Water balloon toy set kit development was a homemade prototype done in Genesee County located in the State of Michigan. The transformation of the water balloon toy set kit was three plastic containers, siphon, balloons, water, food coloring, tape, color paper, staples, thread and rope. Water balloon nozzle assembly devices was a convert unit idea transformation from water balloon toy set kit. Tying a water balloon knot devices is a visual fix of a water balloon knot tie. Self seal pressure grip band clamp is a visual fix of stopping a water release from a water balloon. Self seal toy football is a visual fix of stopping a water release from a water balloon. A survey evaluation was done upon water balloon toy set kit water balloon nozzle assembly devices and tying a water balloon knot of devices and of self seal of a water balloon of a stop release of water from a water balloon of a water inflation. By a group of Ponzi scam Schemer of Mid-Michigan Inventors Council of Michigan located in the City of Flint, Community of Burton in the of State of Michigan Review Panel Members of Marty Sovis, Michael Wiley, Jame White, Michael Ball. The outcome of the evaluation was a betrayed agreement of non-disclosure signed agreement. They gave my invention ideas as a Ponzi Scam Scheme to their family and friends of Wayne Sikorcin, Donna Ramere, Lexis Glenn, Kendall Harter, Joshua Malone, A. J. Khubani, Chon Seong Gan as a cover up. They have market my invention and told fraudulent stories of inventing. Seeking justice upon this Ponzi scam scheme act. Upon a non-disclosure signed agreement act of betrayed signed agreement of non-disclosure. All water balloon toy concoctions was done as homemade prototypes. The transformation of water balloon toy concoctions was latex balloons and rubber band balloon tubes and of plastic containers and caps of container units and a compound mixture of water and air and durable cutup rubber plastic. The toy yo yo water balloon concoction was stolen when Ponzi Scam Schemer marketed my invention of the water balloon toy set kit under non-disclosure confidential signed agreement. Justice will be seek upon this matter. Water balloon margin design game mats of strategy was done as homemade prototypes of a margin strategy layout area of cardboard panel, plastic cover shield, measuring rope, measuring panel, measuring ruler, measuring tape.
The present disclosure is directed to the water balloon toy set kit and nozzle devices of assemblies with a water balloon devices of tying a water balloon knot and a self seal water balloon unit and water balloon game mats and water balloon toy concoctions activity units.
This is a fun and easier way of putting water inside a balloon or balloons in a productive activity way of delight and enjoyment of a water balloon toy set kit and nozzle devices of assembly, with a coordination of a convenience of a movement of the human body part hand of tying a water balloon knot of a device, with water balloon nozzles of a convenience of a self sealing of a water balloon unit is a very easy way of sealing water release from a water balloon of a self seal unit of a water balloon nozzle devices. Water balloon game mat is a convenient and easier way of a direction of operation of a coordination of a human body movement with a water balloon toy of balance of a strategy upon game mats of a designed unit margin zones of fun strategies. Water balloon toy concoction is a convenient and easier way of a structure fun building form and of a placement of a pattern form of a repeat of a connection unit of a water balloon toy and of a water balloon toy of motion fun rhythm movement.
The material present here dicate figs of a water balloon toy inflation of a captivity pump mechanism of a water suction and nozzle devices of a self sealing water balloons and devices of tying a water balloon toy knot and margin strategy of water balloon game mats of body movement from a hand navigation of a water balloon toy and of water balloon toy concoctions of a water balloon structure of a manual structure.
A compound element of a water balloon toy set kit unit system. Subject goal is to process element by filling empty balloon or balloons with water or air or a compound mixture of water and air. 4 A compound element of a container unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by opening container from closure. A compound element of liquid water. Subject goal is to process element by entrance of a container. 1 A compound element of a combine cap lid pump unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by placing it on container as a closure of a convert rim seal. 6 A compound element of a nozzle device. Toy subject goal is to process element by placing empty balloon on nozzle area to be fill with water from water balloon toy kit unit.
1 A compound element of a pump unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by using up and down motion rhythm upon mechanism top of a compound combine cap lid of a tube of water suction of container. 12 A compound element of a split arrow shape device of tying water balloon knot a combine device of water balloon toy kit unit. Toy subject goal is to process element by using a lap over motion rhythm with a water balloon enter stem area of balloon into split area of tying device and pull outward. 2 A compound element of a shape arch device of tying water balloon knot a combine device of toy kit unit. Toy subject goal is to process element by placing water balloon stem area over device and loop around arch shape use beginning open end under and lift up and outward.
10 A compound element of a hand held water balloon knot tying device unit. Toy subject goal is to process by using lap over motion rhythm with a water balloon enter stem area of balloon into split area of tying device and pull outward. 9 A compound element of a water balloon removable bowl attachment of toy kit unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by holding water balloons or a compound mixture of air and water balloons. 16 A compound element of a nozzle adapter connector unit system of water domain units of garden hosier units, kitchen sink faucet units and water balloon toy set kit unit. Toy subject goal is to process element by enter food coloring into adapter nozzle device unit.
14 A compound cicment of a reusable removable connector nozzle device of multiple tube units. Toy subject goal is to process element by filling multiple empty latex balloons with water liquid from water domain units of garden hosier units kitchen sink faucet units and water balloon toy set kit unit. 11 A compound element of a reusable removable single long tube nozzle device of attachment units. Toy subject goal is to process element by filling empty balloon with water liquid or air. 7 A compound element of a connector unit. Subject goal is to process element by connecting a water balloon nozzle device and use insert unit of connector to put into input unit of water balloon toy kit unit. (5) A compound element, of a water balloon toy set kit input unit system. Subject goal is to process element by using insert unit and placing it into input unit system. 6 A compound element of a short insert nozzle device unit. Subject goal is to process element by Inserting nozzle into input unit system of water balloon toy set kit.
3 A compound element of a handle unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by placing hand over handle and use a close position of hand and lift to carry water balloon toy kit unit. 1 A compound element of a cap lip pump unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by covering toy kit container unit system as a closure seal. 13 A compound element of a container cap unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by removing it from container and replacing it back upon container area unit system of water entrance of container. 21 A compound element of a toy football of a self seal of a water balloon unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by filling empty balloon with water for a self seal of a football unit.
8 A compound element of a multiple stem tube disposable water balloon nozzle device of a self seal pressure grip band of a detach removable ability of plurality hollow stem tubes of water force pressure of weight of water balloon. Toy subject goal is to process element by placing nozzle unit upon water domain unit system to filling empty multiple latex balloons with water liquid from water domain units of garden hosier units kitchen sink faucet units and water balloon toy set kit. 19 A compound element of a design margin strategy water balloon game mat unit system. Game subject goal is to process element by enter human body in a standing position or a sitting position into strategy margin design zone use a body motion engagement of distant with a water balloon of a toss balance.
18 A compound element of a design pattern strategy maze game mat unit system. Game subject goal is to process element by enter a human body in a standing position into a design margin zone line of strategy using a body motion of engagement of distant with a water balloon design metric cube water ball of a competitor or competitors pattern ending finish zone. 29 A compound element of a metric cube water balloon ball designed image picture unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by rolling along a distant path of engaging distant.
17 A compound element of a pop and drop and splash water balloon number design margin strategy symbol game mat unit. Game subject goal is to process element by enter a human body in a standing position upon mat using a body engage rhythm in a pattern of a up and down motion rhythm upon water balloon and number symbol as a competitive game of a water balloon of a challenge race of time or as a competitor.
20 A compound element of a water balloon character concoction unit system. Subject goal is to process element by creating a face of structure and a body of structure with form pieces of martial. 33 A compound element of a balloon fill with air of a character doll concoction unit system. Subject goal is to process element by creating a face of structure and a body of structure with form pieces of martial.
34 A compound element of a compound mixture of water and air character toy unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by connecting a rubber balloon band link to character toy and with fingertip grip hold move hand up and down and use a body walk about engage rhythm. A compound element of a water balloon bouncing character link unit system. Subject goal is to process element by connecting link to character unit system.
43 A compound element of a water balloon target game unit system. Game subject goal is to process element by beating a timer or his or her competitor or competitors and go a margin line of engagement strategy structure distant area to achieve a score with a solid water balloon aim of captivity of target a wet sponge ball can be used as a captivity of target. 40 A compound element of a water balloon strategy rope panel of a distant unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by going short to long distant of a score of a target game. A compound element of a water balloon target game table unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by placing a target upon table unit system. 36 A compound element of a sponge ball unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by wetting ball of sponge and aim at target with a balance of a toss. 24 A compound element of a water balloon game timer unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by setting game timer to a zone of minutes of a game of a challenge of a play zone of time.
26 A compound element of a water balloon toy paddle concoction game unit system. Toy game subject goal is to process element by balancing a rubber band tube link of a connected compound mixture of water and air balloon back and forward upon plastic or wooded surface of paddle board also a solid water balloon can be used and a very small balloon and air balloon also can be used.
32 A compound element of a link connector unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by connecting to a compound mixture balloon of air and water unit system or a toy paddle unit system or a water balloon compound mixture of air and water character unit system.
30 A compound element of a rubber band balloon tube handle connector unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by connecting handle to a compound mixture balloon of air and water unit system or a bead air balloon unit.
30 A compound element of a water balloon fist pump punch unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by using a hand close position and pat back and forth. 22 A compound element of a water balloon finger ring link yo yo unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by placing ring area of link on finger and move hand up and down and back and forth.
23 A compound element of a converter water balloon link toy yo yo unit system into a water balloon link toy launcher unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by wrapping around finger and move hand up and down and back and forth and wrap around hand and toss.
31 A compound element of air balloon and water balloon twist and hold concoction unit system. Subject goal is to process element by holding balloons firmly together by placing balloon stem area into split area of tube twist and lock with ring by placing ring over tube split area.
32 A compound element of a multiple larger quantity air balloons concoction unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by punching balloons back and forward with pressure of a hand in a fist position and to be carried upon wrist or by hand.
37 A compound element of air balloon links of distant unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by removing links for a short distant of a change and add links for a long distant of a change.
41 A compound element of a solid water balloon toy converter concoction unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by balancing back and forth act or do a juggling act, or do a balance of a target aim.
25 A compound element of a single air balloon bead toy concoction unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by tracing a bead around and up and down inside of a balloon and jiggle and wriggle and carry by hand or wrist.
42 A compound element of a single panel unit system. Toy subject goal is to process element by placing panel on a flat surface for a measurement start of a water balloon target game of beginning margin strategy of the game.
The first step of improvement of invention would be to make a pump mechanism of a function ability to inflate water balloon combination convert transformation of pumps to container as in foot pump, hand squeeze pump for inflation of a water balloon toy when the market world is in need of one. The second step of improvement of invention would be to change container to a variety of shapes and sizes of a convenient unit of carrying. Progressive when the market world is in need of one. The third step of improvement of invention would be to build a converter unit of a compact water truck with a play stool and deck top for the creation of a water balloon building station for boys and lemon aid compact play station unit for girls. Progressive when the market world is in need of one. The fourth step of improvement of invention would be to build a water balloon dispenser machine for park area grounds, beaches, camp area grounds. Progressive when the market world is in need of one.
The fifth step of improvement of invention would be to make a squeeze water container to be press up and down and back and forth or press up and down for inflation of a toy water balloons. The sixth step of improvement of invention would be to make more water balloon fun concoction of fun enjoyment. The seventh step of improvement of invention would be to make more water balloon game mat of fun game. The eighth step of improvement of invention would be to make a double container of a dry air side and water side for a water balloon toy of inflation. The ninth step of improvement of invention would be to make a water container with air hole for air balloon from water balloon.
The tenth step of improvement of invention would be to make a large variety of differ colored containers for a water balloon toy of inflation. The eleventh step improvement of invention would be to make a variety of container out of soft rubber or d combination blend of soft rubber and plastic for a water balloon toy of inflation. The twelfth step of improvement of invention would be to make a variety of differ pumps and pump sizes for a water balloon toy of inflation. The thirteenth step of improvement of invention would be to make differ manual devices of tying a water balloon knot. The fourteenth step of improvement of invention would be to make a hand held element device of tying a water balloon toy knot.
The fifteenth step of improvement of invention would be to make differ form of food color for a water balloon toy of inflation. The sixteenth step of improvement of invention would be to make a variety of differ form of adapter captivity of food color for a water balloon toy inflation. The seventeenth step of improvement of invention would be to make a variety of differ form of nozzles for a water balloon toy of inflation.