With the Toilet Tank Tablet Delivery System you will be cutting down on Lime or calcium buildup in the water ports of your toilet bowl
This will also kill mold and mildew that would normally grow under the rim of your toilet bowl
By using the bleach tablets each time you flush as the water fills up your toilet bowl it is cleaning it
It will increase the life of your toilet as well by keeping the water ports clean for a proper flush
(1) Picture of complete invention put together and ready to install
(2) Picture on bottom fits in overflow tube in toilet tank and. Toilet Tank Tablet goes inside. Has ridges on bottom to allow water to flow under tablet and into overflow tube to fill the toilet itself.
(3) Picture of shower which slides onto bottom for easy access. Bowl is ⅝ of an inch deep to allow water flow through shower onto tablet.
(4) Picture of top in which the intake water line hooks to in order to fill your toilet. Slips in 3 prongs to keep from coming off from water pressure. Has supports on intake tube to give more stability when hooking tube to part.