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Belmont Equipment, Operatory Seating, Model 080 and Model 081, 2 pages (document marked 2007). |
Belmont Equipment, Operatory Seating, Model 100 and Model 101, 2 pages (document marked 2008). |
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Brewer Design, DynaCore Seating System, http://brewercompany.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/LIT-D-008—DynaCore-Brochure.pdf (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
CB Dental, Andy, 1 page (document not dated). |
Crown Seating, Arm Brochure, https://nebula.wsimg.com/dfc8232417bfa3886dbe6b4311286776?AccessKeyId=AA76679BD814093F0D09&disposition=0&alloworigin=1 (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Crown Seating, The napa line of Dental Stools, https://nebula.wsimg.com/acd9fba7f7aa3e8a18d3c9db2cf5d13c?AccessKeyId=AA76679BD814093F0D09&disposition=0&alloworigin=1 (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
DentalEZ Group, ErgoSure™ Stools, http://www.dentalez.com/downloads/product-literature/cat—view/71-downloads/49-product-literature/87-dentalez-equipment (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
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Forest Dental, Doctor's Deluxe 6126C, http://catalog.forestdental.com/chairs-stools/stools (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Marus, Dental Stools, http://marus.com/dental-chairs/stools/ (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Midmark, Seating, http://www.midmark.com/docs/default-source/marketing-collateral/007-0715-00.pdf?sfyrsn=2 (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Pelton & Crane, Spirit Chairs, 5 pages (document marked May 2012). |
Pelton & Crane, Stools, 1 page (document not dated). |
Planmeca, Dental Stools, 2 pages (document not dated). |
RGP Inc, Dental, http://rgpdental.com/dental (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Royal Dental Group, A2160 Assistant Stool, http://www.royaldentalgroup.com/pdfs/A2160.pdf (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Royal Dental Group, D2120 Assistant Stool, http://www.royaldentalgroup.com/pdfs/D2120.pdf (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Royal Dental Group, RA2 Assistant Stool, http://www.royaldentalgroup.com/pdfs/RA2.pdf (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Royal Dental Group, RA24 Assistant Stool, http://www.royaldentalgroup.com/pdfs/RA24.pdf (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Salli, Surgeon, http://www/salli.com/print.asp?siteid=en&id=Salli—Surgeon—2 (downloaded Dec. 10, 2014). |
Scandex LLC, Classic, Series 400 w/ Relax-style arm supports, http://www.scandex.us/bjorn/default.aspx (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Scandex LLC, Unisex, Series 600 w/ Dual Swing-arm Support SAD12, http://www.scandex.us/bjorn/default.aspx (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Sirona, Carl—The All-Around Seat, http://www.sirona.com/en/products/treatment-centers/carl/?tab=390 (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Summit Dental Systems, Compare Products, Stool, http://www.summitdental.com/compare-products-view?type—1=stool (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Tecnodent, Egg & Sting, http://www.tecnodent.com/nuovo/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Catalogo-Egg-Sting-ENG-Copia-3.pdf (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Tecnodent, Ergo Line, http://www.technodent.com/nuovo/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Catalogo-Ergo-ENG-Copia-21.pdf (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Tecnodent, Gel Line, http://www.tecnodent.com/nuovo/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Catalogo-Pluto-Venus-EN.pdf (downloaded Jun. 4, 2015). |
Vitali, Estro, 2 pages (document not dated). |