1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates to a method for identifying potential string matches across relations within a relational database management system.
2. Description of Related Art
Integrating information from a variety of homogeneous or heterogeneous data sources is a problem of central interest. With the prevalence of the web, a number of emerging applications, such as catalog integration and warehousing of web data (e.g., job advertisements and announcements), face data integration at the very core of their operation. Corporations increasingly request to obtain unified views of their information (e.g., customers, employees, products, orders, suppliers), which makes data integration of critical importance. Data integration also arises as a result of consolidation (e.g., mergers and takeovers) both at inter- as well as intra-corporation levels. Consider a large service provider corporation offering a variety of services. The corporation records a multitude of information per customer (such as name and address) in corporate databases. This information often excludes unique global identifiers (such as Social Security Number) in accordance with corporate or federal policies. Customers subscribe to one or more services. Due to a variety of reasons—including the specifics of the business model and organization boundaries different information systems with customer information may be maintained for each service. Let R1 and R2 be two relations recording the name and address of customers of two services. In the presence of global identifiers, a straightforward join between R1 and R2 on the unique identifier would match customers across both services. In the absence of global identifiers, deducing whether two or more customers represent the same entity turns out to be a challenging problem, since one has to cope with mismatches arising from:
For example, observing the name attribute instances “AT&T Research” of relation R1, and “ATT Research Labs” (or “AT&T Labs Research”) of R2, can we deduce that they correspond to the same entity. Are “AT&T Research” and “AT&T Research Labs” more likely to correspond to the same entity than “AT&T Research” and “AT&T Labs Research”? If we consider the additional address field, are the instances (“AT&T Research”, “Florham Park”), (“AT&T Research Labs”, “Florham Park NJ”) more likely to correspond to the same entity than (“AT&T Research”, “Florham Park”), (“AT&T Labs Research”,“Menlo Park CA”)? Any attempt to address the integration problem has to specify a measure that effectively quantifies “closeness” or “similarity” between string attributes. Once this measure is specified, there is a clear need for algorithms that efficiently process the data sources and join them to identify all pairs of strings (or sets of strings) that are sufficiently similar to each other. Furthermore, it is desirable to perform such a join, which we refer to as a text-join, within an unmodified relational database management system (RDBMS),which is where the data is likely to reside The present invention defines text-joins using the cosine similarity metric to quantify string similarity, as well as defines algorithms to process text joins efficiently in an RDBMS.
The present invention provides a system for string matching across multiple relations in a relational database management system comprising generating a set of strings from a set of characters, decomposing each string into a subset of tokens, establishing at least two relations within the strings, establishing a similarity threshold for the relations, sampling the at least two relations, correlating the relations for the similarity threshold and returning all of the tokens which meet the criteria of the similarity threshold.
The various features, objects, benefits, and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent upon reading the following detailed description of the preferred embodiment(s) along with the appended claims in conjunction with the drawings, wherein like reference numerals identify like components throughout, and:
a and 8b are graphs of two data sets for relations according to the present invention.
a, 9b and 9c depict graphs of the average precision and recall of different algorithms according to the present invention.
a, 10b and 10c depict graphs of the average precision and recall of different algorithms according to the present invention.
a and 11b depict graphs of the average precision and recall of different algorithms according to the present invention.
a, 12b, 12c and 12d depict graphs of the average execution times of different algorithms according to the present invention.
In describing this invention there is first provided a notation and background for text joins, which we follow with a formal definition of the problem on which we focus in this paper. We denote with Σ* the set of all strings over an alphabet . Σ Each string in Σ* can be decomposed into a collection of atomic “entities” that we generally refer to as tokens. What constitutes a token can be defined in a variety of ways. For example, the tokens of a string could simply be defined as the “words” delimited by special characters that are treated as “separators” (e.g.,“ ”) alternatively, the tokens of a string could correspond to all of its q-grams, which are overlapping substrings of exactly q consecutive characters, for a given q. In the following discussion, the term token is treated as generic, as the particular choice of token is orthogonal to the design of our algorithms.
Let R1 and R2 be two relations with the same or different schemas and attributes. To simplify our discussion and notation we assume, without loss of generality, that we assess similarity between the entire sets of attributes of R1 and R2. Our discussion extends to the case of arbitrary subsets of attributes in a straightforward way. Given tuples:
ti∈R1 and t2∈R2,
we assume that the values of their attributes are drawn from Σ*. We adopt the vector-space retrieval model to define the textual similarity between t1 and t2.
Let D be the (arbitrarily ordered) set of all unique tokens present in all values of attributes of both R1 and R2. According to the vector-space retrieval model, we conceptually map each tuple
to a vector
The value of the j-th component νt(j) of νt is a real number that corresponds to the weight of the j-th token of D in νt. Drawing an analogy with information retrieval terminology, D is the set of all terms and νt is a document weight vector.
Rather than developing new ways to define the weight vector v, for a tuple
we exploit an instance of the well-established tf.idf weighting scheme from the information retrieval field. (tf.idf stands for “term frequency, inverse document frequency.”) Our choice is further supported by the fact that a variant of this general weighting scheme has been successfully used for our task by Cohen's WHIRL system. Given a collection of documents C, a simple version of the tf.idf eight for a term w and a document d is defined as;
tfw log(idfw),
For our problem, the relation tuples are our “documents,” and the tokens in the textual attribute of the tuples are our “terms.” Consider the j-th token w in D and a tuple t from relation Ri. Then tfw is the number of times that w appears in t. Also, idfw is:
where nw is the total number of tuples in relation Ri that contain token w. The if.idf weight for token w in tuple;
t∈Ri is νt(j)=tfw log(idfw)
To simplify the computation of vector similarities, we normalize vector νt to unit length in the Euclidean space after we define it (the resulting weights corresponds to the impact of the terms).
Note that the weight vectors will tend to be extremely sparse for certain choices of tokens; we shall seek to utilize this sparseness in our proposed techniques
Definition 1 (Cosine Similarity) Given tuples t1∈R1 and t2∈R2, let νt
Since vectors are normalize his measure corresponds to the cosine of the angle between vectors νi1 and νi2, and has values between 0 and 1. The intuition behind this scheme is that the magnitude of a component of a vector expresses the relative “importance” of the corresponding token in the tuple represented by the vector. Intuitively, two vectors are similar if they share many important tokens. For example, the string “ACME” will be highly similar to “ACME Inc,” since the two strings differ only on the token “Inc,” which appears in many different tuples, and hence has low weight. On the other hand, the strings “IBM Research” and “AT&T Research” will have lower similarity as they share only one relatively common term. The following join between relations R1 and R2 brings together the tuples from these relations that are “sufficiently close” to each other according to a user-specified similarity threshold;
Definition 2 (Text-Join) Given two relations R1 and R2, together with a similarity threshold 0≦φ≦1, the text-join R1φR2 returns all pairs of tuples (t1, t2) such that:
This text-join “correlates” two relations for a given similarity threshold
It can be easily modified to correlate arbitrary subsets of attributes of the relations. In this paper, we address the problem of computing the text-join of two relations efficiently and within an unmodified RDBMS: Problem 1 Given two relations R1 and R2, together with a similarity threshold 0≦φ≦1, we want to efficiently compute (an approximation of) the text-join
using “vanilla” SQL in an unmodified RDBMS. We first describe our methodology for deriving, in a preprocessing step, the vectors corresponding to each tuple of relations R1 and R2 using relational operations and representations. We then present our sampling-based solution for efficiently computing the text join of the two relations using standard SQL in an RDBMS
Creating Weight Vectors for Tuples In this section, we describe how we define auxiliary relations to represent tuple weight vectors. In the following section, we develop a sampling-based technique to compute the text-join of two relations starting with the auxiliary relations that we define next. As in the previous section, it is assumed that we want to compute the text-join
of two relations R1 and R2. D is the ordered set of all the tokens that appear in R1 and R2. We use SQL expressions to create the weight vector associated with each tuple in the two relations. Since for some choice of tokens each tuple is expected to contain only a few of the tokens in D, the associated weight vector is sparse. We exploit this sparseness and represent the weight vectors by storing only the tokens with non-zero weight. Specifically, for a choice of tokens (e.g., words or q-grams), we create the following relations for a relation R1:
Given two relations R1 and R2, we can use the SQL statements in
q-grams to relation RiWeights, where
is the number of characters in Ri.tj. Furthermore, each tuple in RiWeights consists of a tuple id tid, the actual token (i.e., q-gram in this case), and its associated weight. Then, if C bytes are needed to represent tid and weight, the total size of relation RiWeights will not exceed;
which is a (small) constant times the size of the original table Ri. If words are used as the token of choice, then we have at most
tokens per tuple in Ri. Also, to store the token attribute of RiWeights we need no more than one byte for each character in the Ri.tj tuples. Therefore, we can bound the size of RiWeights by
times the size of Ri. Again, in this case the space overhead is linear in the size of the original relation R. Given the relations R1Weights and R2Weights, a baseline approach to compute:
is shown in
This SQL statement performs the text-join by computing the similarity of each pair of tuples and filtering out any pair with similarity less than the similarity threshold φ. This approach produces an exact answer to;
R1φR2 for φ>0,
As will be described later, finding an exact answer with this approach is expensive, which motivates the sampling-based technique that we describe next.
The result of R1φR2 only contains pairs of tuples from R1 and R2 with similarity φ or higher. Usually we are interested in high values for threshold φ, which should result in only a few tuples from R2 typically matching each tuple from R1. The baseline approach in
could be computed efficiently if, for each tuple tq of R1, we managed to extract a sample from R2 containing mostly tuples suspected to be highly similar to tq. By ignoring the remaining (useless) tuples in R2, we could approximate
efficiently. The key challenge then is how to define a sampling strategy that leads to efficient text-join executions while producing an accurate approximation of the exact query results. The discussion of our technique is organized as follows:
The description of our approach will rely on the following conceptual vector, which will never be fully materialized and which contains the similarity of a tuple tq from relation R1 with each tuple of relation R2:
When tq is clear from the context, to simplify the notation we use; σi, as shorthand for
Hence we have:
V(tq)=[σ1, . . . , σi, . . . , σ|R
Intuitively, our techniques will efficiently compute an approximation of vector V(tq) for each tuple;
The approximation can then be used to produce a close estimate of;
Assume that V(tq) is already computed and available at hand (we will relax this requirement in the next section). We define;
Now, consider taking a sample of some size S from the set of R2 tuples;
{t1, . . . , t|R|},
where the probability of picking;
(i.e., the probability of picking ti is proportional to the similarity of R2 tuple ti and our “fixed” R1 tuple tq). To get the S samples, we consider each tuple ti S times. Let Ci be the number of times that ti appears in the sample under this sampling strategy. We will show that;
provides an estimate of σi and we will establish a relationship between the sampling size S and the quality of estimation of σi. Specifically, the probability that ti is included X times in a sample of size S is;
In other words, each Ci is a Bernoulli trial with parameter pi and mean S·pi Moreover, the Ci's are independent. According to the Hoeffding bounds, for n trials of binomial variable X with mean μ and for 0<e<1, we know:
Substituting in the equations above;
Thus, we can get arbitrarily close to each σi by choosing an appropriate sample size S.
Specifically, if we require the similarity estimation error;
The Sampling scheme that we described so far in this section is of course not useful in practice:
If we knew V(tq), then we could just report all R2 tuples with similarity;
In this section, it is described how to estimate the entries of V(tq, by sampling directly from the set of tokens of R2. As discussed, the sampling strategy outlined above cannot be immediately realized for our problem, since V(tq) is not known a-priori. We now show how to perform sampling according to the values of V(tq) without computing V(tq) explicitly. Consider tuple
tq∈R1 with its associated token weight vector;
For each such token j, perform S Bernoulli trials over each;
ti∈{t1, . . . , t|R
where the probability of picking ti in a trial depends on the weight of token j in tuple
tq∈R1 and in tuple ti∈R2.
Specifically, this probability is;
(We describe below how we can compute;
TV(tq) efficiently without information about the individual entries σi of Y(tq).)
Let Ci be the number of times that ti appears in the sample of size S. It follows that:
Theorem 4.1 The expected value of
is σi.
The proof of this theorem follows from an argument similar to that of Section 4.1 and from the observation that the mean of the process that generates Ci is
Theorem 4.1 establishes that, given a tuple tq∈R1, we can obtain a sample of size S of tuples ti such that the frequency C; of tuple ti can be used to approximate σi. We can then report
[tq, ti]
as part of the answer R1φR2 for each tuple ti∈R2 such that its estimated similarity with tq (i.e., its estimated σi)is φ1 or larger, where φ1=(1−ε)φ is a slightly lower threshold, where ε is treated as a positive constant of less than 1, derived from Equations 1 and 2. An apparent problem of the sampling scheme proposed so far is the lack of knowledge of the value Tv(tq)2.
We show that this value can be easily calculated without knowledge of the individual values σi of V(tq). First, we define Sum(j) as the total weight of the j-th token in relation;
(These weights are kept in relation R2Sum.) Then, it is the case that:
Consequently, Tv(tq) can be easily computed from the values stored in R2Sum and in R1Weights that are already computed using the SQL statements of the previous section.
Given R1, R2 and a threshold φ, our discussion suggests the following strategy for the evaluation of the R1φR2 text-join, in which we process one tuple tq∈R1 at a time:
This strategy guarantees that identify all pairs of tuples with similarity above φ, with a desired probability, as long as we choose an appropriate sample size S. So far, the discussion has focused on obtaining an R2 sample of size S individually for each tuple;
A naive implementation of this sampling strategy would then require a scan of relation R2 for each tuple in R1, which is clearly unacceptable in terms of performance. In the next section we describe how we perform the sampling with only one sequential scan of relation R2.
Practical Realization of Sampling
As discussed so far, our sampling strategy requires extracting a separate sample from R2 for each tuple in R1. This extraction of a potentially large set of independent samples from R2 (i.e., one per R1 tuple) is of course inefficient, since it would require a large number of scans of the R2 table. In this section, we describe how we adapt the original sampling strategy so that it requires one single sample of R2 and show how we use this sample to create an approximate answer for the text-join;
As we have seen in the previous section, for each tuple;
we should sample a tuple ti from R2 in a way that depends on the νt
weights from the tuples ti of R2:, to generate a single sample of R2:. Then, we use the single sample differently for each tuple tq of R1. Intuitively, we “weight” the tuples in the sample according to the weights
Such a sampling scheme identifies tuples with similarity above φ from R2 for each tuple in R1. Observe for each;
we obtain S samples in total choosing samples according to;
in expectation.
By sampling R2 only once, the sample will be correlated. As we verify experimentally in the Experimental Evaluation of the present invention, this sample correlation has negligible effect on the quality of the join approximation. The proposed solution, as presented, is asymmetric in the sense that it uses tuples from one relation(R1) to weight samples obtained from the other (R2). The text-join problem, as defined, is symmetric and does not distinguish or impose an ordering on the operands (relations). Hence, the execution of the text-join R1φR2 naturally faces the problem of choosing which relation to sample. We argue that we can choose either R1 or R2, as long as we also choose the appropriate sample size as described in the Similarity Sampling section. For a specific instance of the problem, we can break this asymmetry by executing the approximate join twice. Thus, we first sample from vectors of R2 and use R1 to weight the samples. Then, we sample from vectors of R1 and use R2 to weight the samples. Then, we take the union of these as our final result. We refer to this as a symmetric text-join. We will evaluate this technique experimentally in the Experimental Evaluation. In this section we have showed how to approximate the text-join R1
φR2 by using weighted sampling. In the next section, we describe how this approximate join can be completely implemented using a standard, unmodified RDBMS.
Sampling and Joining Tuple Vectors in SQL
We now describe an SQL implementation of the sampling-based join algorithm of the previous section. There is first described the Sampling step, and then focuses on the Weight and Thresholding steps for the asymmetric versions of the join. Finally, the implementation of a symmetric version of the approximate join is described.
Implementing the Sampling Step in SQL
Given the RiWeights relations, we now show how to implement the Sampling step of our text-join approximation strategy in SQL. For a desired sample size S and similarity threshold φ, we create the auxiliary relation shown in
with which we should pick this tuple. Conceptually, for each tuple in the output of the query of
“successes” after S trials, on average. This deterministic version of the query is shown in
Implementing the Weight and Thresholding Steps in SQL
The Weight and Thresholding steps are previously described as two separate steps. In practice, we can combine them into one SQL statement, shown in
Then, we can count the number of times that each which corresponds to;
The we can count the number of times that each particular tuple pair appears in the results (see GROUP BY clause). For each group, the result of the SUM is the number of times C; that a specific tuple pair appears in the candidate set. To implement the Thresholding step, we apply the count filter as a simple comparison in the HAVING clause: we check whether the frequency of a tuple pair exceeds the count threshold (i.e.;
The final output of this SQL operation is a set of tuple id pairs with expected similarity exceeding threshold φ. The SQL statement in
Implementing a Symmetric Text-Join Approximation in SQL
Up to now we have described only an asymmetric text-join approximation approach, in which we sample relation R2 and weight the samples according to the tuples in R1 (or vice versa). However, as we described previously, the text-join R1φR2 treats R1 and R2 symmetrically. To break the asymmetry of our sampling-based strategy, we execute the two different asymmetric approximations and report the union of their results, as shown in
The count threshold in this case becomes;
(again the Tv values can be eliminated from the SQL if we combine the Weight and the Thresholding steps).
Experimental Evaluation
We implemented the proposed techniques and performed a thorough experimental evaluation in terms of both accuracy and performance. We first describe the techniques that we compare and the data sets and metrics that we use for our experiments. Then, we report the experimental results.
Experimental Settings
The schema and the relations described in Creating Weight Vectors for Tuples, were implemented on a commercial RDMBS, MicrosoftSQL Server 2000, running on a 550 MHz Pentium III-based PC with 768 Mb of RAM. SQL Server was configured to potentially utilize the entire RAM as a buffer pool.
Data Sets: For our experiments, we used real data from an AT&T customer relationship database. We extracted from this database a random sample of 40,000 distinct attribute values of type string. We then split this sample into two data sets, R1 and R2. Data set R1 contains about 14,000 strings, while data set R2 contains about 26,000 strings. The average string length for R1 is 19 characters and, on average, each string consists of 2.5 words. The average string length for R2 is 21 characters and, on average, each string consists of 2.5 words. The length of the strings follows a close-to-Gaussian distribution for both data sets and is reported in
R1φR2 for different similarity thresholds φ and token choices is reported in
Definition 3 Consider two relations R1 and R2 and a user-specified similarity threshold φ. Let Answerφ be an approximate answer for test-join R1φR2. Then, the precision and recall of Answerφwith respect to R1
φR2 are defined as:
Precision and recall can take values in the 0-to-1 range. Precision measures the accuracy of the answer and indicates the fraction of tuples in the approximation of;
that are correct. In contrast, recall measures the completeness of the answer and indicates the fraction of the;
tuples that are captured in the approximation. For data cleaning applications, we believe that recall is more important than precision. The returned answer can always be checked for false positives in a post-join step, while we cannot locate false negatives without re-running the text-join algorithm. Finally, to measure the efficiency of the algorithms, we measure the actual execution time of the similarity join for different techniques.
Techniques Compared:
We compare the following algorithms for computing (an approximation of);
All of these algorithms can be deployed completely within an RDBMS:
In addition, we also compare the SQL-based techniques against the stand-alone WHIRL system.
Given a similarity threshold φ and two relations R1 and R2, WHIRL computes the text-join
The fundamental difference with our techniques is that WHIRL is a separate application, not connected to any RDBMS. Initially, we attempted WHIRL over our data sets using its default settings. Unfortunately, during the computation of the
join WHIRL ran out of memory. We then limited the maximum heap size 6 to produce an approximate answer for
We measure the precision and recall of the WHIRL answers, in addition to the running time to produce them. Choice of Tokens: We present experiments for different choices of tokens for the similarity computation. The token types that we consider in our experiments are:
The RiWeights table has 30,933 rows for Words, 268—458 rows for Q-grams with q=3, and 245,739 rows for Q-grams with q=2. For the R2Weights table, the corresponding numbers of rows are 61,715, 536,982,and 491—515. In
for the different token choices and for different similarity thresholds;
Unfortunately, WHIRL natively supports only word tokenization but not q-grams. To test WHIRL with q-grams, we adopted the following strategy: We generated all the q-grams of the strings in R1 and R2, and stored them as separate “words.” For example, the string “ABC” was transformed into “$A ABBC C#” for q=2. Then WHIRL used the transformed data set as if each q-gram were a separate word. Besides the specific choice of tokens, three other main parameters affect the performance and accuracy of our techniques: the sample size S, the choice of the user-defined similarity threshold φ1, and the choice of the error margin ε.. We now experimentally study how these parameters affect the accuracy and efficiency of sampling-based text-joins.
Experimental Results
Comparing Different Techniques: Our first experiment evaluates the precision and recall achieved by the different versions of the sampling-based text-joins and for WHIRL (
Effect of Sample Size S:
The second set of experiments evaluates the effect of the sample size
As we increase the number of samples S for each distinct token of the relation, more tuples are sampled and included in the final sample. This results in more matches in the final join, and, hence in higher recall. It is also interesting to observe the effect of the sample size for different token choices. The recall for Q-grams with q=2 is smaller than that for Q-grams with q=3 for a given sample size, which in turn is smaller than the recall for Words. Since we independently obtain a constant number of samples per distinct token, the higher the number of distinct tokens the more accurate the sampling is expected to be. This effect is visible in the recall plots of
Effect of Error Margin ε:
As mentioned in previously, the threshold for count filter is;
Different values of ε affect the precision and recall of the answer.
Execution Time:
To analyze efficiency, we measure the execution time of the different techniques. Our measurements do not include the preprocessing step to build the auxiliary tables in
This faster execution, however, is at the expense of accuracy (
and WHIRL has recall above 0.8 only when;
In general, the sampling-based text-joins, which are executed in an unmodified RDBMS, have efficiency comparable to WHIRL, provided that WHIRL has sufficient main memory available: WHIRL is a stand-alone application that implements a main-memory version of the A* algorithm. This algorithm requires keeping large search structures during processing; when main memory is not sufficiently large for a dataset, WHIRL's recall suffers considerably. In contrast, our techniques are fully executed within RDBMSs, which are specifically designed to handle large data volumes in an efficient and scalable way.
Using Different Similarity Functions for Data Cleansing
The Experimental Evaluation studied the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed sampling-based text-join executions according to the present invention, for different token choices and for a distance metric based on tf.idf token weights. We now compare this distance metric against string edit distance, especially in terms of the effectiveness of the distance metrics in helping data cleansing applications. The edit distance between two strings is the minimum number of edit operations (i.e., insertions, deletions, and substitutions) of single characters needed to transform the first string into the second. The edit distance metric works very well for capturing typographical errors. For example, the strings “ComputerScience” and “Computer Science” have edit distance one. Also edit distance can capture insertions of short words (e.g., “Microsoft” and “Microsoft Co” have edit distance three). Unfortunately, a small increase of the distance threshold can result in many false positives, especially for short strings. For example, the string “IBM” is within edit distance three of both “ACM” and “IBM Co. ”The simple edit distance metric does not work well when the compared strings involve block moves (e.g., “Computer Science Department” and “Department of Computer Science”). In this case, we can use block edit distance, a more general edit distance metric that allows for block moves as a basic edit operation. By allowing for block moves, the block edit distance can also capture word rearrangements. Finding the exact block edit distance of two strings is an NP-hard problem. Block edit distance cannot capture all mismatches. Differences between records also occur due to insertions and deletions of common words. For example, “KAR Corporation International” and “KAR Corporation” have block edit distance 14. If we allow large edit distance threshold capture such mismatches, the answer will contain a large number of false positive matches. The insertion and deletion of common words can be handled effectively with the cosine similarity metric that we have described in this paper if we use words as tokens. Common words, like “International,” have low idf weight. Hence, two strings are deemed similar when they share many identical words (i.e., with no spelling mistakes) that do not appear frequently in the relation. This metric also handles block moves naturally. The use of words as tokens in conjunction with the cosine similarity as distance metric was proposed by WHIRL. Unfortunately, this similarity metric does not capture word spelling errors, especially if they are pervasive and affect many of the words in the strings. For example, the strings “Computer Science Department” and “Department of Computer Science” will have zero similarity under this metric. Hence, we can see that (block) edit distance and cosine similarity with words serve complementary purposes for data cleansing applications. Edit distance handles spelling errors well (and possibly blockmoves as well), while the cosine similarity with words nicely handles block moves and insertions of words. A similarity function that naturally combines the good properties of the two distance metrics is the cosine similarity with q-grams as tokens. A block move minimally affects the set of common q-grams of two strings, so the two strings “Gateway Communications” and “Communications Gateway” have high similarity under this metric. A related argument holds when there are spelling mistakes in these words. Hence, “Gateway Communications” and “Communications Gateway” will also have high similarity under this metric despite the block move and the spelling errors in both words. Finally this metric handles the insertion and deletion of words nicely. The string “Gateway Communications” matches with high similarity the string “Communications Gateway International” since the q-grams of the word “International” appear often in the relation and have low weight. Table 1 summarizes the qualitative properties of the distance functions that we have described in this section. The choice of similarity function impacts the execution time of the associated text-joins. The use of the cosine similarity with words leads to fast query executions as we have seen in the Experimental Evaluation. When we use q-grams, the execution time of the join increases considerably, resulting nevertheless in higher quality of results with matches that neither edit distance nor cosine similarity with words could have captured. Given the improved recall and precision of the sampling-based text join when q=3 (compared to the case where q=2), we believe that the cosine similarity metric with 3-grams can serve well for data cleansing applications.
It will be appreciated that the present invention has been described herein with reference to certain preferred or exemplary embodiments. The preferred or exemplary embodiments described herein may be modified, changed, added to or deviated from without departing from the intent, spirit and scope of the present invention. It is intended that all such additions, modifications, amendments, and/or deviations be included within the scope of the claims appended hereto.
This application claims priority of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/464,101, filed on, Apr. 21, 2003, which is incorporated by reference herein.
Number | Date | Country | |
60464101 | Apr 2003 | US |