
  • Patent Application
  • 20110007018
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    September 04, 2009
    15 years ago
  • Date Published
    January 13, 2011
    13 years ago
A touch-sensitive wireless device, such as a wireless telephone or wireless multimedia player, in conjunction with an interactive on screen display, effectively remotely controls a programmable multimedia controller or other system. User gestures, button presses or other touches to or movements of the touch-sensitive wireless device are effectively converted to information that is wirelessly transmitted to the programmable multimedia controller. Once received by the programmable multimedia controller, such information is processed and effectively translated so as to control the operation of the controller.

1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates generally to a touch-sensitive wireless device though which a user, in combination with an on screen display, may remotely control a programmable multimedia controller or other system.

2. Background Information

A now decades long expansion in the number and types of consumer electronic devices has generated pervasive use of radiofrequency (RF) and infrared (IR) remote controls. Originally developed for television, remote controls now accompany essentially every CD player, DVD player, audio receiver, TV, home theatre, camcorder and portable radio. To simply play a DVD and watch a movie on a TV, it may be necessary to operate three different remote controls in order to turn on and properly set the TV, DVD player and home theatre system for the performance.

One conventional approach to eliminating or reducing the number of physical remote controls is the so-called universal remote control. In general, a universal remote control works by “learning” the RF or IR signals to which various devices respond. Once the signals are learned and retained in memory, the universal remote control may control multiple devices.

Universal remote controls, however, present certain disadvantages beginning with a dizzying array of physical buttons, perhaps dozens, which are often marked with arcane, difficult to read labels. Due to the number of buttons, they are often so small they are difficult and annoying to use. Further, the physical layout of the buttons does not conform to any industry standard nor to an arrangement that most users find intuitive or even familiar. In addition, because of the small button size and counterintuitive layout, most users cannot operate a universal remote control by touch in a “heads up” manner but must instead frequently look down at the buttons to ensure the correct one is pressed. This represents a recurring, frustrating distraction for many users. Lastly, a conventional universal remote control has no capability to change its functionality based on different users' preferences, handicaps or other factors.


In brief summary, one aspect of the invention enables a touch-sensitive wireless device, such as a wireless telephone or wireless multimedia player, in conjunction with an interactive on screen display, to effectively remotely control a programmable multimedia controller or other system. User gestures, button presses or other touches to or movements of the touch-sensitive wireless device cause information to be wirelessly communicated to the programmable multimedia controller. Once received by the programmable multimedia controller, such information is effectively converted or translated into one or more commands or messages which are understandable by the controller's operating software.

Based upon programmable services supported by the programmable multimedia controller, a given command or message may cause changes to the interactive on screen display such as causing icons to rotate in one direction or another. Alternatively, a given command or message may cause changes in the operational state of the programmable multimedia controller such as powering the controller up or down. Similarly, a given command or message may cause changes with respect to a programmable services supported by the controller such as a DVD to begin playing.

Through a graphical programming environment, the function or functions associated with each icon or button in the interactive on screen display may be easily assigned or modified. An assigned function may be dynamically changed to provide appropriate functionality for the particular programmable service that a user has selected. Similarly, an assigned function may be dynamically changed in response to a menu level or state to which a user has navigated within a particular on screen display or programmable service.

The invention provides numerous advantages. First, a single wireless device, such as a touch-sensitive wireless telephone or touch-sensitive wireless multimedia player, may be used to remotely control a complex system which includes a large number of audio, video or other components.

Second, touch-sensitive wireless devices such as telephones or multimedia players are small and light and users are comfortable carrying them on an everyday basis. To the extent that the touch-sensitive wireless device is one that a user is inclined to carry anyway, the invention enables a user to leverage his or her investment and obtain significant additional functionality from that device.

Third, the user enjoys great convenience by avoiding the use of multiple remote control devices which are frequently lost or misplaced. A user need only keep track of a single wireless device. Further, through functionality provided by the programmable multimedia controller, the user's wireless device becomes aware of a plurality of on screen displays which may be present in different rooms of a house or zones of a system.


The invention may be better understood by referring to the following description in conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which like reference numerals indicate identical or functionally similar elements:

FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a programmable multimedia controller:

FIG. 2 is a block diagram of programmable multimedia controller which is remotely controlled by a touch-sensitive wireless device, in conjunction with an interactive on screen display, in accordance with an illustrative embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 3 is a message flow diagram illustrating how touch-sensitive wireless devices such as those shown in FIG. 2 may discover and establish wireless communication with a programmable multimedia controller;

FIG. 4 is a screenshot of a touch-sensitive wireless device such as those shown in FIG. 2;

FIG. 5 is a flowchart illustrating how information received from wireless devices is processed to effect desired user control of the programmable multimedia controller; and

FIG. 6 is a screenshot of an interactive on screen display in which a rotating selection of icons representing different programmable services are presented to a user who may use a touch-sensitive wireless device to rotate and select the icons in accordance with an illustrative embodiment of the invention.


FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a programmable multimedia controller 100, interconnected to a number of devices, according to an illustrative embodiment of the present invention. The term “programmable multimedia controller” should be interpreted broadly as a device capable of controlling, switching data between, and/or interoperating with a variety of electronic devices, such as audio, video, telephony, data, security, motor-driven, relay-driven, and/or other types of electronic devices. By interacting with these devices, the programmable multimedia controller may implement an integrated multimedia control solution.

In the illustrative embodiment, the programmable multimedia controller 100 is connected to a wide range of audio/video components, for example, a compact disk (CD) player 105, a digital versatile disc (DVD) player 110, an audio/video receiver 115, a television 120, a personal media player 125, speakers 122, a microphone 123, and/or a video camera 124. The programmable multimedia controller may also be connected to telephony devices such as a telephone network 130 and telephone handsets 132. The telephone network 130 may be a publicly switched telephone network (PSTN), a private network or other network.

In addition, the programmable multimedia controller may intercommunicate with variety of light and/or home automation systems 135. These devices may operate via the X10 protocol developed by Pico Electronics, the INSTEON™ protocol developed by SmartHome, Inc, the CEBus standard managed by the CEBus Industry Council, or another well known home automation or control protocol. Similarly the controller may be connected to motor and/or relay operated devices 137 that may include, for example, a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system (HVAC) system, an irrigation system, an automatic shade or blind system, an electronic door lock, or other types of devices.

A computer network, such as the Internet 140, is connected to the multimedia controller. In addition, a personal computer (PC) 145, video game systems 150, home recording equipment 165 or other devices may also be connected.

In addition to providing interconnection to a wide variety of devices, the programmable multimedia controller is able to combine, synthesize, and otherwise processes various data types to implement an integrated multimedia solution for a user. In a preferred embodiment, the programmable multimedia controller 100 includes a general purpose computer such as a MacPro sold by Apple Inc. Further details regarding the internal architecture of programmable multimedia controller 100 are set forth in the co-pending application entitled SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR A PROGRAMMABLE MULTIMEDIA CONTROLLER referenced above.

To facilitate the above described interconnections and processing, the programmable multimedia controller 100 may be arranged in a modular manner. For example, in one embodiment, the programmable multimedia controller 100 is arranged to have twelve separate input and output modules, each having a number of connection ports. The input and output modules are inserted into slots or module bays of the programmable multimedia controller 100. The modules interface with a mid-plane that provides connection to the rest of the system. By embracing a modular approach, a user is allowed to select the specific modules desired, and the system may be customized to fit a particular application. In addition, entry level pricing may be reduced by allowing a user to purchase a base configuration, with limited capabilities, and then add to the system by purchasing addition modules. It is expressly contemplated that a wide variety of additional modules may be provided, and, accordingly, this disclosure should be interpreted to embrace such other possible configurations. It is also contemplated that several programmable multimedia controllers may be interconnected to create a larger system, in effect implementing a modular-type solution at the controller level.

FIG. 2 shows a system 250 which includes a programmable multimedia controller 100, a television (or other video display) 120 on which an interactive on screen display appears and a WiFi router 200. For purposes of enhanced clarity, other components like those shown in FIG. 1, which may be interconnected with controller 100, are omitted. A touch-sensitive wireless telephone 210, which may be implemented with an iPhone sold by Apple Inc., is capable of wirelessly communicating with programmable multimedia controller 100 through WiFi router 200. A touch-sensitive wireless multimedia player 220, which may be implemented with an iTouch sold by Apple Inc., is similarly capable of wireless communication with programmable multimedia controller 100. As described in detail below, either touch-sensitive wireless telephone 210 or touch-sensitive multimedia player 220, in conjunction with the interactive on screen display, may be used by a user to control the operation of programmable multimedia controller 100.

In order to establish wireless communications with programmable multimedia controller 100, touch-sensitive wireless devices 210 and 220 may utilize a service discovery protocol such as Bonjour by Apple Inc. Other wireless communication protocols may also be used. As shown in FIG. 3, a touch-sensitive wireless device running Mac OS X 300, which may represent either of devices 210 and 220, initially attempts to autodetect a server (i.e., user interface server 330 running on programmable multimedia controller 100) by way of the Bonjour Name Service (wireless) search broadcast 302 which is part of OS X. User interface server 330 includes Bonjour Name Registration 304. A Bonjour Service Discovery message 306 is issued by wireless device 300 and received by user interface server 330. This is followed by a registration request 308 which is processed by Bonjour Name Registration 304 and acknowledged by way of registration confirmation message 310.

Once wireless device 300 is registered, subsequently, a user may make a gesture, press a button, touch or simply move wireless device 300. As a result, a command indication 314 is issued to user interface server 330. User interface server 330 recognizes command indication 314 as a control command or request and responds by issuing a send command message 316 to service controller 332 which reacts according to the functionality previously programmed into programmable multimedia controller 100. Details regarding the services and functionality which may be programmed into controller 100 are set forth in the co-pending application entitled PROGRAMMABLE MULTIMEDIA CONTROLLER WITH PROGRAMMABLE SERVICES referenced above.

In the case of an interactive command 318 which requires data from user interface server 330, a command request 320 is issued by device 300 to user interface server 330. User interface server 330 replies with a command confirmation 322 which returns the requested data to wireless device 300.

In the case of an unsolicited interactive command 324 (e.g., a user loads a DVD into a DVD player or disconnects a component), user interface server 330 may issue a command indication 326 to inform wireless device 300 of the event.

FIG. 4 shows a screenshot or representation 400 which may, in a preferred embodiment, be displayed on the touch-sensitive display of either of the wireless devices 210 and 220 shown in FIG. 2. A graphical button 414, when pressed by a user, causes programmable multimedia controller 100 to power up or down. A group of outer graphical buttons 412, labeled F1, F2, F3 and F4, have corresponding functions which may be dynamically assigned and changed as discussed in detail in a co-pending application entitled PROGRAMMABLE ON SCREEN DISPLAY AND REMOTE CONTROL referenced above. Similarly, a group of inner graphical buttons 416, which are labeled with directional arrows, have corresponding functions which may be dynamically assigned and changed.

A row of special graphical buttons is arranged along the bottom edge of screen-shot 400. An OSD button 402, when pressed by a user, causes an interactive on screen display to appear on television 120. Similarly, cable button 404, keypad button 406, DVD button 408 and favorites button 410 allow a user fast, direct access to several of the most frequently used functions (e.g., controlling a cable TV converter box).

FIG. 5 is a flowchart which illustrates how information from wireless devices 210 and 220 (FIG. 2) is processed to provide effective user control. The steps shown in FIG. 5 are, in a preferred embodiment, implemented or performed by a combination of hardware, firmware or software found in programmable multimedia controller 100.

At step 500, information is received, via WiFi router 200, from one of wireless devices 210 or 220. At step 502, a determination is made whether the received information signifies that a user pressed a button on wireless device 210 or 220. If so, the process advances to step 510, which is discussed below. If not, the process advances to step 504 where a determination is made whether the received information signifies that a user made a gesture (e.g., finger swipe) on wireless device 210 or 220. If so, the process advances to step 510 and, if not, the process advances to step 506.

At step 506, a determination is made whether the received information signifies that an accelerometer located within wireless device 210 or 220 has generated an output signifying movement of the wireless device. If so, the process advances to step 508 where the movement detected by the accelerometer is translated or mapped to a corresponding change or action with respect to an interactive on screen display. For example, a user holding wireless device 210 or 220 may press and hold center button 418 (FIG. 4) and then tilt the wireless device in a certain direction. At step 508, this tilting may be translated or mapped so as to cause icons displayed in the interactive on screen display to rotate in a particular direction. Conversely, tilting the wireless device 210 or 220 in the opposite direction may cause icons to rotate in the opposite direction.

At step 510, information received from wireless devices 210 and 220, as well as translation or mapping information received from step 508, are processed by a virtual remote server. In general, the virtual remote server processes received information, corresponding to user action on wireless device 210 or 220, and determines what changes to the interactive on screen display (FIG. 2) should be made to reflect such user action. For example, if the user pressed DVD button 408 (FIG. 4), the virtual remote server would process that information and determine that the video output signal from programmable multimedia controller 100 (FIG. 2) to television 120 should be changed so as to show an on screen display of DVD player controls such as play, pause, stop and the like. Thus, at step 512, appropriate changes to the output video signal are made and the user sees the results on television 120.

FIG. 6 shows an example of an interactive on screen display 600 in which a rotating selection of icons are presented to a user (not shown). For purposes of enhanced clarity, video images, graphics and other content are omitted from interactive on screen display 600, but it should be understood that such content may be displayed on the screen along with the icons, buttons or other elements.

In accordance with a typical programmable service that may be provided by the system of FIGS. 1 and 2, an icon 604, which has the appearance of an old-fashioned diner music selector, will (when selected by a user) cause the programmable multimedia controller 100 to initiate a “Play Media” service. Such a service would typically allow a user to play desired CDs, DVDs, MP3 files or other media.

Icon 606, which has the appearance of a thermostat, will when selected cause the multimedia controller 100 to initiate an “HVAC” service through which room temperature may be controlled.

Icon 602, which has the appearance of a video game controller, will when selected cause the programmable multimedia controller 100 to initiate a video game service.

In a preferred embodiment, icons 602-606, as well as others that may be present, may be rotated in either of two directions in response to a user action. When a user wishes to select one of the icons 602-606, he or she simply rotates the icons until the desired one appears in the front and center position (e.g., icon 604) in on screen display 600. At that point, the user may select the icon by pressing, for example, center button 418 (FIG. 4) or another appropriate button displayed on the touch-sensitive display of wireless devices 210 and 220.

The foregoing description has been directed to particular embodiments of this invention. It will be apparent, however, that other variations and modifications may be made to the described embodiments, with the attainment of some or all of their advantages. Additionally, the procedures or processes may be implemented in hardware, software, embodied as a computer-readable medium having program instructions, firmware, or a combination thereof. Therefore, it is the object of the appended claims to cover all such variations and modifications as come within the true spirit and scope of the invention.

  • 1. A multimedia system capable of being remotely controlled by a wireless telephone comprising: a programmable multimedia controller which includes a general purpose computer, at least one video input module and at least one video output module;at least one video display, coupled to said at least one video input module and said at least one video output module, responsive to said programmable multimedia controller for displaying a plurality of interactive on screen displays, each of said interactive on screen displays being operable by a user to control one or more programmable services supported by said programmable multimedia controller; anda wireless telephone which includes a touch-sensitive display, said touch-sensitive display operable by a user to interact with said interactive on screen displays, thereby controlling said one or more programmable services.
  • 2. The multimedia system as in claim 1 wherein one or more of said plurality of interactive on screen displays includes one or more graphical elements whose assigned functionality dynamically changes depending upon which one of said one or more programmable services said user is controlling.
  • 3. The multimedia system as in claim 1 wherein one or more of said plurality of interactive on screen displays includes one or more graphical elements whose assigned functionality dynamically changes depending upon a menu level to which said user has navigated.
  • 4. The multimedia system as in claim 1 wherein said wireless telephone, in response to a user gesture, button press, touch or movement of said wireless telephone, wirelessly transmits information to said programmable multimedia controller which converts said information into one or more commands for controlling said one or more programmable services.
  • 5. The multimedia system as in claim 1 wherein said touch-sensitive display displays one or more buttons each of which enables said user to gain access to a predetermined one of said programmable services.
  • 6. A multimedia system capable of being remotely controlled by a wireless multimedia player comprising: a programmable multimedia controller including a general purpose computer, at least one video input module and at least one video output module;at least one video display, coupled to said at least one video input module and said at least one video output module, responsive to said programmable multimedia controller for displaying a plurality of interactive on screen displays, each of said interactive on screen displays being operable by a user to control one or more programmable services supported by said programmable multimedia controller; anda wireless multimedia player which includes a touch-sensitive display, said touch-sensitive display operable by a user to interact with said interactive on screen displays, thereby controlling said one or more programmable services.
  • 7. The multimedia system as in claim 6 wherein one or more of said plurality of interactive on screen displays includes one or more graphical elements whose assigned functionality dynamically changes depending upon which one of said one or more programmable services said user is controlling.
  • 8. The multimedia system as in claim 6 wherein one or more of said plurality of interactive on screen displays includes one or more graphical elements whose assigned functionality dynamically changes depending upon a menu level to which said user has navigated.
  • 9. The multimedia system as in claim 6 wherein said wireless multimedia player, in response to a user gesture, button press, touch or movement of said wireless multimedia player, wirelessly transmits information to said programmable multimedia controller which converts said information into one or more commands for controlling said one or more programmable services.
  • 10. The multimedia system as in claim 6 wherein said touch-sensitive display displays one or more buttons each of which enables said user to gain access to a predetermined one of said programmable services.
  • 11. A method for remotely controlling a multimedia system using a wireless device comprising the steps of: providing a programmable multimedia controller which includes a general purpose computer and which supports a plurality of programmable services;providing at least one video display coupled to said programmable multimedia controller for displaying a plurality of interactive on screen displays, each of said interactive on screen displays being operable by a user to control one or more of said plurality of programmable services; andproviding a wireless device which includes a touch-sensitive display, said touch-sensitive display operable by said user to interact with said interactive on screen displays, thereby controlling one or more of said plurality of programmable services, said wireless device being further configured to establish a wireless connection to the programmable multimedia controller by attempting to auto-detect a server using a broadcast search function.
  • 12. The method as in claim 11 wherein one or more of said plurality of interactive on screen displays includes one or more graphical elements whose assigned functionality dynamically changes depending upon which one of said plurality of programmable services said user is controlling.
  • 13. The method as in claim 11 wherein one or more of said plurality of interactive on screen displays includes one or more graphical elements whose assigned functionality dynamically changes depending upon a menu level to which said user has navigated.
  • 14. The method as in claim 11 wherein said wireless device, in response to a user gesture, button press, touch or movement of said wireless multimedia player, wirelessly transmits information to said programmable multimedia controller which converts said information into one or more commands for controlling said one or more of said plurality of programmable services.
  • 15. The method as in claim 11 wherein said touch-sensitive display displays one or more buttons each of which enables said user to gain access to a predetermined one of said programmable services.
  • 16. The method as in claim 11 wherein said wireless device comprises a wireless telephone.
  • 17. The method as in claim 11 wherein said wireless device comprises a wireless multimedia player.
  • 18. The method as in claim 14, wherein said programmable multimedia controller receives a command indication message and recognizes it as a control command or request and responds by issuing a send command message.
  • 19. The method as defined in claim 18 further comprising: at said wireless device, upon receiving an interactive command, issuing a command request to the programmable multimedia controller, which in turn replies with a command confirmation, which returns the requested data to the wireless device.
  • 20. The method as defined in claim 19 further comprising: at said programmable multimedia controller, determining whether received information is that the user pressed a button or made a finger swipe gesture.

This application is a U.S. National Phase application of international application PCT No. PCT/US2009/005001, of David McKinley, et al., filed on Sep. 4, 2009, entitled TOUCH SENSITIVE WIRELESS DEVICE AND ON SCREEN DISPLAY FOR REMOTELY CONTROLLING A SYSTEM, which claims priority from U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/094,099, of David McKinley et al., filed on Sep. 4, 2008, entitled TOUCH-SENSITIVE WIRELESS DEVICE AND ON SCREEN DISPLAY FOR REMOTELY CONTROLLING A SYSTEM, both of which are incorporated herein by reference. This application is related to the following copending United States patent applications: SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR A PROGRAMMABLE MULTIMEDIA CONTROLLER, filed Dec. 20, 2005 and assigned Ser. No. 11/314,664, PROGRAMMABLE MULTIMEDIA CONTROLLER WITH PROGRAMMABLE SERVICES, filed Dec. 20, 2005 and assigned Ser. No. 11/314,112, PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT AND METADATA MANAGEMENT FOR PROGRAMMABLE MULTIMEDIA CONTROLLER, filed Sep. 13, 2006 and assigned Ser. No. 11/520,215, and PROGRAMMABLE ON SCREEN DISPLAY AND REMOTE CONTROL, filed Mar. 16, 2007 and assigned Ser. No. 11/687,458, all of which are assigned to a common assignee and all of which are expressly incorporated herein by reference.

PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind 371c Date
PCT/US09/05001 9/4/2009 WO 00 9/9/2010
Provisional Applications (1)
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61095099 Sep 2008 US