The Institute for Genomic Research, TIGR, has developed tools for annotation and a complex web display for<br/>presenting this information to the scientific community. The annotation system includes software that allows its annotation staff to initate a bacterial annotation project, update that data with manual curation, and<br/>to electronically publish that data on TIGR's web site and at GenBank. TIGR web display includes a database system with the capability of representing all completed microbial genomes, graphical displays, and<br/>the ability to allow users to perform complex ad hoc queries on that data.<br/><br/>The above tools were designed strictly for the purpose of running those<br/>software locally at TIGR or on TIGR web servers. The current project will provide resources for the development of software that will be used by scientists to run those software locally on their own machines. This will allow users easy access to annotation systems that are consistent with the well-developed set of standard operational procedures developed at TIGR and will help ensure consistency of annotation across many<br/>sequencing centers. By placing the software developed at TIGR in the hands of users, they will also be able to modify and improve upon the representation system, and use the graphical display to promote<br/>individual analysis of bacterial genome information.