The project has as its goal the increased placement of mathematics and computer science graduates in local technology-oriented businesses in Maryland's Lower Eastern Shore region. The University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) is working with the Delmarva Education Foundation (DEF) and local STEM enterprises in order to:<br/><br/>o Increase the numbers of well educated and skilled employees in mathematics and computer science; <br/>o Improve educational opportunities for students in mathematics and computer science; <br/>o Increase retention of students to degree achievement; <br/>o Improve student access and utilization of support programs at UMES; and <br/>o Strengthen partnerships between UMES, local school districts, and local high-technology industries. <br/><br/>UMES is working with DEF to recruit 29 local students to pursue undergraduate degrees in mathematics and computer science as CSEMS scholars at UMES. These students benefit from scholarship support as well as enhanced academic advising, a framework of academic and other support services, mentoring from professionals working in local STEM enterprises, and opportunities to engage in pre-professional work experiences. <br/><br/>The Intellectual Merit of this project is in strong academic programs and close contact between faculty and students. The Broader Impact is the effect of enabling the students to enter the local high-technology workforce in the region. Implementation of the activities holds potential for strengthening the social, economic, and intellectual fabric of the Lower Shore Community.