This invention relates to an improved version of boiler water feed pump. These are used for all steam boilers to feed the water under pressure into the boiler.
The existing technology is that, the water is fed into the boiler by means of boiler feed pump which consists of a multi stage centrifugal pumps.
However, the conventional feed pumps consume heavy electrical power and also need more maintenance due to its so many moving parts revolving at high RPM.
The primary object of the present invention is to provide an improved version of the existing device which replaces this high power consuming and higher maintenance boiler feed pumps.
Another object of the present invention is to save the precious electrical power energy of the country.
Still another object of the present invention is to reduce the maintenance of such machines.
This invention involves thermal energy and head difference of water level to feed the water into the boiler. This does not use electrical and mechanical energy to feed the water into the boiler as it is done in the available technology.
According to this invention, this device works with the thermal principle and uses the small amount of steam from the same boiler to feed the water into the boiler as explained in the diagram.
Thermal steam pump is a device to feed water into the boiler without using any external source of energy. The water is fed into the boiler using steam generated by same boiler. The operation of system is cyclic, second cycle starts immediately after completion of first cycle. No external pumping unit is required to pump the feed water into boiler.
The thermal feed pump is introduced for pumping the water into the boiler. Refer diagram enclosed separately.
Following sequence of operations in one cycle are explained below:
Ist Operation
The air vent is opened to vent the air present in device. The feed water gets filled into the device due to head difference.
IInd Operation
Water is fed into the boiler with help of pressurized steam. Steam is filled into the device from the same boiler at same pressure. The head difference makes water to enter into the boiler.
IIIrd Operation
The pressurized steam is condensed using cooling water. It creates vacuum inside the device. The device is now ready to take next charge of water.
The cycle is repeated after third operation. Due to vacuum created by the condensed steam, water will easily fill into the device.