This patent demand refers to a system which aids the registering important data, in details, during the development of the activities in apicultural farming, production, harvesting, processing, storing, industrialization and commercialization of products in this sector, allowing these processes to be traced. This work will give the possibility to the companies of the sector to optimize the use of their assets and processes, as well as to control and highlight the quality of their products. Such companies will be induced to a growing professionalization degree. To the consumers and industrial market of the sector, national or international, the system will offer much more precise information about dates, conditions and production processes used for the products being acquired, which increases reliability about their quality.
The system is made viable by the introduction of a novel, portable tracer equipment, with embedded software, specifically developed for this task. The equipment can easily be carried by the user while his hands are free for the activities in the farm. It goes attached to the user's body, it is easy to use, and it offers precision and reliability to the collected data, avoiding their adulteration. The operation of the equipment is complemented by software for the management of the information collected in the field and by logistic and security processes here described and claimed.
One can conclude that the traceability system claimed has been provided by inventive activity, by guaranteeing odd easiness and reliability in entering data in the field, in accord with the requirements for patenting, as disposed by the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).
in order to provide a better understanding about the subject and the solution here proposed, we will present an interpretation of the concept of traceability used nowadays for tracing products in this sector. Then, we will detail the solution here proposed, discussing about the advantages aggregated with the introduction of this novel traceability system, trying to highlight the advantages of this innovation.
The concept of Traceability is based on the act of registering, in details, all the assets and the activities executed along a production process along time, so that, if necessary, the process can be reviewed and evaluated, allowing it to be ameliorated, and being transparent on how the final product has been obtained. The importance of this term has increased by the last years, due to the increased competition in production activities and to the commercial practices and governmental policies that encouraged global markets, with a consequent increased need for competitive power. The tracing of processes allows one to find and correct, precisely and fast, any variety of error occurred during the production, which influence directly on the quality of the final products and the efficiency of the production. This practice also allows the consumers of the product to analyze its quality since the beginning of its production.
Apiculture as a primary activity in the economy, and the secondary and tertiary activities of this sector, seen in a global context, have been signing the intention and the need of adhering to the techniques of traceability, looking for a differentiate in the reliability of the final product commercialized.
In a study, we have verified that, in the state of the technique, the apicultural sector has available two systems used to trace the steps of the production en its products. The first one being the traditionally used paperwork and pencil or pen for pointing what is convenient, and later transferring such annotations to digital or even manual spreadsheets. The second option available in the market uses optionally an electronic data collector and software for processing and storing of the obtained information. The second option is not less difficult and inefficient than the manual system described previously, because:
The traceability system here proposed has been elaborated based on the premises and deficiencies described in the following, and the proposed solution looks for an optimization of the conditions of use in the field:
in face of the technical fundamentals exposed above this patent's inventors have idealized a traceability system applied to the activities in apiculture, which differentiates from any system available in the state of the technique in this application field, where the invention solves deficient aspects previously identified and detailed, by presenting the following characteristics:
This condition avoids the non-insertion (forgetting) of primordial data, yet offering reliability to the acquired data, since this equipment has an obligatory and/or involuntary sequence of data acquisition.
In addition, it must be highlighted that the inventive equipment does not allow data insertion by typing, and it has no touches for such purpose.
to complement the present description for a better understanding of the characteristics of the present invention deposit, attached to this document, in annex, there is a set of figures, where in an illustrative, but not limiting manner, a preferred realization form for the traceability and data collector equipment claimed has been represented, where:
The Detail 1 is a representation, as a zoom, of the traceability equipment attached to the gloves for apicultural activities of the operator;
the following detailed description must be read an interpreted with reference to the figures presented. Such figures are illustrative and represent a preferred form of realization. They are not supposed to limit the invent scope. The scope is limited exclusively by the claim table.
While referring to the illustrations, the present invention patent demand refers to a differentiated traceability system, applied to the apicultural sector, whose functionality is guaranteed by the introduction of novel traceability equipment (A). When not in use, A is set to a rest state, on a base (A1). The base A1 is installed in the interior of an operational management central (C), such as illustrated in
The traceability equipment (A) is composed by a hardware (HW) with a GPS, and supports an applicative software (SW), and in addition to this hardware a bar code reader (LCB) is attached, as well as a RFID reader.
In complement, an activation button (A3) is available for the code reader (LCB), placed on the glove (B1), specifically on the lateral of the index finger (B3). To be activated, B3 can easily be pressed by the thumb (B2), as illustrated in Detail 1. This activation button (A3) communicates with the traceability equipment (A) by a physical line, such as a communication cable, or by a remote wireless connection.
While in use, the traceability equipment (A) will emit a continuous sound alarm as soon as it is detached from the base (A1), and the sound alarm will not stop until the user identifies himself, by his identification card. From this event on, A starts registering date, time and GPS coordinates of every event. While the equipment is in operation, but the user is still without the special wearing, consequently without gloves and without the activation button, the traceability equipment can be operated to acquire data, by the selection of functions in an appropriate button on the equipment.
As part of the action of detaching the traceability equipment (A) from its base (A1), the user will be asked to inform (via code reading) the human resources that will help him in the subsequent tasks and the vehicle to be used. The information about the places to be visited, as well as the activities to be executed, will already be available to the team leader in the hardware (HW), since they have been programmed a priori by the administrator. The information about the materials to be used and their location in the warehouse will also be available. This initial condition eliminates the dependency on the memory of the operator, who should take notes about this information. If the information is not introduced, the traceability equipment (A) will keep emitting the sound alarm and will not accept the introduction of any other data.
The information acquired by the traceability system is validated with the registered GPS coordinates, remembering that the traceability equipment (A) guarantees the integrity of data by security systems.
The operational management central (C) could also have a real time communication with the user which cares the traceability equipment (A) by wide area wireless technologies.
Since the startup information has been registered, the traceability equipment (A) is attached to the special apiculture overalls (B), specifically on one of the gloves (B1) which integrates the user wearing. Such attachment is done on the back of the user's hand, as illustrated in
Classes and subclasses of identification codes: the applicative software (SW) installed in the traceability equipment (A) and the management software (SWG) installed in the computer of the operational management central (C) are programmed to acquire data by reading sequences of codes (bars or RFID) which are transformed in specific information each action or inspection executed during the visit of the operator to the apiary or in his tasks in the operational base. In the following some basic operational rules and some patterns adopted are described:
Functional Premises for Internal and External Workplaces:
In the following we describe the sequences of submission and linking classes and subclasses of codes and their functioning:
Class of employee (authorized to carry equipment HW) operator of the equipment (1)—only these employees are authorized to carry the traceability equipment (A), and this code is the only able to initialize the operation of A, specially the operation of the hardware (HW); this code works as an “unlock key” for detaching the equipment from its base (A1); in the code sequences, this is the only able to startup the equipment and if another person does this, the equipment will emit sound and/or light alarms until a code of this type is read; by (P10) when consulting the agenda in the HW, it must contain the indication of the journey route, the team components, the tasks of the day, as well as the materials that must be taken and in what address or sub-area of the expedition they are available;
Class of other employees (2)—after the hardware (HW) has been initialized and the code of the team leader has been inserted, HW will accept only the code of other employees, indication the creation of a work team; if there is no team but only the team leader, the user must inform it to the equipment via the command button, unlocking the equipment so it can accept the code (3), but nothing forbid another employee to be integrated to the team afterwards;
Class of vehicles (3)—at this moment, if the booked work is external, the equipment will accept only the code (3) which indicates the vehicle that will execute the transport, and the external employee must so, as an obligatory step, consult his agenda in the equipment (HW) and verify in which sub-area of the expedition of materials (5.2.1) the material needed for his journey is available, get it from such local and perform the reading of the code of the local, confirming the act of taking them; from this moment on the equipment will only accept codes of workplaces of class (4); if the work is internal, automatically the equipment will not require the insertion of the code (3) and the equipment will only accept codes of workplaces of class (5).
Class of external workplaces (4): these codes are individual codes for each apiary and each existent apiary must receive an unique number; the reading of the code of an apiary, followed by the reading of code (7) of a bee family (FA) means to the system that this family has been inserted in this apiary at this moment; when in external work and the team has already taken the expedition material and read its code (P13) the equipment (HW) will only accept codes of classes 4, 6 (all but 6.2.1), 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; every material or tool arriving at this local will be in provenance from the expedition deposit (5.2.1), from another family (7), from another apiary (4); every material or tool going out from this local must go to one or more of the receptions (5.2.2;;;;;;, to another family (7) or another apiary (4);
For the internal workplaces, a different version of the equipment HW could be used, with a code reader attached to the equipment.
Class of internal workplaces (5): in an internal job, the employee could work in three types of workplaces:
Subclass of administrative department (5.1): Activities of the local administration:
2—not to standardize the criterion for tracing the product—so the information of product arrival in the reception (by the reading of the code of the entrance sub-area in the reception of products for improvement, performed by the deliverer when he put there the product) must arrive directly to the administrator who will then opt by the tracing criterion for that lot, and inform it to the system; the receptionist will receive the information automatically;
Subclass of storing and conditioning of materials department (5.2): it will have the following codes per work section:
Subclass of expedition materials storing (5.2.1): area destined for stored materials which are available to be taken; the place must be subdivided in areas as described in (P11); after the external job (in which the use of a stored material or tool is expected) has been booked, the system must list and book (P10), to the internal personnel, all the materials that must be taken from the storage and put in this section (in a sub-area chosen by the system), waiting for being used in this task; the materials must be taken from the warehouse by procedures (P3) or (P5), so the external personnel (1) can take them (by P10) for use in the field, following procedure (P13); every material or tool that arrives to this section, usually comes from the warehouse (5.2.6) and sporadically comes from other sections in this department (5.2); every material or tool that leaves this section goes to the apiaries (4), or goes out of the company (example: repairing, lending, etc); internally and sporadically in this department (5.2) this section may send materials or tools to every other section (5.2) or back to the warehouse (5.2.6);
Subclass of reception, sorting and cleaning for the materials storage (5.2.2): this place must be subdivided in areas by (P12); it is destined to receive (entrance sub-areas) materials coming back from the field (4), from improvement receptions (;;;;; or from acquisition; when it is an acquired material, an invoice is obligatory, and it must be sent to the administration (5.1C) after supervised by the receptionist, so the administration can proceed as determined by (P7) and send the identification for this section; when such codes are in expedition with the material, the material can already be sent to the identification section (5.2.3) following procedure (P3) or (P5); the external personnel must leave all the material carried in the identified place (entrance sub-area), which has been previously booked by the system; such material must be sorted, selected or, if necessary, cleaned, so it can be sent to the warehouse or to other sections inside the department, and be prepared to be stored; when materials with damaged code are found during sorting, they must be separated, and the administration (5.1C) must be informed; when it is the case (optional) the pyrographic (P8) number must be informed; the administration must print the new code following (P7) and send it to the expedition; only from this point on the material will be available to be taken to the identified section (5.2.3); about the material cleaning, when it implies propolis or wax cleaning, the material must be taken to an appropriate place ( and following procedures (P3) or (P5); every material found in this place (5.2.2) must be supervised (by the internal personnel), to verify if they are in accord or not with the standards required for storing this product; based on this verification, the materials can be sent to specific sections (example: painting, wax insertion, etc), to be repaired or conditioned to storage (5.2.6); the only material that can be accepted to be directly stored with no sorting (if it is a recommendation of the establishment manager), is the material that went to the field and was not used; every other material must pass the sorting, and must then be grouped, being place in different areas of exit places, depending on the destination; this changing process may be repeated, by taking a material from a section to another, until the storing of materials in the warehouse (5.2.6) is finished; a simple code reading, one followed by the other, makes clear for the system the path followed by the material, and its intermediary or final destination; when the material comes back from the field and is left by the external personnel (1) in this reception, the personnel must read the code of the sub-area as described in (P13); every material that leaves this section may have as destiny any other section in this department (codes 5.2); or it can go to the sections of cleaning propolis or wax ( and; they must come back to this section and all of them must finally go to the warehouse (5.2.6), excepting the materials that may go out for repairing, lending and etc. the material goes directly to the expedition (5.2.1)
Subclass of place for identification, assembling and maintenance in the materials storage (5.2.3): every material recently acquired, available in the reception (5.2.2) must come to this place following (P3) or (P5) with identification labels generated by the administration (5.1C), as in (P7), for affixing codes to the material and mark (pyrographic) the material, if the company has opted to identify individually its material; in case of material with damaged identification label available in the reception (5.2.2), it must be sent to this place by (P3) or (P5) with the new labels generated by the administration (5.1C) according to (P7), for a new code affixing; reading the code of this section, followed by the new code indicates to the system that the code has been affixed at this moment; since this place is also used for exchanging pieces of materials in use, reading the code of this place, followed by the code of a material in use, means that the material has been repaired at this date; every recently acquired material has obligatorily come from the reception (5.2.2) to this place, but materials in use that arrive to this section may come from other sections of this department; every material going out of this section may go to any other section of this department;
Subclass of place for frame wiring and wax fixing (5.2.4): this place will only accept the entrance of wire rolls, wax packs and hive frames, based on (P3) or (P5); the wax and the wire must come from the warehouse (5.2.8) to this place; reading the code of a wire roll or the code of a wax pack, followed by the reading of codes of hive frames, will have a meaning to the system based on procedures (P6) independent of reading the code of this section; every material arriving to this section may come from every section of this department (5.2); every material going out from this section may come from every section of this department (5.2);
Subclass of place for materials painting (5.2.5): this place is destined to the painting of materials of external use, like: parts of the beehive, harvesting tools, etc; reading the code of the material to be painted, after having read the code of this place and the codes of the painting supplies, will have a meaning to the system based on procedures (P6); every material arriving to this section may come from every section of this department (5.2); every material going out from this section may come from every section of this department (5.2);
Subclass of place for storing materials in the warehouse (5.2.6): place destined to store every material and tool used by the jobs in the field; reading the code of any material after the reading of this code will mean to the system that the material has been stored at this date; this place, like the reception and the expedition, must have subdivisions like (P11) and every type of material must have an appropriate area to be stored; every material or tool stored in this place must have passed by the materials reception (5.2.2), when arriving, and must pass by the expedition (5.2.1), when going out; every material arriving to this section may come from every section of this department (5.2); every material going out from this section must be sent directly to the expedition (5.2.1), if it is a non conforming material, it may be sent to any other section of this department (5.2);
Subclass of place for storing hive frames (;
Subclass of place for storing covers (; etc;
Subclass of feed preparation place (5.2.7): this place is destined to the preparation of feed to be given to the bees during the period between harvests; reading this code, followed by the code of any material destined to feeding bees, will mean to the system that the material has been used at this date to prepare feed; after prepared and if necessary, the feed may be stored in the warehouse; every material arriving to this section must come from the warehouse (5.2.8) and from the expedition; every material going out from this section may go to the field (4, 7) or to the warehouse (5.2.6), passing by the reception (5.2.2);
Subclass of warehouse (5.2.8): in this place, all the supplies to be used in the internal and external activities must be stored; the invoice of each supply that arrives in the reception must be sent to the administration (5.1C), who shall enter the invoice in the system and emit identification codes (P7), then send them to the reception, which will let available the invoice to be taken to the warehouse, by procedures (P3) or (P5); every invoice arriving in this section must come from the reception, and every invoice going out from this section must go to a vehicle (3) or to the sections (5.2 and 5.3) of this department;
Class of product improvement (5.3):
Subclass of section destined to the reception of honey ( this place must contain subdivisions as described by (P12) and when a product (still in honeycombs, before centrifugation) coming from the field is left (by the external personnel) in this place (entrance sub-area), the external personnel must just read the code of the sub-area where he is leaving the material (P13); the internal personnel (product improvement area), when initializing the reception activity, must first consult its traceability equipment (HW) about the orientation (5.1R) of how to proceed (P9) for tracing this product (the system is aware of the existence of a product in the reception, due to the codes read by the deliverer); afterwards he must proceed to the selection following the orientation received (P10) and (P9) and transfer the product to the subdivisions of exit to expedition; this section only receives materials containing products coming from the field (4) and sends the honey (with no preparation) to the sections of uncapping and centrifugation;
Subclass of place destined to the uncapping and centrifugation ( the internal employee (product improvement area), before starting the job of uncapping and centrifugation, must collect the already selected honeycombs (from the hive frames) (P9) deposed in the reception ( in the exit sub-areas, in accord with (P3) and (P5); he must transport the combs to this place by reading the code of this place or by reading the code of the equipment that will receive the product for improvement; when finished the centrifugation, the material goes to external cleaning (washing with a water micro-jet and drying, or cleaning by the own bees, to remove honey residues); after an operation of external cleaning, the material goes back to the sorting place in the warehouse and so it follows its way; in the uncapping and centrifugation place, the honey waits until being led to decantation tanks;
Subclass of decantation tanks and honey filtration ( after centrifugation, the honey must be pumped or transported to the filtration and decantation tanks; at this moment, the operator must chose the tank; he does it by the equipment menu or reading the code of the tank that will receive the product, followed by the code of the place (or equipment) from where the centrifuged product is coming; this means to the traceability equipment that the product that was just centrifuged has been stored in this tank; from now on, the honey in traced (in the production establishment) decantation tanks, may follow one of the following three ways:
Subclass of mixed honey ( to follow this way, the operator must read the code of a decantation tank containing honey, followed by the code of another decantation tank also containing honey or, directly in the menu, choose two decantation tanks containing honey and click over both; by one manner or the another, the traceability equipment must open fields on the screen, to ask for the quantity of honey from each tank will be used by the mixing; afterwards, the honey must be sent to the homogenizer and then the product can follow one of the following two ways:
Subclass of storing tanks ( honey may arrive to storing tanks coming directly from decantation tanks or coming from the homogenizer; the operator must read (or choose in the menu) the code of the storing tank which will receive the product, followed by the code (or menu choice) of the decantation tank or homogenizer from where the honey is coming; it will mean to the equipment that the product has been transferred to this place; if honey needs to by transferred from a tank to another, the operator must read the code of the source tank, followed by the code of the target tank, and the equipment will understand that the product has been transferred;
Subclass of bulk packing or fractioning for retailing ( each package size must have a sub-code in order to make easy the counting of the total volume taken from the source recipient; to perform traceability in this step, the operator reads the code of the source recipient and then reads the codes of the receptors recipients (P3*), and the equipment will transfer the information about that product to this code; if the product is placed in bulk package, the cycle may be reproduced in the receptor industry, if it has adopted this system for traceability control; even if the receptor industry does not adopt this system, it can access all the information about that lot in a WEB site specially developed for this purpose, based on the codes of the packages; the same is valid for fractioned bottles in retailers, which carry a registered number after quitting the industry, and the number can be accessed by the consumer in a WEB environment;
Subclass of area for storing honey ready for sale ( as cited before, this place must also be subdivided in accordance with (P11), and a product must be transferred to this place following (P3) or (P5); the product must be transported to this place according to the orientation of the system, indicated in the HW; this product from now on will be available at this place until being taken.
Subclass of area for pollen reception ( this place must contain subdivisions according to (P12) and when the pollen recipients in provenience from the field (4) are deposed in this place (entrance sub-area) by external personnel, according to (P13), the internal employee (product improvement area), according to (5.1R and P10), must separate this product according to (P9) and from this moment on the product will be available to be taken to processing (;
Subclass of equipment for pollen drying ( to start this process, the internal employee must get the product in the reception (exit sub-area) and take it to the cleaning and drying section according to (P3) or (P5); in such manner the system will understand that the product is in the equipment, ready to be processed (the equipment must be electronically monitored and automatically transfer the information to the traceability system); after finished the operation, the product will be available to be taken to the packing place (
Subclass of area for packing pollen ( the product must be transported from ( to ( according to (P3) or (P5); the employee of this section must take the product, pack it and make it available in the exit sub-area of this section; at this moment, the product will be ready to be collected and taken to the final products storage (; during the packing process, the conditions of humidity and temperature must be electronically monitored and automatically informed to the system;
Subclass of packages for bulk pollen or fractioned bottles for retailing ( the packages must receive sub-codes, according to the quantity of product carried, to make easy the calculation of the quantity of traced product; from this moment on, bulk packages and fractioned bottles must have an identification code that can be consulted in a WEB environment, able to give information about the product to industrial or final consumer;
Subclass of area for deposit of this final product—ready for sale ( after being bulk packed or fractioned, the product must go (P3 or P5) to the deposit which will be subdivided according to (P11), where it must stay until sold and sent to the buyer; in this place the information about temperature and humidity must be electronically monitored and automatically informed to the traceability system;
Subclass of area for poison reception ( the place must be subdivided according to (P12) and the product must be deposed according to (P10 or P13) so the internal employee of this sector can select it (P10 and P9); the environments for this product must have electronically monitored temperature and humidity, and the results must be automatically informed to the system; this section receives materials with product in provenance from the field (4) and send to (;
Subclass of equipment for poison drying and processing ( the product must be transported according to (P3) or (P5) directly to the place or equipment for drying and processing; from this moment on its operational conditions must be monitored and the monitored data must be automatically sent to the traceability system; this section receives materials with product in provenance from ( and send to (;
Subclass of area for poison packing ( this section (according to P12) receives a product from ( and sends to ( in accordance with (P3) or (P5); during the packing process, the humidity and temperature conditions must be electronically monitored and automatically informed to the system;
Subclass of package for poison ( idem to item;
Subclass of storage for packed poison, ready for sale ( idem to item;
Subclass of area for royal jelly reception ( procedure identical to the pollen;
Subclass of area for extraction and filtering of royal jelly ( the product must arrive in this section according to (P3) or (P5), by performing reading in place or in the suction pumps;
Subclass of area for royal jelly packing ( process and procedures identical to the same item for pollen;
Subclass of packages for conditioning royal jelly ( process and procedures identical to the same item for pollen;
Subclass of place for the reception of propolis or material containing propolis ( idem (;
Subclass of place for scratching materials for collecting propolis ( the product must be transported according to (P3) or (P5) from ( to this place, so it can be scratched and removed from the material; after finishing this operation, the product of the scratching must be made available isolated from the materials, in recipients (vehicles) for internal transport and in the exit sub-area ( and the materials must go back to the reception for sorting and cleaning (5.2.1) for other conditioning, if necessary;
Subclass of place or equipment for weighting, cleaning, selection and packing propolis ( to this place, the products must arrive from section ( or by (P3) or (P5) and must be deposed at the entrance sub-area; when being taken from that sub-area by the personnel of this section, the total weight of the product must be measured, and only after this measurement may be proceeded the cleaning and selection of the lot; afterwards, each lot resulted from selection must be weighted, and the sum of the weights of selected lots plus the removed residues must equal the total weight measured in the beginning; these lots may be mixed to other lots of the same type of selection (color and size) while keeping traceability; when the process of “initial weighting, cleaning, selection and final weighting” (of the lots resultant of this procedure) is executed by an automatic equipment, reading the code of the recipient containing the lot, by the code reader of the equipment, followed by a weighting, will indicate to the system (traceability system) that this is the total weigh of the lot; afterwards, the equipment system itself will indicate (to the traceability system), the amount in weight, of each sub-lot selected per size or color; when the process of “initial weighting, cleaning, selection and final weighting” is performed manually, the employee must weight the lot and, with his HW, perform the reading of the code of this place, followed by the read of the code of the lot recipient; in this case, the system will open a space on the equipment screen for the employee to enter the weight measured; then the employee can select the product by size or color, and finally it must read again the package code (with a specific code for each color or size); the system will open a space on the equipment screen for the employee to enter the weight measured for the sub-lot; the employee of this section must have standardized information (via HW) coming from the administration (5.1) about the procedure that he must adopt with respect to mixing sub-lots, of the same type (color and size) but from different origins; at the end of the selection and cleaning of each lot, the sum of the weights measured for each lot must be equal to the weight measured by the initial lot; however, every lot must be placed in heavy and coded packages, not depending on if the lot is mixed or not; then, the packages must be sealed and made available at the exit area of this section, so it can be sent to (;
Subclass of package for propolis ( the packages for propolis must have specific codes for this product; all the information in provenance from the type selected (size or color) or pre-selected (per family, apiary or region) and all other traceability information must be in the system, linked to the specific code of each package;
Note: every traced product, when sold in wholesales or in retailers, carries with itself an identification code, which allows the buyer to obtain all the information about such product via Internet in a specific environment.
Subclass of place for storing gross propolis packed and ready for sale ( the product correctly packed and coded must leave the section ( by (P3) or (P5) and come to this section; this section can be divided according to (P11); in this place the product is ready to be sold in bulk, and the history of its traceability is available in the system; in this place the product may be taken to the tanks for extracting ink;
Subclass of place for the reception of wax or material containing wax ( the procedures will be equal to the previous; after a cleaning of this section, the materials must follow their way up to the final warehouse, according with has been programmed by the reception;
Class of products in use (6);
Subclass of supplies (6.1):
Example: packages of laminate wax (6.1.1): the reading of this code may be preceded by the reading of the code of the warehouse (5.2.8), meaning to the applicative software (SW) that this recently acquired material has been stored in this section; the reading of this code may also be preceded by the reading of the code of the place for fixing wax (5.2.4), meaning to the system that this wax pack will be used in this place for fixing frames; the reading of this code may be followed by the reading of hive frames, meaning to the system that laminate wax from this package has been put in this hive frame;
Subclass of medicines (6.2): the reading of the code of the applied medicine, preceded by the reading of the code of a bee family unit (FA), will mean to the system that this medicine has been applied to this bee family unit (FA); this operation may be repeated many times, meaning to the system that there are as many infected families as the number of family codes associated to this package;
Subclass of consumables (6.3)
Class of beehives of bee families (7): reading the bee family units (FA) in an apiary booked for work, will mean to the system that this worker's team has worked on this family at this moment, independent if the apiary code has been read (with validation by GPS); if the reading is not in the booked bee family units (FA), then he will consider as additional job, and will modify the route for the work originally traced; if two worker teams (due to a mistake) work in different times in the same FA, the applicative software (SW) after transferring data to the computer of the operational central (C), this (SWG) will consider and register the two jobs, in the chronological order they have been executed, independent of the chronological order of inserting data in the central system (central computer);
bee families must be interpreted as a production unit, containing a mean volume of 5 liters of female stereo bees, with a queen, correctly installed in wood boxes ((ex: Cx1; Cx2 and Cx3), as illustrated in
Class of apicultural materials (8): when in the field, all these materials must be in provenance from the expedition (5.2.1) and when returning from field or apiaries (4), they must go back to the receptions of the departments (5.2 or 5.3); so, reading this code will be valid for the system when preceded by the readings of code of sections in the departments (5.2 and 5.3) meaning that they are in this section; this code will also be valid for the system when preceded by the readings of code of families (7), meaning that they are now part of the family; when the materials are removed from apiaries (4) or from families (7) the reading of its code is not performed; it will only be performed in arrival, in receptions (5.2 and 5.3) meaning to the system that it has been removed from the family; in this case we can it is sufficient to read the codes of material which eventually is entering to replace what is being removed, and this will mean that this new material if part of this family (P7);
Subclass of hive frames (8.1)
Subclass of hive tops (8.2)
Subclass of bottom boards (8.3)
Subclass of supports (8.4)
Subclass of covers (8.5)
Subclass of boxes (8.6)
Subclass of boxes of honeycombs (8.7)
Subclass of propolis collectors (8.8);
Subclass of poison collectors (8.9);
Subclass of pollen collectors (8.10);
Subclass of excluding frames collectors (8.11);
Subclass of feeder collectors (8.12);
Subclass of royal jelly production (8.13);
Subclass of queen production bars (8.14): the reading of this code, preceded by the reading of the code of a family (FA) or a hive frame, means to the system that the queens who will born in this bar are descendant of the queen of this family or the family that contains that hive frame;
Subclass of drawer for pollen collection (8.15);
Subclass of poison collector lamina (8.16);
Subclass of jail for queen birth (8.17): the reading of these jails preceded (P3*) by the reading of a queen birth bar, means to the system that the queens that will birth in these jails are daughters of the queen used for donating larvae for the execution of grafting (activity that use larvae, of a maximum of three days from arising, to introduce manual and individually in each of the jails for queen birth) in that bar; the reading of these jails preceded by the reading of a bee family unit (FA), will mean to the system that at this date, jails were introduced in this bee families units (FA) for the birth of queens. This means that they will be available from their birth on to be introduced in other families or for sale;
Subclass of queen transport and introduction jail (8.18): the reading of the code of an introduction jail followed by (or vice-versa) the reading of the code of a jail for queen birth, will mean to the system that the queen has been transferred to this jail; the reading of one of these jails preceded by the reading of a bee family unit (FA), will mean to the system that the queen is being introduced in this bee family unit (FA) and replacing the previously present queen, if it exists;
Procedure for donating younglets, feed or other material from a family to another: the reading of the code of a bee family (FA) followed by the reading of the code of a hive frame which was already in another bee family (FA) will mean to the system that this hive frame from now on is part of this other family; the reading of the code of any material appertaining to a bee family, preceded by the reading of the code of other family, also will mean to the system that this material from now on is part of this new family;
Subclass of transport frame (8.19): the reading of the code of a bee family unit (FA) followed by the reading of the code of a transport frame, will mean to the system that this material is part of this family from now on;
Procedure for the transport: the reading of the code of an apiary, followed by the code of bee family units (FA) being transported, will mean to the system that these families are part of this apiary from now on, independent of having transport frames (validate by GPS);
Class of tools and equipments (9):
Subclass of transport tools (9.1):
Subclass of vehicles for internal transport (9.1.1): they are used for moving materials inside the warehouse (5.2) or in the place for product improvement (5.3); this small vehicles must contain subdivisions, marked with ink, with different sub-codes (ex:;, useful for linking codes of several materials to a sub-area of the vehicle for a certain destiny and afterwards do the same operation in another sub-area of the same vehicle to another destiny, meaning to the system that materials of different origins may be collected and distributed together to several destiny places; the other functionality of the small vehicle is that when it arrives to the destiny (a place), it is sufficient to read its code, followed by the code of the sub-area of the vehicle where the content is placed; this will mean to the system that, every material read one by one and linked to the small vehicle is now at this place, without needing to read individually the codes; this tool aims to avoid unnecessary reading of material codes, one after the other, in a delivery;
Subclass of external transport vehicles (9.1.2): they are used for the transport of external materials and they do not need to be subdivided, since they have no defined importance for traceability, but only operational usefulness;
Subclass of wax transport recipient (9.1.3): the reading of the code of the wax transport recipient, preceded (P3*) by the reading of the code of a bee family unit (FA), means to the system that this material has been scratched in the field and collected from this bee family unit (FA); repeating this operation many times will mean to the system that the collected material is in provenance from all the families, as many as the number of family codes read, and that they are now linked to this recipient;
Subclass of propolis transport recipient (9.1.4): procedure identical to that for wax;
Subclass of pollen transport recipient (9.1.5): the reading of the code of the pollen transport recipient, preceded by the reading of the code of a bee family unit (FA) or the code of the pollen collector or collection drawer, will mean to the system that this material has been collected from this bee family unit (FA); repeating this operation many times, will mean to the system that the collected material is in provenance from all the families whose code has been read and linked to this recipient;
Subclass of poison transport recipient (9.1.6): the reading of the code of the poison transport recipient, preceded by the reading of the code of a bee family unit (FA) that contains a poison collector or the code of a poison collector or poison collection lamina, will mean to the system that this material has been collected from this bee family unit (FA); repeating this operation many times, will mean to the system that the collected material is in provenance from all the families whose code has been read and linked to this recipient;
Subclass of bee feed transport recipient (9.1.7): the reading of a recipient with feed, preceded by the reading of a bee family unit (FA) indicates that this FA has been fed at this date;
Subclass of brush-cutter (9.2): the simple reading of the code of an apiary or any of the bee families (FA) contained in it, followed by the reading of the code of a brush-cutter, will mean to the system that this apiary has been cleaned at this moment;
Subclass of smokers (9.3): this and other small tools must be in the materials expedition content, with other material booked to be taken to the field;
Class of illness (10): the reading of a code of this illness or the selection of this illness on the traceability equipments (A) screen, preceded by the reading of a code of a bee family unit (FA), will mean to the system that this bee family unit (FA) is infected by this illness; repeating this operation many times, will mean to the system that the there are as many infected families as the number of families whose codes have been read and linked to this illness;
Procedure for terminating the operation in an apiary or in a family: the reading of the code of a bee family unit (FA) followed by the code of another bee family unit (FA), will mean to the system that the box has been opened, revised, but did not need anything; the reading of the code of an apiary (verified by the GPS) not followed by the reading of the code of any operation, will mean to the system that the apiary has been visited and that only an external inspection has been done; the reading of the code of an apiary followed by the reading of materials or families (FA) previously installed in this apiary, will have no meaning to the system, since the sign that marks the beginning of the job in an apiary is the reading of the code of a family; the operator does not need to read the code of the apiary in the final of the journey, to indicate job finished; the system will note this event, by the movement of the GPS coordinates and by eventual reading of families in other apiaries; the reading of the code of a family (FA) followed by the code of another, or by the reading of other codes that indicate procedures in the first family, and followed by the code of the other family, indicates to the system that the job in the first family is finished and a job has started in the second family;
Procedure for work journey finishing (19): after finishing the job in the field, the empty material left in the materials reception and the material containing products left in the product reception, the leader of this team must pass his identification cards indicating to the applicative software (SW) that his part of the job is finished; the leader must indicate the card, and the hardware (HW) will turn off automatically and can be put on its base; if the hardware (HW) is left in its base without being identified the operator's card (1) and automatically turned off, the equipment will emit the same sound and/or light alarms cited before, until the cited procedure is executed;
Class of theft or damaging of bee family units of materials (11): this code may be read or searched in the hardware (HW) operation menu, to communicate the system that something has been theft from the apiaries; when its reading (or menu searching) is preceded by the reading of a bee family unit (FA) it will mean to the system the something has been theft from this bee hive; when the theft in the beehive is of any unit material (unit in the sense that the beehive has only one) appertaining to the beehive, the operator will need to, after the previous procedure, choose the code (of the theft material) in the equipment menu and select it, indicating to the system that the theft material is this one; when the theft is of hive frames of boxes, the operation is the same, but the code of the material will not need to be searched in the menu; the simple reading of the remaining boxes and hive frames will indicate to the system that the others have been theft; when the theft if not only of material but also of bee families (FA) the choice of theft codes in the equipment menu must be preceded by the reading of the code of the apiary, and if a family (FA) remains, its code must be read to indicate to the system who has been theft; if after reading the code of an apiary, followed by the reading of the code of theft, no family code is read, it will mean that all families have been theft;
Based on what has been described and illustrated, one can notice that the “TRACEABILITY SYSTEM APPLIED TO FARM PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES, INDUSTRIALIZATION AND COMMERCIALIZATION OF BEE PRODUCTS” here claimed is in accordance to the norms and requirements for international patenting, as disposed by the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), and it deserves the claimed privilege.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
PI 0701450.3 | Apr 2007 | BR | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/BR08/00112 | 4/18/2008 | WO | 00 | 5/24/2010 |