Systems for incremental application deployment


  • Patent Application
  • 20040255262
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    February 23, 2004
    20 years ago
  • Date Published
    December 16, 2004
    19 years ago
Incremental application deployment allows any files under development for an application to be modified directly in place, such as on a server disk. Application and module configuration information can be collected from a user as they build their application. Each time a developer modifies the configuration of the application, changes can be immediately deployed to the server in the background, including appropriate modifications to the deployment descriptors. Once modifications are completed, the application can have already been deployed to the server.


[0002] A portion of the disclosure of this patent document contains material which is subject to copyright protection. The copyright owner has no objection to the facsimile reproduction by anyone of the patent document of the patent disclosure, as it appears in the Patent and Trademark Office patent file or records, but otherwise reserves all copyright rights whatsoever.


[0003] The present invention relates to the deployment of applications and application components.


[0004] With software companies competing to beat one another to market with the “latest and greatest” software products and technologies, the need for reduced development cycle times is very high. Developers usually perform numerous iterations of code development, modification, deployment and testing of a design before the product can be shipped. It is often useful for the software developer to view and test the results of each incremental software change as it is completed before proceeding to the next change. However, in many software development environments, the process of rebuilding, redeploying and testing complex software projects can be tedious and time consuming. This is especially true when building large web applications that must be packaged and deployed to a server before they can be tested. For example consider the Java 2 Enterprise Edition application model depicted in FIG. 1. When a large number of iterations is required, the accumulated build and deploy time becomes significant. The resulting delays are undesirable in a market where short development times are necessary in order to remain competitive.

[0005] Deploying complex software applications involves more than just placing the files on the server. Each component and application must be configured to e.g. allocate appropriate server resources and specify security requirements. To satisfy these requirements, enterprise application servers require the creation of several deployment descriptors. These descriptors are specially formatted files that describe each of the components being deployed, their relationships, their required resources and other characteristics such as security requirements. An example of one of these deployment descriptors is shown below.
1<Domain Name=“workshop”>  <SNMPAgent Name=“workshop”/>  <ApplicationManager Name=“workshop”/>  <JTA Name=“workshop” TimeoutSeconds=“500”/>  <Log FileName=“./wl-domain.log” Name=“workshop”/>  <Server   AcceptBacklog=“50”   AdministrationPort=“1”   ClusterWeight=“1”    ConsoleInputEnabled=“false” DGCIdlePeriodsUntilTimeout=“2”    DefaultProtocol=“t3” DefaultSecureProtocol=“t3s”    HttpdEnabled=“true” ListenPort=“7001” Name=“cgServer”    NativeIOEnabled=“true” ServerVersion=“”    SocketReaderTimeoutMaxMillis=“10”    ReliableDeliveryPolicy=“RMDefaultPolicy”    TransactionLogFilePrefix=“./logs/”    TunnelingClientPingSecs=“45”    TunnelingClientTimeoutSecs=“40”>    <COM Name=“cgServer”/>    <ExecuteQueue Name=“default” ThreadCount=“15”/>    <JTAMigratableTarget Cluster=“”      Name=“cgServer”      UserPreferredServer=“cgServer”/>    <KernelDebug Name=“cgServer”/>    <KernelDebug Name=“workshop”/>    <SSL Enabled=“true” IdentityAndTrustLocations=“KeyStores”     ListenPort=“7002” Name=“cgServer”/>    <ServerDebug Name=“cgServer”/>    <ServerStart Name=“cgServer”/>    <WebServer      DefaultWebApp=“default”      LogFileName=“./logs/access.log” LoggingEnabled=“true”      Name=“cgServer”/>  </Server>  <JMSFileStore Directory=“rmfilestore” Name=“FileStore”/>  <WSReliableDeliveryPolicy Name=“RMDefaultPolicy”  Store=“FileStore”    DefaultRetryCount=“10” DefaultTimeToLive=“60000”/>  <JDBCConnectionPool CapacityIncrement=“1”    DriverName=“com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver”    InitialCapacity=“5” MaxCapacity=“20” Name=“cgPool”    Properties=“user=cajun;password=abc”    RefreshMinutes=“0” ShrinkPeriodMinutes=“15”    ShrinkingEnabled=“true”    Targets=“cgServer” TestConnectionsOnRelease=“false”    SupportsLocalTransaction=“true”    TestConnectionsOnReserve=“false”    URL=“jdbc:pointbase:server://localhost:9093/cajun”/>  <JDBCTxDataSource    Name=“cgDataSource”    JNDIName=“cgDataSource”    PoolName=“cgPool”    EnableTwoPhaseCommit=“true”    Targets=“cgServer”/>  <Application Deployed=“true” Name=“JWSQueueTransport”        Path=“c:/bea2/weblogic81/server/lib/”        TwoPhase=“false”>    <EJBComponent Name=“QueueTransportEJB”    Targets=“cgServer”          URI=“QueueTransportEJB.jar”/>  </Application>  <JMSJDBCStore    ConnectionPool=“cgPool” Name=“cgJMSStore”    PrefixName= “cajun” />  <JMSConnectionFactoryJNDIName=“weblogic.jws.jms.QueueConnectionFactory”    Name=“cgQueue” Targets=“cgServer”UserTransactionsEnabled=“true”    Notes=“User transactions must be enabled to ensure transactioncoordination for persistence and asynchronous operations”/>  <JDBCTxDataSource    Name=“cgSampleDataSource”    JNDIName=“cgSampleDataSource”    PoolName=“cgPool”    EnableTwoPhaseCommit=“true”    Targets=“cgServer”/>  <Application Deployed=“true” Name=“certificate” Path=“./”TwoPhase=“false”>    <WebAppComponent Name=“certificate” Targets=“cgServer”              URI=“certificate.war”/>  </Application>  <Application Deployed=“true” Name=“default”        Path=“./wlw_apps/DefaultWebAppEar”>    <WebAppComponent Name=“default”    ServletReloadCheckSecs=“0”            Targets=“cgServer”            URI=“DefaultWebApp”/>  </Application>  <Application Name=“samples” Path=“./wlw_apps/samplesEar”    StagingMode=“nostage” TwoPhase=“true”>    <WebAppComponent Name=“BusinessControls”    Targets=“cgServer”            URI=“BusinessControls”/>    <WebAppComponent Name=“samples” Targets=“cgServer”URI=“samples”/>  </Application>  <JMSServer Name=“cgJMSServer” Store=“cgJMSStore”       Targets=“cgServer”>    <JMSQueue JNDIName=“credit.response”        Name=“credit.response”        RedeliveryLimit=“2” StoreEnabled=“default”/>    <JMSQueue JNDIName=“jms.SimpleJmsQ”        Name=“jms.SimpleJmsQ”        RedeliveryLimit=“2” StoreEnabled=“default”/>    <JMSQueue JNDIName=“jms.CustomJmsCtlQ”        Name=“jms.CustomJmsCtlQ”        RedeliveryLimit=“2” StoreEnabled=“default”/>    <JMSQueue JNDIName=“”        Name=“”        RedeliveryLimit=“2” StoreEnabled=“default”/>    <JMSQueue JNDIName=“credit.request”        Name=“credit.request”        RedeliveryLimit=“2” StoreEnabled=“default”/>    <JMSQueue JNDIName=“jws.queue”        Name=“cgJWSQueue”        RedeliveryLimit=“2” StoreEnabled=“default”/>    <JMSTopic JNDIName=“jms.AccountUpdate”        Name=“jms.AccountUpdate”        RedeliveryLimit=“2” StoreEnabled=“default”/>  </JMSServer></Domain>

[0006] Developing these deployment descriptors manually is tedious and time consuming. In addition, each time the deployment configuration changes, the deployment descriptors must change to match. This process can complicate development tasks and lengthen development cycles.


[0007] Systems and methods in accordance with embodiments of the present invention can provide for, and/or utilize, incremental application deployment. Using incremental application deployment all the files under development can be modified directly in place on the server's disk. Application and module configuration information can be collected from the user as they build their application, e.g. using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

[0008] Each time the developer modifies the configuration of the application, changes can be immediately deployed to the server in the background, including appropriate modifications to the deployment descriptors. If the server is not running when the developer modifies the configuration of the application, the changes cannot be immediately deployed. Instead, a synchronization procedure can be initiated each time the server starts.


FIG. 1 is an illustration of a Java 2 Enterprise Edition Application Model in accordance with the prior art.


[0010] Systems and methods in accordance with embodiments of the present invention can provide for, and/or utilize, incremental application deployment. Using incremental application deployment, all the files under development can be modified directly in place on the server's disk. Application and module configuration information can be collected from the user as they build their application, e.g. using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

[0011] Each time the developer modifies the configuration of the application, changes can be immediately deployed to the server in the background, including appropriate modifications to the deployment descriptors. Therefore, when it comes time to test the application, the application can have already been deployed to the server.

[0012] In one embodiment o the present invention, if the server is not running when the developer modifies the configuration of the application, the changes cannot be immediately deployed. Instead, a synchronization procedure can be initiated each time the server starts. The server synchronization process can be careful not to remove or otherwise modify application specific configuration settings that may have been added manually by the developer while the server was down.

[0013] Incremental application deployment and server deployment synchronization effectly eliminate the need for a separate deployment step in the development cycle. This shortens development cycles, decreasing overall development time and time to market.

[0014] In addition, it allows developers to see the results of their software changes almost immediately. Thus, modifications can be tested more frequently allowing developers to rapidly iterate on and improve their designs. Incorrect assumptions and costly mistakes can be caught early in the process, instead of waiting for the next convenient time for a deployment (e.g., a coffee break).

[0015] Incremental application deployment and server deployment synchronization also simplify the task of the developer by eliminating the need for highly specialized knowledge about deployment descriptors. This reduces the time and cost of training new developers and reduces the skill level required to build complex web applications thereby increasing the population of developers that can be productive on a project right away.

[0016] Initiating Incremental Deployment

[0017] The incremental deployment process may be initiated any time the host environment (e.g., IDE) detects a change in application configuration. If the server where the application is to be deployed is running, the entire process may run to conclusion, deploying new modules, removing old modules and applying required changes to other modules. The result is a deployed application that is ready to run.

[0018] If however, the server is not running, the process may only partially complete, staging the rest of the process for when the server restarts. Each time the server restarts, it sends a notification and if necessary the incremental deployment process starts again and runs to completion.

[0019] An incremental deployment process in accordance with one embodiment includes the following steps.

[0020] 1. Construct a deployable modules list in an application. E.g., for J2EE applications, this includes Web Applications and Enterprise JavaBeans, wherein the deployable module list can contain at least one deployable module.

[0021] 2. Examine at least one deployment descriptor for the application to determine if the at least one deployment descriptor contains an entry for each of the at least one deployable module.

[0022] 3. If step (2) identified deployable modules without corresponding entries in the application's deployment descriptors, perform the following steps:

[0023] a. Construct a list of modules to deploy containing each deployable module that was not found in the deployment descriptors in step (2).

[0024] b. Add each module in the modules to deploy list to the application's deployment descriptors.

[0025] 4. Examine the application's deployment descriptors to determine if they contain entries that are not in the list of deployable modules

[0026] 5. If step (4) identified deployment descriptor entires not in deployable modules, perform the following steps:

[0027] a. Remove each deployment descriptor entry identified in step (4) that is not in the list of deployable modules.

[0028] b. Set ModulesRemoved=true

[0029] c. If the deployment descriptors no longer contain any modules,

[0030] i. set NoModulesLeft=true

[0031] 6. For each module in the list of deployable modules, do the following:

[0032] a. Construct a list of relevant attributes (e.g., security roles) for the current module e.g. from settings in the IDE

[0033] b. If any of the attributes identified in (6a) are not included in the corresponding deployment descriptor entry for the current module, add them to the deployment descriptor entry and set AffributesModified=true

[0034] c. If any of the attributes identified in (6a) are included in the corresponding deployoment descriptor entry for the current module, but have a different value, change the value of the deployment descriptor entry to match that of the associated deployable module's value and set AttributesModified=true.

[0035] 7. For each module entry in the deployment descriptors, do the following:

[0036] a. Construct a list of attributes (e.g., security roles) associated with the current module entry in the deployment descriptors

[0037] b. If any of the attributes identified in (7a) are not included in the associated deployable module, remove them from the deployment descriptor and set AttributesModified=true

[0038] 8. If the server is not running

[0039] a. If NoModulesLeft, delete the deployment descriptors

[0040] 9. Otherwise if NoModulesLeft, remove the application from the server and delete the deployment descriptors.

[0041] 10. Otherwise if ModulesRemoved, remove the application from the server and redeploy it using the modified deployment descriptors.

[0042] 11. Otherwise if AffributesModified, refresh the application configuration on the server by rereading and applying the modified deployment descriptors.

[0043] 12. Otherwise if the list of deployable modules is empty, do nothing

[0044] 13. Otherwise, if the application is not deployed on the server, deploy it using the modified deployment descriptors.

[0045] 14. Otherwise if the application is deployed, but not running, remove it from the server and redeploy it using the modified deployment descriptors.

[0046] 15. Otherwise, do the following:

[0047] a. Obtain the list of modules currently deployed on the server and remove each one from the list of modules to deploy

[0048] b. Deploy each module in the list of modules to deploy individually

[0049] It can be noted that deployment descriptors may contain application configuration data added manually e.g. by an administrator. It can be important that these additions are preserved, even if the additions are not understood by the process. Therefore, this process may only modify portions of the deployment descriptors it understands. Other portions are preserved.

[0050] Example Deployment Descriptors

[0051] Examplary deployment descriptors that might be automatically created and updated by the iterative deployment process are shown below. These examples are taken from a J2EE environment and include application.xml and weblogic-application.xml. For example, the code below shows an example for application.xml.
2<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?><!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC ‘-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.3//EN’ ‘’><application> <display-name>Medical Records Patient Application </display-name> <description>Medical Records Patient Application </description> <module>  <web>   <web-uri>adminWebApp</web-uri>   <context-root>admin</context-root>  </web> </module> <module>  <web>   <web-uri>mainWebApp</web-uri>   <context-root>/</context-root>  </web> </module> <module>  <web>   <web-uri>patientWebApp</web-uri>   <context-root>patient</context-root>  </web> </module> <module>  <ejb>entityEjbs</ejb> </module> <module>  <ejb>mailEjb</ejb> </module> <module>  <ejb>registrationEjb</ejb> </module> <module>  <ejb>sessionEjbs</ejb> </module> <module>    <ejb>webServicesEjb</ejb>   </module>   <module>    <web>     <web-uri>ws_medrec</web-uri>     <context-root>ws_medrec</context-root>    </web>   </module></application>

[0052] The code below shows and example for application.xml.
3<!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC ‘ /dtd/foo- application_2_0.dtd’> <application>  <classloader-structure>   <classloader-structure>    <module-ref>     <module-uri>SamplesApp</module-uri>    </module-ref>   </classloader-structure>   <classloader-structure>    <module-ref>     <module-uri>WebApp</module-uri>    </module-ref>   </classloader-structure>   <classloader-structure>    <module-ref>     <module-uri>WebServices</module-uri>    </module-ref>   </classloader-structure>  </classloader-structure> </ application>

[0053] The foregoing description of preferred embodiments of the present invention has been provided for the purposes of illustration and description. It is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise forms disclosed. Many modifications and variations will be apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art. The embodiments were chosen and described in order to best explain the principles of the invention and its practical application, thereby enabling others skilled in the art to understand the invention for various embodiments and with various modifications that are suited to the particular use contemplated. It is intended that the scope of the invention be defined by the following claims and their equivalence.

  • 1. A system for incrementally deploying a application component, comprising: means for providing the ability to modify any application files in a single location; means for collecting changes in configuration information for the application as any of the application files are being modified; and means for immediately deploying the changes in configuration information, such that when the modifications are completed the application has already been deployed.
  • 2. A computer-readable medium, comprising: means for providing the ability to modify any application files in a single location; means for collecting changes in configuration information for the application as any of the application files are being modified; and means for immediately deploying the changes in configuration information, such that when the modifications are completed the application has already been deployed.
  • 3. A computer program product for execution by a server computer for incrementally deploying a application component, comprising: computer code for providing the ability to modify any application files in a single location; computer code for collecting changes in configuration information for the application as any of the application files are being modified; and computer code for immediately deploying the changes in configuration information, such that when the modifications are completed the application has already been deployed.
  • 4. A computer system comprising: a processor; object code executed by said processor, said object code configured to: provide the ability to modify any application files in a single location; collect changes in configuration information for the application as any of the application files are being modified; and immediately deploy the changes in configuration information, such that when the modifications are completed the application has already been deployed.
  • 5. A computer data signal embodied in a transmission medium, comprising: a code segment including instructions to provide the ability to modify any application files in a single location; a code segment including instructions to collect changes in configuration information for the application as any of the application files are being modified; and a code segment including instructions to immediately deploy the changes in configuration information, such that when the modifications are completed the application has already been deployed.

[0001] The present application claims the benefit of priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) to U.S. Provisional Patent Application entitled “SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR INCREMENTAL APPLICATION DEPLOYMENT”, Application No. 60/450,075, filed on Feb. 25, 2003, which application is incorporated herein by reference.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60450075 Feb 2003 US