The invention relates generally to medical imaging using X-ray computed tomography (CT), and more particularly the invention relates to reconstructing cone-beam x-ray scan data in tomographic imaging.
Computed tomography is an established medical technique for visualizing internal organs with high resolution. Both fan beams and cone beams (CB) of x-rays are employed in CT.
3D image reconstruction from circular CB data has been an active research field for the last two decades. While the exact reconstruction is achievable on the plane of the source trajectory (mid-plane) if the rotation angle is larger than π plus cone angle, it is impossible outside this central plane (off-plane). Many approximate algorithms have been developed for a circular CB scan. The filtered-backprojection (FBP-based reconstruction, due to Feldkamp et al. (FDK), is by far the most popular algorithm mainly for its structure of one-dimensional (1D) shift-invariant filtering. Although developed heuristically as an extension of the exact fan-beam reconstruction, this algorithm is very close to the optimal in the sense of without data extrapolation. It, however, results in severe CB artifacts in the case of short scan, which is very attractive in many applications, such as in the current C-arm CT. In order to handle the data redundancy, a simple but empirical modification of FDK uses Parker's weighting (P-FDK), which is accurate only for the mid-plane. Unlike the FDK algorithm on a full scan, this algorithm is not the optimal even in the sense of without data extrapolation. Nonetheless, the structure of 1D shift-invariant feature (for computation efficiency), other researchers apply a mathematically exact algorithm to the short scan source trajectory. The derived algorithm, however, does not necessarily achieve the optimal reconstruction.
The present invention proposes use of a tomographic reconstruction algorithm using shift-invariant filtering and backprojection with the maximum tomographic capability of a circular scan larger than π plus cone angle, when CB data is not truncated and data extrapolation is not allowed. The reconstruction scheme includes a conventional FDK reconstruction and a parallel reconstruction using differential back projection and 1D Hilbert transform to suppress the CB artifacts. Numerical results compare the performances of P-FDK and our algorithm, and show that the algorithm outperforms P-FDK generally. The reconstructed quality on a short scan using our algorithm is comparable to that on a full scan using FDK, although the data acquisition is reduced almost by half. Reconstructions on simulated noisy data manifest the stability of our algorithm.
The invention and object and features thereof will be more readily apparent from the following detailed description and appended claims when taken with the drawings.
Data Acquisition Geometry
Consider first a mathematical description of the reconstruction problem, and two theorems that are important in our algorithm derivation. The conversion theorem from divergent projection to parallel projection provides a link between these two imaging geometries, and the FBP-based algorithm on a tilted parallel full scan gives the optimal reconstruction if projection data is not truncated and extrapolation is not allowed. A generalized version of the latter is also derived for later use.
Herein, we use an equally spaced flat panel detector with a finite size. As shown in
{right arrow over (s)}(β)=(D cos β,D sin β,0),β∈[βs,βe] (1)
The object to be reconstructed is described by a nonnegative function ƒ({right arrow over (r)}), where ({right arrow over (r)})=(x, y, z) is the Cartesian coordinate. It is also assumed that ƒ is compactly supported and that the CB detector covers the whole object from any view during data acquisition. In other words, there is no truncation of the projection data.
Denoting the distance from O to detector as Dod, then the relation between p(u, v, β), the real projection image and pv (u, v, β), the image on a virtual detector that is parallel to the real detector and passes through O, is as follows:
For simplicity, we regard the virtual detector as the real detector, and reconstruct from pv hereafter. The subscript of pv is dropped without ambiguity.
The projection data on the detector are measured along two unit vectors in the Cartesian coordinate system, êu(β)=(−sin β, cos β, 0) and êv (β)=(0, 0, 1). The projection at angle on the detector is the set of half line integrals, written as:
p(u,v,β)=∫0∞dlf ({right arrow over (s)}(β)+l{right arrow over (r)}0(β)) (3)
where {right arrow over (s)} is the source position as defined in equation (1), and {right arrow over (r)}0 is the unit vector of line integral direction,
A Conversion Theorem from Divergent to Parallel Projections
The classic central slice theorem in 3D states that the Fourier transform of a 2D parallel projection image is the Fourier transform of the 3D object on the 2D slice that is normal to the projection direction. In parallel projection CT, it enables a simple analysis of the projection data plane by plane. This nice feature is lost in divergent projection CT, and in the reconstruction, either a rebinning step is involved or the projection data is analyzed using Radon transform theory.
A relation between parallel and divergent projections has been described by Edholm et al., and is summarized below. As shown in
If the coordinate system of the parallel geometry is related to that of the divergent geometry as
and, the hypothetical object h is generated as a transformation of the real object f, given by
then, we have:
The intuition of this theorem is as follows. Since in a divergent projection geometry, each slice of the object that is parallel to the detector has a uniform magnification factor
as in equation (5)), stretching the object can convert divergent rays of the projection to parallel rays. This theorem relates a divergent projection to a parallel projection via constructing a virtual object, and the classic central slice theorem then comes back into play in the Fourier domain of the virtual object.
However, for this theorem to be useful in CT reconstruction, it is required that the hypothetical object h is the same for each view. According to equations (5) and (6), an equivalent condition is that, the source to detector distance D is fixed during the data acquisition, and the rotation trajectory of the x-ray source and the detector is in a plane perpendicular to the zf axis. While this requirement is satisfied in some tomographic imaging geometries, such as tomosynthesis, it is not in the circular CB scan. Therefore, a novel approach using imaging geometry transformation is proposed to make Edholm's theorem applicable, as will be presented in section III.
A FBP-Based Reconstruction on a Tilted Parallel Circular Scan
As will now be shown, our CB reconstruction algorithm is closely related to the reconstruction on a tilted parallel circular scan. In
Reconstruction on a full scan: AFBP-based reconstruction algorithm on a full scan has been developed by Pelc, without using data extrapolation. In this case, not using extrapolation is equivalent to assuming that the data inside the unsampled cones are zero. This algorithm is the same as the special non-tilted case when
except that an additional scaling term, sin θ0, is included in the ramp filter kernel g0(y), which comes from the oblique sampling along the z direction. The reconstruction formula is reviewed below:
W is the cut-off frequency that depends on the resolution of the projection image.
Reconstruction on less than a full scan: Two factors act jointly in the Fourier domain sampling pattern, the sampling density along the radial direction and the redundancy function. The redundancy function is defined as the effective number of times that a frequency sample in the Fourier domain contributes in the backprojection after ramp filtering. The above reconstruction scheme compensates for the sampling density variation along the radial direction using a ramp filter, but does not compensate for the redundancy function. The scheme works well on a full scan, since the redundancy function, Rƒ, is uniformly 2 outside of the missing cone and 0 inside. However, as illustrated in
To generalize the reconstruction algorithm for less than a 2π rotation, one possibility is to incorporate the redundancy correction into the ramp filtering, and the 1D ramp filter becomes a 2D filter. However, restriction to 1D filtering is critical in our algorithm development, because of the conversion from divergent to parallel geometry, and we propose a novel reconstruction scheme that requires only 1D filtering.
Since the Hilbert transform reverses the sign of half of the input signal in the Fourier domain (besides the multiplication of j), taking the 1D Hilbert transform of the projection image along êu after ramp filtering and before backprojection results in the redundancy function Rh as shown in
in the 3D image domain. The sign of region C in Rh is reversed, and the multiplication of j that is associated with the 1D Hilbert transform combines that of the previous Hilbert transform in the projection domain, and makes the resulting redundancy function positive real. Therefore, the generalized reconstruction formula can be written as:
where, βs and βe are the start and end angles, and operator Hλ is the Hilbert transform along the direction {right arrow over (r)}0=(−sin λ, cos λ,0). Let {right arrow over (r)}f=(x,y,z),
is the kernel of Hilbert filter:
Hλf({right arrow over (r)}f)=∫−∞∞f({right arrow over (r)}f−l{right arrow over (r)}0)g h(l)dl (10)
The function {circumflex over (ƒ)}1 is the reconstructed image using the formula as in the full scan, with the redundancy function Rl uncompensated,
Where ū,
The function {circumflex over (ƒ)}2 is the reconstructed image obtained by applying the 1D Hilbert transform before backprojection, with a redundancy function Rh,
where ghr is the convolution of the ramp filter kernel g0 and the Hilbert kernel gh:
Since ramp-filtering and the Hilbert transform can be combined as taking the first derivative, the above formula can also be expressed more simply as:
As the angle range βe-βs increases, more cancellation occurs in {circumflex over (ƒ)}2; when (βe-βs)=2π, {circumflex over (ƒ)}2 cancels completely and equation (9) is reduced to equation (8).
Reconstruction on not Less than a Short Scan
According to Edholm's theorem, each divergent projection can be converted into a parallel projection by constructing a hypothetical object. However, converting the circular CB imaging geometry into circular parallel imaging requires that the hypothetical object is unchanged for each view. This is not true in the CB imaging setup. There is no 2D slice of the object where the magnification factor is uniform for all projection views, while this property is critical for the application of Edholm's divergent to parallel conversion theorem.
A system with the required constant magnification factor can be generated by re-casting the standard single-circle CB imaging trajectory. We construct a hypothetical detector on a plane that is below and parallel to the mid-plane, at a distance of Dh. The mid-plane divides the object into 3 parts: upper half, lower half and mid-plane. Now we consider the reconstruction of the lower half only. Every divergent ray emitted from the x-ray source intersects the hypothetical detector, as well as the real detector, if the virtual detector size is assumed to be infinite. Therefore, the divergent projection image on the hypothetical detector has a one-to-one mapping with the lower half of the projection image on the real detector. For the lower half of the object, a reconstruction using the CB data of the real detector is equivalent to that using the CB data of the hypothetical detector. Remove the real detector, and consider the imaging setup using the hypothetical detector. Now the same hypothetical object can be used for different views such that the conversion theorem is applicable, according to equation (6). This CB scan is converted to a tilted circular parallel scan, and the previously derived reconstruction algorithm can be applied. By summing up all of the system transformations, we can derive a circular CB reconstruction algorithm.
The main flow of the algorithm derivation becomes straightforward, and it consists of the following steps:
Note, however, that these reconstruction steps only provide intuition and are used as a conceptual tool. The practical reconstruction scheme will be proposed based on a more compact reconstruction formula, as we will derive below.
The Mathematical Derivation
We first derive the algorithm for reconstruction of the lower half of the object. As shown in
The relationship between pf(uf, vf) and ph(uh, vh) can be found based on the geometry shown in
The Jacobian for variable change from (uf, vf) to (uh, vh) is
Note that vh>−D, since (uf, vf) and (uh, vh) should be on the same side of the ray that emits from S, the absolute value in the Jacobian is dropped. Image ph can be obtained from pf, with intensity adjustment by the Jacobian:
According to Edholm's theorem, this CB projection is equivalent to a tilted parallel projection with a tilting angle
Note that the origins of the coordinate systems of the real and hypothetical objects are shifted vertically by Dh, as compared to those in the theorem derivation, and equations (5) and (6) need to be modified to include Dh offsets on zh and zf. Let {right arrow over (r)}=(x, y, z) and êz=(0, 0, 1), the hypothetical object h is related to the real object f as:
For simplicity, we use rotation angle β=0 in the above formula of
Then the reconstructed real object is converted according to equation (19).
By combining equations (18), (21), (9) and (19), the final reconstruction formula is obtained as follows:
where, operator H
is the 1D Hilbert transform in the 3D image domain, along the direction
as defined by equation (10); and,
The subscript β stands for the coordinate transformation of rotation along the zf axis by β; specifically,
The derivation details are presented in the Appendix.
The upper part of the object can be reconstructed similarly, and the reconstruction formula is the same as above, by symmetry. Assuming the original object is continuous in zf, the mid-plane reconstruction can be found by taking the limit as zf→0 in the above formula, and it has the same form, since the reconstruction is also continuous in zf. Equation (22) is therefore the final reconstruction formula for the whole object.
The first term of (22) is the conventional FDK reconstruction, and the second is a correction term that is reconstructed simultaneously to compensate for the non-uniformity of the redundancy function in the Fourier domain. This correction term is the 1D Hilbert transform of the reconstructed volume by differential backprojection (DBP). It has the same form of filtered backprojection as the first term except for a different filtering kernel, and it can be calculated efficiently. In a full scan βe−βs=2π, only the first term survives, and the algorithm reduces to the FDK reconstruction.
The algorithm for redundancy compensation we proposed above using 1D filtering deserves a closer examination. In the image transformation from the projection on the real detector to that on the hypothetical detector, the shift-invariance property is preserved only along the u axis. Therefore, convolution in uf maps to convolution in uh, while convolution in vf results in shift-variant filtering in vh. For the efficiency and accuracy of reconstruction, it is important to restrict the filtering operation to only 1D along the u axis. Another way of understanding is that, the hypothetical detector of an equally spaced real detector is also equally spaced along the u axis, but very non-uniformly spaced along the v axis. The Fourier transform in u can still be done efficiently on the hypothetical detector, while the Fourier transform in v becomes a non-uniform Fourier transform, and very difficult to compute. Our proposed algorithm avoids the filtering in v naturally. One less desirable aspect of our approach is the slow decay of the Hilbert kernel, and special care must be taken in implementation as we will discuss later.
Reconstruction Scheme
Given equation (22), the practical reconstruction can be divided into the following steps:
along the rays; backproject Q2 in the same way to form a separate reconstructed object.
and add the result to {circumflex over (ƒ)}1 to form the final reconstructed object.
Hilbert Transform
The slowly decaying behavior of the Hilbert kernel
will possibly result in inaccuracy in the reconstruction, and special care must be exercised in implementation.
Two 1D Hilbert transforms are used in this reconstruction algorithm, one in the 2D projection domain, and the other in the 3D image domain. The discrete implementation of the first one does not hurt the accuracy, since the projection data can be zero-padded before the convolution operation to make the finite integral very close to the infinite integral. Also, the Hilbert transform can be combined with the ramp filtering as a first derivative operation, which is a local filter and the slow decay problem disappears. The Hilbert transform in the 3D image domain, however, induces significant inaccuracy in the reconstruction. The reconstructed volume is finite, so only a finite length of data is available in the 1D Hilbert transform. On the other hand, mathematically, the reconstructed value before the Hilbert transform H
is the 1D inverse Hilbert transform of an object {circumflex over (ƒ)}′2 whose transformed hypothetical object has some data missing in the Fourier domain. Since such an object {circumflex over (ƒ)}′2 is not compactly supported, the exact finite Hilbert transform as used in [14] and [15] is not applicable. If the discrete Hilbert transform is used with zero-padding as an approximation to the infinite Hilbert transform, the data truncation in the image domain results in severe artifacts in the nearby region, and the error decays as
where l is the distance from the reconstructed voxel to the truncated edge.
It is uncertain whether an exact finite Hilbert transform exists for our situation, or whether it can be used efficiently. We therefore continue to use the discrete Hilbert transform with zero-padding, and combat the induced artifacts by extending the reconstructed volume in the direction of the Hilbert transform. As a result, the artifacts are greatly reduced, although the total reconstruction time increases accordingly. Denote the extension ratio by K. Since the reconstructed volume is only extended in the second term of equation (22) and DBP has the same structure as in the first FDK term, the reconstruction time increases by a factor of ˜ K. If a large extension of the reconstructed volume is used, the residual artifacts are mostly low frequency, and the DC shift can be estimated and corrected from the fact that the voxel value outside the object is known to be zero. Ideally, the larger K becomes, the less artifacts appear in the reconstruction. However, three factors restrict K from getting too large. The first is the cost of reconstruction time. The second is the increase of view aliasing artifacts. Since the image domain sample spacing increases linearly with the distance from the voxel to the center of rotation, the angular sampling rate also becomes insufficient if the total number of views are fixed. The third factor is due to the divergent imaging setup. The density correction term
in the reconstruction algorithm increases as the reconstructed voxel gets close to the x-ray source, and the reconstruction becomes more error-prone (the extreme case is the reconstructed volume contains the x-ray source). Even with these restrictions, simulation results show the artifacts can be suppressed effectively by proper choice of K.
The details of the Hilbert transform implementation and its related artifacts reduction techniques will be presented hereinbelow.
Data Sufficiency and Reconstruction Optimality
The reconstruction algorithm was developed by first analyzing the sampling pattern of the CB projection data in the Fourier domain of the transformed hypothetical object, then compensating for the sampling density non-uniformity by filtering, and finally backprojecting. This reconstruction scheme uses all of the information in the Fourier domain region that are sampled by the CB projection, while the unsampled region is left as zeros and does not affect the reconstructed object. Under the condition that data extrapolation is not allowed, it seems that this algorithm exploits the maximum tomographic capability of a circular CB scan trajectory. Note that an analytical study of the noise properties of the algorithm is not included in the present study, and the previous arguments are under the noise-free conditions.
An additional detail of importance is that, however, the interpretation of the sampling pattern is in the Fourier domain of the whole object, and the above argument is true only if the region of interest (ROI) is the whole reconstructed volume. On the mid-plane, when data is insufficient for exact reconstruction, for example in a super-short scan with a rotation angle of less than π plus cone angle, it is more desirable that only the region with sufficient data is reconstructed exactly, while other regions might have large artifacts that are not of concern. Using the algorithm proposed here the best reconstruction for the whole object is achieved, but not necessarily for the small ROI. If the ROI is the whole object, it usually requires that the rotation angle is not less than π plus cone angle, since only with this condition, exact reconstruction of the whole mid-plane is possible.
On the other hand, due to Tuy's sufficiency condition, we know that the reconstruction for all the voxels on the off-planes cannot be exact. A reasonable concern is that the optimality of the mid-plane reconstruction (exact reconstruction when data is sufficient) might be sacrificed in order to improve the off-plane reconstruction for the global optimality. Note, however, that the 1D filtering feature of the proposed algorithm makes the reconstruction of the mid-plane and offplanes uncorrelated, thus the optimum reconstructions are also achieved separately. Therefore, when data is sufficient for midplane reconstruction, the algorithm reconstructs the mid-plane exactly.
Summarizing the above, we conclude that if the projection data is not truncated and if no data extrapolation is allowed, our reconstruction scheme achieves the optimal reconstruction when rotation angle is not less than π plus cone angle.
Numerical Results
We now present several numerical results to illustrate the performance of our reconstruction algorithm. The reconstruction on a short scan is compared with that on a full scan using the FDK algorithm and that on a short scan using the modified FDK algorithm with Parker's weighting. Although we only focus on the short scan case, similar results can be found using a larger rotation angle.
We use two simulated 3D phantoms, with projections computed analytically to avoid discretization error in the forward projection. One is a modified Shepp-Logan phantom that has high-contrast objects inside to emphasize the cone-beam artifacts in the reconstruction. The other is the conventional low-contrast Shepp-Logan phantom that is used to investigate reconstruction accuracy. Simulated poisson noise is also added in the projection images of the low contrast Shepp-Logan phantom to test the algorithm stability, and the noise level is chosen reasonably to match a clinical head scan.
Although our reconstruction scheme is not restricted to specific tomographic imaging geometries, we chose system parameters to model C-arm CT, on which the full scan mode is not available currently.
Implementation Details
The system parameters are summarized in Table I. As defined in III-C, K is the extension ratio of the reconstructed volume of the second term in equation (22) as compared to that of the first term, in the direction of the Hλ operation. Only the center part of the reconstructed volume of the second correction term was extracted and added to the reconstructed volume of the first term, to form the final result. Using the system geometry as shown in
In the calculation of Q2, we chose to use the first derivative operation instead of convolving pw with the kernel ghr. The derivative with respect to u was computed using the 2-point formula:
The 1D Hilbert transform Hπ on the image was applied in the Fourier domain using the apodization window of Hamming at the Nyquist frequency. The DC shifts due to the finite length of the available data were first estimated line by line from the mid-plane reconstruction, by averaging the first and last 8 voxels on the final reconstructed mid-plane along the direction of the Hilbert transform. If the reconstruction was exact, we would expect these voxels to be zero. The whole reconstructed volume was then corrected using the same DC shift map as on the mid-plane for all of the x-y planes along the z axis.
The Shepp-Logan Phantoms
The numerical parameters of the 3D Shepp-Logan phantoms are based on [16], and listed in Table II for reference. The parameter lx (ly, lz) is the x (y, z) axis length of the ellipsoid, and δx (δy, δz) is the offset of the center in x, both in mm. Angle θ is the rotation angle in degrees along the z axis. The parameter μh(μ1) is the attenuation coefficient of the high (low) contrast phantom object, in mm−1.
Reconstruction of the High Contrast Phantom
Reconstruction of the Low Contrast Phantom
The noise-free reconstructions of the low contrast phantom are shown in
To test the algorithm stability, we also generated reconstructions from noisy projection images. To match the statistics of a clinical head scan, the noise is simulated as poisson noise with 300,000 photons per ray, and the value 1 in the phantom is modeled as water at 80 keV. The attenuation coefficient μl is multiplied by 0.01837 (0.01837 mm−1 is the attenuation coefficient of water for 80 keV) when calculating photon counts at the detector.
We have presented a FBP-based reconstruction algorithm from CB data on not less than a short scan. The reconstruction formula consists of a conventional FDK reconstruction and a correction term that applies the 1D Hilbert transform on an object reconstructed by DBP. The readers might notice that this correction term is very similar to the 2-step reconstruction algorithm on 2D images that was recently introduced by Noo et al. [14]. However it is derived based on a different concept and used for a different purpose here.
Since DBP has the same FBP-based form as the conventional FDK algorithm and only 1D shift-invariant filtering is used in the computation, the proposed reconstruction can be done efficiently. As compared to the conventional FDK reconstruction, the computation time increases by a factor of ˜K, where K is the reconstructed volume extension ratio along the direction of the final 1D Hilbert transform, as defined in the paper. K needs to be chosen properly (4 in our implementations) for suppression of inaccuracy in the Hilbert transform.
This algorithm is derived from a Fourier domain analysis, and makes the best use of acquired data. Therefore, the reconstruction is optimal, under the condition that the projection is not truncated, data extrapolation is not allowed and the ROI is the whole volume. The last condition usually requires the scan rotation is not less than π plus cone angle in practice. Simulation results of a modified high contrast Shepp-Logan phantom on a short scan show that this algorithm is able to greatly suppress the CB artifacts, as compared to the modified FDK algorithm with Parker's weighting. Simulations using the low contrast Shepp-Logan phantom with and without noise also demonstrates that the image is reconstructed accurately and stably, with improved noise properties. The Hilbert transform induced artifacts do not degrade the image quality when noise is present.
The algorithm presented herein is attractive from a practical point of view. For a circular scan with rotation less than 2π but larger than π plus cone angle, it should improve the image quality, as compared to other conventional reconstruction algorithms. Finally, we derived our algorithm by converting the divergent projection to a parallel projection, and then using the classic central slice theorem. This unique perspective is applicable in other scenarios where the x-ray source is kept on a fixed plane during the data acquisition. It might be also useful in the reconstruction algorithm derivation of the scans in those acquisition geometries.
While the invention has been described with reference to specific embodiments, the description is illustrative of the invention and is not to be construed as limiting the invention. Various modifications and applications may occur to those skilled in the art without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.
Applying the reconstruction algorithm for a tilted parallel circular scan (equation (9)) on
we have the reconstructive hypothetical object:
Note that the coordinate system of the hypothetical object is shifted in zh direction by Dh as compared to that used in equation (8), and offset Dh on zh must be included in equation (33).
Convolution kernals g and ghr, and variables β, βs and βe are as defined previously. Operator Hλis defined as in equation (10).
The final reconstructed object {circumflex over (f)} can be converted from ĥ using equations (19) and (20). Denoting this conversion operation as T, due to linearity, we have:
Denote the Hilbert transform as H. for a function q(x), we have:
H(q(ax))=Hq(y)|y=ax, a∈ (35)
The above equation shows that scaling the variable before the Hilbert transform is equivalent to scaling after application of the transform. The proof is straightforward, and it is omitted here.
Note that for a fixed zf, operation T is just scaling the variables xf and yf, and Hilbert transform
is only on the x-y plane, therefore the second term of equation (34) can also be written as:
{circumflex over (f)}1=T(ĥ1)
{circumflex over (f)}2=T(ĥ2) (37)
Equation (34) is:
We simplify {circumflex over (f)}1 first, and {circumflex over (f)}2 can be done similiary.
Substitute equations (18) and (21) into (39):
According to equation (15), express as:
Equation (40) results from changing the dummy variable u in the integral to
and Equation (41) is due to the fact that g0 is a homogeneous function of order −2, i.e. g0(ay)=1/a2g0(y), a∈.
Plug (20), (32) and (33) into
For simplicity, we use the subscript β for the coordinate transformation of rotation along the zf axis by β.
Now, {circumflex over (f)}1 can be computed by combining equations (19), (41), (42) and (43):
where, Q1 is the convolution of the weighted pf with the ramp filter kernal, as defined in equation (23):
The above formula shows the reconstruction of {circumflex over (f)}1 is exactly the same as is given by the FDK algorithm.
In the calculation of {circumflex over (f)}2, since the Hilbert transform on the project data is also 1D along the u axis, the same derivation follows, except for the change of convolution kernal, and the second term of equation (34) is
where, Q2 is derived according to equation (12) or (14), and given in equation (24):
The sum of {circumflex over (f)}1 (equation (44)) and
(equation (45)) is the final reconstruction formula as shown in equation (22), section III.
This application claims the benefit of priority under 35 USC 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/810,087, filed May 31, 2006, which is incorporated herein by reference in it's entirety.
The U.S. Government has rights in the disclosed invention pursuant to NIH Grant No. EB093524 to Stanford University.
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Number | Date | Country | |
20070297661 A1 | Dec 2007 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
60810087 | May 2006 | US |