-up table


, a control/data bus


, an antenna


, and the optional wired or wireless link


to a network.

The guidance server


receives, over the wireless link


, the antenna


and the transmitter/receiver


, the current location and the desired destination information from the tactile direction device


. The current location and the desired destination information are transferred under control of the controller


over the control/data bus


to the memory


. Upon receiving the current location and the desired destination information, the location management device


determines whether the desired destination is on a different floor than the current location. If the desired destination is not on another floor, the navigation circuit


, in cooperation with the look-up table


and the mass storage device


, and at the direction of the controller


, determines direction information identifying the next location beacon in route to the final destination. This direction information, along with the current location and the desired destination information, is then transmitted via the transmitter/receiver


and the antenna


over the wireless link


back to the tactile direction device


. For example, with reference to the look-up table


, the navigation circuit


can determine the direction needed to route the user to an interim destination that is in route to the final destination.

It should be appreciated that the determination of how to guide the user to another floor may also be based on predetermined criteria or, for example, a specific users' requirements. For example, when the user initially enters the desired destination information, for example, at the directory kiosk, the user could additionally enter information indicating they require wheelchair accessible corridors. Accordingly, the desired destination information could be accompanied by a flag indicating that only navigation through wheelchair accessible routes is acceptable.

Alternatively, if the desired destination is on a different floor than the current location, the location management device


generates a new floor flag. The new floor flag indicates to the navigation circuit


that instead of determining the direction information to the desired destination, the direction information for guiding a user to a stairwell or to an elevator used to move to the new floor is needed. Specifically, the navigation circuit


will generate direction information that could guide the user to, for example, the nearest elevator or stairwell. Therefore, if such predetermined criteria is present, for example, for wheelchair accessible routes, in the event a floor change is necessary, the navigation circuit


would automatically route the user to the appropriate elevator.

The guidance server


can contain an optional link


. This optional link


can for example, connect a plurality of the guidance servers


in different areas of a large complex. For example, a plurality of guidance servers


could interface with other guidance serves


to enable a user to pass from, for example, one building to another. Additionally, the guidance server


could be connected to any one or more of the location beacons


in the location beacon network


via the optional link


. However, this link


is merely optional, and the location beacons within the location beacon network


are able to operate without direct interaction with the guidance server



FIG. 6

is an exemplary block diagram of an exemplary embodiment of one location beacon


within the location beacon network


. In this exemplary embodiment, each location beacon


within the location beacon network


comprises a transmitter/receiver


, a memory


, a controller


, an I/O interface


, a control/data bus


, an antenna


and the optional link



Each location beacon


stores a location identifier in the memory


corresponding to that location beacon's location in an environment. A location identifier, at the direction of the controller


, is continuously transmitted from the transmitter/receiver


and the antenna


. The location beacon


also contains an I/O interface


which can be connected via the optional link


to other location beacons


within the location beacon network


or to the guidance server


. It should be appreciated that the location beacon


can operate on a continuous basis, or be programmed to transmit the location identifier at some predetermined interval, as appropriate.

FIG. 7

illustrates how communication between the tactile direction device


and the guidance server


occurs. Specifically, after the tactile direction device


has been initialized, the desired destination has been input and the current location has been detected, a request


is forwarded from the tactile direction device


to the guidance server


via the link


. The request


contains the current location information and the desired destination information. The guidance server


receives this request, determines an appropriate course to the destination and returns an answer


to the tactile direction device


. In one exemplary embodiment, the answer comprises the current location, the desired destination and the direction, with new floor information if appropriate, the user is to take to reach the next location in route to the final destination. Communication between the tactile direction device


and the guidance server


in this way has several advantages. Specifically, since the tactile direction device


does not contain a “tactile direction device identifier” the anonymity of the user operating any particular tactile direction device


can be preserved.

It would be obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art to modify the exact communication path over which the tactile direction device


and the guidance server communicate. For example, the request


and answer


need not be communicated directly between the tactile direction device


and the guidance server


. A location beacon


can act as an intermediary “sub-station” which receives a request


, and forwards the request over the optional link


to the guidance server


. Additionally, as would be apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art, independent “sub-stations” or repeaters could be located throughout an environment as needed to ensure a clear communication path between the tactile direction device


and the guidance server



FIG. 8

illustrates how the guidance server


determines the route to be used to guide the user to a desired destination. Specifically, the guidance server


bases its direction determination on a look-up table. The look-up table contains a matrix of current locations and desired destinations as well as floor information, if applicable. The look-up table describes the topology of the environment supported by the guidance server


. The matrix of the look-up table provides, for each location beacon


supported by a particular guidance server


, the direction the user needs to take from that location beacon to reach any particular final destination. For example, if a user holding a tactile direction device


is around the location beacon


, and needs to reach a desired destination around the location beacon


, the look-up table will indicate that to proceed from the location beacon


to the desired destination location beacon


, the user holding that tactile direction device


should go east towards the location beacon


. From the location beacon


, the user holding the tactile direction device


will be informed to go north towards the location beacon


, and finally, once the user holding the tactile direction device arrives at the location beacon


, the user will be notified to head east to the desired destination location beacon



FIGS. 9-12

illustrate how to determine the navigational cues to be generated by the tactile direction device


. Specifically,

FIG. 9

shows a view from the tactile direction device's perspective of the current heading θ relative to a global frame of reference, such as magnetic north. Specifically, the compass


provides the tactile direction device


with information pertaining to the orientation of the tactile direction device


in a global frame of reference defined by the earth's magnetic field. The guidance server


provides, on a request from the tactile direction device


, direction information giving the direction to the next location beacon


that should be visited on the route to the final destination. Combining the tactile direction device's orientation with the direction information received from the guidance server


, a revised heading value can be found representing the relative change in orientation the tactile direction device


needs to take to point to the next location along the route to the final destination. For example, the tactile direction device


can retrieve the current heading θ. Upon receiving the direction φ to the next location beacon from the guidance server


, the direction determination circuit


can determine any heading revision Ψ, i.e., change in orientation, that may be required as:



φ is the heading direction to the next location beacon in the global frame of reference;

θ is the current heading direction; and

Ψ is the heading revision, or change in orientation, needed to align the tactile direction device with the heading φ to the next location beacon. Based on the heading revision, a direction cue for the tactile direction device


, i.e., forward, left, right or back, is determined.

FIG. 10

illustrates that the accuracy of the tactile direction device


can be adjusted in accordance with, for example, the topographical characteristics of the location. Specifically, the tactile direction device


can be assigned different mappings from the relative direction the tactile direction needs to be oriented in to the particular peg or pegs


that should be activated, corresponding to the desired accuracy of the directional cues. For example, the mapping of a forward zone


that corresponds to activating the forward peg


can be adjusted depending on the type of environment the tactile direction device


may be in. If the tactile direction device


is in, for example, a complicated shop floor, the forward zone


may be narrowed to provide the user with more specificity as to the direction the user should proceed in. Alternatively, if the tactile direction device


is located, for example, in a narrow hallway, the forward zone


can be widened or relaxed, as illustrated in

FIG. 10

, so the user can simply navigate around, for example, dog legs in a hallway where minor deviations from the heading φ to the next location beacon


occur, without receiving new direction cues.

Furthermore, additional criteria may govern whether a relaxed or a narrow mapping of the direction cues may be desired. For example, each time the tactile direction device


enters a new zone, corresponding to a new location identifier received from a different location beacon


, the tactile direction device


could map a narrow orientation to the forward zone


in the tactile direction device


frame of reference. Once the user is oriented and traveling in the direction to reach the next location beacon, the mapping can be relaxed.

For example, if the tactile direction device


has entered a new location, it will have received direction information indicating how that location should be traversed in order to reach the next location. In this case, the “forward” direction is mapped to a narrow arc of X degrees centered around the heading direction φ to the next location in the global frame of reference. As a consequence of this mapping, the user must orient the tactile direction device


within X/2 degrees of the heading angle to the next location in order to obtain a forward direction cue. Alternatively, if the tactile direction device


is already in the state of traversing a location and has at some point been oriented in the “forward direction” as described above, the mapping of the forward direction is relaxed to a wide or relaxed arc of Y degrees centered around the heading direction φ to the next location in the global frame of reference. As a consequence of this mapping, the user only need orient the device within Y/2 degrees of the heading direction φ to the next location in order to obtain a forward cue, where Y>X.

FIG. 11

illustrates how a wide or relaxed mapping is applied by the direction determination circuit


of the tactile direction device


. Specifically, the forward zone


Ω is set to Y degrees. Thus, the device frame of reference is relaxed to orient the user within Y/2 degrees of the heading direction φ to the next location beacon


. If the current heading direction θ is within Y/2 degrees of the heading direction φ to the next location beacon


, a revised direction cue does not need to be determined. However, if the current heading direction θ is greater than Y/2 degrees from the heading direction φ to the next location beacon


, as illustrated by current heading direction


, a revised heading Ψ is needed to align the tactile direction device


with the heading direction φ to the next location beacon in the global frame of reference. The direction determination circuit


then determines a new direction cue to indicate to a user the direction needed to align the tactile direction device


with the heading direction φ.

FIG. 12

illustrates how a narrow mapping is applied to the direction determination circuit


of the tactile direction device


. Specifically, the forward zone


Ω is set to X degrees. Thus, the device frame of reference is relaxed to orient the user within X/2 degrees of the heading direction φ to the next location beacon


. If the current heading direction θ is within X/2 degrees of the heading direction φ to the next location beacon


, a revised direction cue does not need to be determined. However, if the current heading direction θ is greater than X/2 degrees from the heading direction φ to the next location beacon


as illustrated by current heading direction


, a revised heading Ψ is needed to align the tactile direction device


with the heading direction φ to the next location beacon in the global frame of reference. The direction determination circuit


then determines a new direction cue to indicate to a user the direction needed to align the tactile direction device


with the heading direction φ.

FIG. 13

is a flowchart outlining one exemplary embodiment of the method for providing tactile guidance using sensory supplementation according to this invention. Control begins in step S


. In step S


, the compass, the receiver and the tactile display device are initialized. Next, in step S


, the desired destination is input. Then, in step S


, the current location is detected from a location beacon. Control then continues to step S



In step S


, the current location and the desired destination are transmitted to the guidance server. Next, in step S


, the current location, the desired destination and the direction information to the next in route location are received from the guidance server. Then, in step S


, a determination is made whether the direction information includes new floor information. If the direction information does not include new floor information, control jumps to step S


. Otherwise, control continues directly to step S


. In step S


, the new floor information is displayed, and an optional tone and/or a predetermined cue are activated. Control then continues to step S



In step S


, the current heading is obtained from the compass. Next, in step S


, a determination is made whether a first or new destination has been input, or whether the tactile direction device has arrived in a new zone. If a new or first destination has not been input, or the tactile direction device has not arrived in a new zone, control jumps to step S


. Otherwise, control continues to step S



In step S


, the current location and desired destination are transmitted to the server. Next, in step S


, the current location, desired destination and the direction information are received from the server. Then, in step S


, a compass heading is obtained. Next, in step S


, a narrow compass rose is used to determine the direction cue. Control then jumps to step S



In contrast, in step S


, the relaxed compass rose is used to determine a direction cue. Control then continues to step S



In step S


, the tactile surface is activated. Next, in step S


, a determination is made whether the tactile direction device has arrived at the desired destination. If the tactile direction device has not arrived at the desired destination, control jumps back to step S


. Otherwise, control continues to step S


. In step


, a determination is made whether a new destination has been input. If a new destination is has been input, control jumps back to step S


. Otherwise, control continues to step S


, where the control sequence ends.

FIG. 14

is a flowchart outlining one exemplary embodiment for a method for determining the direction information according to this invention. Control begins in step S


. In step S


, the current location and the desired destination information are received. Next, in step S


, a determination is made whether the desired destination is on a different floor than the current location. If the desired destination is on a different floor, control jumps to step S


. Otherwise, control continues to step S



In step S


, the floor change information is generated based on the received direction information. Next, in step S


, heading information to accomplish the floor change is determined. Then, in step S


, the current location, the desired destination, the direction and the floor information are transmitted to the tactile direction device. Control then jumps to step S



In contrast, in step S


, the route to the desired destination is determined. Next, in step S


, the current location, the desired destination and the direction information are transmitted to the tactile direction device. Control then continues to step S


, where the control sequence ends.

FIG. 15

is a flowchart outlining in greater detail how the relaxed compass rose is used to determine the direction cue in step S


. Beginning in step S


, control continues to step S


. In step S


, the “forward” direction is mapped to a wide arc (Y°). Next, in step S


, a determination is made whether the current heading is within Y/2° of the heading direction φ. If the current heading is within Y/2° of the heading direction φ, control continues to step S


. Otherwise, control jumps to step S



In step S


, the current direction cue is maintained or reactivated. Control then jumps to step S



In contrast, in step S


, the revised heading is determined. Then, in step S


, a new direction cue is generated. Control then continues to step S


, where control returns to step S



FIG. 16

is a flowchart outlining in greater detail how the narrow compass rose is used to determine the direction cue in step S


. Beginning in step S


, control continues to step S


. In step S


, the “forward” direction is mapped to a narrow arc (X°). Next, in step S


, a determination is made whether the current heading is within X/2° of the heading direction φ. If the current heading is within X/2° of the heading direction φ, control continues to step S


. Otherwise, control jumps to step S



In step S


, the current direction cue is maintained or reactivated. Control then jumps to step S



In contrast, in step S


, the revised heading is determined. Then, in step S


, a new direction cue is generated. Control then continues to step S


, where control returns to step S



FIG. 17

is flowchart outlining in greater detail the determined revised heading steps S


and S


. In step S


, the current heading θ is retrieved. Next, in step S


, the heading to the next location φ is retrieved. Then, in step S


, the heading revision Ω needed to align the tactile direction device with the heading φ to the next location beacon is determined. Control then continues to step S


, where control returns to step S


or step S



As shown in

FIGS. 1-4

, the tactile direction device


is preferably implemented on a programmed general purpose computer. However, the tactile direction device


can also be implemented on a special purpose computer, a programmed microprocessor or microcontroller and peripheral integrated circuit elements, an ASIC or other integrated circuit, a digital signal processor, a hard-wired electronic or logic circuit such as a discrete element circuit, a programmable logic device such as a PLD, PLA, FPGA , PAL, or the like. In general, in a device capable of implementing a finite state machine that is in turn capable of implementing the flowcharts shown in FIGS.






can be used to implement the tactile guidance system.

As shown in

FIGS. 1 and 3

, the guidance server


is preferably implemented on a programmed general purpose computer. However, the guidance server


can also be implemented on a special purpose computer, a programmed microprocessor or microcontroller and peripheral integrated circuit elements, an ASIC or other integrated circuit, a digital signal processor, a hard-wired electronic or logic circuit such as a discrete element circuit, a programmable logic device such as a PLD, PLA, FPGA, PAL, or the like. In general, in a device capable of implementing a finite state machine that is in turn capable of implementing the flowcharts shown in

FIG. 14

can be used to implement the tactile guidance system.

As shown in

FIGS. 1 and 5

, the location beacon


is preferably implemented on an ASIC or other integrated circuit. However, the location beacon


can also be implemented on a special purpose computer, programmed general purpose computer, a programmed microprocessor or microcontroller and peripheral integrated circuit elements, a digital signal processor, a hard-wired electronic or logic circuit such as a discrete element circuit, a programmable logic device such as a PLD, PLA, FPGA, PAL, or the like. In general any known or later developed device capable of receiving and/or transmitting information can be used to implement the location beacon



The links






can be a wired or wireless link or any known element that is capable of supplying electronic data to and from the connected elements.

It is, therefore, apparent that there has been provided in accordance with the present invention systems and methods for providing tactile guidance using sensory supplementation. While this invention has been described in conjunction with preferred embodiments thereof, it is evident that many alternatives, modifications and variations be apparent to those skilled in the art. Accordingly, the applicants intend to embrace all such alternatives, modifications and/or variations to follow in the spirit and scope of this invention.

Specifically, it should be apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art that the functions of the guidance server can be incorporated into the tactile direction device. In particular, instead of the guidance server maintaining the look-up table and navigation circuitry for determining the direction needed to arrive either at the desired designation or some intermediary destination, the navigation circuitry can be fully incorporated into the tactile direction device.

FIG. 18

illustrates such a second exemplary embodiment of the tactile direction device


. The tactile direction device


comprises the transmitter/receiver


, the controller


, the memory


, the destination identification device


, the direction determination circuit


, the compass


, the power supply


, the display device


, the tactile surface control circuit


, the tactile surface device


of the first exemplary embodiment shown in

FIG. 2

, as well as the control/data bus


and the antenna


, a location management device


, a navigation circuit


and a look-up table



In this second exemplary embodiment, the amount of communication between the tactile direction device


and the guidance server


can be reduced. As described above, in the first embodiment, the tactile direction device


receives the desired destination information. This desired destination information and current location are then transmitted to the guidance server


. The guidance server


returns to the tactile direction device


only the current location information, the desired destination information and the direction information to direct the user to the next location en route to the final destination.

By incorporating the navigation circuit


, the location management device


and the look-up table


of the guidance server


into the tactile direction device


, as the navigation circuit


, the location management device


and the look-up table


, respectively, communication between the tactile direction device


and the guidance server


is greatly reduced. Therefore, for this second exemplary embodiment, the guidance server


can operate as previously discussed, or the guidance server


can simply be a storage location for the look-up table data.

After initialization, where the tactile direction device


calibrates the compass


and establishes communication with a location beacon


in the location beacon network


and the guidance server


, destination identification data is input to the destination identification device


. This destination identification data corresponds to the desired destination of the user. As previously indicated, the destination identification data can be input to the tactile direction device


in any one of a plurality of ways.

Additionally, in parallel with or at any time after initialization, data stored in the look-up table


of the guidance server


can be downloaded to the look-up table


in the tactile direction device


. Therefore, with reference to the look-up table


, the navigation circuit


can determine the direction needed to route the user to an interim destination that is in route to the final destination.

For example, while riding on a train in a subway system, a user arrives at a subway station where the user must switch to a new train. Upon disembarking from the train, data stored in the look-up table


is automatically transferred to the look-up table


. The user could then approach a subway attendant and inquire as to the platform for the train to “Oxford Street.” Upon receiving this request, the attendant could activate a transmitter that forwards destination identification data corresponding to “Oxford Street” to the tactile direction device



Alternatively, for example, upon entering a new environment, the user could proceed to a direction kiosk. This kiosk could, for example, show a map of the environment, such as, for example, a nature park, that the user is in. Upon selecting the desired destination at the kiosk, the kiosk could transfer the destination identification data as well as the data stored in the look-up table


to the tactile direction device



Upon receipt by the tactile direction device


, the destination identification data is transferred via the antenna


and the transmitter/receiver


to the memory


at the direction of the controller


. Additionally, the look-up table data is transferred via the antenna


and the transmitter/receiver


to the look-up table


also at the direction of the controller


. The destination identification device


and the navigation circuit


can then retrieve the destination identification data and look-up table data from the memory


and the look-up table


, respectively, as needed.

Upon receiving the destination identification data and look-up table data, the tactile direction device


detects its current location based on a signal received over the wireless link


from a location beacon


in the location beacon network


. This current location information is received over the antenna


and the transmitter/receiver


and stored under control of the controller


in the memory


over the control/data bus


. At the direction of the controller


, the current location is retrieved from the memory


. Furthermore, at the direction of the controller


, the destination identification data corresponding to a desired destination is retrieved from the


and both the current location and desired destination are forwarded to the navigation circuit



The navigation circuit


returns the direction information to the direction determination circuit


for storage in memory


. The direction determination circuit


then determines whether new floor information was included with the direction information returned from the navigation circuit


. If new floor information was included, the direction determination circuit


retrieves the new floor information from the


. Under the control of the controller


, the new floor information is displayed on display device


. This allows a user to recognize that the user must traverse to a new floor to reach the desired destination.

Alternatively, if no new floor information was received from navigation circuit


, or after the new floor information is displayed, the tactile direction device


obtains a current heading from the compass


. Once a current compass heading is obtained from the compass


, the direction determination circuit


retrieves from the memory


the direction information received from the navigation circuit


and determines a direction cue. The direction cue is then forwarded to the tactile surface control circuit


, which activates at least one actuator in the tactile surface device


. The actuator indicates to a user the direction in which to proceed to reach the desired destination.

The first exemplary embodiment describes systems and methods where the current location information, the desired destination information and the direction information are communicated between the tactile direction device and the guidance server


. By duplicating the data stored in the look-up table


into the look-up table


of the tactile direction device


, communication between tactile direction device


and the guidance server


can be reduced. Instead of communication between the tactile guidance device


and the guidance server


occurring each time updated direction information is requested from the tactile direction device


, communication between the tactile direction device


and the guidance server


need occur only once. During this communication, for example, during initialization, the guidance server


will transfer all the data in look-up table


to the tactile direction device


. Therefore, since the tactile direction device


includes the navigation circuit


and the location management device


, the tactile direction device


is capable of determining the direction information without any further communication with the guidance server



This initial download technique could prove beneficial in “noisy” environments. For example, on an industrial shop floor where radio-frequency interference is common, transmitting of the data stored in look-up table


from the guidance server


to the tactile direction device


at a particular “tactile direction device download station” could insure that the interference does not effect navigation on the shop floor. Additionally, in an environment such as a mine, communication between the tactile direction device


and the guidance server


may not be easily implemented. Therefore, downloading all or a portion of the data from the look-up table


to the tactile direction device


eliminates potential communication difficulties between the two devices.

Accordingly, it should be appreciated, that the methods disclosed in

FIGS. 13-17

could be modified to accommodate a tactile direction device


that includes the navigation circuit


, location management device


and look-up table


. Once a set of data has been downloaded and stored in the look-up table


, operation is quite similar to that discussed in relation to the embodiment where the tactile direction device and guidance server are separate devices. However, instead of the tactile direction device needing to communicate with the guidance server each time direction information is needed, the direction information can be determined internally to the tactile direction device



Furthermore, it should be appreciated that the location beacon need not actually be an active beacon, i.e., a transmitter, in the traditional sense. That is, in contrast to the location beacons


described above, the location beacon can be a passive identification carrying device such as a label containing a bar code or a color code. For example, as a user passes such an identification carrying device, the user places the tactile direction device




within the sensible area of the location identifier to provide the tactile direction device




with the current location information.

FIG. 19

illustrates a second exemplary tactile guidance system


according to this invention. Specifically, the tactile guidance system


comprises a tactile direction device


, a guidance server


, a plurality of location identifiers and a wireless link



The tactile direction device


and guidance server


operate as previously discussed. However, the location identifier


passively identifies the current location of a user. As a user navigates through an environment, the user places the tactile direction device


into the sensible area of the location identifier


. As the tactile direction device


is placed in the sensible area of the location identifier


, the tactile direction device reads the current location information contained in the location identifier



For example, the location identifier


could be a bar code, a color code, a magnetic strip, an inductive or capacitive device, an optically readable device, or any other known or later developed device that is capable of passively identifying a location. In general, a location identifier


can be anything that is capable of storing a readable location identifier.

FIG. 20

illustrates one exemplary embodiment of the tactile direction device


that has been adapted to read the passive location identifiers


. Specifically, the tactile direction device


comprises the transmitter/receiver


, the controller


, the memory


, the destination identification device


, the direction determination circuit


, the compass


, the power supply


, the display device


, the tactile surface control circuit


, the tactile surface device


, the control/data bus


, and an antenna


, as well as a location identifier reader



The location identifier reader


replaces the transmitter/receiver


and the wireless link


for the purposes of obtaining the current location of a user. For example, if the location identifier


is a bar code, the location identifier reader


is a bar code scanner.

Thus, in operation, as a user is traversing an environment, the user associates the tactile direction device


with the location identifier


in a manner such that the location identifier reading device


is capable of reading the current location information from the location identifier


. As previously discussed, this embodiment may be helpful in environments where radio or optical communication is difficult, or where it is an economical or physically difficult to install radio-frequency or optically emitting active location beacons, such as in an old building.

It should be appreciated that the location identifier reading device


and the location identifier


are not limited to a bar code scanner and a bar code, respectively. That is, the location identifier


can be a device such as a microchip or other device capable of carrying information based on its mechanical, electrical or magnetic properties. For example, the location identifier


could maintain or respond to an electric or magnetic field. The location identifier


would then produce an electromagnetic field into which the location identifier reading device


can be placed. When the location identifier reading device


is placed in the sensible area of the location identifier


, the location identifier reading device


becomes capacitively, inductively, or otherwise electromagnetically coupled to the location identifier


and the information can be extracted from the location identifier


by the location identifier reading device



Accordingly, it should be appreciated, that the methods disclosed in

FIGS. 13-17

could be modified to accommodate passive location identifiers. In particular, instead of receiving a current location from a location beacon, a user would be required to positively interact with the location identifier


by ensuring that the tactile direction device


is placed into the sensible area of the location identifier


. Once the current location that is obtained from the location identifier


, control would continue as previously described until a new location identifier is encountered. Then, again, the user would positively interact with the location identifier


to ensure that location identifier reading device


reads the updated current location.

Furthermore, it should be appreciated that any combination of active location beacons, passive location identifiers, “one-time” communication operation between the tactile direction device


and the guidance server


or multiple communication operation between the tactile direction device




and the guidance server


can be formed.

While this invention has been described in conjunction with preferred embodiments thereof, it is evident that many alternatives, modifications and variations be apparent to those skilled in the art.

  • 1. A system that provides navigational assistance to a user comprising:a location identifier that provides a current location information within a building, area or geographic locale; a direction determiner circuit that determines a direction information based on a current heading, the current location information and a desired destination; and a tactile direction device that provides a non-focal direction cue to a user based on the determined direction information.
  • 2. The system of claim 1, further comprising:a tactile surface control circuit that translates the determined direction information into a control signal; and a tactile surface that responds to the control signal to provide the non-focal direction cue to the user.
  • 3. The system of claim 2, wherein the tactile surface comprises at least one movable peg, movement of the at least one movable peg corresponding to the determined direction information.
  • 4. The system of claim 1, wherein the direction determiner circuit selects a compass rose segmentation map based on at least one of the current location information and the desired destination.
  • 5. The system of claim 1, further comprising a destination identification device that performs at least one of managing data corresponding to the desired destination, converting the desired destination into a user recognizable mnemonic, and storing of the desired destination.
  • 6. The system of claim 1, wherein the direction determiner circuit further determines whether traversing to a different floor is required to reach the desired destination, and updates the direction information to direct the user to a location to accomplish the floor change.
  • 7. The system of claim 1, further comprising a notification device that alerts the user when traversing to a different floor is required to reach the desired destination.
  • 8. The system of claim 7, wherein the tactile direction devices acts as the notification device.
  • 9. The system of claim 1, further comprising a database that stores at least one direction information preference, the direction information preference pointing to a particular look-up table based on the user's needs.
  • 10. The system of claim 9, wherein the database is located in the tactile direction device.
  • 11. The system of claim 9, wherein the database is located in a guidance server.
  • 12. The system of claim 11, further comprising a communication link, the communication link enabling communication between the guidance server and the direction determiner circuit.
  • 13. The system of claim 1, further comprising a database that stores at least one look-up table, the look-up table providing a correlation between the current location information and the desired destination information.
  • 14. The system of claim 13, wherein the database is located in the direction determiner circuit.
  • 15. The system of claim 13, wherein the database is located in a guidance server.
  • 16. The system of claim 15, further comprising a communication link, the communication link enabling communication between the guidance server and the direction determiner circuit.
  • 17. The system of claim 1, wherein the location identifier is at least one of an electromagnetic signal transmitter, a bar code, a color code, or an infra-red emitter.
  • 18. The system of claim 1, wherein a portion of the direction information is determined by a guidance server, the guidance server determining a direction to reach a next location.
  • 19. The system of claim 1, wherein the direction determiner circuit is integrated with the tactile direction device into a single device.
  • 20. The system of claim 1, wherein the tactile direction device is a hand-held device.
  • 21. A method of providing navigational assistance to a user comprising:identifying a current location information within a building, area or geographic location; determining a direction information based on the current location information, a current heading and a destination information; and providing a non-focal direction cue to a user based on the determined direction information.
  • 22. The method of claim 21, wherein providing the non-focal direction cue comprises activating a tactile surface based on the determined direction information to provide the non-focal direction cue to the user.
  • 23. The method of claim 22, wherein activating the tactile surface comprises moving at least one movable peg corresponding to the determined direction information.
  • 24. The method of claim 21, wherein providing the non-focal direction cue comprises:selecting a compass rose segment map; and converting the direction information to the non-focal direction cue based on the selected compass rose segmentation map.
  • 25. The method of claim 21, further comprising notifying the user when traversing to a different floor is required.
  • 26. The method of claim 25, wherein the notification is at least one of an audio cue, a visual cue or a tactile cue.
  • 27. The method of claim 21, further comprising translating at least one of the destination information or the current location information into a readable mnemonic.
  • 28. The method of claim 21, further comprising establishing a communication link between a tactile guidance device and a guidance server.
  • 29. The method of claim 28, further comprising accessing a database, the database storing at least one direction information preference, the direction information preference pointing to a particular look-up table based on the user's needs.
  • 30. The method of claim 29, wherein the database is located in the tactile direction device.
  • 31. The method of claim 29, wherein the database is located in the guidance server.
  • 32. The method of claim 28, further comprising accessing a database, the database storing at least one look-up table, the look-up table providing a correlation between the current location information and the desired destination information.
  • 33. The method of claim 32, wherein the database is located in the tactile direction device.
  • 34. The method of claim 32, wherein the database is located in the guidance server.
  • 35. A tactile direction device that provides navigational assistance to a user through direction cues comprising:a direction determination circuit that determines a direction cue based on a current location within a building area or geographic area, a direction information and a current heading; a tactile surface control circuit that translates the direction cue into a control signal; and a tactile surface device that provides a non-focal direction cue to a user based on the control signal.
  • 36. The device of claim 35, further comprising a navigation circuit that determines the direction information based on a current location and a desired destination.
  • 37. The device of claim 36, further comprising a destination identification device that performs at least one of managing a data corresponding to the desired destination, converting the data into a user recognizable mnemonic, and storing the data.
  • 38. The device of claim 35, further comprising a compass that provides the current heading.
  • 39. The device of claim 35, wherein the tactile surface device comprises an array of movable pegs that transfers the non-focal direction cue to the user.
  • 40. The device of claim 35, wherein the direction determination circuit further determines whether traversing to a different floor is required to reach the desired destination.
  • 41. The device of claim 35, further comprising a notification device that alerts the user when traversing to a different floor is required to reach a desired destination.
  • 42. The device of claim 41, wherein the notification device is a tactile surface.
  • 43. The device of claim 35, further comprising a transmitter/receiver, the transmitter/receiver allowing communication between the tactile direction device and a guidance server, the guidance server providing the direction information to the tactile direction device based on a current location and a desired destination.
  • 44. The device of claim 35, further comprising a database that stores at least one direction information preference, the direction information preference pointing to a particular look-up table based on the user's needs.
  • 45. The device of claim 44, wherein the database is located in the tactile direction device.
  • 46. The device of claim 44, wherein the database is located in a guidance server.
  • 47. The device of claim 46, further comprising a communication link, the communication link enabling communication between the guidance server and the tactile direction device.
  • 48. The device of claim 35, further comprising a database that stores at least one of a look-up table, the look-up table providing a correlation between the current location information and the desired destination information.
  • 49. The device of claim 48, wherein the database is located in the tactile direction device.
  • 50. The device of claim 48, wherein the database is located in a guidance server.
  • 51. The device of claim 50, further comprising a communication link, the communication link enabling communication between the guidance server and the tactile direction device.
  • 52. The device of claim 35, wherein the tactile direction device is at least one of a hand-held device, a device embedded into a briefcase, a device embedded into a purse, a device embedded into a shoe, a device embedded into a hat, a device embedded into a wheelchair, or a device embedded into a wearable object.
  • 53. The device of claim 35, further comprising a power supply which allows the tactile direction device to be self-contained.
  • 54. A method of providing navigational assistance to a user through a tactile direction device comprising:determining a direction cue based on a location base within a building area or geographic locale, a direction information and a current heading; and translating the direction cue into a control signal; and activating a tactile surface device that responds to the control signal and provides a non-focal direction cue to a user.
  • 55. The method of claim 54, further comprising determining the direction information based on a current location and a destination identification data.
  • 56. The method of claim 54, further comprising receiving the direction information from a guidance server, the guidance server determining the direction information based on a current location and a desired destination.
  • 57. The method of claim 54, further comprising accessing a database, the database storing at least one direction information preference, the direction information preference pointing to a particular look-up table based on the user's needs.
  • 58. The method of claim 57, wherein the database is located in the tactile direction device.
  • 59. The method of claim 57, wherein the database is located in the guidance server.
  • 60. The method of claim 59, further comprising establishing a communication link between a tactile guidance device and a guidance server.
  • 61. The method of claim 54, further comprising accessing a database, the database storing at least one look-up table, the look-up table providing a correlation between the current location information and the desired destination information.
  • 62. The method of claim 61, wherein the database is located in the tactile direction device.
  • 63. The method of claim 61, wherein the database is located in the guidance server.
  • 64. The method of claim 63, further comprising establishing a communication link between a tactile guidance device and a guidance server.
  • 65. The method of claim 54, further comprising performing at least one of managing a data corresponding to the desired destination, converting the data into a user recognizable mnemonic, and storing the data.
  • 66. The method of claim 54, further comprising retrieving a compass heading as the current heading.
  • 67. The method of claim 54, further comprising controlling an array of movable pegs in the tactile surface device that transfers the non-focal direction cue to the user.
  • 68. The method of claim 54, further comprising determining whether traversing to a different floor is required to reach a desired destination.
  • 69. The method of claim 68, further comprising alerting the user when traversing to a different floor is required to reach a desired destination.
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