FIG. 4,5,6 Stacked in a Cribbing for a detainment wall.
In FIG. 4,5,6, you will see how the crib members are put together to make a cribbing for a retaining wall. (2) Tread Rings (3) Sidewalls and (4) Fasteners. That are use to connect the sidewall to each other and to the tread rings so the unit is all one.
The Invention is very simple in detail. It is made up of three parts. Two of the parts are from tires and they are 1 tire tread ring and 2 sidewall that has been removed from the tread ring and then cut to fit over the tread ring. And these parts are all connected with a fastener. The fastener could be make out of stainless steel (but not limited to this). These part are put together in a cribbing manor to make a structure that can be easily filled with filling material. The way this is done is by placing the tread ring beside each other and connecting them with a fastener where the tread rings are hitting each other. Now you take the sidewalls and slip them over the tread rings and fasteners and fastened the sidewall end on the bottom side of the tread ring. This is done on the bottom or first row of tread ring cribs. The first crib may be several tread rings deep. Now for the next row of tread ring cribs or second row. Take new tread rings and put them over the sidewall that are coming out of the first row of tread rings so that they will have the first tread ring row under them. You will see that the center of the new tread ring are over the lower tread ring where the tread rings are fasten together. Now you fasten all the tread rings together like you did on the first row. You fasten them where the tread rings meet together. Now you take the sidewall and slip them over the tread rings like you did in the first row, so that they are going by the sidewall that are coming out of the first row of rings. You fasten them to each other were their sides cross, and the end of the sidewall you fasten that to the bottom ring where ever it will reach. After this row of cribbing is done, to make the next crib row. You do the same thing that was done in putting on the second row of Tire Tread Ring. Repeat again and again for each row of cribbing. This will create a stable structure for a verity of need by using the “Tire Tread Ring Cribbing” system.