Telecommunications terminal block

Insulation displacing connectors extend upwardly from a base of the terminal block into connector chambers of driver modules movable relative to the base between upper and lower positions. Passageways within the modules direct service wires moved through the passageways into the connector chambers and into entrance openings underlying upper edge portions of the insulation displacing connectors within the chambers. Movement of the module from its upper position to its lower position drives the service wires downwardly from the entrance openings of the connectors into and through slots underlying the entrance openings, to establish electrical contact with the service wires and the connectors and, in the case of larger diameter wires, to impale the service wires upon impaling elements resisting pullout of the wires.


This invention relates to terminal blocks used by telecommunication companies to connect conductor wires of a multi-core cable to service wires that extend to customer residences or places of business. The invention more specifically relates to an improved terminal block of the type that contains viscous sealant material.


A terminal block of the aforesaid type is usually mounted outdoors. Even when surrounded by a protective housing, it is exposed to rain, snow, sleet, ice, temperature fluctuations, dirt, insect infestation and similar conditions that may adversely affect the electrical connections between the service wires and electrical connectors, which may be and usually are of the insulation displacing type, within the blocks. To minimize incursion of foreign matter, viscous sealing material has heretofore been provided within interior areas of prior art terminal blocks. The protection afforded by the sealant material usually is adequate for as long as the original connections between the service wires and the associated insulation displacing connectors remain undisturbed, but has heretofore rapidly decreased in proportion to the number of times that the connections are re-entered (i.e, broken and reestablished) by a telecommunications craftsperson. The decreasing protection is due to the fact that each re-entry displaces some of the sealant and causes the formation therein of voids that permit ingress of air, dirt, moisture, insects and the like. The use of sealant of the gel type minimizes the size of such voids but does not entirely eliminate their formation. Reliable protection of the terminal block against surge (i.e., overvoltage and/or overcurrent) conditions is also highly desirable since in the absence of such protection lightning strikes, engagement of the telephone wires by power lines, or similar conditions can severely damage the terminal block and components or structures adjacent thereto and/or connected therewith.


The present invention provides an improved telecommunications terminal block, of the type containing protective viscous sealant material, that is of compact, durable and economical construction; can be re-entered a number of times without significant decrease in the efficacy of the protection afforded by the sealant material; provides surge protection when that is desired; and that can be readily installed and used by a craftsperson upon a telephone pole or in other exposed locations to connect service wires having a wide range of gauges.

In its preferred embodiment the terminal block includes an elongate base that is adapted to be secured to a telephone pole or other supportive structure, and further includes at least one and usually a plurality of driver modules that are cantilever mounted upon the base in laterally adjacent relationship to each other for individual movement; relative to the base between first (illustratively upper) and second (illustratively lower) positions respectively distal from and adjacent to the base. Movement of each module between its first and second positions preferably is effected by a threaded fastener that extends through an opening in a mounting chamber of the module and into a base within an underlying mounting post of the base. A plurality of pairs of insulation displacing connectors, which may be and preferably are of an “inverted” type, project upwardly from the base at spaced intervals along its length. Lower portions of the connectors are pre-joined to appropriate ones of the wires of a multi-core cable that extends into an interior part of the base filled with conventional potting material. The sections of the paired first and second connectors projecting from the base extend into respective first and second connector chambers of an overlying one of the driver modules upon the base. First and second pump chambers within the driver module communicate with respective ones of the connector chambers. First and second passageways extending from an outer surface of the module into the connector chambers direct the ends of first and second insulated service wires, that are inserted into and advanced longitudinally of such passageways by a craftsperson while the module occupies its upper position, into respective first and second ones of the chambers and into entrance openings of respective first and second ones of the insulating displacing connectors within the chambers. Movement of the driver module from its upper position to its lower position displaces the two insulated service wires downwardly into slots of the connectors and establishes electrical contact with respective ones of the connectors. In the case of heavily insulated service wires, the downward module movement also impales the insulation of the service wires upon retainer elements that underlie the slots and resist axial pull-out of the wires. The connector chambers, pump chambers and service wire passageways of each module contain protective sealant material, which preferably is of the gel type. Each module may include an electrical surge protector device which is both fail safe and vent safe, and which preferably is located in a space that also contains protective sealant material.

Each entry of the module disturbs the sealant to some extent, and may create undesirable voids therein. Sealant pump means are provided to compensate for the sealant disturbance, and to eliminate or at least reduce the size of voids created thereby in the sealant. In one embodiment the pump means includes first and second. sealant pump chambers that are located in each driver module, communicate with respective first and second ones of the connector chambers and the service wire passageways of the module, and that contain reserve sealant.

The sealant pump means further includes pump piston elements that extend upwardly from the base of the terminal block into aligned ones of the pump chambers of an overlying driver module upon movement of the module from its upper position to its lower position. The aforesaid pump means drives enough reserve sealant material from the pump chambers into the connector chambers and service wire passageways as to eliminate or at least reduce the size of any voids present therein by reason of prior re-entries. The downward module movement also causes tip and ring contacts upon the surge protector device to engage contacts upon the insulation displacing connectors, and also grounds a third contact of the surge protector. In another embodiment tip and ring contacts upon the surge protector continuously engage respective ones of the insulation displacing connectors, and a third contact of the surge protector continuously engages ground, except when grounding of the protector is not desired, irrespective of the vertical position of the module. When surge protection is not included, a non conductive stud extends downwardly from the member that normally carries the surge protector and is received within an underlying slot in the base component of the terminal block, which usually houses the grounding bus. Interference between the grounding bus and the stud prevents misapplication. An upstanding flexible collar like member upon the post containing the bore that receives the threaded fastener that imparts vertical movement to the driver module engages the undersurface of such screw and resiliently supports the same such as to permit the initial threads to be formed in the bore with only minimal downward force applied to the screw. This reduces the possibility of undesirable “stripping” of the internal screw threads of the bore.

At least part of each driver module preferably is formed of transparent material permitting exterior viewing of interior components, such as the aforesaid overvoltage limiting device, and monitoring of the correct insertion of the insulated service wires within the connector chambers and connector members of such driver module.

In one embodiment engageable and disengageable latch means, which includes cooperating latch elements upon each module and upon the base of the terminal block, prevent inadvertent complete removal of a module from the base and provide tactile feedback of the module's arrival at its upper. position. In a second embodiment a detent element provides tactile and/or audible-indication of the position of the module, and prevent inadvertent removal.

The fastener that drives each module is sequestered from the sealant material within the module so as to not shear or otherwise disturb the sealant.

Each of the insulation displacing connectors preferably is of an “inverted” type having an upper edge portion that extends between and interconnects upper ends of opposite side edge portions of the connector. A service wire entrance opening in adjacent underlying relationship to the aforesaid upper edge portion of the connector is adapted to initially receive, preferably at an angle of about 60°, the insulated service wire associated with the connector. Each service wire is displaced downwardly from the aforesaid entrance opening into and through a slot extending downwardly from the opening and having longitudinal sections of successively narrower width. A tooth-shaped retainer element underlying the slot impales the insulation upon, and thus resists axial pull-out of, a heavily insulated service wire. Each connector may also have a contact that is engaged by a contact of the surge protector device when the module occupies its lower position. Alternatively each connector may be engaged continuously by contacts of a surge protector.

In one embodiment an upper edge portion of at least one of the two connector chambers of each driver module preferably has a section that slopes so as to cause a thereto connected test clip to extend angularly away from the chamber and from a test clip upon the adjacent chamber. This prevents shorting of the clips against each other. In another embodiment the upper test port portion of one of the chambers containing the insulation displacing connectors is bordered by a wall that slopes or is otherwise so shaped as to prevent attachment of a test clip to it. This decreases the possibility of inadvertent placement of test clips so as to make electrical contact with the conductive blade. A similar result is achieved in still another embodiment by providing a shoulder intermediate the length of a test clip receiving wall bordering adjacent test ports.


FIG. 1

is a front elevational view of a terminal block in accordance with the invention and of service wires extending into driver modules thereof, the rightmost driver module being shown in its upper position and the remaining driver modules being shown in their lower positions;

FIG. 2

is a rear elevational view of the terminal block;

FIG. 3

is an enlarged vertical section taken substantially along the line and in the direction of the arrows



through the rightmost driver module of

FIG. 1

, which is shown in its upper position, the associated service wires being shown at a location preliminary to their insertion into the module;

FIG. 4

is a view similar to

FIG. 3

, but taken in the direction of the arrows



of FIG.


and showing the driver module and service wires in their lower positions;

FIG. 5

is a front, right, top perspective view of the terminal block wherein the right-most driver module and components thereof are shown in exploded relationship;

FIG. 6

is a bottom plan view of a driver module;

FIG. 7

is a view showing at its left side a top plan view of a driver module, at its right side a top plan view of the part of the base underlying a driver module, and showing in its central portion and primarily in horizontal section components of the driver module and some associated components carried by the base of the terminal block;

FIG. 8

is a front elevational view of one of the insulation displacing connectors of the terminal block;

FIG. 9

is a laterally foreshortened view partially in elevation and partially in vertical section of test clips secured to upper end test port sections of driver module connector chambers and therein disposed insulation displacing connectors;

FIGS. 10

a, b

, and


are fragmentary front elevational views of the insulation displacing connector of

FIG. 8

showing sequential positions occupied by a heavily insulated service wire during movement thereof from an upper part to a lower part of the connector;

FIGS. 11

a, b

, and


are front elevational views of the connector of

FIG. 8

, showing sequential positions occupied by a lightly insulated service wire during movement thereof from an upper part to a lower part of the connector, and also showing a conductor of the multi-wire bundle within the base of the terminal block;

FIG. 12

is a schematic. illustration of a circuit having typical three-element gas discharge tube and a one-pair telecommunications line;

FIG. 13

is a sectional view of the gas tube of

FIG. 12


FIG. 14

is a sectional view of a known type of gas tube equipped with an air-gap type of vent safe device;

FIG. 15

is a diagram of the effect of oil and water upon the breakdown voltage of the air-gap vent safe device shown in

FIG. 14


FIG. 16

is an exploded, somewhat schematic perspective view of a vent safe device of the present invention in association with a. gas tube protector;

FIG. 17

is a partially exploded elevational view of components of the vent safe assembly of

FIG. 16


FIG. 18

is an enlarged fragmentary top perspective of the gas tube and ground electrode/retainer shown in

FIGS. 16 and 17


FIG. 19

is a sectional view similar to

FIG. 13

showing the vent safe device of

FIGS. 16-18

upon the gas tube;

FIG. 20

is a partially schematic sectional view of an embodiment in which the vent-safe device is spaced from but electrically connected to the gas tube;

FIG. 21

is a sectional view of the gas tube and vent safe device of

FIG. 19

encapsulated in a gel;

FIGS. 22-24

are IV-curves for different thicknesses of non-linear resistive films usable in the vent safe device;

FIG. 25

is the IV curve for a gas tube vent safe device of the construction shown in

FIGS. 15-18

and used as a replacement for the air-gap of a commercially available three element gas tube vent safe device;

FIG. 26

is the IV curve for a more conductive film;

FIG. 27

is an IV curve for a commercially available film;

FIGS. 28-30

depict the electrical impulse breakdown behavior of the

FIG. 27

film as a function of current loading;

FIG. 31

is a vertically exploded perspective view of a surge arrestor having a fail-safe thermal overload mechanism in accordance with the invention;

FIG. 32

is an end view of the arrestor and components of the overload mechanism in an assembled condition;

FIG. 33

is a side-elevational view of the surge arrestor;

FIG. 34

is a top plan view of the assembly of

FIG. 31

, showing in phantom lines a solder billet whose opposite ends are spaced from line electrodes at opposite ends of the arrestor housing;

FIG. 35

is a view similar to

FIG. 31

showing in phantom lines a solder billet whose ends extend to electrodes at opposite ends of the body of the arrestor;

FIG. 36

is a fragmentary end view of the arrestor housing and of a solder billet and overlying channel member of the fail-safe mechanism;

FIG. 37

is a view similar to

FIG. 36

, but showing the components in positions assumed during a thermal overload;

FIG. 38

is a view similar to

FIG. 36

showing gel or other protective sealant material encapsulating the arrestor and components of the fail-safe mechanism;

FIG. 39

is a perspective view of another embodiment of a fail-safe mechanism for a surge protector;

FIG. 40

is a partially exploded front top perspective view of another embodiment of a terminal block, and of a support member underlying the terminal block;

FIG. 41

is a view primarily in front elevation, but partially in vertical section, showing the terminal block of

FIG. 40

in an assembled condition;

FIG. 42

is a rear elevational view of the

FIG. 41

terminal block;

FIG. 43

is an enlarged sectional view taken approximately along the line


of FIG.


through one of the driver modules and the base of the terminal block of

FIG. 41


FIG. 44

is a view similar to

FIG. 43

but taken along the line



FIG. 41 through a

driver module in a lower position;

FIG. 45

is a view primarily in top plan, but with some components shown in section, of the terminal block of

FIGS. 40-42


FIG. 46

is an enlarged sectional view of the main body of one of the driver modules of the terminal block of

FIGS. 40-42


FIG. 47

is a sectional view taken approximately along the line


through the driver module body of

FIG. 46


FIG. 48

is an end elevational view of another embodiment of a fail-safe device associated with a surge protector and an insulation displacing connector;

FIG. 49

is a top plan view of the components of

FIG. 48


FIG. 50

is an exploded view, partially in vertical section and partially in side elevation, of an ungrounded embodiment of the terminal block; and

FIG. 51

is a view primarily in vertical section showing the components of

FIG. 50

in assembled condition and with the driver module in a lower position.


The terminal block identified in its entirety in

FIGS. 1 and 2

by the numeral


includes an elongate base


that may be of any desired length. Base


illustratively extends horizontally and is of generally rectangular shape. A multi-core cable


extends into a rearward section of base


from one end of the base. A plurality of bosses


project upwardly from base


at laterally spaced locations along its length. Each boss


has a low barrier wall


that extends transversely across a central part of the boss and rearwardly from it. First and second slots


upon opposite sides of the wall


of each boss


extend vertically through such boss and the upper wall of base


. The first and second slots


within each boss


respectively lie in generally vertical first and second planes that extend in substantially parallel transversely spaced relationship to each other, and in nonparallel relationship to a vertical plane containing the longitudinal axis of base



First and second insulation displacing connectors


extend vertically through respective ones of the first and second slots


in each boss


. Each connector


preferably is formed of beryllium copper alloy No. C17200 that has an extra hard temper and a minimum yield of 165 Ksi. The lower section of each connector


within base


is connected to an appropriate one of the wires


of cable


, after which the interior of the base is filled with a suitable potting material. This preferably is done at the location where bases


are fabricated.

As is best shown in






, the part of each connector


above base


has longitudinally extending opposite side edge portions


that constitute primary spring elements of the connector. Connector


further has an upper edge portion


that interconnects the upper ends of side edge portions


and stiffens them to such an extent as to eliminate the need for “stop” members that limit outward movement of edge portions


. A service wire entry opening


in adjacent underling relationship to upper edge portion


extends transversely through each connector


. Lower edge portions


of opening


have upwardly facing sharp cutting surfaces A vertical slot


within the central part of connector


communicates at its upper end with opening


and extends downwardly from it. Slot


decreases in width from its upper to its lower end, and terminates above an upwardly extending pointed impaling element


of the connector. The opposite sides of slot


are bordered by confronting edges of elongate secondary spring elements


that extend downwardly in cantilever fashion from the upper part of connector


, have free rounded lower ends, and are bordered along most of their length by a generally kidney-shaped opening


of connector


. During use of connector


, spring elements




undergo resilient lateral bending movement. The secondary spring elements


also undergo torsional flexure about their longitudinal axes. A contact element


having a downwardly sloping upper surface projects outwardly from each connector


below impaling element



The illustrated connector


is particularly suited for use with insulated service wires ranging from eighteen and one-half gauge copper coated steel conductors through twenty-four gauge solid copper, and has a thickness of about twenty-thousandths of an inch.

The entry opening


of each connector


is adapted to receive service wires


as heavily insulated as that shown in






, and


, or as lightly insulated as that of the service wire shown in FIG.


. Whether heavily or lightly insulated, the service wires


introduced into entry opening


of a connector


preferably define an entry angle with the connector that is substantially less than 90° and preferably is about 30°.

Referring now particularly to

FIGS. 10








, the relatively heavy insulation of the illustrated service wire


introduced into opening


and then moved downwardly therefrom is initially cut by the sharp edges


adjacent the bottom of opening


. As service wire


is displaced downwardly into and through slot


. the thereto adjacent confronting edges of secondary spring elements


engage, as shown in

FIG. 10


, the central metal conductor of service wire


. Final downward movement of the service wire impales its insulation upon the pointed impaling element


underlying slot


, as shown in

FIG. 10


. Movement of the heavily insulated service wire


into and through slot


deflects spring elements




outwardly, and also causes torsional deflection of secondary spring elements


. The torsional deflections of spring elements


contribute significantly to the fact that such elements are not strained beyond their elastic limits by passage of heavily insulated service wires


through slot


. Upon return movement of service wire


upwardly to opening


the spring elements therefore resiliently return to their undeflected positions shown in

FIGS. 8 and 10


When the service wire


is relatively lightly insulated, such as shown in

FIGS. 11








, downward movement thereof from entry opening


into slot


occurs with little if any engagement between wire


and sharp edges


of opening


. Substantially all of the cutting of the insulation of the lightly insulated service wire is done by the confronting edges of secondary spring elements


. The primary spring elements


undergo little if any deflection, and the lowermost position of the lightly insulated service wire


is considerably above impaling element


, as shown in

FIG. 11


. Service wires having insulation of a size intermediate that of the illustrated heavily and lightly insulated wires


will produce spring element deflections intermediate those produced by the wires shown in

FIGS. 10 and 11




of cable


are illustratively received within and connected to the lower end section of respective ones of connectors


, illustratively by generally T-shaped insulation displacing slots


provided in connectors


. The aforesaid connection preferably is made in the facility where the base


is manufactured, and is preferably there surrounded by protective potting material shown in the lower part of

FIGS. 3 and 4


A plurality of driver modules


is mounted in laterally adjacent relationship to each other along the length of base


for vertical movement relative to the illustratively horizontally extending base and to each other between a first, illustratively upper position and a second, illustratively lower position. The modules preferably are formed of transparent durable dielectric plastic such as LEXANR. Each module


is cantilever mounted upon a rearward part of base


by mounting means that includes a mounting chamber


that is of U-shaped configuration as viewed in top plan and that is located within the rear part of the module. The mounting means further includes an underlying mounting post


that is of complementary U-shaped configuration and that extends upwardly from base


into the therewith vertically aligned chamber


. The mounting means further includes a rotatable fastener


, which illustratively and preferably is a thread-forming screw having a driver head that overlies the upper surface of chamber


. A threaded shank of fastener


extends through a bore


in the chamber's top wall, a captive washer


and into an initially unthreaded axially aligned bore within the post


underlying chamber


. Rotation of fastener


in the appropriate “tightening” direction forms screw threads in the bore of post.


and drives module


downwardly from its upper position shown in

FIG. 3

to its lower position, shown in

FIG. 4

, wherein the upper wall of chamber


abuts the upper surface of mounting post


. Return upward movement of module


is effected, when desired, by reverse rotation of fastener


. Canting or tilting of module


during and following vertical movement thereof is prevented by, among other things, sliding engagement between the exterior surfaces of mounting post


and the complementarily shaped confronting inner surfaces of mounting chamber



Engageable and disengageable latch means prevent inadvertent removal of each driver module


from base


, while permitting movement of the module relative to the base from the module's upper position shown in

FIG. 3

to its lower position shown in FIG.


. The latch means includes resilient latch elements


that extend vertically in laterally spaced and generally parallel relationship to the front and rear surfaces of each module


and that are permanently connected intermediate their length to the module. The latch means further includes cooperating latch elements


that are connected to and extend forwardly and rearwardly from base


. During initial installation of a module


upon base


, downward movement of the module causes the lower end of each latch element


to engage a sloping cam surface upon an underlying latch element


. The elements


are cammed outwardly by such engagement, and then resiliently return to a position beneath latch element


. The latch elements




then permit movement of the module


between its upper position of FIG.


and its lower position of

FIG. 4

, but prevent inadvertent complete withdrawal of the module from base


. The latches also provide tactile feedback, in the form of increased resistance to reverse rotation of screw


, that lets a telecommunications craftsperson know when a module reaches its upper position. Tactile feedback indicating arrival of the module at its lower position is provided by then increased resistance to tightening rotation of fastener



The first and second insulation displacing connectors


extending through and upwardly from each boss


upon base


are received within respective first and second laterally adjacent connector chambers


that extend vertically through each module


. The two chambers


are laterally separated from each other along part of their height by a vertical barrier wall


best shown in FIG.


. Wall


is formed of dielectric plastic material and overlies the wall


of the adjacent boss


upon base


. Chambers


are forwardly of and in non-communicating relationship with the module chamber


through which fastener


extends. As is best shown in

FIGS. 3 and 4

, the width of each chamber


decreases with increasing distance from the lower end to the upper end of the connector


within the chamber. Adjacent its upper end each chamber


has a test port area



into which a connector


extends. The two connectors


within each module


lie in parallel laterally spaced vertical planes that extend in angular oblique relationship to a vertical plane containing the longitudinal axis of terminal block


. When viewed perpendicularly to their major surfaces, i.e., in the direction of the arrow



FIG. 7

, the two connectors


of each pair have overlapping side edge portions. The aforesaid orientations of the connectors relative to each other and to base


contribute significantly to the compact construction of terminal block



First and second laterally adjacent passageways


extend through the front wall of each driver module


and into respective first and second ones of the chambers


containing insulation displacing connectors


. When a telecommunication craftsperson inserts first and second service wires


as far as they will go into respective first and second ones of the passageways


of a module


occupying its upper position, the leading ends of the customarily black service wires extend into respective first and second ones of the module's chambers


and also into and through the entry openings


of respective first and second ones of the insulation displacing connectors


within chambers


. The transparent construction of the module permits visual verification of the position of the wires, particularly when the module is either colorless or of a color other than black. When a module


is moved downwardly from its upper position to its lower position, illustratively and preferably by rotation in the appropriate direction of thread-forming fastener


, each service wire


is moved downwardly into and through the slot


of the associated connector


to its final position adjacent the lower end of the slot and wherein its inner metallic conductor is in engagement with connector


. The final position of a heavily insulated service wire


is below that of a lightly insulated wire. This is due to the fact that a lightly insulated wire is not engaged and moved downwardly by the upper surface of the surrounding passageway


until after module


has moved downwardly a significant extent. As previously noted, each heavily insulated service wire


is also impaled in its lowermost position by the connector's impaling element


which resists axial pull-out of the service wire.

Movement of module


to its lower position effects engagement of the lower end of each barrier wall


of the module with the upper end of the barrier wall


of the underlying boss


of base


. Such movement of module


also downwardly displaces a component


thereof, best shown in

FIG. 5

, from its upper position shown in

FIG. 3

to its lower position shown in FIG.


. When surge protection is desired, the component


of each module contains a cylindrical fail-safe and vent-safe surge protector device


. Device


has first and second tip and ring contacts


extending radially therefrom to locations respectively adjacent first and second ones of the insulation displacing connectors


. Device


also has an arcuate ground contact


upon its cylindrical outer surface. As shown in

FIG. 4

, downward movement of component


and device


brings tip and ring contacts


into engagement with respective ones of the projecting contacts


upon first and second ones of the connectors


, and also brings the contact band


of device


into engagement with an upwardly extending arm


of a ground bus


that is mounted upon and extends longitudinally of base


. If for any reason surge protection is not desired, a device


not having a ground contact may be substituted for the illustrated device


. The ungrounded device (not shown) preferably is of a color clearly different from that of the protector device


. As is also shown in

FIG. 5

, the service wire passageways


of each driver module


are defined in part by first and second channels


that extend through and open from the upper portion of module component


upon opposite sides of a vertically extending partition


that laterally separates the service wires within respective ones of the channels.

As is best shown in

FIGS. 3 and 4

, viscous protective sealant material


, which preferably is a gel of the type disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,634,207 and 4,864,725, is provided within and substantially fills the chambers


, passageways


and the space about component


of each driver module


. In conjunction with barrier walls




, sealant


isolates the adjacent connectors


of a module


from each other and from the ambient environment, particularly when the module


occupies its lower position. Since the sealant


within the front lower part of module


then is closely adjacent base


, such sealant and the underlying part of the base similarly isolate surge protector device


and the electrical contacts associated therewith from the ambient environment.

Movement of service wires


into and from a module may disturb the sealant material


, particularly when the sealant is not a gel, and cause the formation of voids in it. Voids substantially reduce the protection afforded by the sealant. The protection decreases in proportion to the number of re-entries, and in prior terminal blocks using non-gel sealant may become deficient after a relatively small number of reentries.

In order to eliminate or at least substantially reduce the size of voids in the sealant material


within chambers


, passageways


and other critical areas of driver module


, the block is provided with sealant pump means. The pump means includes first and second sealant pump chambers


that extend upwardly through the bottom of each module


to an elevation at or (as shown) above that of service wire passageways


, and that communicate with such passageways and through them with respective first and second ones of the module's connector chambers


. Chambers


contain reserve sealant material. Each chamber


has an arcuate rear wall that slidably engages and conforms to the curvature of the arcuate front wall of the thereto adjacent post


upon base


. The sealant pump means further includes first and second pump piston elements


that extend upwardly from base


and, when the overlying module


occupies its lower position shown in

FIG. 4

, into the open lower end portions of respective first and second ones of the module's pump chambers


. Pump piston elements


each have peripheral front, rear and side surfaces that slidably and closely engage, and are complementary in shape to, the thereto confronting surfaces of the associated pump chamber



After service wires


are inserted into an upwardly positioned module


, downward movement of the module to its lower position of

FIG. 4

causes pump piston elements


to enter the lower end portions of respective overlying ones of the module's pump chambers


. This displaces reserve sealant


from pump chambers


into connector chambers


, passageways


and other module areas (including that containing surge protector device


) communicating therewith. Such displacement compresses the sealant material within the aforesaid areas and thereby eliminates or at least reduces the size of any voids therein. This highly desirable result occurs automatically, whenever a module


is re-entered, for as long as its pump chambers


contain sufficient reserve sealant.

When a driver module


occupies its lower position as shown in

FIG. 4

, the upper ends of connectors


are located below the upper surface of uppermost test port sections



of chambers


, and below the upper surface of the sealant material


therein. A telecommunications craftsperson attaching a test clip to the upper part of connector


therefore must insert an end of the test clip into the sealant material and, upon completion of the circuit testing, withdraw the test clip from such material. Withdrawal of the test clip from association with a conventional insulation displacing connector, of the type having an open upper end, may cause withdrawal of some of the sealant material. Removal of sealant material


by a test clip applied to the upper end of one of the present insulation displacement connectors


is less likely to occur since the upper edge portion


of the connector resists movement of the sealant with the test clip as the clip is withdrawn.

FIG. 9

shows test clips


that engage the upper edge portion


of connectors


and that each have a pin or tooth element


that extends into the opening


of the associated connector. This minimizes the possibility of inadvertent slippage of test clips


from connectors



As is also shown in

FIG. 9

, the upper edge portion of at least one (illustratively the leftmost one) of the two connector chambers


of each module


preferably is provided with a sloping portion


which causes the test clip


secured thereto to extend angularly outwardly away from the central axis of such chamber and away from a test clip secured to the other chamber of the module. This minimizes the possibility of contact between and shorting of the test clips.

In addition to its previously discussed functions, the sealant material


surrounding and encapsulating surge protector device


protects the device's previously sealed air gap (not shown), or itself acts as a dielectric when present in the gap.

FIGS. 12-30

of the drawings relate to a ventsafe apparatus for gas tubes such as are used to protect telecommunications equipment from electrical interference or damage resulting from high voltage lightning pulses. A gas contained in the tubes ionizes at high voltages to divert such pulses to ground. The tubes also maintain a limited sustained ionization in the presence of a continuing high current overload, such as from an accidental power line crossover. To assure the performance of such tubes in the rare event that the ionizable gas vents from the tube, and to add protection in the case of overheat failure during sustained over-current conditions, prevailing industry practice is to require so-called “ventsafe” and “fail-safe” mechanisms along with the basic gas tube protector itself. (The term “vent-safe” now commonly refers to backup overvoltage protection if the gas “vents” or is lost to the atmosphere. The term “failsafe” now commonly refers to thermal overload protection, although the term taken literally cloaks this connotation.)

Fail-safe protection is now commonly afforded by a fusible metallic or plastic material that, when heated due to the energy from the current overload, yields to a biased shorting member to provide a permanent current shunt around the gas tube. Vent-safe protection is usually provided by an air gap in the external structure of the device. The air gap is carefully dimensioned to require a firing potential considerably above the normal firing potential of the gas tube itself, so that a properly functioning gas tube will prevent the air gap from firing. This is important since an overvoltage pulse usually fires harmlessly through a properly functioning gas tube, but may damage the air gap (which is intended only as a safety backup). Such air gaps are typically designed to fire at about twice the design firing voltage of the gas gap. An example of such a device may be found, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 4,212,047 (Napiorkowski, issued Jul. 8, 1980).

Unfortunately, it has been found that air gap vent-safe protection schemes can become unreliable. Telecommunications installations are intended to remain serviceable, without attention or maintenance, for decades. Understandably, environmental conditions often cause the electrical characteristics of these air gaps to become unstable over such long periods of time. For example, penetration of moisture into the backup air gap lowers the discharge voltage level and ultimately leads to shorts. The insulation resistance between the signal conductors and ground deteriorates,. hindering regular performance of the network. Corrosion can induce shorts and cause corrosive destruction of the mechanism. The reduced firing voltage of the air gap converts the gap from the secondary to the primary discharge path. Correct performance of the telecommunications network is thus compromised. These effects are most pronounced when the air gap is directly exposed to the atmosphere, suffering seasonal as well as daily environmental effects, and further becoming contaminated by air pollution, insect infestation, and so forth. Even when efforts are made to isolate the air gap from the environment, such as locating the device in a sealed container, it will be appreciated that, over a course of years, moisture often still finds its way into the air gap.

Previous efforts to resolve this problem have included configurations in which the internal, normally gas-filled space was designed to act as an air gap upon venting of the gas. However, manufacturers ran into problems meeting the close tolerances required of such devices. Other approaches included improving the quality control and tolerances for the air gaps themselves: film thickness, die cutting quality of the film, air-gap diameter, anti-humidity coating, and so on. This increased the cost and manufacturing difficulty for these already intricate devices, but still left them vulnerable to the effects of humidity. Similarly, efforts at encapsulation were unsuccessful, whether using waxes, potting compounds, conformal coatings, encapsulants, gels, and so forth, all of which tended to penetrate or migrate into the air gap and change the discharge voltage levels.

A need therefore remains for an improved gas tube vent-safe device that can readily and inexpensively be utilized in place of existing air gap vent-safe mechanisms, and which will be reliably environmentally stable over extended periods of unattended service life. Advantageously, the vent-safe device should also be functionally compatible with the latest environmental sealing and encapsulation technologies, such as gel encapsulation, to support advances in these technologies and to provide improved environmental isolation of the entire gas tube assembly. The present gas tube vent-safe apparatus fulfills the above needs and purposes. It provides a new and improved vent-safe apparatus for gas tube protectors, in which the air gap is replaced with a layer of solid material having particular non-linear electrical resistive characteristics. In the preferred embodiment, a solid, carbon black filled polycarbonate based extrusion grade compound is used. The film has a thickness from about 0.001 inch to about 0.010 inch or more, and preferably from 0.002 inch to 0.005 inch. The film is nonconductive, having an insulation resistance greater than 10


ohms when placed between two electrodes, regardless of geometry. The breakdown voltage (V


) of the film is greater than 600 and less than 1000 volts, and can be controlled to a narrow band (e.g., 800<V


<850 volts, or roughly twice the design breakdown voltage of the gas tube), if desired. (Once a discharge has fired through the film, subsequent breakdown voltages tend to be lower). The initial breakdown voltage proves to be largely independent of contact with encapsulating materials (e.g., silicone gel). Because the film is a thin (1 to 5 mil) insulating plastic, it can be readily substituted for the fusible insulating plastic films in existing designs, such as described in the '047 patent above. In addition to extreme environmental stability (even when immersed in water the breakdown voltage and insulative properties of the film do not change significantly), the invention significantly improves and simplifies manufacturing tolerances and procedures by eliminating the need to form precise holes and precisely position them in the gas tube vent-safe structure. The preferred plastic material has a high heat deflection temperature (ASTMD648), so that it avoids possible deformation during thermal exposure in manufacturing, and exhibits less creep under compression and during temperature cycling.

A major feature of the present invention has to do with the discharge mechanism itself. Filled polymer films have been used in other technical areas for discharging static electricity (e.g., such as used for discharging static electricity in small personal computers). See, for example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,977,357 (Shrier, issued Dec. 11, 1990) and 5,068,634 (Shrier, issued Nov. 26, 1991). However, these have been low energy applications where the devices were designed for reliable repeatability after many discharge events. That is, the performance had to be non-destructive. A major distinction, and an important new feature of the present invention, is the realization and expectation that the present device will perform in a manner which will be destructive to itself. By making this a feature of the present invention (which is acceptable since this is a backup device that normally should not be called upon to fire), the present invention can handle and discharge high voltage pulses having significant energy, such as caused by lightning pulses. In contrast, prior art devices in other technical applications have not been considered capable of handling such impulses. This has important implications. The actual discharge mechanism is a plasma which the high energy of the electrical pulse forms through the plastic film, once the plastic film begins to conduct. This plasma results in a nearly direct short to ground, which is required for effective protection in telecommunications protector devices, and closely mimics the performance of a normal gas tube. This sudden plasma-induced increase in conductivity (or reduction in resistance) provides a voltage foldback effect to an extent not seen in non-destructive static load situations, where similar films have been used in other technologies, as mentioned.

This leads to an additional advantageous feature of the present invention. In another preferred embodiment, the vent-safe gap (and preferably the entire gas tube device) is encapsulated in an environmentally sealing gel. A telecommunications terminal showing such a gas tube (but without the present vent-safe mechanism) encapsulated in a gel, is disclosed, for example, in U.S. Pat. application Ser. No. 776,501 (Baum et al., filed Oct. 11, 1991), assigned to the assignee of the present invention, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. When a gas tube having a vent safe mechanism according to the present invention is thus environmentally sealed, the gel encapsulant advantageously protects the vent-safe mechanism from environmental contaminants, excludes oxygen from the region of the plasma discharge, and acts as a heat sink. This gel encapsulated plasma discharge substantially reduces the degradation of surrounding materials, prevents combustion, and draws thermal energy away from local hot spots. It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide new and improved methods and apparatus for providing vent-safe protection for telecommunications gas tube protectors, and more particularly for providing gas tube vent-safe methods and devices which include a first electrode for electrical connection to a terminal on the gas tube protector, a second electrode for electrical connection to another terminal on the gas tube protector, and a non-gaseous, non-linear resistive material separating the electrodes, the nonlinear resistive material being substantially non-conductive when the electrical potential between the electrodes is less than a predetermined breakdown voltage V


, being conductive when the electrical potential is greater than V


, and supporting a plasma discharge therethrough after becoming conductive to effect a sudden increase in conductivity between the electrodes for discharging high energy with a plasma voltage foldback functionally analogous to the foldback behavior of the gas tube protector; wherein the first electrode may be at least a portion of the first gas tube terminal and thus located thereon; wherein the predetermined breakdown voltage V


may be greater than the designed breakdown voltage of the gas tube protector at least prior to the first discharge through the non-linear resistive material; wherein the non-linear resistive material may be a solid, filled polymer film which is a composition comprising a polymer and, dispersed in the polymer, a particulate conductive filler; wherein the film may be a carbon black filled polycarbonate based extrusion grade compound having a thickness from substantially 0.001 to 0.010 inches or more, and preferably from 0.002 to 0.005 inches; wherein the particulate conductive filler maybe carbon black, the primary size of the bulk (90%) of the carbon black filler being in the 30 to 60 nanometer range and the total carbon black content being 3 to 50% by weight of the total composition; wherein the electrodes and the non-linear resistive material may be environmentally encapsulated to protect them from environmental contaminants, to exclude oxygen from the plasma discharge, and to act as a heat sink to draw thermal energy away from local hot spots; wherein the encapsulant may be chemically inert to the film material; wherein the encapsulant may be a gel; which may include a third electrode for connection to a third terminal on the protector; wherein at least part of at least one of the electrodes may be at least partially rolled away from another of the electrodes; and to accomplish the above objects and purposes in an inexpensive, uncomplicated, durable, versatile, and reliable method and apparatus, inexpensive to manufacture, and readily suited to the widest possible utilization in telecommunications protector circuits.

With reference to the drawings, the new and improved gas tube vent-safe method and device for telecommunications systems will now be described.

FIG. 12

schematically illustrates a typical telecommunications circuit


incorporating a gas tube


in a telecommunications line


. The gas tube protector


has end terminals





FIGS. 13 and 16

) for connection to the tip and ring sides of the telecommunications circuit, and a center ground terminal


. The main body of the gas tube protector


is a durable plastic or ceramic shell




). The interior of the tube


contains an ionizable gas


which ionizes to form a discharge plasma at a predetermined design potential, such as 350-450 volts, as indicated in FIG.



FIG. 14

shows a typical prior art air gap gas tube vent-safe device


. The end terminals




of device


also function as the electrodes for the air gap vent-safe operation. Each of the end terminals/electrodes




has a non-conductive film


that is perforated by holes


and which separates the electrodes




from a ground electrode


which is connected to the center ground terminal


of the gas tube


. As already indicated, such air gap vent-safe mechanisms are well known.

FIG. 15

illustrates the typical breakdown voltage V


for a gas tube (usually around 350-450 volts), and the corresponding breakdown voltage for the air gap vent-safe system


. As illustrated by the arrows in

FIG. 15

, pointing respectively left and right, water which invades the holes


will reduce the breakdown voltage of the air gap vent-safe device; oil will increase it. Thus, the deleterious effects of environmental pollution, humidity, insect infestation, etc., can cause the air gap vent-safe device


to start firing at voltages comparable to those of the gas tube. This is effectively a system failure. On the other hand, efforts by the present inventors to seal the holes


from environmental effects by gel encapsulation, for example, have inevitably resulted in oil bleeding from the gel into the holes


. This adversely raises the breakdown voltage beyond the specification design limit.

The gas tube vent-safe device


illustrated in

FIGS. 16-19

overcomes these prior art limitations. In particular, the insulating film


is solid, not perforated. Thus, it is essentially immune to environmental contamination. Similarly, it can readily be encapsulated, such as in a gel




), without changing the design breakdown voltage of the device. Encapsulant


is selected of a material which is chemically inert to the film


. For example, when the film is a polycarbonate, a silicone gel would be appropriate.

In the embodiment illustrated in

FIGS. 16-19

, the end terminals




of the gas tube protector device


also function as electrodes for the vent-safe components of the device. On the side of the film


opposite the electrodes




is a ground electrode/film retainer


connected to the ground terminal


on the gas tube. Further improvement of vent-safe performance is realized by judicious geometric design of the supporting ground electrode/film retainer



FIG. 18

) to produce controlled uniformity in the electric field which is developed throughout the film material


between the ground electrode


and the opposing gas tube electrode




before and during breakdown. If no special attention were paid to this aspect, the possibility of high variance in V


exists. For example, in certain existing vent-safe designs, sharp edge discontinuities occur on certain stamped metal parts, producing uncontrolled field non-uniformity. Even when other parameters such as spacer material thickness and/or perforation hole diameters in certain air gap designs are tightly controlled, slight manufacturing differences in electrode material edges of improper design can yield unacceptable V


variance. Consequently, the preferred embodiment of the present invention incorporates such geometric design (in addition to the film material) in order to further improve performance. In

FIG. 18

, the ends


(only one of which is shown) of the ground electrode


are partially rolled away from the opposing gas tube electrode. This carries the sharp edge discontinuities of the ground electrode


away from the curved surface of the gas tube electrode, thus reducing localized field enhancement in the vicinity of the edges and producing smooth curved electrode surfaces at the minimum separation distance of the opposing electrodes. It also renders the part both simple to manufacture, without extreme tolerance constraints, and affords controlled, repeatable field uniformity for improved performance.



may also be provided with electrodes which are distinct from the terminals




and are electrically connected thereto, such distinct electrodes also being located on the side of the non-linear resistive film


opposite the ground electrode.

FIG. 20

illustrates such an alternative gas tube vent-safe device


having electrodes


′ and


′ respectively electrically connected to the gas tube end terminals




, and a ground electrode


connected to the gas tube ground terminal


. Electrodes




, in a fashion similar to device


, are separated from ground electrode


by a film


which illustratively is the same as film



FIG. 21

shows the gas tube vent-safe device


encapsulated in an environmentally protecting sealing gel


. The gel encapsulant


not only protects the device


from the environmental contaminants, but also excludes oxygen from the region of the plasma discharge and conducts heat away therefrom (acting as a heat sink). This substantially reduces the degradation of surrounding materials, prevents combustion, and attenuates local hot spots. Such gels are preferably selected from materials which are chemically inert to the film material




. Proper selection of the gel material may also promote gradual, partial “healing” of the film




in the damaged region of a plasma discharge as the oil filler in the gel migrates to that region of the film.

The non-linear resistive films




are selected of a material which is substantially non-conductive when the electrical potential between the electrodes is less than the desired breakdown voltage V


. The film is thus non-conductive in that state, having an insulation resistance greater than 10


ohms. Preferably, for telecommunications devices, the breakdown voltage V


is greater than 600 and less than 1000 volts, and particularly in the vicinity of 800-850 volts.

In analyzing and developing a. suitable nonlinear resistive film, it was discovered that a homogeneous distribution of a rising electrical field can be obtained through the dispersion of small conductive particles in a non-conductive matrix, e.g., carbon black in a polymer. This in turn leads to more controllable high voltage discharges through solid materials. Nonlinear resistive materials are already used as electrical stress dissipating layers at abrupt transitions in high voltage applications.

Suitable non-linear resistive materials are prepared from a composition which comprises a polymer and, dispersed in that polymer, a particulate conductive filler. In order to achieve an insulation resistance in use of greater than 10


ohms, the resistive material has a resistivity of at least 1×10


ohm-cm, preferably at least 1×10


ohm-cm, especially at least 1×10


ohm-cm. The type of polymer used is dependent on the desired physical properties of the resistive material in use, the type of particulate conductive filler, the anticipated use conditions, as well as other factors such as ease of manufacture, maximum exposure temperature, and chemical resistance. Either thermoplastic or thermosetting polymers may be used. Polymers which are particularly useful are those which can be formed, for example by extrusion, calendaring, casting, or compression molding, into relatively thin films, e.g., 0.001 to 0.010 inch (0.025 mm to 0.25 mm), and preferably 0.002 to 0.005 inch (0.05 mm to 0.13 mm). Particularly suitable polymers include polycarbonates.

Dispersed in the polymer is a particulate conductive filler, i.e., a material which has a resistivity of less than 10


ohm-cm, preferably less than 10


ohm-cm. particularly less than 10


ohm-cm. Among those particulate fillers which may be used are carbon black, graphite, metals, metal oxides, or any of these materials coated onto at least part of an insulating particle such as a glass or ceramic particle. A single type of particulate filler may be used or the resistive material may comprise a mixture of two or more different fillers or two or more different sizes or types of the same filler. Generally particulate conductive particles which are suitable for use in the invention have an, average particle size, i.e., the size of the primary particle, of less than 1 μm, preferably less than 0.5 μm, particularly less than 0.1 μm, e.g. 0.01 to 0.09 μm. For some compositions, it is preferred that the majority of the particles of the particulate filler, i.e., at least 50%, preferably at least 60%, particularly at least 70%, especially at least 80%, have an average particle size of 0.01 to 0.09 μm, preferably 0.02 to 0.08 μm, particularly 0.03 to 0.07 μm. If the particles are fused or otherwise associated in the form of an aggregate, e.g. as carbon black is, it is preferred that the aggregate size be less than 5 μm, preferably less than 3 μm, particularly less than 2 μm, e.g., less than 1 μm. Depending on the type of particulate conductive filler and its structure, particle size, density, and conductivity, the amount of particulate conductive filler in the resistive material is 3 to 70% by weight of the total composition, preferably 3 to 50% by weight, particularly 15 to 45% by weight, especially 20 to 40% by weight. When the particulate conductive filler is carbon black, the amount is often 3 to 50% by weight of the total composition, particularly 3 to 35% by weight, especially 3 to 10% by weight.

The above criteria were met during experimentation with non-linear resistive film materials from LNP Engineering Plastics Inc. (Exton, Pa.), available under the trade name “Stat-Kon.” One suitable material was Stat-Kon DX7, a carbon black filled polycarbonate based extrusion grade compound with volume resistivity between 10E7 and 10E12 ohm-cm. Films were obtained at a 10 mil thickness and measured 10E7 ohms in insulation resistance at 250 vdc using the film thickness as electrode separation. In fact, any location of the two electrodes on the film always gave the same insulation reading. Thinner films were obtained by compressing the 10 mil film on a hot press down to 2.5 to 4.0 mil.

As a test, these 2.5 to 4.0 mil films were inserted between the metal spring terminal/contact accessories of commercially available three-element gas tube integrated vent-safe/fail-safe protectors and tested for performance according to Bellcore TR-TSY-000073, which Bellcore specification is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. Insulation resistance as measured in the device remained at the high levels as measured before on the film only, and the tip-to-ground or ring-to-ground breakdown voltage of the vented gas tube protector (through the thin film) varied from 700 volts to 900 volts, whether or not encapsulated in silicone gel. However, gel encapsulation substantially reduces the oxygen source needed for combustion, and it is acts as a heat transfer medium to effectively draw the thermal energy away from local hot spots. In this way, a smooth and safe operation is secured during these high energy transfers, substantially reducing the degradation of surrounding materials (gel encapsulated plasma discharge). As encapsulated in silicone gel, there was no interference with the fail-safe mechanical spring mechanism during a power-cross test (1A, 1000V, 60 Hz), a homogeneous heating took place without visible sparking or material degradation, and the metal spring moved through the melting polycarbonate film to form a metal to-metal contact, dumping the current to ground.

FIGS. 22





depict the IV-curves for Stat-Kon DX7 films of different thicknesses. The interesting and very useful features of a Stat-Kon DX7 type material are that the breakdown voltage levels remain relatively independent (as compared to an air gap) from the film thickness, the insulation resistance remains at a high level, and for thin films around 3 mil, the trigger current is in the micro amp range.

FIG. 25

shows the IV-curve of a 2.5 mil pressed Stat-Kon DX7 film as replacement for the air gap of a comnmercially available three-element gas tube vent-safe device.

FIG. 26

depicts the IV-curve for the more conductive 15 mil Stat-Kon DX3 film (resistivity 103 to 106 ohm-cm). Having an insulation resistance around 10E6 Ohms makes the DX3 film less preferable for telephone circuit applications.

As pressing of thin films lead to inconsistencies with regard to film thicknesses and electrical parameters, extrusion of thin films was pursued using polycarbonate based compounds with carbon black loadings from 3% to 10%. The carbon black used had a primary particle size mostly below 75 nanometers and an aggregate particle size centered around 0.5 microns. An example of such a film is the Stat-Kon DX9 material (resistivity 109 to 1012 ohm-cm).

FIG. 27

depicts a typical IV-curve for this material.

FIGS. 28-30

depict the electrical impulse breakdown behavior as a function of current loading for this material. Material analysis of a single sample from the trial extrusion indicated that the material comprised 3 to 10% by weight carbon black with a particle size of 0.030 to 0.069 nm, 65 to 70% by weight bisphenol-A-polycarbonate, and 1 to 3% by weight other filler.

As may be seen, therefore, the vent-safe apparatus of the present invention provides numerous advantages. Principally, it provides an environmentally stable apparatus for a telecommunications gas tube protector. By eliminating the conventional air gap, and especially when encapsulating (such as in a gel) the breakdown voltage V


remains reliably stable over very extended periods of time. Once the gas tube fails and the present invention fires in its place, this will, of course, damage the film


in the region of the discharge. The inability of such non-linear resistive films to repeatably conduct such high currents without damage has heretofore been seen as an insurmountable barrier. As taught by the present invention, however, since under normal conditions the vent-safe apparatus of the present invention never fires, and the apparatus is intended to be replaced once the gas tube


has failed, damage to film


is acceptable. In fact, if the film carbonizes leaving a low resistance path, this may actually be advantageous since it will assist in identifying a failed gas tube. In other words, it has been recognized that, in this technology, repeatability can be sacrificed for performance and environmental stability. This is a major conceptual and functional breakthrough heretofore unavailable.

Of course, various modifications of the ventsafe apparatus are possible. For example, other nonlinear. resistive materials having electrical characteristics similar to the preferred filled polycarbonate films may be found suitable. These can include non-gaseous, but not necessarily solid, materials such as, for example, suitable gels having the desired electrical properties. In a humid environment, a non-encapsulated carbon black filled nylon


film could be used instead, with excellent results. Since such a film is inert to mineral oil based gels and to silicone gels, it could be gelencapsulated as well. It also has a sharp melting point, for improved fail-safe performance in applications to be described below. In another modification, the vent-safe apparatus can be used with two element gas tubes, thus requiring only two electrodes on the vent-safe apparatus itself.

In addition to vent-safe mechanisms, gas tube surge arrestors frequently are also equipped with failsafe mechanisms. When an arrestor is subjected to a current surge condition over a long period of time, as might occur for instance due to a power line crossing, the heat generated by the arrestor may be sufficient to present a fire hazard. To prevent the foregoing, the fail-safe mechanism short circuits the current to ground when the arrestor is subjected to a thermal overload. A commonly employed means for establishing the short circuit includes a spring contact that is normally maintained in an inactive position by solder or other meltable material. When a thermal overload condition occurs, the material melts and permits movement of the spring to an active short-effecting position. In the aforesaid prior art arrestor the meltable material does not itself form the short circuit. However, U.S. Pat. No. 4,851,946 discloses a different type of fail safe thermal overload mechanism in which molten solder material directly forms a short circuit between ground and line electrodes when the arrestor is subjected to a thermal overload.

The fail-safe thermal overload mechanism of the present invention is similar to that disclosed in the above noted prior patent in that it employs solder material that melts and directly forms the desired short circuit when the arrestor is subjected to a thermal overload. The fail safe mechanism is highly reliable in operation and relatively inexpensive. In a preferred embodiment the fail safe mechanism includes solder flux upon the outer surface of the housing of the arrestor, a solder billet overlying the arrestor housing, and channel and spring members that overlie the billet and bias it to a location closely adjacent and preferably abutting the arrestor body. Solder flux may additionally or alternatively be provided upon the inner and/or outer surfaces of the solder billet, and/or within billet. A preferred flux is a rosin based one that under normal (i.e., no thermal overload) conditions, coats and protects the surfaces to which it is applied, and has good dielectric properties and acts as an insulator. When the solder melts under thermal overload conditions, the flux causes the molten solder to thoroughly wet surfaces of the arrestor housing and the channel member of the fail-safe mechanism so as to facilitate preferential flow of molten solder from the solder billet to one or more locations establishing a highly conductive, low resistance short circuit between the arrestor electrodes. When the arrestor housing is of cylindrical shape, as is customary, the channel member is preferably of generally Vshaped configuration and has first and second sections that extend angularly relative to each other and meet at an apex that overlies and extends generally parallel to the central axis of the arrestor housing. When the arrestor is subjected to a thermal overload, the channel member permits relatively free flow of molten solder from the solder billet in a first direction, which in the illustrative embodiment is generally parallel to the longitudinal axis of the arrestor housing, while limiting flow of the molten solder in a second, transverse direction.

Referring now to

FIGS. 31-38

of the drawings, the surge arrestor


is illustratively of the type having a cylindrical housing


that includes diskshaped line electrodes


at its opposite ends, a disk-shaped ground electrode


intermediate the length of the housing, and insulating material


intermediate electrode


and each of the line electrodes


. Arrestor


may and illustratively does further include pin-type lead elements


that extend from respective ones of the electrodes. At least some, and illustratively substantially all, of the exterior surface of housing


is overlaid by a film, foil or coating of solder flux material


which is indicated in the drawings by stippling. Flux material


is preferably of a rosinbased type that under normal temperatures of housing


has strong dielectric properties, and protects the housing and other members engaged thereby from contaminants and other materials such as soft textured encapsulants


(e.g., gels, oils, greases, etc.) such as shown in FIG.


. Under thermal overload conditions the flux greatly facilitates flow of molten solder along the housing and other members engaged thereby. An example of flux of the foregoing type is that sold by Alpha Metals of Jersey City, N.J., under the type designation R


, and is comprised essentially of natural rosin, alcohol and in certain other formulations, proprietary activators.

A channel-shaped solder billet


overlies and extends longitudinally of the upper surface of housing


. Billet


is illustratively of inverted V-shaped configuration and has opposite side sections that extend angularly downwardly from each other and from an apex


upon the upper surface of the billet. The undersurface of the billet preferably and illustratively has a concave contour complementary to the cylindrical outer surface of housing


, and may have a film or coating




of flux


thereon. The thickness of billet


is greatest in the portion thereof underlying apex


and is of a lesser magnitude adjacent the opposite side edges of the billet. The upper surface of the billet has a semispherical protuberance


generally centrally thereof, and may have a foil, film or coating




of flux


upon such upper surface.

Alternatively or additionally, flux material


may be present upon the undersurface of a conductive channel member


of the thermal overload mechanism. In keeping with billet


, member


is preferably of generally channel-like V-shaped configuration, and has opposite side sections that closely overlie the opposite side sections of billet


. A centrally located semispherical socket


upon the upper surface of member


receives billet protuberance


and allows limited adjustive movement of billet


relative to member


and arrestor housing



The aforesaid components of the fail-safe mechanism are secured to each other and to arrestor housing


by a generally U-shaped resilient spring member


. Spring


has generally horizontally extending upper and lower legs




that extend in parallel relationship to each other from a generally vertically extending section


. Legs




have vertically aligned openings




adjacent their free outer ends. The center one of the conductive pins


of arrestor housing


extends downwardly through opening


of leg


. Opening


of upper spring leg


receives the socket


of channel member


, and permits limited adjustive movement of channel member


and underlying solder billet


relative to arrestor housing


and spring


. Spring forces imposed by spring


upon the assembled components bias member


and billet


downwardly to a position wherein billet


is firmly seated upon the upper surface of arrestor housing



As is best shown in

FIGS. 34-36

of the drawings, the opposite side edges of member


preferably extend beyond the opposite side edges of the underlying solder billet


, and the opposite end portions of member


preferably extend beyond the opposite ends of billet


and beyond the opposite ends of arrestor housing


. In the embodiment of

FIG. 35

the central portion of billet


overlies ground electrode


of arrestor


, and opposite end portions of billet


overlie respective adjacent ones of line electrodes


of arrestor housing



The embodiment of

FIG. 34

differs from that of

FIG. 35

primarily in that the opposite ends of billet


portions are spaced axially inwardly from, and do not overlie, electrodes


. Consequently, while the solder flux employed in the

FIG. 34

embodiment may be of the previously described flux


type, other flux not having the dielectric insulating properties of flux


may instead be used in the embodiment of FIG.



When the arrestor



FIG. 34

is subjected to thermal overload solder billet


melts and molten solder from the billet flows axially, as well as in other directions, along the exterior surface of arrestor housing


into engagement with line electrodes


so as to thereby establish a dense and highly conductive short circuit between each of such electrodes and the ground electrode


underlying the billet. When the solder flux is of the preferred type that causes the molten solder to thoroughly wet housing


of arrestor


, the molten solder will flow not only to the annular surfaces of the electrodes, but also to the outer end surfaces of line electrodes


. This will normally occur irrespective of the orientation of arrestor housing


. Tin plating the ground electrodes and the undersurface of the channel shaped billet retainer


also improves the wicking of the molten solder.

The axial flow of molten solder from billet


is enhanced by the generally V-shaped configuration of channel member


. As is shown in

FIG. 36

, the opposite side edges of member


preferably extend outwardly beyond the opposite side edges of billet


, and normally are spaced slightly above the underlying cylindrical surface of arrestor housing


. When solder billet


melts in response to a thermal overload condition, molten solder passes initially from both the opposite ends and the opposite sides of billet


and channel member


. This initial passage of molten solder from the billet, in conjunction with the downward biasing force imposed upon member


by spring


, causes member


to descend until its opposite side edge portions engage the underlying surfaces of arrestor housing


. Such engagement restricts, if not altogether stops, the passage of molten solder from beneath the opposite side edge portions of member


, which in turn causes preferential flow of the molten solder parallel to the central axis of arrestor housing


through the opposite ends of the space overlaid by member


and to electrodes



While in the illustrative embodiments solder flux


is provided upon substantially all of the exterior surfaces of arrestor housing


, the flux might instead be applied, in bands or the like, only to selected surfaces of the housing upon which solder is to flow.

In lieu of solder flux that is applied separately, the solder flux may be integral with the solder material of billet



If the exterior surface of housing


were flat or of some other non-arcuate shape, channel member


might be U-shaped rather than V-shaped.

Another embodiment of a fail-safe mechanism


for a surge protector


is shown in

FIG. 39

of the drawings. Mechanism


includes a retainer


having a central section that is welded or otherwise secured upon the cylindrical body of surge protector


. Protector


has live electrodes


at its opposite ends, and a centrally disposed ground electrode


. Resilient legs


extending outwardly from opposite sides of retainer


overlie the aforesaid electrodes and an intervening strip of heat sensitive non-conductive plastic film


or similar material that melts or otherwise disintegrates when protector


is subjected to a thermal overload. Melting of film permits engagement of resilient legs


with the underlying electrodes




, which in turn shunts the current to ground via a pin type ground terminal


projecting downwardly from electrode



FIGS. 40-51

disclose another embodiment of a terminal block and fail-safe mechanism in accordance with the invention. Components similar or identical to ones shown and described previously herein are identified by the same reference numerals, with the addition of a prime designation.

The terminal block identified in its entirety in

FIGS. 40-42

by the numeral


′ includes a base


′ that may be of any desired length. Base


′ illustratively extends horizontally and is of generally rectangular shape. A multi-core cable


′ extends into an end of base


′. Although it may be mounted upon other structures, and in other ways, block


′ illustratively is mounted upon a perforate panel


of a pedestal mount (not otherwise shown). The means mounting the block upon panel


illustratively includes a bracket


that is secured to the upper surface of the panel by threaded fasteners


. Generally U-shaped channels


(only one of which is shown in

FIG. 40

) upon opposite sides of bracket


receive flanges


that project outwardly from opposite sides of base


′. The flanges restrict lateral and upward movement of base


′ relative to bracket


, while permitting longitudinal adjustive movement of the base relative to bracket


and panel


. The base's capability for such movement facilitates vertical alignment of threaded fasteners


, that extend through a slot


adjacent an end of base


′, with underlying bores


in panel


. Tightening of fastener


secures the rightmost (as viewed in

FIG. 40

) end of base


′ to panel


. An internally threaded socket


opening from the upper surface of bracket


receives a threaded fastener


that releasably secures the leftmost end of base


′ to bracket


, and thus to panel



When fastener


is tightened its head conductively engages a ground contact


of a ground strip


within a channel


that extends longitudinally of base


′ and underlies the driver modules


′ upon base


′. Ground strip


connects to a ground eyelet which is connected by a ground clip to the cable shield when shielded cable is used.

A plurality of pairs of upstanding slotted socket members


upon base


′ receives the lower end portions of insulation displacing connectors


′ that extend in substantially the same angled “overlapping” relationship to each other as the connectors


of the

FIGS. 1-11

embodiment. The connectors


′ differ from the connectors


in that they have tooth-like retainer elements


that resist upward withdrawal of connectors


′ from the slots of member


, and also differ in that the central portion of connectors


′ have a slightly greater width than the width of connectors


. Additionally, connectors


′ illustratively do not have a contact comparable to the contact



FIG. 8

) of connectors


. Posts


′ extending upwardly from the rear part of the upper surface of base


′ are similar to the posts


except for their having channels


that receive ribs



FIG. 46

) projecting inwardly from opposite sides of the driver module chambers


′ that receive posts



Driver modules


′ are cantilever mounted upon respective ones of the posts


′ for movement between upper and lower positions respectively shown in

FIGS. 43 and 44

. Vertical movement of a module


′ between such positions is effected by a screw-type fastener


′, illustratively and preferably of the self-tapping type, which extends through an opening


′ of the module and into a vertically extending blind bore


located in and opening from the upper end of post


′. A collar



FIG. 43

) extending downwardly from the upper end of opening


′ facilitates formation of the initial screw threads in bore


without “stripping” of such threads, and resists inadvertent complete removal of fastener





′ also differs from the module



FIGS. 1-11

in various other respects. The vertically extending rear wall of each mounting post


′ has, upon its rear surface, a cam element


and an overlying abutment element


. The rear wall of the post receiving chamber


′ of each driver module


′ has a vertically extending slot


into which elements




project, and also has a flexible element


bordering one side of slot


and having adjacent its lower end a projection


. When a driver module


′ is driven downwardly from its uppermost position by rotation in the appropriate direction of self-tapping screw


′, finger


is deflected laterally away from elements




by engagement of projection


with such elements. When the module


′ reaches its lowermost position, finger


returns resiliently to a substantially vertical position wherein its projection


underlies cam element


. If fastener


′ is subsequently rotated in an opposite, “loosening” direction, cam element


deflects flexible element


laterally (rightwardly, as viewed in

FIG. 43

) such that its projection


clears cam element


. As the lower end of element


passes above cam element


resilient return movement of element


produces an audible and tactile signal indicating to a craftsperson that the driver module occupies its upward position. If complete removal of a module


′ from base


′ is desired, this can be effected by a craftsperson manually moving the module


′ upwardly, after fastener


′ has been removed from bore


, since the projection


′on finger


is then cammed outwardly by its engagement with cam element



The sections of each pair of the insulation displacing connectors


′ that extend upwardly from each pair of socket members


are received within insulation displacing connector chambers


′ that communicate with each other and with the passageways


′ through which service wires


′ are introduced into module


′. Each chamber


′ has at its upper end a test port area



. The test port areas



differ from the test ports



of the

FIGS. 1-11

embodiment in that each pair of adjacent test ports


′a has at its upper end a forwardly disposed sloping wall


, and a rearwardly disposed vertically extending wall


having nonaligned sections that are separated by a shoulder


. Test clips cannot be secured to sloping wall


. The test clips therefore must be applied to the wall


, and the shoulder


of such wall prevents inadvertent contact of adjacent test clips with each other.

The surge arrestors


carried by respective ones of the driver modules


′ shown in

FIGS. 40-51

are generally of the construction of the surge arrestor


shown in FIG.


. However, the arrestors


illustratively have resiliently flexible contacts


that extend from the opposite end contacts of the cylindrical arrestor body and have generally circular enlarged free ends


that engage respective ones of the connectors


′ within modules


′ in all vertical positions of the driver modules. The cylindrical body of each surge arrestor


is supported by and movable with a carrier


″ within module


′. When a module


′ is moved to its lower position, a pin-type ground contact


extending downwardly from the central ground contact of surge arrestor


is received within an underlying pair of the resilient upwardly opening contacts


of ground strip


. This illustratively occurs, as shown in

FIGS. 43 and 44

, both when driver module


′ occupies its lowermost position of

FIG. 44

, and also when the driver module occupies a more elevated position as shown in FIG.


. If desired, however, engagement between the contacts could be caused to occur only when module


′ occupies a lower position. This result could be achieved by simply shortening the length of the surge arrestor contact



FIGS. 50 and 51

of the drawings show an alternative embodiment of a terminal block that may be used when surge protection is not desired. In such embodiment there is no ground strip


or surge arrestor


. In lieu of a surge arrestor carrier the driver module


″ of

FIGS. 50 and 51

contains a nonconductive stud


that overlies the slot


that would house the ground strip if one were present.



also constitutes “lock out” means minimizing possible accidental use of an unprotected driver module


″ with a base containing a ground strip. The size of stud


is sufficiently great that if an unprotected module


″ were accidentally used in association with an “active” base containing a ground strip, stud


would abut the ground strip and halt downward movement of module


″ before the module so reached its position shown in FIG.


. The resistance to further downward movement of the module would notify the telecommunications craftsperson of the erroneous use of module



The socket members


shown in

FIGS. 40-44

extend upwardly to a higher elevation than the members


of the first embodiment. This assists in prevention of moisture and/or other foreign matter engaging the lower end portions of connectors


′, and also causes members


to act as pistons which pump sealant material upwardly when modules


′ are driven downwardly. The cable wires


′ are preferably surrounded by factory installed potting compound or similar protective material that is indicated by the stippling in

FIGS. 43







of the drawings.

While preferred embodiments of the invention have been shown and described, this was for purposes of illustration only, and not for purposes of limitation, the scope of the invention being in accordance, with the following claims.

  • 1. A telecommunications terminal block for making and breaking connections with insulated wire conductors, comprising:a base having a longitudinal axis; first and second insulation displacing connectors upon said base; said first and second insulation displacing connectors respectively lying in first and second generally parallel laterally spaced planes that extend generally vertically in oblique relationship to a generally vertically extending plane containing said longitudinal axis of said base; said first and second insulation displacing connectors having, as viewed perpendicularly to said first and second planes, overlapping side edge portions; and a driver module upon said base, said driver module having a connector chamber receiving said first and second insulation displacing connectors, said driver module having receiving passageways communicatively connecting with the chamber to receive first and second insulated wire conductors and pass the first insulated wire conductor to the first insulation displacing connector and the second insulated wire conductor to the second insulation displacing connector, said driver module being mounted on said base for movement between a first position adjacent said base and a second position displaced from said base.
  • 2. The telecommunications terminal block as in claim 1, wherein each of said first and second planes defines an angle of about 30° with said plane containing said longitudinal axis of said base.
  • 3. The telecommunications terminal block as in claim 1 wherein said chamber comprises first and second laterally adjacent connector chambers each receiving one of the insulation displacing connectors and communicating with one of the passageways and wherein each of said chambers decreases in width along part of a length thereof.
  • 4. A re-enterable telecommunications terminal block for making and breaking connections with an insulated wire conductor, comprising:a base; an insulation displacing connector extending upwardly from said base and having an entry opening for receiving said conductor; a driver module cantilever mounted upon said base at a mounting point on a first end of the driver module for movement relative thereto between an upper position and a lower position, said driver module having a connector chamber into which said insulation displacing connector extends and a passageway for passing said insulated wire conductor into said connector chamber, wherein said passageway extends from an opening on a face of the driver module displaced from the first end, the insulation displacing connector being positioned within the connector chamber between the face of the driver module and the mounting point; and protective sealant material within said connector chamber.
  • 5. The terminal block of claim 4 further comprising a rotatable fastener cantilever mounting the driver module upon the base at the mounting point.
  • 6. The terminal block of claim 5 wherein the rotatable fastener is a thread-forming fastener.
  • 7. The terminal block of claim 5 wherein the base further comprises a bore into which the rotatable fastener extends and engages screw threads.
  • 8. The terminal block of claim 5 wherein the driver module includes a test port on an upper surface thereof and wherein the insulation displacing connector includes an upper edge portion positioned adjacent the test port in the lower position to make electrical contact with a test clip inserted in the test port.
  • 9. A re-enterable telecommunications terminal block for insulated service wire conductors, comprising:an elongate base; a pair of first and second elongate insulation displacing connectors extending upwardly from said base in respective first and second substantially vertical, parallel, and laterally spaced first and second planes, said connectors being in staggered partially overlapping relationship to each other as viewed perpendicularly to said planes, and said first and second planes extending obliquely relative to a third vertical plane extending longitudinally of said base; a driver module; mounting means mounting said driver module upon said base for movement between an upper position and a lower position; said driver module having generally vertically extending first and second connector chambers for respectively receiving said first and second insulation displacing connectors, first and second passageways extending into respective ones of said first and second connector chambers for respectively passing first and second ones of said conductors into respective first and second ones of said chambers and said insulation displacing connectors; said first and second insulation displacing connectors each having opposite side edge portions and an upper edge portion interconnecting said side edge portions, an entry opening underlying said upper edge portion for initially receiving the therewith associated one of said first and second conductors, a slot communicating with and extending downwardly from said entry opening, and an impaling element adjacent a lower end of said slot, said conductors received within said entry openings being displaced downwardly therefrom through said slots of the associated ones of said connectors by movement of said driver module from said upper position to said lower position thereof; and protective sealant material within said chambers of said driver module.
  • 10. A telecommunications terminal block comprising:a base; a driver module; mounting means adjacent one end of said driver module, said mounting means cantilever mounting said driver module upon said base for movement relative to said base between first and second positions along a movement axis; said mounting means including a mounting post upon said base and a mounting portion of said driver module, said mounting post and mounting portion being movable relative to each other, said mounting portion being configured to limit canting movement of the driver module relative to the movement axis while said driver module is moved between said first and second positions.
  • 11. The telecommunications terminal block of claim 10 wherein the mounting post includes exterior surfaces and wherein the mounting portion includes inner surfaces slidably engaging at least two portions of the exterior surfaces of the mounting post to limit canting movement of the driver module.
  • 12. The telecommunications terminal block of claim 11 wherein the mounting means further comprises a rotatable fastener cantilever mounting the driver module upon the base.
  • 13. The terminal block of claim 12 wherein the rotatable fastener is a thread-forming fastener.
  • 14. The terminal block of claim 11 wherein the mounting means further comprises a bore in the mounting post into which the rotatable fastener extends and engages screw threads.
  • 15. The terminal block of claim 12 further comprising:an insulation displacing connector extending upwardly from said base and having an entry opening for receiving an insulated wire conductor; a connector chamber in the driver module into which the insulation displacing connector extends and a passageway for passing the insulated wire conductor into said connector chamber, wherein said passageway extends from an opening on a face of the driver module displaced from the one end; and wherein the insulation displacing connector is positioned within the connector chamber between the face of the driver module and the rotatable fastener.
  • 16. The terminal block of claim 15 wherein the driver module includes a test port on an upper surface thereof and wherein the insulation displacing connector includes an upper edge portion positioned adjacent the test port in the lower position to make electrical contact with a test clip inserted in the test port.
  • 17. A telecommunications terminal block comprising:a base including a mounting post; a driver module including a mounting portion and having a first position adjacent the base and a second position displaced from the base relative to the first position; a rotatable fastener cantilever mounting the driver module to the base adjacent one end of said driver module for movement of the driver module between the first and second positions along a movement axis; and wherein the mounting post and the mounting portion are movable relative to each other along the movement axis and wherein the mounting portion is configured to limit canting movement of the driver module relative to the movement axis while the driver module is moved between the first and second positions.
  • 18. The telecommunications terminal block of claim 17 wherein the mounting post includes exterior surfaces and wherein the mounting portion includes inner surfaces slidably engaging at least two portions of the exterior surfaces of the mounting post to limit canting movement of the driver module.
  • 19. The terminal block of claim 18 wherein the rotatable fastener is a thread-forming fastener.
  • 20. The terminal block of claim 18 further comprising a bore in the mounting post into which the rotatable fastener extends and engages screw threads.
  • 21. The terminal block of claim 18 further comprising:a first insulation displacing connector extending upwardly from said base and having an entry opening for receiving an insulated wire conductor; a connector chamber in the driver module into which the insulation displacing connector extends and a passageway for passing the insulated wire conductor into said connector chamber, wherein said passageway extends from an opening on a face of the driver module displaced from the one end; and wherein the insulation displacing connector is positioned within the connector chamber between the face of the driver module and the rotatable fastener.
  • 22. The terminal block of claim 21 wherein the driver module further includes an overvoltage limiting element having a contact engageable with the insulation displacing connector in the first position.
  • 23. The terminal block of claim 21 wherein the base further includes an interior chamber in which a wire is electrically connected to the insulation displacing connector, the interior chamber including a potting material around the connection between the wire and the insulation displacing connector.
  • 24. The terminal block of claim 21 wherein the driver module includes a test port on an upper surface thereof and wherein the insulation displacing connector includes an upper edge portion positioned adjacent the test port in the lower position to make electrical contact with a test clip inserted in the test port.
  • 25. The terminal block of claim 21 further comprising:a second insulation displacing connector extending upwardly from said base adjacent the first insulation displacing connector and having an entry opening for receiving a second insulated wire conductor, the second insulation displacing connector being positioned in the connector chamber; a second passageway in the driver module for passing the second insulated wire conductor into the connector chamber, wherein the second passageway extends from an opening on the face of the driver; and wherein the second insulation displacing conductor is positioned within the connector chamber between the face of the driver module and the rotatable fastener.
  • 26. The terminal block of claim 25 further comprising a plastic barrier wall dividing the connector chamber, the insulation displacing connectors being positioned on opposite sides of the barrier wall.

This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 09/054,919, filed Apr. 3, 1998, U.S. Pat. No. 6,093,050 which is a division of application Ser. No. 08/606,263, filed Feb. 23, 1996, U.S. Pat. No. 5,863,215, which is a division of application Ser. No. 08/046,059, filed Apr. 12, 1993, U.S. Pat. No. 5,557,250, which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 07/906,803, filed Jun. 30, 1992, abandoned; and of application Ser. No. 07/906,952, filed Jun. 30, 1992, abandoned; and of application Ser. No. 07/954,612, filed Sep. 30, 1992, abandoned, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 07/776,501, filed Oct. 11, 1991, abandoned.

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