Not Applicable
Not Applicable
382 Image Analysis 103 Target tracking or detecting
Dental caries is arguably the most widespread infectious disease currently plaguing the industrialized world. Its global burden can be lightened by conscientious individual oral hygiene. Toothbrushing habits are formed early in life, so it is essential that children develop good brushing technique and habits. Few caregivers have the skills, time and patience to properly train toothbrush mastery.
Technology can help. It has been shown that interactive digital games can effectively train children to brush their teeth. Manual skill training is optimized by accurate iterative assessment of the learner's performance. In the case of toothbrush training, interactive training typically depends on a sensor system that reports the child's actual toothbrush activity.
Early attempts at electronic enhancement of the toothbrush to promote training were not interactive and did not track the brush motions. Devices by Dickie (2008) nd Mottram (2008) merely signal the brusher that it is time to move to the next sector of the mouth. These are updated versions of the system taught by Arnauld (1986), All of these are timers not trainers, and all lack any sort of interactivity.
Primitive interactivity was introduced by Kwok (1992), who utilized a primitive motion switch to detect activity. This is sensitive enough to estimate raw compliance with a brushing schedule but not to assess brushing performance.
A different approach was taken by Korean and German inventors Kim (2015) and Dienzer (2014) who each propose to put cameras and lights in the toothbrush and use machine vision to assess brushing based on this view of teeth. This system depends on great uniformity in the appearance of the teeth. Machine learning has limits, and even if these systems can accurately detect brushing defects, they will find it difficult to classify the errors and communicate a corrective instruction to the learners.
A prior technology solution is the instrumented toothbrush, as taught by Jacobson (2008). Said toothbrush contains accelerometers and gyroscopes for inertial motion tracking, as well as a means to report data from these sensors to the computation platform. While it can accurate report relative motion and certain axes of orientation, the Instrumented toothbrush has electronic content that establishes an irreducible cost. This cost limits the adoption rate of the instrumented toothbrush and any training software that depends on it.
Even were it were not expensive, the instrumented toothbrush would not satisfy the requirements of toothbrush performance assessment because its inertial. measurement unit (IMU) reports only relative motion unrelated to the child's frame of reference.
Chang teaches the use of a cube-shaped extension to the toothbrush that has distinct pattern of light on each of four faces. An overhead camera reads the pattern to measure the long-axis rotation (roll) o the brush as well locating it on a horizontal plane. While an interesting pioneering effort, the system was impractical. It required a large rig with multiple cameras and only returned 4 degrees of freedom (x,y, roll and yaw)
Finally Alarcon and Saurubbo 2015 propose a notionally spherical marker mounted on the far end of the toothbrush. The sphere is divided into octants or finer divisions, with each featuring a distinct color. The camera, from its point of view, can analyze the color resulting from segments exposed to it and calculates the relative orientation of the toothbrush. Naturally this method is susceptible to variations in ambient lighting. It also has no accurate means to measure distance from the camera. It cannot determine the speed with which the brush moves toward and away from the camera. Therefore, assuming the child is facing toward the game, for most of the mouth the Maim system the Macron system mouth, it cannot answer critical questions like how hard is the child scrubbing, while looking at the game.
Rather than an instrumented toothbrush, the present invention relies only on digital resources already present in the game device, notionally a smartphone, tablet or laptop. These resources comprise sensors, computation hardware and audio visual displays. The toothbrush presents fiducial markers to the tablet's camera in order to report its position, rather than aggregating, processing and transmitting data from onboard digital components. This toothbrush, bearing fiducial markers, is hereafter called the fiduciated toothbrush.
The current invention offers several advantages over existing solutions,
The present invention enjoys an irreducible cost advantage: Because it has a far more modest Bill of Materials, the fiduciated toothbrush will always be far less expensive than the instrumented toothbrush. AH other hardware requirements are met by the components in a smartphone, tablet or computer already in the possession of the player. Even while the price of instrumentation decreases, the fiduciated toothbrush can be expected to be an order of magnitude less expensive. Passive fiducial markers add very little to the cost of toothbrush manufacture. Active markers raise the cost, but this higher cost is still negligible compared to that of an instrumented brush.
The present invention delivers position data A system based on inertial sensors can accurately measure changes in velocity (using its three orthogonal accelerometers) and it can measure torque (using the gyroscopes). However, it has no absolute frame of reference other than the gravity vector. Using these data, the system can accurately determine motion in three dimensions and rotation in two dimensions. It can only report an increasingly inaccurate estimate of relative position. By contrast, the present invention reports the brush's position and orientation on all three axes. These data are reported relative to the camera but are readily transformed to the coordinate system of the brusher's mouth, when this is detected by the camera system
The present invention delivers more accurate motion tracking than other video based systems. Using the difference between data reported in sequential video capture frames, the motion in its six degrees of freedom can be readily calculated. Other video-based systems can make similar calculations. However the present invention can report motion with greater precision and accuracy by means of intraframe streak analysis. Said analysis is aided by temporal fiducial markers. This precision is critical when assessing the rapid motion of a child's toothbrush.
This invention concerns the automated tracking of a moving object. In the present example (
A tracking system (
At any instant, the tracking system will be able to report realtime data with minimal latency. These data include the x, y and z positions of a reference point on the toothbrush, for instance its center of mass or geometric center. Said data include also the three dimensions of orientation of the object around its center, relative to a canonical ‘neutral’ orientation. In general, the system can calculate these six data, often collectively referred to as the six degrees of freedom, from any single sensor observation.
In addition to the six static degrees of freedom, the system is often called upon to report the object's translational and rotational velocities. These data represent the changes in the static position and orientation data over a fixed period of time. In practical settings, this period is often a camera's frame rate. Typical cameras have a fixed frame rate, often 30 frames per second and this presents a practical limit on precision and accuracy, due to the fast motion of a toothbrush during typical use.
The motion of the brush relative to the sensor's frame rate and exposure time also result in photographic motion-blur. This image degradation taxes any machine vision system, particularly one meant to work in a wide variety of lighting conditions. The features of this invention are meant to address these issues.
To the tracked object, eg: toothbrush. (
A second method of disambiguation is to employ different colors for different fiducials. A third, and inferior method, would be to rely on shapes, numbers or other graphic indicia to distinguish among the fiducials.
The toothbrush can assume any position and orientation (
To the extent that these fiducial markers are more salient than the rest of the imagery, the photographic and computational task is simplified. Several means of elevating fiducial salience are discussed,
In order to increase the salience of the fiducials, (
A more direct approach to salience (
This can use fluorescent materials, or light-emitting electronic elements. Neither the emitted radiation, nor the reflected radiation considered earlier must be limited to the visible spectrum. Radio waves; microwaves, infrared and ultraviolet are all candidates for fiducial signals, and these may employ RFID or NFC technology. They may utilize technology meant for GPS geolocation. In each case; the system will require a source (sometimes ambient), a sensor and, in some configurations, a set of passive fiducials with high (and possibly selective) albedo in the target wavelength.
Simple emission of visible light is highly practical, as electric lights are a common feature of children's toothbrushes. Often these are flashing lights.
Fiducials that flash at very high rates can improve the tracking process. A toothbrush often exhibits (
This results in motion blur. Normal photography often captures an image that is too blurred to be usable. This is particularly an acute problem with the diffusely reflective graphic fiducials employed commonly in augmented reality practice. In the case of highly salient fiducials (
If the fiducial is an active light source with intermittent flashing, the resulting image (
When the velocities within the frame are non-linear (
Embodiments of the present invention comprise a set of fiducial markers attached to, painted on, integrated into or otherwise fixed to a toothbrush. Said toothbrush can be manual or powered and can features any arrangement of bristles or other actuators. The invention further comprises a camera, a light source and computational engine. In practice, the light, camera and computer are all components of a smartphone, tablet laptop, fixed computer or similar device. Retroreflective fiducials will require a light source near the camera lens, as would be the case with the devices mentioned, which would sometimes feature a front-facing portrait light and would other times illuminate a portion of the screen to serve as coaxial light. Self-illuminated fiducials emit light directly to the camera. Intermittent fiducial illumination can improve tracking accuracy by enabling intraframe motion analysis.
The following are examples of the invention chosen to illustrate certain features and use cases. The implementation and grouping of features in these examples is purely illustrative and not meant to preclude alternative implementations or groupings.
One embodiment of this invention features a toothbrush with retroreflective markers printed on the body of its handle. These markers might be graphically integrated into a logo or graphic treatment that suggests to the owner only a decorative or branding purpose. Players brush their teeth while interacting with a game on a smartphone or tablet in which the screen and front-facing (selfie) camera are active. Siblings brushing together are independently tracked by the camera, as long as they are within its view. The retroreflective character of the fiducial indicia is activated by light emitted by the game device. If the device has a ‘selfie flash’ (a front-facing photo lamp), this is active. If it does not, a large area of the screen is devoted to coaxial illumination. This takes the form of a wide white border around the image area. Through artful design, the players perceive this border as serving aesthetic rather than functional purpose.
A second embodiment features active fiducial markers in the form of LED lamps. These flash in a frequency that such that each video frame contains five flashes, of which one is brighter and one dimmer than the other three. This flash frequency is to fast to be sensible by humans, but it serves to mark the video frames for ready analysis of motion speed and direction. Patients in a dental practice perform diagnostic brushing assessment using this fiduciated brush and software provided by their dental hygienist running on a popular tablet.
The present invention is readily operable in a diverse array of embodiments. For example it can serve as the assessment engine in a toothbrush training game, and thus help an unlimited number of children develop healthy dental hygiene habits which will prove valuable over their entire lives.
Based on Provisional Patent 62/460,992 Toothbrush Tracking Apparatus and Method Jacobson Feb. 20, 2017