The present invention is in the technical area of methods and components for hand-rolling and machine rolling cigarettes using tip filters and smokable material in a paper receptacle. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to tip and filters fabricated having a discrete adhesive area particularly for maintaining the desired diameter and securing tips and filters to the rolling paper.
Rolling smokable material into a cigarette by loading the material onto a paper receptacle, rolling and sealing the paper typically with adhesive gum into a self-contained cylinder is a well-known process in the art. In the process in the conventional art it is common to add a tip or filter to the rolling paper and place at the end of cigarette rolling paper to be rolled into a cigarette.
The process of incorporating a Tip or filter in the rolled cigarette is also well-known in the art. Papers and paper like material are commercially available both for the rolling the cigarette and for rolling the tip or filter. Tips and filters are available commercially in both pre-rolled tips and packets of flat paper material used for rolling your own tips and filters. Tips and filters are available in pads of multiple sheets of flat paper like material and are fabricated from a diverse range of materials such as wood pulp, rice, hemp and the like. Many users of traditional rolling papers commonly add a tip or filter to the rolling paper during the rolling process. Users place tips or filters onto the rolling paper to prevent the smokable material from entering to the mouth of the smoker or to filter the smoke before it reaches the smoker's mouth.
The sheets of unrolled tips and filters may be peeled off the pad and hand-rolled to a desired diameter and placed on the rolling paper to be used individually. Traditional and current tips and filters do not come with adhesive gum on both sides of tip and filter sheets, for the deliberate purpose of maintaining the desired diameter and securing the tip and filter to the rolling paper.
The problem with current tips and filters:
The present invention solves the aforementioned problems by adding adhesive gum on both sides of the sheets of tip and filter material and by adding adhesive gum to the outside of pre-rolled tips and filters. By adding adhesive gum to both sides of the paper material of unrolled tip filters and adding adhesive gum to the outside of pre-rolled tip filters the present invention maintains the desired diameter of tip filters while securing the tips and filters to the rolling paper. The present disclosure deliberately adds adhesive gum to the outside of tip filters and secures the tips and filters in place on the rolling paper, preventing tips and filters from falling out of cigarette.
In one embodiment a packet of paper like material for rolling tips and filter for a cigarette is provided, comprising a plurality of individual tip filter paper material, each having one side and an opposite side, and having a common joined edge from which individual papers are removable, and a gummed adhesive applied to a portion of both the one side and the opposite side of each individual tip filter paper material.
In another embodiment sheets of paper like material and other suitable material for rolling filter tips for a cigarette is provided, comprising a plurality of individual tip filter paper material, each having one side and an opposite side, from which individual papers are removable, and a gummed adhesive applied to a portion of both the one side and the opposite side of each individual tip filter paper material.
In yet another embodiment pre-rolled tips and filters fabricated from paper, paper like materials and other suitable materials for rolling tip filters for a cigarette is provided, comprising a plurality of individual pre-rolled tip filters each having a discrete adhesive area on the outside of the pre-rolled tips and filters.
In yet another embodiment the gummed adhesive is of a sort that is adapted to be moistened before use to activate adhesion.
In another aspect of the invention a method for rolling a cigarette is provided, comprising providing a packet of tip filter papers comprising a plurality of individual tip filter papers, each tip filter paper having one side and an opposite side, and having a common joined edge from which individual papers are removable, individual tip filter papers in the packet having a gummed adhesive applied to a portion of both the one side and the opposite side of each individual tip filter paper, removing one tip filter paper from the packet, moistening one side of the tip filter paper removed, rolling the tip filter paper into a cylinder with the moistened side inside the roll, such that the surfaces of the tip filter paper stick to one another, maintaining the desired diameter of the rolled tip filter in the cylinder, placing a cigarette rolling paper flat on a support surface, moistening the outside of the tip filter to activate the adhesive, on at least a portion of a length of the rolled tip filter, placing the rolled tip filter at the edge of the cigarette rolling paper, proximate an orthogonal edge of the cigarette rolling paper the adhesive on tip filter making contact with rolling paper, placing a line of smokable material on the cigarette rolling paper in line with the tip filter, and rolling the smokable material into a cylinder or a cone in the cigarette rolling paper. The moistened outside adhesive on the rolled tip filter adheres to the end of the rolling paper inside of the cylinder of cigarette paper.
In another embodiment the method further comprises tamping the smokable material into a greater density in the rolled cylinder or cone, and twisting the open end closed to finish the cigarette.
In the following description of different embodiments of the invention reference is made at different places in the specification to
Element 404 represents a strip of adhesive along an edge of each tip filter sheet in the packet. In one embodiment the adhesive is of a sort that dries, but may be moistened, like a stamp, to activate the adhesive. But this is not a limitation either. In some embodiments the adhesive may not be dry and moistenable but may be a other types of adhesive. The inventor is aware that in this circumstance the sheets will stick together but understands they may still be separated for use. Adhesive strip 404 may vary in width in one embodiment and the adhesive is applied to both sides of each sheet in the packet, typically before the papers are joined to the common edge.
From the circumstance shown in
Rolling paper 102 in this example may have a strip 105 of moistenable adhesive along one inside edge as shown, or there may be no adhesive. From the circumstance as shown in
Current tips and filters typically used in hand-rolled and machine rolled cigarettes are defective by having many repeated instances of rolling a cigarette according to this process, or a process very much like it, and having the tip filters unable to maintain the user's desired diameter and shape making the rolling process difficult as well as the tip filters falling out of the cigarette while smoking the cigarette and subsequent handling of the cigarette. The problem of typical and current tips and filters is there is no adhesive on both sides. The current tip filters contain no adhesive causing the tip filters to unravel and often falling out of the cigarette before and during the smoking of the cigarette. The present invention solves these problems by providing strategically adding adhesive to discrete areas on both sides of sheets of tip and filter and to outside of pre-rolled tips and filters. The present invention provides for adhesive on both sides of the tip filter to be moistened, if necessary, and necessarily rolled inside so the tip maintain the desired diameter and staying intact during and after rolling, making the rolling process of the cigarette easier and more efficient. The outside of current tip filters do not have adhesive and therefore will not adhere to rolling papers 102, so often the tip may slide out of the paper cylinder during rolling of the cigarette and before use and while in use, or in subsequent handling.
The present invention solves these problems by providing adhesive to both-sides of tip and filter sheets. With a tip filter sheet with adhesive on both sides the user may moisten one side and roll the tip filter into desired diameter and keep this diameter while preparing and handling the rolling paper while adding smoking material and during the rolling process. Then, referring to
A skilled person will understand that the embodiments and procedures described above are entirely exemplary, and that there may be many variations within the scope of the invention. The invention is limited only by the scope of the claims.