This invention is directed to the stringed musical instruments.
Stringed musical instruments are sensitive to the change of temperature and humidity. An increase in temperature causes thermal expansion of the strings and the body of the instruments. The body of the most of the stringed instruments is made of wood, which has much lower thermal expansion coefficient comparing with the strings. Then in case of an increase in temperature, the strings have more thermal expansion than the wood. Since both ends of the string are pinned into the wood, higher thermal expansion of the strings comparing with the wood reduces the tension of the strings and consequently reduces the vibration frequency of that string (lower tune). A decrease of temperature causes exactly the opposite effect on a vibrating string. Both increase and decrease of the frequency drive the instrument off the initial tune.
Change of humidity also affects the tune, since higher level of humidity of the body of the instrument expands the volume of the wood, and lower level causes contraction. Wood expansion, which increases the distance of the string ends, increases the tension of the string, and as a result the vibration frequency goes higher (higher tune). Lower humidity has the opposite effect.
Change of the pitch caused by temperature and humidity effect is a big problem for stringed instruments those are being played by a group of musicians. In many cases, during a concert, temperature of the hall may change. Also the presence of crowd breathing in a covered area increases the humidity level over the time. These changes have different effects on different instruments.
Also in some cases, one musical instrument may have 2 different types of strings made of 2 different materials, for example brass and steel. Since these strings have different thermal expansion coefficients, change of temperature affects the tune of each string differently. This phenomenon is also a problem for many musicians. For example, the Persian santur has 72 strings. 50% are made of steel, and the other 50% are made of brass. By the change of temperature for about 4 degrees, the frequency of each set of strings changes differently, so that the difference in the tune of brass and steel strings becomes noticeable.
The current invention is aimed to eliminate the above mentioned effects. There have been a lot of efforts in order to solve this problem using various solutions by many inventors.
Keeping the strings tension constant has been considered by some inventors, by hanging weights to one end of the strings. The hung weights apply fixed tension on the strings. U.S. Pat. No. 1,388,880 and U.S. Pat. No. 1,736,580 can be mentioned. Even since this solution works, but can only be used on few stationary instruments. This kind of instrument cannot be moved easily. Another problem is that both the weight and the additional strings may make unwanted vibrations and noises.
Self tuning, using electronic devices is a solution which has been chosen by many inventors. US patents No. US20030226441, U.S. Pat. No. 7,446,248, U.S. Pat. No. 5,824,929, U.S. Pat. No. 4,803,908, U.S. Pat. No. 6,559,369, U.S. Pat. No. 5,859,378, U.S. Pat. No. 7,678,982, U.S. Pat. No. 5,095,797, etc are to be mentioned.
One of the very popular solutions by the inventors is using spring loaded strings mounted in series connection with the strings, and having visual indicators. It is not actually a self tuning system, but is a way to tune the instrument easily and rapidly. It can help beginners with no tuning skills to tune the instrument. Also during a concert, the musicians can adjust the tune without making noise. U.S. Pat. No. 7,855,330, US20080196571, U.S. Pat. No. 7,888,570, US20110036228, U.S. Pat. No. 4,385,543, US20110011238, U.S. Pat. No. 3,575,078, US20110067548, etc are to be mentioned.
There are many of designs for a guitar neck. The rod inside a guitar neck should not be mistaken by a compensation bar. The main purpose of a guitar neck rod is to keep the neck rigid. While a compensation bar or mechanism limits one degree of freedom for one end of the string, which can move according to the change of temperature.
Use of string plates or external frames for strings is also common especially for pianos. String plates do not act exactly like a compensation bar. A piano string plate is made of cast iron, when the wires are made of carbon steel, and the wound strings are made of carbon steel core with bronze, or copper or brass winding. The thermal expansion coefficient is 11.8×10−7/° C. for the cast iron string plate, 10.8×10−7/° C. for carbon steel wires, 19×10−7/° C. for brass, 17×10−7/° C. for copper and 18×10−7/° C. for bronze. Since the difference between the thermal expansion coefficients of strings and cast iron string plate, is much less than strings and wood, a piano is much less sensitive to temperature change than other instruments those do not have a string plate, but still is sensitive.
At the meantime, string plates are actually designed to carry the whole stress applied by the strings and not for tension compensation. When in case of the compensation bar, normally the soundboard or the body of the instrument has to carry some of the load, and the compensation bar should mainly carry the axial loads.
Also another difference of the string plate, with compensation mechanism is that the both ends of the strings are being connected to the string plate, whereas in compensation solution (this invention), at least one end of the string (or in many cases both ends) are connected to the body of the instrument, and the compensation bar only limits one degree of freedom, for one end of the string.
The most important difference of the two solutions (string plate and compensation mechanism) is that a string plate cannot be added to a conventional instrument without affecting the sound characteristics of the instrument. Especially when the slightest changes on the sound box or the shape of the instrument, can affect the sound characteristics. At the meantime a compensation solution (specially compensation bar in the simple form) can become a built in feature with minimum effect on the sound characteristics of a conventional musical instrument. As an example for sound board, the U.S. Pat. No. 3,858,480 can be mentioned. With the solution suggested, the sound characteristics will be completely different with the same instrument but without a soundboard.
This invention is made to eliminate the temperature and humidity effects on the tune of the stringed musical instruments.
This invention helps keeping already tuned strings, tuned in different environmental conditions, by keeping the tension of the strings nearly constant in all conditions. This is due to the use of a compensation bar or mechanism, which is under influence of the environment temperature, and at the meantime, is not affected by the change of humidity. By right choice of the mechanism and its material, the effect of temperature and humidity can be eliminated.
In this document, all the physical and engineering aspects of this concept will be examined by engineering and physical rules, and will be proven that how it can keep the instrument's tune nearly unchanged at a level which is not recognizable for human, at any temperature and moisture level.
FIG. 3—This figure illustrates a vibrating string, which also has one bridge.
FIG. 4—The subject of
FIG. 5—An alternative configuration for compensation bar
FIG. 6—An alternative configuration for compensation bar with an external compensation bar
FIG. 7—An alternative configuration for compensation bar, with a compensation bar not parallel with the movable side of the string
FIG. 8—An alternative configuration for compensation bar, when the body parts have planks connection. This kind of structure is more rigid and the compensation bar can be designed in a way to only carry the axial loads.
FIG. 9—Compensation bar with two bridges and slider mechanism
FIG. 10—Slider mechanism for an instrument with three bridges and 2 vibrating parts of the string.
FIG. 11—Direct compensation bar
FIG. 12—Direct compensation bar
FIG. 13—Direct compensation bar with elastic support
FIG. 14—Using a mechanism with high transfer ratio for reducing the length of the compensation bar
FIG. 15—Slider solution mechanism for instruments with compensation bar not parallel with the string end
FIG. 16—Different arrangements for sliders
FIG. 17—Normal Violin
FIG. 18—Violin with compensation mechanism connected to the tailpiece
FIG. 19—Detailed part of
FIG. 20—Violin with compensation mechanism connected to the tailpiece
FIG. 21—Violin with compensation mechanism connected to the tailpiece
FIG. 22—Violin with compensation mechanism connected to the tailpiece
FIG. 23—Usage of pulley to provide 1:2 transfer ratio for a stringed musical instrument
FIG. 24—Two compensation solutions for a musical instrument having two sets of strings made of different materials.
FIG. 25—Detailed part of
FIG. 26—An instrument with non-equal length strings
FIG. 27—Illustration of the method to calculate the length of the compensation bars for an instrument with non-equal strings.
FIG. 28—Detailed part of
FIG. 29—A compensation mechanism with sliders, a compensation bridge and connecting rods for a musical instrument with non-equal strings.
FIG. 30—The standalone compensation mechanism of the subject of
FIG. 31—An arrangement for connecting 3 compensation bars to a single bridge for an instrument with unequal strings.
FIG. 32—An arrangement for compensation mechanism of an instrument with unequal strings, having a compensation bridge for hitch pins, and elastic support for the compensation bars.
FIG. 33—The subject of
FIG. 34—A compensation mechanism for an instrument with unequal strings, and having 2 sets of strings, made of different materials (Like the Persian santour).
FIG. 35—Compensation solution for a musical instrument with unequal length strings, like a musical instrument with a neck (A guitar for example), whereas a single compensation bar, does the compensation of the different unequal length strings connected to different spots of the compensation bar.
FIG. 36—Table of calculations for temperature compensation solution.
FIG. 37—Table of calculations for temperature compensation solution.
FIG. 38—Table of calculations for humidity compensation solution.
In article-1.2, it will be proved that keeping the string tension unchanged, will keep the frequency changes under the jnd (Just recognizable difference) level.
The reference numbers shown here are the same on all figures. The compensated string 1, the hitch pin 2, the tuning pin (or peg) 3, the instrument main body in the compensated solution 4 and the second part of it 4B, compensation bar 5, compensation bar screws 6, non compensated string 7, and the body of non compensated instrument (traditional solution) 8.
Article 1.1: In this article, it will be proved that by the suggested solution, the string tension will actually not change under the influence of temperature and humidity change. We proceed with an example and actual numbers, and calculate the string tension at 2 different temperatures:
Note: This data provides actual string vibration frequency of 220 Hz. Detailed calculation of this number is provided in example 2.
For this example, different conditions of the components are labeled as following: Condition 0 (zero): Before mounting the strings (No load). It should be noted that when the string is mounted on the string and tuned, it is stretched and will become longer. Also when we tune the string, and put some load on the compensation bar, it becomes shorter. So the length of the effective part of the string before mounting it on the instrument is labeled as condition 0 (zero). Example: Effective length of the bar before mounting the string on the instrument:
Label for the condition of the components after mounting the string and tuning it is 1 (one). Example: Length of the effective part of the string when mounted on the string and tuned: L1.string. It's obvious that L1.string is longer than L0.string, because it is stretched, keeping in mind that the part of the strings which is wounded around the peg does not count. Only the effective part of the string (the part which can freely vibrate) is considered in calculations.
Label for the components after the temperature change, but not loaded is 2.
Label for the components, mounted and after the temperature change is 3
The initial data of this example shows the parameters in condition 1. In order to prove the claim, parameters for conditions 3 should be calculated. It will be shown that after the change of temperature, the string tension in condition 3 will be the same as condition 1.
Calculation of the parameters in Condition 0: The actual size of both string and bar should be calculated with no load.
Calculation of the mechanical stress on the bar and the string:
σ×=π)=70.777911/(102/4×π)=0.901172 (N/mm2)
σ1.string=T/Astring=T/(Dstring2/4×π)=70.777911/(0.432/4×π)=487 (N/mm2)
Δ−06 m
L m
ΔL1.string=0.00241514 m
0.string=0.54508486 m
Now the effect of the heat on L0 of both components (both components without load) should be calculated (Condition 2): Condition 2, indicates the effective length of string and bar, at 70 degrees Celsius when the string is not mounted on the instrument (no load).
L m
2.string=0.54560269 m
Final stage is calculating T3 of the components (when string mounted on the instrument), which needs calculation of L3 of the components. In order to calculate L3 of the components, it should be kept in mind that T3bar=T3string (Note: Change of the section of the components is not considerable and will not be effected.)
L m
Δ−06 m
ΔL3.string=0.002417435 m
σ3string=0.901172356 N/mm2
σ3string=487.8466574 N/mm2
3.stringg=0.145082292 mm2
3=70.777911 N=T1
So with 50 degrees of temperature change, there is no change on the tension of the string.
Frequency calculations for a compensated, and a non-compensated string. Example 2, is based on an actual instrument in order to prove how the effect of temperature is compared between a compensated, and a non compensated string. This example is subjected to
where T is the tension, μ is the linear mass, and L is the length of the vibrating part of the string. According to the above mentioned data, the following amounts can be calculated. Weight of the effective length of the string: 668×10−6 kg
μ0=668×10−6/0.5475=0.0012196 kg/m
0=1/(2×0.5475)×(70.778/0.0012196)̂(0.5)=220.00 hz
In this case, the jnd (Just recognizable difference) is considered to be 0.53 hz (equal to 4.3% of semitone)
The stress analysis of the string is necessary to proceed with this problem: The section area of the wire is: 0.145193 mm, The stress applied on the string section is calculated as following:
In This case, since we are talking about a string, the formula can be turned to:
Stress=Tension/section area=7.778/0.145193=1203 N/mm̂2
Frequency of the same string will be calculated, when temperature goes 1.7 degrees higher. Thermal expansion co-efficient of brass is 19×10−6. Thermal expansion co-efficient of wood is 5×10−6. Linear thermal expansion of the wood and string will be calculated separately using the following formula:
ΔLwood=σL-wood·ΔT·L=5×10−6×1.7×0.5474=4.65375 E−6
Net ΔL=ΔLbrass·ΔLwood=1.30305 E−05 m
This difference between expansion of the wood and expansion of the string makes the string loosen. Speaking in engineering words, it reduces the wire tension and consequently reduces the engineering stress of the string, those both can be calculated:
ε=Net ΔL/L0=1.30305 E−05/0.5474=0.0000238
string=110 Mpa=110,000 N/mm2
Δσ=ε·E=(2.38 E−5)×(110,000)=2.618 N/mm2
So the new tension of the string is going to be:
The effective L, will become L0+ΔLwood=0.5475+4.65375 E−6=0.547504654 m
According to the new numbers, using the same method of the first part of the problem, the frequency can be calculated and its 219.41 Hz. It is 0.59 Hz lower and exceeds the jnd (0.53 Hz). So as it can be seen, only 1.7 degrees of temperature increase can make the string off the pitch, to an amount which is recognizable for the human's ear!!
noncompensated=1/(2×0.547504654)×(70.3978/0.00121961)̂(0.5)=219.41 hz
In case of compensated string tension solution, the tension will remain equal to T0 so with the new Length (L1) frequency will be calculated:
compensated=1/(2×0.547504654)×(70.7779/0.0012196)̂(0.5)=219.9981 Hz. It's only 0.0019 Hz
The result is lower than F0 and far lower than the jnd (0.53 Hz). It will be shown below that for the compensated solution, 50 degrees of temperature increase will change the frequency to 219.945, which is 0.055 Hz, and still far lower the jnd (0.53 Hz). All the above-mentioned formulas have been put into an excel file, and afterward, the output data will be copied instead of writing all the formulas and calculations.
However if the instrument only has strings made of brass, and someone is playing it alone, since the temperature change affects all the strings, the change of pitch may not be noticed.
But if another instrument with steel strings (which has lower thermal expansion co-efficient) plays at the same time, at 4.4 degrees Celsius of temperature change, the pitch difference will become noticeable.
The instrument that is examined in this case has both brass and steel strings for different octaves. So by the change of 4.4 degrees Celsius of temperature, the same note on 2 different octave of the same instrument will not match and the pitch difference is noticeable.
Note: The thermal expansion does not act linear by the change of temperature. The thermal expansion co-efficient is not a fixed number and varies in different temperatures. The stated amount for this example is the thermal expansion co-efficient at 20 degrees, and considered as average amount. Then the actual data may vary a little but the whole concept of compensation will be valid since the coefficient is the same for both string and the bar at any temperature.
Humidity effect compensation: Humidity will increase the size of the wooden parts. So since normally both ends of the string are pinned into the wood, increase in the size of the wood will stretch the string, and actually increase the tension and consequently the frequency of the string's vibration. Decrease in moisture level will have opposite effect. Compensation bar, in this case, as usual keeps the tension level unchanged and consequently the effect of wood dimension change on the pitch of the string will be below the jnd.
It should be emphasized that the change of moisture level inside the woods, highly depends on the processes done to prepare the wooden parts of the instruments. These parts are normally well dried, and have coatings and absorb the least moisture. For this example, the change of moisture percentage inside the body, is considered to be 50% which is very extreme and unlikely to happen. The “Humidity expansion coefficient” is considered to be 3E−5.
It should be considered that in most of the cases, the string is not straight between 2 pins like the one of
For the solution with 1 compensation bar with transfer ratio 1:1 (Directly connected), the best mounting configuration is to choose the moving side of the body, where the string can be parallel with the compensation bar.
Planks type combination of the parts, helps keeping them aligned. In order to keep the figures as simple as possible, this kind of combination is not used for the pictures shown in this file. But for all the solutions where the body is divided into 2 parts, the planks type connection of the parts is the best solution.
The compensation bar can even be not parallel with the movable side of the string as shown in
The slider mechanism (
The issue of damping is not a main issue of this invention and should be done according to the construction of each instrument.
Each slider/compensation mechanism/compensation bar can be used for 1 or multiple strings of the same length, if the strings have the same thermal expansion co-efficient.
Sliders can be made, both from unibody formed material (
In general, considering the above mentioned fact, when the compensation bar and the movable end of the string are parallel, the thermal expansion of the string, should be equal to the total thermal expansion of wood and compensation mechanism.
It can be simplified and then the following equation can be used for calculation of the size of the compensation bar:
The L1.wood is actually the distance between 2 pins of the string, which is equal to the shadow of the string on the body of the instrument. It refers to the transfer ratio of the mechanism. When it is not equal to 1, like
Generally, since in nearly all the instruments, the string is almost parallel to the instrument body, when the i=1, the L1.wood is nearly equal to So (L1.wood− can considered to be zero. The most important thing to remember is that when the amount of (L1.wood− is considerable, especially when the transfer ratio is higher than 1, like the solutions shown on
In places where the humidity compensation is vital, and the strings are not parallel to the instrument body, with the choice of the ratio=1, and (L1.wood−→, the formula will become:
So the material of the compensation bar can be chosen from a material to have the thermal expansion coefficient of α (Or as close as possible). In any case (L1.wood− can be considered zero in case of nearly all the actual instruments, and where i=1.
Different compensation mechanisms can be used for violin and similar instruments.
Using compensation mechanism with pulley system: Pulley system can provide an increased transfer ratio of 2:1 for the compensation mechanism. An example is shown above. Pulley solution can be used for different stringed instruments.
In some cases it may be required to employ multiple compensation bars of different materials. For example when an instrument has strings of both brass and steel, it may be required to have one compensation bar for brass strings, and another one for the steel strings. According to the geometry of the instrument, there can be parallel bars, or even a concentric solution.
In many cases, all of the strings of an instrument are not from the equal length. Even in such situations, usage of the compensation mechanism is still possible.
Mechanism with sliders, a compensation bridge and connecting rods (
In case of not using elastic sliders, also solutions shown on
Also one end of the strings can be connected directly on the bridge 35 as of the
Using another material for compensation bar: It is possible to use another material than the strings for the compensation bar, in case of following this equation:
string×αL-string=Lbar×α×transfer ratio
This formula is valid for all the homogenous isotropic materials. In case of the materials those do not have the same module of elasticity under tension and pressure, the formula should be amended as following:
Number | Date | Country | |
61494929 | Jun 2011 | US |