La Jolla Institute has been awarded a grant to host a topical conference on "Research Trends in Nonlinear and Relativistic Effects in Plasmas" to be held February 5-9, 1990, in La Jolla, California. Proceeds from the grant will be used for student travel. The workshop deals with the applications of nonlinear and relativistic effects in plasmas induced by external and/or self-consistent electromagnetic fields. Nonlinear wave-wave and wave-particle interactions within the plasma lead to a variety of effects like plasma heating, simulated radiation scattering, acceleration of particles, stabilization of MHD instabilities etc., in different plasma environments: 1. Magnetically Confined Plasmas 2. Inertially Confined Plasmas 3. Particle Beams 4. Nonneutral Plasmas 5. Upper Atmospheric, Space, and Astrophysical Plasmas