"An Analysis of 3D Display Strategies", Thomas F. Budinger, SPIE vol. 507, pp. 52-58, 1984. |
"True Three-Dimensional CRT Based Displays", Hodges and McAllister, Information Display, May 1987, pp. 18-22. |
"Use of Lenses to Enhance Depth Perception", Lowell Noble, SPIE vol. 761, (1987) pp. 126-128. |
"3D Television, Movies and Computers Without Glasses" Robert Collender, IEEE vol. CE-32, No. 1, Feb. 1986, pp. 556-561. |
"The Stereoptiplexer", Robert Collender, Information Display Nov., Dec. 1967, pp. 27-31. |
"An Autostereoscopic CRT Display," Homer Tilton, SPIE vol. 120, 1977, pp. 68-72. |
"Autostereoscopic Displays-Past and Future" G. B. Kirby Meacham, SPIE vol. 624 (1986) pp. 90-101. |
"3D TV Projection" Reinhard Borner, Electronics and Power, Jun. 1987, pp. 379-382. |
"Collimated View Multiplexing: A New Approach to 3-D" Joel Kollin, SPIE vol. 902 (1988) pp. 24-30. |
"Electronic Display System for Computational Holography" Pierre Hilaire et al. SPIE vol. 1212 (1990) pp. 174-182. |
"Real-Time Display of 3-D Computed Halograms by Scanning the Image of an Acousto-Optic Modulator" Joel Kollin et al., to be published in the Proc. of the 2nd Int'l Congress of Optical Sciences & Engineering-1989. |
"Real-Time Display of Computer Data Using Computer Generated Holograms"-Hamid Farheash et al., SPIE vol. 1052 (1989) pp. 172-176. |
"Works on the Holographic Cinematography in the USSR" V. G. Komar et al., SPIE vol. 1183 (1989) pp. 170-182. |
"Display & Analysis of Tomographic Volumetric Images Utilizing a Vari-Focal Mirror" L. D. Harris et al., SPIE vol. 507, (1984) pp. 38-45. |
"High-Speed Interaction on a Vibrating Mirror 3D Display" Peter Mills et al., SPIE vol. 507 (1984) pp. 93-101. |
"Display & Perception of 3-D Space-Filling Data" Gregory Russell et al., Applied Optics vol. 26, No. 6, Mar. 15, 1987, pp. 973-982. |
"Display of Moving Volumetric Images" David Jansson et al., SPIE vol. 507 (1984) pp. 82-92. |
"Full Color Stereoscopic Video Pickup & Display Technique Without Special Glasses" Susumu Ichinose et al. S1D89 Digest, pp. 188-191. |
"A Realtime Head Motion Detection System" Kenji Hase et al., SPIE vol. 1260 (1990) pp. 262-269. |
"Field Sequential Stereoscopic Viewing Systems Using Passive Glasses" Philip Bas et al., Tektronix, Inc. |
"Brightness Amplifying 3D TV Projection System with a Copper Laser" Kazuokuroda et al., SID88 Digest, pp. 95-98. |
"A Dynamic Real Time 3-D Measurement Technique for IC Inspection" B. C. Breton Microelectric Eng. 5 (1986) pp. 541-545. |
"Stereoscopic Displays: the Human Dual Visual System" Robert Clapp, SPIE vol. 624 (1986) pp. 41-52. |
"Three Dimensional Display of Scientific Data" Lambertus Nesselnick et al., SPIE vol. 1501 (1989) pp. 169-170. |
"Mental Image", IEEE Spectrum Innovations Section Dec. 1987. |
"Spinning Screen TV Gives Real-3-D Images", New Scientist Aug. 11, 1990. |
"Inventor Shows 3-D Television" by Fishlock, UK News. |
"No Specs Please 3-D Videos Simply Brilliant", Daily Mail, Nov. 12, 1990. |
"3D Vision of Big Rewards in a Different Dimension" by Chiltock, Financial Times Sep. 30, 1986. |
"Art Illusion & the Visual System" by Livingstone Scientific American, Jan. 1988, vol. 258, No. 1, pp. 67-75. |
"Using the Best: A Six-Dimensional Mouse for Object Placement" Ware et al., IEEE, Nov. 1988, pp. 65-70. |
Contents of Processing and Display of Three-Dimensional Detail, vol. 507, 1984. |
Contents of True Three-Dimensional Imaging Techniques and Display Technologies, vol. 761, 1987. |
Contents of Three Dimensional Imaging and Remote Sensing Imaging, vol. 902, 1988. |
Collquium Schedule held by Institution of Electrical Engineers on May 5, 1988. |
First International Symposium on 3D Images-Articles Given-Paris, Sep. 26-28 1991. |