The Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) through Targeted Infusion Projects supports the development, implementation, and study of evidence-based innovative models and approaches for improving the preparation and success of HBCU undergraduate students so that they may pursue STEM graduate programs and/or careers. Recent advances in technology are generating data on a scale never seen before - a phenomenon known as "big data". Industry demands workers that can retrieve useful information from very complex, unstructured data. Alabama State University will implement a Targeted Infusion Project entitled: Infusing Data-Enabled Active Learning in Mathematics and Statistics Courses. Project objectives are to adapt methods for big data analytics in mathematics courses; integrate big data analytics in existing courses; create a stand-alone course dedicated to the mathematics of big data analytics; develop and test instructional materials; collect and analyze achievement of outcomes based on student and industry feedback; and disseminate materials to other HBCUs and to the mathematical community.<br/><br/>This project will provide a better understanding of how big data analytics can be integrated within a classroom environment. The results obtained will translate into a framework of pedagogy and materials required for teaching big data analytics in mathematics courses. Several issues will be addressed that can add to the knowledge base in the field. These include the need for integrating big data analytics in mathematics courses; the need for support materials that can be used with a variety of textbooks; the impact of courses that include big data analytics on student learning and employment; and the impact of involving students in cross-disciplinary research teams to solve real big data problems. An online community portal will provide a means of dissemination, communication, and community involvement.