This invention is related to the design of wind turbines for harvesting and using wind power. More specifically, it is related to design tools, methodologies, and scaling laws that enable the prediction with precision the performance and cost of components and systems. Even more specifically, it is related to how the rotor blade mass is directly and accurately linked to the aerodynamic parameters resulting from the blade structure interaction with the wind energy. It is related to the recognition that the mass cubic power law is powerful tool for drastic mass reduction per unit power in the embodiments of rotor array architectures.
Newton's Laws of motion govern our environment and many aspects of our lives. Forces act on substances to predict, and determine and shape their behaviors. These substances can be solids, fluids, liquids or gases, made of atoms and molecules. How these masses are held together lead to many outcomes when acted upon by forces.
The wind power generation technology is experiencing spectacular successes and is growing at double digit rates into a colossal industry. Many nations have set targets to derive 20% of their energy needs from wind by year 2030. Advances in computational fluid dynamics along with Blade Element Models, and Momentum Theories, and other simulation tools and models made significant contributions to the success of the industry. These tools and models have been able to predict aerodynamics parameters that matched experiments with better than 1% accuracy. To date, these tools have been augmented by wind tunnel simulations in iterative processes to obtained the desired final design of products.
This iterative design methodology has also been adopted by other industries involving fluid dynamics. Generally in aerodynamics (fluid dynamics) based products, the engineering of these products has been far advanced ahead of the complete understanding of the fundamental science behind such products. This will be illustrated below in connection with the absence of a reliable rotor mass scaling laws. en
Unfortunately, as successful as those simulation tools and models have been, they have not yet succeeded to accurately relate the aerodynamics parameters to the rotational dynamic parameters of the rotor blade. Most notably the absence of an accurate relation or a link between the blade mass and the aerodynamics interaction with the incident wind energy. In the absence of this knowledge about the mass, the wind industry, in achieving its spectacular success, has coped by relying on trial and error iterative methods through building and experimentation and wind tunnel experiments. In addition, it employed empirical relationships, extrapolations from data regression, interpretations, intuition and costly computational tools as aids to design and make products. Finding precise formulas and scaling laws that relate the mass to geometrical, structural, and rotational ad aerodynamic properties could speed up the design and production phases, saving money in the process.
There are numerous references to discrepancies attributed to the known limitations of CFD and other simulations tools and the scalability issues of the wind tunnel results. Frequent discrepancies are associated with attempts to relate the rotor mass MR to its radius, R. It is empirically presented as MR∝Rν, where the exponent ν varies between ˜1.9 to 3. This wide variation amounts to over 100% error. It cannot be used as a reliable tool for scaling of rotors to different sizes, design optimization and the interpretation of the rotational dynamics behavior. It may lead to over-design (too conservative) which is costly or to under-design (too aggressive) resulting in catastrophic failures.
In a report entitled “Blade Technology Innovations for Utility-Scale Turbines” by Tom Ashwill,, presents a graph showing rotor blade mass scaling with radius. It is reproduced here as
Scaling of mass with radius is also discussed in the Reference:
Yet in another report entitled “Current Developments in Wind—2009”,, Engels et al, organized many turbines by their wind class. They plotted the data in three different graphs (
In the Report # Duwind 2001.006 entitled “Offshore Wind Energy Ready to Power a Sustainable Europe” the authors present extensive experimental date and comparisons with theoretical models and discuss scaling laws and scaling trends. They state “Scaling trends need to be interpreted with great care. Data indiscriminately lumped together may suggest spurious trends or at least provide only superficial descriptions rather than insight into basic issues like the inherent specific costs (cost per kW or cost per kWh) trend with up-scaling.”
Bilmer et al., in “Aerodynamic and Structural Design of MultiMW Wind Turbine Blades beyond 5MW”,, perform analysis of blade mass scaling showing a trend of ν=2.5 at the same time, they compared existing turbines and deduced a power law with ν=1.9. They also made reference to a theoretical exponent of 3.
In the text book “Wind Energy Explained-Theory Design and Applications”, Wiley and Sons, 2009, the authors Manwell et al., discuss on page 145 the discrepancies and ambiguities resulting from different models employing the same parameters. They state: “After the tests were completed, the measured input data, airfoil data, operational conditions, were provided to a number of modelers around the world. Nineteen modelers, using variety of aerodynamic modeling programs (some used the same program) provided predictions of rotor performance, loads and pressure coefficients for 20 different operating conditions. The results were most surprising and have highlighted many areas that still need to be addressed.”
In the Book “Wind Turbine Design”, Polytechnic International Press, Montreal, 2002, the author Ion Paraschivoiu devotes Chapter 4 to Aerodynamics Performance Prediction Models and compares results predicted by models with experiments highlighting the existence of a gap of getting accurate match.
The issue of blade mass scaling with radius is discussed in yet another reference “Wind Turbines, Fundamentals, Technologies, Applications and Economics” by Eric Hau, published by Springer-Veralg Berlin Heidelberg, 2006 ( blade+mass%22+calculation+discrepancy+wind+turbine&source=bl&ots=RLnxDMmTC3&sig=PDO134Zx7EFFaRUIoCx78-NeKcE&hl=en&ei=FoY_TKvcO4O78gbCh7zoCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAg#ν=onepage&q&f=true). In Chapter 7.6 on Comparison of Rotor Blade Design,
Strictly speaking, the exponent changes with rotor blades design. Heavy rotor blades differ from lighter blades in their ratio of the loads from intrinsic weight and the aerodynamic forces so the growth exponent becomes somewhat lighter.”
It is the desire of numerous wind energy practitioners to make the exponent smaller to reduce mass and cost. Intuitively they are aware of the existence of a “square cube law” they perceive as the barrier to reducing the mass. Even though there has not been an actual derivation and establishment of the square cube law based on fundamental scientific principles, they are determined to defeat it as though it was an enemy. They are investing heavily to defeat it without full understanding of the source and their achievements are manifested in reporting exponents that have values ranging from 1.8 to 3.
In connection to scaling wind turbines, this Reference: states: “UpWind researchers are also studying the possibility of a 20-MW turbine. They have concluded that although technological barriers could be overcome, it is doubtful whether such large machines are economically viable. This is because of what wind engineers call the “square cube law”. A turbine's power output is proportional to the square of the length of its blades, making it attractive to lengthen them. But its volume and weight are proportional to the cube of its dimensions, meaning the price of a turbine climbs faster than its power output as its size increases. This suggests there will be an optimum size for a wind turbine, though so far no one has calculated what that will be.”
In discussing scaling challenges the authors in:, point out: “Elaborating on future challenges, Molly points at major design issues like load reduction, prolonging operational lifetime, and the application of new materials and production methods. One of his conclusions was that with increasing size wind turbines, suppliers succeed in curbing Top Head Mass (nacelle and rotor) increases due to increasing utilization of superior materials, despite the fact that up-scaling is inevitably linked to the infamous ‘square cube law’.”
Another reference to scaling issues in:—1996.pdf states: “In a simplistic view of wind turbine scaling, there is often reference to a “square-cube” law. The up-scaling of wind turbines is more favorable than this suggests with the “square” part being more like 2.4 on account of the benefit of increased mean wind speed at increased height above ground. However, there is little basis for mass and costs scaling less than cubically when all variables (especially age of design) are fully taken into account.”
The Authors in:—000.pdf add: “In order to fulfill the potential of wind energy, the development of larger wind turbines and more extensive use of offshore locations will be necessary. As the required financial investments to achieve the expansion of the installed capacity of wind turbine grows, the economical pressure on reliable and structurally optimized blades, that are fit for their designed life, increases. For large wind turbine blades, optimization of the use of material becomes necessary to tackle the problems of the square-cube law. Very large blades may even become practically impossible without further knowledge of the material behavior since the dominating loads on the material are caused by the blade mass. At the same time, the economical utilization of large wind-farms, offshore and onshore, consisting of MW wind turbines demands reliable and non-stop operation.”
The above references and many practicing wind technologists, emphasize the need to find ways to reduce the exponent in order to reduce mass and cost. They express their goals as “defeating” or “mitigating”, or “skirting”, or “avoiding” the “square cube law”. Yet, in no place in the wind prior art published literature can one find a formula or a law linking the “square cube law” to wind parameters such as blade mass.
It is therefore evident from the above, that the issue of blade mass scaling with its radius and the size of exponent has received a great deal of attention and continues to be froth with controversies, uncertainties and discrepancies. One of the main reasons for this gap is a missing link bridging the aerodynamics properties of exiting theories and models with those of rotational dynamics of the rotor blades and other turbine structures. The missing link is connected with incomplete understanding of the fundamental science that lags significantly engineering and manufacturing of wind turbine products and other aerodynamic products.
There exists, therefore, a need for closing the knowledge gap by finding the missing link to bridge the aerodynamics properties of exiting theories and models with those of rotational dynamics of the rotor blades and other turbine structures.
There exists a need for a method for determining the blade mass and its relation with the radius based on sound fundamental physical principles. There is a need for a fundamental scaling law that can be used to predict the performance of a new design in terms of other previously proven reference designs. These laws would provide deep insight on how to reduce the mass of the system and the cost.
There is a need for a formula that enables scientists and engineer to interpret experimental data the same way with no ambiguity. The existence of such an invariant law or formula, would lead more rapidly to optimized turbines in terms of performance and cost. Complete understanding of the sources of mass weight is the key to its safe reduction to realize the fullest potential of the technology at the lowest cost. It may also lead to more innovative concepts and rotor configurations heretofore were not possible.
The object of the present invention is to teach a novel tool and method for bridging the gap between the aerodynamics properties of exiting theories and models with those of rotational dynamics of the rotor blades and other turbine structures. The inventive method shows steps leading to a scaling law of rotor mass that is unambiguously cubic MR=2π
where Tm, Cp, λ,
Another object of the present invention is an embodiment to reduce the turbine system mass as a consequence of the law scaling, according to the present invention, relating the mass to the cube of the radius. It shows that smaller rotors are better than larger rotors, allowing the construction of novel wind turbine architectures which comprise an NxNy array of small rotors and an energy accumulator for accumulating energy from the array elements. This is shown to unexpectedly lead to a reduction factor √{square root over (NxNy)} in the mass of the turbine system. For example, Nx=10 and Ny=10, a factor of 10 mass reduction is expected. This method is far more significant, resulting in many fold mass reduction per KW that prior art attempt to avoid the cubic power law, and achieving a mere small fraction of the reduction factor according to the present invention.
This invention is generally, in the field of fluid dynamics that involve the interaction of fluids and their flow energy with structures leading to the conversion of translational motion of the fluid to rotational motion of the structures. These structures are referred to as rotors which comprise at least one rotor blade. The coupling strength leading to maximum conversion is determined by the fluid dynamical parameters and their interaction with the geometrical shape of the rotor blade. The geometrical shape is the well known airfoil. They are found in numerous applications including wind turbines, helicopter rotors, steam and gas turbines, air and marine propellers and pumps and compressors.
In order to optimally design rotors to achieve the lowest cost and highest reliability precise knowledge of the mass is of paramount importance. There is a need to relate the mass of the blade to the aerodynamic parameters of the fluid and the geometrical and structural properties of the airfoil. In the wind turbine industry art, one finds examples of ambiguous interpretations and discrepancies especially related to how the blade mass scales with the radius. Prior art generally constructs the empirical relation MR∝Rν where ν is given a value that ranges between 1.8 and 3, depending on who and how the experimental data is presented and compared with theoretical or simulation results.
I describe an inventive tool and method to eliminate this ambiguity. Steps are shown to design and produce rotor blades having a mass that obeys an unambiguous cubic power law with respect to the radius. The mass is directly related to the material geometrical, structural, rotational and aerodynamics parameters and properties.
My inventive method employs as a tool a virtual gear structure interposed between the incident air disc structure and the rotor blade structure. This provides a link between prior art analyses that use known theoretical and simulation models, by providing a direct relationship between the air disc aerodynamics and the rotor rotational dynamics. This tool, on the one hand, enables us to use the moment of inertia of the virtual air gear teeth and relates to the dynamics of the air disc through air mass conservation. On the other hand the virtual teeth moment of inertia is related to that of the rotor blades. The virtual gear tool comprises a first gear set (driver) that intermeshes with a second gear set (driven). The first gear set derives its rotational power from the actuator air (fluid) disc.
Thus, using the virtual gear tool, our construction method leads to the blade mass scaling law that is unambiguously cubic MR=2π
where Tm, Cp, λ,
These two formulas in combination, are the desired rules that enable rotor designers to gain simple yet powerful insight into how to manufacture turbines. They provide precise systematic steps to take, to optimize products in terms of reliability, manufacturability, safety, cost and other desirable product features. The performance and strength integrals are independent of R and contain only information about the local geometry of the airfoil, its orientation relative to the fluid and its surface properties that determine the lift/drag coefficient ratio. These culminate in the determination of the local power coefficient, cp(λr), which is a function of the local tip speed ratio λr.
The local power coefficient, cp(λr), is obtainable from existing successful formulations using well developed tools including computational fluid dynamics models, Blade Element Models, Momentum Theories and other graphical simulation tools. The availability of cp(λr) from these known methods enables the designers to obtain with much less effort the values for the strength integral, Si and the performance integral Pi, without with concerns as to the validity of the models and prior ambiguities. The inventive method enables the designers with less effort to conceive innovative geometries and over all turbine structures that lead to the reduction of cost power ($/KW) and the cost of energy ($/MWh).
The inventive tools and method leading to the precise scaling law manifests its powerful impact in the reduction of mass per KW by factors exceeding 10. The direct consequence the scaling law of the present invention is a newer design trend leading to better performance and lower cost with smaller rotors. This is opposite to the “prevailing wisdom” of the prior art which continues to make larger and larger rotors that weigh hundreds of tons and measure>100 m. By arranging a plurality of smaller rotors, according to the present invention, a novel wind turbine array architecture becomes possible. It comprises an NxNy array of small rotors and an energy accumulator for accumulating energy from the array elements. This is shown to unexpectedly lead to a reduction factor √{square root over (NxNy)} in the mass of the turbine system. For example, Nx=10 and Ny=10, a factor of 10 mass reduction is possible. This method is far more significant, resulting in many fold mass reduction per KW than prior art attempt to avoid or circumvent the fundamental cubic power law, and achieving a mere small fraction of the reduction factor.
The present invention uses wind turbine as an exemplary application to illustrate the inventive steps. Persons skilled in the art may readily apply the method for the design and production of fluid dynamics structures in any other applications. Particularly, those which involve the interaction of fluids with airfoils or related structures for converting translational fluid energy into rotational energy mechanical energy. The inventive method can also be used in propellers and helicopter rotors, wherein rotational mechanical energy is converted to translational fluid energy to produce linear propulsion thrust.
The following drawings are intended to describe the preferred embodiments and operating principles. They are not intended to be restrictive or limiting as to sizes, scales, shapes or presence or absence of certain necessary components that are not shown for brevity but are, nonetheless, well known to those skilled in the art.
As shown in
The detailed analyses of various prior art formulations are found in the text books cited above. The results of these theoretical analyses and simulations matched experimental measurements, in many cases to better than 1% accuracy. However, a missing link has existed to bridge the gap between the air disc 3 aerodynamic and the rotation dynamics that inevitably involves the rotor blades mass, and its physical properties. The gap manifests itself in the ambiguities and discrepancies described in the Background Section between simulation results, wind tunnel measutments and actual data from products.
The present invention provides a tool and method to link and close the gap. When used with existing prior tools, the invention is an additional helpful augmentation tool. The preferred embodiment comprises the tool 1a in
The local conversion efficiency, also refereed to as the local power coefficient, is given the symbol cp(λr) which is a function of the local tip velocity ratio λr, at an annular region of area 2πrdr (defined in
We now present steps, or algorithms, leading to the design and production of turbine blades. Our method leads to simple unambiguous laws and formulas that relate the blade properties and parameters to those of the aerodynamics properties of its environment. These include the blade 3D geometry, its structure, its material strength, its mass density, the turbine radius and the predicted harvested power and energy performance and cost.
Step 1: Providing the statistical meteorological knowledge of the environment where the turbine is located.
Step 2: Providing the maximum allowable wind velocity (cut-out speed) above which the turbine will be stopped before it is damaged by gale winds and other storms. This enables the designer to select suitable blade strength; its weight to strength ratio becomes the key design decision.
Step 3: Providing the average velocity (rated speed) to enable the designer to commit to a rated output power and the energy to be harvested as main product specifications. Different geographical regions have different wind classes that refer statistically to the potential energy harvest from that region. Exemplary wind velocities range from 5 m/s to 35 m/s.
Step 4: Providing the rotor radius R, from steps 2 and 3
Step 5: Linking the local (at radius r) rotational dynamics of the virtual air gear teeth 4, to the actuator disc dynamics by means of equating the local rotational power of the virtual gear teeth 4, to the local fraction cp(r) of the rotational power in the actuator disc 3. Thus:
From Eqs. (1), (2) and (3) we link the infinitesimal volume element Aatdr 4b, occupied by the single virtual air gear tooth 4a, to the aerodynamic parameters. The area Aat is defined in
Step 6: We produce the infinitesimal local, at radius r, the mass element 2a, of a single blade tooth with a density of ρR(r) and an airfoil cross section area Ast which is equal to the cell area defined by the lines (efcd) in
at (5)
From Step 5 we use Eq. 4 in Eq. 5 to produce the cross section area of the solid blade tooth airfoil cross section area:
Step 7: Producing the local mass element at r of a single solid blade tooth:
Step 8: Producing the total mass of a single blade tooth by integrating Eq. 7 from the hub r=rh to r=R to obtain MR, thus:
Step 9: Calculating the cell area Ac at r, defined by the lines (efcd) in
c=2πrL/B=2πrc(r)sin α/B (9)
To obtain the desired result:
Which relates the whole single blade mass geometrical and material properties to the aerodynamic properties, including, the airfoil chord c(r), angle of attack α 6a, blade number B, local tip speed velocity λr, local power coefficient cp(r) which embodies lift and drag coefficients and Reynolds's number and of course through Rω=λV and Rω=λVm the relation to the operating and maximum velocities. In this example, the airfoil chord c(r) varies with the rotor radius. It can, however, be made with any arbitrary cross section that varies with r, θ, z (axial) coordinates. Existing turbine blades designs include an angular twist of the chord that varies with r. This makes the angle of attack α varies locally with the radius.
Step 10: Providing a law or a recipe that relates the blade mass to a pure cubic power with respect to the radius. This is accomplished with the help of change of variable to cast the relevant parameters in dimensionless normalized values:
2. Let the normalized chord of the airfoil be cf(λr)=c(r)/R, then Eq. (10) can be recast as:
We now define the power integral:
This results in the desired law that relates the mass to the cubic power of the radius:
Here we define
Our inventive method to produce the scaling law represented by Equation 13 solves the problem of ambiguity, uncertainties and discrepancies plagued prior art practitioners who had available only the empirical MR∝Rν with exponent ν that varied between 1.8 and 3 as discussed extensively in the Background Section above.
Producing the scaling law of Eq. (13) determines the performance of the blades. However, it cannot be used arbitrarily without being constrained by strength of the blade material and structure. The mass in Eq. (13) is matched with a mass that obeys the companion law
which relates the performance integral Pi in Eqs. (12), (13) to the strength integral Si to be derived below.
We now show the second embodiment of the present invention which is a method and steps to produce mass scaling with respect to strength to weight ratio of the blade material represented by the strength integral Si.
Step 11: Producing the moment of inertia δIR of the local blade tooth element at point r, to get:
δIR=r2δMR=ρRLδJ (14)
and δJ=δTmr/τs, is the local polar moment of inertia of the blade element at r, δTm is local the maximum allowed torque at r, produced by the maximum wind velocity Vm, at point r, and τs is the shear strength that opposes the maximum torque before a permanent damage results to the blade. Substituting δJ and L in Eq. (14) to relate the local mass element δMR to the maximum torque and the strength of the material, thus:
δMR=ρRRcf sin α δTm/rτs (15)
Step 12: Producing the maximum torque element δTm using Eqs. (2) and (3) and setting Vm=rωm/λr to get:
δTm=δPat/ωm=πρ0(cp(r)Vm2r2dr/λrB) (16)
Step 12: Producing the blade mass relationship to the strength integral by using Eq. (16) in Eq. (15) and setting Em=0.5ρ0Vm2 to obtain:
Then by substituting
Eq. (17) becomes:
Integrating Eq. (18) we obtain the mass of a single blade related to its material strength, geometry and maximum velocity as well as other aerodynamic parameters:
From Eq. (16), the total rotor maximum torque
p(λ)Em R3/λ (20)
Dividing (19) by (20) we obtain:
We define the strength integral:
The combination of the two laws Eq. (13) and Eq.(23) describe completely the rotor in terms of all the design parameters including: material, structure, aerodynamic and rotational dynamic characteristics. Both Si and Pi integrals require cf(λr) and cp(λr), which are readily obtainable to evaluate the integrals. Matching the results from (13) and (23) in a self consistent manner, using the same set of parameters, cf(λr) and cp(λr) in both, yields rotor designs that are optimized not only for performance but also for strength and reliability. From Eqs. (13) and (23) it can be shown also that Si and Pi are related thus:
i (23a)
Matching Si and Pi according to Eq. (23a) is the central premises behind the inventive method since it ensures that no design parameter is arbitrarily determined. In other words, optimizing the blades for performance must be accomplished with the constraints of strength and reliability.
Prior art tools and methods are computationally intensive using the most powerful supercomputers in order to obtain the aerodynamics power coefficients for different airfoil geometries aerodynamics losses and the like. These methods, however, have not been able to produce explicit relationships like those in the Eq. (13) and Eq. (23) and Eq. (23a) that enable designers to rapidly make changes and improvements. Now it is possible to take a proven successful design and scale it up or down with confidence that the predicted performance will be realized and without the use of supercomputers.
The tools and methods according to the present invention can be employed not only in the field of wind power harvesting, but also in any field of fluid dynamics that involves the conversion of fluid flow energy to rotational mechanical energy of rotor blade structures to perform work. Persons skilled in the art will find Eqs. (13) and (23) generally useful as design aids in other fields. It can be shown that the inventive tools can be applied not only to horizontal axis turbines but also to vertical axis turbines and a combination thereof.
In an exemplary conventional wind turbine system the rotational power (Eq. 3) is transmitted via the rotor hub, to the power train for conversion to electrical power. The power train, which is housed in the nacelle, comprises: the main shaft, gear box, generator. The nacelle also comprises pitch and yaw mechanisms and other ancillary subsystems as needed. In direct drive systems, the rotor drives directly the generator. The system also includes the tower and the foundation. The cost of the whole turbine system is directly related to the sum of the masses of all these components. All the masses are referenced to the rotor mass, i.e., the whole system mass is a large multiple of the rotor mass. Therefore, any reduction in rotor mass has a huge leverage in the overall system cost reduction. It highlights the significance of the present invention ability to provide the tools Eq.(13) and Eq.(23) that unambiguously predict the masses in relation to all other parameters and lead the designers to means of reducing the mass and thereby the cost as shown below. Basically, can show that not only does the rotor mass scale with the cube of the radius but the entire system performance and cost scales with the cube of the radius.
In wind turbines systems, the mass of the blade plays the most critical role in the economic success of harvesting and delivering energy cost competitively and profitably. It has a direct impact on the initial capital cost, the cost of energy, performance, failure modes, tower and foundation design, and on the environment. Therefore, the fundamental understanding of blade mass dependence on the design parameters and predicting how it scales with these parameters is the most important task. Prior art design practices have been to rely on a fundamentally misunderstood empirical scaling formula with the hope to reduce the mass of the blade. To date, the success has been marginal reduction at best. The lack of understanding may lead to lower weight but at the expense of less reliable blades that will fail in few years. We now show that accepting the scaling as taught according to the present invention, and embodied in Eqs. (13), (23), and (23a) as a fundamental law with an invariant exponent of 3, much bigger gains in mass reduction can be achieved. In fact reduction factors in excess of 10 will be realized. These gains are direct consequence of Eq. (13) applied to an array architecture comprising a plurality of small diameter rotors according to our third preferred embodiment which is now described.
The total system mass of turbine power generators is the sum of all the masses:
foundation (24)
We know that bearing capacity, and the mass of the foundation is directly related to the total mass of the tower, the nacelle and the rotor masses. The tower mass is also directly related the nacelle and the rotor masses. We can therefore rewrite the masses normalized (as ratios) to the rotor mass MR thus:
R[(1+mhub+mg)+mt+mf] (25)
wherein mhub=Mhub/MR; mg=Mgen/MR; mt=Mtower/MR; mf=Mfoundation/MR Let the normalized nacelle weight nmhub+mg, let normalized tower mass mt=t(1+n) and let the normalized foundation mass mf=f [mt+(1+n)]=f(1+n)(1+t), the system mass in Eq. (25) becomes:
R(1+n)(1+t)(1+f) (26).
Then by substituting for MR its cubic relation to the radius, from Eq. (13) according to the present invention, we can describe the turbine system relative to all its parameters by the following relation:
The first term 2π
The second term (1+n), is referred to as the Top Head Mass (THM) which is normalized to the rotor mass (2π
The third term (1+t), is the tower multiplier factor which has values in the range of 1.5-2 and sometimes higher. The fourth term (1+f) is the foundation multiplier factor and has values that range from 2-5, depending on whether the turbine is located on shore, or off-shore. For off-shore locations, (1+t)(1+f) is not only large, but its specific cost/Ton is also very high. According to Eq. (27), it can be seen that the cost of the whole systems is directly related to R3, and the rotor mass has the biggest influence through the multiplier the whole (1+n)(1+t)(1+f) that can range from 12 to 200. For example, a mere 1 ton reduction in the rotor mass leads to a system mass reduction of more than 12 to 200 tons. This influence of the multiplier effect is the basis for this third embodiment which shows that rotor mass reduction of 10× leads a reduction of 100-500× reduction for the whole system for each KW!
Prior art has pursued advanced architectures aimed at increasing R, but reducing the multiplier (1+n)(1+t)(1+f). But practical constraints have not left much room for drastic reduction (1+n)(1+t)(1+f). Contrary to prior art trends of pursuing larger R, we show that smaller R is better in our novel inventive array architectures. It is a direct consequence of the foundation of our first preferred embodiment that enabled cubic power law. The previous unavailability or the wishful thinking that the cubic had not existed, has been the cause of missed opportunities by prior art investigators and their inability to achieve an unexpected result to drastically reduce the mass by √{square root over (NxNy)} as shown below.
The array 10 occupies an array sweep area, ASA=πNxNxRs2=πNRs2 (N=NxNx) which is equal to πRL2 the swept area of the large rotor 10a of radius RL. If the small rotor array 10 and the large rotor 10a receive substantially the same wind velocity, and have the same swept area, them form Eqs. (1)-(3), they will harvest the same energy and, every thing else being equal, their radii must be related by:
The key performance metric of wind turbine products is the cost per KW of power harvested. This cost is directly related to the mass of the system as described by Eq. (27). The mass per KW of harvested power of the array and that of large rotors are obtained from Eq. 13 by dividing by their powers, respectively by:
to obtain:
for the array 10, and
For the large rotor 10a. The ratio of the masses per KW (also cost ratio) is obtained from (29) and (30) as
By substituting (28) in (31) we obtain for the mass/KW ratio:
This is the proof that our inventive array architecture according to this invention will cost a factor of √{square root over (N)}=√{square root over (NxNy)} less than if we had used a large rotor to harvest the same power.
Now returning to Eq. (27) that describes the mass of the wholes turbine system, and using Eqs. (17) and (30)-(32) the system masses per KW of the large rotor and that of the array 10, are respectively given by:
And their ratios as:
Proving that at the wind turbine system level, the array architecture 10, has a factor √{square root over (N)} cost advantage over the large rotor based turbine system.
The inventive features of the preferred embodiments of the present invention, Eqs. (13), (23), (23a), (27) and (31), in combination, culminate in the ability to describe the entire turbine systems by means of a set of equations presented below for an array of NxNy rotors where NxNy is at least 1 and preferably in clusters of nc rotors, nc=NxNy and more preferably in nested clusters NxNy=(nc)m where m is the cluster nesting level (see below and
We can, for the first time, describe the mass of a turbine system that can be by reduced by reducing the diameter of the small rotor and by increasing the number of these rotors to deliver the same power as an equivalent swept area of a large rotor RL. The rotor mass reduction is leveraged further through the multiplier (1+n)(1+t)(1+f) and will reduce the cost of the tower and foundation by enormous factors. The system, according to Eqs. (36a), (36b), (36c) is transparently related to all the relevant design parameters including: aerodynamic and rotational dynamic parameters, airfoil shape, structures, material properties (strength through Eq. (23a), blade number B, tip speed velocity; average wind velocity, maximum allowed velocity, power coefficient; nacelle, tower and foundation weight multipliers; and the number of elements in the array, NxNy.
This array architecture applies to other fluid dynamic-based systems including vertical wind rotor array, steam and gas turbines, compressors and pumps as examples.
At other extreme of the power spectrum, 10 KW-100 KW, array structures 70b, 70c, 70d may use. From these illustrations, it is evident that the inventive array architectures according to the present invention offer a level of flexibility that was possible before. For instance, designing a single small rotor with optimum properties allows the construction of turbines for any power level from 10 KW to 100 MW because of the simple scaling rules derived herein. Prior art architectures require a new design and a new rotor size for different power levels.
This application claims the benefit of provisional patent application Ser. No. 61/252,696, filed on Oct. 18, 2009, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
Number | Date | Country | |
61252696 | Oct 2009 | US |