Not applicable
In 1824, Sadi Carnot described the theoretical efficiencies of a heat engine. At the time, he was well aware of gravitational and frictional forces, the elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and the 1813 demonstration of the combustion of a diamond by Sir Humphry Davy. Realizing the complexity of a heat engine, he viewed it as a system, influenced by its surroundings, with internal energies from heat and work. In a similar manner, I have described a thermodynamic model of a nervous system.
Most neuroscientists agree that modeling of a nervous system will be the pathway to a better understanding of the brain and mind. Present models include data from neuroanatomical stimulation, biochemical imaging and mapping neural connectomes. It has been proposed that information from these models will elucidate the essence of nervous system activity.
Lacking in the present models of a nervous system are thermodynamic effects of the electromagnetic surroundings on this system. The nervous system, a thermodynamically open electrochemical system in which energy and matter flow between system and surroundings, can be described in terms of state functions including, temperature, pressure, molar quantities, enthalpy and entropy. The internal energy of the nervous system can be described by:
electrochemical potential
flow work
In a nervous system under relatively constant pressure and constant temperature wmechanical and q equal zero and wflow work may be small and cannot be measured.
The electrochemical potential of the system is:
Work from an external static magnetic field (wB) on charged and non-charged particles within the system equals zero. There are two other possible sources of work related to the electrochemical potential. Work from an electric field (we) and work from the Poynting vector, (we×b) or S=1/μ0E×B.
Even small changes in the electromagnetic surroundings may have a significant effect on the function of the system since there is good evidence that the activity of a nervous system is chaotic. There is clinical evidence that symptoms such as depression, mania and chronic pain are correlated with geomagnetic activity independent of diurnal variation.(Roecklein, Rohan, & Postolache, 2010; Saps et al., 2008) A model of a nervous system that does not include the changing electromagnetic fields in the surroundings is not complete.
The most studied oscillating chemical reaction is the Belouvsa-Zhabotinsky (B-Z) reaction. This oscillating chemical reaction produces electrical potentials very similar to the action potentials within a nervous system. These potentials are unlike those produced by alternating current from a generator or direct current from a fuel cell or battery. From the oxidation of malonic acid, the B-Z reaction also produces carbon dioxide similar to the oxidation of glucose in the Krebs cycle of a nervous system. The B-Z reaction can also proceed at constant temperature similar to that of the nervous system in warm blooded mammals. This nonlinear deterministic reaction models the chaos seen in the brain's electrical activity.(Sarbadhikari & Chakrabarty, 2001) Although not identical to the nervous system, the attributes found in the B-Z reaction, when viewed from a thermodynamic perspective closely approximate the energy transfers that occur in a nervous system.
The B-Z reaction produces electromagnetic waves of low frequency ( 1/60 Hertz) that can be observed when electrodes are placed in the reaction and connected to an oscilloscope with DC coupling. Until the oscillating chemical reaction is complete, the B-Z oscillating chemical reaction is autocatalytic, not at equilibrium, and has properties of a chaotic system. The reagents of the B-Z reaction consist of sodium bromide, malonic acid, sulfuric acid, and ferroin indicator. The ferroin indicator produces a color change from red to purple when vigorously stirred usually with a magnetic stirring bar. The proposed mechanism of this reaction has been described by Field, Koros and Noyes (Field, Noyes, & Koros, 1972)
This invention demonstrates that a thermodynamic model of a nervous system, as simulated by the B-Z reaction, is not complete unless work performed on the system by the changing electromagnetic surroundings is considered.
Oscillating chemical systems, such as the B-Z reaction, produced electrical potentials very similar to the action potentials within a nervous system. These potentials are unlike those produced by alternating current with polarity from a generator or direct current from a fuel cell or battery. (
When platinum and graphite electrodes are immersed in a heated solution at 30° C. of 0.2M sodium bromate, 0.2M malonic acid, 0.005M ferroin solution and 0.3M sulfuric acid (reagents of the B-Z reaction) an oscillating chemical reaction is produced that can be monitored with an oscilloscope. (
The B-Z reaction was studied under four conditions:
A vessel containing the reagents of the B-Z reaction with platinum and graphite electrodes, thermometer, thermally isolated with aluminum foil and air insulation and surrounded by a copper solenoid of 100 turns and length 4 cm was positioned on a hot plate. The electrodes were connected to an oscilloscope with DC coupling at 0.5 mV per unit detection and with a sweep speed of 48 seconds. The solenoid was connected to a DC power source with a switch that was manually turned on and off at a frequency of 2 Hertz for 1 minute with a maximum current of 1 or 10 amperes for each experiment. (
Calculations for I=10 A
As the oscillations dampen from the B-Z reaction, a changing electromagnetic field was initiated by manually switching on-off at frequencies of 2 Hertz for 60 seconds with a DC power source between 1 or 10 amperes. The changing electromagnetic field increased the amplitude of the dampened waves. (
A zinc plate capacitor covering two glass parallel plates 0.20 m×0.26 m separated by a distance of 0.005 m that forms a cell containing the B-Z reaction was charged with 640 V. Platinum and graphite electrodes immersed in the reaction mixture were connected to an oscilloscope with DC coupling.
This invention demonstrates that a changing electromagnetic field can influence the electrochemistry of a thermodynamic model of a nervous system. The changing electromagnetic field can perform work on the system and can affect an oscillating chemical reaction that simulates brain chemistry. Many disease states such as depression, mania and chronic pain have been linked to changes in the earth's geomagnetic field exclusive of diurnal changes.(Roecklein, et al., 2010) In susceptible individuals increasing psychiatric medications during these times of the year has been suggested and this invention provides evidence why geomagnetic changes could produce changing symptoms.(Roecklein, et al., 2010)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroconvulsive therapies have been shown to be efficacious for the treatment of depression. Transcranial magnetic stimulation has been shown to alter the EEG signal that is in agreement with the findings of this invention.(Li, Yin, & Huo, 2007)
This invention does not address whether exposure to a changing electromagnetic field will be beneficial or deleterious. Although changes in brain chemistry from a changing electromagnetic field may be small compare to those produced by medications, small changes may produce profound changes in the trajectory of a chaotic nervous system.
From a public health perspective, there may exist electromagnetic fields that are beneficial or deleterious. Whether exposure to electromagnetic fields from cell phones, high voltage wires and microwave has effects on the brain is still subject to much debate. (Hossmann & Hermann, 2003) However, man made changes of the earth's electromagnetic fields is possible as has been demonstrated by the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) project in which electromagnetic radiation was broadcast into the ionosphere.(Fujimaru & Moore, 2011) This invention shows that a thermodynamic model of the brain's chaotic oscillating chemistry can be influenced by external changing electromagnetic fields. In nature, changing electromagnetic fields occur from geomagnetic fields, Schumann resonance signals and solar activities.(Berk, Dodd, & Henry, 2006; Cherry, 2003) Since behavior relates to brain chemistry, speculating in the future, modifying the earth's electromagnetic fields at particular locations could be beneficial.