The NSF Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation (CSSI) program has been critical in not only supporting the development and deployment of innovative software and data products, but also in several workforce development and community-building initiatives. The projects funded through the CSSI program have promoted the nation's competitiveness and leadership in the fields of data, High-Performance Computing (HPC), networking, cybersecurity, software, and workforce development. A workshop on the "Future Direction of the NSF CSSI Program" can be instrumental in gathering the community-feedback on the current scope and objectives of the CSSI program and guiding its future direction such that the nation's leadership in the aforementioned fields is maintained. <br/><br/>The goal of the workshop on the "Future Direction of the NSF CSSI Program" is to bring together researchers and practitioners from the industry, academia, and government laboratories to assess the impact of the CSSI program, share best practices in supporting sustainable software and data products in present and future, and identify gaps (if any) in the scope of the CSSI program and needs of the community. A report resulting from this workshop will help inform NSF of future directions for the CSSI program. The workshop will strengthen multi-disciplinary collaborations on developing the cyberinfrastructure (software and data) for supporting research and innovation in different fields of science and technology. This project is critical for enabling the organization of the aforementioned workshop and supporting the participation of a diverse range of researchers and practitioners in the development of the future CSSI solicitations. Some participants may need financial support for traveling to the workshop. This project will help in supporting the travel of such participants.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.