Tire having an improved carcass

A tire wherein the reinforcing cords of the carcass, in the part situated between the anchoring zone of the carcass and the sidewall, are in contact with at least one layer of cushion compound having a high modulus of elasticity on the axially outer side and a low modulus of elasticity on the axially inner side and in the sidewall.


The invention relates to the sidewalls and the beads of tires and, more particularly, the cushion compounds in contact with the reinforcing cords of the carcass or carcasses anchored in the beads.

The beads of tires are rigid parts which function to seat the tire on the rim and anchor the carcasses. Their contact with the rim, particularly the rim flanges, must be made, during travel, with a minimum of slippage to reduce wear due to rubbing against the rim. The sidewalls, on the other hand, are very flexible. It is important to avoid any sudden variation in rigidity between the beads and the sidewalls, particularly to ensure good endurance of the tires. Thus the beads may be considered to comprise two parts, an anchoring zone whose walls are designed to come into contact with the seat and the flange of the rim and, radially outwardly, a transition zone adjacent to the sidewalls. The anchoring means of the carcasses are arranged in the anchoring zone of the bead.

European Patent 0,582,196 discloses a tire comprising a tread extended by two sidewalls and two beads, as well as a carcass anchored in the two beads and having an annular reinforcement. The carcass is made up of cords arranged in adjacent fashion, aligned circumferentially and in contact with at least one layer of cushion compound having a very high modulus of elasticity in the anchoring zone of the bead that contains the annular reinforcement. In this tire, the annular reinforcement of the anchoring zone of the bead is made up of piles of circumferential cords with a layer of cushion compound of high modules or elasticity interposed between the reinforcing cords of the carcass and said piles.

The mode of anchoring of the carcass of this tire has the advantage of avoiding a sudden variation in rigidity due to the turn-up end of the carcass. The change in rigidity between the anchoring zone of the carcass and the sidewalls can thus be much more gradual.


The subject of the invention is a tire in which the structure of the beads and the sidewalls is further perfected to improve its quality and performance without complicating its manufacture.

In the following, “cord” is understood to mean both monofilaments and multifilaments, or assemblies such as cables, twists or any other type of equivalent assemblies, and this, regardless of the material or treatment of these cords, for example, surface treatment or coating or preglueing to promote adhesion to the rubber.

“Layer of cushion compound” for a given reinforcing ply is understood to mean the rubber blend in contact with the reinforcing cords of the ply, adhering to these and filling the interstices between adjacent cords. In current industrial practice, for a given carcass ply, the same quality of cushion compounds is used for the various zones of the tire.

“Contact” between a cord and a layer of cushion compound is understood to mean that at least part of the outer circumference of the cord is in intimate contact with the rubber blend constituting the cushion compound.

“Sidewalls” are the regions of the tire having little flexural strength situated between the crown and the beads. “Sidewall blends” are the rubber blends situated axially outwardly in relation to the reinforcing cords of the carcass and to their cushion compounds. These blends have a low modulus of elasticity. The sidewalls usually have no reinforcement other than the carcass.

The part of the tire adjacent radially inwardly to the sidewall is called the “bead.” Two zones or regions may be distinguished in a bead, an “anchoring zone” whose radially inner and axially outer walls are designed to come into contact, when the tire is in use, with a seat and a flange of the rim and, radially outwardly, a “transition zone” adjacent to the sidewall. The anchoring means of the carcasses are also arranged in the anchoring zone. These means are usually an annular reinforcement which may be a rod, piles of circumferential cords or any other means.

The transition zone of the bead constitutes an intermediate part between the anchoring zone and the sidewall whose flexural rigidity diminishes progressively as the sidewall is approached. This region comprises, in particular, bead filling rubbers called “bead fillers”. Conventionally in this transition zone of the bead a sidewall blend constitutes the outermost protection against mechanical and atmospheric attacks. It would be advisable for the demarcation between the transition zone of the bead and the sidewall to correspond to the radially outer limit of the fillers. The demarcation between the transition and anchoring zones of the bead corresponds radially to the radial height of the flange of the rim on which the tire is designed to be mounted. However, when annular reinforcing elements go beyond this radial limit, it would be advisable that the limit between the transition and anchoring zones of the bead correspond to the radially outer limit of the annular reinforcement anchoring the carcass.

“Modulus of elasticity” of a rubber blend is understood to mean a modulus of secant extension obtained at a deformation of uniaxial extension of about 10% at ambient temperature.

The tire according to the invention comprises a tread extended by two sidewalls and two beads, each bead having an anchoring zone and a transition zone, as well as a carcass anchored in the two beads, the said carcass being made up of cords. This tire is characterized in that, in at least part of the said transition zone of the beads, the reinforcing cords of the carcass arranged axially furthest toward the outside in the tire are in contact, on the axially outward side of the said cords, with a layer of cushion compounds having a given modulus of elasticity and the reinforcing cords of the carcass arranged axially furthest inwardly in the tire are in contact, on the side toward the inside of the tire, with a layer of cushion compounds having a lower modulus of elasticity and in that, in at least part of the said sidewalls, the reinforcing cords of the carcass arranged axially furthest outwardly in the tire are in contact, on the side of the said cords toward the outside of the tire, with a layer of cushion compounds having a modulus of elasticity lower than that of the said layer of cushion compounds having a given modulus of elasticity and the reinforcing cords of the carcass arranged axially furthest inwardly in the tire are in contact, on the side toward the inside of the tire, with a layer of cushion compounds having a modulus of elasticity lower than that of the said layer of cushion compounds having a given modulus of elasticity.

Preferably, the layer of cushion compounds having a given modulus of elasticity has a modulus of elasticity which may range from medium to very high.

The layer of cushion compounds having a given modulus of elasticity situated in the transition zone of the beads on the axially outer side of the tire in relation to the carcass reinforcing cords has the advantage of cooperating with said reinforcing cords to obtain a high circumferential rigidity of the whole. Such high rigidity helps to limit slippage between the outer wall of the bead and the rim flange during travel without penalizing the endurance of the bead on the inner side of the reinforcing cords of the carcass where the layers of cushion compounds are subjected to appreciable stresses of radial extension. This results in a marked gain in endurance of the tire.

According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, in at least part of the transition zone of the bead, the layers of cushion compounds in contact with the reinforcing cords of the carcass arranged axially furthest outwardly in the tire, on the side of the said cords toward the outside of the tire, are made up of at least one bead filler blend axially adjacent the outer side of the said reinforcing cords.

This embodiment provides a complementary role for the bead fillers concerned, that of rubber bonding with the reinforcing cords of the carcass. Reduction of the diversity of blends simplifies manufacture of the tire without sacrificing performance due to the proposed architecture of the tire.

Advantageously, the layers of cushion compounds in contact with the reinforcing cords of the carcass on the side of the said cords toward the outside of the tire are made up of at least two bead fillers having unlike moduli of elasticity and adjacent axially outwardly to the said reinforcing cords, the zone of contact between the bead fillers having a lower modulus of elasticity and the reinforcing cords being staggered axially outwardly in relation to the zone of contact between the bead fillers having a high modulus of elasticity and the reinforcing cords.

The bead fillers having a lower modulus of elasticity and adjacent outwardly to the reinforcing cords of the carcass may have a medium or high modulus of elasticity. The bead filler having a higher modulus of elasticity and adjacent outwardly of the reinforcing cords of the carcass may have a high or very high modulus of elasticity.


The invention is now described with the aid of the accompanying drawing, wherein:

FIG. 1

shows, in partial cross section, a bead and a sidewall of a tire according to the invention;

FIG. 2

shows a variant of the tire of

FIG. 1


FIG. 3

shows a second embodiment of a tire according to the invention;

FIG. 4

shows a variant of the tire of

FIG. 3


FIG. 5

shows a second variant of the tire of

FIG. 3


FIG. 6

shows a third variant of the tire of

FIG. 3


FIG. 7

shows a fourth variant of the tire of FIG.




A bead and a sidewall of a tire according to the invention are shown, in partial cross section, in FIG.


. The tire comprises a sidewall


adjacent to a bead


. The bead


has an anchoring zone


and a transition zone


adjacent to the sidewall


. The anchoring zone comprises a rod


about which is anchored a carcass


. The reinforcing cords of the carcass


form loops that surround the rod


, which makes the presence of a traditional turn-up of the carcass in the bead unnecessary. Such a carcass may be achieved in particular with the devices described in European Patent 0,243,851. The division indicated between the anchoring zone


and the transition zone


corresponds substantially to the radial height of the flange of the rim on which the tire is designed to be mounted. The reference numeral


corresponds to a combination of blends arranged over the whole of the inner wall of the tire, which usually includes a gastight blend called “interior rubber”. Then there is a first layer of rubber cushion compound


of the reinforcing cords of the carcass


. The layer


is arranged axially inwardly in relation to the carcass


and extends along the whole of the sidewall


and along the transition zone


to a point A located radially above the rod


in the anchoring zone and substantially to the demarcation between said anchoring zone and the transition zone. The layer


has a low modulus of elasticity. The reinforcing cords of the carcass


are then axially inwardly in contact with a rubber blend


having a high modulus of elasticity. The point of contact A between the layers




is always situated in a zone where the amplitude of radial extensions under various travel demands remains very low. Preferably, the radial distance between point A and the lower wall of the anchoring zone


of the bead


is less than the radial height of the flange of the rim designed to receive the tire according to the invention.

On the axially outer side of the carcass


, there is a layer of cushion compound


having a low modulus of elasticity. Said layer


extends over the whole of the sidewall


. Then there is a layer of cushion compound


having a high modulus of elasticity which extends along the entire transition zone


of the bead


. Axially outwardly in relation to the layer


, there is a sidewall blend


having a low modulus of elasticity. Axially outwardly in relation to the layer


, there is a bead filler


having a high modulus of elasticity. The point B, which separates the sidewall and the transition zone


of the bead


, corresponds substantially to the point at which the bead filler


stops radially. The sidewall blend


extends radially into the transition zone


of the bead


axially outwardly in relation to the bead filler


. This structure makes it possible to achieve excellent progression in the rigidity between the bead and the sidewall, which results in excellent strength and endurance in this part of the tire. In the radially lower part of the transition zone


and in the anchoring zone of the bead


there is, lastly, a blend


having a medium modulus of elasticity designed to come into contact with the flange and seat of the rim. This blend is usually specially designed to offer very good resistance to wear resulting from contact with the flange and seat of the rim.

FIG. 2

shows a variant of the tire of FIG.


. In this variant, the layers of cushion compounds of the reinforcing cords of the carcass


are constituted of the axially inner wall of sidewall blend


and bead filler


. Thus there is no specific layer of cushion compound on the axially outer side of the carcass


. This structure makes it possible to obtain excellent impregnation of the reinforcing cords of the carcass


by the blends




at the time of curing of the tire while retaining excellent performance of longitudinal rigidity in the transition zone


of the bead


. This structure also has the advantage of reducing the number of layers of rubber blends to be put into place at the time of fabrication of the tire, which is very important for reducing its cost of manufacture.

In the first embodiment illustrated by

FIGS. 1 and 2

, the blends having a low modulus of elasticity have a modulus of elasticity of less than 6 MPa and preferably between 2 and 5 MPa. The blends having a high modulus of elasticity have a modulus of between 12 and 25 MPa. The layers




may also have a very high modulus of elasticity, greater than 25 MPa, even greater than 30 MPa.

Another embodiment of a tire according to the invention, whose structure is close to that described in European Patent 0,582,196, is shown in FIG.


. In this tire, the carcass


is anchored in the anchoring zone


of the bead


by piles




of circumferential cords with interposition, between said piles and the reinforcing cords of the carcass


, of a layer of cushion compound


having a very high modulus of elasticity, i.e., having a modulus of elasticity greater than 25 MPa and preferably greater than 30 MPa. In particular, such a carcass may be achieved with the devices described in European Patent 0,580,055. Then the layers of cushion compounds of the reinforcing cords of the carcass


in the anchoring zone


of the bead


are composed of the blend


having a very high modulus of elasticity. In the radially lower part of the transition zone


and in the anchoring zone


of the bead


, there is a blend


having a medium modulus of elasticity


designed to come into contact with the flange and seat of the rim. This blend is usually specially designed to offer very good wear resistance.

On the axially inner side, starting from point A, the radially outer limit of the layer of cushion compound


having a very high modulus of elasticity, there is, as before, a layer of cushion compound


having a low modulus of elasticity which extends radially over practically the whole of the transition zone


of the bead


and over the entire sidewall



On the radially outer side, starting from point C, the radially outer limit of the layer of cushion compound


having a very high modulus of elasticity, there is, as before, a layer of cushion compound


having a high or medium modulus of elasticity which extends radially over practically the whole of the transition zone


of the bead


until substantially the point B, where the sidewall


begins. The demarcation between the layer


and the layer


having a medium or low modulus of elasticity is situated preferably at B, but may alternatively be staggered on one side and the other by several millimeters. In other embodiments of the invention, this demarcation may alternatively be situated substantially lower radially. In the sidewall


, the layer of cushion compound


consists of a blend having a medium or low modulus of elasticity. In this example, the layer


having a high modulus of elasticity has a modulus of elasticity of between 12 and 25 MPa. The layer


has a modulus of below 6 MPa and preferably between 2 and 5 MPa (low modulus of elasticity) or between 6 and 12 MPa (medium modulus of elasticity). When the layer


has a medium modulus of elasticity, the layer


has a low modulus of elasticity, and when the layer


has a high modulus of elasticity, the layer


may have a medium or low modulus of elasticity, as the case may be.

In the example shown, points A and C are located in the transition zone


of the bead


. Depending upon the case, they may alternatively be located at the demarcation between the anchoring zone


and the transition zone


or in the anchoring zone


of the bead



FIG. 4

shows a variant embodiment of the tire of

FIG. 3

wherein the layers of cushion compounds arranged axially outwardly of the reinforcing cords of the carcass


are made up of the sidewall blends


having a low modulus of elasticity and of filler


having a high modulus of elasticity. As before, this variant is very advantageous for facilitating fabrication of the tire.

Tests on 185/65×14 tires have shown that replacement in the transition zone of the beads, on the side of the carcass-reinforcing cords axially toward the outside of the tire, of cushion compounds having a low modulus by a cushion compounds having a high modulus of elasticity made as in the examples illustrated in




, permitted an increase of more than 10% in the longitudinal and transverse rigidities of the tire.

FIG. 5

shows a second variant of the tire of FIG.


. The reinforcing cords of the carcass


are in contact, successively, from the anchoring zone to the sidewalls, on the side toward the outside of the tire, with a first blend


having a very high modulus of elasticity, then with a first filler


having a high modulus of elasticity (from C to D), then with a second filler


having a medium modulus of elasticity (from D to B) and lastly, in the zone of the sidewalls, with a sidewall blend


having a low modulus of elasticity. The zones of contact between the reinforcing cords and the two fillers having unlike moduli of elasticity are staggered radially so that the zone of contact between the filler having a high modulus of elasticity (from C to D) is the one closest to the anchoring zone of the bead. This variant has the advantage of improving the progressive decrease in flexural rigidity of the transition zone of the tire, while, as before, facilitating its manufacture by reason of the smaller number of its constituents.

FIG. 6

presents another variant of the tire according to the invention, similar to that illustrated in FIG.


. The bead of this tire is virtually identical to that of FIG.


. The difference between these two tires is related to the fact that, in the sidewalls, there is arranged a layer


of cushion compound having a medium or low modulus of elasticity arranged in contact with the reinforcing cords of the carcass


, on the side of said cords toward the outside of the tire. This layer of cushion compound


comes to cover the radially outer end B of the second filler


which serves as cushion compound in the transition zone adjacent to the sidewall.

This embodiment seems to be a regression with respect to the preceding one as concerns ease of manufacture of the tire. However, it may prove to be advantageous to include this layer of cushion compound in the sidewalls of the outer side of the reinforcing cords of the carcass because of the high cost of all the agents for protection against ozone and oxygen usually present in sidewall blends. This accomplishment may also permit optimization of adhesion to the reinforcing cords of the carcass, if necessary.

Tests of endurance of the beads—test of straight-line travel under heavy load and high inflation pressure—were performed for 185/65×14 tires corresponding to the variant embodiments shown in

FIGS. 5 and 6

. These tires were compared to controls comprising a layer of rubber having a low modulus of elasticity on the axially outer side of the carcass cords over all the transition zones of the beads and the sidewalls. An increase in length of service life by a factor of




was found for the tires corresponding to the variants of

FIGS. 5 and 6


FIG. 7

presents an alternative embodiment of the tire illustrated by FIG.


. In this embodiment, it is the radially outer end of the filler


which covers the radially inner end of the layer of cushion compound


having a medium or low modulus of elasticity arranged in contact with the reinforcing cords of the carcass


in the sidewalls and the side toward the outside of the tire. Consequently, in this embodiment, the radially inner limit of the layer of cushion compound having a low modulus of elasticity is situated at point E in the transition zone of the bead instead of being practically at the limit between the sidewall and the transition zone of the bead. In other embodiments, said limit E may alternatively be situated as far as the point D, i.e., from below to midway between D and C.

To produce the various tires according to the invention, it is very advantageous to make them on a rigid core which determines the shape of the inner cavity of the tire. On this core, there are applied, in the order required by the final architecture, all the constituents of the tire, which are arranged directly in their final position, without undergoing shaping at any time in manufacture. Such manufacture may employ in particular the devices described in European Patent 0,264,600 to put the rubber into position. The tire may be molded and vulcanized as described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,895,692.

The tires according to the invention may comprise a carcass composed of a single circumferential alignment of reinforcing cords anchored in the two beads of the tire, in which case the reinforcing cords of the carcass are in contact radially outwardly with the layers of cushion compounds as described above. Said tires may alternatively comprise a carcass composed of a plurality of circumferential alignments of reinforcing cords anchored in the two beads. In this case, of course, only the reinforcing cords belonging to the circumferential alignment arranged radially most outwardly in the tire or most inwardly in the tire are in contact with the layers of cushion compounds such as described above.

  • 1. A tire comprising a tread extended by two sidewalls and two beads, each bead having an anchoring zone and a transition zone, a carcass anchored in the two beads, the said carcass being composed of reinforcing cordswherein,in at least part of said transition zone of the beads, the reinforcing cords of the carcass arranged axially furthest outwardly in the tire are in contact, on the side of said cords toward the outside of the tire, with layers of cushion compounds composed of at least two bead fillers having unlike secant moduli of elasticity at 10% elongation, a given modulus and a lower one, said bead fillers being adjacent axially outwardly to said reinforcing cords, a zone of contact between the bead filler having a lower secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation and the reinforcing cords being staggered outwardly in relation to the zone of contact between the bead filler having a given secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation and the reinforcing cords and the reinforcing cords of the carcass arranged axially furthest inwardly in the tire are in contact, on the side toward the inside of the tire, with a layer of cushion compound having a secant modulus of elasticity at 10% lower than that of the layer of cushion compound having a given secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation and in that, in at least part of the said sidewalls, the reinforcing cords of the carcass arranged axially furthest outwardly in the tire are in contact, on the side of said cords toward the outside of the tire, with a layer of cushion compound having a secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation lower than that of the said layer of cushion compound having a given secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation and the reinforcing cords of the carcass arranged axially furthest inwardly in the tire are in contact, on the side toward the inside of the tire, with a layer of cushion compound having a secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation lower than that of the said layer of cushion compound having a given secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation.
  • 2. A tire according to claim 1, wherein the bead filler having a lower secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation and adjacent outwardly to the reinforcing cords of the carcass has a medium secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation.
  • 3. A tire according to claim 1, wherein the bead filler having a given secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation and adjacent outwardly to the reinforcing cords of the carcass has a high secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation.
  • 4. A tire according to claim 1, wherein the bead filler having a given secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation and adjacent outwardly to the reinforcing cords of the carcass has a very high secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation.
  • 5. A tire according to claim 1, wherein a medium secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation is between 6 and 12 MPa.
  • 6. A tire according to claim 1, wherein a high secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation is between 12 and 25 MPa.
  • 7. A tire according to claim 1, wherein a very high secant modulus of elasticity at 10% elongation is greater than 25 MPa.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
97 04246 Apr 1997 FR
Parent Case Info

This application is based on provisional application Ser. No. 60/058,349 filed Sep. 10, 1997.

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5660656 Herbelleau et al. Aug 1997
5702548 Arnaud et al. Dec 1997
Foreign Referenced Citations (5)
Number Date Country
0066225 May 1982 EP
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Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60/058349 Sep 1997 US