- 1. A compound of formula (II)
- 2. The compound of claim 1 wherein Xaa2 is selected from the group consisting of β-alanyl, D-4-chlorophenylalanyl, D-homophenylalanyl, D-leucyl, D-penicillaminyl, and D-prolyl.
- 3. The compound of claim 2 selected from the group consisting of
N-Ac-D-Pro-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Leu-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Leu-Ser-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Hphe-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-4ClPhe-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Pen-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-bAla-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:49); N-Ac-bAla-Thr-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:50); and N-Ac-D-Leu-Asp-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3.
- 4. The compound of claim 1 wherein Xaa2 is D-alloisoleucyl.
- 5. The compound of claim 4 selected from the group consisting of
N-Ac-D-aIle-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Ser-Ser-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Thr-Ser-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Tyr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Ser-Thr-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Thr-Trp-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Ser-Ser-Lys(Ac)-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Ser-Ser-Nle-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Ser-Ser-Pro-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Ser-Ser-Nva-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Ser-Ser-Lys-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Ser-Ser-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH(CH3)2; N-Ac-D-aIle-Ser-Ser-Gln-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Ser-Ser-Cit-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Ser-Ser-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3; and N-Ac-D-aIle-Ser-Nva-Lys(Ac)-Arg-NHCH2CH3.
- 6. The compound of claim 1 wherein Xaa2 is D-isoleucyl.
- 7. The compound of claim 6 wherein Xaa3 is selected from the group consisting of allothreonyl, aspartyl, glutaminyl, lysyl(N-epsilon-acetyl), methionyl, seryl, and tyrosyl.
- 8. The compound of claim 7 selected from the group consisting of
N-Ac-D-Ile-alloThr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Ser-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Ser-Nva-Ile-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-Ac-D-Ile-Ser-Gln-D-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Gln-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Tyr-Nva-D-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Lys(Ac)-Nva-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Met-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Asp-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-alloThr-Nva-Pro-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Met-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; and N-Ac-D-Ile-Ser-Gln-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3.
- 9. The compound of claim 6 wherein Xaa3 is threonyl.
- 10. The compound of claim 9 wherein Xaa4 is selected from the group consisting of arginyl, glutaminyl, D-glutaminyl, norleucyl, N-methylnorvalyl, seryl, and tryptyl.
- 11. The compound of claim 10 selected from the group consisting of
N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Ser-Ile-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Trp-D-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Trp-Ile-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Gln-Ile-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nle-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-D-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Arg-Ile-ArgNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Gln-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Gln-Lys(Ac)-Arg-NHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Ser-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3; and N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-NMeNva-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3.
- 12. The compound of claim 9 wherein Xaa4 is norvalyl.
- 13. The compound of claim 12 selected from the group consisting of
N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-(6-Me-Nic)-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-Pro-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-D-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-D-Leu-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-D-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-Pro-D-Lys(Ac)NH2; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-D-Lys(Ac)-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-Lys(Ac)-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-Ile-His-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-Ile-3-Pal-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-Ile-D-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-Ile-ArgNHCH2CH3; and N-Ac-D-Ile-Thr-Nva-Lys(Ac)-Arg-NHCH2CH3.
- 14. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a compound of claim 1, or a therapeutically acceptable salt thereof, in combination with a therapeutically acceptable carrier.
- 15. A method of inhibiting angiogenesis in a mammal in recognized need of such treatment comprising administering to the mammal a therapeutically acceptable amount of a compound of claim 1 or a therapeutically acceptable salt thereof.
- 16. A method of treating cancer in a mammal in recognized need of such treatment comprising administering to the mammal a therapeutically acceptable amount of a compound of claim 1 or a therapeutically acceptable salt thereof.
- 17. A compound of formula (III)
- 18. The compound of claim 17 wherein Xaa5 is arginyl.
- 19. The compound of claim 18 wherein Xaa3 is selected from the group consisting of norvalyl and D-norvalyl.
- 20. The compound of claim 19 wherein Xaa2 is selected from the group consisting of threonyl and D-threonyl.
- 21. The compound of claim 20 selected from the group consisting of
N-Ac-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:4); N-(6MeNic)-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:7); N-Ac-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-Ac-Thr-Nva-D-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Thr-Nva-Lys(Ac)-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO: 13); N-Ac-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-D-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Thr-D-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Thr-Nva-Pro-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:23); N-Ac-Thr-Nva-Lys-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:26); N-Ac-Thr-Nva-Lys(Ac)-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; H-Thr-Nva-Pro-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:38); N-Ac-D-Thr-Nva-Pro-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Thr-Nva-D-Pro-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Thr-D-Nva-Pro-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Thr-Nva-Pro-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-3Mev-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:45); N-Ac-Thr-Nva-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:53); and N-Ac-Thr-Nva-Lys(Ac)-Arg-NHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:56).
- 22. The compound of claim 19 wherein Xaa2 is selected from the group consisting of allothreonyl, asparaginyl, aspartyl, homoseryl, sarcosyl, and tyrosyl.
- 23. The compound of claim 22 selected from the group consisting of
N-Ac-alloThr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:5); N-Ac-Tyr-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO: 11); N-Ac-Tyr-Nva-D-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-alloThr-Nva-Pro-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:20); N-Ac-Asn-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:29); N-Ac-Hser-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:30); N-Ac-Sar-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:31); and N-Ac-Asp-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:32).
- 24. The compound of claim 19 wherein Xaa2 is selected from the group consisting of glutaminyl, glutamyl, N-methylglutamyl, lysyl(N-epsilon-acetyl), methionyl, seryl, and tryptyl.
- 25. The compound of claim 24 selected from the group consisting of
N-Ac-NMeGlu-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO: 15); N-Ac-Met-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO: 16); N-Ac-Lys(Ac)-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO: 17); N-Ac-Gln-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO: 18); N-Ac-Trp-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:21); N-Ac-Glu-Nva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:28); N-Ac-Met-Nva-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:59); and N-Ac-Ser-Nva-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:61).
- 26. The compound of claim 18 wherein Xaa3 is selected from the group consisting of glutaminyl and D-glutaminyl.
- 27. The compound of claim 26 selected from the group consisting of
N-Ac-Thr-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:6); N-Ac-Thr-Gln-Ile-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-Ac-Ser-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO: 12); N-Ac-Thr-D-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Ser-Gln-D-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Ser-Gln-Lys(Ac)-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:24); N-Ac-Ser-Gln-Ile-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-Ac-AllylGly-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:25); N-Ac-Ser-D-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Ser-Gln-Nva-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:33); N-Ac-Thr-Gln-Nva-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:36); N-Ac-Nva-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:39); N-Ac-Thr-Gln-Lys(Ac)-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:41); N-3Mev-Thr-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:44); N-Ac-D-Nva-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Ser-D-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ile-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ala-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Thr-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Ser-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Pro-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-aIle-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Met-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Hser-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Nva-Gln-Lys(Ac)-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Nva-Gln-Ile-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-Ac-D-Nva-Gln-Pro-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Nle-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Nle-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:51); N-Ac-D-Nva-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH(CH3)2; N(6MeNic)-D-Nva-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Nva-D-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Thr-Gln-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:52); N-Ac-Ser-Gln-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:54); N-Ac-Thr-Gln-Lys(Ac)-Arg-NHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:57); N-Ac-D-Nva-Gln-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Thr-Gln-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3; and N-Ac-D-Ser-Gln-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3.
- 28. The compound of claim 18 wherein Xaa3 is selected from the group consisting of seryl and D-seryl.
- 29. The compound of claim 28 selected from the group consisting of
N-Ac-Ser-Ser-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:8); N-Ac-Thr-Ser-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:9); N-Ac-alloThr-Ser-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO: 19); N-Ac-Thr-Ser-Ile-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-Ac-Ser-Ser-Ile-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-Ac-Thr-Ser-Lys(Ac)-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:42); N-Ac-Thr-Ser-Pro-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-Ac-D-Nva-Ser-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Nva-D-Ser-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Ser-Ser-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:55); and N-Ac-Thr-Ser-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:58).
- 30. The compound of claim 18 wherein Xaa3 is selected from the group consisting of arginyl, asparaginyl, D-asparaginyl, citrullyl, glutamyl, D-leucyl, lysyl(N-epsilon-acetyl), lysyl(N-epsilon-nictonyl), norleucyl, N-methylnorvalyl, threonyl, and tryptyl.
- 31. The compound of claim 30 selected from the group consisting of
N-Ac-Thr-NMeNva-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:10); N-Ac-Ser-Thr-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:14); N-Ac-Thr-Nle-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:22); N-Ac-Thr-Trp-Ile-Arg-Pro-D-AlaNH2; N-Ac-Thr-Trp-D-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Thr-Asn-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:37); N-Ac-Thr-D-Asn-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Thr-Cit-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:43); N-Ac-Ser-Trp-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:46); N-Ac-Thr-Trp-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:47); N-Ac-Thr-Lys(Ac)-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:48); N-Ac-D-Nva-Asn-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Nva-Arg-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Nva-Thr-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Nva-Glu-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-D-Nva-Lys(Nic)-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Nva-D-Asn-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; N-Ac-Nva-D-Leu-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3; and N-Ac-Thr-NMeNva-Ile-Arg-NHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:60).
- 32. The compound of claim 17 wherein Xaa5 is selected from the group consisting of D-alloisoleucyl, citrullyl, lysyl(N-epsilon-isopropyl), ornithyl, and 3-(3-pyridyl)alanyl.
- 33. The compound of claim 32 selected from the group consisting of
N-Ac-Thr-Nva-Ile-Orn-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:27); N-Ac-Ser-Gln-Ile-Cit-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:34); N-Ac-Ser-Gln-Ile-3Pal-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:35); N-Ac-Thr-Arg-Ile-Cit-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:40); N-Ac-D-Nva-Gln-Ile-Cit-ProNHCH2CH3; and N-Ac-D-Nva-Gln-Ile-Lys(Isp)-ProNHCH2CH3.
- 34. A compound which is
- 35. A compound which is
N-Ac-Thr-Gln-Ile-Arg-ProNHCH2CH3 (SEQ ID NO:6).
- 36. A compound which is
- 37. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a compound of claim 17, or a therapeutically acceptable salt thereof, in combination with a therapeutically acceptable carrier.
- 38. A method of inhibiting angiogenesis in a mammal in recognized need of such treatment comprising administering to the mammal a therapeutically acceptable amount of a compound of claim 17 or a therapeutically acceptable salt thereof.
- 39. A method of treating cancer in a mammal in recognized need of such treatment comprising administering to the mammal a therapeutically acceptable amount of a compound of claim 17 or a therapeutically acceptable salt thereof.
[0001] This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/335,019, filed on Oct. 31, 2001, and U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/335,412, filed on Oct. 31, 2001, which are both hereby incorporated by reference.
Provisional Applications (2)
Number |
Date |
Country |
60335019 |
Oct 2001 |
US |
60335412 |
Oct 2001 |
US |