Ticket dispenser


  • Patent Application
  • 20070204737
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    March 01, 2006
    18 years ago
  • Date Published
    September 06, 2007
    17 years ago
The ticket dispenser is configured for holding and dispensing a double roll of laterally paired tickets, i.e., a ticket roll having two laterally joined and identically numbered tickets for each sequentially numbered position along the roll. Such tickets are commonly used for raffles, door prizes, etc., where the participant keeps one ticket and the other identically numbered ticket is placed in a container for a random drawing. The ticket dispenser includes a splitter which automatically separates the two identically numbered and laterally joined tickets as they are dispensed from the device, and may include an edge for separating sequentially numbered tickets from one another as well. A friction adjustment is provided for the ticket roll to prevent accidental unwinding of the loose roll of tickets contained in the holder. A neck or shoulder strap, belt loop, etc. may be provided to support the device from the person.

1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates generally to devices for dispensing rolled elongate materials, such as tape, tickets on rolls, etc. More specifically, the present invention is a ticket dispenser configured particularly for dispensing tickets from a double or paired ticket roll in which two identically numbered tickets are joined laterally to one another. The dispenser includes a splitter that automatically separates the laterally joined tickets from one another as the tickets are dispensed from the device.

2. Description of the Related Art

Tickets are commonly provided on rolls and dispensed for lotteries, raffles, door prizes, etc., at various club and other events. Some means for correlating the ticket(s) held by the participant with the winning ticket(s) selected is necessary. This is conventionally accomplished by providing the tickets in laterally doubled rolls wherein the tickets are sequentially numbered along the length of the roll in order to differentiate one ticket from another, but two identically numbered tickets are joined laterally. The participant or recipient receives one of the tickets, with the other identically numbered ticket being placed in a container for a later random drawing.

Such laterally joined, identically numbered tickets provide a sure means of matching the winning participant's ticket with the winning ticket drawn for the event. However, the dispensing of such tickets can be tedious, particularly where a large number of tickets are being dispensed. The person dispensing the tickets must not only separate the sequentially numbered tickets from one another longitudinally, but must also separate the identically numbered tickets laterally from one another. This can be a tedious and time consuming process for the person handling the task, particularly if there are a large number of participants and financial transactions involved in the purchase of the tickets by participants.

Another problem that occurs in the handling of ticket rolls is the unwinding of the roll as it is being handled. This problem does not occur in the dispensing of such rolled materials as adhesive tapes and the like, as the adhesive holds the roll together. Thus, no need has arisen to control the unwinding of a spool or roll of such adhesively backed tape. This lack of control for an unwinding roll seems to have carried over into various dispensers for loosely rolled materials, such as ticket rolls, as well. Yet, a roll of loose tickets that have no adhesion to one another can be difficult to handle, even when secured within a dispensing device of some sort.

Thus, a ticket dispenser solving the aforementioned problems is desired.


The ticket dispenser is configured for holding and dispensing a double roll of tickets therefrom, i.e., a ticket roll having two laterally joined and identically numbered tickets at each sequential position along the roll. The device includes a ticket roll holder with a ticket-dispensing portion extending therefrom. The ticket roll holder has an adjustable friction control for preventing accidental unwinding of the ticket roll. The dispensing portion includes a ticket-splitting device, which automatically separates the two laterally joined and identically numbered tickets as they are dispensed from the device. The ticket splitter may include lateral adjustment in order to position the splitter exactly along the longitudinal perforations separating the laterallyjoined tickets. The dispensing end of the device may include an element for tearing off or separating sequentially numbered tickets from one another. The device also preferably includes a device for carrying or supporting the device, e.g., a neck or shoulder strap and/or a belt attachment loop.

These and other features of the present invention will become readily apparent upon further review of the following specification and drawings.


FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a first embodiment of a ticket dispenser according to the present invention, showing various features thereof.

FIG. 2 is a section view along lines 2-2 of FIG. 1 with the ticket splitter key shown exploded from the dispenser.

FIG. 3 is a section view along lines 3-3 of FIG. 1.

FIG. 4 is a section view along lines 4-4 of FIG. 1.

FIG. 5 is a detailed perspective view of an alternative embodiment of the ticket-dispensing portion of a ticket dispenser according to the present invention, showing a cantilevered ticket-cutting blade or edge extending therefrom.

FIG. 6 is a section view along lines 6-6 of FIG. 5.

FIG. 7 is a detailed perspective view of another alternative embodiment of a ticket dispensing portion of a ticket dispenser according to the present invention, showing another alternative ticket separation edge or end.

Similar reference characters denote corresponding features consistently throughout the attached drawings.


The present invention comprises a ticket dispenser adapted particularly for the dispensing of double rolls of sequentially numbered tickets, with laterally joined tickets having identical numbers. Such tickets are nearly universally used in raffles, drawings, etc., and the dispenser greatly facilitates their issuance to participants. The dispenser includes a mechanism for automatically separating laterally joined tickets from one another as they are dispensed, as well as mechanisms for facilitating the separation of sequentially numbered tickets from one another as they are dispensed and for preventing excessive unrolling of the ticket roll contained in the device.

FIG. 1 of the drawings provides a perspective view of a first embodiment of the ticket dispenser 10, with FIGS. 2 through 4 showing additional details of the first embodiment. The primary component of the device is an elongate ticket dispensing extension 12 through which an unbroken length of tickets T passes as they are unwound from a ticket roll R. The dispenser extension 12 includes an upper portion 14 and an opposite lower portion 16, joined at their opposite first and second lateral edges 18 and 20. A wide, thin ticket passage 22 extends between the upper and lower portions 14 and 16, from the ticket entry end 24 to the opposite ticket-dispensing end 26 of the ticket dispensing extension 12. The section view of FIG. 3 clearly shows the ticket passage 22. The ticket passage 22 is sufficiently wide to allow a length of laterally paired tickets T to pass therethrough.

The dispenser 10 includes a splitter device 28 for splitting laterally paired tickets as they are dispensed from the device 10. The splitter 28 is shown in detail in FIG. 2 of the drawings, which also illustrates the installation of the device 28 in the ticket dispensing extension 1212 of the dispenser 10. The splitter 28 may comprise a cutting or splitting element that is immovably and permanently installed within the dispensing extension 12. However, laterally joined, paired tickets are manufactured and printed using relatively inexpensive processes in order to keep their costs down. This results in relatively loose dimensional tolerances for such ticket rolls, with the longitudinal perforation line separating the laterallyjoined tickets on a roll often varying laterally by some small fraction of an inch. Accordingly, a fixed location or position for the ticket splitter may not be suitable under all circumstances.

The splitter 28 provides a solution to the above-noted problem by providing lateral adjustment for the splitter 28. The splitter 28 comprises a key or insert 30 having a distal end 32 with a laterally disposed ticket passage slot 34 formed therein, i.e., the slot 34 is disposed laterally relative to the dispenser extension 12 when the key 30 is installed therein. The slot 34 includes a ticket splitter element 36 (e.g., a thin wire, or blade, etc.), which extends across the span or height of the slot 34. The splitter element 36 also extends across the thin vertical height of the ticket passage 22 when the splitter 28 is installed within the dispenser extension 12.

The ticket dispenser extension 12 includes a lateral ticket splitter key passage 38 near the dispensing end 26 thereof. The ticket splitter insert 30 provides a slight interference fit within the splitter passage 38, with the two sides of the insert 30 to each side of the slot 34 compressing toward one another slightly as they are inserted into the splitter key passage 38 of the extension 12. The resilience of the insert 30 against the opposite sides of the passage 38 provides a secure installation for the splitter key 30 therein, while still allowing the splitter device 28 to be easily installed within and removed from the splitter key passage 38 as desired.

As the splitter key device 28 is installed laterally within the extension passage 38 with only the pressure of the two sides of the key insert 30 bearing against the opposite floor and ceiling of the passage 38, the ticket splitter device 28 is easily adjusted within the passage 38 to position the ticket splitter element 36 precisely within the width of the ticket dispensing passage 22 of the extension 12. A ticket splitter alignment port 40 is provided through the upper portion 14 of the dispenser extension 12 to allow the user of the ticket dispenser 10 to align the splitter element 36 precisely with the longitudinal perforation line conventionally provided between laterally adjacent tickets T of a double ticket roll R. Thus, as the tickets T are dispensed from the dispensing end 26 of the device 10, as shown in FIG. 1, the tickets T are automatically separated laterally from one another as they pass the splitter element 36 of the splitter 28 and exit the dispensing end 26 of the dispenser extension 12 as two separate but laterally adjacent tickets T1 and T2.

FIGS. 1, 2, and 4 illustrate the ticket holder for holding a ticket roll R with the ticket dispenser 10. Opposed first and second ticket roll holder arms, respectively 42a and 42b, extend from the opposite first and second lateral edges 18 and 20 of the ticket dispenser extension 12 adjacent the ticket entry or insertion end 24 thereof. Each arm 42a and 42b has a distal end, respectively 44a and 44b, with a ticket roll axle passage, respectively 46a and 46b, formed therethrough, as shown in FIG. 4. Alternatively, a slot 48 may be provided in each of the ticket roll arm distal ends 44a, 44b, as shown in broken lines in FIG. 1 for the first arm distal end 44a.

A ticket roll axle 50 extends across the distal ends 44a and 44b of the two arms 42a and 42b through the axle passages 46a and 46b. The axle 50 has a fixed end 50a secured in one of the axle passages, e.g., the first passage 46a, with an opposite adjustable end 50b disposed within the opposite passage, e.g., second passage 46b. The fixed end 50a of the axle 50 includes means to prevent the axle from rotating within the passages 46a and 46b, e.g., the axle may comprise a conventional carriage bolt or shoulder bolt with the shoulders of the fixed end 50a residing within a correspondingly shaped axle passage 46a. The opposite adjustment end 50b of the axle 50 includes an adjustment clamp thereon, e.g., a wing nut 52 threaded onto the threaded adjustment end 50b of the axle 50. The wing nut 52 may be selectively tightened to urge the distal ends 44a, 44b of the two ticket roll holder arms 42a, 42b toward one another, thereby causing the ends 44a, 44b to frictionally engage the ticket roll R and/or hub 54 installed within the ticket roll center on the axle 50 to act as a brake to prevent the undesired unwinding of the ticket roll R.

The ticket-dispensing end 26 of the ticket dispenser extension 12 preferably provides for conveniently separating sequential tickets from one another. FIG. 1 illustrates the ticket-dispensing end 26 having relatively abrupt or sharp edges 56 adjacent the end of the ticket passage 22. While only the upper edge 56 is shown in FIG. 1 due to the lower edge being obscured by the tickets T1 and T2 in that view, FIG. 3 shows both the upper and lower tear-off edges 56. The user of the ticket dispensing device 10 need only pull the tickets T1 and T2 outwardly from the dispensing end 26 of the extension 12 until their lateral separation line or perforations are closely aligned with the tear-off edges 56, with the remaining tickets being held in position in the dispensing device 10 while the dispensed tickets T1 and T2 are torn along the edges 56.

A ticket retention passage 58 is provided through the upper portion 14 of the dispenser extension 12, as shown in the embodiment of FIGS. 1 and 3. The user need only apply thumb pressure through the retention passage 58 on the tickets T against the closed lower portion 16 of the extension 12 to hold the length of tickets in place as the dispensed tickets T1 and T2 are torn off. The dispenser 10 of FIG. 1 also includes a lateral relief 60 formed in one side or edge of the dispenser extension 12 adjacent the dispensing end 26. This allows the user to grip at least one side of the paired tickets being dispensed in order to advance the tickets T through the dispenser, even though the dispensed tickets may have been torn off flush with the dispensing end 26 of the dispenser extension 12 in a previous operation.

FIGS. 5 through 7 illustrate additional embodiments of the ticket tear-off or separation means of the present ticket dispenser. In FIGS. 5 and 6, the ticket dispenser extension 12 has been modified from that shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, with the dispenser extension end 26a of the extension 12 of FIGS. 5 and 6 having a straight edge or end extending completely across the width of the extension, without any provision for reliefs or insets therein. This is due to the alternative ticket separation mechanism provided in the embodiment of FIGS. 5 and 6, wherein a laterally disposed ticket tear-off bar 62 extends from the ticket dispensing end 26a of the dispenser extension 12 and is spaced therebeyond. The tear-off bar 62 may be in the general form of an L with one leg 62a in cantilevered attachment to one side 20 of the dispensing end 26a of the extension 12, as shown in solid lines in FIG. 5, or may alternatively have a somewhat squared, generally U-shaped configuration, with a second leg 62b (shown in broken lines in FIGS. 5 and 6) attached to the opposite side 18 of the dispensing end 26a of the extension 12. The space between the tear-off bar 62 and the dispensing end 26a of the extension 12 provides a ticket manipulation gap, which allows the user to advance the ticket strip through the device, with this gap functioning in much the same manner as the relief 60 in the embodiment of FIGS.1 and 2.

The ticket tear-off bar 62 includes a lateral ticket passage slot 64 formed therethrough, with a ticket tear-off blade 66 formed along at least one edge thereof (e.g., the lower edge, as shown in FIGS. 5 and 6). A laterally disposed ticket support 68 may be provided immediately adjacent the blade 66 and between the blade and dispensing end 26a of the extension 12 to prevent the unseparated tickets from falling behind the ticket passage slot 64 and out of alignment therewith. The ends of the unseparated tickets rest upon the support 68, substantially in alignment with the slot 64 for ease of advancement of the unseparated tickets through the slot. The ticket support 68 may be formed in a number of ways, but forming the support as an integral part of the ticket tear-off bar 62 by bending the support 68 generally as shown in the sectional view of FIG. 6 works well when the bar 62 is formed of sheet metal. Alternatively, the support may be formed as a separate component and attached to the bar adjacent the ticket separation blade cutting edge.

FIG. 7 illustrates yet another embodiment of a ticket tear-off mechanism for the ticket dispenser. In the embodiment of FIG. 7, the ticket dispenser extension 12 has a stepped ticket tear-off end or edge formed of the relatively shorter upper portion dispensing end 26b and the relatively longer lower portion dispensing end 26c. The upper edge of the longer portion 26c (i.e., the edge formed by the extension end and floor of the ticket passage 22) is used to tear off the tickets as they pass the end of the dispensing extension 12, with the open area of the ticket passage 22 providing a ticket retaining area 58a serving the same purpose as the ticket retention passage 58 of the embodiment of FIGS. 1 and 3. The user of the ticket dispenser of FIG. 7 may prevent the ticket string from unwanted advancement by gripping the tickets against the ticket retaining area 58a and holding them in place during the tear-off operation.

The ticket dispenser in its various embodiments is used essentially as described further above, with a roll of tickets R being installed between the two ticket holder arms 42a and 42b, and the ticket roll axle 50 installed through the distal end passages 46a, 46b of the two arms and through the ticket roll hub 54. The unbroken string of tickets T is then inserted into the ticket entry end 24 of the extension 12, and passed through the ticket passage 22 to exit the opposite ticket-dispensing end 26 of the device. The wing nut 52 may then be tightened slightly to apply slight braking pressure to the two arm distal ends 44a, 44b against the ticket roll R and/or hub 54 to prevent the ticket roll R from unwinding while still allowing the ticket string T to be advanced by pulling on the dispensing end of the ticket string.

Even greater convenience may be enjoyed by providing for supporting the ticket dispenser 10 upon the user's person. A support eye 70 or the like may be provided in the top of the device, with a swivel hook 72 or the like removably attached thereto. An elongate shoulder strap 74 (shown partially in FIGS. 1 through 4) is attached to the swivel hook 72 to allow the device 10 to be suspended from about the neck or shoulders of the user in order to allow the user to have both hands free to operate the device or perform other duties as required. Alternatively, the device may be suspended from the belt of the user by means of a laterally disposed belt loop 76, as shown in FIGS. 1, 2, and 4. While the belt loop 76 is shown on the left side of the device for the convenience of a right-handed user, it will be understood that such a loop 76 could be installed upon either, or both, sides of the device.

In conclusion, the ticket dispenser in its various embodiments greatly facilitates the dispensing of rolled tickets, particularly rolls of laterally joined doubled tickets as commonly provided at raffles and similar functions. The ticket splitter element, with its automated separation of the laterally joined tickets as they are dispensed from the device, eliminates one of the tedious tasks associated with the dispensing of such tickets. The ticket dispenser thus saves considerable time for the person dispensing tickets, particularly when a large number of tickets are being handled. This allows the person dispensing the tickets more time to handle other chores, such as financial transactions associated with the tickets, and generally streamlines the entire ticket dispensing operation. Accordingly, the ticket dispenser will be much appreciated by those involved in clubs, associations, and other organizations that have need to handle and dispense tickets for raffles, lotteries, door prizes, and similar activities.

It is to be understood that the present invention is not limited to the embodiments described above, but encompasses any and all embodiments within the scope of the following claims.

  • 1. A ticket dispenser, comprising: an elongate ticket dispensing extension having an upper portion, a lower portion opposite the upper portion, mutually opposed first and second lateral edges, a ticket entry end, and a ticket dispensing end opposite the ticket entry end, the upper portion, lower portion, and first and second lateral edges defining a wide, thin, ticket passage for laterally paired tickets, the passage extending from the ticket entry end to the ticket dispensing end; a splitter disposed within the passage defined in the ticket dispensing extension adjacent the ticket dispensing end thereof, the splitter being adapted for separating the laterally paired tickets so that the tickets are no longer paired laterally; and a ticket roll holder extending from the ticket entry end of the ticket dispensing extension.
  • 2. The ticket dispenser according to claim 1, wherein said ticket holder comprises: first and second ticket roll holder arms extending from the first and second lateral edges of said ticket dispensing extension, respectively, adjacent the ticket entry end thereof, each of the arms having a distal end; a ticket roll axle disposed across each of the arms through the distal end thereof, the axle having a fixed end and an adjustment end opposite the fixed end; and an adjustment clamp disposed upon the adjustment end of the axle selectively bearing against the distal end of the first ticket roll holder arm, thereby selectively urging the distal end of the first arm toward the distal end of the opposite second arm and frictionally gripping the arms against a ticket roll disposed between the first and second arms.
  • 3. The ticket dispenser according to claim 1, wherein said ticket dispensing extension has a key passage defined therein adjacent the ticket dispensing end, said splitter comprising: a ticket splitter key having a distal end, the key defining a laterally disposed slot; and a ticket splitter element disposed across the slot, the distal end of the key being adjustably disposed within the key passage defined in said ticket dispensing extension.
  • 4. The ticket dispenser according to claim 3, wherein said ticket dispensing extension has a ticket splitter alignment port defined in the upper portion adjacent the ticket dispensing end thereof.
  • 5. The ticket dispenser according to claim 1, further comprising means attached to said ticket holder for carrying the dispenser, the carrying means being selected from the group consisting of at least one laterally disposed belt loop and an elongate shoulder strap.
  • 6. The ticket dispenser according to claim 1, further including a laterally disposed ticket tear-off blade extending from and beyond the ticket dispensing end of said ticket dispensing extension for separating the laterally paired tickets from the roll sequentially.
  • 7. The ticket dispenser according to claim 1, further including a stepped ticket tear-off edge extending from the lower portion of the ticket dispensing end of said ticket dispensing extension and beyond the upper portion thereof for separating the laterally paired tickets from the roll sequentially.
  • 8. A ticket dispenser, comprising: an elongate ticket dispensing extension having a ticket entry end, a ticket dispensing end opposite the ticket entry end, and mutually opposed first and second lateral edges; first and second ticket roll holder arms extending from the first and second lateral edges of the ticket dispensing extension, respectively, adjacent the ticket entry end thereof, each of the arms having a distal end; a ticket roll axle disposed across each of the arms through the distal end thereof, the axle having a fixed end and an adjustment end opposite the fixed end; and an adjustment clamp disposed upon the adjustment end of the axle selectively bearing against the distal end of the first ticket roll holder arm, thereby selectively urging the distal end of the first arm toward the distal end of the opposite second arm and frictionally gripping the arms against a ticket roll disposed between the first and second arms.
  • 9. The ticket dispenser according to claim 8, wherein said ticket dispensing extension has an upper portion and a lower portion opposite the upper portion, the upper and lower portions and the first and second lateral edges defining a wide, thin, laterally paired ticket passage extending through said extension from the ticket entry end to the ticket dispensing end, the dispenser further comprising a splitter disposed within the passage of said extension adjacent the ticket dispensing end thereof, the splitter being adapted for separating laterally paired tickets so that the tickets are no longer paired laterally.
  • 10. The ticket dispenser according to claim 9, wherein said ticket dispensing extension has a key passage defined therein adjacent the ticket dispensing end, said splitter comprising: a ticket splitter key having a distal end, the key defining a laterally disposed slot; and a ticket splitter element disposed across the slot, the distal end of the key being adjustably disposed within the key passage defined in said ticket dispensing extension.
  • 11. The ticket dispenser according to claim 9, wherein said ticket dispensing extension has a ticket splitter alignment port defined in the upper portion adjacent the ticket dispensing end thereof.
  • 12. The ticket dispenser according to claim 8, further comprising means attached to said ticket holder for carrying the dispenser, the carrying means being selected from the group consisting of at least one laterally disposed belt loop and an elongate shoulder strap.
  • 13. The ticket dispenser according to claim 8, further including a laterally disposed ticket tear-off blade extending from and beyond the ticket dispensing end of said ticket dispensing extension for separating the laterally paired tickets from the roll sequentially.
  • 14. The ticket dispenser according to claim 8, wherein said ticket dispensing extension has an upper portion and a lower portion opposite the upper portion, the dispenser further including a stepped ticket tear-off edge extending from the lower portion of the ticket dispensing end of said ticket dispensing extension and beyond the upper portion thereof for separating the laterally paired tickets from the roll sequentially.
  • 15. A ticket dispenser, comprising: an elongate ticket dispensing extension having an upper portion, a lower portion opposite the upper portion, mutually opposed first and second lateral edges, a ticket entry end, and a ticket dispensing end opposite the ticket entry end, the upper portion and lower portions and the first and second lateral edges defining a wide, thin, laterally paired ticket passage extending through the extension from the ticket entry end to the ticket dispensing end; a laterally paired ticket splitter disposed within the passage defined in the extension adjacent the ticket dispensing end thereof, the splitter being adapted for separating laterally paired tickets so that the tickets are no longer paired laterally; first and second ticket roll holder arms extending from the first and second lateral edges of the ticket dispensing extension, respectively, adjacent the ticket entry end thereof, each of the arms having a distal end; a ticket roll axle disposed across each of the arms through the distal end thereof, the axle having a fixed end and an adjustment end opposite the fixed end; and an adjustment clamp disposed upon the adjustment end of the axle selectively bearing against the distal end of the first ticket roll holder arm, thereby selectively urging the distal end of the first arm toward the distal end of the opposite second arm and frictionally gripping the arms against a ticket roll disposed between the first and second arms.
  • 16. The ticket dispenser according to claim 15, wherein said ticket dispensing extension has a key passage defined therein adjacent the ticket dispensing end, said splitter comprising: a ticket splitter key having a distal end, the key defining a laterally disposed slot; and a ticket splitter element disposed across the slot, the distal end of the key being adjustably disposed within the key passage defined in said ticket dispensing extension.
  • 17. The ticket dispenser according to claim 16, wherein said ticket dispensing extension has a ticket splitter alignment port defined in the upper portion adjacent the ticket dispensing end thereof.
  • 18. The ticket dispenser according to claim 15, further comprising means attached to said ticket holder for carrying the dispenser, the carrying means being selected from the group consisting of at least one laterally disposed belt loop and an elongate shoulder strap.
  • 19. The ticket dispenser according to claim 15, further including a laterally disposed ticket tear-off blade extending from and beyond the ticket dispensing end of said ticket dispensing extension for separating the laterally paired tickets from the roll sequentially.
  • 20. The ticket dispenser according to claim 15, further including a stepped ticket tear-off edge extending from the lower portion of the ticket dispensing end of said ticket dispensing extension and beyond the upper portion thereof for separating the laterally paired tickets from the roll sequentially.