The proposed award is an interagency agreement between the NSF and the Department of Energy for the support of the Division of Polar Program's environmental reporting responsibilities by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Included within those responsibilities are the following tasks which will be performed for the NSF by ORNL: 1) Preparation of Supplemental Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the U.S. Antarctic Program. This comprehensive supplemental EIS will update and make current the programmatic EIS published in 1980. 2) Preparation of Environmental Assessments or other appropriate environmental reviews when necessary. If it is determined from the assessment that an Environmental Impact Statement is necessary that work will also be done by ORNL. 3) Preparation of annual U.S. Antarctic Program pollution control compliance plan reports for inclusion in NSF pollution control compliance plans as described by Executive Order 12088. These reports will be drafted and revised in consultation with NSF. The initial amount of $300,000 provides funds to begin all three tasks in Fiscal Year 1989, but is reduced from the requested level to account for the limited time remaining before the end of the fiscal year.